Should check out Nick Johnston. I know its not the same flavor of music but there was a clear change to his writing style and chops after keith grabbed nick and did a world tour with him.
Love your videos Dean! I really appreciate you interacting with your fans like this and providing playthroughs of your Archspire stuff. Can't wait to see you in Atlanta!
Dude, I absolutely love this series. As a musician, it really helps with the whole self-esteem element. Just seeing other humans that I look up to tackling this kind of stuff. Also, Keith is a god.
Interesting take on the 8 string sounding heavy. Definitely agree. Being tuned as low as E has a really specific sound, that can work well for very specific things, but it's like the range a dropped 7 string sits in just somehow packs more punch.
It was nice seeing some less notes this time . Eagerly waiting for the next one.....i wish we could see that one part from First Fragment's - Le Serment De Tsion , where there's a bridge kinda thing at 1:47..... Very neoclassical....very Deanie
I agree a lot with the seven string thing. Something about it is just so cool. When I had my 8, I kept wanting to get a 7, so my next guitar will definitely be a 7.
Used to play with my dad when I was 5 or 6, I'd watch him get intensely frustrated. Now I play dark souls and sekiro and remember fondly those times hahaha.
You should try some fellow Canadian tech death in the way of Martyr. Maybe nameless faceless neverborn. That or a Dave Davidson revocation Riff. Always lots of groove and shred involved
Great video as always ! I'd actually enjoy seeing more rhythm guitar playing - I'd cast my vote for the first minute or so of Ignominous and Pale by Necrophagist. I've always found the riffs WAY harder than the solos in most their songs.
Dean your videos inspire me to practice regularly. You’re knowledge, willingness to share it, and how you articulate really just make me feel like I know more than I do 😆
Cheers for this one Dean! I'm a less experienced player with less time on my hands and the more accessible shorter form video is a huge help, especially focusing on the riffs side on things. Just picked up your Tab Pack #1 to help out my Right Hand stuff, might be able to get some Infant Annihilator rhythm stuff down if I really grind it out, would love to see you go through some harder sections like 2:04 from Pelt Of Innocent Flesh (with, as much as I love Involuntary Doppelganger, the best pinch harmonic ever at 09) so I know how to approach it.
Gotta learn the main riff for the wastrel. Also on Reading the bones. Super dissonant and weird. One of my favorite merrow riffs. The guy is a machine.
Keith Merrow is the dude from Conquering Dystopia, the Instrumental Project with Alex Webster on bass and Jeff Loomis, their record is so fucking good, can't recommend it enough!
Keith actually has a playthrough of this riff in his fishman pickups demo. When he bends the 3rd fret on the low A he frets the 4th fret of the high A. I though you ll find that interesting he does not bend the two srings
Yeah, that's correct. I bend the low A up a half step (with vibrato) from the 3rd fret, while sounding off the middle A on the 4th fret. Dean makes it work just fine here, and I think it sounds basically the same. Its just a nuance thing. I also do the same bend on the 2nd /3rd fret in this riff. The whole thing is a little bendy and dissonant. I don't think anyone needs to fixate on the subtleties, though.
Love the consistent uploads dude! Keith Merrow’s intro riff to Pillars of creation is one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard. Will def give his new album a listen! Btw what camera do u use to film man?
Dean attemps his personal rendition of Giants steps by John Coltrane just the intro tho I'm not trying to have lose your cool and kill me when you see me on tour can't wait for tech trek tour in Chicago Illinois see ya there
I find that triplets come easier for me than 4 note runs. 18 years playing and I still struggle. When it comes to playing 4/4..... I mean I can do it (I'm a solid riffer, lead....ehhh), but I feel I really shine in 3/4. I guess my point is its cool to see from another's point of view. I'm really digging the channel sir. Great educational source!
@@DeanLamb Love you bud, excited for the May 12th show down in Los Angeles. Oh and it would be great to hear you try out some Lykathea Aflame, but i don't there is much out there as far as tablature is concerned. At any rate, love the vids, STAY TECH!
2 things Dean, love your videos and the way u explain shit is really awesome and hilarious at times......2nd, I know your coming to Philly next month. Hoping to be there.....but please please please try to come back to reading, pa at reverb for a headlining show sometime. U guys fucking rule🤘🤘
How about a James Murphy solo? I know you're a fixed bridge guy but something like Obituary's "Infected" intro solo would be killer. Or anything off of Death's "Spiritual Healing", Cancer's " Death Shall Rise", or even a Disincarnate solo. Love the channel Dean, looking forward to the next installment
Hm, how about the verse riff from Frantic Disembowelment from Cannibal Corpse. Or hell any part of that song, but the verse riff is what everyone thinks of.
