We created a site with behind-the-scenes information! I included things I couldn't say in the video, come see me when you have time ✨ If you go to my profile, it's there! 비하인드를 다룬 사이트를 만들었습니다, 영상에서 못한 말들을 담았으니, 시간나면 보러오세요 ✨ 제 프로필 링크에 걸어뒀습니다!
This is incredible. I absolutely love how fluid everything is, and I really love how sharp the edges are at some points, like with the backgrounds and the stylization especially in the scene where he wraps the sarcophagus. It's amazing this is fully colored! Must've taken such a lot of hard work and skill. I've repeatedly watched it many times now,I hope it wins.
So I kinda fell in love with the storytelling and art style because they’re both gorgeous. I had a look at the behind the scenes and this has really inspired to learn a lot more about the Ancient Egyptian culture and religion so thanks!
I hope you understand english, because this is absolutely stunning!! I've never seen such a good animation about Egyptian gods, and the song lyrics just fits soooo well! I love it man, keep it up!
это просто нереально шикарно, я в восторге! боже, столько движений нарисовано и заанимированно, страшно представить, сколько это времени потребовало о.О круто!
@@somatically i couldnt remember but you can check the God animation meme competition results! Honestly the animation styles are very different but personally i would say that they both deserve first place🔥
? ? ? ??? ? ? 영,..,.영화를 만들어 놓으셨네요 이야 대박…. 배경이며 움직임이며 벽화 그림처럼 나온 거 하고… 뭐 하나 빼놓을 것 없이 멋지네요… 애니메이팅 진짜 너무 자연스럽고 멋지고… 스토리도 꽉꽉 담아서 2분30초 채우신게 너무 존경스러워요…! 위에 해석 쓰신것도 읽으면서 다시 보니까 더 재밌네요 😊
I fell in love with this animation.. I'm just crazy about the history of Egypt, their faith and culture In this animation, everything is so finely thought out, done, so beautiful..qvq 💛💛 Anubis.. it's the big heart stealer! pvp
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL HELLO?? I hope this blows up - the visuals are INCREDIBLE, I love how sharp the silhouettes are and the colors are SUPER pleasing to look at. ESPECIALLY THE BACKGROUNDS AAA, I'm eating this animation up and I'm not sharing
poor eng, so the meaning may be a little different 한국어 해석 추가했습니다! * The Egyptian myth I've covered is a shortened version + adaptation, so there's a lot of added and missing stories. Not "This is the definition of Egyptian mythology!" Think of it as another creation. * 제가 다룬 이집트 신화는 축약 버전 + 각색을 한 버전이므로, 추가되고 빠진 이야기가 많습니다. "이것이 이집트 신화의 정의다!"가 아니라. 또 하나의 창작물로 생각해 주세요. * I organized it in the order of the scenes from the video. * 영상에 나온 순서대로 정리하였습니다. 1_ Little Anubis discovered a fig one day while visiting the temple of Khonsu and wants to eat it. 1_ 어린 아누비스는 어느 날 콘수의 신전에 방문하게 되고, 무화과를 먹고 싶다고 생각하게 됩니다. 2_ And another day. Little Anubis gets to have fun with his mother, Nephthys. 2_ 또 다른 날, 어린 아누비스는 어머니인 네프티스와 즐거운 시간을 보냅니다. 3_ Young Anubis who played until the moon rose. He couldn't find his mother for days. 3_ 달이 뜰 때까지 놀던 어린 아누비스. 아이는 어머니를 며칠 동안 찾을 수 없었습니다. But he soon got help from someone. 하지만 곧 누군가의 도움을 받게 됩니다. 4_ Over time, Anubis becomes a young man's god. 4_ 시간이 흘러, 아누비스는 청년의 신이 되었습니다. When he had time, he was responsible for guarding the temple of his father, Set, and his mother, Nephthys. 여유가 나면 아누비스는 아버지인 세트와 어머니인 네프티스의 신전을 지키는 일을 맡았습니다. 5_ The contents of the mural are as follows in order : 5_ 벽화의 내용은 순서대로 다음과 같습니다 : A. Nut's conceived children: Osiris, Set, Isis, Nephthys A. 누트가 잉태한 아이들: 오시리스, 세트, 이시스, 네프티스 B. Osiris, who became an adult and succeeded Geb as king of the new gods. And his wife Isis.(With Set) B. 성인이 되어 게브의 뒤를 이어 새로운 왕이 된 오시리스. 그리고 그의 아내 이시스. (세트도 함께 나옵니다.) Osiris was recognized, but the set did not. 오시리스는 인정을 받았지만, 세트는 그러지 못했습니다. 6_ Meanwhile, Anubis, the god of youth, met Ra on business. 6_ 한편, 청년의 신 아누비스는 업무로 라를 보러 가게 됩니다. Then he finds out that his biological father is Osiris. 이야기를 나누다 그때 자신의 친아버지가 오시리스임을 알게 됩니다. 7_ Anubis asks Nephthys to tell him the truth because he has believed that his father and mother are Set and Nephthys. 7_ 아누비스는 여태까지 친아버지, 친어머니가 세트와 네프티스라고 믿었기 때문에 네프티스 에게 진실을 요구하게 됩니다. 8_ The four divisions are as follows: 8_ 4할의 이야기는 다음과 같습니다 : a. Set became more jealous of Osiris as he adored Isis, Osiris' wife. a. 세트는 오시리스의 아내 이시스를 사모하면서 오시리스를 더욱 질투하게 되었습니다 b. Neftis actually loved Osiris. But Neftis is Set's wife. b. 네프티스는 사실은 오시리스를 사랑했습니다. 하지만 네프티스는 세트의 아내인 상황입니다. But Set didn't pay attention to Nephthys. There are no children, so the worries grow. 