For some reasons Im heavily addicted to those 1980s russian/soviet war songs, the vibe brooo for some reason, being a westerner myself cant stands the western musics lol
Because it's honest, I feel like russians are some most down to earth people when expressing war, add some good eastern music taste and a beautiful language.
I just wanted to thank you for designing the subtitles in both English and Russian. Because i'm trying to learn Russian and its a good grammar exercise
If that hasn't been said already, Kombat / Комбат is an abbreviation of Battalion Commander (ComBat) which does sound like 'combat' but it ain't. Russian Army abbreviation are like that, KomEsq is Squadron Commander for example.
@@peterwilliams2152 Fair, however it's still true that the Russian language uses way more abbreviations, and that they are much more used in the common language.
@@Maxjeix01 You've obviously never heard Australian English. Why use three or more syllables when two will do - servo, bottlo, blowie, mossie, truckie, bluie, Woolies, etc.
When I was kid and saw footage of Russian soldiers in the Chechen war, it seemed to me that they were mature men who had gone through tough training and were ready for anything. Now I am 26 and I clearly see in these soldiers very young guys who were sitting at their desk yesterday, making plans for a just beginning life and perhaps quite recently kissed a girl for the first time. The blood runs cold...
The song "Kombat" is actually about the WW2 Red Army, but was heavily associated with the War in Chechnya when it was first performed by Lyube, and Still is for good reason.
2:03 ... This guy is 19 years old ... Where do I know from? Simple arithmetic. In Russia, they are drafted into the army (as in Israel for 2 years) from the age of 18, 6 months of training, the remaining 1.5 years of war ... You just look into the eyes of this teenager ...
Well its was likely footage from the first chechen war and during that war russia needed as many people as possible due to their initial assualt failing
I will give a little clarity to foreign listeners, the word "kombat" in this case is not the literal meaning of this word. The word "kombat" in the Russian army is an abbreviation for the position "battalion commander"
I remember while serving in Russian Army, on September 1, 2004, our commander gathered us and announced in very gloomy mood, that Beslan school siege took place, where islamist chechen terrorists cruelly killed more than 300 civilian people, 186 of them children. I'll never forget those days, the big endless sorrow of Ossetian mothers who lost their innocent sons and daughters. I cry when I see footages of Chechen war and hear this kind of songs. I hope some day wars will end in Syria, Africa, Asia. We should make peace, try to bring relief and happiness to all places of mother Earth. Kids and innocent people should never suffer and be victims of fanatic evil beasts.
@@reynanlamsen2007 as if to prove your point Putin invaded Russia just a few days after you made this comment. Again the children of Russia will come home in little wooden boxes or not at all, not for glory or for their people or any cause worth dying for, but for the mad ambitions of one man.
25 years ago workout, 8 km running and Rocky III "Eye of the Tiger" in my head. Today's workout: 25km march with boots, rucksack and inside my head: "Kombat, Kombat...." it's a lie that you become more serious, when you get older.
@@OppyOzzborz-sb8ozWar certainly has winners yes both lose many/ economy’s are ruined ext but that doesn’t change the fact the winners write the history. And one side typical gains something from it. Stop with overused bs bro.
i find this song perfectly describes the feeling of war in its emotions. Melancholy, halfway between laughing and crying and fully insane. A Masterpiece.
The song itself is very good, personally my favorite Lubeh songs, but the choice of footage and editing done by Omnistar elevates it to a whole other level. Thank you, Omnistar, for letting us experience these songs in such an immersive way. This is, in my opinion, the best way to honor the soldiers of past wars.
My grandfather fought in the Afghan war, and already his son, my father, went through 2 Chechen wars. They talked little about them, but both said that they don’t want us to know what war is: death, hunger, lack of sleep, devastation. As a kid, I asked: could anything be worse than death? “Worse than your own death is the death of your comrades, and you, being powerless, can only watch them die in agony.”
its moloch, scarification of young men to die for psychopaths, to damage family values and later generations. The only answer is through Jesus where is no other way.
@@rfiuwwinlye7453 7 years in the Russian military, left after Chechnya, spent 9 years in the British military, went back to college, got a law degree and got a job as a high class lawyer. Pretty epic life ngl
Хороший у тебя дед кровью и потом имя себе забыл сделай так чтобы о нём поменяли наша поколение не должно забыть о них а иначе беда придёт в твой дом береги себя друг мой.
From what i've learned about the chechen war this has to be about a specific battalion commander who really cared about his boys. and mad respect to him and one of the few effective outfits he lead. that whole thing was such a clusterfuck no single commander could fix but i hope he brought has may of his guys home as he could
Russian president Vladimir Putin publicly welcomed fighters from abroad to join his forces. And this has been for a while let’s be real you don’t wanna go to war you’re just saying that for the Internet because you would’ve if you wanted to do bad. I found out how to join literally in 10 minutes. Coward 😂😂
@@Wiiguy13 I think you are missing the og poster's point. He mentioned the Russians, the people themselves. I think all are friend is doing here is saying how much he appreciates Russia's people and its culture (Plus its army).
I enlisted int the US Navy in 1985. I was trained as a radar operator and stationed on a Guided Missile Destroyer. One day I told my family that my ship was ordered to sea for a time . I kissed my mother and grandmother Goodbye , and sailed away . Some time later my ship returned to it's home port and I drove my car to my home town . When I saw my family again my grandmother said that she saw a television news story about the fighting off the coast of Libya . She saw a ship with the number 11 painted on the bow , and knew it was the ship I sailed on . Ships sailed , aircraft flew , bombs fell , and missiles were launched . All this occurred while being watched by radars on land and at sea .
1:56 Just want to stress the similarities in the words and how they make the verse have deeper meaning. Огонь - Оgony - Fire (gunfire). Агония - Аgonyia - Agony.
RIP Russian Colonel Medvechek. Your soldiers were left no choice but to end your misery in the face of countless Russian casualties in Putin's WAR. May this WAR end soon.
A lot of the Russian war music I've heard is very unique from others in the sense that it isn't a glorification of the state, army, or battle. They openly sing about their misery in war, and many just want to back to their homes.
