I think it would be cool, if you gave us 3 prototype options and let the fans vote. Kind of like how we chose the colors of the Vanguard. I think the fans would really enjoy that.
The bad guys need more named characters, If anyone can pull off the Baron Ironblood or Black Major, you can! Plus, Tony would probably be super stoked to see them pop up.
I have well over 200 of your figures now. Easily my favourite line ever and sooo customisable! Love your work, love your product and love your customer service. 🤘
I'm looking forward to 100! I'm so pleased to have been in since the prototype weapons pack. It's been such a cool ride. Thanks for the hard work and great products.
Awesome idea for a video and a great way to keep current collectors interested and update newer collectors to your history and your products. Can’t wait for 100!!
A glow in the dark, Radioactive, Toxic Avenging Desert Rat? A Swarm Commander would be cool. The Action Force leader Colonel Siege makes sense but he's been revealed. Great series, looking forward to the reveal ✌️
bought 2 crimson shadow armaments, god those were perfect at the time to arm my Joes during the nerf days and I still remember Bobby being generous enough to send me a Condor and for that I will always be thankful congratulations on a successful line 🎉 calling 100 being Trigger in a canadian tuxedo
Great video and look at Series 1. This was before I was aware of AF. Didn't realize there were so many releases in the first wave. Looking forward to the other 3 series breakdowns. Can't wait for the 100th figure and to meet you at DFW!
Brought back memories of seeing these items for the first time and buying them. Can’t wait to see what’s #100. Maybe an operator with a plaid shit and jeans with gear.
I think it would be cool, if Bobby gave us 3 prototype options and let the fans vote. Kind of like how we chose the colors of the Vanguard. I think the fans would really enjoy that.
@@Valaverse Or 3 different prototype versions of a character to vote on. Someone mentioned a Swarm Leader as the 100th figure. I like that idea, but maybe the fans can have a hand in choosing his look?
What a great build up for this year's releases and exclusives. Love going back and seeing the evolution of the line...Hopefully as the series continues, we'll see special guests on. Talking about the constant refinements based on challenges from each series and how they were tackled, which leads up to the smooth and fun Series 4 releases. As for my guesses/wants for the 100th figure. I don't expect a core character since Vala has said it would be a while to release it for non convention purchases. SO something exclusive...IRISH Pandora. A four pack of troop builders. New weapon protoypes?
Awesome video. Man it’s crazy how fast time flys, feels like yesterday when I was backing the kickstarter and now we’re nearing 100 releases lol. My guesses on the 100th item is either a Stealth Ops style of Pandora or a Steel Brigade Commander Harrier (show variant being bloody version?) 🤔 Road to 100 let’s go!!!
Seeing Sgt Slaughter listed on BBTS is what got my attention for AF in the first place. But the first figures I got was the Wasp Raiders, and I thought they were awesome. Been collecting since!
Hello from the UK Bobby, I've backed Action Force since the Kickstarter & haven't looked back - best action figure line out there, keep it up. 100th figure should be Desert Rat Undercover, i think Condor needs backup when he's on a mission. Actually... thinking about it ... Scratch that idea , Tony in Bermuda shorts , Hawaiian shirt & sandals ! 😳🤢 Sorry for putting that image in your head 😂 whatever you've got planned will be awesome 👍
Just Series 1? You're such a tease! ;) Can I assume we've three or four more of these videos coming down the pike? It's a cool idea. I saw several items for the first time in this video.
The figures that drew my attention way back when where Bone Collector and Kerak. I put my preorders on BBTS and as I got them I wondered why I didn't order some more... for series 2 I was prepared and pre-ordered those as soon as they became available.
You can do that now with the special ops body and the black goggles head. Just paint the lens silver, then a thin coat of tamiya transparent orange. I did this on my 25th 2pk Firefly and it looked perfect. I'm looking forward to seeing all the AF kitbash versions of snake eyes! Every single one of them will be better than classified 😁
BTW I JUST scored that 40th anniversary hard cover of silent interlude. Scored it for $20 at my local shop!!! I have never "read" issue 21 so I'm really excited. I'm halfway through the foreword and even that is incredible. Hama is a genius!!
