Iraqi television had no effective role, but it was a deliberate conspiracy in order to end Iraq. More than 30+ countries have allied to Iraq in order to drop its greatest country, and it was dropped to Iraq after they dropped Saddam
“Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical, and destructive than one, even if he be a tyrant.” - Benito Mussolini “The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism”
He is in heaven, I had dream about him when I sleeped and Saddam Hussein smiled and was happy and was so beautiful sun all around him in beautiful sunny day. Only Qaseem Soleimani is in hell.
القائد المُعلم العظيم لرسوخ القيم والمبادئ العالية والعلوم فأنا منذ طفولتي اتعلم من كلمات القائد ورسخ في ذهني كلام القائد للقلم والبندقية فوهة واحدة وهذه واحدة وصايا القائد للتشبث بالعلم ونشأ اجيال مثقفين متعلمين لذا قائدنا عمل لشعبه رغم الصعوبات التي واجهته من قوى الظلام لذلك نفتقد قائدنا ونحن في حالة متعبة منذ 2003 الى يومنا الحاضر. قائدنا الغالي صدام حسين المجيد.
صدقت بارك الله فيك و رحم الله صدام حسين البطل باني العراق و النهضة و العز و الكرامة و باني امب إمبراطورية العراق المجيدة و جيشها المغوار الذي ارعب العالم
By making these lyricised videos, you’re doing an honour to history. Keep up the good work! (By “doing an honour” I’m saying this because there is rarely any other information known about Iraq during the Ba’athist era other than Saddam’s cult of personality. Even small, lyrics-coupled videos like these help us look at what their culture was like (Even if most of it is Saddam praise/propaganda.) (Note: I neither support the American invasion of Iraq nor do I support the Ba’athist government ruling Iraq before that invasion.)
@@H2O_Addict Well, my body is dead now, Iraq (the biggest ally and supporter of palestine) has fallen, we leave things to allah so he can take care of things. Never rely on me ! I am only a person ! the great nation of iraq will rise again to fullfill it's duties to the arab ummah!
a weird translation that misses a lot. Here (at 1:40), for instance, he says 3 different lines translated as the same line. Only the first one says "Iraq is great by the patience of men", the others say "Iraq is great ___" including some other attribute, then at 2:07 this misses a key part, it doesn't say "as high as the mountain tops" (which translates part of one of the previous lines beginning with "Iraq is great") - it says "And Saddam! You are great in terms of your virtues"
It's saying that may God grant peace to The people of Iraq who suffered a lot, this song has been made after the Bush administration declared war in 2003,greetings from Baghdad
@@NWOLFF9719 ok now let me tell you what about turkey syria iran Saudi Arabia they are all muslims and y’all are separated for my case I can either be separated or not Idc
@@NWOLFF9719 why are there 22 Arab nations and not a single Arab-state?? and why did Pakistan and Bangladesh seperate from India?? why are Indonesia and Malaysia different nations??
@@Yrlova Thanks for the ACTUALLY, the meaning of what I say remains the same, nerd. It all comes down to the fact that if Saddam is right in his religious choice, I hope he's in the arms of the god he chose to follow.