WHAT A SONG! one of my favorites of all time! a lot of people listen soviet music from all around the world, this brother of yours is from Turkey. I love your culture and music very much :)
Niesamowite to jak ta piosenka wbija mi się w serce. Jestem Polakiem zawsze wspierałem Rosję i nawet teraz jak jest wojna na Ukrainie wiem że zasłużyli przywódcy tego kraju. Usa to największy wróg tego świata SLAVA RUSSIA
About Ukraine: nation created in Lenin's time (not to be confused with the history of the city of Kiev and/or with Kievan Rus & its Rurik dynasty started by Prince Rurik of Novgorod; Novgorod is an ancient Russian city), but only theoretical/administrative terms, since it remained under Russian control in the Soviet era, the conformation of its territory today consists mainly of territories that have historically belonged to the Russians (from the center to the eastern and southern side) and the western side has historically belonged to Poland. Important issue about Poland: the h4tred of the Poles towards the Russians is immense and it is they who have partly influenced the western part of Ukraine, this h4tred is historical, since Poland and Russia have had multiple w4rs for several centuries, even the Poles invaded Moscow at some point and were driven out by the Russians (look for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow's Red Square). Now if you add this historical h4tred towards Russia with Neo-Naz1 elements (in western Ukraine) that by default relate Russia to the greatest enemy of the Naz1s, that is, the Soviets, who ended up destroying their beloved H1tler, you will have a gigantic anti-Russian national1sm, which the United States has been able to use as a geopolit1cal tool against the Russ1ans. On the current crisis: The people of Donbass are ethnic Russians and they did not support the 2014 coup, as those who took control of Kiev (with US backing) are openly xenophob1c against the Russians, they even banned the Russian language in Ukraine, which is the native language of the people living in Donbass. Ethnic Russians have lived in Donbass for several centuries, so at the moment they are defending their families and the lands where they have lived for many generations. People living in Donbass voted in a referendum to gain more autonomy and stay *inside* Ukraine, the latter being important as it shows that the Western narrative that the Donbass conflict was started by "pro-Russian separat1sts" is not is so true and this was part of the typical western pr0paganda to confuse the world about reality and adapt everything to the western narrative of "it's Russia's fault", I repeat "the people of Donbass did not vote for independence from Ukraine and/or to join Russia, they voted to have more autonomy within Ukraine", in fact this is the basis of the famous Minsk agreements that Kiev and the West refuse to implement (accusing Russia of not complying with them, when Russia does not has obligations in the agreement), and it has to be repeated that the people of Donbass wanted this because they simply never accepted the 2014 coup, which brought to power people who h4te ethnic Russians. The Ukrainian army launched an 4ttack on these regions in 2014, moving its entire 4rsenal against the civilians of Donbass, this topic is important since the w4r takes place in the lands of Donbass, therefore civilian v1ctims are always the civilians who live in the Donbass (usually the Western media always interviews Ukrainian civilians living in regions that do not suff3r the real consequences of these w4rs), the people of Donbass won practically all the b4ttles, there were a lot of material on youtube about these b4ttles, where they showed civilians f1ghting aga1nst the Ukrainian army, but youtube has cens0red almost everything. These victories should not really surprise us too much, since the people of Donbass were defend1ng their homes against people who h4te Russians (their ethn1city), any of us would fight with full force if you see that your family is thre4tened by crazy rac1sts that h4te your friends and family, today after all the 4ttacks they have received by Kiev, if they hold a new referendum it is very sure that they will vote to join Russia, they have already seen the true face of the Westerners and of those they control Kiev today. It is interesting that the West always supports autonomies when they are initiated within en3my nations: H0ng K0ng in Ch1na, the K*rds in Syr1a, K0s0vo in Serb1a, Ch3chny4 in Russ1a and a long list. It is true that Russ1a supports those Russ1ans who live in Donbass, in fact it has more right to do so than the illegal military presence of the Y4nkees in northern Syr1a ("support1ng" the K*rds and steal1ng Syrian oil along the way), the inhabitants from Donbass are ethn1c Russ1ans, they are in lands close to the Russ1an border (secur1ty issue), they have an obvious connection with Russ1an culture and above all they share many family members with Russ1ans, for this reason after 2014 many residents of Donbass have obtained a Russian p4ssport (Russian citizensh1p). Possible w4r: If a w4r breaks out between Russ1a and Ukra1ne, it will be when K1ev attacks the Russ1ans living in D0nbass, because Russ1a has said for years that it will intervene with the Russian 4rmy to protect its citizens in any part of the world, including the D0nbass region, some believe that Russia will r0ot out the pr0blem, even reaching K1ev to cle4n up the g0vernment house that is under US c0ntrol. The US n4rrative about a possible Russian 1nvas1on of Ukra1ne is based on this last point, because the Y4nkees know very well that a provocation from K1ev is enough for Russ1a to 1ntervene and the Western med1a will have "pr0of" of the alleged 4ggress1on against the "peaceful" K1ev. The western n4rr4t1ve has always been based on l1es, they are heirs to the Br1t1sh emp1re, experts in this type of str4tegy: ly1ng, caus1ng d1vis1on and succeed1ng. The objectives of the Un1ted States: Everything written above explains some symptoms, but not the real cause of the confl1ct and the main objective. As everyone knows, the United States became the hegemon1c world power when Europe was totally destroyed in the Sec0nd W0rld W4r, destruct1on that also extended in Asia, China was the second nation to suffer more hum4n l0sses after the Sov1et Un1on. Therefore today, in a world where Ch1na has managed to 0vertake the United States in terms of GDP-PPP, becoming the first und1sputed w0rld p0wer in economic terms, the United States has no other alternative than to resort to w4r in order to ret4ke the hegem0ny that has been l0sing, a new c0ld w4r is necessary to d3str0y Russia economically and gain full c0ntrol of Western Europe (in ec0nomic and p0litical terms), this will help to c0nfr0nt Ch1na (the Western med1a is already mention1ng Ch1na in this European confl1ct). You have doubts? Just look at what N$TO's first secretary general, Lord Ismay, said, explaining NATO's goal: "to keep the USA in, the Russ1ans out, and the Germ4ns d0wn." The US is the one who needs this w4r, that's why the western med1a controlled by the western el1te push this w4r, the Ukrain1ans are just a che4p t0ol for the westerners. Now we must write using numbers to avoid western c3ns0rsh1p, long live fr33 w3stern express1on haha.
That's something everyone should read but people prefer changing their profile photo to 💙💛✌️ because ignorance is being celebrated and they don't even notice it's a dystopia
You're going to f**** yourself from the first words. Because Lenin have never created ukranians, you s***head nationalist. He gave ukranians, which languages was recognized in the Russian Empire, their own land, free from tsarists governors, and recreated a nation on new free socialist beginings. You, western liberals, russian nationalists, are not worthy even his fingernail in Mausoleum.
