@@yatsu5305 if you think about it for literally a second. You’ll see that he’s pretty good. Thooough.... sometimes it takes people longer to see that. So no judging.
@@We_Have_Dragons bro that's your opinion. Not everyone is enjoying it like you, because everyone has a different perspective on this show. So u can't just expect the same from people, that makes u think that they realized the series.
I don't see why people are so mad, how was that rasengan NOT going to beat deepa? After it fused with sage mode, it literally looked like it turned into an atom. Chakra THAT condensed is dangerous.
The song that played was cringy and annoying and it really doesnt feel like a Naruto anime. The animation style is super cartoonish and it just feels like Shonen gave up on its long time original viewers and tried to appeal to kids instead.
@@curse3848 I mean , the whole compressed Rasengan playstyle is pretty much like the Oodama Rasengan in function , and needed a team effort to beat Deepa. But somehow , that is not "the same" as Naruto's Rasengan finishers that he executed in EVERY ARC and in EVERY MOVIE.......
@@mdusm5720 Her training with Sakura and Sasuke helped her advance her chakra control. In the training ep, she was tanking a lot of Sakura's powerful attacks. Similarly, she was able to control her chakra and use it like a shield to protect herself. The cube dissolved after it made contact with Sarada's body.
Rip deepa for being a anime only character he was a great addition, also So glad sarada finally unlocked her second tomoe! Great ep definitely one of the better ones!
I can imagine, what if the attack was compared to using only just either neutrons or protons. And it delivered the force comparable to a large hadron collider.
@@99prckz27 first off he didn’t even give an opinion 🤣 learn what the work means before you use it. And he never said “he” hated Boruto just that “95%” of people do which is clearly not true. Mind your business thanks.
@@alexchaser320 He's capping. However the thing he is right about is that boruto should be ending somewhere between 2023 to 2026. Then we get boruto shippuden. Pretty sure shippuden would probably end in 2040
@@uchihaboruto6599 yeah its probably that because uchiha who a destined with the sharingan are naturally skilled like if obito stayed alive he could have been the next itachi
LOL what dude clearly u have never seen naruto og or shippuden this show is complete and utter garbage the music doesn't fit the show and the animation is cheesy asf
Okay, that defeat was lit. It wasn’t just protagonism. The power of those three combined defeated Deepa. We saw that Boruto’s Compressed Rasengan did a lot of damage to Deepa, plus Mitsuki’s Sage Mode to power it up and keep Boruto’s arm intact, and Sarada helping Mitsuki with her strength and chakra, it was beautiful.
Yeah, I really like the way Deepa was defeated. Despite their training Deepa was still way above them individually, and the only way they could defeat him was as a team.
@@JH24821 I don’t understand people getting mad at team 7 beating them when in reality the way he was beat was beautiful. Boruto didn’t one shot him, it was their combined strength that got him beat
@@monkoming264 In this next arc you'll see all the rest of the members of Kara, if you're a fan of Deepa then you'll love Jigen and the rest of the cast
So, Sarada improved her Sharingan for Boruto. Sasuke awakened/improved his Sharingan for Itachi/Naruto. And Madara awakened his Sharingan for Hashirama.
@@mohamedfathy698 senju and uzumaki are blood related so you can still consider hashirama to have uzumaki dna. I wouldn’t go far to call hashirama uzumaki but he still has that connection
One thing I haven't seen mentioned are the voice actors. They did an absolutely amazing job in this episode. Special kudos to Deepa's voice actor. He totally nailed Deepa's crazy voice.
@@P0k3D0nd3M4cG Because powerful, fictional effeminate male characters make up for the perceived weakness of being an effeminate male by having ridiculous magic powers. At that point, a quirk that's seen as weak and unbecoming on a man to most, becomes an interesting expression of personality. In real life an effeminate male doesn't get awesome magic powers, and runs right smack dab into not just our societal expectations of males, but also something much deeper and primal in us that tells us men naturally don't act that way. Every society and culture of humans on this planet that has ever existed has looked at hard men as both more appealing and more useful functionally than soft men. You can't just undo that with a decade of telling people effeminate males are the new new. Also Deepa is being fanned over because of his ACTIONS not because of the fact that he doesn't act masculine.
Upon reflection, the old Team 7, minus Kakashi, all kind of sucked either personality-wise or usefulness-wise or both. If I remember correctly, a large part of the fandom stuck around for the other 9 genin because they were more interesting.
So naruto made his rasengans bigger to be like giant nukes exploding ... but boruto compresses his rasengan to basically be a black hole i like how they went about that
Yeah cause boruto doesn't have kurama the absolute source of shakra that naruto had , so he had to train hard with kakashi and think a way in how to contourn this flaw
I just wonder if Naruto could learn from Boruto, since the more chakra compressed the stronger the rasengan, but then it's been said Boruto is more generally talented than his dad, so maybe Naruto wouldn't be able to do it.
@@envy8397 naruto has so much chakra. So, eventhough his chakra control is not too good, and his chakra output is not efficient aswell, he still could make a perfect output without exhausted. For Sasuke, he is the opposite of Naruto. But the true master of chakra control is sakura, this all fact.
I really dont care what people say about boruto but I personally love this series even before he graduated I mean come on a lot of people watch it only for the old cast but I truly enjoy this series Thank you kishimoto for another wonderful series
I love how together this team really is. Even though the original Team 7 was 3 individual great ninja that were greater as a team, this new team 7 feels more united, more in sync, than even they were.
