"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfil. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17)
“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19)
Not to be pedantic, but it actually doesn't say anything about "dwarfs" being stoned. Apparently some older versions use "stone broken" as a euphemism for hernia.
All of the vicious Old Testament laws will be binding forever. "It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17)
How can you hate someone who doesn't exist?... The same way a teenager who has a deadbeat dad says to him "you're not not my dad... you're scum. I have no father".
The belief in "angels" is a cornerstone in the rickety edifice of religious belief. I'm just citing it as more evidence to support the broader contention: religious beliefs are delusional and irrational. I already summarized Wright's book: our sense of good and bad behavior, of what we "feel" to be right and wrong, can be explained by natural selection. If you want the details behind the summary, well, enjoy Wright's book. You can't tear him down specifically if you won't read him specifically!
By reading the Bible, you'll see that God has a sovereign will and a moral will. His moral will is that we do what is right, and God's sovereign will is that he has power over everything, but he does limit his power to give us a choice.
Just because we're atheists doesn't mean we hate god. Atheist means we don't believe there's a god. Most atheists respect other's right to follow religion and voice opinions. We just wish that every religious/non-religious person mutually respects everyone. That means, not going to a person's funeral who committed suicide due to relentless bullying for being gay and screaming hate slogans and putting up hate signs. The bible teaches love to all human beings, not to selectively bully and hate.
You know whats even more stupid then that? The existence of evil. If he is, in-fact, as powerful as he says he is, and hates evil so much, and punishes us eternally for doing a few bad things in the 80 or so years we're on this planet, why doesn't he just remove evil? He is the creator of EVERYTHING, and "everything" encompasses evil also, so does that mean that being "holy and righteous" mean being good and being evil? And if so, why do I go to hell? I thought I was being holy and righteous...
Everything?.... If your definition of morality were merely personal emotions, yes, but morality is not about feelings. It is about right and wrong that exist independently of how someone feels. Otherwise, everything and nothing is right and wrong depending on how someone feels at the time, which is nonsense.
If that "old book" doesn't make any sense, then it's impossible for you to know anything, because Naturalism can't account for Laws of Logic or the Uniformity of Nature. Both are crucial presuppositions that must exist or you cannot satisfy the preconditions of intelligibility.
Society, at large, says it's good. We see the actions of human beings behaving civilly every day. Nobody broke into your domicile today (I assume). You don't have to turn to an imaginary being to explain why you weren't robbed -- and why you didn't rob your neighbor (I assume). Most other people around you went about their lives today in a peaceful manner -- and the dictates from an imaginary psychopath in the sky has nothing to do with it. I cannot reject that which does not exist.
This is exactly the kind of shit that I mention to some religious people I know, but then as the people in this video... They just dismiss it and say "oooh noooo.. that was the ooold part of the bible, god wouldn't want thaaat (that's why he put it in the bible?)" makes me sick to my stomach
The first part about Matthew 15:4 was Jesus telling pharisees about what God the father had said, and the context was about tradition - but yes, to ensure the line of Jesus Christ, God was very serious about sin, and sin results in death. Morality comes from God. He created us, and he makes the rules. How could you possibly have such a thing as right and wrong in a random-chance evolutionary universe, and how could you possibly know what they are?
Adam and Eve weren't set up to do so - they did it of their own free will. They were told by God not to do it, but they chose to resulting from their own evidentialist beliefs. Oh we're not held accountable for their sin... we're accountable for our own. And ALL of us sin. Every single one of us. We all lie, we've all stolen, we've all taken God's name in vain, we've hurt others, committed adultery at heart, etc, etc. and THIS is what we're held accountable for.... our own choices.
I'd hazard a guess at the whole bible, reading a passage and liking that passage is pretty much the duty of the sheep. reading the whole book and liking the whole book is the duty of the zealot.
Morality is rooted in feelings? That's totally arbitrary for a start. I mean if it's just emotions, then why "should" you follow it? That doesn't make any sense. It might make me happy if I eat chocolate, but does that mean it's morally right for me to eat chocolate because I feel good? That sounds absurd, but that's what you're arguing. Morality has nothing to do with feelings. It's about what we should and should do, regardless of how we feel. You can't account for morality as a naturalist.
" But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth." (Deuteronomy 20:16) We have a word for that nowadays. Genocide.
all right, A & E disobeyed god, but: 1. they were set up to do so in the first place, and 2. how is it fair to hold people not even born yet accountable for their "sin"?
