Dave Castro staying is the nail in the coffin. You can argue whether he is responsible for Lazar’s death or not. What there is no arguement over is that he is responsible for his actions after. Choosing to manipulate, gaslight, and lie to a family that was reeling and then, in turn, lying to every other athlete and the community at large is disgusting beyond words.
no surprise they cover it all up...... and still nobody accountable for the death of a person........ like in the rest of the worlds...... shit happens right?
I just want to say that the fact that a athlete the caliber of Mitch covering these types of subjects make me happy, not enough people this, Athletes have a voice that can make a real difference
The safety advisor position just gave Dave and Don an easier scape goat to blame the next time Castro doesn’t want to accept responsibility for getting someone hurt or killed by cutting as many corners as he can. Dave is a coward and a rat. Always has been. No accountability, ever.
Really? Two crossfitters blew out their achilles on the same workout. CrossFit is held to a way higher standard. Only thing I will give rogue credit for is that their media is way better.
The fact that someone died at an event, they did that stupid get together and “voted” to continue the games is amazing. There’s no way they could have done a full safety audit in that time
They also "asked Luka for his opinion". Which in reality was Dave telling Luka that the games would continue hours after his brothers dead body was recovered and Luka answering that he doesn't care. Later on Dave continues to tell everyone that they have the family's blessing to continue.
@SL55-f5i Dave lied to the athletes about what happened with Luka, and then doubled down and made a speech on the livestream that had me very perplexed at the time, until him lying to the athletes came out. It got really strange on the livestream. I think it was the start of Saturday morning? Dave was interviewed by Arbogast, I think
The only hope for details of the report to become public will be through legal action, unfortunately, that legal action will fall on the Dukic family, which is truly tragic. I assume that the Dukic family is (or will be) pursuing CF HQ for damages and I also assume that CF HQ will do everything that they can to settle any legal actions outside of court. If the issue goes to court, the report becomes discoverable. CF HQ has proven once again that they are beyond incompetent and corrupt.
I think Rogue continues to be a Crossfit sponsor. And I think you are a Rogue athlete. Either you deserve credit for putting your Rogue sponsorship at risk, or Rogue deserves credit for continuing to support you.
Its unfortunate that these companies like this would rather pretend to solve the problem than fix the very clear factors that caused the problems in the first place. Saying they solved the problem is more profitable than actually hiring and properly training the correct staff to prevent these things from happening.
Corporations dont operate on accountability and integrity. Their contracts are written to obfuscate such responsibilities. Justice in America has never existed in my lifetime. It's all a facade to control the poor and weak. Love you, Mitch!
I did find it laughable that they will have someone new report to Dave. It feels as though Dave Castro and others have not taken enough responsibility or owned up to their gross negligence
I always appreciate how thoughtful Mitch is when he offers his take on things. I may not agree with everything, but I can definitely understand his positions here. Good video.
Haven't been able to watch any crossfit HQ events or media since this. You can tell they are run by ex military who are used to the blame being taken off them and have absolute contempt for any concerns raised. What is so disappointing for me is that the majority of people will forget it and continue to support them
From an athletes perspective, it's enter at your own risk. If you're not up to it, you're not up to it. From an organisational point of view, it's unacceptable that there wasn't safeguards and procedures in place. Crossfit HQ are absolute amateurs.
Athletes do have some safety assumptions though. Eg platforms or bars won’t collapse when you use them. Or that someone would notice if you go under the water 50ms from the finish line.
Intentions are all well and good but also remember that members of the board have a fiduciary responsibility under law not to act in a way that is counter productive to the existence of the company. It may well be right that the report says that the organisation had failings but to just announce that leaves the company open to litigation not just from the athletes but from the people that were there who suffered duress and even those watching on TV. The US is a very litigatious country and a class action suit could jeopardise the existence of the company. IT could also be they don't like the inevitable criticism, they have a history in that regard. I don't know why other than for legal reasons they won't publish but neither does anyone else and are just speculating if they say they do
There were safeguards. There were multiple lifeguards who ignored people telling them that a guy was drowning. Dont they bear the primary responsibility?
