Summary 1. Fitrah-Dynamics of the relationship 2. Persahabatan-Define what type with whom 3. Salah ke perasaan? Control your action and choices,before and after 4. Jujur pd diri sendiri 4. You control
Saya seorang perempuan, I found it very hard utk berkawan dengan lelaki yang sya hanya anggap “kawan”. Sebab mesti akan tersakiti hati dia, mesti dia ada perasaan yg lain2, tapi sya takda perasaan yg sama. Overalls, being only “friends”with a guy is very hard for me. It always lead to a sad ending. Which is losing a friend.😢
thank you AA.. my prinsip is NO n i said to my boss n colleague during sesi perkenalan, they accuse me as gay(boss) & pemalu(female colleague), its ok.. i have my own reason, they may not understand it now..
bkn ada 3rd option ke? asses yourself and admit that yes you do have that feeling, then you have to ignore that feeling. xkan setiap kali tersuka atau ada feeling kpd seseorg tu awak perlu ended up 2 situasi tu shj? 😅 x kan nak pilih utk kahwin bila awak already married (utk perempuan)? 😅
1. Fitrah-Dynamics of the relationship
2. Persahabatan-Define what type with whom
3. Salah ke perasaan? Control your action and choices,before and after
4. Jujur pd diri sendiri
4. You control
Saya seorang perempuan, I found it very hard utk berkawan dengan lelaki yang sya hanya anggap “kawan”. Sebab mesti akan tersakiti hati dia, mesti dia ada perasaan yg lain2, tapi sya takda perasaan yg sama. Overalls, being only “friends”with a guy is very hard for me. It always lead to a sad ending. Which is losing a friend.😢
thank you AA.. my prinsip is NO n i said to my boss n colleague during sesi perkenalan, they accuse me as gay(boss) & pemalu(female colleague), its ok.. i have my own reason, they may not understand it now..
yup.. exit
bkn ada 3rd option ke? asses yourself and admit that yes you do have that feeling, then you have to ignore that feeling. xkan setiap kali tersuka atau ada feeling kpd seseorg tu awak perlu ended up 2 situasi tu shj? 😅 x kan nak pilih utk kahwin bila awak already married (utk perempuan)? 😅
ahahahahah. tengok ni di insta dan youtube. patut lah dia buat cmtu