For anyone out there who don't feel confident enough. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Don't let others define the world for you. Get up and grab the opportunities. Have an awesome day!
You nailed it mate. Iam rn in such a Situation. And thats Life bro. To Keep ON DOING evrrything what it need to reach my goals. This music gives so much nrgy. Thanks for ya words mate. Have a great night. Greetings from munich
Now take the earphones / headphones, plug them into the phone and lie on the bed. You did? Now close your eyes and forget about the whole world. Forget who you are, where you come from, where you live, forget your problems with school, friends, parents or your girlfriend / boyfriend. It's time to relax, guys. Now that you're on the bed, calm and in peace with the world... if it's day, do you feel the sun kissing your skin? That warms you up as if someone were there to hug you? If it is night, do you feel that breeze that gently caresses your body, filling your lungs with fresh air, on these terrible and hot summer nights? You are here, you are strong, you have reached this point and I respect you, we are all forces of nature and I am proud of you. Be in peace with yourself and you will find the happiness you are looking for. Good listening and thanks for reading, I appreciate it ♥️✨ Edit: guys, i really appreciate you. I noticed that people all around the world wrote kind comments for me, and i feel really good bc no one ever told me such things, not even my parents. I read all the comments, but couldn't answer to anyone. I appreciate the jokes, I appreciate people wanting to get high to this, I appreciate people calling me weeb (lmao). Something I'd like to say: 1) Stay safe! It's been two years since the coronivirus first came in our lives, and if you can, get vaccinated! there's nothing bad in it, and you can save a lot of people ( take a look here if you need more answers). When you get vaccinated, keep using precautions! 20/05/2021, I'm still here lol, love you all
Hey stranger, life isn’t easy. But its the rain that helps us appreciate the sunshine right? We all have ups and down for different reasons. Some worse than others. We just have to remember that some of the greatest leaders struggle. Some of the most successful people come from unexpected backgrounds. I know it can be hard sometimes, you might feel backed into a corner, and you might want to cry. But thats ok, its ok to cry sometimes. Everybody cries, even the toughest men have to break down sometimes. It’s ok, life has a way of working out as long as you want it to. Don’t stop being you, try to lighten up, realize the amount of potential you have. I wish the best for you man, stay positive.
@@XxRosexX96 what Falbert ALBUS wants to say is if Mohammed didn't had that name 603schooter wouldn't be judging him like that. like if mohammed had an american name 603shooter would've not said smth like that
Karamell - how tf was he judging him? He just corrected him saying “that’s a backwoods”. What the fuck does that have to do with him being Muslim?? 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
@Falbert ALBUS all he said is that it's a backwoods which is correct tf he clearly said nothing else about his name being muslim or something tf are you on about jumping to the most weird conclusion
I remember listening to this 3 years ago in my dad's mountain's house while the wood was burning in the campfire. So many memories coming back to me. Thank you to whoever made these tracks and this playlist.
Crazy to think that this playlist is almost 5 years old. I've listened to this through relationships, good times and bad, countless flights and train rides, i can honestly cry due to the sheer amount of memories and emotions that come just from the first few seconds of this. Thank you to the artists and the person who put this together.
I refuse to believe that an account with 7+ millions subscribers that upload the weirdest fucking reels ever for views is a graduated colombian guy that likes to travel the world and listens lofi for anxiety
Reminds me of the of the summer of 2020 when all that covid, riots ,and all types of stuff was going on that was a crazy summer now that i look back at it.
Tam 3 yıl önce bir kış gecesi isranbuldaki evimde soğuktan üşürken ve yalnızlıktan korkarken tanışmıştım bu müzikle. İçimi ısıtmakla beraber aydınlatmıştı da, huzur vermişti, çok rahat uyumuştum. Ertesi günü de motosiklette hafif yağmurda turlarken dinlemiştim. Sonra da bir alışkanlık haline geldi bu şey. Şimdi ise vatanım Özbekistandayım, 1 ay sonra İstanbul'a döneceğim. İstanbul'u çok özledim ve her özlediğimde gözlerimi kapatıp bu müziği orta seste açıp kendimş orada hissetmeye çalışıyorum. Çok duygusal bir şey benim için, senin için bir önemi olmasa da okuduğun için teşekkür ederim, sabahının, gününün, gecenin veya yolunun çok güzel olmasını dilerim ✨🌜
Driving with chill music at night on empty rodes is the most relaxing thing. When In a good state of mind of course. But when there’ are disturbances within your heart and mind, these drives can sure make you think of the most darkest things to do. Either way you’re opening yourself up to new ways of seeing things or simply living in the moment.
@@thebasstherockthemicthetreble it's a bot. I'm slightly annoying they find their way this far into the good corners of youtube. Seeing "LOL cringe" just ruins the vibes.
