Holy crap Phoenix! This video was so fire. Amaizng content mate. I've been thinking bout the same plays and techs for the past few days and the deck is still as good as ever
Ive been able to make a trigate, extra link lock, and gumblar for 4, starting with the same two cards. And I don’t even play bear hug. I’ll try to get a video for it.
Interested in how you do that with so few cards. I'm not an avid Gouki player right now but with my understanding of the deck that sounds like it would take 3-4 cards and not 2.
Takes 3 fire wall bounces and summoning malicious off summon sorc. Your three bounces have to be two October and Iblee. You make two mermaid in each zone and gumblar in the middle.
Did you decide to also not play Armageddon or vyon? I know I didn’t cause I feel like they’re the biggest ash targets ever. Also glad to see you as someone who realizes the U board was shit when you could just force your opponent to only have 2 cards for turn, even less if they tried to handtrap you
Oh, he's mentioned this in the comments of an older video. But, basically you open 2 windows of ygopro at the same time and create a LAN duel against yourself. You'll have to click the refresh button in the second window's LAN mode screen after you've set up all of the settings you want in the first window and actually created the duel. Make sure you set the time limit to 0 or leave it blank so you essentially have infinite time to make your plays. That part is important. After you've got both windows connected to the same LAN duel, you select both players' decks in the 2 different windows while checking that all of the custom settings you've set are in effect. And then all you have to do is start the duel and choose which deck is going first or second through choosing rock, paper or scissors for both decks. If you want both players to start with specific hands, you set them up in the deck edit part of the program and save the changes. Then while you are creating the duel, tick the option that says "Do not shuffle deck." I hope this makes sense to you.
What's the best way to counter this deck? When is it best time to hand trap it? Do you still need to open with at least 2 hand traps still to stop the combo?
As much as I love this deck, I cant figure out a way to make a u board or hand loop combo if I draw Iblee. It used to be that you summoned it off goblin, but now there really isn't a way to do anything.
Cerberus & Phoenix both give Proxy Dragon's protection but far better. Binary's atk boosting and life point gaining effects are both amazing utility for game shots and going into time.
@@PhoenixFlareX ty man, do u have any plan about an update decklist? We have ycs in italy soon, and i'll use gouki w/ summoner sorc, but i'm scared about the death draw.
Wut? I do this combo in a 3 minute time limit flawlessly, well not this combo but rather the extra link one which takes longer. I am just accustomed to the deck I guess.
Damn it. I love my Gumblar Dragon, but I don’t play meta decks and prefer CyDra, Lair, or WC. Completely stinks that he’s being abused in stupid Gouki decks. Since they ain’t hitting Firewall, guess he’s on Konami’s radar now.
Now just need a list for the deck
Edit: I would love to see more gouki combos
I'd like to see one that involves Giant Ogre, Gumblar, and Borrelsword in its final board
you can use hero kid
I can give you my list. Lol
Never paid attention to the date. Sept 18... Sept 18 was the day I turned 16. Great video for my birthday, lol. Good shit.
Holy crap Phoenix! This video was so fire. Amaizng content mate. I've been thinking bout the same plays and techs for the past few days and the deck is still as good as ever
In what world is gumblar balanced
probably disneyland
*"Nono, only Omega is an issue. One forces out 1-4 cards. The other only forces out 4. 1 comes before 4 so it's better."* -Konami R&D
@@hsinhaowang sure it rips four cards from your hand but also his XD its a four for four
Ive been able to make a trigate, extra link lock, and gumblar for 4, starting with the same two cards. And I don’t even play bear hug. I’ll try to get a video for it.
Interested in how you do that with so few cards. I'm not an avid Gouki player right now but with my understanding of the deck that sounds like it would take 3-4 cards and not 2.
Takes 3 fire wall bounces and summoning malicious off summon sorc. Your three bounces have to be two October and Iblee. You make two mermaid in each zone and gumblar in the middle.
@@elijahgreen7054 Video for that soon?
i'd like to know too
Glad your making content again I really enjoy your videos
This guys videos practically taught me how to play gouki and you can actually knock 6 cards out of their hands with this combo
I'd love to see more combo videos for Goukis !
Could you make a sorcerer-less example for EU and Latam regions? or is gouki kinda dead now there
Still good but definitely worse in those regionas. Cause you kinda have to hard draw a way to get Mali into the field/grave
Armageddon Knight?
Just wait for Global Release
hero kid is a good way in europe
Combo god has answered my prayers
Did you decide to also not play Armageddon or vyon? I know I didn’t cause I feel like they’re the biggest ash targets ever. Also glad to see you as someone who realizes the U board was shit when you could just force your opponent to only have 2 cards for turn, even less if they tried to handtrap you
Doesn't this combo also give you the full Tri-Gate Extra Link with all the Knightmares but Goblin too?
I'm tired of these gumblar.dek :/
Btw i'm happy that you're back in UA-cam and Twitch! I really enjoy your content!
what is the software that you are playing on?
can we get the deck list?