You should tackle A beckoning thrall by inferi. Not the whole song but pick a riff you like lol I'm learning that song and oh man I've learned so much about my picking hand lol
Weird, I’ve always struggled with fours for some reason, and triplets kind of came naturally. For instance I struggled (and somewhat still do without warning up) with decapitated riffs, even spheres of madness. Same with twos, which I guess makes sense. Any tips for locking down 2 and 4 note chugs? Killer video dean, hoping to see you guys in Portland!
Hey man thanks for the reply I appreciate you taking the time. I’ll have to work on accenting. As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed I need to relearn and refine my playing. Jamming Metallica Megadeth slayer and sabbath is fun but when I moved on to tech death i really had to work on some fundamentals again. I find I’ll hit a guitar rut where I beat my head against a wall and sometimes putting it down and coming back to it with a fresh mindset really helps me learn. But seriously man people like you are killer for us amateur musicians who are playing for fun but want a challenge. It makes me feel like I can still get better and have fun at the same time. Take it easy man you kick ass
Im always in favour of adding more riff, groove based stuff Dean. Im sure your metal catalogue is vast, would be cool to be introduced to more bad ass riffs from badass bands through your Learn series. The blistering lead work is fucking amazing, def don't want to see that go, but heavy riffs like this one are what excite me about bands initially. Solos may get me to the shows, but riffs and groove are what makes me buy the albums. Cheers!
Makes sense. I plan to see y’all in Denver. Do you plan on attempting to learn any baroque/classical compositions transcribed for the guitar? Something a little different from the beloved tech death gente.
You should try listening to Takayoshi Ohmura, my favourite guitarist of all time and an absolute monster of a player!! His circle picking technique is impeccable! Not to mention his vibrato and rhythm chops!! He’s currently Babymetal’s touring guitarist and was also Marty Friedman’s touring guitarist but he has a huge catalogue of stuff. Would love to see you tackle the solo for “Black Serenade” by Liv Moon (favourite solo of all time), “Wanna get a good love” solo album, or Babymetal Death solo or Tales of the Destinies (entire song) by Babymetal. Or you know, you could always try Tendinitis by Jason Richardson :P Love the channel and this series!!
@@DeanLamb Not to sound like an immature or impulsive kid but I just ordered one, just because haha. Do you use any additional pedals or software to enhance your sound for these videos?
Never have heard of Merrow before. Thought this tune you're learning is pretty sick! Don't shoot me but it's got an Alice In Chains vibe to it. Looked up some of Keith's performances and really dig him. I'm a little tired of Djent and guitarist just shredding for shredding sake. I enjoyed your insight on techniques and styles as I'm a beginning guitarist. Instant subscriber. Good job on the cover too.
25% off Lesson packages using discount code "youtube25"!!!
Keith Merrow is the god of riffs.
He really is, isn't he? Not sure if he came up with it himself, but around 2:42 of Autarch is one of the best guitar riffs ever.
@@headwinded1948 agreed. That was my favorite part of that whole album. It blew me away when I first heard and saw it
Truf 🙏
Should check out Nick Johnston. I know its not the same flavor of music but there was a clear change to his writing style and chops after keith grabbed nick and did a world tour with him.
Merrow= riff machine, tone god
I have his pickups in my dean axe razerback 7 string sounds so so so good
The ambient intro of Pythoness just induces chills to my whole body, especially with the dragging sound of the violins( i suppose). Great album!
Great guitarist as well!
Dean Lamb seems so humble especially considering he is one of the best extended range technical players on the planet. Love the respect
Keith has my favorite guitar tone for metal. Sick playing Dean as always
Pythones is my favourite! Such a good song!
It's a great track
Love your videos Dean! I really appreciate you interacting with your fans like this and providing playthroughs of your Archspire stuff. Can't wait to see you in Atlanta!
See you there!
some Beyond Creation or Rings of Saturn next??
Would love some beyond creation!
@@tattipata1121 Social disability!!!
Dude, I absolutely love this series. As a musician, it really helps with the whole self-esteem element. Just seeing other humans that I look up to tackling this kind of stuff. Also, Keith is a god.