When it comes down to it, we're all searching for ourselves. At the end of the day we all think it. Where are we supposed to be in life. What really is living. Why the ups and downs are so vastly different from one another. When you search long enough you will find the answers you're looking for. Don't give up on searching and everything will start to make since. Get creative and be bold. Be passionate and hold on tight, because life's gonna take you in the wildest ride you've ever been on.
I was 19-20 yrs old working 3 jobs, grinding my soul out to be able to buy my first car on my very own. Got a 9th Gen Civic Si, sunburst orange too. Liking the JDM lifestyle and not knowing it was one of the rarer oem colors made me like the car even more. Lowered my car, and on chill nights going on a cruise by myself just listening to some soothing tunes is an experience worth living for, especially knowing I worked hard to do something I wanted to very much.
I found this in 2019 . It got me through a lot . A lot of precious memories made to this song from sneaking out to buy cigarettes and riding my bike at 3am to bring high asf spaced out in my room thinking about the future and the past. It’s now almost 2024 . And I’m still bumpin this shit 💯💯bootleg boy for life
I have a motorcycle and sometimes I go out with my headphones at night and this music it's so calm everything so chill, guys just try to enjoy the journey called life, it's short don't worry about the problems and stuff like that, everything has a solution just live and enjoy every day we have no time for more, I hope you can understand my English, I send the vibe from Colombia hermanos 🤙
Parce, la vida es muy bella, es corta o larga todo depende de la perspectiva de cada uno. Eso si, esta música, un viaje en carretera, la noche, una avenida poco transitada y tener esa sensación de que todo estará mejor es algo que te hace sentir vivo. Abrazos parce desde México.
@@Heebygeeby08 as long as its not too high of volume where you cant hear sirens, should be fine. I do it, too, except my helmet has bluetooth built in. Loud music in a car is just as bad. Just gotta be mindful.
There is something uniquely appealing about lo fi & Synthwave. I can’t explain it. It’s very far from my usual “aesthetic” but I’m falling more in love with it by the day.
Theres a feeling i get when i see the empty streets, and the closed shops at night, its between happy and sad, am i the only one who gets that feeling?
It's chill time once again boys . . . Summer is almost in its middle, and the heat is bearing down upon all under the sun. While the warmth may make everyday responsibilities and chores more than frustrating and filling, good times are still possible in any climate. Until they come around, in the mean times, listen to some cool sounds. Enjoy.
I'm a 26 yr male from Houston and recently lost both my grandma's and grandpa and my oldest dog and now I'm living in an empty shell of my house because I use to take care of my grandparents for 9 years and all of a sudden they're gone and it's just me and I thought I could keep pushing but it just hit me like a wave and all the crying I've been doing and listening to the music that they loved just hits me so deep. But fall out boy is one of my favorite bands and I couldn't have asked for a better song to come out during this hard time I'm going through. In a way I'm happy for my grandparents because they were always suffering from diseases and multiple hospital visits and Dr appointments I always drove them too and I'm just glad the suffering is over. But I do miss them deeply. I love them with all my heart and losing all of them months apart just broke me. But this heart break feels so good. Thank you for whoever took the time to read my story. We never get enough time with the ones we love. I'm glad to have called them my family.
Don't forget to smell the roses every once in a while. Time goes by so quick, it's easy to forget about all those little things that make life meaningful.
I'm not depressed at all tbh, life is going well, got my dream car, dream job, dream woman, almost out of university (literally 2 more semesters) and yet here I am, next to my sleeping fiance not able to sleep as I lay awake in our bed, just enjoying the vibe as I smoke away the remaining puffs on this hookah pen (blueberry flavor) (i use these when inside the house as to not disturb my fiance from her sleep, and to not leave an odor) anyways, enjoy the night to whoever is reading this, and just know life gets better over time and there's always a light ahead
@@cristobal2GR as in the harder u work, the farther you'll go? Lol also sorry I dont usually comment on these types of videos but yesterday I was just feeling it u know? Didnt mean to come off as douchy or anything
can we talk about how hard the first part of this song went? those hits and clarinet in the background possibly? some woodwind instrument. this whole thing is a banger.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life. 🧘♂
This music has been keeping me away from depression. My dad is a wealthy banker in New York. He is often away, so the only company I have is this music. I enjoy listening to this looking from my penthouse's window, thinking about how I wish he was with me more. Everyday I try my best to keep going and not give up, no matter how hard it gets. I know things will eventually get better. ANyways, I don't expect anyone to read this, I just needed to tell this to someone...
A couple months ago I moved into my new house and idk why but I started have trouble sleeping and would sometimes go all night just laying in bed staring at my fan until I had to get up. I was on UA-cam and found your music and since then its helped me relax and fall asleep and feel refreshed in the morning. thanks dude I'm forever in your debt.
Idk why but i really love lo-fi it makes me stop for a second and live the moment and apreciate life. I feel bad for people that didnt find it yet but i also dont wanna share it only to my close non toxic bffs cuz i dont want to make this great chill community toxic i dont no lets just keep it like this and the people that get introduced to it are the people that are exhausted by life and type chill music to relax.
