Thank you everyone for the support! I really appreciate the kind words and the hospital stories (sounds like Emergency Rooms suck no matter where you go). As I said in the video, I'll be seeing a cardiologist tomorrow so I'm anxious to get some answers. As one final note: I appreciate the offers of financial support, but that's just not something I'm comfortable with. I'm sure we have a lot of bills ahead, and while they can be expensive, Mal and I are in a good situation between finances and insurance. We will tackle this thing head on and make sure 2014 is truly the year of health.
StephenVlog I feel you Stephen. I know it has been a year since you have uploaded this video, but I have to comment. I had a pain, stretching from my upper legs to my lower bag when I was in the 4th grade. It was the worst pain anyone has ever felt, or I have ever felt. I went to the hospital, they told me it was NORMAL for my age. I was 10-11 years old, this extreme pain was normal for kids my age. So, I was convinced I wasn't fine, I stayed home for 2 weeks and I got better because of stuff my PARENTS did, not the hospital. I had to get this out there, I feel you Stephen, even though this was a year ago.
I've been rewatching the vlog from the beginning and getting to this video is a wild experience. This was the video that got me subscribed and invested on the journey. I was dealing with similar experiences and when I typed in key words on UA-cam at the time, I was led to this vlog. Turns out it was stress but it was comforting at the time knowing I wasn't alone. 10 years later almost I'm still here.
7:26 I think you mean your capillaries. Also I definitely agree on taking a break. Your health comes first and we can wait. We Stephenites are patient. :) Hope you get and feel better soon Stephen!!! Love you two!!
I have had exactly this experience, what it turned out for me was massive heartburn. Which can feel just like this and all the stress you're under that would make some sense.
Stephen, I only wish the best for you and your loved ones. I hope you can get the treatment you deserve as soon as possible, so you can enjoy the rest of the holidays. Take as much time as needed to get better!
Just keep calm Stephen, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Your viewers are here and we'll support you! Of course, the ER is scary, but it will give you some peace of mind. Take care of your heart so you can continue doing what you love. I hope you'll be feel better, and I think I speak for all of us when I say this. Good luck!
This really pees me off how the doctors treated you. You have to pay for your healthcare and to top it off they just turn you away. I really hope you get better soon and maybe you could do an earthbound live stream or something for finance. Joshjepson is doing a similar thing for a citizenship. Don't feel guilty. Get well soon
I hope you feel better Stephen! You are a true inspiration to me and I just want to wish and pray for you that everything is going to be fine for you. ❤
get well Stephen! youtube can wait, it's your well being that we care for! we come for the video's but stay for that beautiful personality we've come to love. much love from the sky island in AZ. ;D
Here's to getting much better soon! Just remember everyone has pains so we all know how you feel and also if it has worked for other people there is no reason why it can't for you!
I have this condition called Precordial catch syndrome, had it since I was young. Its this really sharp pain on the left side of my chest, right near my heart. It only happens while I am non-active, and goes away after a short time, or I can breathe deep quickly and it will hurt worse, then fade. Completely harmless, but four of the doctors I had seen had never heard of it, and its undetectable, plus its really uncommon in young adults and older. So really scary, really painful when it happens, but glad I eventually found out its harmless. So hope you get the same result!
Hope you get well soon Stephen, don't feel bad at all about taking a break, you need one! Your fans will definitely understand, things like this just happen in life. Again though, hope you feel better!
Yeah Stephen hospitals suck no matter where you go. I live in Canada and my mother just stayed in a hospital for a week. I'm so thankful that it is free here because we are already struggling financially since my mom can't go back to work for at least a month. She has had meningitis three times now and this time they are like "Oh I guess we should actually do something about this instead of sending her home with pain killers." If you need to take a rest from LPs please do we don't have your heart exploding over such a stupid reason as getting videos out on time.
sounds like what you were describing was an atrial septal defect, a hole between the two chambers of the heart that receives oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
I never commented on your video's before, but I've been following your channels for a while now. And as strange as it may sound because I'm a stranger to you, I really care about your wellbeing. I'm glad you decided to no longer postpone going to the hospital, and it's a relief for now that your heart seems to be healthy. I hope the next appointment will give you more answers, though. I hope they will be able to figure out the source of the pain you've been having, so you can be treated properly. My best wishes to you Stephen, I hope you feel better soon!