Can we get an updated riot gear pack with a shield that has a weapon port on it so we can reproduce entry stack scenes? And maybe a communications pack?
I am assuming it will be something new. If so, I would love a swarm leader of sorts! If not, Senshi and the Praetorian cyber ninjas are my HUGE wants! I want to set up a killer fight between these guys.
This is an AWESOME video series idea! lol I’ve made a few list’s trying to get some type of order to the collection. Always best to get it from the source!
Come so far in such a short time Bobby, well done. What I would like as the 100th figure ? , a Femme Fatale character for the bad guys a la Crimson Shadow Executive .
I missed out on the Special Ops Trooper, so I would love to see a revisit to that as a tactical espionage super spy figure. Very Mission Impossible. Shoulder holster with silenced pistol, soft goods trench coat, faux face disguises, suitcase computer/sniper rifle, spy goggles. Da works. It's a dream figure.
I really dig the Action Force line and it has done very well. With its success do think you will take valaverse in more directions like possibly doing a new line in the vein of WW2 or Cowboys. These to are untapped Markets in 6 inch. It would cool if you started up a new line called Outlaws or something which has cowboys and native americans from the old wild west. I played a lot of Red Dead and would love something in that era. Also in WW2 could be Action force Beginnings or something else but a new line of WW2 soldiers and Axis forces with all the old weaponry like a thompson, mp40, m1 Garand and lugers.
More battle damage figures, and improved neck articulation and sculpt legs similar to RAMBO with tighter mid high boots and baggier pants is what I'm hoping for
Can you possibly at some point offer us some weapon racks? A few different sizes would be cool. To be able to display the weapons would be awesome. Can't wait for the Vanguard!!
He has said in the past he isn't interested in doing racks because there are already lots of options for 1/12 racks. In fact, super action stuff just released a modular rack system that looks great.
@RandomStuffGarage619 I never noticed he said that. I did actually order those super action ones, But I thought it would be cool to get some actual action force racks. Maybe he'll change his mind one day.
I team build my figures and i'd like my guys to have the same weaponry where possible. Will there be any chances of having M4 only Weapon Packs with M4 Mags and muzzle flashes? Or G36s or similar for other peoples tastes?
There are already a ton of M4, but yes they are all different. I like the variety but also get tired of M4. Sure it's military standard but there is nothing standard about action force!!! I love being able to put individual custom loadouts on each character, as they all have different roles and specialties. 💥👍👍
I'm still waiting for desert rat v2 mankini 😂 For real somebody mentioned a "beach series" on a stream and that would be amazing. You know articulated ninja would buy 30 of each 😂😂😂
@@RandomStuffGarage619 I'd be down for a beach series, action force on vacation playing volleyball Top Gun style 😎. Yeah articulated ninja would be all over that, specifically if they're thiccies 😂
100th figure should be a rugged MIA soldier who is surviving behind enemy lines. A bush craft expert that makes weapons and clothes from the environment he has been stranded in. With no hope for rescue he continues the fight and has become deadlier than ever. In the pursuing months he’s now become something of a myth/ boogie man to the enemies that patrol the region. Hopelessly outmatched this warrior’s biggest weapon is using the shadows and striking fear and paranoia in the hearts of his enemies. With every day that passes more and more patrols go missing. No one has ever seen this “shadow of a man” and lived to tell the tale. No one ever will.
How about a figure that’s just as cool as all the other AF figures BUT the packaging has a hologram and is polybagged ..it will be a tribute to wacky 90’s comic books ;)
Make a new team For Action Force. ARMY ANTS 🐜. The same concept as the Swarm Troopers, ground support which includes demolition teams, spies, vanguard, advanced crew first line defense , a mountain unit. You get the gist but do one uniform like the swarm troopers,Just same Color uniforms just different uniform patches & weapons for that specific division, That's the ultimate army 🪖 building no crazy colors just the patch will be different.
