When you get set on fire while repairing and accidentaly start extinguishing before canceling the repair your crew will litteraly throw itself into the fire. Happend to me in a destroyer and I lost 2% of my crew per second.
Imagine what this looks. Sailor: Captain's ordered us to repair while extinguishing the fire. Let's get that breach! They all died running into the fire trying repair pumps that were still burning.
Poor Naval gets treated like a red headed stepchild. I don't know if they aren't bothering trying to pull over the WoWs market, or are just incredibly incompetent at it.
At this point I just have to assume that gaijins naval dev team is ether completely and utterly incompetent or actively trying to sabotage the game. Every single naval premium ship has been made completely useless and irrelevant. They split the coastal and blue water tree so boat premiums can now only research a useless coastal tree and with the buff to destroyer damage moddels boats which before still had a chance to kill destroyers now get hopelessly outgunned and outtanked. With the introduction of battle ships all of the premium cruisers and premium destroyers above 4.7 are now also completely useless as they get completely clubbed by oponents which for them may aswell be using god mode cheats with how completely indestructable they are (while at the same time oneshoting everything). Gaijin is litteraly teaching the players who are willing to invest money into war thunder naval that they will always get f***ed over. Their devs are teaching war thunder whales that paying for naval premiums makes absolutely no sense at all. So they are f***ing over everyone. Everyone who does not have battleships gets f***ed. I honestly dont even know what to say. This is just absolute insanity.
They change the damage models again because the damage model department doesn't want to get fired, they want to show some activity lol. Same with sound department, balancing and interface.
The new destroyer damage moddels makes gunboats almost useless against destroyers, while freccia was absolutely broken good before, but now it is near useless against destroyers.
This is true. My Freccia, Jaguar, 94ft PT boat, and other 37-40mm boats are useless. While the Freccia was OP I hardly see them in battle, literally. But still, all my 4.0-4.7 PT boats are useless. :/ I don't fight other pt boats or frigates. Just late war DDs, CL/CAs while I can't output damage
Coastal boats have been made totally impotent against anything larger than a corvette. And if your DD doesn't have SAP good luck killing anything. My z25 and Karl Galster have an Ace crew and they are literally invincible to enemy fire.
@@jackgamer6307 the Freccia has been dethroned. If you want to maintain a 4:1 KD with the pr35. The rockets are your only hope. park on a cap poi t and use the 6km rockets to win.
@@CmdrTyrael I speak to them. I feel them.. They are crying out in pain, as the snail butchers something new, and they fear they will be next soon. I want to protect my precious RBUs, but I am powerless
"American destroyers are in a class of their own, everyone else is nerfed" [laughs in near instagibs with SAPHE from Russian destroyer guns] Also I love how it's oddly easier now to ammorack destroyers without relying on nuclear torps.
Theres little to even do in naval anymore, I'm pretty sure just going AFK with your main caliber guns on AI control would do just about as much good as actually playing the game.
I didn't realise the damage model changes the update came with so i jumped into my Krasny and couldn't believe my eyes when a full HE salvo of mine turned a dd's engine mayonese yellow and killed about 5% crew.
I and a buddy had a great time in naval reasently, I took a destroyer and he an armourd gunboat, I towd him at my max speed pulling him across the map way faster then intended, and he used me as cover, aswell as that, he could repear me when i was hurt.
@@lordklaus1183 with how ship aa laserbeams planes (no idea if this is still the case lol), a ww2 fitted bb will make air strikes against ships useless unless a team somehow coordinates their attack or the ship aa is (now) toned down Edit: oh wait this is 4 months ago lmao, hows the naval?
Yea I'm with u. I even got a "survival" achievement in a DD 2 days ago; - witch was not the 1st time in naval but my 1st with a DD. Honestly, the "Battle Pass" is the only reason I still play daily!
At this point I take out MTBs like the MTB 1-1 series (or whatever it's called now) and shoot unsuspecting DDs to get that fancy fancy skill (doesn't) matters for 5,000 SL. This Turbine was shooting a plane, so I torped it for 5,000 free SL. That's the new naval meta for earning SL
@@ThatZenoGuy Define "Ludicrous" amount of hits, considering 6inch HE will leave 1m hole in your hull... what you are talking is destruction of the hull integrity (ship done, nothing can be done about that), but ship will be failing apart far before that (firing gun, moving to fast and any further damage to hull will heavy impede ship float-ability with possibility of main bulkheads failing dooming the ship...) Bow/Stern depends on ship construction, older ships had harder time dealing with it, while new ships (especially ones with All or Nothing armor scheme) are build to resist that.
@@ThatZenoGuy well that 1m of 100m ship is pretty lot, considering that "skin" is used to maintain ship Longitudinal Strength to prevent it from snapping in two, still you would need quite few shells for that to actually happen. As you pointed out Flooding is main killer (well you are floating on the water after all), bulkheads don't only fail from direct damage, insufficient hull strength also cause loss of watertight integrity further propagating flooding (or causing subsequent bulkhead to fail easier) Ships are under a lot of stress especially when they are moving fast.
That depends on Ship, but generally (especially on destroyer sized ship) on "skin" is ship Structural Frame Keel is primarily ship "spine" and bulkheads are one of many structural elements and not always they can be used (Engine/Boiler rooms)
@@arczer2519 The keel of a ship pretty much holds the whole thing together, a rather ridiculous amount of damage is needed to flat out break a ship in half. Stuff like large torpedoes hitting a destroyer could do it, but unlikely to do it to a cruiser and up. Ammo detonations often blew ships into pieces as well. Truly the single greatest cause of destruction for destroyers were flooding (they had VERY limited compartmentalization) and fires.
Also MANY ships in-game have radar on their physical model, but most of them don't have it modeled or modeled correctly. Adding to that, the ones that DO have radar have it modeled incorrectly (notably on the Pr.30bis where the "radar" is a fucking visual rangefinder rather than the actual spinning radar dish plate... Thing)
Playing as the British ships is like setting difficulty to extreme... especially the gunboats, trying to level them up is painful... they're slow and cannot take a single hit.. destroyers and battleships are the same, usually they take so long to get to the battle the game is over before you even get to an objective..
I can confirm the damage models are broken, as I took 4 salvo from a destroyer in a Russian fast torpedo boat. 1 shell would've realistically blown the whole boat to heck.
2.7 brought me back to the game. Seeing how insanely bad this was, I just had to see for myself. I played two games at 4.3 USSR. I spawned five ships total. All five were ammo racked (no, I don't take torpedos). My jaw dropped when my Pr. 123k got racked, I've literally never seen that before, and it's my most played ship across 1000+ matches. The Pr. 159 was practically invincible, I think both times I was at well over 80% crew when I got racked despite making no effort to avoid getting shot and just sailing directly toward the caps. Speaking of, I've never seen so many Pr. 159/35s in the game before, something like a quarter of all ships in both matches. The seal clubbing is so intense right now that I had a guy J-out when he saw me rather than let me get any points. Despite winning both matches and coming in top 3 score, I only got like 10k SL profit (no premium) in total. It is _unreal_ how bad the game mode is right now. I am honestly impressed that Gaijin, what is ostensibly a serious and profitable company, can be so inexplicably bad at this. Just...how?
Man I started playing naval a lot only after 2.9 update, and one of the reasons for that are the SL I´m making. Without any premium ships (I have premium account tho) I make about 10 - 15k in a bad game we lost. In a winning game where I did well I get like 50k. Since everybody is complaining about SL rewards being decreased it must have been insane before the update.
The jackals at Gaijin could've increase rewards to attract players, but no, they have to make the slug fest even more cancerous, in other game mode, you have all kind of line ups and different playstyle, in Naval, there's no choice but to play the same ship for 200 matches to progress, no wonder it's a barren field.
I used to think WoWS had a crazy grind, but WT makes it seem pitiful. It's so difficult to Enjoy the game when rewards are shit, the chances of detonating are so much higher than WoWS, and you're fighting the same battles with no feel of uniqueness to them what's so ever
Your videos are professional and absolutely lovely. As someone who has never even TOUCHED a single naval battle, (but loves ships), I ask you.... roughly, how much time does it take for the average player to reach the IJN Hyuga? She is absolutely beautiful
The grind takes quite a while, mostly due to the tier system; Since researching 2 tiers above a ship cuts the RP income by 50%, and tiers 4-5 are really painful to play, those two are a slough. I can't give an exact number since there are a lot of variables, but it'll take a long time, especially since Japan was especially hurt by the recent DM changes.