We all hope that you may get more definite answers soon, and if any expenses come up that you don't think you can handle alone come up, I'm positive that many of us would be glad to help in any way we can, just focus on getting better.
Oh, and you and Mal were right - I was a student volunteer in a hospital last year and I was told that if you have to wait for a long time upon going to the ER, it usually means you're in less danger than other people.
Stephen this is a given, but dont stress your self if you can help it if you need more time off take it. Be it vlogs or lp's be careful we are here for you, stay strong! :)
That's crazy, though honestly I'm not surprised. I worked at a hospital pharmacy, so I've heard some of the ER stories, but normally if it's chest pains, they are supposed to keep you overnight at least. You have too many dangerous things that can happen with chest pain.
This really hits home with me. The past three years of my life were pretty much heart related hospital visits one on top of another, but not for myself, for my grandmother. And ER doctors generally seem to suck. I can't tell you how many times I had to call an ambulance for her because she's in and out of consciousness, only for them to wake her up and send her home. She had chronic heart failure, and it was always biting on her. And I was extremely furious with them this year when my grandmother had a heart attack (a mildly common thing, once or twice every few months) and they took her in and sent her the home the next day and basically told her "Ignore it, it was a freak accident, you'll be fine." She died a week later on June 19th this year. She had 3 heart attacks in an hour, one on top of the other. I too can't wait for you to see an actual cardiologist to get the news. At least at that point you'll hopefully find out what's happening. The enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't. I'll be praying for you two. All the love
Stephen take as long as you need to get better even if you feel better you deserve a break and I wish the best of luck to you all enjoy your holiday and I hope that everything goes well.
I had chest pains about a year ago and read up on it on google and tried a few things myself. Turns out it was indigestion that made it feel like I was going to have a heart attack. I decreased my garbage intake pretty significantly, and it stopped.
Stephen!!! Please get better soon! Stephen take care of yourself. I hope the pain eases soon because I've been around for a long time and I hate seeing you this way and I think it hurts everyone else to see you this way. I hope you get well very soon but take your time because we can wait. Get well soon Stephen!
Best of luck Stephen. Hospitals are the least fun place to be. Just make sure to keep Mal and your family by your side. You don't want to go through this alone. And thanks for sharing your health trials with us even when you have no obligation to do so.
The last time I had a contrast when they were getting the bandage the blood came through the gauge and broke the tape and the doctor fumbled around to open the band-aid box and replaced the gauge with the band-aid
bob switshenhimer and that is your opinion really there is no proof whether or not he is real but if some wants to believe in god let them. how does it harm you? saying "praying for you" is the equivalent of saying get well soon of course theres no direct help in saying it. but it does let that person know you care im not even religious but at least i don't judge people based on religon heck i know a arabic family and the father is muslim yet he is still a good father he even let his kids be catholic (which usaully is frowned upon in muslim) so if people want to pray let them and don't spit in someones face just becuase they believe something different than you
seth spencer I know this is old but don't let people like that get to you, God is good and does answer prayer. Praise be to the Almighty God who loves and adores us.
Hey Stephen, I was having painful heart twinges back in early October of this year and so I went to the doctor. Thankfully according to the doc the twinges were most likely spontaneous muscle spasms with no real cause, but they wouldn't kill me. Really hope you are doing well and you, Mal, and the rest of your family stay well and that the cardiologist visit helps to shed some light.
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Make sure to have a list of things to ask the doctor and have all of your questions answered. Just remember that you are paying them so you need to be comfortable with your visit. Oh and by the way a couple years I broke my nose and had a huge gash on it. It took them over three hours to stitch it up and take an x ray. I left the emergency room with the blood still all over my face.
That REALLY sucks Stephen! Especially before Christmas. I have Type 1 Diabetes, and when I was diagnosed, the ER put 6 needles in me at once! SIX!! I hope you get well as soon as possible! I hope you get better. Best wishes to you and Mal
I was admitted in the hospital when I was 9 years old for a bladder problem as they found out I had a blocked up bowl and it was actually starting to affect my kidney's they said if I had not gotten there as I did and not admitted as fast as I did I would be on a kidney machine but it took three days to clear up and I just slept the weekend away and im just fine now. and Stephen I know you will be just fine and will be praying for you for tomorrow that everything is ok and they find the problem your an awesome guy so stay awesome.
The ER is great for a bandage on non-visible injuries, not so great for a solution. Keep the appointment with the cardiologist. Take it easy and take your time. I'd rather see no more videos from you because you need to take a break than because there is no more Stephen. Mal is too nice of a lady to have to go through losing you.