That "Wizardry" shirt beings back memories!
For me as well.
We dicussed this before with the drop A on 8 strings, totally agree!
Merrow´s "Heart of the Sea Nymph" has super awesome groovy outro riff :)
I was hoping that was what he was going to learn! Oh well... maybe we can get him to learn Jeff Loomis' solo monster as well! :P
Interesting take on the 8 string sounding heavy. Definitely agree. Being tuned as low as E has a really specific sound, that can work well for very specific things, but it's like the range a dropped 7 string sits in just somehow packs more punch.
Kieth writes the best riffs
Never forget the first time I watched his "spice dealer" video. Blown away. And the Loomis lead in it is sick.
Never thought id enjoy watching someone else learning a riff but this is so awesome!!
Awesome video dude. Love this series.
Nice! The killer riff from Pythoness. One of my favorites from the album.
I just love your tone man, so gorgeous....
Pod HD500
Keep in mind, a lot of the tone is also how clean Dean plays
It was nice seeing some less notes this time . Eagerly waiting for the next one.....i wish we could see that one part from First Fragment's - Le Serment De Tsion , where there's a bridge kinda thing at 1:47..... Very neoclassical....very Deanie
Dean attempts to play Ethereal skies intro,by far the most insane intros I've heard
Keep those videos coming man! Great series :)
"He releasead this album himself, so I won't get demonetized"
*a wild CD Baby appears and takes all your money*
Hahah, I keep all of it! *Pockets $5*
Can't wait for the show in Phoenix!
See you there!
Dean attempts to learn SYMPHONY X ;)
I don't know if 30 minutes would be enough. Sea of lies tapping solo or the intro to seven would be sick to hear.
Awesome videos man. Helps to watch someone else learning more than I would've guessed.
Thanks for watching!
holy shit really good secret mini lesson about triplets inside.
Hey thanks!
I agree a lot with the seven string thing. Something about it is just so cool. When I had my 8, I kept wanting to get a 7, so my next guitar will definitely be a 7.
Waiting for Wintersun - Winter Madness solo, that would be fun to watch
That solo is fucking crazy.
Sick Wizardry shirt man. Only played V on SNES and I sucked but used to watch my brother play on PC and always dug it
Used to play with my dad when I was 5 or 6, I'd watch him get intensely frustrated. Now I play dark souls and sekiro and remember fondly those times hahaha.
You should try some fellow Canadian tech death in the way of Martyr. Maybe nameless faceless neverborn. That or a Dave Davidson revocation Riff. Always lots of groove and shred involved
I agree but do Cryptopsy!
Man these videos are great
Great video as always !
I'd actually enjoy seeing more rhythm guitar playing - I'd cast my vote for the first minute or so of Ignominous and Pale by Necrophagist. I've always found the riffs WAY harder than the solos in most their songs.
funny enough i just listened to the album and this was my favorite riff
Dean your videos inspire me to practice regularly. You’re knowledge, willingness to share it, and how you articulate really just make me feel like I know more than I do 😆
I have his signature pickups installed I’m my dean axe razerback sounds absolutely incredible
Do some spawn of possession next! Your band kind of fills that spawn of possession void for me so I think it would be a good fit for you.
Learned a section with my wife on my IG, go check it out ;)
@@DeanLamb Sweet! \m/ \m/
@@DeanLamb Nice sick cover! Do some Severed Savior next! Servile Insurrection (2008) is probably my favorite tech death album of all time.
Cheers for this one Dean! I'm a less experienced player with less time on my hands and the more accessible shorter form video is a huge help, especially focusing on the riffs side on things. Just picked up your Tab Pack #1 to help out my Right Hand stuff, might be able to get some Infant Annihilator rhythm stuff down if I really grind it out, would love to see you go through some harder sections like 2:04 from Pelt Of Innocent Flesh (with, as much as I love Involuntary Doppelganger, the best pinch harmonic ever at 09) so I know how to approach it.
Gotta learn the main riff for the wastrel. Also on Reading the bones. Super dissonant and weird. One of my favorite merrow riffs. The guy is a machine.
Keith Merrow is the dude from Conquering Dystopia, the Instrumental Project with Alex Webster on bass and Jeff Loomis, their record is so fucking good, can't recommend it enough!
Greifvogel conquering dystopia is awesome
How about some Shawn Lane? Not everything from him is impossible, so choosing one you think is feasible would be awesome to see!