It's not arbitrary because sciences demonstrates that it's true. Evolution by natural and sexual selection, in its capacity to explain the origins of biological beings (not just us) and why we behave and live as we do, is as true as the fact that Earth revolves around the sun or that if you drop an object it will fall to the floor. There is no general conflict and debate in the world about this - except for religionists, who, for some reason, are having a difficult time getting with the program.
Lets put this to rest once and for all the only thing atheists have in common is that we dismiss the idea of a god(you can't hate what doesn't exist) everything else like views on homosexuality, abortions, etc is up to the individual to decide apon.
Presuppositions are everything. "what we know to be true and valid about the world and universe" That very statement has presuppositions. How can you even claim to "know" anything about the world, unless you first presuppose that your mind and memory are reliable. If your mind is just the result of trillions of little accidents (genetic mutations), then why would you trust it? You really shouldn't. I believe I can though, because I presuppose that "God" created me to be able to know things.
What does what you "presuppose" have anything to do with what we know to be true and valid about the world and universe (in terms of what we understand so far far; there's much we still don't know)? I haven't been inconsistent at all: our sense of good/bad and right/wrong behavior was not "given" to us by some ludicrous "divine intervention". I can account for our sense of morality: evolution by natural and sexual selection explains it. It's up to you to investigate the details.
By the way, as for the ignorance about asking people to kill his son "now", Christians are not under the Old Covenant anymore, we are under the New Covenant, and sin has been paid for by Jesus Christ, therefore the punishment for sin is taken away. Hebrews 8:13 "By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear." So his statement came from ignorance about the Bible. That is all.
Yes, "natural selection can explain what we feel to be right and wrong." Our "gut" instinct and intrinsic sense of what constitutes fair and right behavior -- we even see a "crude" version of this behavior in babies -- is rooted in natural selection. There's no need to haul in a god to explain why most human beings are morally upstanding. Most people don't "hunt down and kill their enemies". There are school shooters and whatnot but most of us are good and lawful, living peaceful, quiet lives.
And on top of that, if naturalism is true, human beings are nothing more than evolved chemical accidents. Why would it be wrong for one chemical accident to get rid of another chemical accident? And how do you know what's "right"? Is it whatever brings the most happiness to the most people? First of all, that's totally arbitrary, and secondly, happiness is nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain under naturalism. What does a chemical reaction have to do with right and wrong? Nothing.
Nope. Nothing "arbitrary" going on here. "What does love and caring behavior have to with right and wrong?" See my response above about the Wright book.
Noah's Ark is actually based (along with several other "Great Flood" stories such as that of Gilgamesh) on a real giant flood that happened in Mesopotamia at some point (which is backed by abnormally large silt deposits along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers). While I am an atheist and agree with this video almost entirely, and of course the biblical parts of Noah's Ark are false, I thought this was worth stating.
I didn't say that.. you made the assertion. You asserted that God doesn't exist. So if you're going to make that claim, then you need to demonstrate it. You're absolutely right - the burden of proof falls on the person making the claim.... and so.... you said ... "his "god" you speak of has "built" nothing in us because this "god" does not exist." Oh he doesn't exist? Nice claim there. Nicely done, indeed.
supposedly, it was to redeem the sin of A & E, & thus allow their descendants into heaven. i don't get how the death of one person atones for the sins of another, but then, that's just me! seems to me it would have been simpler to just forgive the theft of an apple -- give A & E a spanking & tell them to "sin no more"!
What's your point? All you've basically demonstrated is "Well, animals kill animals sometimes, people kill people sometimes" It has no bearing or effect on the argument whatsoever. Is your argument that "most people think it's wrong, so therefore it's wrong"? If it is, then that's totally arbitrary and reductio ad absurdum. If most people in the middle east think it's okay to treat women like animals.... is it therefore moral? The only delusional here is your mind.
That's not what I was implying at all. That's just the way you took it. All I said was to not lump Catholics with Christians... just as you shouldn't lump muslims with Christians. Muslims also believe in Jesus Christ. What makes me think that you weren't a Christian? Because if you were, you wouldn't have said what you said. You should at least understand that being a Christian doesn't mean you never sin again.
