Hello Sir, you are amazing for showcasing a rare Vanilmirth build which I have to agree with what this build can potentially do in a lot of situations. . Please don't let other people who know nothing but Caprice's weakness stop you from reaching the end build. They just look at Caprice's long cool down and they instantly throw this build away and go to standard Amistr build. A real Creator works with all Homunculus and knows how each Homunculus shines in certain areas of the combat mechanism. This is what I can summarize with all the current Homunculus potential: . 1. Lif = Lif is an end-game PVP/WOE and ET Solo homunculus since it has Resurrection and Photosyntesis to make you basically immortal. It works well with bonus damage of Acid Demonstration skills in PVP/WOE when coupled with Runes. However, we are not in that phase yet therefore the best thing Lif can do now is Greenery Light Wall (Kyrie Eleison) and Touch of Heal to improve your survivability in Party Runs where a Tank is present and you don't need Amistr but need to survive and deal multiplied Acid Damage. It is a good SUPPORT homunculus in general. . 2. Amistr = 90% of Creators will go for this build since this is the most common build exposed in UA-cam and the ideal build for NEWBIE Creators who want simple and straightforward playstyle. Amistr is your Tank Homunculus when Paladin/LK/Champ are not present in party. This Homunculus allows you to SOLO MVP/MINIS without troubles with Homunculus Repair Lvl 5 and Wild Clamor AOE Runes. Coupled with Hell Plant and bonus ATK% from War Horn, you can farm effectively in the early to mid stage of the game. However, as we get to the later stage of the game where ALL JOBS can basically SOLO everything, I find that Amistr is not that effective anymore in towards the end game. Still, it is a good TANK homunculus in early-mid game. . 3. Vanilmirth = This is where people underestimate the potential of Vanilmirth, a rare MAGIC type homunculus. Since Creators use Weapons that scales with ATK, and to add the fact that Caprice has a long cool down, people easily throw away this build as it is very, VERY DIFFICULT to manage and fund. To fully utilize Vanilmirth, Creators must be able to identify which areas will this homunculus shines, and undeniably, that would be FARMING & BOSS HUNT. People say that Caprice has a long cool down, which is true, but they forgot that BIO EXPLOSION exists and it can easily deals TONS OF DAMAGE while waiting for Caprice's next cast. This is why I mentioned NEWBIE Creators will not understand that this build requires a lot of ZENNIES, CONTRIBUTIONS and GOLD MEDALS to reach the ultimate level. BIO EXPLOSION deals a maximum of 2000% MATK in a span of 5 seconds and add that with CAPRICE multiplied MATK% this homunculus is a monster when it has fully grown. To add the benefits, MAGIC ABSORPTION is an extremely useful "Panacea" that you can use to nullify status inflicted upon yourself in a lot of situations (PVP/FARM/ET). If you have a TANK in party, you can easily take the role as a burst mage to shut down bosses quickly. In conclusion, this is a strong MAGIC homunculus that has a HIGH DIFFICULTY in managing and funding. . When the 3rd job "GENETICIST" comes out, I can assure you that the build shall expand more and you can explore it as much as you want. With THORN TRAP, CRAZY WEED, HOWL OF MANDRAGORA (CC skills), Vanilmirth is an extremely strong homunculus (Burst MATK) to partner up with. You can also increase the Firepower with DEMONIC FIRE and FIRE EXPANSION (but that's more to LIF since you need Elder's Hammer for Acid Multiplier, however with Vanilmirth, it's an added DPS). Keep up the good work Sir because it's not everyday you see a Creator that truly believes in Vanilmirth. I am sure you can do much better in the future once you can fully utilize the strengths of Vanilmirth, and now we can understand why Caprice has a long cooldown, otherwise it would be OP as hell. To other Creators/Players who criticize his build for not following the "standard" build, you must know that this game is more fun when we learn about something that has not been commonly around, and real Creators are those who fully understand, love, and use ALL of the homunculus. Good video sir, good luck!
But bro. Bio Explosion has also high cooldown and if the infected mob dies, the AoE effect ends... Vanilmirth and you will probably kill the mob "infected" before both skills' cooldown resets and the AoE damage will stop, which ends up to the same problem while using him to farm... Again, I do like Vanilmirth, but for specific scenarios...