There is nothing that you can say.... to the haters, this is one of, if not the best animated and written episode since Eps. 65!!! I’m happy of the progress of this anime
@@Demaad 166 which was “Death Match” was a great episode too. I’m saying from episode 1 - 174... 65 was the best because of the nostalgic factor alone not to mention the fight, animation and the complete change from the movie.
I love what they're doing with Sarada, she's such breath of fresh air because she doesn't feel like a stereotypical lead female or a plain, random, op female either. She struggles and she works hard, her problems are so realistic and relatable. I just hope she's happy at the end and achieves her goals, although it might not be that easy.
@@yosefkasa2911 Umm, no. The only parallel they have is wanting to become Hokage and having a close bond to Sasuke and Sakura. Sarada is wayy more intelligent than Naruto was at this age. Besides, I haven't even compared her writing to anyone else's, wanna know why? Because Sarada's story isn't over yet, she could have stellar writing, she could have horrible writing; we don't know. I just said I liked what they were doing with her.
It's been a long time since I've screamed so much watching an episode of naruto/boruto. Sarada awakening 2nd tomoe, mitsukis entrance, the fire music and obviously the SUPER HIGH COMPRESSION RASENGAN.
@@emilianopineda9644 Incorrect. As you see in the episode when Deepa first transforms his armor already appears cracked. As he states his form is not yet complete, and due to his arrogance he decides to use it anyways because all he thinks is "Oh they're just genin." We've learned in Naruto Shippuden that using unrefined and untrained jutsu can hurt you more than help you especially when it's really powerful. We can see this expressed when Naruto first used Rasenshuriken. He ends up getting a lot of damage on his arm. Deepa took a risk because he was very cocky and arrogant. It was not plot armour, the writers were hinting at his arrogance the whole arc. Ultimately, his downfall wasn't the rasengan, but him being too cocky.
Yep too bad that combined with lightning speed and infinite stamina and infinite spawning stones isn't enough to stop 3 genin and 2 rasengans! Great writing
This Team 7 feels refreshing because all 3 of them seem to get along really well, makes their successes feel more wholesome (idk really I just watch the clips)
@@originalsomecloud3349 I meant these episodes were like "legendary". 65 with momoshiki, and 175 with team 7 showdown. Aswell as there is a pattern. It doubles with 110 episodes when it gets "legendary". So I just thought that ep 285 will be as "legendary"
For anyone wondering there will be more fights of this quality soon starting on December 13th as this arc is extremely important for how the pace and tone of the show will shift after this so get ready
@@kendrell4854 yes their renaming it the vessel arc for some reason but I think that’s so they don’t give away certain things but they have announced the voice actors for the Kara members and everything
Does anyone else remember when the anime began with Boruto going to the academy. Now we're at the point where Boruto and his team is fighting Kara. I actually cried at this scene😭😭😭. We've watched them grow and become stronger. Especially in this Arc. Say what you want about the anime but I'm willing to admit that I'm enjoying the journey.
@@W_City a Kara member being defeated by 2 most strongest shinobi's kids , and one of the legendary sannin's son,one Uchiha,one Otsutsuki, and one sage is wrong? Not to mention high compression Rasengan was to destroy Deepa's armor ,and Mitsuki's sage chakra
This was a beautiful episode , the OST and animation on this scene was amazing , R.I.P Deepa he was a good villain for this arc , too bad for him Boruto's Super Compression Rasengan is an S rank jutsu + Mitsuki powered it up with his sage chakra and Sarada as well , Sarada finally unlocked two tomoe about time!
@Franklin Blankson Mitsuki is literally discount orochimaru, Sarada is just as sakura who is just as tsunade, Boruto just needs to add some toad jutsu and he will be a Jiraya
Ok not gonna lie this is movie quality animation. This was absolutely breathtaking! I loved the anime ever since, but it definitely went above and beyond this year, I can’t wait to see what the anime has in store for us moving forward! 😁😁
God this scene gave me shivers with the music and when Mitsuki and Sarada came in, felt like a whole different experience to the rassengan normal hit and they dead type thing we see everytime. And the sub made it all the more better, this anime has ups and down just like Naruto with fillers and pretty bad boring episodes, but damn once it hits the good part it's damn worth the wait
It would have to be a culmination of Nature releases Boruto hasn't mastered or even used yet. Particle style is Dust Release, which requires Earth, Fire, and Wind.
Maybe, but I like it the way the show doesn't use it as a plot-armor cliche where basically it gets activated everytime Boruto wants it. Also, it would be pointless because we don't even know what does it do
Right now, it only seems to activate whenever there's something otherworldly going on, like Nue or the Otsutsuki portals. That said, it would've been neat to see it activate at the sight of the chakra tree.
@@whothou Deepa was quite impactful for the short time he was here the only thing lacking was exposition to add more depth to him otherwise he was at least a 7-8 villain
Boruto: Super high compression rasengan
Minato from heaven : now that’s how you name a Jutsu
@@asuraspath2262 If you think about it. He really isn’t.
@@We_Have_Dragons if u think about it twice, he rlly is.
@@yatsu5305 if you think about it for literally a second. You’ll see that he’s pretty good. Thooough.... sometimes it takes people longer to see that. So no judging.
@@We_Have_Dragons bro that's your opinion. Not everyone is enjoying it like you, because everyone has a different perspective on this show. So u can't just expect the same from people, that makes u think that they realized the series.