@@Константинфирсов-и7б Cool, thanks mate. Im familiar with the song but did not have a copy with a cool video + english subs like this one has. Much thanks.
welp here im again drunk out of my damn mind being disgusted by war and all the young men lost to this horrible thing instead having children,grandchildren and even grand grand children......FUCK WAR,FUCK THE GOVERNMENT AND THEIR TYRANICAL RULE!!!!!!Good health to all of you and yr loved ones from Serbia! ❤❤❤
@@wahtx7717 yeah, but they are all literal vatniks (boomers), and putin's favourite band. It's not surprising they would support the invasion. I Don't find it hard to seperate art from the artist's personal opinions.
@@wedoalittletrolling_mariupol I watched an interview of people in Eastern Ukraine. Many are very angry at their army for setting up in civilian areas, including in residential areas and schools. I’m paraphrasing here, but one of the old ladies interviewed said this: “The military positions itself in the apartment building and attacks Russians. Then they run for the basement and we do too, because the soldiers are probably running to the basement for a good reason.” Of course this is then spun into propaganda in the western media… “Russia is targeting civilians” or “Russia bombed a school” or my favorite, “Russia bombed a theater with the word children written on the roof” (as if a Russian pilot or artillery operator can see what’s written on the roof from 20 miles away). The Ukrainian Army is too lightly armed to resist Russia in the open so it’s trying to make all operations into urban combat in areas still filled with people which effectively negates Russia’s advantage in artillery and tank warfare. Of course, civilians end up in the crossfire, but for Ukraine any dead civilians are a propaganda victory anyways. In Mariupol, Ukraine’s Nazi battalion Azov has been confiscating all relief shipments for their use which has led Russia to preventing the shipments from reaching the city. Azov members have also been dressing up as civilians and attempting to sneak out of the city or behind Russian lines, which is why Russia has had to repeatedly shut down escape corridors out of Mariupol. It’s been frustrating to see Russia going from trying to avoid all civilian casualties possible (and still the media saying it was targeting civilians) in the first two weeks of the war to having to attack Ukrainian positions in cities and cause collateral damage because of Ukraine’s meat shield tactics. Zelensky is going to defend his presidency to the last Ukrainian, and it’s sad to watch and even sadder that he’s being praised for it.
@@QualityPen Yeah the Ukrainian army have been fighting incredibly dirty, almost like terrorists - with no regard for their own civilian losses. Regarding Zelensky, the US is telling him what to do, he’s nothing more than a puppet.
Все эти комментарии не о чём! Потому что ни кто из этих комментаторов не воюет в данный момент за Россию! И весь Запад может умыться своим дерьмом! Фашизм, за который весь Запад так топит , будет разбит! Кто за Россию , присоединяйтесь!
Я знаю, что русские любят проецировать то, что они делают, на другие страны, но вы же знаете, что Россия намного ближе к фашизму, чем большинство европейских стран. Путин буквально сказал, что протестующие против войны могут быть призваны в армию, он изменил российскую конституцию, чтобы остаться у власти, он также использует коррупцию для избирательного преследования политической оппозиции. Так что да, вашей страной управляет диктатор, и есть причина, по которой почти весь мир поддерживает Украину. Эта война была ненужной, и у Путина даже не хватает наглости называть это тем, чем она является, войной. Вторжение в другую независимую страну.
Ultimately this song applies to war in general. The lost of live, the men and women not returning home, and the brutality that comes with it. Not just in Ukraine, but in all wars from the Americas to Africa to Asia.
Russian brothers, we have hard history, but many people in Poland understand yours situation with bandera ukrainians. Medias make strong propaganda in europe, and dont talk yours point of view. Few days ago i seen video from Odesa 02.04.2014, terible scene. so sad how they create opinion average people. Take care slavic brothers 🇵🇱&🇷🇺
@@ultimate2368 SLAVA RUSSIA ther real truth is the Ukrainians are neo nazis and as a Hispanic-American who dose not like racism i would rather support the people killing nazis then the nazis themselves
Use radio frequency 149.200 and call VOLGA to surrender to the Russian Forces and save your life. Don't die for America Используй радио частоту 149.200 и зови ВОЛГУ чтобы сдатся Российским войскам и сохранить свою жизнь. Не умирай за Америку
@@odisseyidetdomoy2151, уверен? Из чего ты сделал вывод? Из того, что Донбасс, Херсонская, Запорожская - и кто его знает какие в будущем - области входят в состав РФ? У меня для тебя сюрприз: до переговоров в Анталье, когда укрАинская делегация отказалась от своих слов о нейтральном статусе и т.д., ВС РФ даже флаги на администрации Херсона и других городов не меняла, за исключением Донбасса - там другая история. Делай выводы, кто виноват в потере территорий
I saw a documentary where a camera man got shot recording the battle footage...many years his last moments, he hid his camera as the last few rounds of bullets ended him...this has been going on for years, and now political leaders are making their move...I pray for everyone who doesn't want senseless killing 😑
@@StinkyPoopyMcFartFace I wish I slap to the Biden regime and those in the EU and NATO as well. Putin is not the only one at fault, but in the end he took the bait that they set.
For some reasons Im heavily addicted to those 1980s russian/soviet war songs, the vibe brooo
for some reason, being a westerner myself cant stands the western musics lol
@DoIgopyat this stuffs is my go-to studying and working music of choice lol
Because it's honest, I feel like russians are some most down to earth people when expressing war, add some good eastern music taste and a beautiful language.
Совершенно верно ❤❤❤@@MoronInSuit
4:40 that sounds beautifully depressing
This dude has uploaded so many war songs and they're all fire
Well here we go again
NATO said they wont send troops . But why should we let this murder win
@@yummypopsicle8046 army of Russia must win
@@gomiyaro because Russia can't use all of her military might
@@Muaosl yes
Omnistar East, Subscribed because your content is fantastic!
Fuck Spotify for removing lyube from the app
These Russian/soviet war songs will forever be my favorite genre of military themed music.
and so do i!
I think these songs shows our slavic reality
Me too
Yep same here comrade
I'd like to introduce you Timur muzuraev - a hard from the other side of barricades. Muslim point of view on defensive war is interesting aswell
Dios bendiga a Rusia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺Fuerza desde Latinoamérica 💪🏽
Russian war songs are another level. Deep emotions displayed through melancholic, yet strong music and lyrics.