@@valleyshrewthere was only one lifeguard, and she didn’t ignore the alert- she was confused and went to two athletes that were off course (one being Adler) who showed signs of fatigue/early drowning warning signs. So THE singular lifeguard did react, just to the wrong emergency situation.
They were responsible for safety at an event where a man died and safety standards were pathetically lacking. You don't get out of that and you certainly don't fix that with everyone still holding their jobs. Heads need to roll.
Honestly speacking, I do not know much about politics within CF I do not know much about the investigation, what I know, a human beeing died in front of the eyes of the entire world exept those who could have prevented that! My CF Box, decided to cancel their contract with CF. There is no benefit for us as members if the box is an official affiliate, basically nothing. If I want to particiapate in the open I still can. And my Box only have to pay for the name at the door. In my oppinion this company is basicly useless for us "normal" CF people. So from now on I am no longer doing Cross fit, I am doing functional fitness. the training did not change!
Health and safety guy/amateur strongman here. If I were in that role, I'd be begging to work with Fikowski. Put any retired athletes in PFAA into a committee to discuss games programming and safety concerns/risk management plans. Talk about how athletes will want this plan delivered to them in a way that keeps the secrecy of the games but also the safety of the athletes. Put them on a big ol' NDA so they cant announce the full event details ahead of time. I'm struggling to see how this isn't really very simple?
And seriously, if they get sued can't the Djukic family just subpoena the report as part of discovery? They're just making themselves look small by trying to hide it from the public.
lol “If u don’t do well at ur job u don’t have that job anymore” u know, common sense would agree with u Mitch. If there were any common sense anywhere here. Instead we get “we no swim no more”
So many points in their response just boil down to them not wanting to admit to it (admit liability), in the event of a lawsuit. Even firing staff could be seen as admission of liability (this worker did not do their job properly, also making CrossFit vicariously liable). A wrongful death lawsuit should definitely happen though
Triathletes do it droves and an insane number of people die during these events every year. Not to say people dying at swimming events is ok. No one expects a CrossFitter to die at the games. However, there have been quite a few close calls. I don’t think anyone should die at sporting events, but it can and does happen all over, all the time. Human error happened, it’s a tragedy, and you hope it never happens again. Nobody should drown out there, but none of this 100% safe.
There's a massive difference between an unpreventable tragedy, and what happened here, tho. Someone saw him struggle, tried to jump in to save him, and was then asked for get back out by the lifeguard. Who then paddled around for a bit, looked from the surface where he was last seen, and then they went on with their day It took *hours* for a serious search effort to be made, and by that point it was too late
@ they were asked to get out of the water because there were still people in the water swimming. Do you not realize how difficult and insane it is to speak like they intently did this? Either your brain doesn’t work or you’re choosing to just sh*t on CrossFit when it was human error on two sides. Mainly the lifeguard and lazar
@@kristelbrok998no they didn’t - they responded to Adler and another athlete off course and exhibiting early drowning/exhaustion signs - there was obviously confusion as to what the “real” emergency was
For any health & safety post to be elective it must be independent . Ideally at director level. Otherwise pressure can be put on them to amend their advice.
Triathlons and open water swimming events have deaths also. Most deaths during triathlons come from swimming. It is usually done much safer than how cross fit did it though.
An if you look up triathlon deaths on wikipedia you can see an explanation like "was pulled from the water, got capr etc". That's the difference. It took hours to pull out Lazars lifeless body and way too long to even notice that he was missing.
They responded to another emergency situation (Adler and another athlete off course and exhausted) and there was only one lifeguard. The other paddle board was a judge. So the singular lifeguard did respond, just to the “wrong” emergency.