русский перевод (может быть неточным, особенно в конце) Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Народ Ирака (x2) Ирак! (x2) Ирак велик и далек от их желаний Ирак! (x2) Ирак велик от терпения и выносливости народа Ирак! (x2) Ирак велик и далек от их желаний Ирак! (x2) Ирак велик от терпения и выносливости народа (x4) Высок как вершина горы (x2) Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Народ Ирака (x4) Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь Марш! Марш! Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию Марш! Марш! Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь Марш! Марш! Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию Марш! Марш! Для тебя, Ирак Марш! Марш! Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь маршируй вперед, маршируй вперед Марш! Марш! Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь Марш! Марш! Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию Марш! Марш! Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь Марш! Марш! Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию Марш! Марш! маршируй вперед, маршируй вперед Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Народ Ирака (x4) Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой Ты тот кто никогда не предаст Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой Ты тот кто никогда не предаст Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой Ты тот кто никогда не предаст Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой Ты тот кто никогда не предаст Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем Мы говорим это когда идем вперед Да! Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Народ Ирака (x4) Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака Поправьте меня если что не неправильно
Всё неправильно. Припев: Да ниспошлёт Аллах мир тебе, иракский народ! (2 раза) Иракский народ! (2 раза) Реф.: Ирак! х2 1 куплет: Ирак велик и не сдастся врагу Реф. Ирак велик, ведь его народ терпеливый и стойкий Реф. (2 раза) Ирак велик, ведь его народ терпеливый и стойкий (4 раза) [Мы] Выше горных вершин! (2 раза) Припев. 2 куплет: (Вперёд! Вперёд!) Ирак, всю нашу любовь отдаём мы тебе! (Вперёд! Вперёд!) Шагаем вперёд, ведь мы тоскуем по твоему величию За тебя, любимый Ирак, шагаем вперёд! (2 раза) Припев. 3 куплет: Ты так щедр и благороден, Ты никогда не предашь нашу любовь. (2 раза) Да ниспошлёт тебе Всевышний благословение (2 раза) (2 раза) Мы от всего сердца это возвещаем! Да! Да! (5 раз) Припев.
@@bae4198Saddam was too lmao, he literally was in all of the Ba'athist coups of 63' and 68', including the 1959 assassination attempt on Abd Al-Karim Qasim, which Saddam directly was involved in, he shot at Qasim's car with an AK-47
سلام من الله لأهل العراق,سلام من الله لأهل العراق,لأهل العراق لأهل العراق (عراق,عراق)عراق عظيم بعيد المنال(عراق,عراق)عراق عظيم بصبر الرجال x2 عراق عظيم شديد المحال x2 عراق عظيم شموخ الجبال و صدام انت عظيم الخصال x2 سلام من الله لأهل العراق(لأهل العراق x4) سلام من الله لأهل العراق (woman sings from here) (تقدم,تقدم) فأنت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم) اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم) فأنت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم) اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم) حبيب العراق (تقدم,تقدم) فنحن استياء x2 فأنت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم) اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم) فانت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم) اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم) حبيب العراق فنحن استياء x2 سلام من الله لأهل العراق(لأهل العراق x4) سلام من الله لأهل العراق (middle easten music intensifies) (man sings from here) فأنت المكارم أنت القيم,و أنت الحبيب اصيل الشيم x2 رعاك القدير بكل النعم x2 فأنت المكارم أنت القيم,و أنت الحبيب اصيل الشيم x2 رعاك القدير بكل النعم x2 نقول من القلب قبل القلم (نعم,نعم)( نعم,نعم) (نعم,نعم,نعم) x5 سلام من الله لأهل العراق(لأهل العراق x4) سلام من الله لأهل العراق x2 (song ends) Here you go i hope you enjoy!
How much gold was in Iraqs possession again? How much of their mineral rites and resources were handed off to European interest groups to disguise holding positions of their property?? HOW MUCH was paid in gold and then stolen back at the cost of tens of thousands of American lives not to mention injury to their families. Not in vain and not in our name. Sincerly Truly America
This was actually played on Iraqi Television when 2003 war was declared.
That’s super interesting
Iraqi television had no effective role, but it was a deliberate conspiracy in order to end Iraq. More than 30+ countries have allied to Iraq in order to drop its greatest country, and it was dropped to Iraq after they dropped Saddam
This is the version played on Television I think
holy shit the glasses and beret go so hard
The notorious dictator avaiators
@@ueIl dictaviators
Sometimes, it's better to live under a dictator rather than to live under a rubble....
“Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical, and destructive than one, even if he be a tyrant.”
- Benito Mussolini “The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism”
"80 years under a tyrannical leader is better than a night without a leader."
-Ibn Taymya
Who is this "dictator" you speak of? Mao, or perhaps could it be Kim?