I swear Tom deserves that cigar better yet that blunt after all this s*** Jerry puts him through what a great hip hop mix thank you brother keep up the good work.
I’m stoned and this takes me back to another dimension. Post Dmt.. music like this zaps me back into hyperspace and I’m completely weightless. Feels amazing
This is the vibe I feel whenever it's 3am and I can't sleep again so I stare out of my window and look at the stars. I often wonder what other forms of life are out there. If anything I do on this earth will actually make a difference or if it all means nothing. I want to know more. I need to know more. I stare up at the moon, wondering if someone, somewhere else, is staring at the moon too. Maybe one day I will meet that person and we can fall in love and stargaze together one day. But for now it's all just a dream. Everything seems to be hazy lately anyways.
One day I want to sit in a car with my lover by my side, we’re holding hands while we drive through a city, it’s late, everything is dark only the stars and the moon showing. It’s softly raining. And this song playing. Believe me than my life would be complete.
This is so great, i wanna cry cuz i wanna feel this chill always especially with those who i love. This world is just too scary and iam not comfortable anymore not even to share a so g with someone i just wish to feel some peace like this outside of the comfort zone that iam in now.
*Do you know the feeling when you just want to go to a foreign city at night? only you and your thoughts. The rest like problems and worries you leave behind*
the first time i ever watched this video i was going through a horrible breakup. i would put this on my computer to sleep and sleep with headphones in since i couldn’t have my phone at night id cry just because of how empty i felt. things are better now but watching this makes me remember how bad i felt then and i’m sorry for anyone who’s gone through that i feel your pain.
how about....abandoned cartoon? as loft matches with a lot of feelings, and a abandoned cartoon may make sense next time as being abandoned is sad. so thanks for the ride bootleg!
my new dream on my bucket list: get in my car on the midnight, turn on this music, drive street in my city i love, go to the macdrive and buy hamburger and eat it while driving home
Got a lot on my mind lately just laying down in bed just thinking to myself if I’m a good person if I deserve to be here and if I deserve the love of others I’m 23 years old working a part time job ain’t got no special person in my life and just feel lost hope anyone who reads this post has a good life and day love y’all.
Hey... Noites solitárias ... Vidas vazias... Quando te vi partir, meu peito entrou em solidão Me vi sumir, afogado pela escuridão, Lagrimas escorreram, mas você não as viu, Me derramei em um copo de whisky, em meu quato vazio, Joguei o chá na blunt, minha mente comecou a pensar E naquele instante, dei graças por ali estar....
to everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus to everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve. to everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. when you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time. to everyone who is drawing, you got this. you're art is amazing. keep your head up (or down, depends on where your paper is) and remember that you matter. i love you all
Yea this video put me in a 2hr binge of making randomass glitchart to old tom and jerry images online haa that 5am shit ya do for no reason..tight mix of music tho
Dude I feel you. The ties that I have with these lofi mixes and the pandemic are intertwined. As bad as the pandemic was(from a government is manipulating the people aspect) these times are unique and will be reviewed in global history. And we experienced it firsthand
Nothing is better than a midnight drive Learning some lines See what rhymes What words are the best kind Searching for the best line Like tequila with salt and lime Nothing better than a midnight drive
I'd hate to ruin the vibe but show don't tell. Why is nothing better than a midnight drive? Is it the drive or the feeling you have on the midnight drive? What words are you searching for? what's the obsession with lines? I like it, but it needs more.
Bootleg boy I just want to thank you for the amazing music it really takes me to another place and makes all of my anxiety go away! I love you so much! Keep doing the great videos!❤️
7:05 clock. Making my wife some food for work, now i smoke one and sleep again. This music so comfortably and nice to chill and get high👍 love ur music dude
Yeah don't do that i crashed my bmw last year because i was driving high and than got arrested and now i have a criminal record and it's hard to find jobs and do a lot of stuff,don't ruin your life too.
For anyone out there who don't feel confident enough. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Don't let others define the world for you. Get up and grab the opportunities. Have an awesome day!
You nailed it mate. Iam rn in such a Situation. And thats Life bro. To Keep ON DOING evrrything what it need to reach my goals. This music gives so much nrgy. Thanks for ya words mate. Have a great night. Greetings from munich
You made my day 😄
Bro 🥺 thanks I needed this ❤️
Thanks, i wish you also a great day ahead of you!
Thx man you’re the best!
Now take the earphones / headphones, plug them into the phone and lie on the bed. You did? Now close your eyes and forget about the whole world. Forget who you are, where you come from, where you live, forget your problems with school, friends, parents or your girlfriend / boyfriend. It's time to relax, guys. Now that you're on the bed, calm and in peace with the world... if it's day, do you feel the sun kissing your skin? That warms you up as if someone were there to hug you? If it is night, do you feel that breeze that gently caresses your body, filling your lungs with fresh air, on these terrible and hot summer nights?
