• @clovermite
    @clovermite 3 роки тому +108

    The nuclear missiles really made me realize just how well done the sound design in the game is. That slowly building siren as they come cruising into their target and the foghorn when announcing "The start of nuclear war" is just perfect.
    After that, I really started noticing how the sounds, and screen shakes, or firing larger artillery shells really drive home the feel of these massive guns firing. It's all very well polished

    • @Groundpenguin
      @Groundpenguin 2 роки тому

      The whole game has such a rich feel to it

  • @vitaliyjuterbog8912
    @vitaliyjuterbog8912 3 роки тому +48

    That part where the missile flies past its target, is an accurate description of my career in Highfleet.

    • @occamsblunderbuss
      @occamsblunderbuss 3 роки тому +5

      😂😂 My missile is still in the weapon tube.

  • @YetAnotherPilot
    @YetAnotherPilot 3 роки тому +48

    I thought the Yars was a useless ship at first, I had no idea there was this other layer to the game! Thanks for your tip videos very helpful. Came here from the Microprose discord btw, you are listed there in the HF channels.

    • @RobertS122
      @RobertS122 3 роки тому +2

      Yars can be very deadly if you've got the intel or a roving strike group with radar to spot enemy strike groups. I did the same thing at first I was like : "Why would I bring this ship into combat" but it's very good when used correctly

    • @sadrootbeer
      @sadrootbeer Рік тому +1

      Id modify the yars, remove everything except the fuel, jets, crew, generators, and then throw in a bunch of silos

  • @r-saint
    @r-saint 3 роки тому +25

    Antirads are good against strike groups. You can see where is the radiation source w/o turning on your radar.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +3

      Good thinking! 👍

    • @SpiraSpiraSpira
      @SpiraSpiraSpira 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I wait until I notice a strong-ish signal on my passive radar detector (basically don’t use my own radar at all) and then aim a few anti-radiation missiles in that direction.

  • @azizyahaya2174
    @azizyahaya2174 5 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the tutorial, bro. I've been playing Highfleet for over a year now but I never understood the specialty of each missile type until now. Now I know how to stick it to the Gathering and their strike groups without having to hoard hundreds of incendiary and laser guided shells =DDD

    • @Atova
      @Atova 5 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for watching buddy!

  • @Dragooncore
    @Dragooncore 2 роки тому +5

    Holy shit, that was so insightful. Thanks man. I started playing the game after watching your lets plays and this is going to help a ton.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому

      Thanks very much!

  • @occamsblunderbuss
    @occamsblunderbuss 3 роки тому +11

    Wait there's another layer of strategy, firing missiles on the campaign map?! This game is some sort of wizardry.
    Who had an Amiga 500/600 or an Atari ST? My Amiga-playing self, if I went back to visit me, this game is how I would have envisioned the future of gaming.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +2

      Yeah it’s amazing, there’s so much depth that I don’t think reviewers even came close to.

    • @occamsblunderbuss
      @occamsblunderbuss 3 роки тому +3

      @@Atova Yeah well you can't throw distracting stones or unlock map sections by standing on watchtowers. These are the things that make stand out games doncha know.

    • @fishforuranium
      @fishforuranium 2 роки тому +1

      @@occamsblunderbuss Meanwhile, I strap a jammer and a fuel tank to a rocket and send it off as a distraction, and capture a city with a communication array to reveal enemy fleet movements... But perhaps the intellectual's distraction stones and radio towers grant me some bonus moral highground I wasn't previously aware of. 😄

  • @psaldorn69
    @psaldorn69 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the concise and informative video. Like other commenters I didn't know about this gameplay until I had some cruise missiles come and annihilate some of my crash site exploring ships.
    Now I know I can work towards a guided missile destroyer it changes everything :D

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому +1

      My pleasure 👍

  • @RobertS122
    @RobertS122 3 роки тому +3

    Awesome guide and series!

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому

      Thanks for the support pal 👍

  • @andrewgrate6823
    @andrewgrate6823 3 роки тому +2

    You're making some great Vids man, keep it up!

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +1

      Appreciate that pal, the support has been crazy! I’m by no means the best player or know everything but just doing my best 👍

  • @henryhamilton4087
    @henryhamilton4087 2 роки тому +6

    I think the Kh-15 is kind of pointless later on because it's subsonic and can be stopped easily with CIWS (let alone R-9s), so you kinda have to launch a volley to get a reliable kill from them.
    The R3 is hypersonic and has a very high success rate, but is expensive. The A-100 is a nice middle ground, it's supersonic and has a more reasonable chance of getting through while also having a more reasonable price tag too.