세트는 네프티스에게 관심이 없었으며, 아이가 생기지 않자 걱정이 커지게 됩니다. After much consideration, Nephthys gives Osiris a drink, does it, and gives birth to Anubis. 고심 끝에 네프티스는 오시리스에게 술을 먹여 몰래 행한 뒤 아누비스를 낳게 됩니다. However, as Anubis grows, he resembles Osiris, and he dumps Anubis in the field out of concern. 하지만 아누비스는 성장하면서 오시리스와 닮아가자, 걱정스러운 마음에 아누비스를 들에 버리게 됩니다. c. Set holds a banquet, secretly kills Osiris, conceals it, and takes over the throne. c. 세트는 오시리스가 올 시간을 맞춰 연회를 잡고, 오시리스를 죽여 은폐한 뒤 왕권을 쥐게 됩니다. d. Set feels jealous when he sees Osiris' body by chance, and throws Osiris' body at the crocodiles and throws it all over Egypt. d. 세트는 우연히 오시리스의 시신을 보자 분노가 끓어오르게 되고, 시신을 토막 내 악어에게 던져 이집트 전역에 뿌려버립니다. Nephthys divorces Set when he hears the news. 네프티스는 이 소식을 듣자 이혼을 하게 됩니다. 9_ Anubis was confused and desperate. 9_ 아누비스는 혼란스럽고 절망적이었습니다. But he decided it was an emergency, and he did what his mind indicated first. 그러나 그는 그것이 긴급 상황이라고 판단하고 마음이 지시하는 대로 먼저 행동했습니다. 10_ Anubis succeeded in mummifying it, but did not stay with them for long. 10_ 아누비스는 미라화에 성공했지만 그 자리에 오래 머물지는 못했습니다. 11_ He had to sort many things out in his head belatedly, and now he wondered whether he could trust his family. 그는 뒤늦게 머리 속으로 많은 것들을 정리해야 했고, 이제 그는 자신의 가족을 믿을 수 있을지고민했습니다. 12_ At that time, Khonsu, who was watching this situation, approaches Anubis. 12_ 그때, 이 상황을 지켜보던 콘수가 아누비스에게 다가옵니다. 13_ Khonsu tells Anubis to think carefully because he will give him a chance to assist Osiris and determine the price of the souls' sins. 13_ 콘수는 아누비스에게 오시리스를 보좌하며 혼들의 죄값을 결정할 기회를 주며 신중하게 생각하라고 말합니다. 14_ After much consideration, Anubis buries his thoughts on the family deeply and accepts his suggestion. 14_ 아누비스는 고민 끝에 가족에 대한 생각을 마음 속 깊이 묻어두고 그의 제안을 받아들입니다. 15_ Little Anubis is a cheerful and obedient good boy. 15_ 어린 아누비스는 순종적이며 활기찬 착한 아이였습니다. That's why I kept wearing a mask without any doubt. 그래서 의심의 여지없이 마스크를 계속 착용하고 있었습니다. He knows the meaning now, but he is still reluctant to take off his mask. 이제 그 의미를 알지만 여전히 가면을 벗는 것을 꺼려합니다.
@GyeonHo 6시간 전 Wow, thanks for watching! But when you watched the video, I thought a lot about why a particular piece came to mind for you. 헉, 봐주셔서 감사합니다! 하지만 영상을 보시고 특정 작품이 떠오르는 이유에 대해 많은 고민을 했습니다. The story in this video is a creation created by adapting it based on Egyptian mythology together with the creator of Khonsu. 이 영상의 이야기는 콘수를 만든 창작자와 함께 이집트 신화를 기반으로 각색하여 만든 창작물입니다. Therefore, it is true that the design of the clothes and appearance was also heavily influenced by data from Egyptian mythology. 때문에 복장,외관 또한 이집트 신화의 자료를 보고 디자인을 많이 반영한건 맞습니다. I think the coincidence and atmosphere of a partially human-mythology-based story can have similar things. 그렇기에 신화로 기반하는 부분에선 이야기의 흐름과 분위기는 닮을 수 있다곤 생각합니다. The story of this video is in the pinned comment, and if you're interested, I recommend watching it just once! 이 영상의 이야기는 고정 댓글에 있으니, 관심이 있으시다면 한번 보는걸 추천드립니다!🫡 And this video deals with the past background of Anubis in the story about the relationship between Anubis and the moon god Khonsu, which is the center of the story. 그리고 이 영상은 이야기의 중심인 아누비스와 달의 신 콘수의 관계성에 대한 이야기 중 아누비스의 과거 배경을 다루고 있습니다. Future stories will likely deal more clearly with the relationship between the moon god Khonsu and Anubis. 이후의 이야기는 달의 신 콘수와 아누비스에 대한 관계성을 좀 더 확실하게 다룰 것 같습니다. However, I am attending college and would like to concentrate on my studies, so I would appreciate it if you could keep an eye on me more. 하지만 제가 대학을 다니고 있고, 학업에 열중하고 싶기 때문에 좀 더 지켜 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다. I'll come back with a better video 😌 더 나은 영상으로 찾아뵙겠습니다 😌
Я только начала думать про Египет с желанием найти какой-нибудь сюжет для ролки, как мне попадается это...Это прекрасно! Вдохновляет и заинтересовывает )
The smoothness and how the colors, different scenes combined together is absolutely stunning! Music blind with the story perfectly and Ive fallen too hard for it 😭😭😭 Love your amazing artwork!! Keep it up❤❤❤
THIS IS VISUALLY ENTICING also I love how this is also based on egyptian mytholigy (with the characters and stuff) I'm really a big fan of egyptian mythokjgy, so it's really nice to see a video with an animation related to it! Awesome work, creator :D
This animation is amazing! The artstyle, the flow of the animation, the characters, the story, everything!! Even the colors and perspectives are so well combined !!! Love it!!
