Her husband Mr.Tsai is basically a Mainland China-trained traditional general old-style classical pianist ( far from being a concert pianist ), not an American-style musician. His music and playing, therefore, always sound with an air of Chinese mood due to lack of American harmony! But, he was a good guy among all the working musicians in Hong Kong in that Golden music era of Hong Kong ( 1980-2000.)
After all he is Chinese, so having traditional Chinese style in his playing is normal. But he also includes other styles such as in the song 歸航,a song that he arranged for his wife 方伊,he added a Russian influenced chant in the song. His playing is also quite freestyle, where if he knows the melody to a song, he can play it without any sheet music and the embellishment he adds is incredible. His focus wasn’t on American-style music because he is a musician in Hong Kong and the music that he played or the bands that he led were playing mostly canto-pop or mando-pop. But he is for sure able to play music from the greatest composers around the world, as his playing is quite virtuoso. People say he plays the piano like he has 3 hands.
Ms Fong is one of my favourite singers.
方 姨
.我在1985年TVB嘅香港電視服務站做員工,當年有幸可以去.新年聯歡會,第一次現場欣賞芳姨嘅 歌藝非常精湛 聽出耳油 ,記得你 穿著綠色嘅 晚禮服 掌聲如雷。
2019年 我跟阿may姐 捧德哥同埋方伊演唱會的場, 相隔三十四年 ,你的聲音 依然 清脆明亮,
May姐還帶我去宵夜 ,我有幸 同方姨 影了一張相 ,令我開心不已
@@sowhat8396 方姨方伊係德哥改既~好聽吖
係呀。你有冇睇過佢UA-cam 頻道呀?她分享好多佢自己拍的節目,幾有趣!😊
聲寶之夜 第一屆係幾年?
I think 1969...
69年 應該係譚炳文做司儀呀
@@bigapplechinglish 真定假?得12岁咋!仲早过叶丽仪?
@@fellowhongkong1508 真㗎。12歲係參加電台的唱歌比賽(明報寫錯)。14歲就參加 《聲寶之夜》,她當時唱 《默默祝福你》。
咁啱我年青至今都欣賞的方姨, 同我老左後鍾意嘅年青牛可, 完全都係有藝術家性格👍
Her husband Mr.Tsai is basically a Mainland China-trained traditional general old-style classical pianist ( far from being a concert pianist ), not an American-style musician.
His music and playing, therefore, always sound with an air of Chinese mood due to lack of American harmony! But, he was a good guy among all the working musicians in Hong Kong in that Golden music era of Hong Kong ( 1980-2000.)
After all he is Chinese, so having traditional Chinese style in his playing is normal. But he also includes other styles such as in the song 歸航,a song that he arranged for his wife 方伊,he added a Russian influenced chant in the song. His playing is also quite freestyle, where if he knows the melody to a song, he can play it without any sheet music and the embellishment he adds is incredible. His focus wasn’t on American-style music because he is a musician in Hong Kong and the music that he played or the bands that he led were playing mostly canto-pop or mando-pop. But he is for sure able to play music from the greatest composers around the world, as his playing is quite virtuoso. People say he plays the piano like he has 3 hands.
她老公音樂咁都叫麻麻,咁你好叻嗎?國際音樂家?!方伊除咗一次係節目同阿姐做孖公仔之外,係冇扮過阿姐囉,同埋嗰次係公司安排!人地成日都同粉絲影相,簽名。有時在街上見到她可能唔方便影相。你唔好忘記,她都是人,佢同其他藝人一樣都需要自己的私人空間。但她一定係會禮貌對待人,也對粉絲很友善。你唔該search一下先好講,佢有好多自己嘅歌,例如 歸航,她是原唱!呢個世界係要有啲人無事搵事來搞,你唔鍾意她咪唔好睇,係要專登撳入嚟寫啲負面留言,仲要係全部都係大話。你也應該檢討一下自己,你自己係咪完美,無任何缺點?!請尊重方伊!