@@vaporwave-man I knew someone will ask about this, so I reiterated my top comment already lol. So yeah it depends on who is it I guess
And what is the fault of the innocent souls that went because of him?!!
This song made my persian roommate and my Jewish roommate leave, also all the flies are gone...
Where are the Kurds?
@@ueIl not existing
@@uziiii_ nice
@@uziiii_ lmao 😂
@@ueIl this is abit of a misconception, many kurds actually liked saddam, execpt for the barazani
⚔️🇸🇦💚🇮🇶⚔️ الله يرحم صدامم
@L. Henry Hammer ⚡⚡ the government is,most Saudis hate the Americans
Thanks. I love Saudi Arabia for this that helped Izaat Ibrahim al-Douri in his Iraqi national uprising in Iraq against Iran and USA in 2012-2015.
Peace from Allah to the People of Iraq Inshallah they will rise.
OK atheist commie 0_o... You realize what he did commies right XD?
@Fanatic (Hitscanner) like him even more
We supporting hitler now as well?
He is in heaven, I had dream about him when I sleeped and Saddam Hussein smiled and was happy and was so beautiful sun all around him in beautiful sunny day. Only Qaseem Soleimani is in hell.
بلدي الحبيب أعزك الله وأعادك شامخا عالياً 🇮🇶🙏
الصور الي مخليتها ما ياشخصيه
@@شٍأّبِمَعٌتّبِر ممثلة مصرية اسمها فاتن حمامة
هاا فهمت
تدرين عبالي عراقيه وضليت اتوقع بالي من شخصيات القديمه
@@شٍأّبِمَعٌتّبِر أي الصور القديمة تتشابه فعلاً
كيف حال المطربين؟ هل ما زالوا على قيد الحياة أم أنهم جميعًا أموات؟
Good.Greetings to everyone from wounded Iraq
I’m Baghdad, where are you?
Anbar الانبار
@@wonders-f9z greetings, are you by any chance Assyrian?
@@saddamisthe691 where in baghdad brother?
@@saddamisthe691 He's Iraqi that's what all matters 🇮🇶♥️
The last king of Mesopotamia
الف رحمه على روحك يا سيدي ومولاي صدام لحسين علي لسلام ابونا وقائد نا وشرفنا وعزنا وكرامتنا وقدوتنه وابو لعراق لعظيم ابو لعراقيين
rest in peace saddam hussein
Man the song sounds great!
القائد المُعلم العظيم لرسوخ القيم والمبادئ العالية والعلوم فأنا منذ طفولتي اتعلم من كلمات القائد ورسخ في ذهني كلام القائد للقلم والبندقية فوهة واحدة وهذه واحدة وصايا القائد للتشبث بالعلم ونشأ اجيال مثقفين متعلمين لذا قائدنا عمل لشعبه رغم الصعوبات التي واجهته من قوى الظلام لذلك نفتقد قائدنا ونحن في حالة متعبة منذ 2003 الى يومنا الحاضر. قائدنا الغالي صدام حسين المجيد.
Maschallah ♥️♥️
عفيه اخت سوزان أيتها الماجده الراقيه❤
صدقت بارك الله فيك و رحم الله صدام حسين البطل باني العراق و النهضة و العز و الكرامة و باني امب إمبراطورية العراق المجيدة و جيشها المغوار الذي ارعب العالم
By making these lyricised videos, you’re doing an honour to history.
Keep up the good work!
(By “doing an honour” I’m saying this because there is rarely any other information known about Iraq during the Ba’athist era other than Saddam’s cult of personality. Even small, lyrics-coupled videos like these help us look at what their culture was like (Even if most of it is Saddam praise/propaganda.)
(Note: I neither support the American invasion of Iraq nor do I support the Ba’athist government ruling Iraq before that invasion.)
Cult of personality?? The people all loved me!!
"Cult of personality"? Saddam never had that.
@@vaporwave-man he did
This song isn't about Saddam, rather about the Invasion of Iraq.
It was played when the U.S. declared War on Iraq.
Congrats on the 2k!