"What on Earth does natural selection have to do with right and wrong?" Well, as I said, reading "The Moral Animal" by Robert Wright would be a great place to start to find out. Your "survival of the fittest" retort suggests to me you haven't done your homework. Hint: that phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. Your remark about letting handicapped people die proves my point. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let the evidence show that Daracon1010 does not know what he's talking about."
"most of us are good and lawful, living peaceful, quiet lives. " Seriously, who are you to say that living peaceful, quiet lives is what is "good"? You know deep down that it's wrong to go around killing people, but your worldview can't make sense of that. The Bible tells us that people will suppress the truth in unrighteousness. You know there's a God, and the sad truth is that if you continue to reject him, you will be separated from him, and it'll be too late. Don't be a fool.
All stereotypes are based on some truth. I advise you not to get in my car while I'm driving. I didn't get my car license until I was 21 because I didn't want to put more asians on the road.
Yeah, and what's your point of posting that verse? God's moral laws haven't changed. It was wrong to murder someone back then, and it's wrong to murder now... it was wrong to steal back then, and it's wrong to steal now. Jesus DID fulfill the law - he fulfilled it by offering himself as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for breaking the law, so that people would be saved by grace, and not by keeping the law. Jesus said that he established a new covenant. So I don't know what your point is.
You're confusing the moral law, with "punishments for breaking the law". The morals laws DO still exist, however the ceremonial laws and civic laws do not, and they have been done away with. The Old Covenant is also gone, as I already demonstrated. This means that the punishment for sin is paid for, and we are under a new covenant brought about by Jesus Christ. So what was said in this video came from ignorance.
Penn Jillette read the Bible from cover to cover. He said the experience reaffirmed his atheism. Thank you, Penn! "God's sovereign will is that he has power of everything" -- wow, that sounds like an atrocious backdrop for a lousy science fiction movie. All this god talk is so silly!
You have absolutely no argument in what you just said. Just "Read this book, you're wrong and you don't know what you're talking about." Every single one of my argument stands. Instead of addressing my points, you dodged and made pointless statements then attacked me personally. How's the irony.. you can't even make an argument. You know why you cant? Because your position is already lost. You've demonstrated nothing, except that your position is lost.
God cares, but he limits his power because of the fall. This is a sinful world, and every man has rebelled against God. We're not inherently good - we're inherently evil. We tell God to get out of our schools, out of our lives... and God has graciously stepped back to leave us to our own pride and selfish desires. God cares, and he loves every one of us... bad things happen because of sin. God is Holy and righteous... you want to blame him for the evil things that men do? That's stupid.
You see, what you're saying is inconsistent with your worldview. Why are you implying that things like love and care are "good" things? You're arguing as if love actually means something in your worldview. All that does is confirm to me that the Bible is true. God has built it into you to know. I can account for morality in my worldview. In the Biblical worldview, right and wrong make sense, and we have an absolute law-giver that morality has come from.
"Stop stealing from God". That's funny. Nobody "created" right and wrong in us. If you were to step outside the religious bubble you live in you'd come to understand why this is true.
Why should I attempt a rehash in a UA-cam comment window? You seriously think a nearly 500 page book can be summarized in 500 words? What an insult that would be to Wright or any writer. I didn't attack YOU. I attacked the make-believe "god" that is beloved by you and billions of others. Nothing you've said stands because all religious beliefs are rooted in make-believe. Wow, it's scary to think that billions of people think "angels" exist! Yep, you can't get more irrational than that!
It does NOT take a 500 page book in order to defend or give an overall summary to account for and make sense of morality. I can do it in just a few lines. You're choosing to be irrational. Instead of engaging in debate, you make completely irrelevant, emotional statements like you just did such as "Wow, it's scary to think that billions of people think "angels" exist!" You've dodged every argument and just said "it's wrong because it's make-believe". Lol... let me clue you in on something.
Animals kill animals of their own species all the time. You'd have to be crazy to think otherwise. Ever seen a documentary where animals have territorial battles and kill their opponents? Come on. Animals do what they want. If one animal wants to kill another one, it does it. Animals don't have a moral code. God gave humans a moral code though, and it's built into us. But again - why would indiscriminate killing be wrong? I know why it's wrong... but how would you, given your worldview?
I'm not going to waste my time purchasing or trying to find a book I already know is irrational. Are you incapable of just providing a rational answer instead of dodging and making making arbitrary assertions or what? Absolutely arbitrary going on here... that's all you've done. Made arbitrary, nonsensical assertions. Your starting point (naturalism) makes it impossible for you to account for, or make sense of morality. You can only assume it.