You are here, you are strong, you have reached this point and I respect you, we are all forces of nature and I am proud of you. Be in peace with yourself and you will find the happiness you are looking for.
Good listening and thanks for reading, I appreciate it ♥️✨
Edit: guys, i really appreciate you. I noticed that people all around the world wrote kind comments for me, and i feel really good bc no one ever told me such things, not even my parents. I read all the comments, but couldn't answer to anyone. I appreciate the jokes, I appreciate people wanting to get high to this, I appreciate people calling me weeb (lmao).
Something I'd like to say:
1) Stay safe! It's been two years since the coronivirus first came in our lives, and if you can, get vaccinated! there's nothing bad in it, and you can save a lot of people ( take a look here if you need more answers). When you get vaccinated, keep using precautions!
20/05/2021, I'm still here lol, love you all
that was amazing ✨💓
thank you, i needed that. you are a good man/woman. You have earned my respect aswell.
@@x_jenny_playz_x2226 thank you sm ♥️🙏
reading this while 420, perfect timing.
Done done and done now i feel so much less stressed now when i listen to this i feel everything that keeps me up at night fade away
I don't want much for my birthday. I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Wishing you a good day!
Hey stranger, life isn’t easy. But its the rain that helps us appreciate the sunshine right? We all have ups and down for different reasons. Some worse than others. We just have to remember that some of the greatest leaders struggle. Some of the most successful people come from unexpected backgrounds. I know it can be hard sometimes, you might feel backed into a corner, and you might want to cry. But thats ok, its ok to cry sometimes. Everybody cries, even the toughest men have to break down sometimes. It’s ok, life has a way of working out as long as you want it to. Don’t stop being you, try to lighten up, realize the amount of potential you have. I wish the best for you man, stay positive.
Watching Tom smoking that Cuban cigar makes me feel relaxed
Mohammed Suleiman thats a backwood
Falbert ALBUS - he didn’t even say anything about his name tho... 🤨
@@XxRosexX96 what Falbert ALBUS wants to say is if Mohammed didn't had that name 603schooter wouldn't be judging him like that. like if mohammed had an american name 603shooter would've not said smth like that
Karamell - how tf was he judging him? He just corrected him saying “that’s a backwoods”. What the fuck does that have to do with him being Muslim?? 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
@Falbert ALBUS all he said is that it's a backwoods which is correct tf he clearly said nothing else about his name being muslim or something tf are you on about jumping to the most weird conclusion
the people in these comments are my favourite kinds of people, you are the humans who give me hope for this hell hole.
Fucking coronavirus
soundcloud .com/d_i_v_o_c
fucking corona virus
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ 𝔾𝕝𝕒𝕕 𝕋𝕠 ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕡!
i think you'd all make the best friends
there's something about this side of youtube that feels safe
thank you for that.
Maya MJ 🙌✌️💚
You defenetly got it right 👌🏼
ameur badr
We come here to chill :) there's too much negativity in the world, this is an escape place from that
Much love for real ❤️
I remember listening to this 3 years ago in my dad's mountain's house while the wood was burning in the campfire. So many memories coming back to me. Thank you to whoever made these tracks and this playlist.
Crazy to think that this playlist is almost 5 years old. I've listened to this through relationships, good times and bad, countless flights and train rides, i can honestly cry due to the sheer amount of memories and emotions that come just from the first few seconds of this. Thank you to the artists and the person who put this together.
I refuse to believe that an account with 7+ millions subscribers that upload the weirdest fucking reels ever for views is a graduated colombian guy that likes to travel the world and listens lofi for anxiety
Same man same…
fax bud
i feel you
Reminds me of the of the summer of 2020 when all that covid, riots ,and all types of stuff was going on that was a crazy summer now that i look back at it.
It became a routine, everyday at night, put this on, smoke a little and have a relaxing night. Thanks for support my nights.
I will try this when I get home. Thanks
Everyday... at night. Lol
I swear So true
Yessir stay lifted homie
essa vibe é boa demais, ja fiz muito haha
cant wait when i get my license to go on drives like these
Same 😌
Drive safely
man i would but gas costs money lol
Lmao lil kids are funny. Dreaming like adults and don’t even know the reality of having a car
Cant wait for my poor family to get a car :/
Tam 3 yıl önce bir kış gecesi isranbuldaki evimde soğuktan üşürken ve yalnızlıktan korkarken tanışmıştım bu müzikle. İçimi ısıtmakla beraber aydınlatmıştı da, huzur vermişti, çok rahat uyumuştum. Ertesi günü de motosiklette hafif yağmurda turlarken dinlemiştim. Sonra da bir alışkanlık haline geldi bu şey. Şimdi ise vatanım Özbekistandayım, 1 ay sonra İstanbul'a döneceğim. İstanbul'u çok özledim ve her özlediğimde gözlerimi kapatıp bu müziği orta seste açıp kendimş orada hissetmeye çalışıyorum. Çok duygusal bir şey benim için, senin için bir önemi olmasa da okuduğun için teşekkür ederim, sabahının, gününün, gecenin veya yolunun çok güzel olmasını dilerim ✨🌜
Lo-Fi to quarantine at home 😷
Same here
Same here boi
Same 😂✌
Me too
Driving with chill music at night on empty rodes is the most relaxing thing. When In a good state of mind of course. But when there’ are disturbances within your heart and mind, these drives can sure make you think of the most darkest things to do. Either way you’re opening yourself up to new ways of seeing things or simply living in the moment.