Demisery is his old school death metal band. Good shit with vicals
Keith actually has a playthrough of this riff in his fishman pickups demo. When he bends the 3rd fret on the low A he frets the 4th fret of the high A. I though you ll find that interesting he does not bend the two srings
Yeah, that's correct. I bend the low A up a half step (with vibrato) from the 3rd fret, while sounding off the middle A on the 4th fret. Dean makes it work just fine here, and I think it sounds basically the same. Its just a nuance thing. I also do the same bend on the 2nd /3rd fret in this riff. The whole thing is a little bendy and dissonant. I don't think anyone needs to fixate on the subtleties, though.
Love the consistent uploads dude! Keith Merrow’s intro riff to Pillars of creation is one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard. Will def give his new album a listen! Btw what camera do u use to film man?
Canon t5i with sigma 18-35 f1.8 :)
Awesome video, subscribed!
Thanks Niklas!
Keith is a damn monster!
You should try Autarch or Desolate Horizons. I feel like those two really capture Keith’s rhythmic brutality best.
I'll check them out!
Dean attemps his personal rendition of Giants steps by John Coltrane just the intro tho I'm not trying to have lose your cool and kill me when you see me on tour can't wait for tech trek tour in Chicago Illinois see ya there
we want more Dean
Is that "We want more, Dean" or "WE WANT MORE DEAN" ?
Nile's "The Burning Pits of the Duat"!
Maybe some inferi, before the upcoming tour. Within the dead horizon?
Do Vultures Descend by Disentomb
such a fucking pacific northwest riff if I've ever heard one
I find that triplets come easier for me than 4 note runs. 18 years playing and I still struggle. When it comes to playing 4/4..... I mean I can do it (I'm a solid riffer, lead....ehhh), but I feel I really shine in 3/4. I guess my point is its cool to see from another's point of view. I'm really digging the channel sir. Great educational source!
i feel the same about drop A, i have played songs in drop F drop E even drop D, ( drop d is fire) but i feel more creative in A
@@DeanLamb Love you bud, excited for the May 12th show down in Los Angeles. Oh and it would be great to hear you try out some Lykathea Aflame, but i don't there is much out there as far as tablature is concerned. At any rate, love the vids, STAY TECH!
Can you and Claire hit do a session of a song of Merrows album! Desolate Horizons or Onieromancer is another!!!!
2 things Dean, love your videos and the way u explain shit is really awesome and hilarious at times......2nd, I know your coming to Philly next month. Hoping to be there.....but please please please try to come back to reading, pa at reverb for a headlining show sometime. U guys fucking rule🤘🤘
Hope to see you there! Maybe we'll hit reverb next year? No plans. :)
For real...the whole band slays. You guys are on another echelons by yourselves. Cant wait for whenever new material comes out!!
my song of 2019
Great song!
Belfast (Northern Ireland) when?
Nothing planned unfortunately
Do something by Andy James!
'Demisery' is an exception from Keith's instrumentals :)
Nile- Annihilation of the wicked
How about a James Murphy solo? I know you're a fixed bridge guy but something like Obituary's "Infected" intro solo would be killer. Or anything off of Death's "Spiritual Healing", Cancer's " Death Shall Rise", or even a Disincarnate solo. Love the channel Dean, looking forward to the next installment
Never got into them!!!
Hm, how about the verse riff from Frantic Disembowelment from Cannibal Corpse. Or hell any part of that song, but the verse riff is what everyone thinks of.
Do Carriers of the plague or Cold by Psycroptic
Man your tone is amazing. What are you using for your sound?
I don't remember. Probably my Pod HD500.
Do some Ne Obliviscaris please. Painters of the tempest pt2 solo cover its soooo coooolll
You should tackle A beckoning thrall by inferi. Not the whole song but pick a riff you like lol
I'm learning that song and oh man I've learned so much about my picking hand lol
Good call!
You should seriously try some Beyond Creation or Spawn of Possession
Great vid as always
Did some spawn of possession with my wife, check it out on my IG!
Dean Attempts to Learn Ep.12: Allan Holdsworth - Looking Glass
Weird, I’ve always struggled with fours for some reason, and triplets kind of came naturally. For instance I struggled (and somewhat still do without warning up) with decapitated riffs, even spheres of madness. Same with twos, which I guess makes sense. Any tips for locking down 2 and 4 note chugs? Killer video dean, hoping to see you guys in Portland!