I'm not going to waste my time putting forward any kind of proper response to irrelevant, emotional statements you've made to the effect of "God is evil and he's just imaginary". Believe whatever you want - but you're being utterly inconsistent. Don't talk about right and wrong and morality... they're from God. Stop stealing from God. He created right and wrong, and you can't account for it at all. Stop assuming what's good and what isn't, considering it's senseless under your beliefs.
If naturalism is true, and God is make-believe, then you shouldn't be saying what you're saying. You see, I presuppose that humans are created in the image of God, and so I can rationally say that we're special. If Christianity is true, morality makes sense and can be accounted for.... but by your own beliefs, you can't account for morality. My beliefs are actually irrelevant to demonstrating that you can't even make sense of right and wrong. You're utterly inconsistent.
"Is there an asterisk?" I almost died laughing
"ohhhh you're in trouble" classiccc
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfil. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17)
ah god i just discovered this show and i am absolutely in love :D
I live in America and I agree with you 100%.
Help. D:
“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19)
We need this show in the US...
Not to be pedantic, but it actually doesn't say anything about "dwarfs" being stoned. Apparently some older versions use "stone broken" as a euphemism for hernia.
How can someone hate what doesn't exist?
LOVE this.
All animals have their specialties to insure their survival: Teeth, claws, speed, agility, etc. For humans, it's our hands & our brains.
All of the vicious Old Testament laws will be binding forever. "It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17)
How can you hate someone who doesn't exist?... The same way a teenager who has a deadbeat dad says to him "you're not not my dad... you're scum. I have no father".
Absolutely brilliant. If you want to follow a religion, great, but at least have some kind of argument to back up your beliefs.
out of curiosity where did it say he allowed himself to die as a sacrifice? I thought it was to show people of ever lasting life.
"What does natural selection have to do with morality?" Everything.
The belief in "angels" is a cornerstone in the rickety edifice of religious belief. I'm just citing it as more evidence to support the broader contention: religious beliefs are delusional and irrational.
I already summarized Wright's book: our sense of good and bad behavior, of what we "feel" to be right and wrong, can be explained by natural selection. If you want the details behind the summary, well, enjoy Wright's book. You can't tear him down specifically if you won't read him specifically!
By reading the Bible, you'll see that God has a sovereign will and a moral will. His moral will is that we do what is right, and God's sovereign will is that he has power over everything, but he does limit his power to give us a choice.
No :) I'll do what I want. I'm not going to listen to someone who suppresses the truth in unrighteousness.
WARNING! do not scroll down. Religious arguments below.
thx fam
And you pointed that out with a grammatical error - bahahahahaha!
Just because we're atheists doesn't mean we hate god. Atheist means we don't believe there's a god. Most atheists respect other's right to follow religion and voice opinions. We just wish that every religious/non-religious person mutually respects everyone. That means, not going to a person's funeral who committed suicide due to relentless bullying for being gay and screaming hate slogans and putting up hate signs. The bible teaches love to all human beings, not to selectively bully and hate.
You know whats even more stupid then that? The existence of evil. If he is, in-fact, as powerful as he says he is, and hates evil so much, and punishes us eternally for doing a few bad things in the 80 or so years we're on this planet, why doesn't he just remove evil? He is the creator of EVERYTHING, and "everything" encompasses evil also, so does that mean that being "holy and righteous" mean being good and being evil? And if so, why do I go to hell? I thought I was being holy and righteous...
Everything?.... If your definition of morality were merely personal emotions, yes, but morality is not about feelings. It is about right and wrong that exist independently of how someone feels. Otherwise, everything and nothing is right and wrong depending on how someone feels at the time, which is nonsense.
If that "old book" doesn't make any sense, then it's impossible for you to know anything, because Naturalism can't account for Laws of Logic or the Uniformity of Nature. Both are crucial presuppositions that must exist or you cannot satisfy the preconditions of intelligibility.
Society, at large, says it's good. We see the actions of human beings behaving civilly every day. Nobody broke into your domicile today (I assume). You don't have to turn to an imaginary being to explain why you weren't robbed -- and why you didn't rob your neighbor (I assume). Most other people around you went about their lives today in a peaceful manner -- and the dictates from an imaginary psychopath in the sky has nothing to do with it.
I cannot reject that which does not exist.
