How about “comments from the supporters?” I’ve been doing your program for 6 weeks now and have progressed immensely. I have never thought I’d be able to deadlift as much I am currently at 44 with a back problem . I also started my 16 year old son on your program who is a high school baseball athlete and it has helped him too.
I have a complete leg reconstruction after an accident. I squat 315 for sets of fahve, and it makes my whole body feel better. Since quarantine though I’ve been cleaning 225 and front squatting reps, deadlift on the other hand and overhead press has been doing awesome. I also have had a full shoulder also.
Wise words at the end rip. Being in situations or held back by things beyond your control is the most stressful situation because you can't affect it. If it was even your own fault etc you could deal with it but having no control drives people crazy
Rip , sage advice at the end of your monologue to maintain mental health... kudos ... you hit a home run out of the ball park on that !!👍🏻Not bad for a pink fat man 😂😂😂😂
40:20 Six out of ten questions are sent by guys named Nick. Backstage guy's called Nick. When Rip gets stumped, he asks Nick what the questions were supposed to mean . . . I think it's all just Backstage Nick typing up those softball questions and giving them to Rip to make him look good when he answers them.
Marrs bars has developed the safety squat bar he mentioned Great bar to use especially to protect older lifters shoulders I’ve used one for about one year and it’s perfect and the Marrs bar allows a low bar squat like Rip correctly recommends
30:15 It's not just the god damned obituaries, Rip. Every woman put's that shit in their dating profile. Jenny McRotten Crotch: "hey guys, fun loving gal here--loves to laugh xoxo."
Rip, I've been in the Air Force more than a decade now and I have to agree with you; strength training needs to be implemented in our military. I do think the military uses endurance training, whether that be in long runs or calisthenics, because it's easy to manage/implement and it provides more of a continuous mental hardening stimulus. I mean that as in using the stimulus of making a trainee push through a long endurance event as a tool to teach them how to push past they're limits. In my opinion a balance between the two would be preferred.
Come on “haters” you’re getting weaker with the insults to Rip. Please put more effort into the insults, let’s have lots more and with originality. He was barely insulted at all this week, just saying he is “fat” is too simple and done so many times before.
sprints are good for all fitness programs. Spring 100 yards of 1/4 mile track walk the rest and do it again. Start with a mile and work up. You will be a beast.
Yes but you will need a way to progressively increase intensity or the benefits will diminish. In football we used sleds, parachutes, and hills. I knocked 3 tenths off my 40 time when I was playing ball. That was in addition to barbell and plyometrics. Dr. Matt Rhea, the Alabama director of performance has published articles on the subject IIRC
RIP, Is it true that during your time with crossfit you developed kipping? Was this because you're so fat you could no longer do a regular pullup? I'm sure your many fans would love to know. Starting strength program is amazing wish I had it 20 years ago.
Though I agree with your responses, I believe you may have misunderstood two of the questions. First, the guy that asked about Olympic weightlifters "strength training" with power moves might have been alluding to a technicality of your definition of strength. If strength is the ability to produce force against an external resistance, and someone cleans 405 twice as fast as he deadlifts 800, he has produced more force and therefore used more strength. It's still not what you call strength training, but functions "by definition." Second, I think (and hope) Emiliano's weights may have been in kilos, because 216 happens to be what we would call 475. And 88 kilos would be a lot easier to make with a normal set of weights than 88 pounds. I also have a hard time imagining a 30 year old male with ten years of any kind of gym activity only being able to squat 88 pounds, but I definitely understand a sub-200 pound squat with a much larger deadlift, because before I read Starting Strength, I too deadlifted twice what I squatted. (My squat form sucked.)
41:30 What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer. What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no eye deer. What do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs, and no testicles? Still no fucking eye deer.
17:20 The reverse-hyper machine Rip says: "... amazingly enough, everyone who used it hurt their lower backs... it's an amazing machine to keep your lower back fucked up..." I completely agree, and I stand by it even when some dumb asses say "you're not using it right..." They miss the point that EVERYONE who does it fucks their back up even more, specially the ones with back issues that are told to use it to ALLEVIATE their lower back. And that is why regardless of what all the haters say about Rip, I listen to this guy, and not Joe Rogan on exercise... I mean rogan had a guy on his podcast saying you don't need heavy weights to become strongER... no kidding, look it up, of course it was a skinny chap that was "cut" though never said how he achieved it, charming as hell but full of shit. Love Rip.
Well, to be fair... Louie Simmons over at Westside is the proponent of the reverse hyper machine. Agree with him or not he does have some strength training credentials.