Ohhhh the winner found! ❤️ It was just stunning..... I want to say so much but I haven't right words to describe this masterpiece. It's amazing work, it's wonderful, you have told a whole story in a meme and it was breathtaking. This was the most beautiful video I watched in a long time. Thank you!
I can't express in words how much I liked this animation...The music, the art style, the colors and shadows, the movements and poses - everything comes together. I especially like the moment where the main character takes his weapon (or staff, sorry, I didn’t fully understand).It was so beautiful! 🤧💖
It's been 2 months since I posted the video, you may have seen it for the first time today Every time I receive comments like this, I think I should repay them with a better video I think I can have a good day with your compliments Thanks ✨ *I'm sorry if the sentences are strange because I used a translator
@@GyeonHo I wish you good luck in your creativity! 💖💖💖 (Hah, I think, everything is ok with your sentences. Moreover... I also use a translator (~‾▿‾)~ )
Если вы хотите больше насладиться видео, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке в моем профиле! Честно говоря, я был удивлен, узнав, что посмотрел его 10 раз. (Спасибо) Переводчик не сработал и перевел одного из иероглифов как «Осень», ух ты...🥲
@@GyeonHo Извините, это была моя ошибка в написании слова. Телефон исправил слово на "Осень", а было слово " Очень". С радостью перейду по ссылке. Спасибо что ответили на моё сообщение. Желаю вам всего хорошего и удачи в рисовании))
I know nothing about Egyptian hieroglyphics, but the last phrase, 𓇋 𓈖 𓂸 𓄿 𓃣, , means Anubis (it spells out inpu , canine on shrine, denoting Anubis) I love this video ❤
I absolutely LOVE those scenic shots, they're just so beautiful and striking! I also love that the masks move in organic ways, the eyes squinting or widening to show emotion so clearly! And how fluid it is, and the perspective changes!! It's always a treat to see an animator just fucking flexing and being so casual about it.
Hey I was touched by your comment Because it gave me the opportunity to think that I had achieved half of my childhood dream Next time, I will come back with a good work with Kamu1050 thanks
I love Anubis sm, the way you portrayed him is amazing. The art is just amazing as well! I will say, I don't know who it is at the start but I'm assuming its Seth due to the red hair. Keep up the absolutely amazing work!
I think there is a misunderstanding because there seems to be a lack of explanation in the video. We plan to release a site with behind-the-scenes information about this video within January If you are interested, come see it, thank you for watching the video ✨
OMg this is so stunning I can see all the hard work you put into this animation!! I absolutely love the Egyptian gods so much and can't top watching this wonderful animation! 🥰🥰
OHHH GOD!! I wanted to share this with my friend (btw she's a fan of this manhwa) so badly but had to wait until the video stopped!!! I just couldn't take my eyes off!!! Love the animation and music choice very much!!! 🔥🔥🔥 thank you for your work! I enjoyed it.
First of all, thank you for enjoying However, I did not make a video with the theme of the ‘manhwa’in question 😭 It seems that such a mistake occurred because there is no copyright in writing Egyptian mythology itself Just like when you see blue, you think of a specific brand So, if you are interested in this, please read the story (behind the scenes) in my profile 🥲 thank you💕
First of all, thank you for enjoying However, I did not make a video with the theme of the ‘manhwa’in question 😭 It seems that such a mistake occurred because there is no copyright in writing Egyptian mythology itself Just like when you see blue, you think of a specific brand So, if you are interested in this, please read the story (behind the scenes) in my profile 🥲 thank you💕
[Verse 1] You can tell me what you want, now don’t be shy I know you like to open up your darker side Let me be the one to give you what you like I wanna take a look inside your mind [Pre] Want me to tease you? Or do you want it right now? I need you to tell me Cause I’m gonna go wild [Chorus 1] You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a [Verse 2] Never been with nobody that’s quite like me Cause if you see me once then you won’t wanna leavе I could show you things that’ll make you scream So I’m gon let you unlеash the beast [Pre 2] Want me to tease you? Or do you want it right now? I need you to tell me Cause I’m gonna go wild Show me the deepest depths I’ll promise not to drown You say Im your savior, then I need you to bow [Chorus 2] You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God [Bridge] Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you to the other side You’ll feel things you wish you felt your whole life It’ll make you come alive. You’ll think that it’s paradise I need you to hold on tight (You ready) [Chorus 3] You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God You’re messing with a God
Есть манга - Энниада. Там примерно похожий дизайн и сюжет основанный на мифологии Египта (как в видео) только приправлено яоем, стеклом, мистикой и чем только можно
im impressed i know the name anubis in my subconscious- i genuenly never took a deep dive into egyptian mytholigy, i guess that means your character design and animation is so good it spaks to my inner mind,haha! Genuenly though, this was a cynimatic masterpiece, and i regret not watching the whoole thing in fullscreen for the first time TwT
We created a site with behind-the-scenes information!