@@asuraspath2262, Imagine calling the best new gen MC trash character...
When the animators are paid:
Hell yeah
Sasuke and Naruto vs Momoshiki's animators rich now
HMMMM how very original
What do you mean ?
Ah yess comparing 2018 to 2002
Damn, Boruto really just pulled out the forbidden Rasengan: Glock Style, Rasengan bullet.
Glock style ☠️😂
you mean the forbidden hood style Glock Rasengan bullet
*Boruto's theme kicks in*
Deepa: HAH, that won't help you!
*Lyrics kick in*
Deepa: Haha, I'm in danger.
The classic "oh, no. Not the hero's theme!" 🤣
*The theme is still playing*
Deepa: *"Im in real danger"*
The English version!
@@videocardgamer Seriously, why did they put an english cover !? The Japanese version was perfect 🤣
Why Boruto likes put larger names in his jutsus?
Minato: Because it comes from family...
hiraishin jikku chipu senko renodan zeroshiki
Minato namikaze (NSUNS4)
@@houottitou9713 minato:but really nothing
@@houottitou9713 BRUH i used to shout this whenever i used his ult😭 its so fire
@@ts8698 me too
@@houottitou9713 nothing really😅
Deepa: y’all shall know pain
Boruto: wrong generation
Very Underrated!
It’s even better cuz your Pfp 💀
I'm convinced that you have to shout "Rasengan" for it to actually deal any damage
Nah the first time Boruto yelled Rasengan against Deepa he got tossed aside like dirt 😭
@@mannybrown2756 didn't yell loud enough
@@mannybrown2756 not enough care and hope
Nah the trick is to take a deep breath and yell "IKKEEEEEEEEHHHH" thus magnifying your attacks x1000
@@alvrzzrvla7904 that’s the only way it’s gonna work
I don't see why people are so mad, how was that rasengan NOT going to beat deepa? After it fused with sage mode, it literally looked like it turned into an atom. Chakra THAT condensed is dangerous.
The song that played was cringy and annoying and it really doesnt feel like a Naruto anime. The animation style is super cartoonish and it just feels like Shonen gave up on its long time original viewers and tried to appeal to kids instead.
@@tip-tap-two441 dude just becuz its a naruto spin off it has to be like naruto?
Idk that song is REALLY corny lol. It definitely took me out.
@@curse3848 I mean , the whole compressed Rasengan playstyle is pretty much like the Oodama Rasengan in function , and needed a team effort to beat Deepa.
But somehow , that is not "the same" as Naruto's Rasengan finishers that he executed in EVERY ARC and in EVERY MOVIE.......
@@phantasosxgames8488 one of the reasons i like boruto for he dosent spam rasengan
Mitsuki's entry was dope asf. Also Sarada protecting Boruto leading to awakening her 2nd tomoe. Sick ep overall.
Yh....Sarada unlocking 2nd tomoe was incredible.....but I was wondering how did she protect Boruto from that powerful metal cube attack by Deepa?
@@mdusm5720 that what I was thinking
@@mdusm5720 Her training with Sakura and Sasuke helped her advance her chakra control. In the training ep, she was tanking a lot of Sakura's powerful attacks. Similarly, she was able to control her chakra and use it like a shield to protect herself. The cube dissolved after it made contact with Sarada's body.
Sasuke : so killing your friends is not the only way to get another tomoe lol
Mitsuki: *Loses an arm*
Also Mitsuki: Tis but a scratch
Deepa: a scratch?! Your arms off!!
Mitsuki: *haha plot armour snakes go hiss hiss*
@@meta7565 😂
Joseph joestar: **dies**
also joseph: tis but a scratch
Main characters of dragon ball: *dies*
Also main characters of dragon ball: tis but a scratch
Boruto: Let's try this again. (Pulls out Rasengan and rock music starts to play.)
Exaggerated swagger of a black teen
@@downy8138 bruh🤣🤣
@This Is What Awesome Looks Like itachi wouldint lay a finger on sadra
@This Is What Awesome Looks Like why u bringing up itachi for?
No one is going to talk about borutos voice actor It was so good
I mean the japanese va for boruto was already pretty good, I guess people were going on about boruto's english voice
Boruto's voice actor is pretty good
I think it's a voice actress
The voiceactor is a female btw
Kakashi : He's a prodigy after Minato
Kakashi : Yep definitely the grandson of Minato
imagine him with 8-trigrams 64 palms + flying raijin........
@@SasukeUchiha723 Boruto is going to be a legend
@@SasukeUchiha723 he doesn’t have chakra reserves for flying raijin
@@c.l8375 He does.
@@SasukeUchiha723 I hope he does that
Boruto: call an ambulance
"But not for me"
@This Is What Awesome Looks Like he’s dead
@This Is What Awesome Looks Like why are you bringing up Itachi? What does he have to do with it?
@@nayweoniebunny3694 exactly let him rest
@This Is What Awesome Looks Like itachi tards everywhere
Rip deepa for being a anime only character he was a great addition, also So glad sarada finally unlocked her second tomoe! Great ep definitely one of the better ones!
He maybe not dead 👀
Sure he is not dead
Ha ha rip😩🥳
@@jojolafleche158 That dude is flatter than Sakura.
Yes its been a long time since I liked so much a boruto episode
I love how at 1:01 Deepa says
"Let me taste hopelessness."
"Your hopelessness."
with sarada mitsuki
i think he baically realized that he was eating his own words
Boruto: Super High Compression Rasengan!