Without finishing the video, guessing civilian/agent/government suited body. Reused desert rat lower leg/feet. New arms, bare hands, slaughter vest, blowback head, new torso with tie. No weapons. Accessory pack of radio, low level armor, camera, and briefcase folding gun.
Just got the deluxe blowback. It’s a fantastic figure. The Guille suit is not impressive at all. I’m disappointed to be honest. He’s going to make a great hit and run custom
What do you think the 100th action figure should be?
Do an all "gold edition" of Condor and make it limited to 100 copies. Lol
Ha! Gold edition huh?
Condor in the black/tan gear from the Kickstarter artwork
Maybe do like a build your own character figure in civilian style clothing. Someone who picks up arms and joins the fight.
I think it would be cool, if you gave us 3 prototype options and let the fans vote. Kind of like how we chose the colors of the Vanguard. I think the fans would really enjoy that.
Wish I had gotten at least 1 more Wasp Raider. Love the retrospective, can't wait to see number 100!
You and me both!
The most amazing thing about this is that i was your first customer and that you've built such a loyal following since i became your 1st customer. ❤😂
The Crimson Shadow prototype armament set was one of the coolest things ever! It definitely built the excitement for when Wave 1 dropped!!
The bad guys need more named characters, If anyone can pull off the Baron Ironblood or Black Major, you can! Plus, Tony would probably be super stoked to see them pop up.
I have well over 200 of your figures now. Easily my favourite line ever and sooo customisable!
Love your work, love your product and love your customer service. 🤘
Wow, thanks! That is awesome!
Love me some steel brigade
He's the best!
Night ops SB and desert rat were my 1st 2 AF figures!
I'm looking forward to 100! I'm so pleased to have been in since the prototype weapons pack. It's been such a cool ride. Thanks for the hard work and great products.
I'm really hoping the Riot and Spec Ops troopers get rereleased like the Urban Trooper did.
Loving these weekly videos Bobby keep the awesome content coming 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks! Will do! Every Wednesday morning at 11!
Awesome idea for a video and a great way to keep current collectors interested and update newer collectors to your history and your products. Can’t wait for 100!!
Thanks so much!
I've got everything you showed so far, I even lucked out and won the set of prototype figures at Joefest/Valacon 2 years ago.
Congratulation for everything you have achieved!
Love the line, hope it keeps going and going.
Great Work!! Keep it going!!!!
Keep ‘em coming Bobby 🤘
3 inch O ring!!!!
A glow in the dark, Radioactive, Toxic Avenging Desert Rat? A Swarm Commander would be cool. The Action Force leader Colonel Siege makes sense but he's been revealed. Great series, looking forward to the reveal ✌️
Thank you! Great ideas!
Please Re stock those Delta Troopers please.
All gold Steel Brigade
2nd person to say that!
We need more re-issues!
bought 2 crimson shadow armaments, god those were perfect at the time to arm my Joes during the nerf days and I still remember Bobby being generous enough to send me a Condor and for that I will always be thankful congratulations on a successful line 🎉
calling 100 being Trigger in a canadian tuxedo
Don’t forget Action Force’s Diver, Scuba Pete.
Scuba Pete!
These are great and I just started opening this wave yesterday! Been sooooo busy but finally I've got these treasures on my shelves!
Great video and look at Series 1. This was before I was aware of AF. Didn't realize there were so many releases in the first wave. Looking forward to the other 3 series breakdowns. Can't wait for the 100th figure and to meet you at DFW!
Brought back memories of seeing these items for the first time and buying them. Can’t wait to see what’s #100. Maybe an operator with a plaid shit and jeans with gear.
Calling it, Steel Brigade Commander!