Make sure to accent your pick strokes. Everything else will follow. Consult the master Paul Gilbert.
Hey man thanks for the reply I appreciate you taking the time. I’ll have to work on accenting. As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed I need to relearn and refine my playing. Jamming Metallica Megadeth slayer and sabbath is fun but when I moved on to tech death i really had to work on some fundamentals again. I find I’ll hit a guitar rut where I beat my head against a wall and sometimes putting it down and coming back to it with a fresh mindset really helps me learn. But seriously man people like you are killer for us amateur musicians who are playing for fun but want a challenge. It makes me feel like I can still get better and have fun at the same time. Take it easy man you kick ass
Some Beyond Creation next!
Im always in favour of adding more riff, groove based stuff Dean. Im sure your metal catalogue is vast, would be cool to be introduced to more bad ass riffs from badass bands through your Learn series.
The blistering lead work is fucking amazing, def don't want to see that go, but heavy riffs like this one are what excite me about bands initially. Solos may get me to the shows, but riffs and groove are what makes me buy the albums. Cheers!
You should try the solo from "Starved" by Dethklok, it's got lots of interesting fingerwork and atonal/chromatic fuckery.
the first few riffs of inverted by gorguts
Do the end solo in behold by born of Osiris. The string skipping is insane
Ugh yeah that's a good idea
Why no Canadian shows for the upcoming tour? Too much legal stuff for the other bands?
Just taking a break from Canada for a bit, we've been through so many times.
Makes sense. I plan to see y’all in Denver.
Do you plan on attempting to learn any baroque/classical compositions transcribed for the guitar? Something a little different from the beloved tech death gente.
Check my IG, I spent a few months learning the gigue from Bach's prelude in Dminor.
You should try listening to Takayoshi Ohmura, my favourite guitarist of all time and an absolute monster of a player!! His circle picking technique is impeccable! Not to mention his vibrato and rhythm chops!! He’s currently Babymetal’s touring guitarist and was also Marty Friedman’s touring guitarist but he has a huge catalogue of stuff. Would love to see you tackle the solo for “Black Serenade” by Liv Moon (favourite solo of all time), “Wanna get a good love” solo album, or Babymetal Death solo or Tales of the Destinies (entire song) by Babymetal. Or you know, you could always try Tendinitis by Jason Richardson :P Love the channel and this series!!
Dean please do some Neuraxis lml , greetings from Bogota .
Dean Attempts to Learn : SOREPTION - The Anti-Present
Good suggestion!
Dean, please
@@DeanLamb please, show us how to play "A dark horizontal"
Alluvial - Colony's intro lead or solo? :)
Check back in my IG feed ;)
Daaang you've got so much good stuff on your IG, shame on me! :)
Dean attempts to teach us sweep picking :))))
Check for that!
I would like to see you learn "No Boundaries" by Michael Angelo Batio. I think most of us would sit here for a couple hours watching 😁
Dean attempts to learn Meshuggah?
how do you get all the scores ?
Sheethappens bro!
Attempt to play some angra solo, like spread your fire or wings of destination
What gear do you use to get this sick and toight tone?
THR10X ;)
@@DeanLamb Not to sound like an immature or impulsive kid but I just ordered one, just because haha. Do you use any additional pedals or software to enhance your sound for these videos?
Never have heard of Merrow before. Thought this tune you're learning is pretty sick! Don't shoot me but it's got an Alice In Chains vibe to it. Looked up some of Keith's performances and really dig him. I'm a little tired of Djent and guitarist just shredding for shredding sake. I enjoyed your insight on techniques and styles as I'm a beginning guitarist. Instant subscriber. Good job on the cover too.
Thanks Sean!
do you think is better to learn a song in the original tuning or transcribe it in standard or something else
Depends on your gear. Get the section learned in the right position and then tune down IMO.
is this "pythoness"
Dean attempts to learn Jason Richardson XV or Synyster Gates Master Class (Electric Guitar Part) - Cheers! Videos are sick!
Yoooo you should learn spice dealer! Such a nasty song the entire way through, riffage off the charts
How about a change of pace lol and try Beachy by Coy. From :48-1:20?
Fuck yeah 🤘
Where u find the tabs? Can u share links? use code word "Dean" for 15% off ;)
Next video: Dean Attempts to Learn Animals As Leader's "Wave of Babies" at 1m 29s
I considered it...
I'm looking for Keith in the comment section, he should be here somewhere..
Yes... where is he...