@@cliffonator1111 Maybe, but the weights you use with the machine are small, and that is by necessity because you're in precarious position, to say the least, while you use it; and the danger of fucking your back badly increases as you increase the weight on the machine... all they need to is deadlifts, or even "supermans" where you lay on your stomach, perhaps something under your chest and stomach and lift back off the floor your knees and shoulders and elbows to the count of ten and do it several times. If you can use that evil machine you can do supermans.
@@ggrthemostgodless8713 Yeah, I'm not a fan of the machine either, but let's not act like it's only Joe Rogan who's recommending it. Rogan got it from Westside.
@@cliffonator1111 You're Right... but I never said or was "pretending" that ONLY Joe Rogan was recommending it. If that came across from what I said... well, that is NOT what I actually said. It's a horrible machine, period.
Rip's kids are right: he's training too late before bedtime as it takes hours for the body temperature to cool down enough to relax into sleep. Rip would sleep and feel better if he'd bothered to do an hour of cardio and another of stretching on his non- training days as these practices help to relax the neuro- muscular system, too. In the meanwhile, a hot bath, a half hour walk, chamomile, daily exposure to early sunlight, a supplement like melatonin, glycerin or ashwaghanda and nothing to drink ( why he has to wake up to piss) could make a difference. Sleep is important to health, longevity and strength, too.
Rip is very direct and that's a good thing, everyone I know says they like it when people are direct; so I don't understand why so many people keep calling him an asshole!! He means well... LOL He's just a equal opportunity offender.... isn't that what every segment of the population keeps barking about, they all want to threaten equally, insulted equally. Well here --->>you got it!!
Hafthor was less than 200 lbs when he started training and became the WSM at 400lb. He's around 6'-8". So I don't know how you can be so rude to that guy and tell him to kill himself.
Marks answer to marijuana sucks; it's something that if you use sparingly (once a week or every 2 weeks) the day before a harder gym day (peaking with a 1 or 2RM), it can really get get you critical deep sleep you need and you'll get a "stupid strength" the next day and that 1 or 2RM attempt won't feel as bad otherwise. I'm doing TM with a 3/2/1RM each week in cycles on the deadlift and those maxes don't suck the life out of you nearly as much.
That stack of questions you said was like the phonebook ... well, that's the phonebook of NYC once COVID is done with that urban blight. Or it's the phonebook of Wichita Falls, pop. 104.000?! Geez, I thought it was some backwater in the desert with some wooden shacks and a couple of saloons along a dusty road, and the world-famous Wichita Athletics Club smack in the center of it all, like a church or a shrine from which emit the sounds of iron being hammered, like one of those blacksmiths of old where they stood over an anvil smashing swords and horseshoes into shape. In all seriousness, that new virus is mostly a nothing-burger. If you take good care of yourself, you're sure to be fine. Even the homeless in California are riddled with it and they survive just fine without ever seeing a doctor. I guess it's the vitamin D they got aplenty; and didn't booze stop the disease in its tracks? Anyway, the governments of the world just like to grab more power and pretend they know best. Even if some of them know this virus is hyped up, they are not likely to rescind their newfound powers, because it would show them to be oversensitive pussies and/or authoritarian circle-jerks, both of which they are. UA-cam is busy censoring all videos that show the real data, like for example that recent video of the two smart doctors who showed what's really going on. If someone drops off a ladder reshingling their roof, it's a COVID death these days. If you get eaten by your own cats after you have keeled over down from the stairs and lie there in a heap at the bottom of it: COVID. Hospitals empty. Watch what happens when there will be undiagnosed cancers. What a show. This is the age of morons. Rip, you're looking fine. Just don't sneeze or cough, because the government will come and take you away, or the neighboring 'fitness centers' will snitch on ya.
"If you take good care of yourself, you're sure to be fine." Until all the ventilators and oxygen tanks are spoken for... which case, you're fucked.
About max dead lift training for Olympic weight lifters, i think coach Rip is wrong, he simply ignores the fact that max clean & snatch are indeed a max lifts according to the bar distance from the start point, meaning, the effort spent to lock out a max dead lift at arms length is essentially equal to that spent to raise the bar at catch point for clean & snatch. the drop in weight % is to compensate for distance & acceleration and serves an additive very important target which is stress & recovery, max dead lifts & squats especially deadlifts takes longer time under tension which drains the nervous system, and utilizes heavy overall weights, both lead to impaired recovery & max force production.
Seriously Rip??? You think dying in a car accident is a worse way to go than spending a couple of weeks on a respirator with your lungs being chewed up slowly by a virus? You are too smart for this nonsense!!
Dying of the sniffles itself is not so bad, the torture the doctors inflict on the hopeless elderly for more money is another story. You know what the purpose of coffin nails is? It's the only way to stop the doctors from giving unneeded treatments.
I can only sleep about 1.5 hours a day...and it's always some half-assed lucid sleep. Always been that way and nothing's worked to change it...which is fine, since I don't want to sleep a third of my life away. If I drink bottles of scotch in one night, I'll eventually shut down...then regain consciousness the next day...but that doesn't really count.