I think it would be cool, if Bobby gave us 3 prototype options and let the fans vote. Kind of like how we chose the colors of the Vanguard. I think the fans would really enjoy that.
Well, then we'd have to ask what 3 prototypes you want to see! haha
@@Valaverse Or 3 different prototype versions of a character to vote on. Someone mentioned a Swarm Leader as the 100th figure. I like that idea, but maybe the fans can have a hand in choosing his look?
Dude this was an awesome video, thank you.
What a great build up for this year's releases and exclusives. Love going back and seeing the evolution of the line...Hopefully as the series continues, we'll see special guests on. Talking about the constant refinements based on challenges from each series and how they were tackled, which leads up to the smooth and fun Series 4 releases.
As for my guesses/wants for the 100th figure. I don't expect a core character since Vala has said it would be a while to release it for non convention purchases. SO something exclusive...IRISH Pandora. A four pack of troop builders. New weapon protoypes?
Awesome video. Man it’s crazy how fast time flys, feels like yesterday when I was backing the kickstarter and now we’re nearing 100 releases lol.
My guesses on the 100th item is either a Stealth Ops style of Pandora or a Steel Brigade Commander Harrier (show variant being bloody version?) 🤔
Road to 100 let’s go!!!
I was just going to get a Sgt Slaughter figure. How did I end up collecting the entire line?
We got ya! haha. Love it!
Man I so wish I would have known about AF since the beginning of the kickstarter. I love this line!!!
Item 100 will be the first figure of the new sub-line "Space-Force" :D (Seriously, I'd be up for it!)
Space Brigade and MAGA Marines
Muchas gracias por tan buen trabajo , estoy esperando que llegue a Bbts el tactical head gear para traerlo a Lima -Perú, Que sigan los éxitos!!!!
¡Ojalá lo consigas pronto! ¡Gracias por las amables palabras!
Seeing Sgt Slaughter listed on BBTS is what got my attention for AF in the first place. But the first figures I got was the Wasp Raiders, and I thought they were awesome. Been collecting since!
Thank you so much! Love hearing that!
PLEASE do a Grey Fox (MGS) color variant of the Praetorian!!
Hello from the UK Bobby, I've backed Action Force since the Kickstarter & haven't looked back - best action figure line out there, keep it up. 100th figure should be Desert Rat Undercover, i think Condor needs backup when he's on a mission. Actually... thinking about it ... Scratch that idea , Tony in Bermuda shorts , Hawaiian shirt & sandals ! 😳🤢 Sorry for putting that image in your head 😂 whatever you've got planned will be awesome 👍
Just Series 1? You're such a tease! ;) Can I assume we've three or four more of these videos coming down the pike? It's a cool idea. I saw several items for the first time in this video.
This is awesome, I can’t wait to see more💪💪💪
The figures that drew my attention way back when where Bone Collector and Kerak. I put my preorders on BBTS and as I got them I wondered why I didn't order some more... for series 2 I was prepared and pre-ordered those as soon as they became available.
Condor in black with ski mask (green yellow-ish tint on goggles like the Ashley Wood cover for the Silent issue re-issue) and SAS gas mask head.
oh nice!
You can do that now with the special ops body and the black goggles head. Just paint the lens silver, then a thin coat of tamiya transparent orange.
I did this on my 25th 2pk Firefly and it looked perfect.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the AF kitbash versions of snake eyes! Every single one of them will be better than classified 😁
BTW I JUST scored that 40th anniversary hard cover of silent interlude. Scored it for $20 at my local shop!!! I have never "read" issue 21 so I'm really excited. I'm halfway through the foreword and even that is incredible. Hama is a genius!!
Bobby Vala with a Segway
Crazy to think we are about to get 100.
oh wow.
I had heard about the Wasp Raider before, but I didn't know about the Sgt. Slammer figure.
Could we ever get re-issues of those?
Can we get an updated riot gear pack with a shield that has a weapon port on it so we can reproduce entry stack scenes? And maybe a communications pack?