"If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me." I hope you feel better Stephen, just stay positive and confident.
Stephen, I wanted to let you know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I also admire you how you were able to stay so calm throughout this whole ordeal. I can tell you are very nervous about it but you don't let it show and you "make jokes" and try to keep the atmosphere light. I think that's a great thing to be able to do during times of hardship. Take care of yourself and get well soon.
When my sister had swine flu it took like half an hour to get her into the ER but when my mom pinched a major nerve in her neck it took about 5 hours to get in even though she was screaming from pain. In fact there was a guy across from us who cut off his thumb and was bleeding out in front of us who was there almost as long as us. Crazy right?
Best of luck, Stephen. I know that being in the ER can be frustrating. I went about 6 years ago with severe abdominal pain and ended up with my appendix removed less than 6 hours later. It's good that you went and got at least some information, even if it wasn't as detailed as you'd like. But I assume you've gone to the cardiologist now (since it's the 12th) and I know we all hope that everything went as well as can be.
I feel sort of bad because I watch your channel like it's TV or something and forget that it's actually your life. I hope you get better Stephen, I truly do, because the world just wouldn't be the same without you :)
Wow. Hope you'll be fine Stephen. Take care of yourself! What's the best for hospital stuff? Waiting for 1 hour and a half, but pay a crazy amount of money? Or wait for 10-15 hours, but get the help free? Differences.
Hope you feel better Stephen. I went to the Doctor a few weeks ago without insurance and got my gal bladder tested which they said was fine but might need tested again. So far its cost me without insurance close to $800. Its a tough situation to be in that's for sure.
You're in my thoughts Stephen! I hope they find a way to help you out. The ER here in Canada is just as bad. Last year I was there for severe abdominal pain and they kept me there for 5 hours just to take an X-Ray and send me on my merry way. It's a serious gong show anywhere you go. Take as much time as you need to rest up. We can wait. Your health has to come first.
i hope your alright and that everything will be end up ok! your my favorite youtuber ever and i love everything you've LP'd and i'm almost thru the journey day 900ish
Wow the health system in america sounds awful, from the sounds of it people are basically taking life threatening illness cus they cant afford to get it checked, and this is in one of the biggest and most powerful countries o_O. Hearing this and how you've been putting off going its almost like the hospitals are going "can you afford to live" rather than "can we help" =/
The health system is very complicated here in the US and prices are very inflated and expensive for several valid and not so valid reasons. The big one is the United States is a massive country having a population about 6x that of most universal health systems like what you see in Canada and the EU. Simply put are too expensive (a single payer system would cost about 1.5 trillion a year which is basically half of our annual federal spending). The less savory reasons are things like doctors charging way more than they should to off set the costs of their education (becoming a doctor costs somthing close to $300,000 in the US) and thus doctors demand a very high salary. Then you have massive over regulation from government that forces people to carry the same level of insurence that a person in their 70's with multiple health issues would carry leading to insurence companies having to raise prices to off set the costs of having to provde insurence. And lastly insurence companies and hospitals constantly fighting over pay leading to people being wrongly billed or hospitals having to eat treatment costs which then casues the patient to have to pay more than they should. Simply put its a mess and there isnt a good solution that wouldnt either cause massive increases in taxes that poor and middle class families cant afford or health care rationing and overreach by the state, neither of which the overall american citizen will stand for
I have stomach ache problems and i had to go to the ER after throwing up two days straight they thought i had a gall stone or something and it wasnt fun but it turned out i just have a week stomach. Get well soon Stephen
Something similar happened to me. One morning I woke up with extremely severe chest and back pain to the point where I couldn't stand up straight. It felt like someone stabbed a metal rod through me. I was really afraid of what could be wrong. It turns out it was just anxiety and high blood pressure. I didn't want to take any of the medication they were giving me so I just changed to a really healthy diet. I feel better than I ever have. I was told that anxiety can be brought on if your body is low on vitamin b. I truly wish you the best.
Good luck tomorrow. I hope all goes well and you get the answers you're looking for and the treatment you may need to help you. You'll be in my thoughts. (And Mal will be in my thoughts too, cause I know what it's like to be the loved one of someone going through medical issues.)