TACITUS: CALGACUS' SPEECH TO HIS TROOPS (A.D. 85) He [Agricola] sent his fleet ahead to plunder at various points and thus spread uncertainty and terror, and, with an army marching light, which he had reinforced with the bravest of the Britons and those whose loyalty had been proved during a long peace, reached the Graupian Mountain, which he found occupied by the enemy. The Britons were, in fact, undaunted by the loss of the previous battle, and welcomed the choice between revenge and enslavement. They had realized at last that common action was needed to meet the common danger, and had sent round embassies and drawn up treaties to rally the full force of all their states. Already more than 30,000 men made a gallant show, and still they came flocking to the colors-all the young men and those whose 'old age was fresh and green', famous warriors with their battle honors thick upon them. At that point one of the many leaders, named Calgacus, a man of outstanding valor and nobility, summoned the masses who were already thirsting for battle and addressed them, we are told, in words like these: "Whenever I consider the origin of this war and the necessities of our position, I have a sure confidence that this day, and this union of yours, will be the beginning of freedom to the whole of Britain. To all of us slavery is a thing unknown; there are no lands beyond us, and even the sea is not safe, menaced as we are by a Roman fleet. And thus in war and battle, in which the brave find glory, even the coward will find safety. Former contests, in which, with varying fortune, the Romans were resisted, still left in us a last hope of succour, inasmuch as being the most renowned nation of Britain, dwelling in the very heart of the country, and out of sight of the shores of the conquered, we could keep even our eyes unpolluted by the contagion of slavery. To us who dwell on the uttermost confines of the earth and of freedom, this remote sanctuary of Britain's glory has up to this time been a defence. Now, however, the furthest limits of Britain are thrown open, and the unknown always passes for the marvellous. But there are no tribes beyond us, nothing indeed but waves and rocks, and the yet more terrible Romans, from whose oppression escape is vainly sought by obedience and submission. Robbers of the world, having by their universal plunder exhausted the land, they rifle the deep. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if he be poor, they lust for dominion; neither the east nor the west has been able to satisfy them. Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a solitude and call it peace (ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant). "Nature has willed that every man's children and kindred should be his dearest objects. Yet these are torn from us by conscriptions to be slaves elsewhere. Our wives and our sisters, even though they may escape violation from the enemy, are dishonoured under the names of friendship and hospitality. Our goods and fortunes they collect for their tribute, our harvests for their granaries. Our very hands and bodies, under the lash and in the midst of insult, are worn down by the toil of clearing forests and morasses. Creatures born to slavery are sold once and for all, and are, moreover, fed by their masters; but Britain is daily purchasing, is daily feeding, her own enslaved people. And as in a household the last comer among the slaves is always the butt of his companions, so we in a world long used to slavery, as the newest and most contemptible, are marked out for destruction. We have neither fruitful plains, nor mines, nor harbours, for the working of which we may be spared. Valour, too, and high spirit in subjects, are offensive to rulers; besides, remoteness and seclusion, while they give safety, provoke suspicion. Since then you cannot hope for quarter, take courage, I beseech you, whether it be safety or renown that you hold most precious. Under a woman's leadership the Brigantes were able to burn a colony, to storm a camp, and had not success ended in supineness, might have thrown off the yoke. Let us, then, a fresh and unconquered people, never likely to abuse our freedom, show forthwith at the very first onset what heroes Caledonia has in reserve. "Do you suppose that the Romans will be as brave in war as they are licentious in peace? To our strifes and discords they owe their fame, and they turn the errors of an enemy to the renown of their own army, an army which, composed as it is of every variety of nations, is held together by success and will be broken up by disaster. These Gauls and Germans, and, I blush to say, these Britons, who, though they lend their lives to support a stranger's rule, have been its enemies longer than its subjects, you cannot imagine to be bound by fidelity and affection. Fear and terror there certainly are, feeble bonds of attachment; remove them, and those who have ceased to fear will begin to hate. All the incentives to victory are on our side. The Romans have no wives to kindle their courage; no parents to taunt them with flight, man have either no country or one far away. Few in number, dismayed by their ignorance, looking around upon a sky, a sea, and forests which are all unfamiliar to them; hemmed in, as it were, and enmeshed, the Gods have delivered them into our hands. Be not frightened by the idle display, by the glitter of gold and of silver, which can neither protect nor wound. In the very ranks of the enemy we shall find our own forces. Britons will acknowledge their own cause; Gauls will remember past freedom; the other Germans will abandon them, as but lately did the Usipii. Behind them there is nothing to dread. The forts are ungarrisoned; the colonies in the hands of aged men; what with disloyal subjects and oppressive rulers, the towns are ill-affected and rife with discord. On the one side you have a general and an army; on the other, tribute, the mines, and all the other penalties of an enslaved people. Whether you endure these for ever, or instantly avenge them, this field is to decide. Think, therefore, as you advance to battle, at once of your ancestors and of your posterity." (Tacitus, Agricola 29-32.)