Minato: Now that's my Grandson.
see my new technique hand cannon
He does actually have Minato's creativity with inventing un-heard of justus and giving it long names.... Also, smooth AF with girls
@@SasukeUchiha723 Hahaha yep
@@SasukeUchiha723 when are you going to tell sadra about itachi
Too bad hiruzen can't say the same.
They compressed that thing down to like a single atom my gosh
I can imagine, what if the attack was compared to using only just either neutrons or protons. And it delivered the force comparable to a large hadron collider.
I swear like thats a reference to Ohnoki and his particle style.
@@Dazhdaha Particle Style! : Super High Compressed Rasengan!
Naruto: bigger rasengan = stronger
Boruto: smaller rasengan = stronger
I appreciate that parallel.
Naruto-chakra quantity
Boruto-chackra control
Both make sense in making rasengan stronger
@@rubenferreira7500 my thoughts exactly
@@rubenferreira7500 but when boruto gains the karma control he would hace chakra quantity also
They made like that to show us how much stronger he will be in the future.
but boruto is talented. naruto is weak he need 9 tails
Moments like this one is the reason why I havent given up on Boruto.
Unfortunately the other 95% is why I have
@@conormurphy4328 nobody asked
@jerichorayel - He is here because its one of the good moments. Ain't that literally what he said?
@@felixrodriguez1227 i guess u cant have an opinion, the man literally just said he didnt like boruto and he doesnt have to
@@99prckz27 first off he didn’t even give an opinion 🤣 learn what the work means before you use it. And he never said “he” hated Boruto just that “95%” of people do which is clearly not true. Mind your business thanks.
"I'm going to become Hokage. I won't let things end here!!!" Sarada's Sharingan SECOND TOMOE!!! ^_^
ya, that was epic!
Had a split second of Naruto + Sasuke at Haku fight when I saw that
she can do chidori now
@@houottitou9713 Yeah! Wonder who will teach Sarada chidori: Sasuke or Kakashi?
Can't wait until the Super-High-Compressed Vanishing Oodama Ultraspiraling Chakra Wave Rainbow Rasengan debut in season eleventy-seven coming 2024
ou are kind of Right, if my calculations are right we have Boruto untill 2026, now, if we're alive that's another story.
@legendraptor080 r u capping or is this for real coming in 2024
@@alexchaser320 He's capping. However the thing he is right about is that boruto should be ending somewhere between 2023 to 2026. Then we get boruto shippuden. Pretty sure shippuden would probably end in 2040
@@hiroshiramasendjews9539 damn r u for real boruto and boruto shippuden anime goes for that long
Deepa : You can't defeat me!
Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki : We have a boss music now!
Deepa: Nani?!
The last time that happened, but Deepa was faking LUL
@@457Shadowman The last time is just boruto, this time was the all team 7
@@rafaelmesquita7788 Hmm, that's true
This is the true NANI lol
@@rafaelmesquita7788 um estranho no YT mesmo random brasileiro aqui n estava nada à espera 😆
This rasengan went deepa
Underrated comment
Badum tsss
I'm glad that Sarada is developing, unlike her mother at her age
Maybe cuz she is a Uchiha idk
@@uchihaboruto6599 yeah its probably that because uchiha who a destined with the sharingan are naturally skilled like if obito stayed alive he could have been the next itachi
@@uchihaboruto6599 this isn't true. Most Uchihas didn't got development, like Fugaku and Shisui
@@kira5013 Well mostly because shisui died early on, but I agree on fugaku
They didn't know what to do with sakura besides an useless love triangle.
Deepa : now let me taste your hopelessness
Also deepa : Why is the music still playing
Edit : Damn 457 like am i dreaming
That made me crack nsndjwjsj😂
@@SasukeUchiha-nf6eg 😂
Yo that joke made me laugh too loud man.... Its too late for that loudness
Mitsuki is Boruto's guardian angel. Look at how serious he was when he said that he'll protect Boruto.
That spirit hand gesture Mitsuki added took my soul away. 💫💫💫
i know and i treasure their relationship so much because of that
While this definitely felt different to the Naruto I was used to.. it wasn’t unwelcome!
Nice to see you here! Any new mmos??
@@Crimbtw Elyon, maybe!
Dont miss the next arc it's the changing point in boruto!
Bro what? This show is so godawful
If they Ever make a storm 5 this has to be their team ultimate!!!!
That would be dope
Yooo that'd be so cool! Or at least a dlc update for storm 4! oh! And Unison Rasengan for Kawaki and Boruto Team Ultimate!!!
Yo guess what!!! Though we don't know if Deepa is gonna be in it (i hope yes)
@@Darion_dxwish granted
Y'all got to admit. They have better team work than Naruto, Saskue, and Sakura. Mainly because it was always just Naruto and Saskue 😂
And even when naruto and sasuke we’re working together it was more of like an in the moment thing rather than fluid teamwork like this team 7
Boruto's team 7 would destroy Naruto's (child) team 7 frfr
Let's be honest
Naruto and Sasuke would end fighting each other and would mess it up
This team is better
this show sucks it’s comparable to sakura 😂😂😂😂
@@jordannixon4678 That’s too far.
Creator: So how many different types of Resengon do you want Boruto
Boruto: YES YES YES YES YES YES *YES!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Could someone explain to me why Boruto's rasengan is so small compared to Naruto's?
