The melting on the contact was possibly due to sparking. If the tension was low on the contact it could bounce causing a spark. The spark could then bounce it off again and the process would carry on. It would easily overheat that way. I replaced many relay contacts (admittedly not on amps but on telecoms equipment) that have the same problem
No doubt Speaker realy has taken massive hit 😯😯
The melting on the contact was possibly due to sparking. If the tension was low on the contact it could bounce causing a spark. The spark could then bounce it off again and the process would carry on. It would easily overheat that way. I replaced many relay contacts (admittedly not on amps but on telecoms equipment) that have the same problem
Thanks for sharing ❤
That distortion is very close to the sound generated by a black hole 😂😂😂
Actually Black Hole is Powered by 2x 2SA726 Transistors ... 😊😊