Time Stamps:
0:00 Aphrow - Midnight Drive (feat Greenfinch)
3:25 Aphrow - Fighting (feat O K A)
5:49 Aphrow - Flou
8:02 Aphrow - Precious
9:06 Aphrow - The Broath (feat SpudStyle)
12:34 Aphrow - Starry Night
14:10 Aphrow - Simple Things
16:16 Aphrow - Once Upon a Time
19:04 Aphrow - Velvet
22:05 Aphrow - Ayrton
Ur a legend for this comment❤
bro u already commented 10 times
@@thebasstherockthemicthetreble it's a bot. I'm slightly annoying they find their way this far into the good corners of youtube. Seeing "LOL cringe" just ruins the vibes.
When it comes down to it, we're all searching for ourselves. At the end of the day we all think it. Where are we supposed to be in life. What really is living. Why the ups and downs are so vastly different from one another. When you search long enough you will find the answers you're looking for. Don't give up on searching and everything will start to make since. Get creative and be bold. Be passionate and hold on tight, because life's gonna take you in the wildest ride you've ever been on.
*im really glad that i discovered lofi music*
Same here
I really love late night things , empty roads , flickering street lights , just a bit of cool breeze , it's like I want to stay in the place forever
I was 19-20 yrs old working 3 jobs, grinding my soul out to be able to buy my first car on my very own. Got a 9th Gen Civic Si, sunburst orange too. Liking the JDM lifestyle and not knowing it was one of the rarer oem colors made me like the car even more. Lowered my car, and on chill nights going on a cruise by myself just listening to some soothing tunes is an experience worth living for, especially knowing I worked hard to do something I wanted to very much.
I found this in 2019 . It got me through a lot . A lot of precious memories made to this song from sneaking out to buy cigarettes and riding my bike at 3am to bring high asf spaced out in my room thinking about the future and the past. It’s now almost 2024 . And I’m still bumpin this shit 💯💯bootleg boy for life
I have a motorcycle and sometimes I go out with my headphones at night and this music it's so calm everything so chill, guys just try to enjoy the journey called life, it's short don't worry about the problems and stuff like that, everything has a solution just live and enjoy every day we have no time for more, I hope you can understand my English, I send the vibe from Colombia hermanos 🤙
You shouldn't be riding a motorcycle with ur headphones on bro super dangerous
Parce, la vida es muy bella, es corta o larga todo depende de la perspectiva de cada uno. Eso si, esta música, un viaje en carretera, la noche, una avenida poco transitada y tener esa sensación de que todo estará mejor es algo que te hace sentir vivo. Abrazos parce desde México.
@@Heebygeeby08 as long as its not too high of volume where you cant hear sirens, should be fine. I do it, too, except my helmet has bluetooth built in. Loud music in a car is just as bad. Just gotta be mindful.
Scott Adam dude what’s your problem
thx bro, hello from Moscow
There is something uniquely appealing about lo fi & Synthwave. I can’t explain it. It’s very far from my usual “aesthetic” but I’m falling more in love with it by the day.
Get a life, you commented over a dozen times on this one video that's such a like beg.
There are no lyrics messing with your head
Wow trying so hard to get these likes dont you? Pathetic creature
Time Stamps
0:00 Aphrow - Midnight Drive (feat Greenfinch)
3:25 Aphrow - Fighting (feat O K A)
5:49 Aphrow - Flou
8:02 Aphrow - Precious
9:06 Aphrow - The Broath (feat SpudStyle)
12:34 Aphrow - Starry Night
14:10 Aphrow - Simple Things
16:16 Aphrow - Once Upon a Time
19:04 Aphrow - Velvet
22:05 Aphrow - Ayrton
thank you, wish @the bootleg boy 2, would put them in
Dude thank you!
Good fucking looks
@@middleclassbogan9741 He did but without the time...
i used to smoke with this mix by those times my father was alive. Now that he is gone this music reminds me a little about his prescence
Theres a feeling i get when i see the empty streets, and the closed shops at night, its between happy and sad, am i the only one who gets that feeling?
yes i do, it’s a mix.
Yup me too , and I love the feeling
nope I get it to
- I listened to this on loop when i studied all my college life. i'm graduating tomorrow, and this has helped me so much. thank you
My man 🫡🤝
It's chill time once again boys . . .