@@j.alfonso8036 Boruto has less chakra than Naruto, plus this version of the rasengan is a compressed one
OH OH is that a jojo reference?
@@alexpollux8149 *Activates Blue Rinnegan To See Future*
@@ezrathewolf3726 bungee gum
3 reasons this scene surpasses most:
1. The Jutsu and the Teamwork
2. The BG Music has vocals
3. The quality level of the scene is like a movie
LOL what dude clearly u have never seen naruto og or shippuden this show is complete and utter garbage the music doesn't fit the show and the animation is cheesy asf
@@dylanssssss ok troll
@@dylanssssss can you just shut your mouth
I think bg music with vocals sounds cheap with most anime. Especially here
@@dylanssssss lol the music is realllllllly bad here
Okay, that defeat was lit. It wasn’t just protagonism. The power of those three combined defeated Deepa. We saw that Boruto’s Compressed Rasengan did a lot of damage to Deepa, plus Mitsuki’s Sage Mode to power it up and keep Boruto’s arm intact, and Sarada helping Mitsuki with her strength and chakra, it was beautiful.
Yeah, I really like the way Deepa was defeated. Despite their training Deepa was still way above them individually, and the only way they could defeat him was as a team.
@@JH24821 I don’t understand people getting mad at team 7 beating them when in reality the way he was beat was beautiful. Boruto didn’t one shot him, it was their combined strength that got him beat
@@jamrah8713 people would still say power scalling is broken
@@jamrah8713 I entirely agree. it was a team effort and a hard fought, well-deserved victory. And even then it was close.
@@jamrah8713 Yep
Don't care what anyone says, genuinely enjoying this series.
@ImZain I love the series to
i second that
@ImZain i love it too but i want see more badass charters like deepa he is my favorite
@@monkoming264 In this next arc you'll see all the rest of the members of Kara, if you're a fan of Deepa then you'll love Jigen and the rest of the cast
Boruto: let's do a rasengan but, like a bullet
And the bullet is like a particle.
@@lucasmartinez5703 and that particle hit like a nuke
imagine if they used that against naruto
@@hachico2717 | Lol he'd be fine
So, Sarada improved her Sharingan for Boruto. Sasuke awakened/improved his Sharingan for Itachi/Naruto. And Madara awakened his Sharingan for Hashirama.
Seems legit
i think this generation only raise good shinobi there is no rivalry betwen the team 7
Uchiha’s always be improving their sharingan for uzumakis 😂
@@alicealone8556 hashirama was senju not uzumaki
@@mohamedfathy698 senju and uzumaki are blood related so you can still consider hashirama to have uzumaki dna. I wouldn’t go far to call hashirama uzumaki but he still has that connection
One thing I haven't seen mentioned are the voice actors. They did an absolutely amazing job in this episode. Special kudos to Deepa's voice actor. He totally nailed Deepa's crazy voice.
Deepa's voice actor been going hard since he got introduced lol, he's Natsu Dragneel's voice actor and I'm happy they brought him on board
I also love Boruto's seiyuu lol
@@RIAN-tj2ky Oh absolutely. Boruto's voice actress did an amazing job.
This fight was amazing, The development of team 7 is incredible. 10/10 episode🔥
Yea it was fire🔥🔥🔥
I was so hyped when the music started playing
Hahaha like everyone has a boruto pp
Love your profile pic😉
Sarada saved Boruto
Just like Sasuke did against Haku.
I love the references
and sakura did against chio lot of symbolism
and boruto destroyed deepa like naruto
@Dylan Ogega it is the same Sasuke awakened the second tomoe like that
1:29 boruto: okay back to yelling.
When the main music has LYRICS, you KNOW the villain is done
the streets will never forget you.. Deepa.
Rest well, King.
On God Deepa was a real one.
Why the streets always like powerful effeminate men but disrespect actual effeminate men?
@@P0k3D0nd3M4cG Because powerful, fictional effeminate male characters make up for the perceived weakness of being an effeminate male by having ridiculous magic powers.
At that point, a quirk that's seen as weak and unbecoming on a man to most, becomes an interesting expression of personality.
In real life an effeminate male doesn't get awesome magic powers, and runs right smack dab into not just our societal expectations of males, but also something much deeper and primal in us that tells us men naturally don't act that way.
Every society and culture of humans on this planet that has ever existed has looked at hard men as both more appealing and more useful functionally than soft men.
You can't just undo that with a decade of telling people effeminate males are the new new.
Also Deepa is being fanned over because of his ACTIONS not because of the fact that he doesn't act masculine.
@@leonfrancis3418 lol that's a whole lotta pseudo science maigai
Best boruto episode ever with the most character development
Chunin arc had more character development
Not really
Also im talking episode
Not arc
We saw deepas new form team 7's combination attack sarada 2 tomoe mitsuki learning how to flow his sage mode chakra through other people
I love this Team 7 so much.
@KVNG JAY nah this team 7 is better tbh (kid version that is)
Upon reflection, the old Team 7, minus Kakashi, all kind of sucked either personality-wise or usefulness-wise or both. If I remember correctly, a large part of the fandom stuck around for the other 9 genin because they were more interesting.
Yeah 💙♥️💜
So naruto made his rasengans bigger to be like giant nukes exploding ... but boruto compresses his rasengan to basically be a black hole i like how they went about that
Yeah cause boruto doesn't have kurama the absolute source of shakra that naruto had , so he had to train hard with kakashi and think a way in how to contourn this flaw
I just wonder if Naruto could learn from Boruto, since the more chakra compressed the stronger the rasengan, but then it's been said Boruto is more generally talented than his dad, so maybe Naruto wouldn't be able to do it.