This is exactly the kind of shit that I mention to some religious people I know, but then as the people in this video... They just dismiss it and say "oooh noooo.. that was the ooold part of the bible, god wouldn't want thaaat (that's why he put it in the bible?)"
makes me sick to my stomach
The first part about Matthew 15:4 was Jesus telling pharisees about what God the father had said, and the context was about tradition - but yes, to ensure the line of Jesus Christ, God was very serious about sin, and sin results in death.
Morality comes from God. He created us, and he makes the rules. How could you possibly have such a thing as right and wrong in a random-chance evolutionary universe, and how could you possibly know what they are?
Adam and Eve weren't set up to do so - they did it of their own free will. They were told by God not to do it, but they chose to resulting from their own evidentialist beliefs. Oh we're not held accountable for their sin... we're accountable for our own. And ALL of us sin. Every single one of us. We all lie, we've all stolen, we've all taken God's name in vain, we've hurt others, committed adultery at heart, etc, etc. and THIS is what we're held accountable for.... our own choices.
I'd hazard a guess at the whole bible, reading a passage and liking that passage is pretty much the duty of the sheep. reading the whole book and liking the whole book is the duty of the zealot.
I feel sorry for you.
I can only hope you wake up soon.
Interesting trolling with Bible verses. I commend your innovation.
Morality is rooted in feelings? That's totally arbitrary for a start. I mean if it's just emotions, then why "should" you follow it? That doesn't make any sense. It might make me happy if I eat chocolate, but does that mean it's morally right for me to eat chocolate because I feel good?
That sounds absurd, but that's what you're arguing. Morality has nothing to do with feelings. It's about what we should and should do, regardless of how we feel.
You can't account for morality as a naturalist.
Do you mean the whole bible or the bible at all?
One bad apple spoils the bunch.
yeah, but it's fun & enlightening too. not good to stew in your own juices too much.
0 dislikes. Awesome.
..........yet the only way to cleanse yourself of your sins is to walk confess them.... right.
" But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth." (Deuteronomy 20:16)
We have a word for that nowadays. Genocide.
An atheist can hate god as much as someone can hate Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.
I think you're twisting things for moi
haha thats brilliant
Nobody's a bigger troll than the author that wrote it.
So what's your point?
how can an atheist "hate" an entity he does not believe exists?
all right, A & E disobeyed god, but:
1. they were set up to do so in the first place, and
2. how is it fair to hold people not even born yet accountable for their "sin"?
It's not arbitrary because sciences demonstrates that it's true. Evolution by natural and sexual selection, in its capacity to explain the origins of biological beings (not just us) and why we behave and live as we do, is as true as the fact that Earth revolves around the sun or that if you drop an object it will fall to the floor. There is no general conflict and debate in the world about this - except for religionists, who, for some reason, are having a difficult time getting with the program.
Cut it out. You guys are debating over an old book that doesn't make any sense anyway.
Lets put this to rest once and for all the only thing atheists have in common is that we dismiss the idea of a god(you can't hate what doesn't exist) everything else like views on homosexuality, abortions, etc is up to the individual to decide apon.
Presuppositions are everything. "what we know to be true and valid about the world and universe"
That very statement has presuppositions. How can you even claim to "know" anything about the world, unless you first presuppose that your mind and memory are reliable. If your mind is just the result of trillions of little accidents (genetic mutations), then why would you trust it? You really shouldn't. I believe I can though, because I presuppose that "God" created me to be able to know things.
What does what you "presuppose" have anything to do with what we know to be true and valid about the world and universe (in terms of what we understand so far far; there's much we still don't know)?
I haven't been inconsistent at all: our sense of good/bad and right/wrong behavior was not "given" to us by some ludicrous "divine intervention". I can account for our sense of morality: evolution by natural and sexual selection explains it. It's up to you to investigate the details.
By the way, as for the ignorance about asking people to kill his son "now", Christians are not under the Old Covenant anymore, we are under the New Covenant, and sin has been paid for by Jesus Christ, therefore the punishment for sin is taken away.
Hebrews 8:13 "By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear."
So his statement came from ignorance about the Bible. That is all.
0:14 If any muslim sees this, the whole world is going to be teared down.
Yes, "natural selection can explain what we feel to be right and wrong." Our "gut" instinct and intrinsic sense of what constitutes fair and right behavior -- we even see a "crude" version of this behavior in babies -- is rooted in natural selection. There's no need to haul in a god to explain why most human beings are morally upstanding. Most people don't "hunt down and kill their enemies". There are school shooters and whatnot but most of us are good and lawful, living peaceful, quiet lives.