    • @user-df6fc3ul5r
      @user-df6fc3ul5r Рік тому

      Plus R3 is almost impossible to find in the Gerat.

  • @ciaphas3794
    @ciaphas3794 3 роки тому +10

    Thanks for doing these tutorial videos. Can I suggest fleet maneuvers for a tutorial topic? Gotta be more to using independent strike groups than just bumrushing cities

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +3

      Will look into this, certainly have a few ideas. If I get enough for a video I will make one 👍

    • @SaMo1199933
      @SaMo1199933 3 роки тому +6

      Basic tactic is using ELINT ships as silent scouts, to cross reference ELINT signals from 2 or 3 sources to find a radar using SG. Second is keeping a fuel heavy force, like aircraft, or cruise missile groups grounded away from cities and traffic lanes. Then you send smaller taskforce to clean cities or bait SG's. The range of missiles and aircraft allow you to attack most things that come close and are spotted by your attack groups.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +2

      @@SaMo1199933 that’s a great tactic, never thought of using more than one ELINT signal to track 👍

    • @niccatipay
      @niccatipay 2 роки тому

      If you are not blacking out. You are doing it wrong.

  • @g--stef4756
    @g--stef4756 2 роки тому

    Great video, now I can finally get some preemptive vengeance on those GODDAMN strike groups!

    • @Atova
      @Atova Рік тому +1


  • @HappyAspid
    @HappyAspid Рік тому

    4:13 - I have managed to deal a lot of damage to strike groups with these missiles. Problem is - they were the only one I had at that moment, and I had no experience using them.

  • @waffletanya6488
    @waffletanya6488 2 роки тому +1

    phew.. thanks buddy.. you save my time

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому

      Thanks for the support!

  • @snazza203
    @snazza203 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for explaining how in the hell the missile system works.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 7 місяців тому

      No probs 👍

  • @werty1160
    @werty1160 2 роки тому +3

    It just sink to me that the loading screen ship is the Sevastopol. Looks small there.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому

      Yeah it’s from an ingame cutscene in the prologue I believe

  • @rzu1474
    @rzu1474 3 роки тому +5

    Nukes definitely seem absolutely not worth it.
    The anticipation Infront of one though

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +3

      I love the sound when ones incoming but the enemies seem to have a LOT more, would only use on myself if there was no choice and I was near the end 😂

    • @ciaphas3794
      @ciaphas3794 3 роки тому +3

      Great for flipping the bird at the world in general as you go down in flames, tho

  • @janruzic8981
    @janruzic8981 3 роки тому +1

    also worth mentioning (applies to non-nukes and when targeting strike groups, because they're way to expensive to be used on all but the end-game cities): kh15=useless; A100=almost useless; R3=probably ok if manage to hit a strike group

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому +1

      Not sure if you can hit an R3 on a moving strike group without been very precise. Kh-15's arent bad for taking out targets, unless their group has which case rip.

    • @Shenaldrac
      @Shenaldrac 2 роки тому +3

      @@Atova It looks to me like the very small ships with a low vertical profile have an easy time dodging Kh15s. But something big and slow like a Gladiator has a much tougher time. Just down to what escorts the enemy fleet/garrison has, and which one the missile decides to lock on to.

    • @janruzic8981
      @janruzic8981 2 роки тому +4

      @@Atova R3 is for static targets only. Piyotr explicitly says so after you take Khiva.. :)

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому

      @@janruzic8981 #spoilers 😂

  • @n.kosters4757
    @n.kosters4757 3 роки тому +2

    Can u block these missiles bij jamming? Or turning your radar off ?
    I guess not by landing since the ships hit where also what is the difference between kh 15 and A100? Range and speed?

    • @Altair1243WAR
      @Altair1243WAR 3 роки тому +2

      IIRC any tactical missile that solely uses Radar for lock can be foiled by ECM, if you ship possesses it (I guess theoretically if you just jam but don't move to avoid you can still be hit). But there are also, apparently, missiles that only partially rely on radar meaning they can still reliably hit (assuming your aim isn't wildly off) even if you are being jammed or they exit your range

    • @SaMo1199933
      @SaMo1199933 3 роки тому +1

      A missile that tracks using radar will be foiled, but you need to move out of it's way regardless. However, if you use ECM, the N-models, who are anti-radiation, will swarm the ECM emitter like flies to honey.