May he rest in peace
Man i been in paradise for quite a while now shit bussin
@@H2O_Addict Well, my body is dead now, Iraq (the biggest ally and supporter of palestine) has fallen, we leave things to allah so he can take care of things. Never rely on me ! I am only a person ! the great nation of iraq will rise again to fullfill it's duties to the arab ummah!
I believe he's in heaven now
@@qusayj8765 what do you think of iran
@@qusayj8765 I’m Chaldean what can I do to support the cause
Thank you for Uploading ❤
يالها من نشيد ف القمه الروعه والجمال
عفيه أيها الأبطال والاحرار العراق العظيم وآلائمة العربية المجيدة والعالم
الله يرحمك ابونا..
a weird translation that misses a lot. Here (at 1:40), for instance, he says 3 different lines translated as the same line. Only the first one says "Iraq is great by the patience of men", the others say "Iraq is great ___" including some other attribute, then at 2:07 this misses a key part, it doesn't say "as high as the mountain tops" (which translates part of one of the previous lines beginning with "Iraq is great") - it says "And Saddam! You are great in terms of your virtues"
That sounds quite catchy
may allah grant him jannah 🤲
he thought he was the riencarnation of nabuchadnazzer buddy
May Saddam rest
Rest in hell
@@squidysnose69 עד שלך
@@vaporwave-man you are syrian or not
@@MrMedge-zj3jx it funny that he insult saddam the only one who does Ba'athism
@@Yrlova he heas to be syrian and friends of hafez all assad
Peace from god to people of iraq ...
Imperialist USA says NO
crap usa
I miss you Saddam Hussrin Al majid
🇮🇩❤️🔥🇮🇶🇵🇸 glory to baath
@abod-y1o Bashar fled damascus like a few days ago, oops!
I don't support baath anymore
Long live 🇮🇶!
Thanks for all these videos. Even though I don’t understand what’s being said, Iraq had some great propaganda music.
It's saying that may God grant peace to The people of Iraq who suffered a lot, this song has been made after the Bush administration declared war in 2003,greetings from Baghdad
As an Iraqi Kurd I’m sad to see my country destroyed because of America saddam should have been emprisoned not killed 🇮🇶💚🌞❤️🙏🏻
I do not understand you people,why do you want a country ???? Islam forbid division among muslims and nationalism
@@NWOLFF9719 ok now let me tell you what about turkey syria iran Saudi Arabia they are all muslims and y’all are separated for my case I can either be separated or not Idc
@@Iraqi_Army تحيه لك يا اخي من بغداد ♥️♥️♥️ كل احترام و التقدير للاخوه الاكراد
@@NWOLFF9719 you are an extremist
@@NWOLFF9719 why are there 22 Arab nations and not a single Arab-state?? and why did Pakistan and Bangladesh seperate from India?? why are Indonesia and Malaysia different nations??
I may not be a muslim, but I sure do hope that if Allah is a thing, Saddam is in his embrace.
allah in god in arabic even arabic jews and christians says allah
@@Yrlova Thanks for the ACTUALLY, the meaning of what I say remains the same, nerd. It all comes down to the fact that if Saddam is right in his religious choice, I hope he's in the arms of the god he chose to follow.
@@H2O_Addict Nigga idc about what you think little to nothing does it have to do with my main point.
Yo where do you think I am then??
رحمك الله سيدي 🇮🇶❤️
thanks for the video
كم انت عظيم يا سيدي
Long live the martyr of Saddam and his sons and the FEDAYEEN ⚔️❤️🇵🇰⚔️⚔️
شهيد 😂
Who fucking Uday??? the heck is wrong with you lot lol
@@Arabguy1 غصبن عنك
Let peace be with Pakistan. Let your people have control over your army and politicians than US and china
Can we get a Kocayine or nasa srpska channel for Iraqi music? Also good job translating and getting the full song.
Just go on “Iraqi Archive” they have hundreds of Iraqi songs and also they have hundreds of Ba’athist songs
There is, it’s called the Iraqi Archive
Greetings from Lithuania! May US get its karma as soon as possible.