An "Articulated Ninja" and "Laser Pants" 2 pack lol
Oh gosh. You think they're ready to be part of Action Force? 😄
You mean “White Potato?”
@Valaverse hell, yeah! Private Ryan "SPUD" and NINJA😆
Awesome video and Sorry to say i dont have any action force, so the LOWD 2 pack figures will be my official and cant wait to see whats next
I am assuming it will be something new. If so, I would love a swarm leader of sorts! If not, Senshi and the Praetorian cyber ninjas are my HUGE wants! I want to set up a killer fight between these guys.
This is an AWESOME video series idea! lol I’ve made a few list’s trying to get some type of order to the collection. Always best to get it from the source!
That's awesome! Thanks for commenting!
Come on Bobby , give is the figure everyone wants !!!!! CARBONIZED STEEL BRIGADE!!! am I right??????
Is there plans to re-issue wave one? I just started collecting.
Not yet but with enough demand anything is possible.
How about a WWII figure like Sergeant a Saunders you know you love WWII stuff....LOL
Come so far in such a short time Bobby, well done. What I would like as the 100th figure ? , a Femme Fatale character for the bad guys a la Crimson Shadow Executive .
I missed out on the Special Ops Trooper, so I would love to see a revisit to that as a tactical espionage super spy figure. Very Mission Impossible. Shoulder holster with silenced pistol, soft goods trench coat, faux face disguises, suitcase computer/sniper rifle, spy goggles. Da works. It's a dream figure.
Is it too soon to release…. the SWARM LEADER!?!?!? 🤩🤩
I really dig the Action Force line and it has done very well. With its success do think you will take valaverse in more directions like possibly doing a new line in the vein of WW2 or Cowboys. These to are untapped Markets in 6 inch. It would cool if you started up a new line called Outlaws or something which has cowboys and native americans from the old wild west. I played a lot of Red Dead and would love something in that era. Also in WW2 could be Action force Beginnings or something else but a new line of WW2 soldiers and Axis forces with all the old weaponry like a thompson, mp40, m1 Garand and lugers.
It’s the praetorian. Will it be in a box or on a cardback?
@@Valaverserest assured that I will have at least 6 for display, possibly more. Two to put away.
@@raypaz2947 but not 7!?
I’ll be getting multiples of the Pretorian.
@@Valaverse possibly
More battle damage figures, and improved neck articulation and sculpt legs similar to RAMBO with tighter mid high boots and baggier pants is what I'm hoping for
oh wow! Should we put you in R and D? haha
Neon holiday kerak!!! In space!!! 😁
Missed out on Condor. Re issue soon?
SHould we?!
Desert Condor is out now and is a really cool figure.
Can you possibly at some point offer us some weapon racks? A few different sizes would be cool. To be able to display the weapons would be awesome. Can't wait for the Vanguard!!
He has said in the past he isn't interested in doing racks because there are already lots of options for 1/12 racks.
In fact, super action stuff just released a modular rack system that looks great.
@RandomStuffGarage619 I never noticed he said that. I did actually order those super action ones, But I thought it would be cool to get some actual action force racks. Maybe he'll change his mind one day.
OH man! Could you imagine!?
Superior product 💪🤌
Dont forget about the comics! :D
I team build my figures and i'd like my guys to have the same weaponry where possible. Will there be any chances of having M4 only Weapon Packs with M4 Mags and muzzle flashes? Or G36s or similar for other peoples tastes?
That's an interesting point!
There are already a ton of M4, but yes they are all different.
I like the variety but also get tired of M4. Sure it's military standard but there is nothing standard about action force!!! I love being able to put individual custom loadouts on each character, as they all have different roles and specialties.
As your going through all these and some of us got in later an way we can vote on reissues for some of these?
Instructor Zero figure Delux . Full of weapons ..