We are human and have a big russian soul. That is why...
And Lubeh is the very best; the lead singer, is a man of heart and intelligence.
@@alexandervideo3804 это хорошо
I just wanted to thank you for designing the subtitles in both English and Russian.
Because i'm trying to learn Russian and its a good grammar exercise
here from germany?
@@User-dc6sm Actually i'm from austria (the country next to Germany)
@@einfangirl2351 I was just wondering because of the name being in german
@@User-dc6sm oh ok i just like languages
@@einfangirl2351 understandabel
If that hasn't been said already, Kombat / Комбат is an abbreviation of Battalion Commander (ComBat) which does sound like 'combat' but it ain't. Russian Army abbreviation are like that, KomEsq is Squadron Commander for example.
Thanks fot that
The Russian language loves these kinds of weird abbreviation, especially for ministries ecc
@@Maxjeix01 You've obviously never served in a Western military. Try and work out what COMAUSMINPABFOR means.
@@peterwilliams2152 Fair, however it's still true that the Russian language uses way more abbreviations, and that they are much more used in the common language.
@@Maxjeix01 You've obviously never heard Australian English. Why use three or more syllables when two will do - servo, bottlo, blowie, mossie, truckie, bluie, Woolies, etc.
Aprendo Ruso por mi cuenta nunca pensé aprender más rápido el idioma ruso 🇷🇺 que el ingles . Viva Rusia
Брат, из какой ты страны? :)
@@PravoslavniyBrat Колумбия
@@yersonsanchez2492 Как тебе идея пообщаться в социальных сетях?)
También estoy aprendiendo ruso jajaj. De verdad que no es taan complicado como uno suele pensar.
Soy ruso. Aprendo Espanol un poco. Para mi es más fácil que Ingles lol)
It is crazy how relevant those war songs are nowadays, almost terrifying
Taking his songs off Spotify and Apple Music is a crime :(((
When I was kid and saw footage of Russian soldiers in the Chechen war, it seemed to me that they were mature men who had gone through tough training and were ready for anything. Now I am 26 and I clearly see in these soldiers very young guys who were sitting at their desk yesterday, making plans for a just beginning life and perhaps quite recently kissed a girl for the first time. The blood runs cold...
That's the issue with forced military service
Liberals threw 18 year old soldiers at 40 year old men.
@@ingvarz7468 если бы так было просто
The song "Kombat" is actually about the WW2 Red Army, but was heavily associated with the War in Chechnya when it was first performed by Lyube, and Still is for good reason.
Does you blood feels better if you know YOU paid the Chechen terrorists with your tax dollars?
2:03 ... This guy is 19 years old ... Where do I know from? Simple arithmetic. In Russia, they are drafted into the army (as in Israel for 2 years) from the age of 18, 6 months of training, the remaining 1.5 years of war ... You just look into the eyes of this teenager ...
who is rael?
@@myDickbiG yes
One year.)))
Well its was likely footage from the first chechen war and during that war russia needed as many people as possible due to their initial assualt failing
@@myDickbiG 😂👏
4:20, seeing through this guy's sunglasses and seeing the concern in his face is... I don't know how to describe it but it's a great detail.
Free Donetsk and Free Palestine
and jail you for commenting this on a fucking song, also what does palestine have to do with the song
@@Portuguese-gigachad А за что его посадят? Ааа точно забыл, у вас же "Демократия" и "Свобода слова и взглядов.")))
Ja lublu vas Russie
Omnistar East, cool video it was really good
who's the one guy who always leaves a dislike on the best songs
Some Afganistán niggas fo sho
Probably some NATO dogpigs.
@@Isylon ayo⁉️⁉️
The savages from chechenya probably
This song belongs to my Three Musketeers- Givi, Motorola and Sasha. Love you guys so much!
вечная память
I don’t if my family is from Ukraine I will still listen to Russian/Soviet music
Props to the guy with the concussion, trying to relay information while barely being able to stand. And yeah, awesome song!
I will give a little clarity to foreign listeners, the word "kombat" in this case is not the literal meaning of this word. The word "kombat" in the Russian army is an abbreviation for the position "battalion commander"
В данном случае имеется ввиду командир батареи
Yesterday i discovered this song and sounds very good and i love it❤❤
Yesterday I discovered your mothers p hub videos ❤❤
@@IndianScammerMumbaiMostWated 🤣🤣🤣
Я там был. 25 лет прошло, а как вчера..
Thank you for your service
I'm not from your country, and I don't know what side you fought for, but thank you for your service friend
Which war
@@bignig7223 the first Chechen war
I remember while serving in Russian Army, on September 1, 2004, our commander gathered us and announced in very gloomy mood, that Beslan school siege took place, where islamist chechen terrorists cruelly killed more than 300 civilian people, 186 of them children. I'll never forget those days, the big endless sorrow of Ossetian mothers who lost their innocent sons and daughters. I cry when I see footages of Chechen war and hear this kind of songs. I hope some day wars will end in Syria, Africa, Asia. We should make peace, try to bring relief and happiness to all places of mother Earth. Kids and innocent people should never suffer and be victims of fanatic evil beasts.
That’ll probably never happen. These deaths are just numbers to those above.
@@reynanlamsen2007 as if to prove your point Putin invaded Russia just a few days after you made this comment. Again the children of Russia will come home in little wooden boxes or not at all, not for glory or for their people or any cause worth dying for, but for the mad ambitions of one man.
@@AlwaysAC Reality is cruel mistress.
Как в воду смотрел
@@AlwaysAC i am from UKRAINE
As a German it breaks my heart that two brothers are killing themselves while both of them listening to this song
@@lilsoviet2491 russian and ukrainian soldiers
These subtitles are teaching me Russian tenses and grammar surprisingly well.
There are some mistakes here and there in the translations I must say, but the clips are very well put together tho.
25 years ago workout, 8 km running and Rocky III "Eye of the Tiger" in my head.
Today's workout: 25km march with boots, rucksack and inside my head: "Kombat, Kombat...."
it's a lie that you become more serious, when you get older.
you became more serious
We did a 30k night march 1am-6am a month ago and i had this song in my mind for most of the time
How old are you now???
@@solisortus6241 19
@@solisortus6241 47
Нигриеца извади моят приятел от 13 девизия ВДВ СССР от Афганистан от коремът на крокодилът - жив. Той Мъртвият ще отговоря за бизнесът ми в Чикаго.