    • @CptFugu
      @CptFugu 3 роки тому +1

      The A-100 is a great missile interceptor if you fire it just short of the targeted missile. You can also use airplanes to intercept them. If you have a good Air Defense ship you can detach it from the group and the missile will target it first (lots of 37mm, 57mm, or sprint missiles).
      kh-15 has longer range, A100 is super fast.
      Jammers will paint a "shoot me" sign on your bow, and Radar is always risky. Use Radar when you are launching the first strike to give the missiles better initial guidance, then turn it off, because the second wave is likely to be anti-radar missiles.

  • @kekistanimememan170
    @kekistanimememan170 2 роки тому +1

    The manual says that ARM missiles target ECM jammers not radar emissions
    Edit: I believe it’s both.

    • @MrCoolguy425
      @MrCoolguy425 Рік тому

      it is in fact both. If you jaunch a ARM missile, remember to turn off your jammer even if it activates outside of your own radar range. This is because the radiation emitted by a jammer is basically a giant flashlight for the missile to home on. Otherwise, standard radar emissions work fine for tracking enemy strike groups.

  • @lexas1
    @lexas1 2 роки тому

    Can someone tell me how to launch zenith air to ship missiles in combat on the ex. Flower? I have tried C and the right mouse button, they won't launch. Thanks.

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому

      Space 👍

  • @CasperTheRamKnight
    @CasperTheRamKnight 8 місяців тому

    i need a tutorial on how to send missiles like strike groups do, no nuclear ones

    • @Atova
      @Atova 5 місяців тому

      Im afraid my tutorials for this game are done. I'm not quite sure what the differences between nuke and non nuke would be though, pretty sure they fire the same way.

  • @arcdecibel9986
    @arcdecibel9986 3 роки тому +5

    I was hoping to find a way to make more than one missile hit at the same time, because right now these things are expensive crap. For the price of the average 4 A-200 conventional missiles you'd need to break through a strike group to hit once, you can just send one fast corvette to ram for FAR more damage. Indeed, with a more permissible starting range limit, a custom-designed armored kamikaze can WRECK even the Varyag with one hit on reheat. Sure, you still get the morale penalty but who cares if you've killed the strike groups and can sit around letting everyone be lazy until they're happy again?

    • @imminent404
      @imminent404 3 роки тому

      Sure, if you were a monster and if you have time to spare...

    • @arcdecibel9986
      @arcdecibel9986 3 роки тому +5

      @@imminent404 Hey man, it's not my fault the game makes you put 60 guys in the bridge when one or two would do, and at the end of the world, it's an honor to die if it saves so many. Well, if you care about that kind of thing. If not, you wait on the ship and I'll pilot the human missile.

    • @aidegrod
      @aidegrod 2 роки тому +1

      U can use escape pods before impact, this would reduce moral loss up to 0 if 100% of crew survives.

  • @realitylime4896
    @realitylime4896 3 роки тому +3

    Can missles be bought in shipworks?

    • @Atova
      @Atova 3 роки тому

      Yep, that’s the only place they can I believe

  • @shayminthedoctor9663
    @shayminthedoctor9663 3 роки тому +1

    For taking on Strike Groups... you're better off using planes
    Taking out city groups though? Invaluable.
    Also good for softening up prize ships that have an escort fleet
    But strike fleets? Just... don't...
    Sprints, CIWS, Numbers... it seems like they just KO the missiles every time. In my entire time playing I've only hit 2 times with strategic missiles. Unless I'm doing something wrong, they just seem too unreliable for their price to use on SGs
    Also yeah, nukes... lmao no. Just no. Better used when sold
    The enemy has *way* more than you and you'll stop being able to intercept them eventually

    • @Atova
      @Atova 2 роки тому

      Thanks for those tips!

    • @vaclavjebavy5118
      @vaclavjebavy5118 2 роки тому +1

      Strangely enough I've had massive success with the rockets. Especially A-100s. At first I used planes to deplete their sprints and then the 37mm CIWS would be completely worthless against them. Did they buff the rockets.

    • @shayminthedoctor9663
      @shayminthedoctor9663 2 роки тому

      @@vaclavjebavy5118 A-100s are very fast and can often outspeed CIWS and Sprints
      But they're less powerful IIRC and have substantially shorter range

    • @vaclavjebavy5118
      @vaclavjebavy5118 2 роки тому

      @@shayminthedoctor9663 Kh-15s are also pretty effective. The only thing that can reliably stop them are Sprints, and SGs will often deplete those pretty quickly.