I truly enjoy your recent videos! =3
How can you initiate a duel vs an offline AI like you did in the video?
It's not an AI. Open 2 YGOpros and Host a LAN duel for yourself and remove the time limit
@@PhoenixFlareX Thanks mate! =)
I would like to see a combo tutorial video with the u-link and gumblar for 4 if you can.
Is there a combo to summon all numbers c101- c107 Xyz monsters with the new duel field in Yu-Gi-Oh!!
No. You need to extra link to have 7 monsters at once. You can't extra link xyz
do you have all the card of you main deck?
How do you make your own scenarios on YGOPRO like you're doing in that video? I want to practice my combos but I don't know how
You check on "don't shuffle deck". This can work on pc and mobile, it just shows the top 5 cards of your deck as you saved it.
What is the price range for main and extra?
Would u please make more video that dose different plays for gouki and a deck list of all cards please
Your suppose to add P.K boots off of the Isolde summon THEN summon AQUA DOLPHIN off Isolde to rip the first card then gumbler the rest
Question!! How do you use ygopro to practice your hands the same way you are using it????
Oh, he's mentioned this in the comments of an older video. But, basically you open 2 windows of ygopro at the same time and create a LAN duel against yourself.
You'll have to click the refresh button in the second window's LAN mode screen after you've set up all of the settings you want in the first window and actually created the duel. Make sure you set the time limit to 0 or leave it blank so you essentially have infinite time to make your plays. That part is important.
After you've got both windows connected to the same LAN duel, you select both players' decks in the 2 different windows while checking that all of the custom settings you've set are in effect.
And then all you have to do is start the duel and choose which deck is going first or second through choosing rock, paper or scissors for both decks.
If you want both players to start with specific hands, you set them up in the deck edit part of the program and save the changes. Then while you are creating the duel, tick the option that says "Do not shuffle deck."
I hope this makes sense to you.
Deck list ?
What's the best way to counter this deck? When is it best time to hand trap it? Do you still need to open with at least 2 hand traps still to stop the combo?
pretty much
You just ash blossom the effect of isolde which specials. That shuts down the combo unless if you have a extra special summon
As much as I love this deck, I cant figure out a way to make a u board or hand loop combo if I draw Iblee. It used to be that you summoned it off goblin, but now there really isn't a way to do anything.
You just summon malicious early? I believe you can perfect it if you have a extra special summon
why is binary played over proxy dragon, proxy gives some protection that was taken away with goblin
Cerberus & Phoenix both give Proxy Dragon's protection but far better. Binary's atk boosting and life point gaining effects are both amazing utility for game shots and going into time.
And what if someone kaiju your phoenix and tries to attack linkuriboh? You can use binary effect to boost linkuriboh to atleast reduce damage.
what dueling program are you using that you are able to have unlimited time for your games? or is there a setting for that on ygo pro?
5 years late, but it looks like a custom game in YGOPro
What if you draw malicious? I think you can summon dark grepher with isolde and the combo still works, am i wrong?
it doesn't matter what you special. You just special the malicious off Firewall. Rematch will get you to the Firewall
@@PhoenixFlareX ty man, do u have any plan about an update decklist? We have ycs in italy soon, and i'll use gouki w/ summoner sorc, but i'm scared about the death draw.
Yo, Phoenix. Are you going to be in Columbus?
Also I’m glad you’re doing videos again.
"Goki is dead" omegalol
super dead lul
Also do you think we’ll ban gumblar by November?
I really hope so.
Could you do a few updated world chalice combo tutorials?
Deck profile plz?
Deck profile??
I feel like they let gumblar be a thing because they want people to resort to/explore danger!
Why did they ban invoker? Dark gouki was the best version of gouki anyway.
to be fair. Invoker has been a bit of a generic enabler periodically since it was printed. Nobody can really blame anyone for it going away.
Idc, do world chalice more often..its a great underrated deck.
Only one problem, you don't have enough time per turn to do this play
It takes like 7 minutes at most.
Wut? I do this combo in a 3 minute time limit flawlessly, well not this combo but rather the extra link one which takes longer. I am just accustomed to the deck I guess.
Mill PheonixFlare Blade
This 2 card combo could have ended with a Gumblar for 4 Tri-Gate and Extra Link.
Flower Cardians
Someone for the love of god ban firewall
And Pheonix Blade
Damn it. I love my Gumblar Dragon, but I don’t play meta decks and prefer CyDra, Lair, or WC. Completely stinks that he’s being abused in stupid Gouki decks. Since they ain’t hitting Firewall, guess he’s on Konami’s radar now.
As an EU player, I dont see the problem here
What happens when Gouki wins all 3 of the 200th YCSs tho? That's my main question
big if head
6 ads
But nice combo right there.
Definitely only 3 unless youtube just doesnt listen to me
PhoenixFlareX dont worry phoenixflareX 6 ads are not enough to help my favorite yugituber.
Gumblar should have never been made.
stupid game start and win to 99,99%
To be honest I don't like this combo..there are better boards you can get and end up making your opponent still discard 4.
Deck profile?