Rip clearly has low testosterone because he is an old man and still not bald yet, that is whay he has always been a mediocre lifter and as a result he turned to coaching instead.
@@ericshuty2564 Doesn't mean you wouldn't be stronger if you improved your technique. More weight also doesn't inherently mean you're stronger. I can quarter squat more than a lot of people squat to depth - doesn't mean I'm stronger than them. You can compromise your back, jerk the bar, & deadlift more than a lot of people; this doesn't mean you're stronger than them.
@@ericshuty2564 Lol. Just watched those super awesome powerlifting videos you posted. Unfortunately for you, Rip has actually deadlifted 633 in competition. That's more weight than you were able to fail horrifically. About time for you to delete this comment, lmfao.
@@dariusgoatland10 you think the few videos on the UA-cam channel I barely use are the only times I deadlifted in a comp? How cute. Still waiting for all you fanboys to explain how keeping your hips in a stupidly how position is a stronger position than the one every strong deadlifter in the world uses....
If you go to a community marathon and follow all of the people who finish for the rest of their lives you will find that they will all die at about the same age as 100 community weightlifters who can do a 400 lb squat. Pick your poison. Retired Pathologist
I'm 12 minutes in and he's made fun of everyone. Women, men, foreigners, short people, tall people, and it goes on. LMAO this is awesome!
Do you think it's funny telling a trainee to commit suicide?
@@tommyharris5817 learn to distinguish between a threat and a joke lol
@@Train_Eat_Rest_Repeat Do you think suicide is funny? I’ve reported him to YT.
@@tommyharris5817 You took a joke as a threat, weaponised it, and hit the red button. I refer you to my earlier comment, good grief.
@@tommyharris5817 why did you delete your reply lol
1:40 Fun fact: Rip doesn't sleep, he just keeps doing squats until it's FAHVE a.m.
He got so irritated that he recommended high bar squatting so he could move on. Loved that one.
How about “comments from the supporters?” I’ve been doing your program for 6 weeks now and have progressed immensely. I have never thought I’d be able to deadlift as much I am currently at 44 with a back problem . I also started my 16 year old son on your program who is a high school baseball athlete and it has helped him too.
Man, Rip is a legend. He roasted the sh!t outta the 175 pounds guy. The hip thruster response is in a class of its own. Thx coach.
RIP seems like the kind of guy that would verbally abuse a umpire at a little league game.
“An umpire” is what I think you meant, William w. I could be wrong.
I'd love to see Rip on JRE talking about kettle bells
Rogan has his hockey team composed of chimpanzees that will battle Rips starting strength people
Menaceblue3 😂😂😂
@@Menaceblue3 rips starting strength fattys
Kettlebells are great for exercise or metabolic conditioning just not so much for strength training.
*trap bar deadlifts*
I will only refer to Westside as the boys up in Ohio from this day forward
Rips stage name wasn’t Barbell Billy it was Bar-bill Belly, later changed to Beer Belly Bob.
the knee question actually starts at 45:43 not 41:40
Thanks bro
Great work Chieftain, great work. A pleasure to listen to your ramblings. (a listener from Scotland) 👂
I have a complete leg reconstruction after an accident. I squat 315 for sets of fahve, and it makes my whole body feel better. Since quarantine though I’ve been cleaning 225 and front squatting reps, deadlift on the other hand and overhead press has been doing awesome. I also have had a full shoulder also.
Wise words at the end rip. Being in situations or held back by things beyond your control is the most stressful situation because you can't affect it. If it was even your own fault etc you could deal with it but having no control drives people crazy
18:14 Went to the grocery store today; met Rip there, -- he's real nice.
11:37 - 😂
Rip , sage advice at the end of your monologue to maintain mental health... kudos ... you hit a home run out of the ball park on that !!👍🏻Not bad for a pink fat man 😂😂😂😂
I love his passive aggressive dis on Westside. He just doesn't give a shit..
9:18 FFS someone put a mic back there with the backstage dude, I can't understand anything he says, he's gone full Charlie Brown's teacher.
"They don't even deliver em to your door anymore...they just kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller."
40:20 Six out of ten questions are sent by guys named Nick. Backstage guy's called Nick. When Rip gets stumped, he asks Nick what the questions were supposed to mean . . . I think it's all just Backstage Nick typing up those softball questions and giving them to Rip to make him look good when he answers them.
