Hearing this made my day, all those feelings you're having is exactly how I felt when I started too. I'm 35 and started a little late. A year and half later I got my blue belt. Just keep going. You're going to have days where you want to quit and you feel like you're not making any progress but you are. Every time I thought about how difficult it is I just kept asking myself, could me today beat me yesterday and the answer was always yes. So excited for your journey in this martial art. I completely fell for it and still watch BJJ videos pretty consistently. I'm sure you will do great, you seem to have the right mindset and attitude for it. Good luck and have fun with it!
Keep showing up to bjj classes and in a few years you will be amazed on how better you will be compared with the older you who first stepped on the mats.
In Portuguese the 'R' is pronounced as an 'H'. Rener Gracie is pronounced 'Hener' Gracie. Same goes for the rest of the Gracie family. Renzo = Henzo, Rorion = Horion, Royce = Hoyce, and so on.
Aye man i like this, i recently just completed my first 3 months of the sport too, and was thinking of making a vid to share my experience It’s definitely humbling for sure, sum I do and show up for consistently
@@connorzanoli Yeah, not one moment have I ever thought about giving up. It's ironic but there's something motivating about being absolutely dominated in the ground by another person. It makes me try even harder to become like them and maybe even better.
I'm 73, `14 weeks of BJJ training, 59 training days and I just got my first white stripe on my white belt. I am 20 lbs over weight, have a low back injury which slows me up at times, a bad shoulder. and two bad knees. I have a judo and TKD background but that was 50 years ago. I have boxed and wrestled and prior to BJJ I did a year of KRAV MAGA which for just general self defense is probably better BUT when things go to the ground BJJ is what you need to know. I went six days a week for my first two weeks, TOO MUICH, I was not recovering. Now I go M - W - F, three days a week with a 72 hour break between the Friday and Monday class. Seems to work for me.
@@Matthew34801 Or: God created hell so if you don't believe but yet prove yourself to be a good human being you still go to hell. I don't know. Neither do you. How about you keep your gospel for the appropriate videos and leave people alone?
Dude, congrats on even starting. It’s a long ego killing journey. You have to sit in being constantly crushed and absolutely dominated by some person for a very long time. I was not a physically gifted person. I am 43 yr old, 5’5”, 170lb guy. I am currently a low/mid level purple belt, and instructor / coach now. I definitely recommend training primarily No-gi for self defense elements. It start to get much easier and more fun at the high level blue to purple belt levels. By the way we are in the Houston area. Stop on by an open mat if your in the area.
Good video. I think the notion for martial arts for street fights should die though. On the streets to stay safe all you need is situational awareness verbal judo and a firearm. BJJ boxing wrestling etc should just be seen as competitive sports and hobbies IMO
Brazilian Jujitsu, like anything you need a disposable income for doesn't make a lot of since to me I can barely afford nutritional food. It's kinda of elitist.
@@connorzanoli if you go down the road where some peoples labor is worth more than others, or that some people deserve more because they work harder your telling a lie because a trust fund baby has to work for nothing, and the disabled work at least till they spend several years proving they are diabled
you said the same exact thing everyone has said after training bjj nothing original or new . You should have not been able to roll until u got atleast 2 stripes this video is a complete joke as well as the gym u went to
@@connorzanoli no problem bro keep trying to be famous . recently the algo loves when twinks take PEDs you should try that. Like do sarms or tren for 90 days anyways i wish u well
Hearing this made my day, all those feelings you're having is exactly how I felt when I started too. I'm 35 and started a little late. A year and half later I got my blue belt. Just keep going. You're going to have days where you want to quit and you feel like you're not making any progress but you are. Every time I thought about how difficult it is I just kept asking myself, could me today beat me yesterday and the answer was always yes. So excited for your journey in this martial art. I completely fell for it and still watch BJJ videos pretty consistently. I'm sure you will do great, you seem to have the right mindset and attitude for it. Good luck and have fun with it!
Appreciate this comment gave me a little extra motivation to train today.
Keep showing up to bjj classes and in a few years you will be amazed on how better you will be compared with the older you who first stepped on the mats.
Thanks G. 🙌 will do
In Portuguese the 'R' is pronounced as an 'H'. Rener Gracie is pronounced 'Hener' Gracie. Same goes for the rest of the Gracie family. Renzo = Henzo, Rorion = Horion, Royce = Hoyce, and so on.