The athlete Council thing sounds like typical corporate union busting. 'Yeah, you could have a union, but then you wouldn't be able to come to me directly when you have a problem, would you?'. It's capitalists trying to allow their employees the illusion of freedom while still retaining ultimate control.
The solution seems pretty easy and obvious to me. Stop swimming in murky water. If this was in a clear swimming pool, they clearly would have seen him sink.
Think of a company. The CEO doesn’t elect the union rep, they are elected by their fellow workers. This is purely ego and corruption. CrossFit Games should be embarrassed and ashamed
Never been a fan of Castro being in charge of game's programming ever since 2009. Pretty sure if I looked into anything he's done in the last 15 years that negative opinion will only strengthen. Also, agree that CrossFitter community is pretty motivating and supporting. The CFHQ just sees dollar signs with affiliate fees, cert fees, and open sign ups based on what I've seen. Willing to be proven wrong on that take.
I have to wonder if the mental health professionals being available is pandering to how the competitors felt in that time or is is kind of a smack in the face to Haley Adams who removed herself from competition "to find herself" again from struggles from the pressures to compete at that high level, and maintain her fitness to be able to do so. I hope I’m wrong all the way around. I agree that Brent is an amazing person!
I used to enjoy competitive bodybuilding, but with the severe drug abuse, resulting in many young people losing their lives, I’m out. Drug use has pushed beyond the edge of the envelope and those involved don’t have enough common sense to step back and say this is idiotic. I used to enjoy watching cross fit, although I always thought the events or WOD’s were created to almost punish or break the athletes. Events should be challenging, and the best should prevail, however, running events in extreme heat is just plain stupid and very dangerous. Neglect of officials during competition is unexceptable. I won’t support that. Im now really interested in Strongman. Hopefully it doesn’t head down the road to stupidity. Thanks to Mitch for his clear and logical thoughts.
I find it funny that C-level guys allways shout about how they have the responsibility and that is why they get paid the big bucks. In reality, this is what happens. No responsibility, just business as usual.
When they had the crossfit games documentary. Matt Fraser and the other competitors all said the swimming portion was dangerous and that ppl were pulling eachother back, swimming over eachother. Its goofy they didnt fix the problem yrs ago
My beef with CrossFit is that they blur the lines with nutrition education and can be advising people on specific diets without any real education. (Coming from a nutrition & dietetics student.)
I'm not sure what the rules are in your country, but where I am from (Canada), anyone can provide nutrition advice for general health and wellness. But if you're providing nutrition advice to manage/treat a medical condition, you need to be a Registered Dietitian. So if a coach is giving an overweight person dietary advice, and they don't have diabetes, that's OK. But if they have diabetes and they're attempting to use dietary advice to help that person, they can't (even though the advice might be helpful).
Didn't they ignore their existing standards for the swim event? The water being too warm and all of that. Maybe they should start by enforcing the existing safety measures they had in the first place. I work in risk management and adding more safety does nothing if you dont enforce existing safety standards.
Dave Castro has and will hold CrossFit back. If they let him stay, CrossFit deserves to languish. He's got a looootta baggage if people look into him too
'If you didn't cause the trauma in the first place you wouldnt have to have mental health staff onsite during a comp' - nail on head. This starement was basically an admission of liability without saying it - no open water because you basically are admitting you cant do it safely and all the action points highlighting what was clearly lacking that led to the tragedy in the first place! I love crossfit - the methodology, the commuinity, the sport/ athletes. Its changed how I view myself and I'm a stronger, happier person for doing it... but I cannot get onboard with an organisation (HQ) that doesn't accept accountability or responsibility... or just act with any basic level of human decency. I hope the PFAA can make some headway despite the barriers they are facing. Luckily there are other fantastic comps out there (Rogue was a beautiful example). I can luckily at this point cherry pick and still get my adrenaline fix of the beauty of watching elite level competition elsewhere. I just feel for the athletes and of course the family and friends of Lazar who were directly affected 😔 A very balanced viewpoint.