@@GrassFudge7 but unfortunately Naruto chakra control is not so good.
@@RIAN-tj2ky cap he knows sage mode plus summoning clones begs for chakra control
@@envy8397 naruto has so much chakra. So, eventhough his chakra control is not too good, and his chakra output is not efficient aswell, he still could make a perfect output without exhausted. For Sasuke, he is the opposite of Naruto. But the true master of chakra control is sakura, this all fact.
Everyone has his own opinion but for me, Boruto is the anime with the most stylish fights (with Naruto).
Yea this was done well..
They basically did a naruto movie where a new rasengan is created to never been seen or heard of again but great animation tho not stylish but great
Bro ep 65 is equal to the god of highschool anime which is known for hand to hand Combat fights
Facts , best choreography imo
So basicly the entirety of the naruto franchise has the best fight in anime.
At this point boruto is gonna create more Rasengans than naruto's shadow clones
How yo comment say 4 years ago and 8 hours ago at the same time
@@nellyb_305 that's what I said
@@nellyb_305 the 4 years ago is in his name
@@ReinhardVonLohengram r/thisisnotreddit
i'm dying right now 😂😂💀
I really dont care what people say about boruto but I personally love this series even before he graduated I mean come on a lot of people watch it only for the old cast but I truly enjoy this series
Thank you kishimoto for another wonderful series
Same man♥️♥️
@@vanitharnaik1959 happy to hear that
Kodachi mostly actually kishimoto didn't take full control till like 2 months ago
I believe he still supervised and approved the desicions that were made. You're right, though.
Glapulse yeah he was still directly involved. He just didn’t write the script. Kodachi was the scriptwriter until the recent chapters
This is the second best Boruto episode after 65 , I'm glad I stuck with the anime , many more fire moments will come!
Yeah.. This is only the beginning
that moment when you need 110 episodes to finally have one that's good
@@trashpanda8297 Uh...I respectfully disagree.
Jesus is coming
"now, let me taste hopelessness"
What are you, deep-ression?
Woah, yeah he is..
Nice one
The most aggressive Dress Break I've ever seen.
It was me! I am the one who ruined your perfect nine likes!!!
Glad to see ur still alive 🙃
If you don't understand this comment, look at Highschool DXD
Best comment today 😂
I love how together this team really is. Even though the original Team 7 was 3 individual great ninja that were greater as a team, this new team 7 feels more united, more in sync, than even they were.
I noticed that as well
This whole episode just felt like the last 30 mins of anime movie
Right? The animation was movie level
@@ChromeShade yes the end scene with the rasengan and the Soundtrack feels like a movie end xd
Not gonna lie, the music during this scene was AMAZING
The vibe was similar with OPM
It's boruto main theme I think
@@DragBoi69 become the wind
@@mikkel1894 yea
I've never seen an anime start as an absolute joke and just exponentially ascend into god-tier eye candy like Boruto has
@@steph03tyna72 Yah. Stop hatin brotha
what do you think now on the new episode?
Dragon Ball Super
Did you skip Momoshiki arc? Shin arc? Time Slip arc? 😂
This episode was pure satisfaction
Team 7’s inevitable battle against Deepa and Orochimaru taking care of business with Victor 👏🏼👏🏼
I see you like kawaki
what episode is thos
@@alphak5376 175
There is nothing that you can say.... to the haters, this is one of, if not the best animated and written episode since Eps. 65!!! I’m happy of the progress of this anime
Exactlyyy! This is the level boruto can produce and episodes will only get better from here on out
That’s 110 episodes ago
@@Demaad 166 which was “Death Match” was a great episode too. I’m saying from episode 1 - 174... 65 was the best because of the nostalgic factor alone not to mention the fight, animation and the complete change from the movie.
What episode is this?
@@avoo190 175, it’s in the description
Why is no one here talking about their voice acting. Deepa’s losing scream is just perfect
Bruhhh it was extremely good voice acting. you can hear the panic in Sarada's tone, and the lunacy in Deepa's cries
It wasn’t even a rasengan. It was straight up a bullet
It was a particle at the end lol
You finna see him whip out the jouGUN😭
Straight up a Particle Rasengan.
Man compressed the Rasengan so hard he hit him with a White Dwarf Star.
Mitsuki's entrance and hand sign entering sage mode, and Boruto's scream, animation... made me goosebumps.
I love what they're doing with Sarada, she's such breath of fresh air because she doesn't feel like a stereotypical lead female or a plain, random, op female either. She struggles and she works hard, her problems are so realistic and relatable. I just hope she's happy at the end and achieves her goals, although it might not be that easy.
Bro she is literally copy of naruto but naruto was better written
@@yosefkasa2911 Umm, no. The only parallel they have is wanting to become Hokage and having a close bond to Sasuke and Sakura. Sarada is wayy more intelligent than Naruto was at this age. Besides, I haven't even compared her writing to anyone else's, wanna know why? Because Sarada's story isn't over yet, she could have stellar writing, she could have horrible writing; we don't know. I just said I liked what they were doing with her.
@@yosefkasa2911 wait what lol so u telling me a dude that just spams same rasengan and talk no jutsu is better written than sarada?