@@flippedstug9517 ahhhhh the pain ;( Thank you for replying. I also wanted to give feedback on the mix of gameplay audio, music, and your voice in the video. Its perfect, and many other YT channels speak too fast or sluggishly. Very excellent quality you have :)
Yo, if this gets anywhere in warthunder or if Gaijin gets to hear this, back up boats/ships for reserve boats/ships aren't usable/convertible. Somehow Gaijin frequently gives us back ups for those reserve boats that don't need them, like a huge middle finger...a good idea is that you could allow a 4th or 5th respawn on the reserve boats that have the unusable back ups in place of spawning in planes, or stop giving the reserves back ups and instead giving universal back ups or back ups to higher tier boats instead. Though Naval is as good as dead now, I think these changes will help breathe some life back into it.
I've found the RP gain to be a bit lower due to getting less kills/damage, but the SL gains in particular were just shot. Though, that might've been from a glitch affecting all modes, so again something that may be patched soon.
@@flippedstug9517 Hi flipped stug, I saw your Reddit post about you Making 300k SL in one match with the USS moffet. i bought the Ship with my remaining GEs since i really needed something to grind with, but i only make like 20-30k Per match. I saw your quick guide on the ship, can you make an Elaborate one? will be really appreciated.
I've played EC before, it's good. I didn't play this one since the garbage damage models would hurt that mode, too. I'm probably done with WT in general after these last 4 updates have been repeated punches to the stomach.
Germany is the best to start learning, America has the highest peaks (4.3, 4.7, 5.7) but some of the lowest valleys (3.3, 5.0, 6.0). I can't really suggest playing naval in this patch however.
I have 180K rp to get the Graf Spee, now that there are BBs playing as everything but a BBs is just painful, you cant do anything to them and even if supposedly the advantage of cruiser in reality is their speed to avoid beign hit by bigger fishes in game due to the automatic tracking mechanic you spawn you are already beign shot at, going at 53km/h still isnt enough to reach a control point as spawns are too far apart as if they were intended for a 30 BBs vs 30BBs battle, unfortunatly there is no way of getting a "realistic" battle with tactics and its just painful to play, everyday I open WT, play 1 game of naval, then leave, it literally makes me want to stop playing
Lubeck F224/Koln F220 are really bad now. Their 40's are basically useless, and the 100's do almost nothing too. They went from relatively niche but good to pretty bad.
I was in my PR35, A lubeck and I fought for 7mins at 3km range. Our guns could not hurt eachother. I hut him with repeated rockets with 25kg explosive filler and he would not die!!!. But neither would I 🤣
Yo, Stug, can you look at those leaks? There's something huge and heavy in there with two funnels and 6-8 main guns. I need to know what that is. They also rolled out another Helgoland class BB (the Ostfriesland, I think), which is crazy lazy in my opinion.
@@j.kearney484 colossus and dreadnought are ok, it's a case of waiting for new ships now with Britain, it has the very earliest battleships compared to the other nations, but there are a lot of great ships to come through which will put her back on top.
@@kez0o9 yea I agree, would an Orion class be appropriate, or should go go straight to a Queen Elizabeth (not out of the question considering we have an Ise-class)
They really need to remove the domination game mode and purely just have a deathmatch/one life mode .. from my experience using British ships, is that they take too long to get to an objective the game is over before you even reach a single point.
I’m in the opening stages of grinding the IJN, my first naval tree, but this really discourages me. It sounds like there would be a lot of frustrations involved in trying to get to the bigger, boomier ships, which is basically the whole reason why I play naval…
IJN is pretty rough, but they do have some nice ships worth grinding for, most notable being the Hyuga which is the best dreadnought in the game (it's basically a super dreadnought) And don't forget about the inevitable Yamato and Musashi
Personally, they should keep this change, and start re-tuning other parameters from now on. StuG. I know you know how different mechanisms interacts in a broad scale, but not so much at a micro scale. As starters, the new module mechanics is close to perfect for one part - Empty masses are always appreciated in naval, in any kind of large ship. Remember crews are never equally distributed in all sorts of compartments, and they serve only a few key stations. Adding more concept on where to aim is definitely appreciated. Now comes the ugly part of this change - They didn't go much beyond than just straight up changing the DM. As you have said, they forgot other parts of DM exists. But the last thing we do is to tell them to revert this new DM. It's messy, yes. But for someone willing to invest in a long term - This change is a absolutely great start for anything to base around, in the future. StuG's biggest problem, I think, is failing to comprehend how most of the naval community are based around the forums and had always been embracing opinions based on history and realism. It is always good to take a look at their works before judging this game. Their vision is very great, with laid out articles compared to a 10-min, hit-or-miss commentary video.
The more complex damage models have done nothing but damage the game as is, and I doubt Gaijin has the competence to go further than this. Just look at the past few years as examples. If anything, Cruiser/BB damage models needed some simplification, not more complexity that lends nothing to the gameplay experience. And, the forums? Don't make me laugh, that's by far the worst overall WT community of any major one. It's mostly just "muh realism" circlejerking with no actual regard for the gameplay side of things. It's not "most of the community", it's a minority. WT is a video game and should be treated as such, at no point in its history has the "muh realism" crying actually made the game better.
@@flippedstug9517 The devs have their competence. Knowing Naval side of War Thunder well, however, their team is very small compared to the big two gamemodes (Ground and Air). Try this new DM on Naval EC, perhaps you will find more fun from it. That's what War Thunder works - It needs a conjuction of different systems to work together, not just seperately. If anything, simplified DM are for AB. In here most of the people in forums are changing for the better in terms of RB and, in the future, SB battles. By completly ignoring the forums and calling it a circlejerk already made you more biased than you should be.
I tried the DM on the first dev server, the second dev server, and the live build both before and after the "fix". I've given it more than a fair try. Implying I didn't shows just how shaky the argument in favor of these DMs is; No argument other than "well you must not have tried it". I have, they suck. And the forums are well-known as the worst part of the WT community. It's mostly people going "make my country better than everyone else's", or just saying to make the game more realistic with no regard for how it plays. I've browsed through the naval forums. No matter how much someone writes out a bad suggestion, it's a bad suggestion. WT was better before this update, and no update that just tries to make the game more realistic has ever improved it. Gaijin should disregard the forums and people whining about more realism, and balance the game as what it is- A game.
Keep of the good work dude. Hears a Suggestion, Could you do more reviews on Italian and British ships one more thing why would gagin make the grind for naval harder then it already is!
So I recently started to play battleships, and I thought it was just me being bad at the game since I literally took maybe 8-10 salvos to kill someone 2km away.
Spot on.... (as always)... but really nailed it this time. Ya know how we always joke around about them not playing their own game AT ALL? After the DM changes, is there really anyway they can still refute that fact? I would love to see a DEV take the IJN Akizuki into a test drive with it's awesome fire rate and then proceed to fire salvo after salvo at a Fletcher!!!! For what felt like at least 8 minutes before killing it because all it gets are HE of course and they do literally nothing but sweeping the deck now. Sure you can set fires to the main guns, auxiliaries, AA and take out the bridge and torp launchers but that's it! The very spectacle of this display is absolutely ridiculous and I can't believe for one minute that if someone on that DEV team ever actually tested these DM changes and witnessed that they would say " yeah, that looks about right". Like you and so many others have already stated (but I still need to ranta bout it again for the 1000th time, they've also rendered every single coastal boat as absolutely useless. Since they routinely face destroyers and the high tier coastal boats almost exclusively face destroyers. With a few other high tier coastal boats thrown in for flavor. Which leads to everyone in a high tier coastal boats left to try and search for the two other sorry sons a bitches in the battle in a high tier coastel to boat to fight against since it's literally the only thing you can kill now. At this point there's two options as to the cause of this cluster F**k we call WT Naval: 1. Either complete and total incompetence. or 2. A willful attempt to sabotage the mode and possibly the game over the long haul. I have just over 1200 vehicles, numerous premiums and event vehicles. Who the hell knows how much time and money invested in this game because it was something I enjoyed to do. But after seeing the way things are going I'm seriously considering selling my account and cashing out because I feel like Gaijin is trying to do the same thing.