Bruh I’m sorry I’m over it. Crossfit dropped the ball so hard on the games this year but I’m not even surprised anymore. They are masters at taking a beautiful thing and destroying it. I can’t even care anymore. RIP Lazar but I don’t care about the games anymore.
I find it so unfair that people like that make so much money. Ive heard that for hyrox you pay 100.- to sign up and hundreds participate (not saying the ceo isnt cool but this is innnssaaane money they make to me. Is the tactical games also by ? to me thats pretty dope too. But to me crossfit could need /also have an upgrade.
Good analysis...although I think they are smart to bag open water swimming. They have so many other events to coordinate, the energy and risk just isn't worth it.
Very well said mate. I agree with you 100%. As a former coach of CrossFit and competitor myself I will no longer be taking part in anything CrossFit affiliated. Also you are a legend mate. Strong Humble Kind
This is laughable from someone trying to take advantage of a shit situation for monetary gain. I don’t support what is going on with CFHQ but you’re making shit up about a sport you have never been involved in.
Dave is the problem and always has been. Dave thinks because he can hitch deadlift 160kg and do a few bar muscle ups, he knows what's up as an elite cross fitter. He is delusional.
"We investigated ourselves and found ourselves innocent!"
Just like the police.
@@jerrycunningham1820sounded just like Long Island Audit!
actually they weren't even confident enough to call they weren't at fault
More corporate doublespeak. This is a way for them to say "see! We did something!" While not actually doing anything if this happens again
"We regret what happened because it's sort of inconvenient for our public image. Thoughts and prayers. Now back to work."
Dave Castro staying is the nail in the coffin. You can argue whether he is responsible for Lazar’s death or not. What there is no arguement over is that he is responsible for his actions after. Choosing to manipulate, gaslight, and lie to a family that was reeling and then, in turn, lying to every other athlete and the community at large is disgusting beyond words.
100% this! How is integrity not a part of their mission and values as an organization?
Staying? He was gone and the current regime re-hired him after he was away for a year. Why not just bring back Greg Glassman as the CEO at this point?
no surprise they cover it all up...... and still nobody accountable for the death of a person........ like in the rest of the worlds...... shit happens right?
Popular opinion of yours but also very wrong.
I just want to say that the fact that a athlete the caliber of Mitch covering these types of subjects make me happy, not enough people this, Athletes have a voice that can make a real difference
'tell me you've missed the point without telling me you've missed the point' 100%
💯 % correct!
The safety advisor position just gave Dave and Don an easier scape goat to blame the next time Castro doesn’t want to accept responsibility for getting someone hurt or killed by cutting as many corners as he can.
Dave is a coward and a rat. Always has been. No accountability, ever.
I really hope no one is naive enough to apply for this and get hired. It's definitely a CYA move
Rogue Invitation is such an amazing show an example to follow
Really? Two crossfitters blew out their achilles on the same workout. CrossFit is held to a way higher standard. Only thing I will give rogue credit for is that their media is way better.
The fact that someone died at an event, they did that stupid get together and “voted” to continue the games is amazing. There’s no way they could have done a full safety audit in that time
They also "asked Luka for his opinion". Which in reality was Dave telling Luka that the games would continue hours after his brothers dead body was recovered and Luka answering that he doesn't care. Later on Dave continues to tell everyone that they have the family's blessing to continue.
@SL55-f5i Dave lied to the athletes about what happened with Luka, and then doubled down and made a speech on the livestream that had me very perplexed at the time, until him lying to the athletes came out. It got really strange on the livestream. I think it was the start of Saturday morning? Dave was interviewed by Arbogast, I think
Who dies working out...
@@TheSophisticatedSavage crossfiters lmao
How is that funny dude?
He had a family. A partner. Friends.