This is a beautiful song. I am chinese but a lot of us like this song very much. Strange feeling.
Спасибо брат.
same from Poland.
Same feeling, I'm Moroccan and it speaks the atmosphere in that era, I guess it was like that everywhere that isn't the west.
From indonesia here 🇮🇩❤🇷🇺
Same here from Chile
I don’t care what country you support this is a 10/10 song
It doesn’t matter which country you support: war has no winners
i mean if you support russia you're a pos
As an American who has certain opinions about russia I will admit russian war music is one of my favorite military genres
@@OppyOzzborz-sb8ozWar certainly has winners yes both lose many/ economy’s are ruined ext but that doesn’t change the fact the winners write the history. And one side typical gains something from it. Stop with overused bs bro.
With my russian friends I listened to these songs in my teenage years.
Good times.
I am now coping with these songs
@@TicTacEnjoyer how so?
i find this song perfectly describes the feeling of war in its emotions. Melancholy, halfway between laughing and crying and fully insane. A Masterpiece.
so famous song. i really like it. literally expresses russian spirit.
for less than a second at 0:55 you can clearly see a mouse cursor
Lol yeah
@@Wiiguy13just a mildly interesting fact about the video that I wanted to share
@@connordlthegamer2980 well i mean they gotta get the fottage somewhere
The song itself is very good, personally my favorite Lubeh songs, but the choice of footage and editing done by Omnistar elevates it to a whole other level.
Thank you, Omnistar, for letting us experience these songs in such an immersive way. This is, in my opinion, the best way to honor the soldiers of past wars.
Same here.
Да. Великая группа.
My grandfather fought in the Afghan war, and already his son, my father, went through 2 Chechen wars. They talked little about them, but both said that they don’t want us to know what war is: death, hunger, lack of sleep, devastation. As a kid, I asked: could anything be worse than death? “Worse than your own death is the death of your comrades, and you, being powerless, can only watch them die in agony.”
I'm going to take the oath on the other hand, and after an urgent one, I'm going to the hot spot
@@parker_tek5276 не собирайся, не нужно
its moloch, scarification of young men to die for psychopaths, to damage family values and later generations. The only answer is through Jesus where is no other way.
У меня папа воевал в Афгане
Top tier music. Love from USA
1:20 Dolph Lundgren before he went to Hollywood
My friend’s dad is the guy on the right at 4:21
@@crispy682 he did
He looks like a badass, do you know his story?
@@rfiuwwinlye7453 7 years in the Russian military, left after Chechnya, spent 9 years in the British military, went back to college, got a law degree and got a job as a high class lawyer. Pretty epic life ngl
Seems like a really caring guy not gonna lying
@@ace_clockwork3329 how did he enter the british army if hes russian/soviet?
Beautiful song and video editing. Thanks.
i'm listening Russian war songs nowadays...Great songs greetings from Turkey...
This hapie I am Türk also. Sad u us Armenian flag!
death to turkey
@@noro_04 nah
@@maklavmakedonluka3338 yes
@@christianturkwarrior3190 kanala bi göz at o zaman hocam
People write and see wats hapend in Odesa 02.05.2014 with Russians🇵🇱&🇷🇺
I'm trying to understand this. 42 dead just for being pro Russia at the time?
@@kingtonsiljockey528 yes and above 8000 civilians in Donbass 2014-2022
@@hohmashfuturne9322 100 people were burned alive
@@hohmashfuturne9322 save? do u want to see a video where they kill many Russians who survived in burned house?
W razie wojny z Rosją będziesz ładną ozdobą drzew
Любимая песня моего деда, полковника танковых войск. Спи спокойно дедуля
Хороший у тебя дед кровью и потом имя себе забыл сделай так чтобы о нём поменяли наша поколение не должно забыть о них а иначе беда придёт в твой дом береги себя друг мой.
Честь и слава вашему храброму деду.
@@gahpaxwelo старое поколение оставляет после себя историю и фундамент для новог поколение которое должно помнить о том что наши деды сделали для нас.
Царствия Небесного вашему деду!
Царство небесное твоему деду. Я сам с бабушкой любил эту песню распевать, теперь распеваю один со слезами на глазах...
From what i've learned about the chechen war this has to be about a specific battalion commander who really cared about his boys. and mad respect to him and one of the few effective outfits he lead. that whole thing was such a clusterfuck no single commander could fix but i hope he brought has may of his guys home as he could
The song is about World War 2, but it was released during the 90s so it's commonly associated with the Chechen Wars.
As I understand it, you mean the commander of the "Benna Company" with the call sign Gyurza?
If Russia had a foreign legion like France, I would instantly fly to Russia.
Russia have PMC Wagner
@romashizzo7184 That PMC is now called "Russia African Legion" I think, it doesn't operate in Ukraine anymore so I don't bother joining
i heard they have some snipers from cuba their battalion is called espanola or something, patrick lancaster made a video about them
Russian president Vladimir Putin publicly welcomed fighters from abroad to join his forces. And this has been for a while let’s be real you don’t wanna go to war you’re just saying that for the Internet because you would’ve if you wanted to do bad. I found out how to join literally in 10 minutes. Coward 😂😂
Сестро Српска срце моје ће увијек бити са тобом !
Живјела и јака ми била РУСИЈО силна !!!
србе на врбе
Слава Сербии, Косово будет Сербским - или безлюдным! 🇷🇸🇷🇺
@@DNLMTRIN Косово - Сербия?
Так забери.
@@Охотникнашизиков тебе 10 лет?
@@Охотникнашизиков да здраствует 3 мировая война, да здраствует сила Сармата и Посейдона! янки и англосаксы сгорят в ядерном пепле!
Russians, best people, best army!
Nah bro sov shit is .. well shit
@@Wiiguy13 I think you are missing the og poster's point. He mentioned the Russians, the people themselves. I think all are friend is doing here is saying how much he appreciates Russia's people and its culture (Plus its army).
@@Wiiguy13well the Soviet shit destroyed almost all western/nato equipment very well 🤷♂️
I enlisted int the US Navy in 1985. I was trained as a radar operator and stationed on a Guided Missile Destroyer. One day I told my family that my ship was ordered to sea for a time . I kissed my mother and grandmother Goodbye , and sailed away . Some time later my ship returned to it's home port and I drove my car to my home town . When I saw my family again my grandmother said that she saw a television news story about the fighting off the coast of Libya . She saw a ship with the number 11 painted on the bow , and knew it was the ship I sailed on . Ships sailed , aircraft flew , bombs fell , and missiles were launched . All this occurred while being watched by radars on land and at sea .
