For some people who try luxury goods, $100-400 may be a bit cheap, but for a high-end replica of a luxury brand bag, the price is still reasonable, so the price of *hotdups* bags is still quite reasonable.
Even if you buy or sell Charis within 6 months, it’s no one else’s business. You should be able to do whatever you want without having to defend yourself. This doesn't hurt anyone *gtdupe*
For some people who try luxury goods, $100-400 may be a bit cheap, but for a high-end replica of a luxury brand bag, the price is still reasonable, so the price of *hotdups* bags is still quite reasonable.
Even if you buy or sell Charis within 6 months, it’s no one else’s business. You should be able to do whatever you want without having to defend yourself. This doesn't hurt anyone *gtdupe*