I included things I couldn't say in the video,
come see me when you have time ✨
If you go to my profile, it's there!
비하인드를 다룬 사이트를 만들었습니다,
영상에서 못한 말들을 담았으니,
시간나면 보러오세요 ✨
제 프로필 링크에 걸어뒀습니다!
This is to good congrats
I have read it and it's so SO interesting! Can't wait to know more about their stories 😭❤👍👍👍
This is incredible. I absolutely love how fluid everything is, and I really love how sharp the edges are at some points, like with the backgrounds and the stylization especially in the scene where he wraps the sarcophagus. It's amazing this is fully colored! Must've taken such a lot of hard work and skill. I've repeatedly watched it many times now,I hope it wins.
Thank you very much
I cry on the floor
Love 0:37 how Anubis stands between Nepthys and Seth.
I love how small Anubis is cute but older Anubis is….fine 👰♀️
Wait, "meh" fine, or fine 🥵 fine
@@pronetogames7946 fine fine 😍😍✋
You're so real for this🫣
와... 배경그림연출애니메이션스토리텔링 하나 빠짐 없이 완벽해요... 짧은 시간 안에 이렇게 구성 꽉꽉 채워서 제작하시다니 너무 존경스럽고 정말 영화 한 편 본 느낌이었습니다 대박이에요...👍👍👍
으악. 쉽게 잘따라와 주셔서
저야말로 기쁩니다 🥺 영화 한 편.
이란 단어가 위시리스트 하나
이룬 기분이네요. 이 영광을 관캐에게...
I love Anubis SO MUCH, he's my favorite god (after Bast/Bastet). I'm so glad that there's more animations about him.
Bastet supremacy frrrr
This is beautiful. Ngl I thought Ennead for a sec but nvm
Literally my first thought too lol
I am glad to see that I am not the only one
Me 2 😔
The red haired man, I thought he was uncle Seth 😢
Боже, у меня мурашки при просмотре. Это настолько превосходная работа, я в полном восторге. Безумно потрясающая анимация 😢
Скажите, а кто это эти персонажи??
Напоминает персонажей манги "Эннеада"
Но это не они)
@@yukilindemann8190 блиин, я тоже думала, что из этой манги, но внешность у них как-будто поменялась местами и это меня путало
@@makoto-sssну так они похожи, тк и там, и тут взята за основу древнеегипетская мифология. Анубис и Ра, что за первый чел хз
So I kinda fell in love with the storytelling and art style because they’re both gorgeous. I had a look at the behind the scenes and this has really inspired to learn a lot more about the Ancient Egyptian culture and religion so thanks!
This is absolutely amazing! Your art is so stunning!
I hope you understand english, because this is absolutely stunning!! I've never seen such a good animation about Egyptian gods, and the song lyrics just fits soooo well! I love it man, keep it up!
это просто нереально шикарно, я в восторге! боже, столько движений нарисовано и заанимированно, страшно представить, сколько это времени потребовало о.О
this deserves to win first place oml 😳😳
it did 🧍♂️
@@rainycloud.di think they won second place instead
@@kownampla8035 what?? what got first place?
@@somatically i couldnt remember but you can check the God animation meme competition results! Honestly the animation styles are very different but personally i would say that they both deserve first place🔥
알고리즘의 참기능 노래부터 영상까지 와....
이게 왜 조회수가 적은거지...? 내가 본 god 애니메이션 중에 제일 잘만듦
WOW this is stunning, its crazy how you finished this so fast!! The backgrounds and the animation is gorgeous
The ears are so expressive, I love that little detail
Чувак ты сделал крутую работу. Редко кто делают анимацию без повторений, а у тебя каждый кадр это что новое и это круто
I love this animation so much that I could see it more of Anubis and he is HOT in this video.
? ? ? ??? ? ?
영,..,.영화를 만들어 놓으셨네요 이야 대박…. 배경이며 움직임이며 벽화 그림처럼 나온 거 하고… 뭐 하나 빼놓을 것 없이 멋지네요… 애니메이팅 진짜 너무 자연스럽고 멋지고… 스토리도 꽉꽉 담아서 2분30초 채우신게 너무 존경스러워요…! 위에 해석 쓰신것도 읽으면서 다시 보니까 더 재밌네요 😊
Я сначала подумала, что это короткометражный мульт по корейской манхве "Эннеада" 😅
Мне нравится, спасибо за твой труд))
Igual también pensé que era algo de Ennead
вот я тоже подумал про неё! особенно сет похож прям как с манхвы
Ооо я тоже подумала что это "Эннеада"!!