Summer is almost in its middle, and the heat is bearing down upon all under the sun. While the warmth may make everyday responsibilities and chores more than frustrating and filling, good times are still possible in any climate. Until they come around, in the mean times, listen to some cool sounds.
I knew it wouldn't be long till you showed up my nigga xD
Excuse me sun may i have 3 half boiled humans please?
Iraq in summer...50c°
yeah ❤️
*summer is almost in it's middle*
Solstice on June 21st, like a week before this comment was written: Am I a joke to you
Yeah of course summer is in its middle like I don't know that..
I'm a 26 yr male from Houston and recently lost both my grandma's and grandpa and my oldest dog and now I'm living in an empty shell of my house because I use to take care of my grandparents for 9 years and all of a sudden they're gone and it's just me and I thought I could keep pushing but it just hit me like a wave and all the crying I've been doing and listening to the music that they loved just hits me so deep. But fall out boy is one of my favorite bands and I couldn't have asked for a better song to come out during this hard time I'm going through. In a way I'm happy for my grandparents because they were always suffering from diseases and multiple hospital visits and Dr appointments I always drove them too and I'm just glad the suffering is over. But I do miss them deeply. I love them with all my heart and losing all of them months apart just broke me. But this heart break feels so good. Thank you for whoever took the time to read my story. We never get enough time with the ones we love. I'm glad to have called them my family.
Truly calming, bootleg boy never fails to make us feel emotions.
Don't forget to smell the roses every once in a while. Time goes by so quick, it's easy to forget about all those little things that make life meaningful.
I'm not depressed at all tbh, life is going well, got my dream car, dream job, dream woman, almost out of university (literally 2 more semesters) and yet here I am, next to my sleeping fiance not able to sleep as I lay awake in our bed, just enjoying the vibe as I smoke away the remaining puffs on this hookah pen (blueberry flavor)
(i use these when inside the house as to not disturb my fiance from her sleep, and to not leave an odor) anyways, enjoy the night to whoever is reading this, and just know life gets better over time and there's always a light ahead
Lol YouWontFindMe lol trading time for money is like spinning your wheels
@@cristobal2GR as in the harder u work, the farther you'll go? Lol also sorry I dont usually comment on these types of videos but yesterday I was just feeling it u know? Didnt mean to come off as douchy or anything
same here, dream car dream job but no dream girl yet! I make 1mil+ a year too working anywhere and anytime i want. I am my own boss.
@@alicenam6898 nice man! What car? (Mine is a 2018 Camari ZL1 (moded and custom to my liking of course) but nice man!
@@alicenam6898 I wish I made money :(
Observing the view, listening to this and a glass of whisky, amazing.
U need a joint much healthier 😉
"I'm a human who understood their reason of existence, as for now I'll be following the flow till the day of my fulfilment and departure."
can we talk about how hard the first part of this song went? those hits and clarinet in the background possibly? some woodwind instrument. this whole thing is a banger.
I feel like there's sort of a whole symphony just in a room playing this stuff instead of like a computer creating lofi beats. I love it either way.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life. 🧘♂
This music has been keeping me away from depression. My dad is a wealthy banker in New York. He is often away, so the only company I have is this music. I enjoy listening to this looking from my penthouse's window, thinking about how I wish he was with me more. Everyday I try my best to keep going and not give up, no matter how hard it gets. I know things will eventually get better. ANyways, I don't expect anyone to read this, I just needed to tell this to someone...
yo life aint hard
Anyone who is reading this, you are special, you are in this world for a reason. Never give up on your dreams
Same goes for you, homie❤️
What dreams lol
thanks bro appreciate it. You too
Thank You and the same to you. Peace Love and Light❤💛🖤💚
cant wait to get my drivers license and drive at like 2am playing LoFi mixes like this 💓
-edit- thankyou so much for all the likes omg!!!
You know how much gas is now
Lol you’re in for a surprise lil bud
This is literally GTA gameplay lmfao
a kid can dream cant they 🤷♀️
popop no they can’t. Grow up and face reality lmaoo
A couple months ago I moved into my new house and idk why but I started have trouble sleeping and would sometimes go all night just laying in bed staring at my fan until I had to get up. I was on UA-cam and found your music and since then its helped me relax and fall asleep and feel refreshed in the morning. thanks dude I'm forever in your debt.
The sound of Senna’s McLaren ❤ in the last part and Murray’s commentary! It does not get any better!
God is always by your side , even if you dont feel it. He is always there for you♥️
*They always say, not friends not enemies just stranger with memories..*
I'm not even off work yet and you're already trying to make me cry.
Some serious quarantine vibe over there... Its over, but we will remember to this mater piece.
Idk why but i really love lo-fi it makes me stop for a second and live the moment and apreciate life.
I feel bad for people that didnt find it yet but i also dont wanna share it only to my close non toxic bffs cuz i dont want to make this great chill community toxic i dont no lets just keep it like this and the people that get introduced to it are the people that are exhausted by life and type chill music to relax.
