This is why I won't vote for Doug Ford. He's busy with every kind of issue, but getting the health care system fixed. I have been in ER four times in the last several years, including twice in the past few months. Life threatening twice. Terrible wait times, and reported abusive staff to the higher ups. I'm one of thousands experiencing the trauma and neglect and long wait times. I'll be voting for the New Blue party once again.
Unfettered immigration costs thousands of Canadian lives. There. Fixed your headline for you.
Every year, a new medium sized city shows up without any healthcare or infrastructure.
This is why I won't vote for Doug Ford. He's busy with every kind of issue, but getting the health care system fixed. I have been in ER four times in the last several years, including twice in the past few months. Life threatening twice. Terrible wait times, and reported abusive staff to the higher ups. I'm one of thousands experiencing the trauma and neglect and long wait times.
I'll be voting for the New Blue party once again.
Yaya free healthcare
Thats horrific...we need an national strategy
Wow, i was about to post how is this new news.... Then saw the 1500 deaths.....
That’s what happens when you take away the profit motive in an industry.
Wow omg big shock. 🙄
At LEaSt We HaVe FReE heAlTHCaRE