I really hope you get well soon Steven, I know the position you are kind of in 2 years ago I had crazy medical problems and yeah..but for me it was dealing with my brain and neurology instead. Although cardiology is something to not mess around with or anything wrong with the human body in general =/
When I broke my nose and went to the ER all the doctor did was look up my nose, say "yep it's blocked, it's definitely broken" and discharged me. No x-rays or anything, just a prescription for pain killers and I was out the door.
Thank you everyone for the support! I really appreciate the kind words and the hospital stories (sounds like Emergency Rooms suck no matter where you go). As I said in the video, I'll be seeing a cardiologist tomorrow so I'm anxious to get some answers. As one final note: I appreciate the offers of financial support, but that's just not something I'm comfortable with. I'm sure we have a lot of bills ahead, and while they can be expensive, Mal and I are in a good situation between finances and insurance. We will tackle this thing head on and make sure 2014 is truly the year of health.
StephenVlog I feel you Stephen. I know it has been a year since you have uploaded this video, but I have to comment. I had a pain, stretching from my upper legs to my lower bag when I was in the 4th grade. It was the worst pain anyone has ever felt, or I have ever felt. I went to the hospital, they told me it was NORMAL for my age. I was 10-11 years old, this extreme pain was normal for kids my age. So, I was convinced I wasn't fine, I stayed home for 2 weeks and I got better because of stuff my PARENTS did, not the hospital. I had to get this out there, I feel you Stephen, even though this was a year ago.
+Jacob Llamas you were 10 years old in fourth grade? I'm 12 years old in 8th grade...
Wait what injury happened?
I've been rewatching the vlog from the beginning and getting to this video is a wild experience. This was the video that got me subscribed and invested on the journey. I was dealing with similar experiences and when I typed in key words on UA-cam at the time, I was led to this vlog. Turns out it was stress but it was comforting at the time knowing I wasn't alone. 10 years later almost I'm still here.
Best of luck with your results Stephen.
Get well soon Stephen! We're all hoping that you remain fine. We're all supporting you!
Get well soon Stephen, we all wish you the best of luck and as your fans we are here for you.
7:26 I think you mean your capillaries.
Also I definitely agree on taking a break. Your health comes first and we can wait. We Stephenites are patient. :) Hope you get and feel better soon Stephen!!! Love you two!!
I have had exactly this experience, what it turned out for me was massive heartburn. Which can feel just like this and all the stress you're under that would make some sense.
get well soon :)
Get better my man! You will be in all of our prayers!
The sadness in your voice made this vlog exponentially worse! I really hope you feel better as soon as possible!
All of our prayers are with you Stephen!
Feel better soon, Stephen! Sending you good thoughts.
Stephen, I only wish the best for you and your loved ones. I hope you can get the treatment you deserve as soon as possible, so you can enjoy the rest of the holidays. Take as much time as needed to get better!
I hope you get well soon take all the time you need
Just keep calm Stephen, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Your viewers are here and we'll support you! Of course, the ER is scary, but it will give you some peace of mind. Take care of your heart so you can continue doing what you love. I hope you'll be feel better, and I think I speak for all of us when I say this. Good luck!
This really pees me off how the doctors treated you. You have to pay for your healthcare and to top it off they just turn you away. I really hope you get better soon and maybe you could do an earthbound live stream or something for finance. Joshjepson is doing a similar thing for a citizenship. Don't feel guilty. Get well soon
Stephen I hope you get better man. I know what it's like to have that along with most of my family.
I hope you feel better Stephen! You are a true inspiration to me and I just want to wish and pray for you that everything is going to be fine for you. ❤
get well Stephen! youtube can wait, it's your well being that we care for! we come for the video's but stay for that beautiful personality we've come to love.
much love from the sky island in AZ. ;D
Oh, sorry Stephen i hope you feel better anytime soon!
Here's to getting much better soon!
Just remember everyone has pains so we all know how you feel and also if it has worked for other people there is no reason why it can't for you!
Oh man, I hope you're able to figure out what's wrong! It's a bummer to hear you're not feeling at top capacity, and I'll keep you in my prayers.
even in troubled times like this stephen always knows how to stay positive 4:09 - 4:19
I have this condition called Precordial catch syndrome, had it since I was young. Its this really sharp pain on the left side of my chest, right near my heart. It only happens while I am non-active, and goes away after a short time, or I can breathe deep quickly and it will hurt worse, then fade. Completely harmless, but four of the doctors I had seen had never heard of it, and its undetectable, plus its really uncommon in young adults and older. So really scary, really painful when it happens, but glad I eventually found out its harmless. So hope you get the same result!