@Garry Nevill theres the problem that this is his source of income, he kinda has too play quite alot, so i wouldnt really fault him for playing quite abit.
@@actionbash2 I see what you’re trying to dig at but it’s more an issue of me getting btfo’d by SF40 heavies and USS ashevilles and other 3.3 vessels that become more common as you go higher
Tinfoil hat theory: They changed naval damage model to be so crap, because of Duck walk challenge, so people will use/buy GE to progress BP to get vehicles.
Situationally. She still takes a beating but her lack of guns and bad dispersion mean she still needs to be closer. Open water maps still murder her and planes laugh at her pitiful AA. Still in the right situation she is a beast, went toe to toe with a Baltimore. I mean I didn't win but I SURVIVED and I put in damage until an ally managed to torp him.
also the fact Stug that top tier coastal that doesn't have frigates has now zero chance to fight a DD, even a reserve one. So if you are the only Pr.206 in a match other then capping the point you now are actually worthless lmao
They really fucked over pt boats after playing them some today. No new damage model so they still die in 3 seconds to a 20mm burst. And with the new dd damage models they can't really do anything to any destroyer, at least with the old models the bigger gun boats could do some damage but now they can't do anything and since most 3.3+ battles are mostly dds it just sucks playing them.
I really wish you would talk about some of the issues in war thunder Naval are not just objective because the game will eventually evolve. Now with the new French navy coming out I wish you would do more videos that weren’t just “here is the specs this is what they can do and here’s how fast they can go” with more like “well if we’re on this map and you use this boat AA to stop PLANES from coming in it would be a good idea. more subjective and less objective please I love your channel, I wish you had more videos …. come back
Those were the ones I talked about and showed. I rewrote the script after those changes, which came two days after 2.7; in the most recent It's Fixed blog, they put the adjustments in there, but it happened earlier. It's still so horrendously broken that I won't touch it.
The FCS? I think it's bad. Rather than explaining naval's aiming system better they're just adding something atop it. It'll make the mode more accessible to new players, but also dumbs down the core gameplay- aiming- to the point the mode will suffer for it. It'll also act as a crutch; Players will rely on the FCS and not developing their own aim skills, leading to a generation of older naval players who understand the system dominating as they don't have to wait for a targeting solution to accurately engage. With a system this hand-holding in place there's no reason to improve. Though, I'm not making a video on it because I'm done with WT NF. I'm waiting for the patch to drop before I finish the video on that. 5 garbage patches in a row shows they don't know what they're doing.
@@flippedstug9517 Damn that's like tons of typing. TBH they should improve RM more, like current RM is just bad(in terms of blue navy). Also all nations need better planes to go against BB
Not gonna lie, I also am soo disappointed with the changes in naval that I don't even know what to do anymore... DDs were my scape valve in WT, specially the Battle Class, but now it is rough to say the least... That and Gaijin saying that EC won't be a standard mode at all and only making one or two EC weekend when I have no time to play.... I really see myself playing a lot less naval mode this update, Even Helena is a bit weird to play with the new damage model, feels like her guns can't even kill DDs properly... I can't see a solution for the issue, maybe reversing the changes and keeping the change to torpedos since at least that was a positive.... Idk, I'm really sad with this update.... I think I will go back to use low tier as a scape valve instead of naval now...
Hi, i just Got my first cruizer Isuzu and i am not the best at it,mainly shooting at long range but i belive that Its a good cruiser when propadly used, could u help me with the aiming? Thanks
Is just practice and more practice, there going to be a point when you are going to shoot without thinking to much and you are going to hit you targets. Know your cruiser and try to learn with every single salvo.
I'm alright, just under-the-weather due to Bronchitis and now Pneumonia. I've been working on historical videos but can't voice them due to being sick, so that's on hold until I recover.
Thanks for the astute analysis Flipped StuG. The changes made in version 2.7 where extreme and have made me not want to play at all. There seem to be two camps, AB and RB players. The RB folks think it's the best thing ever and AB people think it's unplayable. Unfortunately, I am in the latter camp.
I only play RB, and I still hate the changes. The people who like it are the ones who want realism above everything else, and I don't think they remember that War Thunder is a video game, not a simulator.
I’m a naval main and Its like I don’t know how to play anymore. I played 5 battles after the patch and just shook my head in wonder and moved on to clubbing in the Sagittario 2. Worst naval patch ever. I agree with your conclusion, come back later.
I came from WoWL and play both, but this game confused the hell out of me initially as it's nothing like WoW which makes me wonder why they don't adopt a similar model because it works really well overall for WoW. I came into this game with spotting and everything in mind and still really have no idea how it works honestly. Even the aiming took me forever to figure out. Game is really fun, but just wish it was simplified a bit like in WoW instead of making everything so convoluted and overly complex with the grind and everything else. Put everything in a match together and balance the classes independently. The only class that is inherently unbalanced in WoW are goddamn carriers.
Destroyer damage modele are busted, they are pocket battleship currently. But hey guess what the leak got for us? Freaking Tirpitz. Oh and let's not forget about Japan basically getting 4 time the Hyuga (2 Fuso and the Ise found in the data mining leaks).
Sounds good until you're single-barrel-firing a Fletcher and have to click 110 times a minute. Even with full salvos, you're still losing out on DPS because it removes all input buffering. It's just inconvenient, and since the camera itself isn't very useful, it's good they added an option to remove it.
Honestly while playing German destroyers against the US destroyers and destroyer leaders I can comfortably say that they still fuck annihilate, Though you can deal with them as well just as easily as any other destroyer if your not seen, I’ve already started using the shell follow mechanics to spot enemies xD I also want to share my disappointment and dissatisfaction about this update.. Squadron Vehicle, premiums, premiums, premiums, vehicle.
Im so happy to finally have found a WT youtuber that does naval stuff. i LOVE my ships but have just never been able to get into it.... and Oh what a time iv chosen it seems. hit an enemy with hundreds of HE? does nothing.... they hit you in their first 3 salvos and half my crews gone. And when i ask about it all i get is "SoUnDs LiKe A SkIlL IsSuE" Well.... im hitting my shots more than you are.... so i dont think skill is the issue here.... Bah... As for the HP bar thing though id have no issues with that and would greatly prefer it rather than playing whack a mole with crew. Would make my big thunking 40mm a lot more effective than when a few 50cals rake over me and kill me instantly. You ever play a game called Battle stations pacific by any chance StuG?
Hi flipped stug, I saw your Reddit post about you Making 300k SL in one match with the USS moffet. i bought the Ship with my remaining GEs since i really needed something to grind with, but i only make like 20-30k Per match. I saw your quick guide on the ship, can you make an Elaborate one? will be really appreciated.
You can't make that much anymore. Gaijin destroyed the economy in the last patch, I'd say 100k's probably the top for a good ~12 minute match like that one. There was about a two week period where the economy worked well but that's long gone.
idk seems just as fun, i usually play @ 4.7, porter and sumner. just gotta use the best tactics, if japanese dont leave port with out the type 93's. isuzu and kako are no joke. russia its the krazny kavkaz. england... its a trap the 6 in guns seem cool and the 4 in guns might play nicely with the 6 in guns, however the ammo is above the water line... yeah it has decent armor on the sides but that 25mm deck armor wont even stop AA shells from potentially detonating the magazines. and the german z32... no real armor and the guns are 8 rounds a min and only 10 ready-use ammo on the back. the American 5 inch guns with almost 2 minuets of 22 rounds a minute of firepower, using either the sp common mk.46 or the AAVT mk.31 shells not the AAC mk.34, its hard to beat with the kavkaz, or type 93 torpedoes. then there is italy, all light cruisers and a heavy cruiser. so while the 5 inch guns are a pain they get put into matches with some decent ships
If that was the case, enemy ships wouldn't be taking so much longer to die than in the patches before. It doesn't really matter how quickly the hit cam updates, it matters how fast the raw time to kill is, and it is much slower than any patch before this one.