Probably the hardest homun to make it work. Need high lvl vanil and 4 homunc skill point rune to make vanil skill rotation work more fluently, not to mention equipment wise. Although in the end, its worth it.
as a fellow creator, i was interested in using vanil before until i realized i had to attack first before my vanil casts. I believe this is not so efficient in farming zenies or leveling. But i think considering there's hell plant to do with the AoE, it's not so bad to use Van + Hell Plant. the cost of hell plant also not so much (hard skin + empty bottle + alcohol)
I agree with you sir, and don't forget because of vanil's high matk his normal atk is as good as amistr's.. also, his atk spd is actually on par with amistr's aspd.. haven't noticed that before bec. I was also into amistr.. 😅
i’m actually more into lif, as i use iAD creator for pvp and amistr is good for crowd control especially if u’re doing solo ET. he can tank thru floor 90 depending on which MVP (mostly physical such OB, dopple, detale, etc)
@@Minessotod I also like Lif.. and during the first few weeks of SEA server, Amistr was a really big help.. These 3 homuns are actually very helpful, they are like creator's weapons, that's why I love this class.. But of course we do have our favorite one, and for me that is the mage Vanilmirth.. 😉😊
Hello Your video is inspiring, I just started a creator a week ago and i planning to focus to Vanilmirth. Right now i'm lvl 39 job lvl alche going to creator. Can i see ur skill tree the one with HP and MP potion? Thank you ❤
Thank you sir! You may focus on skills that enhance the stats of your homunculus like life psychich, homunculus strength, etc.. Just don't forget to get atleast lvl1 sphere mine, this will be your main skill.. You don't need to add more points on this bec. your Vanil will do the work for you.. Also, get throw HP lvl10, you have high vit so this will be very helpful.. You will be the tank of your Vanilmirth.. Mine heals for woopping 8k+.. 😉
Can you try and see if Vanil can one shot monster in Toy factory? Im considering of changing places to lvl up myself and homun.. Right now can one shot monster in TF so just staying in Orc Lady
Bro, I don't recommend using Vanil for farming.. WS or HW for that role.. But if you insist you may drag caprice to 1st slot of your auto skill so that it will prioritize casting caprice over auto atk.. You may still use parasitism even if you're with Vanil so that your total dmg will be much higher.. 😉
@@CarlsonBasco its annoy me to play multijob,coz im free player..haha Bro, how about endless tower?...do you also use vanilmirth?, Can u share the video,thanks... i want to use vanilmirth too.. but too much cons ..haha
Well, the big problem with vanilmirth is the Caprice's cooldown. While it is in cooldown I already killed 5 monsters with sphere parasitism (one shot)... Using Amistr only to give me an insane +18% ATK... He doesn't need to move at all :D But I do like Vanilmirth. I only would like to have less cooldown on its skill...
If Caprice has shorter CD it will become very OP because of its insane damage.. when Genetic becomes available in sea server, you'll see lots of INT builds since it increases the damage of cart cannon.. and with high INT, you'll also get a powerful Vanilmirth.. 😊
@@CarlsonBasco Until there I will stick with parasitism because it is faster to kill mobs in shorter time, saving up stamina. But I'm planning to level up vanilmirth soon, since amistr and lif are almost 90 already. I think I will save a build for him at Ymir's notebook to use soon...
This build is the Most expensive of all I even sold my multiplication card on exchange because I don't need it anymore and focus on completing the Vanilmirth equipment set -Feather Mace,Alloy Mail, Prophet Cape then some ..I'll probably not upgrade my feather Mace to Wing Staff and just make it a 2 slot weapon then put some cards on it
Vanilmirth is bad not because of damage but because of the long cooldown of Caprice. The cooldown is around 5 seconds which is not good for farming, boss hunting or even pvp.
Have you killed someone in pvp using amistr or lif..? I had so many kills in pvp using my vanil, I am not denying the fact that 5 secs. is too long but at atleast I can 1 shot players without vit.. Bombs for players with vit, caprice for players without vit.. Amistr can't 1 shot an enemy player or even high level monster.. also, in 5 seconds amistr can't accumulate 6 digits of damage.. that's why this homun is being called as an early game homunculus.. lif and vanilmirth are for end game fights.. so still, 5 secs. cooldown with caprice is a lot better.. get my point sir..?