Hope you get well soon Stephen, don't feel bad at all about taking a break, you need one! Your fans will definitely understand, things like this just happen in life. Again though, hope you feel better!
Yeah Stephen hospitals suck no matter where you go. I live in Canada and my mother just stayed in a hospital for a week. I'm so thankful that it is free here because we are already struggling financially since my mom can't go back to work for at least a month. She has had meningitis three times now and this time they are like "Oh I guess we should actually do something about this instead of sending her home with pain killers." If you need to take a rest from LPs please do we don't have your heart exploding over such a stupid reason as getting videos out on time.
Get well soon Stephen! Just don't strain yourself. Get lots of rest and laughter.
sounds like what you were describing was an atrial septal defect, a hole between the two chambers of the heart that receives oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
I never commented on your video's before, but I've been following your channels for a while now. And as strange as it may sound because I'm a stranger to you, I really care about your wellbeing. I'm glad you decided to no longer postpone going to the hospital, and it's a relief for now that your heart seems to be healthy. I hope the next appointment will give you more answers, though. I hope they will be able to figure out the source of the pain you've been having, so you can be treated properly.
My best wishes to you Stephen, I hope you feel better soon!
We all hope that you may get more definite answers soon, and if any expenses come up that you don't think you can handle alone come up, I'm positive that many of us would be glad to help in any way we can, just focus on getting better.
The appointment's tomorrow. Godspeed Stephen
good luck tomorrow Stephen. Hopefully you can get the help you need. We are all behind you
Oh, and you and Mal were right - I was a student volunteer in a hospital last year and I was told that if you have to wait for a long time upon going to the ER, it usually means you're in less danger than other people.
Stephen this is a given, but dont stress your self if you can help it if you need more time off take it. Be it vlogs or lp's be careful we are here for you, stay strong! :)
That's crazy, though honestly I'm not surprised. I worked at a hospital pharmacy, so I've heard some of the ER stories, but normally if it's chest pains, they are supposed to keep you overnight at least. You have too many dangerous things that can happen with chest pain.
Oh man... we will definitely be praying for your appointment tomorrow. May your doctor be knowledgeable and compassionate. Peace out! :)
We all have you in our prayers stephen
This really hits home with me. The past three years of my life were pretty much heart related hospital visits one on top of another, but not for myself, for my grandmother. And ER doctors generally seem to suck. I can't tell you how many times I had to call an ambulance for her because she's in and out of consciousness, only for them to wake her up and send her home. She had chronic heart failure, and it was always biting on her. And I was extremely furious with them this year when my grandmother had a heart attack (a mildly common thing, once or twice every few months) and they took her in and sent her the home the next day and basically told her "Ignore it, it was a freak accident, you'll be fine."
She died a week later on June 19th this year. She had 3 heart attacks in an hour, one on top of the other.
I too can't wait for you to see an actual cardiologist to get the news. At least at that point you'll hopefully find out what's happening. The enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't.
I'll be praying for you two. All the love
Get better Stephen you are the man of the hour for my prayers I think of you Like family and I haven't even met you....
Owwww.... I feel bad for you :(
Get well soon though! :)
Good luck Stephen! Really hope it isn't anything serious! Take all the time you need to get better!
God bless you. Hope you get better soon
Good luck. We all love you here on the UA-cams, and just.. yeah, let's hope things get better.
I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and gets you on your way to feeling better.
Stephen take as long as you need to get better even if you feel better you deserve a break and I wish the best of luck to you all enjoy your holiday and I hope that everything goes well.
Get better soon Stephen! :(
I had chest pains about a year ago and read up on it on google and tried a few things myself. Turns out it was indigestion that made it feel like I was going to have a heart attack. I decreased my garbage intake pretty significantly, and it stopped.
Stephen!!! Please get better soon! Stephen take care of yourself. I hope the pain eases soon because I've been around for a long time and I hate seeing you this way and I think it hurts everyone else to see you this way. I hope you get well very soon but take your time because we can wait. Get well soon Stephen!
Best of luck Stephen. Hospitals are the least fun place to be. Just make sure to keep Mal and your family by your side. You don't want to go through this alone.
And thanks for sharing your health trials with us even when you have no obligation to do so.
Dang it Stephen, I hate seeing you like this... I teared up seeing you in the hospital... I hope you get better soon.