@@flippedstug9517 At the release of Red Skies I would agree, they did take much longer to die. However, it feels like they have changed something since then because ships seem to actually die relatively quickly now, at least compared to when the update dropped. Ships also seem to die faster from sinking now for some reason. If that's from people who don't know how to properly manage the damage or not I am unsure. It does feel like the hit cam doesn't properly show the amount of damage you do though.
HMS Leopard, one of the new ships. It's a British Frigate, 4.0, costs 320k RP. I'd suggest just getting the Battle-class ships in the Bluewater tree over it; They're 18k and 26k RP, and far more capable.
@@flippedstug9517 Thanks for explain, I didn't check the new naval ship after patch. I'd like to try the light cruiser of GB, I played the CL line in WOWS, I have no idea what's the different role between the WT and WOWS. I'm playing the soviet destroyer right now and preparing for Chapayve, it's funny to see my Spookniiy was killed by the German gunboat in 3 seconds or rekt by the big gun CL or CA in one shoot.
Hey Stug I hope you are alright. I really enjoyed your videos. You are my favorite war thunder youtuber. I am looking forward to new videos. Greetings from Germany.
Hell yeah, finally is naval work as intended - 4,5" british guns are useless against DDs, while RBU antisub rockets of russian's boats are killing everything in seconds :/
I was taking a break from 2.7 since the update is so bad I don't want to play it anymore, and I was planning to return with 2.9 or at least give it a try. After they revealed radar aiming today, I can confirm I'm just not going back to the game.
Hyuga just needs to dissapear. 90% of toptier matches are in that thing and it dominates the battleship meta... A 1920s super dreadnought gets placed at 6.0, the same BR as 1906 dreadnoughts...
naval games being too quick with decay of point values and capping times that more fit tank games than naval. Also ai sucks for all naval to air engagement. Ai ships loading up on a shit ton of shells should have a much higher chance to detonate. They overkill every slight adjustment needed and ignore the glaring issues. Make a meta that encourages staying in tight ship squadrons
Hey Flipped Stug, I know Gaijin screwed Naval with Red Skies and I know you said you were done until they fixed it or whatever. But could you please make a new video? I don't even care if all you do is talk about the same things that suck since Red Skies. Or maybe take out a top tier 4.3-4.7 coastal boat that can barely kill a destroyer after 10 mins now and talk about that? Anything really, just need a new Naval video and maybe, hopefully you have some inside news about changes coming to fix this steaming pile of S**t?
I'm working on new videos, but not on WT; I kept trying naval for a few days after 2.7 but it's in far too bad a state for me to enjoy, so I flat-out uninstalled the game. Instead, I'm working on historical stuff, some for my own channel, and helping ConeOfArc on naval things. I wrote most of the script for his USS Nevada video, and I'm working on a few more things both there and here. Just, not War Thunder.
@@flippedstug9517 Well.... as depressing as that is, I honestly can't say that I blame you. I'm starting to really consider the possibility that Gaijin is trying to squeeze as much as they can out of the WT player base and then scuttle it (slowly). I know they're obviously trying to squeeze what $ they can. Unfortunately for me once I start something my Aspergers won't let me stop until I complete it 99% of the time. This is something I've been going through with WT for almost 4 years. Hopefully I'm wrong and they come back and fix everything they ruined. But after being around for almost 4 years I think we all know how likely that is. I have so much tied up in my account I've even thought of trying to unload it to a whale on a broker site. It seems like Gaijin is putting zero effort in anymore and they're actively trying to kill it, they're content to slowly let it die. While making as much as they can on the way down. When, if they would just do the right things the game would grow and thrive. Ok, Ok, sorry, I'm not going to do that right now. Well like I said in the beginning that sucks, hopefully things will change. But, good luck on everything else you're working on also. I'll have to check that out.
Yeah the Damage models for DD's are wack I was in a match in my Hipper.. then saw a DD going to a Cap Point.. so I unleashed hell upon him with my 203mm HE Shells but some shots did nothing at all..
"Get in to a barber shop asking for a trim and getting shaved balls."
Thats what I heard.
That analogy might work even better than the "bald" I was going for honestly...
If only all the developers could understand english, and then they could appreciate this much needed input.
When you get set on fire while repairing and accidentaly start extinguishing before canceling the repair your crew will litteraly throw itself into the fire. Happend to me in a destroyer and I lost 2% of my crew per second.
Imagine what this looks.
Sailor: Captain's ordered us to repair while extinguishing the fire. Let's get that breach!
They all died running into the fire trying repair pumps that were still burning.
@@luigiforsthoffer lol
wait, so youre supposed to cancel all other repairs before extinguishing the fires? never heard of that before
Poor Naval gets treated like a red headed stepchild. I don't know if they aren't bothering trying to pull over the WoWs market, or are just incredibly incompetent at it.
At this point I just have to assume that gaijins naval dev team is ether completely and utterly incompetent or actively trying to sabotage the game.
Every single naval premium ship has been made completely useless and irrelevant. They split the coastal and blue water tree so boat premiums can now only research a useless coastal tree and with the buff to destroyer damage moddels boats which before still had a chance to kill destroyers now get hopelessly outgunned and outtanked.
With the introduction of battle ships all of the premium cruisers and premium destroyers above 4.7 are now also completely useless as they get completely clubbed by oponents which for them may aswell be using god mode cheats with how completely indestructable they are (while at the same time oneshoting everything).
Gaijin is litteraly teaching the players who are willing to invest money into war thunder naval that they will always get f***ed over. Their devs are teaching war thunder whales that paying for naval premiums makes absolutely no sense at all. So they are f***ing over everyone. Everyone who does not have battleships gets f***ed. I honestly dont even know what to say. This is just absolute insanity.
I think the tech tree in WOWS is much better than the one in WT, now.
Did anyone say Hyuga? No skills required...
They change the damage models again because the damage model department doesn't want to get fired, they want to show some activity lol. Same with sound department, balancing and interface.
They should put some employees at work to make an actual enjoyable matchmaking PvE mode
One of the reasons I love this channel: simcity4 soundtracks
only if he would use simcity 2000 soundtracks
I re-bought the game on Steam solely because of that ..
The new destroyer damage moddels makes gunboats almost useless against destroyers, while freccia was absolutely broken good before, but now it is near useless against destroyers.
so yur mad that the frec cant kill dd's in 10 seconds?
@@Blanzalot The frec is only one of many boats that has this problem, I just chose it because of how extreme the difference is.
Good? As 40mm should barely hurt destroyer sized ships.
This is true. My Freccia, Jaguar, 94ft PT boat, and other 37-40mm boats are useless. While the Freccia was OP I hardly see them in battle, literally. But still, all my 4.0-4.7 PT boats are useless. :/ I don't fight other pt boats or frigates. Just late war DDs, CL/CAs while I can't output damage
@@Blanzalot Now it can't kill them at all
Its ok stug, I still love you
Oh you love stug? Divulge his social security number rn 🔫
Coastal boats have been made totally impotent against anything larger than a corvette. And if your DD doesn't have SAP good luck killing anything.
My z25 and Karl Galster have an Ace crew and they are literally invincible to enemy fire.
I love this new patch. I play things like the Freccia, Pr.35, so on. It was fun. I am now hurt. Please help
@@jackgamer6307 the Freccia has been dethroned. If you want to maintain a 4:1 KD with the pr35. The rockets are your only hope. park on a cap poi t and use the 6km rockets to win.
@@CmdrTyrael I consider myself "good" with the RBUs (I killed a plane with 'em once), but lately, even they have been inconsistent.
@@jackgamer6307 I feel like they adjusted the aiming for the RBU's or increased their dispersion. You are right they are not quite the same.
@@CmdrTyrael I speak to them. I feel them.. They are crying out in pain, as the snail butchers something new, and they fear they will be next soon. I want to protect my precious RBUs, but I am powerless
Miss ya! Hope all's well, cone's video was great thanks for working on that!
Here we go again...thanks StuG
"American destroyers are in a class of their own, everyone else is nerfed"
[laughs in near instagibs with SAPHE from Russian destroyer guns]
Also I love how it's oddly easier now to ammorack destroyers without relying on nuclear torps.