Just want to stress the similarities in the words and how they make the verse have deeper meaning.
Огонь - Оgony - Fire (gunfire).
Агония - Аgonyia - Agony.
Srbija,Belorusija,Rusija...BRACA!!! 💪💪💪
RIP Russian Colonel Medvechek. Your soldiers were left no choice but to end your misery in the face of countless Russian casualties in Putin's WAR. May this WAR end soon.
@ blissful kitty
Zelensky can end this war at any moment
@@pacivalmuller9333 lmfao shut up
@@pacivalmuller9333 but it’s not up to him is it?
@@pbjman5809 yes its up to West, but West not allow Zelenskiy for negotiations. if their boss say no its mean no 🤷♀️
Trzeba przyznać że Rosjanie te swoje wojenne pieśni mają zajebiste
Thank you 🇷🇺❤️
Так оно и есть))
A lot of the Russian war music I've heard is very unique from others in the sense that it isn't a glorification of the state, army, or battle. They openly sing about their misery in war, and many just want to back to their homes.
Vivat Ruská Federácia!
god bless mother Russia
WHAT A SONG! one of my favorites of all time! a lot of people listen soviet music from all around the world, this brother of yours is from Turkey. I love your culture and music very much :)
Отличный контент! Качественный монтаж! Спасибо за работу!
Спасибо! я рад, что тебе понравилось
Всем низкий поклон, и живым и мертвым !!!❤
Who's here after the Russo-Ukrainian Crisis 2022, things about to get heated boys.
did you pick a side already?
@@mowie1235 there are no sides in war.
Here during the war
@@eymanyouwell there's two sides, Russia and democracy
@@vulpes7079 ironic in regards to the current Ukrainian goverment.
February 2022 OST
its a damn good ost
Glory to the Great Russia!
Всем пацанам, которые сейчас на передовой - возвращайтесь живыми, мы вас очень ждем обратно!
Храни Бог
Слава Украине
@@lulin3331 к чему ты это?
@@tovarich_mayor нет
@@stanislav_veliky да говори по русски, хули выкабениваешься
Slawa Slowianom Bracia Rosjanie
The Russian Combat songs are the best WarcSongs ever even in the Time of the Soviets.Russia the Great Golden Eagle of the North I love you
Respect to all soldiers war is hell.
Niesamowite to jak ta piosenka wbija mi się w serce. Jestem Polakiem zawsze wspierałem Rosję i nawet teraz jak jest wojna na Ukrainie wiem że zasłużyli przywódcy tego kraju. Usa to największy wróg tego świata SLAVA RUSSIA
Россия ❤🇷🇺
Спасибо, брат!
Вот это да... От поляка особенно приятно. Спасибо, друг !! 🇵🇱🤝🇷🇺
About Ukraine: nation created in Lenin's time (not to be confused with the history of the city of Kiev and/or with Kievan Rus & its Rurik dynasty started by Prince Rurik of Novgorod; Novgorod is an ancient Russian city), but only theoretical/administrative terms, since it remained under Russian control in the Soviet era, the conformation of its territory today consists mainly of territories that have historically belonged to the Russians (from the center to the eastern and southern side) and the western side has historically belonged to Poland.
Important issue about Poland: the h4tred of the Poles towards the Russians is immense and it is they who have partly influenced the western part of Ukraine, this h4tred is historical, since Poland and Russia have had multiple w4rs for several centuries, even the Poles invaded Moscow at some point and were driven out by the Russians (look for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow's Red Square). Now if you add this historical h4tred towards Russia with Neo-Naz1 elements (in western Ukraine) that by default relate Russia to the greatest enemy of the Naz1s, that is, the Soviets, who ended up destroying their beloved H1tler, you will have a gigantic anti-Russian national1sm, which the United States has been able to use as a geopolit1cal tool against the Russ1ans.
On the current crisis: The people of Donbass are ethnic Russians and they did not support the 2014 coup, as those who took control of Kiev (with US backing) are openly xenophob1c against the Russians, they even banned the Russian language in Ukraine, which is the native language of the people living in Donbass. Ethnic Russians have lived in Donbass for several centuries, so at the moment they are defending their families and the lands where they have lived for many generations. People living in Donbass voted in a referendum to gain more autonomy and stay *inside* Ukraine, the latter being important as it shows that the Western narrative that the Donbass conflict was started by "pro-Russian separat1sts" is not is so true and this was part of the typical western pr0paganda to confuse the world about reality and adapt everything to the western narrative of "it's Russia's fault", I repeat "the people of Donbass did not vote for independence from Ukraine and/or to join Russia, they voted to have more autonomy within Ukraine", in fact this is the basis of the famous Minsk agreements that Kiev and the West refuse to implement (accusing Russia of not complying with them, when Russia does not has obligations in the agreement), and it has to be repeated that the people of Donbass wanted this because they simply never accepted the 2014 coup, which brought to power people who h4te ethnic Russians.
The Ukrainian army launched an 4ttack on these regions in 2014, moving its entire 4rsenal against the civilians of Donbass, this topic is important since the w4r takes place in the lands of Donbass, therefore civilian v1ctims are always the civilians who live in the Donbass (usually the Western media always interviews Ukrainian civilians living in regions that do not suff3r the real consequences of these w4rs), the people of Donbass won practically all the b4ttles, there were a lot of material on youtube about these b4ttles, where they showed civilians f1ghting aga1nst the Ukrainian army, but youtube has cens0red almost everything. These victories should not really surprise us too much, since the people of Donbass were defend1ng their homes against people who h4te Russians (their ethn1city), any of us would fight with full force if you see that your family is thre4tened by crazy rac1sts that h4te your friends and family, today after all the 4ttacks they have received by Kiev, if they hold a new referendum it is very sure that they will vote to join Russia, they have already seen the true face of the Westerners and of those they control Kiev today.
It is interesting that the West always supports autonomies when they are initiated within en3my nations: H0ng K0ng in Ch1na, the K*rds in Syr1a, K0s0vo in Serb1a, Ch3chny4 in Russ1a and a long list.
It is true that Russ1a supports those Russ1ans who live in Donbass, in fact it has more right to do so than the illegal military presence of the Y4nkees in northern Syr1a ("support1ng" the K*rds and steal1ng Syrian oil along the way), the inhabitants from Donbass are ethn1c Russ1ans, they are in lands close to the Russ1an border (secur1ty issue), they have an obvious connection with Russ1an culture and above all they share many family members with Russ1ans, for this reason after 2014 many residents of Donbass have obtained a Russian p4ssport (Russian citizensh1p).