The last time I had a contrast when they were getting the bandage the blood came through the gauge and broke the tape and the doctor fumbled around to open the band-aid box and replaced the gauge with the band-aid
praying 4 u
bob switshenhimer and that is your opinion really there is no proof whether or not he is real but if some wants to believe in god let them. how does it harm you? saying "praying for you" is the equivalent of saying get well soon of course theres no direct help in saying it. but it does let that person know you care im not even religious but at least i don't judge people based on religon heck i know a arabic family and the father is muslim yet he is still a good father he even let his kids be catholic (which usaully is frowned upon in muslim) so if people want to pray let them and don't spit in someones face just becuase they believe something different than you
thank you but praying does help
just shut up ok i did not say this to start arguements i just was doing a nice jestur
seth spencer
I know this is old but don't let people like that get to you, God is good and does answer prayer. Praise be to the Almighty God who loves and adores us.
ziberteck Yep Your Right
Passing by, Take care stephen and don't stress yourself too much, especially now, and take care of yourself, plus stay alive :)
be good and take care of your self as you always do and my condolences and be good
Get well soon Stephen! I'm sorry you aren't doing well :( my mom and I are hoping you start feeling better.
Hey Stephen, I was having painful heart twinges back in early October of this year and so I went to the doctor. Thankfully according to the doc the twinges were most likely spontaneous muscle spasms with no real cause, but they wouldn't kill me. Really hope you are doing well and you, Mal, and the rest of your family stay well and that the cardiologist visit helps to shed some light.
Hope you're okay! I'm sure you have everyone's support!
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Make sure to have a list of things to ask the doctor and have all of your questions answered. Just remember that you are paying them so you need to be comfortable with your visit. Oh and by the way a couple years I broke my nose and had a huge gash on it. It took them over three hours to stitch it up and take an x ray. I left the emergency room with the blood still all over my face.
Get better, Stephen! I was super worried during this vlog. I can only imagine how Mal feels. Hope it all works out!
Stephen take a very long break you really need it so take as long of a break as you need
Take care! Best wishes from here in the UK!
That REALLY sucks Stephen! Especially before Christmas. I have Type 1 Diabetes, and when I was diagnosed, the ER put 6 needles in me at once! SIX!! I hope you get well as soon as possible! I hope you get better. Best wishes to you and Mal
I was admitted in the hospital when I was 9 years old for a bladder problem as they found out I had a blocked up bowl and it was actually starting to affect my kidney's they said if I had not gotten there as I did and not admitted as fast as I did I would be on a kidney machine but it took three days to clear up and I just slept the weekend away and im just fine now. and Stephen I know you will be just fine and will be praying for you for tomorrow that everything is ok and they find the problem your an awesome guy so stay awesome.
Hope you feel better soon stephen. And stay calm, until you know what is really happening.
The ER is great for a bandage on non-visible injuries, not so great for a solution. Keep the appointment with the cardiologist. Take it easy and take your time. I'd rather see no more videos from you because you need to take a break than because there is no more Stephen. Mal is too nice of a lady to have to go through losing you.
Patient: my arm just fell off!
Doctor: your fine! Just go home and eat a sammich
"If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me."
I hope you feel better Stephen, just stay positive and confident.
...Jesus, just watching, this looks painful. I'm hope you get better, Stephen.
Being that you are one of my favorite youtubers I hope you feel better
Stephen I hope you get better really really soon your in my thoughts and prayers may god watch over you and your family
Stephen dont you dare get ill! we need your videos and you and Mal ! get well get better take your time we will wait *sits down and nods* :)
Get well soon. You are the only Vlogger I watch and my favorite. Good luck!
Stephen, I wanted to let you know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I also admire you how you were able to stay so calm throughout this whole ordeal. I can tell you are very nervous about it but you don't let it show and you "make jokes" and try to keep the atmosphere light. I think that's a great thing to be able to do during times of hardship. Take care of yourself and get well soon.
Get better Stephen you are in my thoughts.
When my sister had swine flu it took like half an hour to get her into the ER but when my mom pinched a major nerve in her neck it took about 5 hours to get in even though she was screaming from pain. In fact there was a guy across from us who cut off his thumb and was bleeding out in front of us who was there almost as long as us. Crazy right?
Get well Stephen. Hope you'll be okay.