Grow up @@rneffects6578
The only hope for details of the report to become public will be through legal action, unfortunately, that legal action will fall on the Dukic family, which is truly tragic. I assume that the Dukic family is (or will be) pursuing CF HQ for damages and I also assume that CF HQ will do everything that they can to settle any legal actions outside of court. If the issue goes to court, the report becomes discoverable.
CF HQ has proven once again that they are beyond incompetent and corrupt.
I think Rogue continues to be a Crossfit sponsor. And I think you are a Rogue athlete. Either you deserve credit for putting your Rogue sponsorship at risk, or Rogue deserves credit for continuing to support you.
Its unfortunate that these companies like this would rather pretend to solve the problem than fix the very clear factors that caused the problems in the first place. Saying they solved the problem is more profitable than actually hiring and properly training the correct staff to prevent these things from happening.
I like your statement separating crossfit from the athletes we see compete.
Absolutely, crossfit gyms are one of the best places to find strongman equipment and the people are usually really cool.
Corporations dont operate on accountability and integrity. Their contracts are written to obfuscate such responsibilities. Justice in America has never existed in my lifetime. It's all a facade to control the poor and weak. Love you, Mitch!
Mitch, thank you for just being normal.
Thank you for being a dumb virtue signaler?
Nah, Mitch is a woke douchebag.
A person drowning will never stop and think oh yes what was I to do to get help? Cross fits has a duty to protect their competitors
I did find it laughable that they will have someone new report to Dave. It feels as though Dave Castro and others have not taken enough responsibility or owned up to their gross negligence
I always appreciate how thoughtful Mitch is when he offers his take on things. I may not agree with everything, but I can definitely understand his positions here. Good video.
Haven't been able to watch any crossfit HQ events or media since this. You can tell they are run by ex military who are used to the blame being taken off them and have absolute contempt for any concerns raised.
What is so disappointing for me is that the majority of people will forget it and continue to support them
Super commendable of you Mitch to be a voice in this situation, and highlight the ridiculousness of it. 👏🏻
Yet no video about his buddy Luke Stoltman. Very commendable 😂
From an athletes perspective, it's enter at your own risk. If you're not up to it, you're not up to it. From an organisational point of view, it's unacceptable that there wasn't safeguards and procedures in place. Crossfit HQ are absolute amateurs.
Athletes do have some safety assumptions though. Eg platforms or bars won’t collapse when you use them. Or that someone would notice if you go under the water 50ms from the finish line.
Intentions are all well and good but also remember that members of the board have a fiduciary responsibility under law not to act in a way that is counter productive to the existence of the company.
It may well be right that the report says that the organisation had failings but to just announce that leaves the company open to litigation not just from the athletes but from the people that were there who suffered duress and even those watching on TV.
The US is a very litigatious country and a class action suit could jeopardise the existence of the company.
IT could also be they don't like the inevitable criticism, they have a history in that regard.
I don't know why other than for legal reasons they won't publish but neither does anyone else and are just speculating if they say they do
There were safeguards. There were multiple lifeguards who ignored people telling them that a guy was drowning. Dont they bear the primary responsibility?
@@valleyshrewthere was only one lifeguard, and she didn’t ignore the alert- she was confused and went to two athletes that were off course (one being Adler) who showed signs of fatigue/early drowning warning signs. So THE singular lifeguard did react, just to the wrong emergency situation.
@@WarholianDeath Thanks for the info, that makes more sense!
They were responsible for safety at an event where a man died and safety standards were pathetically lacking. You don't get out of that and you certainly don't fix that with everyone still holding their jobs. Heads need to roll.
Honestly speacking, I do not know much about politics within CF I do not know much about the investigation, what I know, a human beeing died in front of the eyes of the entire world exept those who could have prevented that! My CF Box, decided to cancel their contract with CF. There is no benefit for us as members if the box is an official affiliate, basically nothing. If I want to particiapate in the open I still can. And my Box only have to pay for the name at the door. In my oppinion this company is basicly useless for us "normal" CF people. So from now on I am no longer doing Cross fit, I am doing functional fitness. the training did not change!