Shout out to Aphrow who actually wrote all these songs, hope you get the recognition you deserve.
I swear Tom deserves that cigar better yet that blunt after all this s*** Jerry puts him through what a great hip hop mix thank you brother keep up the good work.
I mean he’s trying to MURDER jerry so... wdym???
Javon Stevenson we all have a jerry in our life so we all deserve that cigar better yet that blunt after all this shit we’ve been through
@@michellsavings4143 your so so right my brother real talk.
Cruising through the city, windows down, cigarette in my fingers.
This is nice
Marco Vasquez or that😂
No, this is cancerous.
Truly calming, bootleg boy never fails to make us feel emotions.. not depressed, not sad, just kinda in that place, ya know?.
I know exactly what you re saying. I'm that place too. This music is food for the soul. Have a good day homie
I’m stoned and this takes me back to another dimension. Post Dmt.. music like this zaps me back into hyperspace and I’m completely weightless. Feels amazing
Enjoy buddy
😢ik everything just clears off especially wen high
Chillin through this pandemic to this playlist, no worries.
i survived bro did you?
same same
For some reason the music rings to my soul and for some other reason I feel like the music represents alot of what's happening nowadays
The chat is amazing man, everyone in the same flow
I bloody love that last song, the remix of the Senna theme from the documentary and Murrays voice snapped me out of my trance.
Love the last track, Ayrton was and still is my hero. Wonderful track for a wonderful man.
Thanks ! Senna is a hero.
your commentary means a lot for me !
This is the vibe I feel whenever it's 3am and I can't sleep again so I stare out of my window and look at the stars. I often wonder what other forms of life are out there. If anything I do on this earth will actually make a difference or if it all means nothing. I want to know more. I need to know more. I stare up at the moon, wondering if someone, somewhere else, is staring at the moon too. Maybe one day I will meet that person and we can fall in love and stargaze together one day. But for now it's all just a dream. Everything seems to be hazy lately anyways.
🎧💯Same way i think, im always wondering if anybody else thinks like me that’s curious of not only whats happening in earth 🌍 but outside of it🥀
R u serious? I love such people
I pray you meet your soulmate💙
@@nummies9875 is there something wrong with being gay?
One of my favorite Tom & Jerry episodes was when Jerry went into the city (Manhattan I think) and the song at 8:10 gives me those kind of vibes.
I'm going to my car. This night I'm going through the city with these songs in the speakers. I LOVE IT
This is dope, it's past 2am and I just imagin myself driving with only few cars on the road
I like when there are few cars on the road and you just feel the chill on the wind just cooling you up. That’s nice man, very nice
i can totally see that
Greatest feeling in the world. 😌🚘
Finally. Somewhere relaxing for this insane trip ....
One day I want to sit in a car with my lover by my side, we’re holding hands while we drive through a city, it’s late, everything is dark only the stars and the moon showing. It’s softly raining. And this song playing.
Believe me than my life would be complete.
exactly i was literally thinking the same thing
U just described my dream
I hope it happens quick! It's the best
This is so great, i wanna cry cuz i wanna feel this chill always especially with those who i love. This world is just too scary and iam not comfortable anymore not even to share a so g with someone i just wish to feel some peace like this outside of the comfort zone that iam in now.
sending love and blessings your way !
Sometimes I want to fly away very far
So far that I can reach a star
And you know what I’ll find on there?
Peace and quiet that I can find nowhere
*Do you know the feeling when you just want to go to a foreign city at night? only you and your thoughts. The rest like problems and worries you leave behind*
Too damn well
Whenever i lusten to chill music makes want to go to a city in the midnight
@@inakie7756 Qué pasa Iñaki como estás socio
@@__nachosoto14 Yo os conozco?
I miss that so much. I have never been able to travel again because well, I'm out of money now.
I was driving and finished my swap listening to this and heading my turbo spool was the most best thing ever
My favorite kind of trip ♥️
Great job Aphrow !
More than 10 hours of driving listening to this mix 😎🎶 Cool vibes 💓
I really went driving at midnight with this in the background... sheesh
No one cares what you did with your honda lmfao
I care :)
I hope u had a great time ;)
Have a nice day \o/
@@hihello8771 damn shut your fuck up
What was it like?
@MARKIPLIER 2th Why so cruel my son :)
Take a deep breath and let the positive energy into your body ✔🙌
Ouvir Lofi no fim da tarde e de madruga é a melhor coisa:)
I put this on every trip I went to since June 2019 its such a vibe
the first time i ever watched this video i was going through a horrible breakup. i would put this on my computer to sleep and sleep with headphones in since i couldn’t have my phone at night id cry just because of how empty i felt. things are better now but watching this makes me remember how bad i felt then and i’m sorry for anyone who’s gone through that i feel your pain.
*Thank you for telling us your personal life*
BledScars *can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. i’m gonna assume it is*
Imagine cruising down the night streets in convertible, smoking a cigarette and listeting to that music. That's amazingg
Everyone who sees this: you are really beautiful, never give up and follow your dreams, you are on this world for a reason!