Best of luck, Stephen. I know that being in the ER can be frustrating. I went about 6 years ago with severe abdominal pain and ended up with my appendix removed less than 6 hours later. It's good that you went and got at least some information, even if it wasn't as detailed as you'd like. But I assume you've gone to the cardiologist now (since it's the 12th) and I know we all hope that everything went as well as can be.
I feel sort of bad because I watch your channel like it's TV or something and forget that it's actually your life. I hope you get better Stephen, I truly do, because the world just wouldn't be the same without you :)
Glad you're okay for right now Stephen, I hope your pain goes away!! Get better soon! 8)
My Aunt had a hole in her heart not a big one but yeah it was there. God Stephen I hope you feel better, I'm a worried fan!
Wow. Hope you'll be fine Stephen. Take care of yourself!
What's the best for hospital stuff?
Waiting for 1 hour and a half, but pay a crazy amount of money?
Or wait for 10-15 hours, but get the help free?
Hope you get well soon, Stephen!
Stephen is a pretty princess buuuut get well soon and we all care for you
Hope you feel better Stephen. I went to the Doctor a few weeks ago without insurance and got my gal bladder tested which they said was fine but might need tested again. So far its cost me without insurance close to $800. Its a tough situation to be in that's for sure.
You're in my thoughts Stephen! I hope they find a way to help you out. The ER here in Canada is just as bad. Last year I was there for severe abdominal pain and they kept me there for 5 hours just to take an X-Ray and send me on my merry way. It's a serious gong show anywhere you go.
Take as much time as you need to rest up. We can wait. Your health has to come first.
Get well soon, Stephen!
i hope your alright and that everything will be end up ok! your my favorite youtuber ever and i love everything you've LP'd and i'm almost thru the journey day 900ish
I really hope you feel better man!
Get well soon Stephen!
Wow the health system in america sounds awful, from the sounds of it people are basically taking life threatening illness cus they cant afford to get it checked, and this is in one of the biggest and most powerful countries o_O. Hearing this and how you've been putting off going its almost like the hospitals are going "can you afford to live" rather than "can we help" =/
I don't wanna live in america anymore!
You're goddamn right.
The health system is very complicated here in the US and prices are very inflated and expensive for several valid and not so valid reasons. The big one is the United States is a massive country having a population about 6x that of most universal health systems like what you see in Canada and the EU. Simply put are too expensive (a single payer system would cost about 1.5 trillion a year which is basically half of our annual federal spending).
The less savory reasons are things like doctors charging way more than they should to off set the costs of their education (becoming a doctor costs somthing close to $300,000 in the US) and thus doctors demand a very high salary. Then you have massive over regulation from government that forces people to carry the same level of insurence that a person in their 70's with multiple health issues would carry leading to insurence companies having to raise prices to off set the costs of having to provde insurence. And lastly insurence companies and hospitals constantly fighting over pay leading to people being wrongly billed or hospitals having to eat treatment costs which then casues the patient to have to pay more than they should. Simply put its a mess and there isnt a good solution that wouldnt either cause massive increases in taxes that poor and middle class families cant afford or health care rationing and overreach by the state, neither of which the overall american citizen will stand for
I have stomach ache problems and i had to go to the ER after throwing up two days straight they thought i had a gall stone or something and it wasnt fun but it turned out i just have a week stomach. Get well soon Stephen
Hope you feel much better!
Something similar happened to me. One morning I woke up with extremely severe chest and back pain to the point where I couldn't stand up straight. It felt like someone stabbed a metal rod through me. I was really afraid of what could be wrong. It turns out it was just anxiety and high blood pressure. I didn't want to take any of the medication they were giving me so I just changed to a really healthy diet. I feel better than I ever have. I was told that anxiety can be brought on if your body is low on vitamin b. I truly wish you the best.
Get well soon!
Hope you get better soon Stephen!
Feel better man we all care about you
I hope you'll get better soon, Stephen.
Good luck tomorrow. I hope all goes well and you get the answers you're looking for and the treatment you may need to help you. You'll be in my thoughts. (And Mal will be in my thoughts too, cause I know what it's like to be the loved one of someone going through medical issues.)
I really hope you get well soon Steven, I know the position you are kind of in 2 years ago I had crazy medical problems and yeah..but for me it was dealing with my brain and neurology instead. Although cardiology is something to not mess around with or anything wrong with the human body in general =/
When I broke my nose and went to the ER all the doctor did was look up my nose, say "yep it's blocked, it's definitely broken" and discharged me. No x-rays or anything, just a prescription for pain killers and I was out the door.