And on top of that, if naturalism is true, human beings are nothing more than evolved chemical accidents. Why would it be wrong for one chemical accident to get rid of another chemical accident?
And how do you know what's "right"? Is it whatever brings the most happiness to the most people? First of all, that's totally arbitrary, and secondly, happiness is nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain under naturalism. What does a chemical reaction have to do with right and wrong? Nothing.
Nope. Nothing "arbitrary" going on here. "What does love and caring behavior have to with right and wrong?" See my response above about the Wright book.
Alternately we should be focusing on not taking the bible literally and certainly not using religion in place of law.
I said cut it out!
*torn :)
Noah's Ark is actually based (along with several other "Great Flood" stories such as that of Gilgamesh) on a real giant flood that happened in Mesopotamia at some point (which is backed by abnormally large silt deposits along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers). While I am an atheist and agree with this video almost entirely, and of course the biblical parts of Noah's Ark are false, I thought this was worth stating.
I didn't say that.. you made the assertion. You asserted that God doesn't exist. So if you're going to make that claim, then you need to demonstrate it.
You're absolutely right - the burden of proof falls on the person making the claim.... and so.... you said ...
"his "god" you speak of has "built" nothing in us because this "god" does not exist."
Oh he doesn't exist? Nice claim there. Nicely done, indeed.
Love those Bible Cherry Pickers ! What a way to justify any obscenity you want.
supposedly, it was to redeem the sin of A & E, & thus allow their descendants into heaven. i don't get how the death of one person atones for the sins of another, but then, that's just me! seems to me it would have been simpler to just forgive the theft of an apple -- give A & E a spanking & tell them to "sin no more"!
What's your point? All you've basically demonstrated is "Well, animals kill animals sometimes, people kill people sometimes"
It has no bearing or effect on the argument whatsoever. Is your argument that "most people think it's wrong, so therefore it's wrong"? If it is, then that's totally arbitrary and reductio ad absurdum. If most people in the middle east think it's okay to treat women like animals.... is it therefore moral?
The only delusional here is your mind.
That's not what I was implying at all. That's just the way you took it. All I said was to not lump Catholics with Christians... just as you shouldn't lump muslims with Christians. Muslims also believe in Jesus Christ.
What makes me think that you weren't a Christian? Because if you were, you wouldn't have said what you said. You should at least understand that being a Christian doesn't mean you never sin again.
Ya mom
"What on Earth does natural selection have to do with right and wrong?" Well, as I said, reading "The Moral Animal" by Robert Wright would be a great place to start to find out. Your "survival of the fittest" retort suggests to me you haven't done your homework. Hint: that phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. Your remark about letting handicapped people die proves my point. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let the evidence show that Daracon1010 does not know what he's talking about."
"most of us are good and lawful, living peaceful, quiet lives. "
Seriously, who are you to say that living peaceful, quiet lives is what is "good"? You know deep down that it's wrong to go around killing people, but your worldview can't make sense of that.
The Bible tells us that people will suppress the truth in unrighteousness. You know there's a God, and the sad truth is that if you continue to reject him, you will be separated from him, and it'll be too late. Don't be a fool.
All stereotypes are based on some truth. I advise you not to get in my car while I'm driving. I didn't get my car license until I was 21 because I didn't want to put more asians on the road.
Yeah, and what's your point of posting that verse? God's moral laws haven't changed. It was wrong to murder someone back then, and it's wrong to murder now... it was wrong to steal back then, and it's wrong to steal now.
Jesus DID fulfill the law - he fulfilled it by offering himself as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for breaking the law, so that people would be saved by grace, and not by keeping the law. Jesus said that he established a new covenant.
So I don't know what your point is.
Isn't that a stereotype
Waiter, can I have this without the waffle? Thank you.
:) good argument daracon. I figured there would be religious argument about this video. Its sad that people don't want to see god in this world. :(
Gutsy. Lots of people carry GUNS in Texas!!!
You're confusing the moral law, with "punishments for breaking the law". The morals laws DO still exist, however the ceremonial laws and civic laws do not, and they have been done away with. The Old Covenant is also gone, as I already demonstrated.