Went to bed at midnight last night. Woke up at 11. Like a baby. This coronavirus has completely solved my sleep issues.
I got my dose of RIP. Now I can start my day.
"That was not my stage was barbell bobby."
Marrs bars has developed the safety squat bar he mentioned
Great bar to use especially to protect older lifters shoulders
I’ve used one for about one year and it’s perfect and the Marrs bar allows a low bar squat like Rip correctly recommends
"Dear Coach Rip, my name is. . . ." "I don't know why Marshall Smith is giving me his name" LMAO!
30:15 It's not just the god damned obituaries, Rip. Every woman put's that shit in their dating profile. Jenny McRotten Crotch: "hey guys, fun loving gal here--loves to laugh xoxo."
I've been in the Air Force more than a decade now and I have to agree with you; strength training needs to be implemented in our military. I do think the military uses endurance training, whether that be in long runs or calisthenics, because it's easy to manage/implement and it provides more of a continuous mental hardening stimulus. I mean that as in using the stimulus of making a trainee push through a long endurance event as a tool to teach them how to push past they're limits. In my opinion a balance between the two would be preferred.
Come on “haters” you’re getting weaker with the insults to Rip. Please put more effort into the insults, let’s have lots more and with originality. He was barely insulted at all this week, just saying he is “fat” is too simple and done so many times before.
Steve Sedgwick well he is a fitness coach so being fat doesn’t inspire allot of confidence
It's nuff said. "Finest mind in strength and CONDITIONING" Riiiigghhht
+1000 on Heinlein. My favorite author. Starship Troopers and Glory Road are right at the top of the must read list for everyone.
Great parting advice for these stressful times
Are sprints a good thing to incorporate into a strength program? Does the benefits of sprints compliment strength?
sprints are good for all fitness programs. Spring 100 yards of 1/4 mile track walk the rest and do it again. Start with a mile and work up. You will be a beast.
Yes but you will need a way to progressively increase intensity or the benefits will diminish. In football we used sleds, parachutes, and hills. I knocked 3 tenths off my 40 time when I was playing ball. That was in addition to barbell and plyometrics. Dr. Matt Rhea, the Alabama director of performance has published articles on the subject IIRC
I'm now addicted to these lol.
This episode is dark! Suicide recommendations and armless, legless men hanging on the wall.
Appreciate the time lime up of the questions
Is it true that during your time with crossfit you developed kipping? Was this because you're so fat you could no longer do a regular pullup? I'm sure your many fans would love to know.
Starting strength program is amazing wish I had it 20 years ago.
I love Rip and my reverse hyper.
Joe is in Texas now...your move Rippy
Go Rip! Looking extra pink today ( ❤3❤)
25:49 GOT EM!! 😂😂
Though I agree with your responses, I believe you may have misunderstood two of the questions. First, the guy that asked about Olympic weightlifters "strength training" with power moves might have been alluding to a technicality of your definition of strength. If strength is the ability to produce force against an external resistance, and someone cleans 405 twice as fast as he deadlifts 800, he has produced more force and therefore used more strength. It's still not what you call strength training, but functions "by definition." Second, I think (and hope) Emiliano's weights may have been in kilos, because 216 happens to be what we would call 475. And 88 kilos would be a lot easier to make with a normal set of weights than 88 pounds. I also have a hard time imagining a 30 year old male with ten years of any kind of gym activity only being able to squat 88 pounds, but I definitely understand a sub-200 pound squat with a much larger deadlift, because before I read Starting Strength, I too deadlifted twice what I squatted. (My squat form sucked.)
Man I love this guy! Subscribed! LOL
How can I send rip a question???
I am looking forward to reading a book compiled of the obituaries of the haters.
49:44 best part
I sleep like a baby, screaming & crying with a poo in my pajamas..
41:30 What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No eye deer.
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
Still no eye deer.
What do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs, and no testicles?
Still no fucking eye deer.
If you’re under 200 lbs you’re a woman because there’s no barbells in the jungle to hip drive for fives
Love that shirt Mr. Rippetoe.
How about, “Barbell Prescription” as a recommended book.
28:10 1984
Put Bruno on the podcast
Shit Rogan's in Texas now, It'd be so awesome if Rip was invited.
10:57 lmboooo
Stress lines on the forehead and narrowed eyes. Sure signs of stress.
The reverse-hyper machine Rip says:
"... amazingly enough, everyone who used it hurt their lower backs... it's an amazing machine to keep your lower back fucked up..."
I completely agree, and I stand by it even when some dumb asses say "you're not using it right..." They miss the point that EVERYONE who does it fucks their back up even more, specially the ones with back issues that are told to use it to ALLEVIATE their lower back.