I realized right after I said it
Great vid Connor keep it up man!
Ur the goat keep pushing
Jesus loves you so much he died for you and rose again for you so that you could be saved from hell, repent and believe the Gospel
Aye man i like this, i recently just completed my first 3 months of the sport too, and was thinking of making a vid to share my experience
It’s definitely humbling for sure, sum I do and show up for consistently
Post that vid for sure G
starting bjj tomorrow thanks for the info bro🙏
Good luck! The first 3 months are the worst 😂
Yea but they’re still fun
@@connorzanoli Yeah, not one moment have I ever thought about giving up. It's ironic but there's something motivating about being absolutely dominated in the ground by another person. It makes me try even harder to become like them and maybe even better.
I'm 73, `14 weeks of BJJ training, 59 training days and I just got my first white stripe on my white belt. I am 20 lbs over weight, have a low back injury which slows me up at times, a bad shoulder. and two bad knees. I have a judo and TKD background but that was 50 years ago. I have boxed and wrestled and prior to BJJ I did a year of KRAV MAGA which for just general self defense is probably better BUT when things go to the ground BJJ is what you need to know. I went six days a week for my first two weeks, TOO MUICH, I was not recovering. Now I go M - W - F, three days a week with a 72 hour break between the Friday and Monday class. Seems to work for me.
great movie
show some rollings with you
please thank you 💪💪🔥🔥
Very good analysis for a young practitioner..Good for you bud..Stay ready, you don't have to get ready 😉
Jesus loves you so much he died for you and rose again for you so that you could be saved from hell, repent and believe the Gospel
@@Matthew34801 Or: God created hell so if you don't believe but yet prove yourself to be a good human being you still go to hell. I don't know. Neither do you. How about you keep your gospel for the appropriate videos and leave people alone?
I agree but no point responding to it. Probably a bot of some sort...
Dude, congrats on even starting. It’s a long ego killing journey. You have to sit in being constantly crushed and absolutely dominated by some person for a very long time. I was not a physically gifted person. I am 43 yr old, 5’5”, 170lb guy. I am currently a low/mid level purple belt, and instructor / coach now. I definitely recommend training primarily No-gi for self defense elements. It start to get much easier and more fun at the high level blue to purple belt levels. By the way we are in the Houston area. Stop on by an open mat if your in the area.
Thanks for this man. Keeping me motivated for my nogi training tonight 🙌. Next time Im in Houston ill definitely try and drop in.
Got my purple belt in August after 5 years ! Best decision I ever made !
Lets go
didn't know anything about the sport until now. lets grapple
Bro you look like Joseph Keery
Thanks for the vid
Ive gotten that a alot lol
Good video. I think the notion for martial arts for street fights should die though.
On the streets to stay safe all you need is situational awareness verbal judo and a firearm.
BJJ boxing wrestling etc should just be seen as competitive sports and hobbies IMO
Yea that probably true martial arts could be valuable as a last resort tho
@@connorzanoli for sure
favorite sub?
Triangle or simple rear naked. Always feels good to get to the back.
oo nice, got a triangle today, tbh i rarely get the rnc people defend those so good@@connorzanoli
Yea true but it feels super satisfying once you do get it
Jesus loves you so much he died for you and rose again for you so that you could be saved from hell, repent and believe the Gospel
Try judo
Will soon
Brazilian Jujitsu, like anything you need a disposable income for doesn't make a lot of since to me I can barely afford nutritional food. It's kinda of elitist.
Its like 100 bucks a month. Is a gym membership also elitist?
@@connorzanoli yeah it is, anything that's not accessible to the poorest members of soeciety is elitist and one of the many pitfalls of capitalism.
@@connorzanoli if you go down the road where some peoples labor is worth more than others, or that some people deserve more because they work harder your telling a lie because a trust fund baby has to work for nothing, and the disabled work at least till they spend several years proving they are diabled
you said the same exact thing everyone has said after training bjj nothing original or new . You should have not been able to roll until u got atleast 2 stripes this video is a complete joke as well as the gym u went to
Thanks for the algo boost Preston 🙌
@@connorzanoli no problem bro keep trying to be famous . recently the algo loves when twinks take PEDs you should try that. Like do sarms or tren for 90 days anyways i wish u well