@@CarlsonBasco But that's not their role. Amistr is a tank and lif is a support. AFAIK life doesn't even attack at all. A creator is a damage dealer already and lif compliments its weakness as it is a glass cannon. If you ask me though here's how I find each useful. 1. Amistr = Boss hunt 2. Lif = PvP 3. Vanilmirth = Farming But of course. It will only be useful in farming if you can't 1 shot a mob. But early to mid game I won't mind anyone using vanilmirth on PvP as the skills of creator is expensive. But end game wise I'd rather use lif and focus your runes on IAD. After all... Why would you depend on a NPC to kill an enemy with a 5 sec CD if you can just use a no CD skill which deals damage way more than what the homunculus can do.
But don't get me wrong by the way. Any new meta is always welcome. And you're playing a game and as long as you're enjoying that meta then go ahead. I'm just giving my point 😁
Yung dmg increase bro gumagana.. ska yung matk mo nacoconvert yun sa matk ng vanil pag nag life psychic ka.. sa ngayon 4.2k na matk ng vanil ko with life psychic.. wala pang buff un.. 😁
@@ryankorea7703 int vit lang talaga idol.. saka mga increase dmg katulad ng windperch, devil wing etc.. based sa exp. ko mas mataas matk ng vanil ko kapag dlwang saint necklace kaysa kapag dlwang orleans glove.. 😁
@@CarlsonBasco Good luck sir.. mukhang marami k pang magagawa na experimentation kay vanil.. konti lang kasi video na may content regarding kay vanil..
Hello Sir, you are amazing for showcasing a rare Vanilmirth build which I have to agree with what this build can potentially do in a lot of situations.
Please don't let other people who know nothing but Caprice's weakness stop you from reaching the end build. They just look at Caprice's long cool down and they instantly throw this build away and go to standard Amistr build. A real Creator works with all Homunculus and knows how each Homunculus shines in certain areas of the combat mechanism. This is what I can summarize with all the current Homunculus potential:
1. Lif = Lif is an end-game PVP/WOE and ET Solo homunculus since it has Resurrection and Photosyntesis to make you basically immortal. It works well with bonus damage of Acid Demonstration skills in PVP/WOE when coupled with Runes. However, we are not in that phase yet therefore the best thing Lif can do now is Greenery Light Wall (Kyrie Eleison) and Touch of Heal to improve your survivability in Party Runs where a Tank is present and you don't need Amistr but need to survive and deal multiplied Acid Damage. It is a good SUPPORT homunculus in general.
2. Amistr = 90% of Creators will go for this build since this is the most common build exposed in UA-cam and the ideal build for NEWBIE Creators who want simple and straightforward playstyle. Amistr is your Tank Homunculus when Paladin/LK/Champ are not present in party. This Homunculus allows you to SOLO MVP/MINIS without troubles with Homunculus Repair Lvl 5 and Wild Clamor AOE Runes. Coupled with Hell Plant and bonus ATK% from War Horn, you can farm effectively in the early to mid stage of the game. However, as we get to the later stage of the game where ALL JOBS can basically SOLO everything, I find that Amistr is not that effective anymore in towards the end game. Still, it is a good TANK homunculus in early-mid game.
3. Vanilmirth = This is where people underestimate the potential of Vanilmirth, a rare MAGIC type homunculus. Since Creators use Weapons that scales with ATK, and to add the fact that Caprice has a long cool down, people easily throw away this build as it is very, VERY DIFFICULT to manage and fund. To fully utilize Vanilmirth, Creators must be able to identify which areas will this homunculus shines, and undeniably, that would be FARMING & BOSS HUNT. People say that Caprice has a long cool down, which is true, but they forgot that BIO EXPLOSION exists and it can easily deals TONS OF DAMAGE while waiting for Caprice's next cast. This is why I mentioned NEWBIE Creators will not understand that this build requires a lot of ZENNIES, CONTRIBUTIONS and GOLD MEDALS to reach the ultimate level. BIO EXPLOSION deals a maximum of 2000% MATK in a span of 5 seconds and add that with CAPRICE multiplied MATK% this homunculus is a monster when it has fully grown. To add the benefits, MAGIC ABSORPTION is an extremely useful "Panacea" that you can use to nullify status inflicted upon yourself in a lot of situations (PVP/FARM/ET). If you have a TANK in party, you can easily take the role as a burst mage to shut down bosses quickly. In conclusion, this is a strong MAGIC homunculus that has a HIGH DIFFICULTY in managing and funding.