The gold animation OMG its so pleasing congratulations to whoever worked on this!! ❤ 🎉
Watched through all your videos! You are literally the most underated artist on youtube! Your stuff is absolutely stunning!
It was an unexpected result,
thx for watching! 🥺
I fell in love with this animation..
I'm just crazy about the history of Egypt, their faith and culture
In this animation, everything is so finely thought out, done, so beautiful..qvq 💛💛
Anubis.. it's the big heart stealer! pvp
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL HELLO?? I hope this blows up - the visuals are INCREDIBLE, I love how sharp the silhouettes are and the colors are SUPER pleasing to look at. ESPECIALLY THE BACKGROUNDS AAA, I'm eating this animation up and I'm not sharing
I looked up stuff about the egyptian gods, and I'm still confused. Can someone please tell me what's going on?
poor eng, so the meaning may be a little different
한국어 해석 추가했습니다!
* The Egyptian myth I've covered is a shortened version + adaptation,
so there's a lot of added and missing stories.
Not "This is the definition of Egyptian mythology!"
Think of it as another creation.
* 제가 다룬 이집트 신화는 축약 버전 + 각색을 한 버전이므로,
추가되고 빠진 이야기가 많습니다.
"이것이 이집트 신화의 정의다!"가 아니라.
또 하나의 창작물로 생각해 주세요.
* I organized it in the order of the scenes from the video.
* 영상에 나온 순서대로 정리하였습니다.
1_ Little Anubis discovered a fig one day while visiting the temple of Khonsu and wants to eat it.
1_ 어린 아누비스는 어느 날 콘수의 신전에 방문하게 되고, 무화과를 먹고 싶다고 생각하게 됩니다.
2_ And another day. Little Anubis gets to have fun with his mother, Nephthys.
2_ 또 다른 날, 어린 아누비스는 어머니인 네프티스와 즐거운 시간을 보냅니다.
3_ Young Anubis who played until the moon rose.
He couldn't find his mother for days.
3_ 달이 뜰 때까지 놀던 어린 아누비스.
아이는 어머니를 며칠 동안 찾을 수 없었습니다.
But he soon got help from someone.
하지만 곧 누군가의 도움을 받게 됩니다.
4_ Over time, Anubis becomes a young man's god.
4_ 시간이 흘러, 아누비스는 청년의 신이 되었습니다.
When he had time, he was responsible for guarding the temple of his father, Set, and his mother, Nephthys.
여유가 나면 아누비스는 아버지인 세트와 어머니인 네프티스의 신전을 지키는 일을 맡았습니다.
5_ The contents of the mural are as follows in order :
5_ 벽화의 내용은 순서대로 다음과 같습니다 :
A. Nut's conceived children:
Osiris, Set, Isis, Nephthys
A. 누트가 잉태한 아이들:
오시리스, 세트, 이시스, 네프티스
B. Osiris, who became an adult and succeeded Geb as king of the new gods.
And his wife Isis.(With Set)
B. 성인이 되어 게브의 뒤를 이어 새로운 왕이 된 오시리스.
그리고 그의 아내 이시스. (세트도 함께 나옵니다.)
Osiris was recognized, but the set did not.
오시리스는 인정을 받았지만, 세트는 그러지 못했습니다.
6_ Meanwhile, Anubis, the god of youth, met Ra on business.
6_ 한편, 청년의 신 아누비스는 업무로 라를 보러 가게 됩니다.
Then he finds out that his biological father is Osiris.
이야기를 나누다 그때 자신의 친아버지가 오시리스임을 알게 됩니다.
7_ Anubis asks Nephthys to tell him the truth because
he has believed that his father and mother are Set and Nephthys.
7_ 아누비스는 여태까지 친아버지,
친어머니가 세트와 네프티스라고 믿었기 때문에
네프티스 에게 진실을 요구하게 됩니다.
8_ The four divisions are as follows:
8_ 4할의 이야기는 다음과 같습니다 :
a. Set became more jealous of Osiris as he adored Isis, Osiris' wife.
a. 세트는 오시리스의 아내 이시스를 사모하면서 오시리스를 더욱 질투하게 되었습니다
b. Neftis actually loved Osiris.
But Neftis is Set's wife.
b. 네프티스는 사실은 오시리스를 사랑했습니다.
하지만 네프티스는 세트의 아내인 상황입니다.
But Set didn't pay attention to Nephthys.
There are no children,
so the worries grow.
세트는 네프티스에게 관심이 없었으며,
아이가 생기지 않자 걱정이 커지게 됩니다.
After much consideration, Nephthys gives Osiris a drink,
does it, and gives birth to Anubis.
고심 끝에 네프티스는 오시리스에게 술을 먹여
몰래 행한 뒤 아누비스를 낳게 됩니다.
However, as Anubis grows, he resembles Osiris,
and he dumps Anubis in the field out of concern.