And that is why regardless of what all the haters say about Rip, I listen to this guy, and not Joe Rogan on exercise... I mean rogan had a guy on his podcast saying you don't need heavy weights to become strongER... no kidding, look it up, of course it was a skinny chap that was "cut" though never said how he achieved it, charming as hell but full of shit. Love Rip.
Well, to be fair... Louie Simmons over at Westside is the proponent of the reverse hyper machine. Agree with him or not he does have some strength training credentials.
Maybe, but the weights you use with the machine are small, and that is by necessity because you're in precarious position, to say the least, while you use it; and the danger of fucking your back badly increases as you increase the weight on the machine... all they need to is deadlifts, or even "supermans" where you lay on your stomach, perhaps something under your chest and stomach and lift back off the floor your knees and shoulders and elbows to the count of ten and do it several times. If you can use that evil machine you can do supermans.
Joe Rogan keeps on and on about how great that machine is also...
No wonder Rip keeps ignoring his calls. LOL
@@ggrthemostgodless8713 Yeah, I'm not a fan of the machine either, but let's not act like it's only Joe Rogan who's recommending it. Rogan got it from Westside.
You're Right... but I never said or was "pretending" that ONLY Joe Rogan was recommending it. If that came across from what I said... well, that is NOT what I actually said.
It's a horrible machine, period.
44:10 _You got guys that are low-T_
You mean, like, _vegans?_
Didn't Bill Starr smoke weed often?
Rip's kids are right: he's training too late before bedtime as it takes hours for the body temperature to cool down enough to relax into sleep. Rip would sleep and feel better if he'd bothered to do an hour of cardio and another of stretching on his non- training days as these practices help to relax the neuro- muscular system, too. In the meanwhile, a hot bath, a half hour walk, chamomile, daily exposure to early sunlight, a supplement like melatonin, glycerin or ashwaghanda and nothing to drink ( why he has to wake up to piss) could make a difference. Sleep is important to health, longevity and strength, too.
Go do your yoga 😂
Semen Retention is the real deal and they don’t even know!
Rip is very direct and that's a good thing, everyone I know says they like it when people are direct; so I don't understand why so many people keep calling him an asshole!! He means well... LOL
He's just a equal opportunity offender.... isn't that what every segment of the population keeps barking about, they all want to threaten equally, insulted equally. Well here --->>you got it!!
Nice last words
It never occurred to me that Rip really is a midget shrimp and I see his enviousness of men of true stature here.
"true stature", you mean sexual selection gone wrong.
Hafthor was less than 200 lbs when he started training and became the WSM at 400lb. He's around 6'-8". So I don't know how you can be so rude to that guy and tell him to kill himself.
I had to watch this shit for almost four minutes to get to comments from the haters
Marks answer to marijuana sucks; it's something that if you use sparingly (once a week or every 2 weeks) the day before a harder gym day (peaking with a 1 or 2RM), it can really get get you critical deep sleep you need and you'll get a "stupid strength" the next day and that 1 or 2RM attempt won't feel as bad otherwise. I'm doing TM with a 3/2/1RM each week in cycles on the deadlift and those maxes don't suck the life out of you nearly as much.
Fat Pink Man? I'm sorry that's a funny term. But not towards you Rip. I respect you too much man!
Its Friday and so is Tuesday.
I'll keep my front squats bra
big circle with hipdrive
11:55 Why is Rippetoe advising the trainee to commit suicide? I'm reporting him to YT
Can I perform touch and go box squats instead of doing free squats? I feel more confident when there is something solid below me?
Get a safety rack.
Wow. I didn't think Rippetoe was a beta coomer. Time to do Wendlers 5/3/1.
I remember when I couldn’t squat 315 for warmups.
Lolberts and degeneracy, a combo as old as time
@@drinkinouttacups2665 trueee
I stay up late on Thursday night just to listen to comments from the haters.
Asking Rip if you should do lower weight and more reps is like asking Joe Biden if you should vote to lower corporate taxes...
Go on Joe Rogan
That stack of questions you said was like the phonebook ... well, that's the phonebook of NYC once COVID is done with that urban blight. Or it's the phonebook of Wichita Falls, pop. 104.000?! Geez, I thought it was some backwater in the desert with some wooden shacks and a couple of saloons along a dusty road, and the world-famous Wichita Athletics Club smack in the center of it all, like a church or a shrine from which emit the sounds of iron being hammered, like one of those blacksmiths of old where they stood over an anvil smashing swords and horseshoes into shape.
In all seriousness, that new virus is mostly a nothing-burger. If you take good care of yourself, you're sure to be fine. Even the homeless in California are riddled with it and they survive just fine without ever seeing a doctor. I guess it's the vitamin D they got aplenty; and didn't booze stop the disease in its tracks? Anyway, the governments of the world just like to grab more power and pretend they know best. Even if some of them know this virus is hyped up, they are not likely to rescind their newfound powers, because it would show them to be oversensitive pussies and/or authoritarian circle-jerks, both of which they are.