Go rejoin Russia.
@AF-nc2fc Russians would not want that.
Rip Saddam Hussein 🇵🇰💔🇮🇶
رحم الله القائد الشريف
русский перевод (может быть неточным, особенно в конце)
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Народ Ирака (x2)
Ирак! (x2)
Ирак велик и далек от их желаний
Ирак! (x2)
Ирак велик от терпения и выносливости народа
Ирак! (x2)
Ирак велик и далек от их желаний
Ирак! (x2)
Ирак велик от терпения и выносливости народа (x4)
Высок как вершина горы (x2)
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Народ Ирака (x4)
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь
Марш! Марш!
Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию
Марш! Марш!
Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь
Марш! Марш!
Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию
Марш! Марш!
Для тебя, Ирак
Марш! Марш!
Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь
маршируй вперед, маршируй вперед
Марш! Марш!
Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь
Марш! Марш!
Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию
Марш! Марш!
Для тебя, Ирак, вся наша любовь
Марш! Марш!
Маршируй вперед мы скучаем по твоему величию
Марш! Марш!
маршируй вперед, маршируй вперед
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Народ Ирака (x4)
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой
Ты тот кто никогда не предаст
Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой
Ты тот кто никогда не предаст
Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем
Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем
Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой
Ты тот кто никогда не предаст
Ты щедрый и с хорошей этикой
Ты тот кто никогда не предаст
Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем
Может господь отблагодарит тебя всем
Мы говорим это когда идем вперед
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Народ Ирака (x4)
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Мир тебе с небес, народ Ирака
Поправьте меня если что не неправильно
Перевод отличный, пусть русский у тебя и не родной, машаллах, захватчикам и террористам суждено проиграть
Всё неправильно.
Да ниспошлёт Аллах мир тебе, иракский народ! (2 раза)
Иракский народ! (2 раза)
Ирак! х2
1 куплет:
Ирак велик и не сдастся врагу
Ирак велик, ведь его народ терпеливый и стойкий
(2 раза)
Ирак велик, ведь его народ терпеливый и стойкий (4 раза)
[Мы] Выше горных вершин! (2 раза)
2 куплет:
(Вперёд! Вперёд!)
Ирак, всю нашу любовь отдаём мы тебе!
(Вперёд! Вперёд!)
Шагаем вперёд, ведь мы тоскуем по твоему величию
За тебя, любимый Ирак, шагаем вперёд!
(2 раза)
3 куплет:
Ты так щедр и благороден,
Ты никогда не предашь нашу любовь.
(2 раза)
Да ниспошлёт тебе Всевышний благословение
(2 раза)
(2 раза)
Мы от всего сердца это возвещаем!
Да! Да! (5 раз)
Man I'm early af
سلامت ايدك اخي الكريم استمر 🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🦅🦅🔺🔺✌️✌️✌️✌️
When you want to know an end with honors against the US Coalition
اللهم احفظ اهل العراق 🇮🇶♥️
May Allah give jannatul ferdous to Saddam Hussein
Salute to this breve and Honest Hero of not only Iraqi and Arab but for All ummah.💗💗💗 Saddam Hussein 💗💗💞
Assalamualaikum rahmatullah barkatobob Ramadan Kareem Ramadan Mubarak
although the subtitles are wrong in some parts, i love it
@@bummer7736 are you pakistan
Allah yerhamak saddam hussein
Are u scandanvian?
@@Mr.Fukoyama91 yes
@@christopherjosefsson4021 🌹, Trevliga människor, men man får inte lätt vänner😶
saddam in glasses and a beret do be looking fire tho
He always looks fire
Stalin but in middle east
They both have sick mustaches
@@onechemicalxstalin was a revolutionary
@@bae4198Saddam was too lmao, he literally was in all of the Ba'athist coups of 63' and 68', including the 1959 assassination attempt on Abd Al-Karim Qasim, which Saddam directly was involved in, he shot at Qasim's car with an AK-47
العراق العظيم 🇮🇶❤️🖤🤍
رحم الله صدام حسين ❤
в час ночи самое то!