하지만 아누비스는 성장하면서 오시리스와 닮아가자,
걱정스러운 마음에 아누비스를 들에 버리게 됩니다.
c. Set holds a banquet, secretly kills Osiris,
conceals it, and takes over the throne.
c. 세트는 오시리스가 올 시간을 맞춰 연회를 잡고,
오시리스를 죽여 은폐한 뒤 왕권을 쥐게 됩니다.
d. Set feels jealous when he sees Osiris' body by chance,
and throws Osiris' body at the crocodiles and throws it all over Egypt.
d. 세트는 우연히 오시리스의 시신을 보자
분노가 끓어오르게 되고, 시신을 토막 내
악어에게 던져 이집트 전역에 뿌려버립니다.
Nephthys divorces Set when he hears the news.
네프티스는 이 소식을 듣자 이혼을 하게 됩니다.
9_ Anubis was confused and desperate.
9_ 아누비스는 혼란스럽고 절망적이었습니다.
But he decided it was an emergency,
and he did what his mind indicated first.
그러나 그는 그것이 긴급 상황이라고 판단하고
마음이 지시하는 대로 먼저 행동했습니다.
10_ Anubis succeeded in mummifying it,
but did not stay with them for long.
10_ 아누비스는 미라화에 성공했지만
그 자리에 오래 머물지는 못했습니다.
11_ He had to sort many things out in his head belatedly,
and now he wondered whether he could trust his family.
그는 뒤늦게 머리 속으로 많은 것들을 정리해야 했고,
이제 그는 자신의 가족을 믿을 수 있을지고민했습니다.
12_ At that time, Khonsu, who was watching this situation, approaches Anubis.
12_ 그때, 이 상황을 지켜보던 콘수가 아누비스에게 다가옵니다.
13_ Khonsu tells Anubis to think carefully because
he will give him a chance to assist Osiris and determine the price of the souls' sins.
13_ 콘수는 아누비스에게 오시리스를 보좌하며
혼들의 죄값을 결정할 기회를 주며 신중하게 생각하라고 말합니다.
14_ After much consideration,
Anubis buries his thoughts on the family deeply and accepts his suggestion.
14_ 아누비스는 고민 끝에 가족에 대한 생각을
마음 속 깊이 묻어두고 그의 제안을 받아들입니다.
15_ Little Anubis is a cheerful and obedient good boy.
15_ 어린 아누비스는 순종적이며 활기찬 착한 아이였습니다.
That's why I kept wearing a mask without any doubt.
그래서 의심의 여지없이 마스크를 계속 착용하고 있었습니다.
He knows the meaning now, but he is still reluctant to take off his mask.
이제 그 의미를 알지만 여전히 가면을 벗는 것을 꺼려합니다.
@@GyeonHo thank you 🙏
становление анубиса
6시간 전
Wow, thanks for watching!
But when you watched the video,
I thought a lot about why a particular piece came to mind for you.
헉, 봐주셔서 감사합니다!
하지만 영상을 보시고 특정 작품이 떠오르는 이유에 대해 많은 고민을 했습니다.
The story in this video is a creation created by adapting it based on Egyptian mythology together with the creator of Khonsu.
이 영상의 이야기는 콘수를 만든 창작자와 함께 이집트 신화를 기반으로 각색하여 만든 창작물입니다.
Therefore, it is true that the design of the clothes and
appearance was also heavily influenced by data from Egyptian mythology.
때문에 복장,외관 또한 이집트 신화의 자료를 보고 디자인을 많이 반영한건 맞습니다.
I think the coincidence and atmosphere of a partially human-mythology-based story can have similar things.
그렇기에 신화로 기반하는 부분에선 이야기의 흐름과 분위기는 닮을 수 있다곤 생각합니다.
The story of this video is in the pinned comment,
and if you're interested,
I recommend watching it just once!
이 영상의 이야기는 고정 댓글에 있으니,
관심이 있으시다면 한번 보는걸 추천드립니다!🫡
And this video deals with the past background of Anubis in the story about the relationship between Anubis and the moon god Khonsu,
which is the center of the story.
그리고 이 영상은 이야기의 중심인 아누비스와 달의 신 콘수의 관계성에 대한 이야기 중 아누비스의 과거 배경을 다루고 있습니다.
Future stories will likely deal more clearly with the relationship between the moon god Khonsu and Anubis.
이후의 이야기는 달의 신 콘수와 아누비스에 대한 관계성을 좀 더 확실하게 다룰 것 같습니다.
However, I am attending college and
would like to concentrate on my studies,
so I would appreciate it if you could keep an eye on me more.
하지만 제가 대학을 다니고 있고, 학업에 열중하고 싶기 때문에 좀 더 지켜 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다.
I'll come back with a better video 😌
더 나은 영상으로 찾아뵙겠습니다 😌
@@GyeonHo I'll keep an eye on you
Я только начала думать про Египет с желанием найти какой-нибудь сюжет для ролки, как мне попадается это...Это прекрасно! Вдохновляет и заинтересовывает )
The smoothness and how the colors, different scenes combined together is absolutely stunning! Music blind with the story perfectly and Ive fallen too hard for it 😭😭😭
Love your amazing artwork!! Keep it up❤❤❤
oh this is STUNNING. how did you do this in such a short time omg??
thx for watching!
Actually, I finished working
from August 20th to September 2nd!
