Wai Lana - Oh My Sweet Lord

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • What began as a personal prayer written by Wai Lana has now blossomed into an incredible music video. You are graciously welcomed into Wai Lana’s inner world, her heart of hearts. As her prayer continues, what unfolds is simply mesmerizing, as you quickly forget you’re watching a music video and become immersed in Wai Lana’s inward journey. As her longing for her Sweet Lord intensifies, we’re transported from an ocean sunset to moonlit forests, from moonlight into darkness, and then on to a dramatic sunrise.
    Many of us already believe in God, but some may not. This captivating song is not directed towards any particular faith, but rather to the Supreme Soul whose all-attractive and all-loving nature can be known by all. The secret, which Wai Lana reveals in this very intimate video, is that any of us can attract our Sweet Lord and reawaken our eternal loving relationship with Him through our own, personal, heart-felt prayers and by calling upon any of His countless names from the core of our heart.