@@alexhidveghy7661 bro Sarada is strong but that doesn't make her better written than naruto 🥴
@@alexhidveghy7661 yes naruto have way more depth as Character and better backstory his personality is better he is more inspirational
It's been a long time since I've screamed so much watching an episode of naruto/boruto. Sarada awakening 2nd tomoe, mitsukis entrance, the fire music and obviously the SUPER HIGH COMPRESSION RASENGAN.
You’ve got issues if you screamed at anime
But then again I don’t blame you I felt warm when I watched it the whole way through
@@hurrikanelaw he was just hype so it’s ok
I was on break at work when I watched the episode. It was very difficult keeping myself contained 😂 great episode!
Not gonna lie, deepa's armor and diamond hand were amazing.
Imo armor looked whack but I would 100% agree the diamond gauntlet looks pretty nutty.
Nah we know Burrito’s plot armour is way stronger and the most op thing about it is it’s invisible
@@emilianopineda9644 Incorrect. As you see in the episode when Deepa first transforms his armor already appears cracked. As he states his form is not yet complete, and due to his arrogance he decides to use it anyways because all he thinks is "Oh they're just genin." We've learned in Naruto Shippuden that using unrefined and untrained jutsu can hurt you more than help you especially when it's really powerful. We can see this expressed when Naruto first used Rasenshuriken. He ends up getting a lot of damage on his arm. Deepa took a risk because he was very cocky and arrogant. It was not plot armour, the writers were hinting at his arrogance the whole arc. Ultimately, his downfall wasn't the rasengan, but him being too cocky.
Yep too bad that combined with lightning speed and infinite stamina and infinite spawning stones isn't enough to stop 3 genin and 2 rasengans! Great writing
@@mwilby3027 lightning speed?
This Team 7 feels refreshing because all 3 of them seem to get along really well, makes their successes feel more wholesome (idk really I just watch the clips)
Deepa: What’s this bitter taste in my mouth ?
Boruto: The taste of defeat!
Appropriate, given Deepa's obsession with taste.
Badass Boast, definitely.
Nice one🤣
Blood probably, did you see his chest?
I’d go as far to say that this was the best episode we’ve had of boruto so far including episode 65
Deepa:You lost before,what makes you think you have a chance.
Boruto: This time my full theme is playing!!!
Yeah it's a foregone conclusion when the vocals come on.
For all the people who don’t like boruto, just wait till it reaches its peak then the show will be greatness
Bro watch, when the time skip happens they all gunna be like “oh yea boruto is my favorite anime”
Why should I waste my time though if I can simply not watch it
Lol fans have been saying that for so long. I hope you're writing, but don't be so sure.
@ImZain were in the kawaki arc now, its getting good
or don't watch it, like you're literally not obligated to watch it
*"People only watch Boruto to see Naruto and Sasuke fighting"*
*Episode 175: It's time to unleash my full power!*
I'm watching it for the new gen
Me too
65 👌
285 👌??? 👀
@@mrfootball8 death Match (episode 166) was also really good!!
@@originalsomecloud3349 I meant these episodes were like "legendary". 65 with momoshiki, and 175 with team 7 showdown. Aswell as there is a pattern. It doubles with 110 episodes when it gets "legendary". So I just thought that ep 285 will be as "legendary"
I love how Sarada unlocked 2 Tomoe in a similar fashion as Sasuke in part 1.
Ya, but her 3 tomoe advancement will probably be way more emotional.
Not comparable or impactful like Sasukue at all
This should be in top 2020 Anime Fights
Along with Endeavour vs High End (My Hero Academia) and Gojo vs Jogo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
The whole episode really, not just this part
This is a fact. If not, the world just bugged
@@j.alfonso8036 fax they all banged
@@Baba03134 Thanks!
Not only was the music playing, they had lyrics on it 😂 Deepa should’ve KNOWN better
For anyone wondering there will be more fights of this quality soon starting on December 13th as this arc is extremely important for how the pace and tone of the show will shift after this so get ready
Does the ao arc start then?
@@kendrell4854 yes their renaming it the vessel arc for some reason but I think that’s so they don’t give away certain things but they have announced the voice actors for the Kara members and everything
@@omargranados7641 If what you're saying is true, I'm scared for Black Clover and Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War 😟
@Chief Sy -Anime and Gaming- it was comfirmed
@Chief Sy -Anime and Gaming- it was confirmed tney revealed in one of the Shonen jump magazines and are gonna reveal more at Jump Festa
“I’ll make you taste hopelessness”
Plot: Nope
When you are Boruto's Dad's son.
@just some sealed guy poggers
*vocals in boss battle music intensify*
Does anyone else remember when the anime began with Boruto going to the academy. Now we're at the point where Boruto and his team is fighting Kara. I actually cried at this scene😭😭😭. We've watched them grow and become stronger. Especially in this Arc. Say what you want about the anime but I'm willing to admit that I'm enjoying the journey.
Damn it feels like yesterday even though its been almost 3 years haha.
2017: Boruto sucks smh
2030: I miss Boruto 😔
I wonder if this will actually be the case. I hope so lol
I've always liked boruto since day one and still will like
I'll be honest, they shouldnt really be able to defeat a kara member this early on. The plot armour was at strong in this one tbh.