UA-cam is busy censoring all videos that show the real data, like for example that recent video of the two smart doctors who showed what's really going on. If someone drops off a ladder reshingling their roof, it's a COVID death these days. If you get eaten by your own cats after you have keeled over down from the stairs and lie there in a heap at the bottom of it: COVID. Hospitals empty. Watch what happens when there will be undiagnosed cancers. What a show. This is the age of morons.
Rip, you're looking fine. Just don't sneeze or cough, because the government will come and take you away, or the neighboring 'fitness centers' will snitch on ya.
"If you take good care of yourself, you're sure to be fine."
Until all the ventilators and oxygen tanks are spoken for... which case, you're fucked.
"Rippetoe's fat!"
Most admirable thing in the gym: picking up your damn weights and putting them away.
Pls try to do joe rogan podcast
345 for rep ain't playing.
No Sh!tty levers there.
Fun fact, you can train sleep just like you can train squats.
Everyone should read Challenges by Serge Lang, a good handful of case studies in academic fraud. Helps with the whole critical thinking.
About max dead lift training for Olympic weight lifters, i think coach Rip is wrong, he simply ignores the fact that max clean & snatch are indeed a max lifts according to the bar distance from the start point, meaning, the effort spent to lock out a max dead lift at arms length is essentially equal to that spent to raise the bar at catch point for clean & snatch. the drop in weight % is to compensate for distance & acceleration and serves an additive very important target which is stress & recovery, max dead lifts & squats especially deadlifts takes longer time under tension which drains the nervous system, and utilizes heavy overall weights, both lead to impaired recovery & max force production.
Go on Joe rogan
Rip's mistake with weightlifting is that it's not about maximal strength in the usual sense, but about the ballet with the barbell overhead.
Seriously Rip??? You think dying in a car accident is a worse way to go than spending a couple of weeks on a respirator with your lungs being chewed up slowly by a virus? You are too smart for this nonsense!!
Dying of the sniffles itself is not so bad, the torture the doctors inflict on the hopeless elderly for more money is another story. You know what the purpose of coffin nails is? It's the only way to stop the doctors from giving unneeded treatments.
I can only sleep about 1.5 hours a day...and it's always some half-assed lucid sleep. Always been that way and nothing's worked to change it...which is fine, since I don't want to sleep a third of my life away. If I drink bottles of scotch in one night, I'll eventually shut down...then regain consciousness the next day...but that doesn't really count.
Oh yea
No way
He [Agricola] sent his fleet ahead to plunder at various points and thus spread uncertainty and terror, and, with an army marching light, which he had reinforced with the bravest of the Britons and those whose loyalty had been proved during a long peace, reached the Graupian Mountain, which he found occupied by the enemy. The Britons were, in fact, undaunted by the loss of the previous battle, and welcomed the choice between revenge and enslavement. They had realized at last that common action was needed to meet the common danger, and had sent round embassies and drawn up treaties to rally the full force of all their states. Already more than 30,000 men made a gallant show, and still they came flocking to the colors-all the young men and those whose 'old age was fresh and green', famous warriors with their battle honors thick upon them. At that point one of the many leaders, named Calgacus, a man of outstanding valor and nobility, summoned the masses who were already thirsting for battle and addressed them, we are told, in words like these:
"Whenever I consider the origin of this war and the necessities of our position, I have a sure confidence that this day, and this union of yours, will be the beginning of freedom to the whole of Britain. To all of us slavery is a thing unknown; there are no lands beyond us, and even the sea is not safe, menaced as we are by a Roman fleet. And thus in war and battle, in which the brave find glory, even the coward will find safety. Former contests, in which, with varying fortune, the Romans were resisted, still left in us a last hope of succour, inasmuch as being the most renowned nation of Britain, dwelling in the very heart of the country, and out of sight of the shores of the conquered, we could keep even our eyes unpolluted by the contagion of slavery. To us who dwell on the uttermost confines of the earth and of freedom, this remote sanctuary of Britain's glory has up to this time been a defence. Now, however, the furthest limits of Britain are thrown open, and the unknown always passes for the marvellous. But there are no tribes beyond us, nothing indeed but waves and rocks, and the yet more terrible Romans, from whose oppression escape is vainly sought by obedience and submission. Robbers of the world, having by their universal plunder exhausted the land, they rifle the deep. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if he be poor, they lust for dominion; neither the east nor the west has been able to satisfy them. Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a solitude and call it peace (ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant).