When the 3rd job "GENETICIST" comes out, I can assure you that the build shall expand more and you can explore it as much as you want. With THORN TRAP, CRAZY WEED, HOWL OF MANDRAGORA (CC skills), Vanilmirth is an extremely strong homunculus (Burst MATK) to partner up with. You can also increase the Firepower with DEMONIC FIRE and FIRE EXPANSION (but that's more to LIF since you need Elder's Hammer for Acid Multiplier, however with Vanilmirth, it's an added DPS). Keep up the good work Sir because it's not everyday you see a Creator that truly believes in Vanilmirth. I am sure you can do much better in the future once you can fully utilize the strengths of Vanilmirth, and now we can understand why Caprice has a long cooldown, otherwise it would be OP as hell. To other Creators/Players who criticize his build for not following the "standard" build, you must know that this game is more fun when we learn about something that has not been commonly around, and real Creators are those who fully understand, love, and use ALL of the homunculus. Good video sir, good luck!
Very well said sir, thank you! I'll pin this.. 😊😁
But bro. Bio Explosion has also high cooldown and if the infected mob dies, the AoE effect ends... Vanilmirth and you will probably kill the mob "infected" before both skills' cooldown resets and the AoE damage will stop, which ends up to the same problem while using him to farm... Again, I do like Vanilmirth, but for specific scenarios...
I wanna see those guys Faces when my Vanilmirth becomes a Dieter and woop their Asses
Do you know a good auto attack build?
This build is really fit in me since i not buying any equipment for my creators, i really count on my vanilmirth for auto farming :D
Probably the hardest homun to make it work. Need high lvl vanil and 4 homunc skill point rune to make vanil skill rotation work more fluently, not to mention equipment wise. Although in the end, its worth it.
Subscribed. Hope to see more creatoe vid. Can you show us some pvp or ET videos?
Yes sir, I will.. Thank you! 😁
as a fellow creator, i was interested in using vanil before until i realized i had to attack first before my vanil casts. I believe this is not so efficient in farming zenies or leveling. But i think considering there's hell plant to do with the AoE, it's not so bad to use Van + Hell Plant. the cost of hell plant also not so much (hard skin + empty bottle + alcohol)
I agree with you sir, and don't forget because of vanil's high matk his normal atk is as good as amistr's.. also, his atk spd is actually on par with amistr's aspd.. haven't noticed that before bec. I was also into amistr.. 😅
i’m actually more into lif, as i use iAD creator for pvp and amistr is good for crowd control especially if u’re doing solo ET. he can tank thru floor 90 depending on which MVP (mostly physical such OB, dopple, detale, etc)
@@Minessotod I also like Lif.. and during the first few weeks of SEA server, Amistr was a really big help.. These 3 homuns are actually very helpful, they are like creator's weapons, that's why I love this class.. But of course we do have our favorite one, and for me that is the mage Vanilmirth.. 😉😊
Your video is inspiring, I just started a creator a week ago and i planning to focus to Vanilmirth. Right now i'm lvl 39 job lvl alche going to creator. Can i see ur skill tree the one with HP and MP potion?
Thank you ❤
Thank you sir! You may focus on skills that enhance the stats of your homunculus like life psychich, homunculus strength, etc.. Just don't forget to get atleast lvl1 sphere mine, this will be your main skill.. You don't need to add more points on this bec. your Vanil will do the work for you.. Also, get throw HP lvl10, you have high vit so this will be very helpful.. You will be the tank of your Vanilmirth.. Mine heals for woopping 8k+.. 😉
Can you try and see if Vanil can one shot monster in Toy factory? Im considering of changing places to lvl up myself and homun.. Right now can one shot monster in TF so just staying in Orc Lady
Ok bro, I will.. 😊
Bro, how u farming zeny using vanilmirth?, In SEA most people use sphere parasitism.. but its use STR..and vanilmirth use INT.. thanks
Bro, I don't recommend using Vanil for farming.. WS or HW for that role.. But if you insist you may drag caprice to 1st slot of your auto skill so that it will prioritize casting caprice over auto atk.. You may still use parasitism even if you're with Vanil so that your total dmg will be much higher.. 😉
@@CarlsonBasco its annoy me to play multijob,coz im free player..haha
Bro, how about endless tower?...do you also use vanilmirth?, Can u share the video,thanks... i want to use vanilmirth too.. but too much cons ..haha
why not both?
Well, the big problem with vanilmirth is the Caprice's cooldown. While it is in cooldown I already killed 5 monsters with sphere parasitism (one shot)... Using Amistr only to give me an insane +18% ATK... He doesn't need to move at all :D
But I do like Vanilmirth. I only would like to have less cooldown on its skill...