Luckily, it was a vacation period,
but I had to study🫠
this is INCREDIBLE i hope you win! you deserve it-the movement in that first shot of adult anubis was just insane
2:02 i ship them already, i'm so weak when 2 mens look each other this way
Their father and son in Egyptshon history!!!
1:14 who's that Pokemon❗
ITS PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@TannerReed-d8h IT'S CLEFAIRY!-
와 무슨 스토리인지는 자세히 모르겠지만 대충 흐름이 어떤지는 이해했고.. 일단 두 캐릭터가 너무 매력적이게 잘 디자인된거 같네요!!!! 🥰 이거 왜 지금 발견했지...ㅠㅠ
요즘 알고리즘이 여러 사람을 만나뵐 수 있게 힘 써주시는 것 같아요
이 연이 이 댓글에서 짧게 끝날지도 모르지만
선생님이 이 이야기에 더 관심이 있으시다면 이 이야기를 정리한 사이트를 1월 내에 만들어 내놓을 계획이니 기대해주셔도 좋을 것 같습니다
감사합니다 ✨
THIS IS VISUALLY ENTICING also I love how this is also based on egyptian mytholigy (with the characters and stuff) I'm really a big fan of egyptian mythokjgy, so it's really nice to see a video with an animation related to it! Awesome work, creator :D
Видео просто невероятное❤
Пара персонажей в начале напомнило персонажей из манхвы "Эниада"❤
Это не они разве?😮 тоже подумала сразу про эннеаду
Это же в целом про египетских богов, понятно и там и там персонажи будут одни и те же, только в разном стиле
O de cabelo vermelho me lembra o seth
...견호님이 만들어 가면서 죽은 눈이 되셨던 밈... .......... 이. 이건 죽은 눈이 아니라 죽을뻔 하셨던거 아닌가요...... ............ 진짜너무멋지시다....🫠💕💕
This animation is amazing! The artstyle, the flow of the animation, the characters, the story, everything!! Even the colors and perspectives are so well combined !!! Love it!!
Mano, ficou SENSACIONAL... Eu já estava apaixonada nessa música, com essa animação ficou PERFEITO. Uau. Sério, de verdade, parabéns!
Эта анимация такая красивая❤
Влюбилась в стиль автора, продолжайте в том же духе, желаю успехов🎉
the animation and the style is so cool omfg
OH GOSH THIS DESERVES SO MUCH MORE!!!! Great work, really!!
Ohhhh the winner found! ❤️
It was just stunning..... I want to say so much but I haven't right words to describe this masterpiece.
It's amazing work, it's wonderful, you have told a whole story in a meme and it was breathtaking.
This was the most beautiful video I watched in a long time. Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words.
We will develop into something even better in the future 🫡
Underrated!!! This is one of the best
Genuinely hope this one wins I love the visuals here so much
I can't express in words how much I liked this animation...The music, the art style, the colors and shadows, the movements and poses - everything comes together. I especially like the moment where the main character takes his weapon (or staff, sorry, I didn’t fully understand).It was so beautiful! 🤧💖
It's been 2 months since I posted the video,
you may have seen it for the first time today
Every time I receive comments like this,
I think I should repay them with a better video
I think I can have a good day with your compliments
Thanks ✨
*I'm sorry if the sentences are strange because I used a translator
@@GyeonHo I wish you good luck in your creativity! 💖💖💖
(Hah, I think, everything is ok with your sentences. Moreover... I also use a translator (~‾▿‾)~ )
This is incredible oh my god. You are astonishingly underrated
WOOO Congrats!! 🎉
DUDE THIS IS SO COOL!!! Your use of colors is amazing!!
Честно скажу, пересматриваю эту анимацию уже десятый раз. Мне осень понравился персонаж и хотелось бы видеть его больше)))
Если вы хотите больше насладиться видео, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке в моем профиле! Честно говоря, я был удивлен, узнав, что посмотрел его 10 раз. (Спасибо)
Переводчик не сработал и перевел одного из иероглифов как «Осень», ух ты...🥲
@@GyeonHo Извините, это была моя ошибка в написании слова. Телефон исправил слово на "Осень", а было слово " Очень". С радостью перейду по ссылке. Спасибо что ответили на моё сообщение. Желаю вам всего хорошего и удачи в рисовании))
спасибо за добрый ответ. Я полностью понял эту статью! хорошего дня✨
I know nothing about Egyptian hieroglyphics, but the last phrase, 𓇋 𓈖 𓂸 𓄿 𓃣, , means Anubis (it spells out inpu , canine on shrine, denoting Anubis)
I love this video ❤
Woow!! It looks hella good :0 I love how well animated it is
Невероятно красивая анимация.... Надеюсь тут будет куда больше просмотров!!
THAT WAS SO COOL I’m sorry I don’t have words for how awesome every part of this was but it was beautiful and Anubis is soo cool
This is awesome. The perspectives, backgrounds, and character designs are PHENOMENAL. Incredible job!! 💕💕
영상이 정말 완성도가 높네요 잘 보고 갑니다.
Пересматриваю второй день подряд. Великолепная работа! Спасибо!
большое спасибо, сэр 😭
this is the winner here.
I absolutely LOVE those scenic shots, they're just so beautiful and striking!