Well, that cheap Moffett and superior Baltimore, they have already broken my game experience.
USS Candid is actually missing 2 bofors as she had X2 *twin* mounts historically and yet they gave her X2 *single* mounts.
Theres little to even do in naval anymore, I'm pretty sure just going AFK with your main caliber guns on AI control would do just about as much good as actually playing the game.
I didn't realise the damage model changes the update came with so i jumped into my Krasny and couldn't believe my eyes when a full HE salvo of mine turned a dd's engine mayonese yellow and killed about 5% crew.
The state of naval? you mean bathtubs with battleship guns right?
That's one amazing looking thumbnail encapsulating everything about naval in one simple picture.
More broken than before
I and a buddy had a great time in naval reasently, I took a destroyer and he an armourd gunboat, I towd him at my max speed pulling him across the map way faster then intended, and he used me as cover, aswell as that, he could repear me when i was hurt.
300iq move
Hopefully they’ll add refitted ships from the same classes
Yes, especially for Japan. Not sure why Gaijin used the versions of ships with next to no AA
@@lordklaus1183 with how ship aa laserbeams planes (no idea if this is still the case lol), a ww2 fitted bb will make air strikes against ships useless unless a team somehow coordinates their attack or the ship aa is (now) toned down
Edit: oh wait this is 4 months ago lmao, hows the naval?
Yea I'm with u. I even got a "survival" achievement in a DD 2 days ago; - witch was not the 1st time in naval but my 1st with a DD.
Honestly, the "Battle Pass" is the only reason I still play daily!
At this point I take out MTBs like the MTB 1-1 series (or whatever it's called now) and shoot unsuspecting DDs to get that fancy fancy skill (doesn't) matters for 5,000 SL.
This Turbine was shooting a plane, so I torped it for 5,000 free SL.
That's the new naval meta for earning SL
Skill (doesn't) matter XD
no wonder why i feel like i can hardly kill ppl recently. i basically just park my ship and keep spamming and they wont die
"empty space in with no damage will be dealt"
IRL: Structural damage intensifies
@@ThatZenoGuy Define "Ludicrous" amount of hits, considering 6inch HE will leave 1m hole in your hull...
what you are talking is destruction of the hull integrity (ship done, nothing can be done about that), but ship will be failing apart far before that (firing gun, moving to fast and any further damage to hull will heavy impede ship float-ability with possibility of main bulkheads failing dooming the ship...)
Bow/Stern depends on ship construction, older ships had harder time dealing with it, while new ships (especially ones with All or Nothing armor scheme) are build to resist that.
@@ThatZenoGuy well that 1m of 100m ship is pretty lot, considering that "skin" is used to maintain ship Longitudinal Strength to prevent it from snapping in two, still you would need quite few shells for that to actually happen.
As you pointed out Flooding is main killer (well you are floating on the water after all), bulkheads don't only fail from direct damage, insufficient hull strength also cause loss of watertight integrity further propagating flooding (or causing subsequent bulkhead to fail easier)
Ships are under a lot of stress especially when they are moving fast.
That depends on Ship, but generally (especially on destroyer sized ship) on "skin" is ship Structural Frame
Keel is primarily ship "spine" and bulkheads are one of many structural elements and not always they can be used (Engine/Boiler rooms)
The keel of a ship pretty much holds the whole thing together, a rather ridiculous amount of damage is needed to flat out break a ship in half.
Stuff like large torpedoes hitting a destroyer could do it, but unlikely to do it to a cruiser and up. Ammo detonations often blew ships into pieces as well.
Truly the single greatest cause of destruction for destroyers were flooding (they had VERY limited compartmentalization) and fires.
Was eagerly awaiting this video
Also MANY ships in-game have radar on their physical model, but most of them don't have it modeled or modeled correctly. Adding to that, the ones that DO have radar have it modeled incorrectly (notably on the Pr.30bis where the "radar" is a fucking visual rangefinder rather than the actual spinning radar dish plate... Thing)
I still think that britain should get a orion battle ship or what since everyone else is getting new BBs
God save the queen
So you can buy it with GEs?
i think an Iron Duke would be more appropriate, but anything would do
Playing as the British ships is like setting difficulty to extreme... especially the gunboats, trying to level them up is painful... they're slow and cannot take a single hit.. destroyers and battleships are the same, usually they take so long to get to the battle the game is over before you even get to an objective..
I can confirm the damage models are broken, as I took 4 salvo from a destroyer in a Russian fast torpedo boat. 1 shell would've realistically blown the whole boat to heck.
2.7 brought me back to the game. Seeing how insanely bad this was, I just had to see for myself.
I played two games at 4.3 USSR. I spawned five ships total. All five were ammo racked (no, I don't take torpedos). My jaw dropped when my Pr. 123k got racked, I've literally never seen that before, and it's my most played ship across 1000+ matches.
The Pr. 159 was practically invincible, I think both times I was at well over 80% crew when I got racked despite making no effort to avoid getting shot and just sailing directly toward the caps. Speaking of, I've never seen so many Pr. 159/35s in the game before, something like a quarter of all ships in both matches. The seal clubbing is so intense right now that I had a guy J-out when he saw me rather than let me get any points.
Despite winning both matches and coming in top 3 score, I only got like 10k SL profit (no premium) in total.
It is _unreal_ how bad the game mode is right now. I am honestly impressed that Gaijin, what is ostensibly a serious and profitable company, can be so inexplicably bad at this. Just...how?
Man I started playing naval a lot only after 2.9 update, and one of the reasons for that are the SL I´m making. Without any premium ships (I have premium account tho) I make about 10 - 15k in a bad game we lost. In a winning game where I did well I get like 50k. Since everybody is complaining about SL rewards being decreased it must have been insane before the update.
The jackals at Gaijin could've increase rewards to attract players, but no, they have to make the slug fest even more cancerous, in other game mode, you have all kind of line ups and different playstyle, in Naval, there's no choice but to play the same ship for 200 matches to progress, no wonder it's a barren field.
I used to think WoWS had a crazy grind, but WT makes it seem pitiful. It's so difficult to Enjoy the game when rewards are shit, the chances of detonating are so much higher than WoWS, and you're fighting the same battles with no feel of uniqueness to them what's so ever
Your videos are professional and absolutely lovely. As someone who has never even TOUCHED a single naval battle, (but loves ships), I ask you....
roughly, how much time does it take for the average player to reach the IJN Hyuga? She is absolutely beautiful
The grind takes quite a while, mostly due to the tier system; Since researching 2 tiers above a ship cuts the RP income by 50%, and tiers 4-5 are really painful to play, those two are a slough. I can't give an exact number since there are a lot of variables, but it'll take a long time, especially since Japan was especially hurt by the recent DM changes.
@@flippedstug9517 ahhhhh the pain ;( Thank you for replying. I also wanted to give feedback on the mix of gameplay audio, music, and your voice in the video. Its perfect, and many other YT channels speak too fast or sluggishly. Very excellent quality you have :)
Yo, if this gets anywhere in warthunder or if Gaijin gets to hear this, back up boats/ships for reserve boats/ships aren't usable/convertible. Somehow Gaijin frequently gives us back ups for those reserve boats that don't need them, like a huge middle finger...a good idea is that you could allow a 4th or 5th respawn on the reserve boats that have the unusable back ups in place of spawning in planes, or stop giving the reserves back ups and instead giving universal back ups or back ups to higher tier boats instead. Though Naval is as good as dead now, I think these changes will help breathe some life back into it.
I am not trying to over analyze the analyzer but I am still having fun with it.
I've actually been gaijin more than twice the RP than before the update
I've found the RP gain to be a bit lower due to getting less kills/damage, but the SL gains in particular were just shot. Though, that might've been from a glitch affecting all modes, so again something that may be patched soon.
@@flippedstug9517 Hi flipped stug, I saw your Reddit post about you Making 300k SL in one match with the USS moffet. i bought the Ship with my remaining GEs since i really needed something to grind with, but i only make like 20-30k Per match. I saw your quick guide on the ship, can you make an Elaborate one? will be really appreciated.