THANK YOU!!!!! need this
The kindness and humility weed offers is incomparable. Stay high and spread love. Thx for the vid
What character do you guys wanna see next? 💕
Listen on Spotify -
how about....abandoned cartoon? as loft matches with a lot of feelings, and a abandoned cartoon may make sense next time as being abandoned is sad. so thanks for the ride bootleg!
please put timestamps on the songs not a tacklist
Garfield and Odie
my new dream on my bucket list: get in my car on the midnight, turn on this music, drive street in my city i love, go to the macdrive and buy hamburger and eat it while driving home
Heavy nostalgia vibes, missing being 15 right now. Missing morning Saturday cartoons and not being tired all the time .
Clicked on here to listen to chill music now Tom talked me into hitting the bong
These sounds are perfect!
Thanks for this wonderful trip ❤
Like you.
"When i cry i go to the mirror because it doesn't laugh at me" -Charlie Chaplin
@Steven Lundberg done sir :)
I got a channel...
@Sherlock Holmes
Dude. This not Billy eilish's comment section.
Got a lot on my mind lately just laying down in bed just thinking to myself if I’m a good person if I deserve to be here and if I deserve the love of others I’m 23 years old working a part time job ain’t got no special person in my life and just feel lost hope anyone who reads this post has a good life and day love y’all.
Youre not alone ma G, we have tons of mans in this World that feeling like you, head up Brother 🤝🏽
Noites solitárias ...
Vidas vazias...
Quando te vi partir, meu peito entrou em solidão
Me vi sumir, afogado pela escuridão,
Lagrimas escorreram, mas você não as viu,
Me derramei em um copo de whisky, em meu quato vazio,
Joguei o chá na blunt, minha mente comecou a pensar
E naquele instante, dei graças por ali estar....
Dont understand shit but spanish is beautifull
@@barteq_yt7681 That's Portuguese xD
to everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus
to everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve.
to everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. when you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time.
to everyone who is drawing, you got this. you're art is amazing. keep your head up (or down, depends on where your paper is) and remember that you matter.
i love you all
We love you too!
Thx very nice
I am drawing while listening to this
Very meaning to me, love you too
nice copied comment, pig
2019 and I still fck wit tom and jerry🔥
No worries i haven't change either 👌
@@Jr_415 It's nostalgic af😢
@@ftazrul1660 agree
I'll always fuc k wit them, especially Scooby doo
Yea this video put me in a 2hr binge of making randomass glitchart to old tom and jerry images online haa that 5am shit ya do for no reason..tight mix of music tho
quarantine vibes are kicking in
Dude I feel you. The ties that I have with these lofi mixes and the pandemic are intertwined. As bad as the pandemic was(from a government is manipulating the people aspect) these times are unique and will be reviewed in global history. And we experienced it firsthand
@@EdisonRosario359 absolutely true, monumental times of my life.
Definitely shaped my perception of reality
This was the EXACT aesthetic I was looking for! Thank you so much!
Why are people depressed here , im very Happy with this chill tracks
Same here , its so chill and relaxing 👌
The depressed people are week be happy and strong and chill with this tracks.. 🍷
@@turki9839 i know
@@weirdoo1392 have good one
Nothing is better than a midnight drive
Learning some lines
See what rhymes
What words are the best kind
Searching for the best line
Like tequila with salt and lime
Nothing better than a midnight drive
I'd hate to ruin the vibe but show don't tell. Why is nothing better than a midnight drive? Is it the drive or the feeling you have on the midnight drive? What words are you searching for? what's the obsession with lines? I like it, but it needs more.
i honestly think this is bootleg boy's masterpiece
To the person reading this I am so grateful to share this world with you
Bootleg boy I just want to thank you for the amazing music it really takes me to another place and makes all of my anxiety go away! I love you so much! Keep doing the great videos!❤️
7:05 clock. Making my wife some food for work, now i smoke one and sleep again. This music so comfortably and nice to chill and get high👍 love ur music dude
When I’m searching through lofi this is literally the exact sound I’m looking for
nothings better than cruising with your friends at night high af
Yeah don't do that i crashed my bmw last year because i was driving high and than got arrested and now i have a criminal record and it's hard to find jobs and do a lot of stuff,don't ruin your life too.
@@moreira8967 damn man, prayers 🙏🏽
Yup I love putting myself and others in danger too
@@moreira8967 It's fucked up how they count that as a criminal record.
This is not deppressing, its deep and relaxing
I love those vibes. In bed, headset on, listening to that mix. Amazing.
Just smoking, music through my headphone, light rain but no thunder
And I'm on an endless ride....
Found this playlist exactly at midnight, what a coincidence 😆🌚
background is underrated. gets you in a kinda vibe
I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you♥🤞🏾
when I'm tired these videos make me feel high