Please for the love of all that is Action Force, please do some reissues of wave 1 please. 100th figure has to be a mankini beach Condor.
Such solid ideas coming out today!
I'm still waiting for desert rat v2 mankini 😂
For real somebody mentioned a "beach series" on a stream and that would be amazing. You know articulated ninja would buy 30 of each 😂😂😂
@@RandomStuffGarage619 I'd be down for a beach series, action force on vacation playing volleyball Top Gun style 😎. Yeah articulated ninja would be all over that, specifically if they're thiccies 😂
@@FrankJoeger 💯🤣
To bad you cant get so many of these anymore. Totally missed my chance at Pandora
There may be a chance coming up...
I think there is a version 2 coming, with a new haircut. Bobby was designing the hair on Instagram.
What happened to those Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins figures? I’m sure it was addressed somewhere but I never heard anything after they were announced.
Crow Queen
Q&A so quick question are you still working with Walmart? I would like to get a reissue of some of your figures .
"The blood barron" leader of the crimson shadows?
It's gonna be a samurai-like character
Why did you bite the variant comics intro ?
Hello from Kosovo
Hello back at ya! Kosovo!? That's great!!
100th figure should be a rugged MIA soldier who is surviving behind enemy lines. A bush craft expert that makes weapons and clothes from the environment he has been stranded in. With no hope for rescue he continues the fight and has become deadlier than ever. In the pursuing months he’s now become something of a myth/ boogie man to the enemies that patrol the region. Hopelessly outmatched this warrior’s biggest weapon is using the shadows and striking fear and paranoia in the hearts of his enemies. With every day that passes more and more patrols go missing. No one has ever seen this “shadow of a man” and lived to tell the tale. No one ever will.
Wake me when you get to the video with the 100th reveal.
It woild be so cool if you did some sort of medic character or trooper
Action Farce head pack! 😂 Calling it!
Gimme more vehicles to compete with Hasbro that are smaller and affordable.
If you need some concept art, I'm still offering my services.😁
Where's Baron Ironblood
LaserPants action figure incoming
I mean, he does have that Atlas buck now... 😊
@@RandomStuffGarage619 🤣🤣
You mean “White Potato.”
Your gonna need a bigger torso
Please someone tell what are the team of action force gi Joe has cobra and gi Joe what is action force teams
How about a figure that’s just as cool as all the other AF figures BUT the packaging has a hologram and is polybagged ..it will be a tribute to wacky 90’s comic books ;)
Oh, I like that!
Yea and the hologram could also be cut out and be put on a riot shield…hmm sounds familiar somehow…🤔😃
How about a palitoy homage? A certain white haired baron? Baron Ironswarm?
Bobby vala head on a sas key figure (black uniform alternate gas mask head with flak jacket)
Come with something that isn't already made and currently is being a shelves peg warmer
Have a contest. Let the fans design a figure. Winner gets a free figure of their design.
It should be a Cyborg soldier or a new Villain
Lightning force commando
Make a new team For Action Force. ARMY ANTS 🐜. The same concept as the Swarm Troopers, ground support which includes demolition teams, spies, vanguard, advanced crew first line defense , a mountain unit. You get the gist but do one uniform like the swarm troopers,Just same Color uniforms just different uniform patches & weapons for that specific division, That's the ultimate army 🪖 building no crazy colors just the patch will be different.
Without finishing the video, guessing civilian/agent/government suited body. Reused desert rat lower leg/feet. New arms, bare hands, slaughter vest, blowback head, new torso with tie. No weapons. Accessory pack of radio, low level armor, camera, and briefcase folding gun.
An cia “agent” style figure. Hey, someone needs to process Action Force’s payroll.
It's a hot pink desert rat in a mankini
Tornado chasers
Just got the deluxe blowback. It’s a fantastic figure. The Guille suit is not impressive at all. I’m disappointed to be honest. He’s going to make a great hit and run custom
Terror titan
Jaguar trooper
Gil Burger Boyd