Possible w4r: If a w4r breaks out between Russ1a and Ukra1ne, it will be when K1ev attacks the Russ1ans living in D0nbass, because Russ1a has said for years that it will intervene with the Russian 4rmy to protect its citizens in any part of the world, including the D0nbass region, some believe that Russia will r0ot out the pr0blem, even reaching K1ev to cle4n up the g0vernment house that is under US c0ntrol. The US n4rrative about a possible Russian 1nvas1on of Ukra1ne is based on this last point, because the Y4nkees know very well that a provocation from K1ev is enough for Russ1a to 1ntervene and the Western med1a will have "pr0of" of the alleged 4ggress1on against the "peaceful" K1ev. The western n4rr4t1ve has always been based on l1es, they are heirs to the Br1t1sh emp1re, experts in this type of str4tegy: ly1ng, caus1ng d1vis1on and succeed1ng.
The objectives of the Un1ted States: Everything written above explains some symptoms, but not the real cause of the confl1ct and the main objective. As everyone knows, the United States became the hegemon1c world power when Europe was totally destroyed in the Sec0nd W0rld W4r, destruct1on that also extended in Asia, China was the second nation to suffer more hum4n l0sses after the Sov1et Un1on. Therefore today, in a world where Ch1na has managed to 0vertake the United States in terms of GDP-PPP, becoming the first und1sputed w0rld p0wer in economic terms, the United States has no other alternative than to resort to w4r in order to ret4ke the hegem0ny that has been l0sing, a new c0ld w4r is necessary to d3str0y Russia economically and gain full c0ntrol of Western Europe (in ec0nomic and p0litical terms), this will help to c0nfr0nt Ch1na (the Western med1a is already mention1ng Ch1na in this European confl1ct). You have doubts? Just look at what N$TO's first secretary general, Lord Ismay, said, explaining NATO's goal: "to keep the USA in, the Russ1ans out, and the Germ4ns d0wn."
The US is the one who needs this w4r, that's why the western med1a controlled by the western el1te push this w4r, the Ukrain1ans are just a che4p t0ol for the westerners.
Now we must write using numbers to avoid western c3ns0rsh1p, long live fr33 w3stern express1on haha.
I wrote and copied these comments on many videos about Ukraine since December 2021, you can see that everything is happening as I described.
That's something everyone should read but people prefer changing their profile photo to 💙💛✌️ because ignorance is being celebrated and they don't even notice it's a dystopia
You're going to f**** yourself from the first words. Because Lenin have never created ukranians, you s***head nationalist. He gave ukranians, which languages was recognized in the Russian Empire, their own land, free from tsarists governors, and recreated a nation on new free socialist beginings. You, western liberals, russian nationalists, are not worthy even his fingernail in Mausoleum.
russia historically belonged to mongolia. therefore they should be back under their rule.
@@QWERTY-gp8fd you Naz1s were defeated long time ago, now go to cry 😭😂
This is my most played song of the last decade. Everyone: please recommend more songs similar to this. This one is so catchy.
@@1whywouldi Atas is one of them =]
@@1whywouldi indeed. I love soldat as well but there are atleast 10 i find super catchy.
@@Константинфирсов-и7б Cool, thanks mate. Im familiar with the song but did not have a copy with a cool video + english subs like this one has. Much thanks.
Goodbye forever is wild
welp here im again drunk out of my damn mind being disgusted by war and all the young men lost to this horrible thing instead having children,grandchildren and even grand grand children......FUCK WAR,FUCK THE GOVERNMENT AND THEIR TYRANICAL RULE!!!!!!Good health to all of you and yr loved ones from Serbia! ❤❤❤
One of the best channels on UA-cam, great footage and translation. Respect from Ireland 👌 🚩
The best Russian band of all times, in my opinion.
well, theres kino..
@@bobmakesvideos2018 kino is not the best. Kino was greate for young people of the USSR in late 1980-eis and early 1990-ies.
@@nicholaswhite7351 that's was I about to say. Are u Russian?
so I just found out this is my moms old favorite song when she was little
This song is from 1995, how old is your mother?
@@someradno382 44
@@pitachok4789 When was she born? 1995 was 26 years ago so your mom was 18 when she discovered it?
@@sprite4800 maybe
mate I only know that this was my moms favorite song soo
Respect from Germany!
Lyube was one of the first Russian bands I really liked. Glad to see them here on such a great channel.
Вы до конца смысл не поймёте, если не будете русским. Перевод не даст полную картину, о чём поет автор.
I just wish they didnt support the crimean annexation and therussian invasion of ukraine.
@@wahtx7717 yeah, but they are all literal vatniks (boomers), and putin's favourite band. It's not surprising they would support the invasion. I Don't find it hard to seperate art from the artist's personal opinions.
@@AReservoirDog yeah
@AReservoirDog they are an awful lot of people's favourite band. It's because their music is superb and their songs are true to life.
I listen to this while playing on russian side in battlefield
@Agustan but thats set in *kr*ine
@Agustan Not yet, but I soon hope that it will be, Zelensky should surrender. This war is just him throwing civilians at us now
@@wedoalittletrolling_mariupol I watched an interview of people in Eastern Ukraine. Many are very angry at their army for setting up in civilian areas, including in residential areas and schools. I’m paraphrasing here, but one of the old ladies interviewed said this: “The military positions itself in the apartment building and attacks Russians. Then they run for the basement and we do too, because the soldiers are probably running to the basement for a good reason.”
Of course this is then spun into propaganda in the western media… “Russia is targeting civilians” or “Russia bombed a school” or my favorite, “Russia bombed a theater with the word children written on the roof” (as if a Russian pilot or artillery operator can see what’s written on the roof from 20 miles away).
The Ukrainian Army is too lightly armed to resist Russia in the open so it’s trying to make all operations into urban combat in areas still filled with people which effectively negates Russia’s advantage in artillery and tank warfare. Of course, civilians end up in the crossfire, but for Ukraine any dead civilians are a propaganda victory anyways.
In Mariupol, Ukraine’s Nazi battalion Azov has been confiscating all relief shipments for their use which has led Russia to preventing the shipments from reaching the city. Azov members have also been dressing up as civilians and attempting to sneak out of the city or behind Russian lines, which is why Russia has had to repeatedly shut down escape corridors out of Mariupol.