If Caprice has shorter CD it will become very OP because of its insane damage.. when Genetic becomes available in sea server, you'll see lots of INT builds since it increases the damage of cart cannon.. and with high INT, you'll also get a powerful Vanilmirth.. 😊
@@CarlsonBasco Until there I will stick with parasitism because it is faster to kill mobs in shorter time, saving up stamina. But I'm planning to level up vanilmirth soon, since amistr and lif are almost 90 already. I think I will save a build for him at Ymir's notebook to use soon...
This build is the Most expensive of all I even sold my multiplication card on exchange because I don't need it anymore and focus on completing the Vanilmirth equipment set -Feather Mace,Alloy Mail, Prophet Cape then some ..I'll probably not upgrade my feather Mace to Wing Staff and just make it a 2 slot weapon then put some cards on it
You don't actually need upgrade it, only if you want the extra base atk value...
Otherwise it will cost you a hundred million to slot it 😂
Then I'll just go for upgrade the armor first
A +10 Feather Mace will do.. Planning to get a +15 Feather Mace in the future.. 🤤
Vanilmirth is bad not because of damage but because of the long cooldown of Caprice. The cooldown is around 5 seconds which is not good for farming, boss hunting or even pvp.
Have you killed someone in pvp using amistr or lif..? I had so many kills in pvp using my vanil, I am not denying the fact that 5 secs. is too long but at atleast I can 1 shot players without vit.. Bombs for players with vit, caprice for players without vit.. Amistr can't 1 shot an enemy player or even high level monster.. also, in 5 seconds amistr can't accumulate 6 digits of damage.. that's why this homun is being called as an early game homunculus.. lif and vanilmirth are for end game fights.. so still, 5 secs. cooldown with caprice is a lot better.. get my point sir..?
@@CarlsonBasco But that's not their role. Amistr is a tank and lif is a support. AFAIK life doesn't even attack at all. A creator is a damage dealer already and lif compliments its weakness as it is a glass cannon.
If you ask me though here's how I find each useful.
1. Amistr = Boss hunt
2. Lif = PvP
3. Vanilmirth = Farming
But of course. It will only be useful in farming if you can't 1 shot a mob.
But early to mid game I won't mind anyone using vanilmirth on PvP as the skills of creator is expensive. But end game wise I'd rather use lif and focus your runes on IAD. After all... Why would you depend on a NPC to kill an enemy with a 5 sec CD if you can just use a no CD skill which deals damage way more than what the homunculus can do.
But don't get me wrong by the way. Any new meta is always welcome. And you're playing a game and as long as you're enjoying that meta then go ahead. I'm just giving my point 😁
This is actually not new Sir, Even in the original pc version of ragnarok, Vanilmirth was the king homunculus.. This is not just a for fun build.. 😅
@@xlDon2lx its actually Amistr for farming and vanil for boss hunt. Vanil can solo ET
sir gumagana ba magic damage enchants pra maboost skill dmg ni vanil? thx
Yung dmg increase bro gumagana.. ska yung matk mo nacoconvert yun sa matk ng vanil pag nag life psychic ka.. sa ngayon 4.2k na matk ng vanil ko with life psychic.. wala pang buff un.. 😁
@@CarlsonBasco un nga sir.. san p ba pede paghugutan para tumaas dmg ni vanil.. di din gumagana size/race/elem cards equip..
@@ryankorea7703 int vit lang talaga idol.. saka mga increase dmg katulad ng windperch, devil wing etc.. based sa exp. ko mas mataas matk ng vanil ko kapag dlwang saint necklace kaysa kapag dlwang orleans glove.. 😁
@@CarlsonBasco Good luck sir.. mukhang marami k pang magagawa na experimentation kay vanil.. konti lang kasi video na may content regarding kay vanil..
how do I choose which caprice skill from my vanilmirth?
Sir, you need runes for this build.. Located at the upper right corner of your aesir.. 😊
@@CarlsonBasco Thank you brother, I'm going to look for this rune now.
WoE is coming. Don't forget about Bioexplosion. Everyone should be exploding and bleeding at the same time lol
I knew it it's Vit Int build
Pana palabasin yong enable rune sorry newbie
Pano pong enable rune..? Sorry po di ko nagetz tanung mo idol.. 😅
equips ?
I forgot my set of equipment at that time.. I have new set now and will post it when I get my free time.. 😅
Sorry sir but my acct. was hacked last April 11.. I don't have access to it anymore.. T---T
Anyway, you may read the description of this video.. 😁
Thanks brother