5:21 - Castro's up the pole! Cutting your power lines!
Health and safety guy/amateur strongman here. If I were in that role, I'd be begging to work with Fikowski. Put any retired athletes in PFAA into a committee to discuss games programming and safety concerns/risk management plans. Talk about how athletes will want this plan delivered to them in a way that keeps the secrecy of the games but also the safety of the athletes. Put them on a big ol' NDA so they cant announce the full event details ahead of time. I'm struggling to see how this isn't really very simple?
The CrossFit TM statement reads like the the HSE policies at my work, which are mainly just recognition that hurt people can't make the company money.
Gross negligence
Nothing like an internal investigation. No bias! 😂
A man died in plain sight. Charges should have been laid. They should be sued into oblivion.
I suspect they've allowed fear of being sued (or even criminal charges?) dictate their entire response.
And seriously, if they get sued can't the Djukic family just subpoena the report as part of discovery? They're just making themselves look small by trying to hide it from the public.
What a mickey mouse corporation.
They sure do better in politics.
They didnt adress the real problem nor their responsibility, and issued a lot of BS.
“If u don’t do well at ur job u don’t have that job anymore” u know, common sense would agree with u Mitch. If there were any common sense anywhere here. Instead we get “we no swim no more”
So many points in their response just boil down to them not wanting to admit to it (admit liability), in the event of a lawsuit. Even firing staff could be seen as admission of liability (this worker did not do their job properly, also making CrossFit vicariously liable). A wrongful death lawsuit should definitely happen though
they need to be held accountable, we dont care about fake excuses
Lukic’ family should sue crossfit org.
That "explain safety hazards and how to get help" is absolutely just an attempt to excuse liability and prevent actual consequences for their actions
Athletes should stand together and vote the PFA to be the counsel. Independent and pure hearted for "the athlete" fikowski is the man to lead this. 💯
Triathletes do it droves and an insane number of people die during these events every year. Not to say people dying at swimming events is ok. No one expects a CrossFitter to die at the games. However, there have been quite a few close calls. I don’t think anyone should die at sporting events, but it can and does happen all over, all the time. Human error happened, it’s a tragedy, and you hope it never happens again. Nobody should drown out there, but none of this 100% safe.
There's a massive difference between an unpreventable tragedy, and what happened here, tho. Someone saw him struggle, tried to jump in to save him, and was then asked for get back out by the lifeguard. Who then paddled around for a bit, looked from the surface where he was last seen, and then they went on with their day
It took *hours* for a serious search effort to be made, and by that point it was too late
@ they were asked to get out of the water because there were still people in the water swimming. Do you not realize how difficult and insane it is to speak like they intently did this? Either your brain doesn’t work or you’re choosing to just sh*t on CrossFit when it was human error on two sides. Mainly the lifeguard and lazar
@@premiertrainingFLyou’re blaming Lazar? Jesus Christ 😂
@@FrozenSurf where does it specifically say “I blame lazar”. Do you read ok?
@@kristelbrok998no they didn’t - they responded to Adler and another athlete off course and exhibiting early drowning/exhaustion signs - there was obviously confusion as to what the “real” emergency was
Thanks Moose.
Mitchell, you should apply to get on Kill Tony. This video is a joke.
This story is still so sad. Unreal.
Bar puns are actually quite funny haha
For any health & safety post to be elective it must be independent . Ideally at director level. Otherwise pressure can be put on them to amend their advice.
Preach brother, my CrossFit gym is in talks about dropping their affiliation
Triathlons and open water swimming events have deaths also. Most deaths during triathlons come from swimming. It is usually done much safer than how cross fit did it though.
An if you look up triathlon deaths on wikipedia you can see an explanation like "was pulled from the water, got capr etc". That's the difference. It took hours to pull out Lazars lifeless body and way too long to even notice that he was missing.