I also love that the masks move in organic ways, the eyes squinting or widening to show emotion so clearly! And how fluid it is, and the perspective changes!! It's always a treat to see an animator just fucking flexing and being so casual about it.
Hey I was touched by your comment
Because it gave me the opportunity to think that I had achieved half of my childhood dream
Next time,
I will come back with a good work with Kamu1050 thanks
@@GyeonHo I'm excited to see it!
Amazing art, and lovely story telling, two things i always wish to see in these kinds of videos.
I love Anubis sm, the way you portrayed him is amazing. The art is just amazing as well! I will say, I don't know who it is at the start but I'm assuming its Seth due to the red hair. Keep up the absolutely amazing work!
I think there is a misunderstanding because there seems to be a lack of explanation in the video.
We plan to release a site with behind-the-scenes information about this video within January
If you are interested, come see it, thank you for watching the video ✨
This is stunning! Amazing work!
I'm gonna be SHOCKED if this doesn't at least place in the top 10 bc Omg
OMg this is so stunning I can see all the hard work you put into this animation!! I absolutely love the Egyptian gods so much and can't top watching this wonderful animation! 🥰🥰
Hung😭😭😭 thank you
This is gorgeous. You have so much talent! You really deserve to be famous.
Woah the animation is so smooth!e your art style too!
This was amazing, great job :)
God this is SO COOL!!! so many amazing shots dynamic explosive character movements!!!! So amazing!!!
OHHH GOD!! I wanted to share this with my friend (btw she's a fan of this manhwa) so badly but had to wait until the video stopped!!! I just couldn't take my eyes off!!! Love the animation and music choice very much!!! 🔥🔥🔥 thank you for your work! I enjoyed it.
First of all, thank you for enjoying
However, I did not make a video with the theme of the ‘manhwa’in question 😭
It seems that such a mistake occurred because there is no copyright in writing Egyptian mythology itself
Just like when you see blue,
you think of a specific brand
So, if you are interested in this,
please read the story
(behind the scenes) in my profile 🥲
thank you💕
Got me thinkin abt ENNEAD fr 🥶😭😭
Beautiful artsyle and storytelling 10 outta 10 💖💖
First of all, thank you for enjoying
However, I did not make a video with the theme of the ‘manhwa’in question 😭
It seems that such a mistake occurred because there is no copyright in writing Egyptian mythology itself
Just like when you see blue,
you think of a specific brand
So, if you are interested in this,
please read the story
(behind the scenes) in my profile 🥲
thank you💕
@@GyeonHo Will do so! 💖
This is amazing! I'm totally floored, what an inspiration!
Congratulations! ❤
Thank you * *lying on the floor and crying* *
Holy smokes this is amazing
WOW it's wonderful!
I can’t stop watching this😭
All the scenes and memories makes me wish I can go back to when I was a kid and first found her❤
it's just great, great job I really like
[Verse 1]
You can tell me what you want, now don’t be shy
I know you like to open up your darker side
Let me be the one to give you what you like
I wanna take a look inside your mind
Want me to tease you?
Or do you want it right now?
I need you to tell me
Cause I’m gonna go wild
[Chorus 1]
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a
[Verse 2]
Never been with nobody that’s quite like me
Cause if you see me once then you won’t wanna leavе
I could show you things that’ll make you scream
So I’m gon let you unlеash the beast
[Pre 2]
Want me to tease you?
Or do you want it right now?
I need you to tell me
Cause I’m gonna go wild
Show me the deepest depths I’ll promise not to drown
You say Im your savior, then I need you to bow
[Chorus 2]
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you to the other side
You’ll feel things you wish you felt your whole life
It’ll make you come alive. You’ll think that it’s paradise
I need you to hold on tight
(You ready)
[Chorus 3]
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
You’re messing with a God
ive been rewatching it, i love this !!
* поперхнулась чаем *
Так, я срочно требую такой фанфик!🎉
Есть манга - Энниада. Там примерно похожий дизайн и сюжет основанный на мифологии Египта (как в видео) только приправлено яоем, стеклом, мистикой и чем только можно
@@gradussanimeishn9457 Энниаду знаю, перечитывала много раз. Смешная история:)
Таки да, в месте, где Хонсю взялся за налобный платок Анубиса. было довольно горячо. И потом, когда Хонсю из-под маски на Анубиса смотрит.
I need a whole series of this... seriously, it's too good... 🥰🥰
Вау, мой любимый стих который я наизусть помню ещё и в озвучке с таким невероятным голосом ! Я кажется влюбилась ) ютуб знает что мне рекомендовать 🖤
So cool. I used to be big into mythology, so seeing it around makes me happy, haha.
This is beautiful
this is absolutely amazing, good job. i bet you'll win
This is beautiful. No other way to go about it.
UA-cam recommendations have blessed me yet again. Amazing ❤
this is soooo gooood!!!! omg i love it
so beautiful!! ;0;
Great work!
im impressed i know the name anubis in my subconscious- i genuenly never took a deep dive into egyptian mytholigy, i guess that means your character design and animation is so good it spaks to my inner mind,haha! Genuenly though, this was a cynimatic masterpiece, and i regret not watching the whoole thing in fullscreen for the first time TwT