This means that the punishment for sin is paid for, and we are under a new covenant brought about by Jesus Christ.
So what was said in this video came from ignorance.
Penn Jillette read the Bible from cover to cover. He said the experience reaffirmed his atheism. Thank you, Penn!
"God's sovereign will is that he has power of everything" -- wow, that sounds like an atrocious backdrop for a lousy science fiction movie. All this god talk is so silly!
You have absolutely no argument in what you just said. Just "Read this book, you're wrong and you don't know what you're talking about."
Every single one of my argument stands. Instead of addressing my points, you dodged and made pointless statements then attacked me personally. How's the irony.. you can't even make an argument.
You know why you cant? Because your position is already lost. You've demonstrated nothing, except that your position is lost.
God cares, but he limits his power because of the fall. This is a sinful world, and every man has rebelled against God. We're not inherently good - we're inherently evil. We tell God to get out of our schools, out of our lives... and God has graciously stepped back to leave us to our own pride and selfish desires.
God cares, and he loves every one of us... bad things happen because of sin. God is Holy and righteous... you want to blame him for the evil things that men do? That's stupid.
People hate Twlight and it's a fictional story
...just sayin
You see, what you're saying is inconsistent with your worldview. Why are you implying that things like love and care are "good" things? You're arguing as if love actually means something in your worldview. All that does is confirm to me that the Bible is true. God has built it into you to know.
I can account for morality in my worldview. In the Biblical worldview, right and wrong make sense, and we have an absolute law-giver that morality has come from.
1 person is a homosexual, adulterous, fortune-telling dwarf.
"Stop stealing from God". That's funny.
Nobody "created" right and wrong in us. If you were to step outside the religious bubble you live in you'd come to understand why this is true.
Just look how they reacted to ''The innocence of muslims''. They killed people because of a video. A video! A bad one too
Stop saying "they" it was a very small number of Muslim people.
Why should I attempt a rehash in a UA-cam comment window? You seriously think a nearly 500 page book can be summarized in 500 words? What an insult that would be to Wright or any writer.
I didn't attack YOU. I attacked the make-believe "god" that is beloved by you and billions of others. Nothing you've said stands because all religious beliefs are rooted in make-believe. Wow, it's scary to think that billions of people think "angels" exist! Yep, you can't get more irrational than that!
It does NOT take a 500 page book in order to defend or give an overall summary to account for and make sense of morality. I can do it in just a few lines.
You're choosing to be irrational. Instead of engaging in debate, you make completely irrelevant, emotional statements like you just did such as "Wow, it's scary to think that billions of people think "angels" exist!"
You've dodged every argument and just said "it's wrong because it's make-believe". Lol... let me clue you in on something.
If the Bible is the word of God, it must be true.
So God was wrong? Is he really a god, then?
No, not true.
Ooh look, "religious" people are hypocrites, well I never.
Ah America...On second thought, let's not go there, 'tis a silly place.
Animals kill animals of their own species all the time. You'd have to be crazy to think otherwise. Ever seen a documentary where animals have territorial battles and kill their opponents? Come on.
Animals do what they want. If one animal wants to kill another one, it does it. Animals don't have a moral code. God gave humans a moral code though, and it's built into us.
But again - why would indiscriminate killing be wrong? I know why it's wrong... but how would you, given your worldview?
I'm not going to waste my time purchasing or trying to find a book I already know is irrational. Are you incapable of just providing a rational answer instead of dodging and making making arbitrary assertions or what?
Absolutely arbitrary going on here... that's all you've done. Made arbitrary, nonsensical assertions. Your starting point (naturalism) makes it impossible for you to account for, or make sense of morality. You can only assume it.
I'm not going to waste my time putting forward any kind of proper response to irrelevant, emotional statements you've made to the effect of "God is evil and he's just imaginary". Believe whatever you want - but you're being utterly inconsistent.
Don't talk about right and wrong and morality... they're from God. Stop stealing from God. He created right and wrong, and you can't account for it at all. Stop assuming what's good and what isn't, considering it's senseless under your beliefs.
If naturalism is true, and God is make-believe, then you shouldn't be saying what you're saying. You see, I presuppose that humans are created in the image of God, and so I can rationally say that we're special. If Christianity is true, morality makes sense and can be accounted for.... but by your own beliefs, you can't account for morality.
My beliefs are actually irrelevant to demonstrating that you can't even make sense of right and wrong. You're utterly inconsistent.