I want somebody to explain to me what was going on with the lifeguards? Everybody else saw he was in distress but them.
They responded to another emergency situation (Adler and another athlete off course and exhausted) and there was only one lifeguard. The other paddle board was a judge. So the singular lifeguard did respond, just to the “wrong” emergency.
@WarholianDeath One lifeguard!
The athlete Council thing sounds like typical corporate union busting. 'Yeah, you could have a union, but then you wouldn't be able to come to me directly when you have a problem, would you?'. It's capitalists trying to allow their employees the illusion of freedom while still retaining ultimate control.
it's like this whole plan got requested by CF HQ and regurgitated by chat gpt 9_9
Here in Houston, affiliates have been dying
The solution seems pretty easy and obvious to me. Stop swimming in murky water. If this was in a clear swimming pool, they clearly would have seen him sink.
Think of a company. The CEO doesn’t elect the union rep, they are elected by their fellow workers. This is purely ego and corruption. CrossFit Games should be embarrassed and ashamed
Never been a fan of Castro being in charge of game's programming ever since 2009. Pretty sure if I looked into anything he's done in the last 15 years that negative opinion will only strengthen. Also, agree that CrossFitter community is pretty motivating and supporting. The CFHQ just sees dollar signs with affiliate fees, cert fees, and open sign ups based on what I've seen. Willing to be proven wrong on that take.
Great commentary, fair and comprehensive.
One of your better videos imo. I have to agree with a hell of a lot of that.
I have to wonder if the mental health professionals being available is pandering to how the competitors felt in that time or is is kind of a smack in the face to Haley Adams who removed herself from competition "to find herself" again from struggles from the pressures to compete at that high level, and maintain her fitness to be able to do so. I hope I’m wrong all the way around. I agree that Brent is an amazing person!
I used to enjoy competitive bodybuilding, but with the severe drug abuse, resulting in many young people losing their lives, I’m out. Drug use has pushed beyond the edge of the envelope and those involved don’t have enough common sense to step back and say this is idiotic. I used to enjoy watching cross fit, although I always thought the events or WOD’s were created to almost punish or break the athletes. Events should be challenging, and the best should prevail, however, running events in extreme heat is just plain stupid and very dangerous. Neglect of officials during competition is unexceptable. I won’t support that. Im now really interested in Strongman. Hopefully it doesn’t head down the road to stupidity.
Thanks to Mitch for his clear and logical thoughts.
Because Crossfit and Strongman don't have drug abuse? :D
The first two points seem contradictory.
The solution is to discuss all of the events with the athletes and always err to concerns of safety.
Yay a new Mitch video!
Your reaction to the light going out made me smile, but it didn't affect the quality of the video.
Sounds likenthe water event portion is going away. But say it weren't. How about requiring athletes to wear life vests during swimming events?
I find it funny that C-level guys allways shout about how they have the responsibility and that is why they get paid the big bucks. In reality, this is what happens. No responsibility, just business as usual.
When they had the crossfit games documentary. Matt Fraser and the other competitors all said the swimming portion was dangerous and that ppl were pulling eachother back, swimming over eachother. Its goofy they didnt fix the problem yrs ago
Are you the new spokesman for the PFAA?
Professional Fitness Athlete Group
@@mccask PFAG?
My beef with CrossFit is that they blur the lines with nutrition education and can be advising people on specific diets without any real education. (Coming from a nutrition & dietetics student.)
I'm not sure what the rules are in your country, but where I am from (Canada), anyone can provide nutrition advice for general health and wellness. But if you're providing nutrition advice to manage/treat a medical condition, you need to be a Registered Dietitian.
So if a coach is giving an overweight person dietary advice, and they don't have diabetes, that's OK. But if they have diabetes and they're attempting to use dietary advice to help that person, they can't (even though the advice might be helpful).