It’s been frustrating to see Russia going from trying to avoid all civilian casualties possible (and still the media saying it was targeting civilians) in the first two weeks of the war to having to attack Ukrainian positions in cities and cause collateral damage because of Ukraine’s meat shield tactics.
Zelensky is going to defend his presidency to the last Ukrainian, and it’s sad to watch and even sadder that he’s being praised for it.
@@QualityPen Yeah the Ukrainian army have been fighting incredibly dirty, almost like terrorists - with no regard for their own civilian losses. Regarding Zelensky, the US is telling him what to do, he’s nothing more than a puppet.
Americans: Yes! Yeah! We are going to war with rock n roll music in the background.
Russians: why do we have to go to war?
Все эти комментарии не о чём! Потому что ни кто из этих комментаторов не воюет в данный момент за Россию! И весь Запад может умыться своим дерьмом! Фашизм, за который весь Запад так топит , будет разбит! Кто за Россию , присоединяйтесь!
Я знаю, что русские любят проецировать то, что они делают, на другие страны, но вы же знаете, что Россия намного ближе к фашизму, чем большинство европейских стран.
Путин буквально сказал, что протестующие против войны могут быть призваны в армию, он изменил российскую конституцию, чтобы остаться у власти, он также использует коррупцию для избирательного преследования политической оппозиции.
Так что да, вашей страной управляет диктатор, и есть причина, по которой почти весь мир поддерживает Украину. Эта война была ненужной, и у Путина даже не хватает наглости называть это тем, чем она является, войной. Вторжение в другую независимую страну.
@@cractrick9225 вы из какой страны?
Людям небезразлична гибель русских в бессмысленной войне, потому что у них есть сострадание. ты должен попробовать это как-нибудь
@@joshuadunford3171 ты не умеешь читать?)) Я задал вопрос.
@@TV-ss4sh да, и я ответил, но, если честно, я не говорю по-русски, так что извините, если я неправильно понял (я использую Google переводчик)
Such a masterpiece
True war songs portray its reality and ironies, not glorify political spats
The world would be no fun without Russia
@@hamzak2181 So does America causing issues with pretty much everyone that doesn't support their ideals
That's hard to translate the soul of the song. Americans ,for example, don't have an equivalent.
You're lying. there are two criteria: you are either a person, or you are not, and it does not affect your nationality!
Даже слезу пустил, настолько тронуло за душу... Спасибо тебе, очень хорошо сделано...
тем же
Дай боже конец всем войнам🕊️
This song hits different now
How so? Unless you were brutally killed by Ukrainian nazis these last 9 years, what would you know...
Ultimately this song applies to war in general. The lost of live, the men and women not returning home, and the brutality that comes with it. Not just in Ukraine, but in all wars from the Americas to Africa to Asia.
Russian brothers, we have hard history, but many people in Poland understand yours situation with bandera ukrainians. Medias make strong propaganda in europe, and dont talk yours point of view. Few days ago i seen video from Odesa 02.04.2014, terible scene. so sad how they create opinion average people. Take care slavic brothers 🇵🇱&🇷🇺
@@lukado8614 kiss you good man
@@lukado8614 meany russians remember that day and we want to revenge for this
Rus savaş müzikleri gerçektende en iyi müzik türü
So in case anyone didn't get it: КомБат (ComBat) is short for Командир Батальона or Commander of Battalion
"They always call us the bad guys but they dont know the real truth"
A Russian soldier in Ukraine
Truth is that RuSSia attacked a sovereign state. That's it. Putler will burn in hell for this :) Czechia is behind UA.
@@ultimate2368 SLAVA RUSSIA
ther real truth is the Ukrainians are neo nazis and as a Hispanic-American who dose not like racism i would rather support the people killing nazis then the nazis themselves
Slava rossiya
From sweden
Som du är som jag kan se på ditt namn
@@axdde6428 DA
And long live the nordic country except finland
Возвращайся живым, храни бог наших пацанов! Сибирь :)
Use radio frequency 149.200 and call VOLGA to surrender to the Russian Forces and save your life. Don't die for America
Используй радио частоту 149.200 и зови ВОЛГУ чтобы сдатся Российским войскам и сохранить свою жизнь. Не умирай за Америку
from Tunisia slava Rassia May you give peace to this world
Pozz iz Srbije!!!! Srbija Rusija🇷🇸🇷🇺💪
Serbia my love forever, brothers ❤ not let West destroy both of us, only together we are strong and annoy them more.
Zov from Zog
@@odisseyidetdomoy2151, уверен? Из чего ты сделал вывод? Из того, что Донбасс, Херсонская, Запорожская - и кто его знает какие в будущем - области входят в состав РФ? У меня для тебя сюрприз: до переговоров в Анталье, когда укрАинская делегация отказалась от своих слов о нейтральном статусе и т.д., ВС РФ даже флаги на администрации Херсона и других городов не меняла, за исключением Донбасса - там другая история. Делай выводы, кто виноват в потере территорий
you'll never learn.
Поздрав из Србије!
I bumped into some Russians at Nha Trang in Vietnam and we sang this on the bus together last week! ( I speak intermediate Russian)
Kids listen to Rap
Men to Rammstein And Sabaton
Legends Listen to Kombat
More like Lyube though.
I feel misgendered :D
@@Martina-Kosicanka I can change it to
*"Adult persons"*
@@maklavmakedonluka3338 You don´t have to :) I was just kidding
@@Martina-Kosicanka *phew*
Rip to both Ukrainian and Russian soldiers.
Both are Brothers in arms, fighting for another man's agenda. I wish Ukraine well and a slap to Putin.
I saw a documentary where a camera man got shot recording the battle footage...many years his last moments, he hid his camera as the last few rounds of bullets ended him...this has been going on for years, and now political leaders are making their move...I pray for everyone who doesn't want senseless killing 😑
@@StinkyPoopyMcFartFace I wish I slap to the Biden regime and those in the EU and NATO as well. Putin is not the only one at fault, but in the end he took the bait that they set.
@@knownname103 Thank you for reminding me 🍺😔 I did my best to understand the is such a shame that "Death" is so resourceful to our leaders
@Agustan not always. Your average Ukrainian soldier has been tricked by nobody. His country is being invaded, so he fights. It's simple as that.
It’s both sad and fascinating how a group of men be a family at war, being able to rely on each other during the hardest times.