@@myth5671 That might have been ship ec
did you try out Naval EC that was last week? I found it to be quite fun until someone got BB or mass spawns of CA
I've played EC before, it's good. I didn't play this one since the garbage damage models would hurt that mode, too. I'm probably done with WT in general after these last 4 updates have been repeated punches to the stomach.
Man, I hope you decide to pick it up if it ever get any better. Your content is my go to when it comes to naval info & guides
Pr.30bis can go up to 36.5 knots. But in wt it only go to 32 knots (i use knot cuz it more comfortable)
You're right. There was another patch right about when you posted this lol. Poor guy. Thanks for tje hard work.
I shot at a light cruiser with the Prinz Eugens 203mm shells like 40 times with all kinds of shells avialable and still could not kill that thing.
Can you remember what it was? Both the Brooklyn and the Cleveland are pretty hard to kill.
Which nation should I research, which is least painfull to play?
Germany is the best to start learning, America has the highest peaks (4.3, 4.7, 5.7) but some of the lowest valleys (3.3, 5.0, 6.0). I can't really suggest playing naval in this patch however.
Pr 35 has gone from OP AF to incapable of damaging destroyers. I really hope gaijin will just undo the damage model changes.
I have 180K rp to get the Graf Spee, now that there are BBs playing as everything but a BBs is just painful, you cant do anything to them and even if supposedly the advantage of cruiser in reality is their speed to avoid beign hit by bigger fishes in game due to the automatic tracking mechanic you spawn you are already beign shot at, going at 53km/h still isnt enough to reach a control point as spawns are too far apart as if they were intended for a 30 BBs vs 30BBs battle, unfortunatly there is no way of getting a "realistic" battle with tactics and its just painful to play, everyday I open WT, play 1 game of naval, then leave, it literally makes me want to stop playing
Jaguars 40s use to Eat DD’s for Breakfast. Guess those days are over. Wonder what this does for the Lubeck?
Lubeck F224/Koln F220 are really bad now. Their 40's are basically useless, and the 100's do almost nothing too. They went from relatively niche but good to pretty bad.
Dang i had Lubeck.. kinda wasted money
I was in my PR35, A lubeck and I fought for 7mins at 3km range. Our guns could not hurt eachother. I hut him with repeated rockets with 25kg explosive filler and he would not die!!!. But neither would I 🤣
@@flippedstug9517 Noooo!!!!!! 😫🤬
Yo, Stug, can you look at those leaks? There's something huge and heavy in there with two funnels and 6-8 main guns. I need to know what that is. They also rolled out another Helgoland class BB (the Ostfriesland, I think), which is crazy lazy in my opinion.
So Are British naval tree still worth it? I’m at the dido right now and I’m not sure if I want to continue
London and Hawkins are good, the battleships are meh. Keep going if you enjoy it
@@j.kearney484 avoid invincible
@@kez0o9 well crap, im 30k rp off :(
@@j.kearney484 colossus and dreadnought are ok, it's a case of waiting for new ships now with Britain, it has the very earliest battleships compared to the other nations, but there are a lot of great ships to come through which will put her back on top.
@@kez0o9 yea I agree, would an Orion class be appropriate, or should go go straight to a Queen Elizabeth (not out of the question considering we have an Ise-class)
They really need to remove the domination game mode and purely just have a deathmatch/one life mode .. from my experience using British ships, is that they take too long to get to an objective the game is over before you even reach a single point.
BB cant kill a DD in test drive and now Graf spee might as well shoot toy shells since they dont deal damage at all now
I’m in the opening stages of grinding the IJN, my first naval tree, but this really discourages me. It sounds like there would be a lot of frustrations involved in trying to get to the bigger, boomier ships, which is basically the whole reason why I play naval…
IJN is pretty rough, but they do have some nice ships worth grinding for, most notable being the Hyuga which is the best dreadnought in the game (it's basically a super dreadnought)
And don't forget about the inevitable Yamato and Musashi
Yea, starting off IJN is harsh. That being said, the upcoming ability to control float planes ought to make them a whole lotta fun
IJN has great premiums.
Stug can you make a video for the attilio regolo?
Personally, they should keep this change, and start re-tuning other parameters from now on.
StuG. I know you know how different mechanisms interacts in a broad scale, but not so much at a micro scale.
As starters, the new module mechanics is close to perfect for one part - Empty masses are always appreciated in naval, in any kind of large ship. Remember crews are never equally distributed in all sorts of compartments, and they serve only a few key stations.
Adding more concept on where to aim is definitely appreciated.
Now comes the ugly part of this change - They didn't go much beyond than just straight up changing the DM. As you have said, they forgot other parts of DM exists.
But the last thing we do is to tell them to revert this new DM.
It's messy, yes. But for someone willing to invest in a long term - This change is a absolutely great start for anything to base around, in the future.
StuG's biggest problem, I think, is failing to comprehend how most of the naval community are based around the forums and had always been embracing opinions based on history and realism. It is always good to take a look at their works before judging this game. Their vision is very great, with laid out articles compared to a 10-min, hit-or-miss commentary video.
The more complex damage models have done nothing but damage the game as is, and I doubt Gaijin has the competence to go further than this. Just look at the past few years as examples. If anything, Cruiser/BB damage models needed some simplification, not more complexity that lends nothing to the gameplay experience.
And, the forums? Don't make me laugh, that's by far the worst overall WT community of any major one. It's mostly just "muh realism" circlejerking with no actual regard for the gameplay side of things. It's not "most of the community", it's a minority. WT is a video game and should be treated as such, at no point in its history has the "muh realism" crying actually made the game better.
@@flippedstug9517 The devs have their competence. Knowing Naval side of War Thunder well, however, their team is very small compared to the big two gamemodes (Ground and Air).
Try this new DM on Naval EC, perhaps you will find more fun from it. That's what War Thunder works - It needs a conjuction of different systems to work together, not just seperately.
If anything, simplified DM are for AB. In here most of the people in forums are changing for the better in terms of RB and, in the future, SB battles.
By completly ignoring the forums and calling it a circlejerk already made you more biased than you should be.
I tried the DM on the first dev server, the second dev server, and the live build both before and after the "fix". I've given it more than a fair try. Implying I didn't shows just how shaky the argument in favor of these DMs is; No argument other than "well you must not have tried it". I have, they suck.
And the forums are well-known as the worst part of the WT community. It's mostly people going "make my country better than everyone else's", or just saying to make the game more realistic with no regard for how it plays. I've browsed through the naval forums. No matter how much someone writes out a bad suggestion, it's a bad suggestion. WT was better before this update, and no update that just tries to make the game more realistic has ever improved it. Gaijin should disregard the forums and people whining about more realism, and balance the game as what it is- A game.
Keep of the good work dude. Hears a Suggestion, Could you do more reviews on Italian and British ships one more thing why would gagin make the grind for naval harder then it already is!
So I recently started to play battleships, and I thought it was just me being bad at the game since I literally took maybe 8-10 salvos to kill someone 2km away.
Spot on.... (as always)... but really nailed it this time. Ya know how we always joke around about them not playing their own game AT ALL? After the DM changes, is there really anyway they can still refute that fact?
I would love to see a DEV take the IJN Akizuki into a test drive with it's awesome fire rate and then proceed to fire salvo after salvo at a Fletcher!!!! For what felt like at least 8 minutes before killing it because all it gets are HE of course and they do literally nothing but sweeping the deck now. Sure you can set fires to the main guns, auxiliaries, AA and take out the bridge and torp launchers but that's it! The very spectacle of this display is absolutely ridiculous and I can't believe for one minute that if someone on that DEV team ever actually tested these DM changes and witnessed that they would say " yeah, that looks about right".
Like you and so many others have already stated (but I still need to ranta bout it again for the 1000th time, they've also rendered every single coastal boat as absolutely useless. Since they routinely face destroyers and the high tier coastal boats almost exclusively face destroyers. With a few other high tier coastal boats thrown in for flavor. Which leads to everyone in a high tier coastal boats left to try and search for the two other sorry sons a bitches in the battle in a high tier coastel to boat to fight against since it's literally the only thing you can kill now.