Great - no more emotional Rhabdo. 🤦♂
Didn't they ignore their existing standards for the swim event? The water being too warm and all of that. Maybe they should start by enforcing the existing safety measures they had in the first place. I work in risk management and adding more safety does nothing if you dont enforce existing safety standards.
Dave Castro has and will hold CrossFit back. If they let him stay, CrossFit deserves to languish. He's got a looootta baggage if people look into him too
There's a reason nobody takes CrossFit seriously except for crossfitters
'If you didn't cause the trauma in the first place you wouldnt have to have mental health staff onsite during a comp' - nail on head. This starement was basically an admission of liability without saying it - no open water because you basically are admitting you cant do it safely and all the action points highlighting what was clearly lacking that led to the tragedy in the first place!
I love crossfit - the methodology, the commuinity, the sport/ athletes. Its changed how I view myself and I'm a stronger, happier person for doing it... but I cannot get onboard with an organisation (HQ) that doesn't accept accountability or responsibility... or just act with any basic level of human decency. I hope the PFAA can make some headway despite the barriers they are facing. Luckily there are other fantastic comps out there (Rogue was a beautiful example). I can luckily at this point cherry pick and still get my adrenaline fix of the beauty of watching elite level competition elsewhere. I just feel for the athletes and of course the family and friends of Lazar who were directly affected 😔
A very balanced viewpoint.
Money talks and Always will.
never been so early
I have.... didn't even get my pants off...
Bruh I’m sorry I’m over it. Crossfit dropped the ball so hard on the games this year but I’m not even surprised anymore. They are masters at taking a beautiful thing and destroying it. I can’t even care anymore. RIP Lazar but I don’t care about the games anymore.
Great video Mitch 🫶
I find it so unfair that people like that make so much money. Ive heard that for hyrox you pay 100.- to sign up and hundreds participate (not saying the ceo isnt cool but this is innnssaaane money they make to me. Is the tactical games also by ? to me thats pretty dope too. But to me crossfit could need /also have an upgrade.
HQ lost the plot a looooooooong time ago.
That's news
U said it right crossfit is amazing but the HQ is sick and needs to resighn. Let fikowski run the show🏋️
Nailed it Mitch! CrossFit HQ had an opportunity to regain the trust of the CrossFit community and they dropped the ball big time.
Also, any other Fitness sport should be eliminated.
It is a conflict of interest if the safety board is paid by CrossFit.
Why? Health and Safety executives in the UK are paid by the company
I love my cf gym, but I have never liked the comps or orgs. Just seems like a disaster.
Rogue should buy Crossfit and totally clean house. The PFAA, is it similar to a union for athletes?
Bad take.
Good analysis...although I think they are smart to bag open water swimming. They have so many other events to coordinate, the energy and risk just isn't worth it.
Its not a good analysis because he lied on certain statements in this video.
it's a Crossfit nothing burger.
Very well said mate. I agree with you 100%. As a former coach of CrossFit and competitor myself I will no longer be taking part in anything CrossFit affiliated.
Also you are a legend mate.
I appreciate you separating HQ from the affiliates.
CrossFit HQ is dogshit, the methodology is awesome.
🦇 Dope
This is laughable from someone trying to take advantage of a shit situation for monetary gain. I don’t support what is going on with CFHQ but you’re making shit up about a sport you have never been involved in.
not crossfit for purpose.
Dave and Don must go
Love you
Love you too
Dave is the problem and always has been. Dave thinks because he can hitch deadlift 160kg and do a few bar muscle ups, he knows what's up as an elite cross fitter. He is delusional.
Thank you for the update
Love you and respect you even more for doing this! 🙏🏻 Thank you Mitchell! 💪🏼❤️
On a positive note, looking great with that TYR shirt 😊
Moose running wild!
Seems like Rogue makes the most sense to taking it over when they have people like you, Tia and everyone else theyve supported with their kits