"Nature has willed that every man's children and kindred should be his dearest objects. Yet these are torn from us by conscriptions to be slaves elsewhere. Our wives and our sisters, even though they may escape violation from the enemy, are dishonoured under the names of friendship and hospitality. Our goods and fortunes they collect for their tribute, our harvests for their granaries. Our very hands and bodies, under the lash and in the midst of insult, are worn down by the toil of clearing forests and morasses. Creatures born to slavery are sold once and for all, and are, moreover, fed by their masters; but Britain is daily purchasing, is daily feeding, her own enslaved people. And as in a household the last comer among the slaves is always the butt of his companions, so we in a world long used to slavery, as the newest and most contemptible, are marked out for destruction. We have neither fruitful plains, nor mines, nor harbours, for the working of which we may be spared. Valour, too, and high spirit in subjects, are offensive to rulers; besides, remoteness and seclusion, while they give safety, provoke suspicion. Since then you cannot hope for quarter, take courage, I beseech you, whether it be safety or renown that you hold most precious. Under a woman's leadership the Brigantes were able to burn a colony, to storm a camp, and had not success ended in supineness, might have thrown off the yoke. Let us, then, a fresh and unconquered people, never likely to abuse our freedom, show forthwith at the very first onset what heroes Caledonia has in reserve.
"Do you suppose that the Romans will be as brave in war as they are licentious in peace? To our strifes and discords they owe their fame, and they turn the errors of an enemy to the renown of their own army, an army which, composed as it is of every variety of nations, is held together by success and will be broken up by disaster. These Gauls and Germans, and, I blush to say, these Britons, who, though they lend their lives to support a stranger's rule, have been its enemies longer than its subjects, you cannot imagine to be bound by fidelity and affection. Fear and terror there certainly are, feeble bonds of attachment; remove them, and those who have ceased to fear will begin to hate. All the incentives to victory are on our side. The Romans have no wives to kindle their courage; no parents to taunt them with flight, man have either no country or one far away. Few in number, dismayed by their ignorance, looking around upon a sky, a sea, and forests which are all unfamiliar to them; hemmed in, as it were, and enmeshed, the Gods have delivered them into our hands. Be not frightened by the idle display, by the glitter of gold and of silver, which can neither protect nor wound. In the very ranks of the enemy we shall find our own forces. Britons will acknowledge their own cause; Gauls will remember past freedom; the other Germans will abandon them, as but lately did the Usipii. Behind them there is nothing to dread. The forts are ungarrisoned; the colonies in the hands of aged men; what with disloyal subjects and oppressive rulers, the towns are ill-affected and rife with discord. On the one side you have a general and an army; on the other, tribute, the mines, and all the other penalties of an enslaved people. Whether you endure these for ever, or instantly avenge them, this field is to decide. Think, therefore, as you advance to battle, at once of your ancestors and of your posterity."
(Tacitus, Agricola 29-32.)
The jolly kettle reassembly welcome because denim tinctorially warm qua a innocent plastic. glossy, windy swedish
Rip clearly has low testosterone because he is an old man and still not bald yet, that is whay he has always been a mediocre lifter and as a result he turned to coaching instead.
Can you even squat 500? Also he's bald as hell.
Hiiiiiip draaaaaahive...
Rip's deadlift setup is wrong. Change my mind.
You don't even lift.
@@senselessnothing I lift more than Rip ever did. So I've got that going for me, which is nice....
@@ericshuty2564 Doesn't mean you wouldn't be stronger if you improved your technique. More weight also doesn't inherently mean you're stronger. I can quarter squat more than a lot of people squat to depth - doesn't mean I'm stronger than them. You can compromise your back, jerk the bar, & deadlift more than a lot of people; this doesn't mean you're stronger than them.
@@ericshuty2564 Lol. Just watched those super awesome powerlifting videos you posted. Unfortunately for you, Rip has actually deadlifted 633 in competition. That's more weight than you were able to fail horrifically. About time for you to delete this comment, lmfao.
@@dariusgoatland10 you think the few videos on the UA-cam channel I barely use are the only times I deadlifted in a comp? How cute. Still waiting for all you fanboys to explain how keeping your hips in a stupidly how position is a stronger position than the one every strong deadlifter in the world uses....
Mr Loquacious Lardbelly. Is a 400lb squat really more beneficial and a better health acomplishment, than say a 26 mile marathon.
If you go to a community marathon and follow all of the people who finish for the rest of their lives you will find that they will all die at about the same age as 100 community weightlifters who can do a 400 lb squat. Pick your poison. Retired Pathologist
Yes, it is.
considering runners constantly have heart attacks, obviously so. Running is catabolic and kills your muscles. Your heart is a muscle genius.
Try running a sub 2 hour marathon
Someone tell this boomer people don't call marijuana "dope" anymore. I'm surprised he didn't end his comments with "just say no."
Shut up druggie 👌🏻
You should worry stopping the drug abuse and not how we sane people refer to your drug addiction.