At this point there's two options as to the cause of this cluster F**k we call WT Naval:
1. Either complete and total incompetence.
2. A willful attempt to sabotage the mode and possibly the game over the long haul.
I have just over 1200 vehicles, numerous premiums and event vehicles. Who the hell knows how much time and money invested in this game because it was something I enjoyed to do. But after seeing the way things are going I'm seriously considering selling my account and cashing out because I feel like Gaijin is trying to do the same thing.
Am I the only one who loves the shell tracking mode
me too
I dunno, man. Maybe they changed it again today but yesterday, I loved it.
Hope to see you back soon
Is this up to date with the dm changes that happened 5 hours ago? If not what do you think
Yes, I rewrote it after those came out. I still think that it takes way too long.
You genuinely sound exhausted, take a break stug
@Garry Nevill nope. he used to sound far more chipper
yea, as much as I appreciate the content, I hate seeing him drag himself through the mud every update. WE CARE ABOUT YOU STUG :)
@Garry Nevill as someone on his discord he is very drained from it all, i think he should take the break, he really needs it.
@Garry Nevill theres the problem that this is his source of income, he kinda has too play quite alot, so i wouldnt really fault him for playing quite abit.
I started playing coastal fleet for the battle pass challenge and I was having a lot of fun until I got to 2.3
Strange. 2.3 br introduces boats that have larger guns that require aiming instead of machine guns. I feel there might be a correlation there.
@@actionbash2 I see what you’re trying to dig at but it’s more an issue of me getting btfo’d by SF40 heavies and USS ashevilles and other 3.3 vessels that become more common as you go higher
Why would they make it so you gain less sl in naval? The rewards were already terrible even with the positive changes we had last time.
Hey are we going to see a return with some of the new mechanics coming to WT Naval
No, 2.7 and 2.9 are bad enough that I'm done with the game. I'll be making a last WT video about why, then shifting entirely to historic content.
don't know why lubeck can't do any damge now
Tinfoil hat theory: They changed naval damage model to be so crap, because of Duck walk challenge, so people will use/buy GE to progress BP to get vehicles.
Question: is IJN kako still good?
Also, for some reason that japanese destroyer from last crafting event feels the same as before but all 4.3 and below destroyers feel almost useless
@@msorin74 Well, it isn't Japanese after all. It's a Fletcher-class.
Situationally. She still takes a beating but her lack of guns and bad dispersion mean she still needs to be closer. Open water maps still murder her and planes laugh at her pitiful AA. Still in the right situation she is a beast, went toe to toe with a Baltimore. I mean I didn't win but I SURVIVED and I put in damage until an ally managed to torp him.
also the fact Stug that top tier coastal that doesn't have frigates has now zero chance to fight a DD, even a reserve one. So if you are the only Pr.206 in a match other then capping the point you now are actually worthless lmao
use a DD and stop ninja capping. your small boat gameplay is cancer in blue water fights.
They really fucked over pt boats after playing them some today. No new damage model so they still die in 3 seconds to a 20mm burst. And with the new dd damage models they can't really do anything to any destroyer, at least with the old models the bigger gun boats could do some damage but now they can't do anything and since most 3.3+ battles are mostly dds it just sucks playing them.
I really wish you would talk about some of the issues in war thunder Naval are not just objective because the game will eventually evolve. Now with the new French navy coming out I wish you would do more videos that weren’t just “here is the specs this is what they can do and here’s how fast they can go” with more like “well if we’re on this map and you use this boat AA to stop PLANES from coming in it would be a good idea.
more subjective and less objective please
I love your channel, I wish you had more videos …. come back
What do you think about the new changes for navel damage models (not the ones in your vid)?
Those were the ones I talked about and showed. I rewrote the script after those changes, which came two days after 2.7; in the most recent It's Fixed blog, they put the adjustments in there, but it happened earlier. It's still so horrendously broken that I won't touch it.
You are not gonna talk about new mechanism of navy?
The FCS? I think it's bad. Rather than explaining naval's aiming system better they're just adding something atop it. It'll make the mode more accessible to new players, but also dumbs down the core gameplay- aiming- to the point the mode will suffer for it. It'll also act as a crutch; Players will rely on the FCS and not developing their own aim skills, leading to a generation of older naval players who understand the system dominating as they don't have to wait for a targeting solution to accurately engage. With a system this hand-holding in place there's no reason to improve.
Though, I'm not making a video on it because I'm done with WT NF. I'm waiting for the patch to drop before I finish the video on that. 5 garbage patches in a row shows they don't know what they're doing.
@@flippedstug9517 Damn that's like tons of typing. TBH they should improve RM more, like current RM is just bad(in terms of blue navy). Also all nations need better planes to go against BB
Not gonna lie, I also am soo disappointed with the changes in naval that I don't even know what to do anymore... DDs were my scape valve in WT, specially the Battle Class, but now it is rough to say the least... That and Gaijin saying that EC won't be a standard mode at all and only making one or two EC weekend when I have no time to play.... I really see myself playing a lot less naval mode this update, Even Helena is a bit weird to play with the new damage model, feels like her guns can't even kill DDs properly... I can't see a solution for the issue, maybe reversing the changes and keeping the change to torpedos since at least that was a positive.... Idk, I'm really sad with this update.... I think I will go back to use low tier as a scape valve instead of naval now...
They need to rework alot of the Bluewater and costal fleets. And or maybe add some ships to the other nations
Hi, i just Got my first cruizer Isuzu and i am not the best at it,mainly shooting at long range but i belive that Its a good cruiser when propadly used, could u help me with the aiming? Thanks
Is just practice and more practice, there going to be a point when you are going to shoot without thinking to much and you are going to hit you targets. Know your cruiser and try to learn with every single salvo.
Hey StuG, I see you're not posting videos anymore. Hope everything is fine and you'll be back soon.
I'm alright, just under-the-weather due to Bronchitis and now Pneumonia. I've been working on historical videos but can't voice them due to being sick, so that's on hold until I recover.
@@flippedstug9517 its great to hear you :) I hope you can heal and get better
@@flippedstug9517 hope u get well soon, we need dat fix!! lol
Thanks for the astute analysis Flipped StuG. The changes made in version 2.7 where extreme and have made me not want to play at all. There seem to be two camps, AB and RB players. The RB folks think it's the best thing ever and AB people think it's unplayable. Unfortunately, I am in the latter camp.
I only play RB, and I still hate the changes. The people who like it are the ones who want realism above everything else, and I don't think they remember that War Thunder is a video game, not a simulator.
@@flippedstug9517 Ah, that is a great point. I mean can you imagine a sim mode where it takes days to get anywhere? omg
@@flippedstug9517 play AB then :b i think this comes down to personal opinion, there'll always be pleased and unpleased
Any advice on how to use British destroyers now?
There's no real specific advice anymore since it's all so broken. Just shoot the boilers with SAP, that's about it.
@@flippedstug9517 thats a shame, i quite liked naval, hope you continue with the channel since you're taking a break from war thunder. Best of luck!
I'll likely make some history-focused videos, those are a lot more fun. But, WT naval is off the table until Gaijin's devs get themselves together.
@@flippedstug9517 looking toward to it!
good review. This update the damage model just completely destroyed the gameplay for me
I’m a naval main and Its like I don’t know how to play anymore. I played 5 battles after the patch and just shook my head in wonder and moved on to clubbing in the Sagittario 2. Worst naval patch ever. I agree with your conclusion, come back later.
I came from WoWL and play both, but this game confused the hell out of me initially as it's nothing like WoW which makes me wonder why they don't adopt a similar model because it works really well overall for WoW. I came into this game with spotting and everything in mind and still really have no idea how it works honestly. Even the aiming took me forever to figure out. Game is really fun, but just wish it was simplified a bit like in WoW instead of making everything so convoluted and overly complex with the grind and everything else. Put everything in a match together and balance the classes independently. The only class that is inherently unbalanced in WoW are goddamn carriers.
bro if left WoW cuz it was an arcade-shitshow :D
What ship were you playing
Destroyer damage modele are busted, they are pocket battleship currently.
But hey guess what the leak got for us? Freaking Tirpitz. Oh and let's not forget about Japan basically getting 4 time the Hyuga (2 Fuso and the Ise found in the data mining leaks).