Has anyone had the raw Arabic lyrics?
@@teitelman very appreciate your help, thanks a lot :>
سلام من الله لأهل العراق,سلام من الله لأهل العراق,لأهل العراق لأهل العراق
(عراق,عراق)عراق عظيم بعيد المنال(عراق,عراق)عراق عظيم بصبر الرجال x2
عراق عظيم شديد المحال x2
عراق عظيم شموخ الجبال
و صدام انت عظيم الخصال x2
سلام من الله لأهل العراق(لأهل العراق x4) سلام من الله لأهل العراق
(woman sings from here)
فأنت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم)
اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم)
فأنت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم)
اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم)
حبيب العراق (تقدم,تقدم)
فنحن استياء x2
فأنت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم)
اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم)
فانت العراق العراق (تقدم,تقدم)
اليك العناق العناء (تقدم,تقدم)
حبيب العراق
فنحن استياء x2
سلام من الله لأهل العراق(لأهل العراق x4) سلام من الله لأهل العراق
(middle easten music intensifies)
(man sings from here)
فأنت المكارم أنت القيم,و أنت الحبيب اصيل الشيم x2
رعاك القدير بكل النعم x2
فأنت المكارم أنت القيم,و أنت الحبيب اصيل الشيم x2
رعاك القدير بكل النعم x2
نقول من القلب قبل القلم
(نعم,نعم)( نعم,نعم)
(نعم,نعم,نعم) x5
سلام من الله لأهل العراق(لأهل العراق x4)
سلام من الله لأهل العراق x2
(song ends)
Here you go i hope you enjoy!
@Polski Narodowiec np my friend
This is so funny because we never lived in peace under Saddam.
Maybe dont revolt
The man had insane amount of interventions and oppositions
at Least Irak waz super power source
It is peace from Allah not from saddam
Eterna memória a um grande homem que pisou neste mundo. Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikrit. Mártir. Você jamais será esquecido.
قائدنا صدام العرب معك للابد .
I wonder what happened to the singers later, where are they, are they even alive?...
The song: *posted during the Iraq war in 2003*
Me: "ironic"
God bless Saddam
History will judge You Saddam. For the good, and the bad things; inshallah.
thank you but how you understand song im from iraq
هو يحب يلاقي اغاني عراقية ايام صدام عشانه يحبها (صاحب القناة)
خايب ما تاكل خرا
@@kadmkadm56 ايش؟
@@kadmkadm56 😂😂😂😂
I have a question those people singing are they the news people
How much gold was in Iraqs possession again? How much of their mineral rites and resources were handed off to European interest groups to disguise holding positions of their property?? HOW MUCH was paid in gold and then stolen back at the cost of tens of thousands of American lives not to mention injury to their families. Not in vain and not in our name.
Sincerly Truly America
The Gold they stole from Iraq were the "weapons of mass destruction" the US spoke about
I miss Saddam.
saddam hussein going for a dap up in there
Original title in arabic, you know???
سلام من الله لأهل العراق
رحم الله صدام
Can someone give the transliteration please?
do you miss him now?
Greatly, may the American infidels suffer.
Subtitles are wrong
*Starts multiple wars and ruins his country.*
Well he had no choice I think
الله يرحمك
The lyrics are wrong
Selam olsun İBRAHİM’E
lyrics in arabic?
Cia lol
I am Iraqi and I say God damn Saddam and long live the Shiites and Greater Iran
Cope harder
Long live sunni state and down to shit and Iran magi
You are son of mutah that's why
Would you want to be bombed while trying to get bread to feed your family? If no, then be grateful that your sorry ass still lives.
You are like a cow, they just milk you and throw you away
May he rot in hell
@Purple Hearth yes
@@Mano_gui0759 yes
@@laylaalkhazaly3833 ratio'ed
May the disgusting Americans and traitors rot in hell.
Long live the ba'ath party!