@@W_City a Kara member being defeated by 2 most strongest shinobi's kids , and one of the legendary sannin's son,one Uchiha,one Otsutsuki, and one sage is wrong? Not to mention high compression Rasengan was to destroy Deepa's armor ,and Mitsuki's sage chakra
Deepa - "Hopelessness"
Vetto - "Despair"
I see that i am not the only one who noticed: Zetzu boo
This was a beautiful episode , the OST and animation on this scene was amazing , R.I.P Deepa he was a good villain for this arc , too bad for him Boruto's Super Compression Rasengan is an S rank jutsu + Mitsuki powered it up with his sage chakra and Sarada as well , Sarada finally unlocked two tomoe about time!
He is really dead ?
@@Dohmk yes 😂 but thé old man nop
Do you have the name of the ost?
@@InstructorRean become the wind
3rd generation of the Legendary Sannin was born in this fight. And this shows how compatible they are for each other as a team.
Boruto Team 7 is more similar to the Sannin/Team Hiruzen while Naruto Team 7 was more similar to Team Minato.
@Franklin Blankson Mitsuki is literally discount orochimaru, Sarada is just as sakura who is just as tsunade, Boruto just needs to add some toad jutsu and he will be a Jiraya
@@sebastianmaldonado6076 only thing I don't see is jiraiya and boruto being similar.
Ok not gonna lie this is movie quality animation. This was absolutely breathtaking!
I loved the anime ever since, but it definitely went above and beyond this year, I can’t wait to see what the anime has in store for us moving forward! 😁😁
I'm considering giving Boruto a chance, should I?
@@j.alfonso8036 yes kakwki is gonna be the anime it was comfirm
@@sanoRBLX December baby! 👀
@@j.alfonso8036 You can try, just skip all the filler which is around more than half the anime then you are good.
@@bobman7144 there’s no filler. Everything is cannon
God this scene gave me shivers with the music and when Mitsuki and Sarada came in, felt like a whole different experience to the rassengan normal hit and they dead type thing we see everytime. And the sub made it all the more better, this anime has ups and down just like Naruto with fillers and pretty bad boring episodes, but damn once it hits the good part it's damn worth the wait
Deepa: Let me taste your hopelessness
"Music start to play loud "
Deepa: My time has come
Mitsuki is such a cool character. I hope he gets more spotlight with his sage mode
Imagine “Team 7 Compressed Black Hole Rasengan”
So powerful even team 7 gets sucked in and killed
Literally would pull an entire earth into that lol
Team 7 Compressed Super Vortex Ultimate Tempest Black Hole Rasengan!
This looks like the Rasengan with Kushina, Minato and Naruto from NSUNSR
your not alone
A new Rasengan, two tomoe sharingan, Mitsuki is back.
In conclusion: Nice episode
At this point, he's just using Particle Style. He's atomizing enemies using super compressed matter.
He's basically close to making a Particle style Rasengan.
It would have to be a culmination of Nature releases Boruto hasn't mastered or even used yet. Particle style is Dust Release, which requires Earth, Fire, and Wind.
@@tacticalmattress it was a team rasengan using all their natures not just boruto
Honestly the last generations team 7 never really got a moment like this so seeing this is really nice
New Rasengan, 2 Tomoe Sharingan, and Snake sage damm that's a combo.
So nobody’s going talk about the music?
I liked it personally
Not my type of music, but great overall
What is that music?
@@ddkddk1984 it's Boruto's main theme (Kaze Ni Nare) Become the Wind
Love how Mitsuki’s Sage mode also protected Sarada when she supported him. He loves them so much 🥹
(This won't age well.)
@@seekerundue hello i´m from the future :C
Im so proud of you boruto 😭😭😣🤧usumaki life 4 ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The music in the background gave me chills. Now this is what i call a character development ❤️ . And Sarada unlocking her 2 temoe was the best part
But guess what? Sarada can use Chidori now
They should’ve named it “Unity Rasengan”
Well boruto is the grandson I'd minato so of course he would name it some crazy long name 😂
Unity Star Rasengan
This anime is so incredible and I do not understand why it is hated, it must be one of the best anime, How beautiful
if you think boruto is one of the best you probably are 12 and have not seen many animes
@@markuss5367 But Boruto Is the best anime Shonen in acctuality
@@ElInfalible i guess that you have not watched many shonen animes or you have bad taste in anime
@@markuss5367 I watched all the anime and still boruto surpasses it, you have no idea how beautiful this series is
@@ElInfalible i watched all the anime-🤓
Its actually
Senpo: Super High Compression Rasengan!
Mitsuki went into sage mode!
I don’t think Boruto knows Mitsuki has that. Neither of them have seen his sage mode until now
Maybe, but I like it the way the show doesn't use it as a plot-armor cliche where basically it gets activated everytime Boruto wants it. Also, it would be pointless because we don't even know what does it do
Right now, it only seems to activate whenever there's something otherworldly going on, like Nue or the Otsutsuki portals. That said, it would've been neat to see it activate at the sight of the chakra tree.
It would probably be pointless...…..but Sarada second tomoe,Mitsuki sage mode, then the jougan that wouldve been neat
@@Jxgsaw true
@@captaindesperatehousewife2441 we don't know why and how jougan works
DONT LIE boruto got the best animation out here💯💯💯
@Subaharan Muruganathan 2l All trash🤣
Deepa will be remembered as there strongest enemy aleast so far.
Eh urashiki claps deepa
@@laggedout601 "their"
nah he's gonna be forgettable just as 80% of thr current boruto series
Victor Is stronger
@@whothou Deepa was quite impactful for the short time he was here the only thing lacking was exposition to add more depth to him otherwise he was at least a 7-8 villain
Whoever voiced Boruto went crazy with the screams