Dont you have to hold for the following camera? just dont hold click
Sounds good until you're single-barrel-firing a Fletcher and have to click 110 times a minute. Even with full salvos, you're still losing out on DPS because it removes all input buffering. It's just inconvenient, and since the camera itself isn't very useful, it's good they added an option to remove it.
Honestly while playing German destroyers against the US destroyers and destroyer leaders I can comfortably say that they still fuck annihilate, Though you can deal with them as well just as easily as any other destroyer if your not seen, I’ve already started using the shell follow mechanics to spot enemies xD
I also want to share my disappointment and dissatisfaction about this update.. Squadron Vehicle, premiums, premiums, premiums, vehicle.
Im so happy to finally have found a WT youtuber that does naval stuff. i LOVE my ships but have just never been able to get into it.... and Oh what a time iv chosen it seems. hit an enemy with hundreds of HE? does nothing.... they hit you in their first 3 salvos and half my crews gone. And when i ask about it all i get is "SoUnDs LiKe A SkIlL IsSuE" Well.... im hitting my shots more than you are.... so i dont think skill is the issue here.... Bah...
As for the HP bar thing though id have no issues with that and would greatly prefer it rather than playing whack a mole with crew. Would make my big thunking 40mm a lot more effective than when a few 50cals rake over me and kill me instantly.
You ever play a game called Battle stations pacific by any chance StuG?
Hi flipped stug, I saw your Reddit post about you Making 300k SL in one match with the USS moffet. i bought the Ship with my remaining GEs since i really needed something to grind with, but i only make like 20-30k Per match. I saw your quick guide on the ship, can you make an Elaborate one? will be really appreciated.
You can't make that much anymore. Gaijin destroyed the economy in the last patch, I'd say 100k's probably the top for a good ~12 minute match like that one. There was about a two week period where the economy worked well but that's long gone.
@@flippedstug9517 oof. 1.3k GE gone.
Got Gaijined
idk seems just as fun, i usually play @ 4.7, porter and sumner. just gotta use the best tactics, if japanese dont leave port with out the type 93's. isuzu and kako are no joke. russia its the krazny kavkaz. england... its a trap the 6 in guns seem cool and the 4 in guns might play nicely with the 6 in guns, however the ammo is above the water line... yeah it has decent armor on the sides but that 25mm deck armor wont even stop AA shells from potentially detonating the magazines. and the german z32... no real armor and the guns are 8 rounds a min and only 10 ready-use ammo on the back. the American 5 inch guns with almost 2 minuets of 22 rounds a minute of firepower, using either the sp common mk.46 or the AAVT mk.31 shells not the AAC mk.34, its hard to beat with the kavkaz, or type 93 torpedoes. then there is italy, all light cruisers and a heavy cruiser. so while the 5 inch guns are a pain they get put into matches with some decent ships
It's not even that bad.
You appear to do no damage but you are actually doing damage. They just messed up how they show you
If that was the case, enemy ships wouldn't be taking so much longer to die than in the patches before. It doesn't really matter how quickly the hit cam updates, it matters how fast the raw time to kill is, and it is much slower than any patch before this one.
@@flippedstug9517 At the release of Red Skies I would agree, they did take much longer to die. However, it feels like they have changed something since then because ships seem to actually die relatively quickly now, at least compared to when the update dropped. Ships also seem to die faster from sinking now for some reason. If that's from people who don't know how to properly manage the damage or not I am unsure.
It does feel like the hit cam doesn't properly show the amount of damage you do though.
sorry to ask, what's your ship in this video?
HMS Leopard, one of the new ships. It's a British Frigate, 4.0, costs 320k RP. I'd suggest just getting the Battle-class ships in the Bluewater tree over it; They're 18k and 26k RP, and far more capable.
Thanks for explain, I didn't check the new naval ship after patch.
I'd like to try the light cruiser of GB, I played the CL line in WOWS, I have no idea what's the different role between the WT and WOWS. I'm playing the soviet destroyer right now and preparing for Chapayve, it's funny to see my Spookniiy was killed by the German gunboat in 3 seconds or rekt by the big gun CL or CA in one shoot.
Coastal is all sorts of broken. Russian Armored boats got a huge buff and many small PT boats can absorb 8+ rounds of 88mm he and still not die.
Hey Stug I hope you are alright. I really enjoyed your videos. You are my favorite war thunder youtuber. I am looking forward to new videos. Greetings from Germany.
Hell yeah, finally is naval work as intended - 4,5" british guns are useless against DDs, while RBU antisub rockets of russian's boats are killing everything in seconds :/
where tf did you go?
I was taking a break from 2.7 since the update is so bad I don't want to play it anymore, and I was planning to return with 2.9 or at least give it a try. After they revealed radar aiming today, I can confirm I'm just not going back to the game.
@@flippedstug9517 damn that sucks i liked watching your content man even if the game does suck
@@flippedstug9517 :(
Naval who?
What is War Thunder naval???¿????
Hyuga just needs to dissapear. 90% of toptier matches are in that thing and it dominates the battleship meta...
A 1920s super dreadnought gets placed at 6.0, the same BR as 1906 dreadnoughts...
Wows went from point-and-click carriers to engaging gameplay
We went from gameplay to a cardgame with extra steps
...you really think current carriers in Wows are more engaging? You didn't play them, did you?
@@palladiamorsdeus I did. Some carriers were more engaging than certain playstyles
naval games being too quick with decay of point values and capping times that more fit tank games than naval. Also ai sucks for all naval to air engagement. Ai ships loading up on a shit ton of shells should have a much higher chance to detonate. They overkill every slight adjustment needed and ignore the glaring issues. Make a meta that encourages staying in tight ship squadrons
Ah yes. Update 2.7 : 'rat shit'
Yes to all said...
Hey Flipped Stug, I know Gaijin screwed Naval with Red Skies and I know you said you were done until they fixed it or whatever. But could you please make a new video? I don't even care if all you do is talk about the same things that suck since Red Skies. Or maybe take out a top tier 4.3-4.7 coastal boat that can barely kill a destroyer after 10 mins now and talk about that? Anything really, just need a new Naval video and maybe, hopefully you have some inside news about changes coming to fix this steaming pile of S**t?
I'm working on new videos, but not on WT; I kept trying naval for a few days after 2.7 but it's in far too bad a state for me to enjoy, so I flat-out uninstalled the game. Instead, I'm working on historical stuff, some for my own channel, and helping ConeOfArc on naval things. I wrote most of the script for his USS Nevada video, and I'm working on a few more things both there and here. Just, not War Thunder.
@@flippedstug9517 Well.... as depressing as that is, I honestly can't say that I blame you. I'm starting to really consider the possibility that Gaijin is trying to squeeze as much as they can out of the WT player base and then scuttle it (slowly). I know they're obviously trying to squeeze what $ they can. Unfortunately for me once I start something my Aspergers won't let me stop until I complete it 99% of the time. This is something I've been going through with WT for almost 4 years. Hopefully I'm wrong and they come back and fix everything they ruined. But after being around for almost 4 years I think we all know how likely that is. I have so much tied up in my account I've even thought of trying to unload it to a whale on a broker site. It seems like Gaijin is putting zero effort in anymore and they're actively trying to kill it, they're content to slowly let it die. While making as much as they can on the way down. When, if they would just do the right things the game would grow and thrive. Ok, Ok, sorry, I'm not going to do that right now. Well like I said in the beginning that sucks, hopefully things will change. But, good luck on everything else you're working on also. I'll have to check that out.
Spending half an hour for 1-3k rp is just no
I think that'd be lucky for me to even reach in that time frame, I can't stand the grind
Yeah the Damage models for DD's are wack
I was in a match in my Hipper.. then saw a DD going to a Cap Point.. so I unleashed hell upon him with my 203mm HE Shells but some shots did nothing at all..
WoWs is sinking, NavalWT is sinking... What should I play then?
idk, Ultimate Admiral Dreadnaughts maybe
War on the Sea is nice, still getting worked on but certainly improving.
EVE online
@@flippedstug9517 is it 100% f2p??¿¿??¿
its incredible how hard gaijin is trying to kill this game and we still play it.