About yoga, i agree with the guy in black in the upper right corner. Great job for sharing the truth! When I practiced yoga with a teacher, she began with a spiritual gong and lit candles, every stretch was in honor of a deity of course, deep breathing practices had a connection to our souls, and then at the end she had us lay down close our eyes and experience "floating." Namaste was said by everyone, something about "the god in me, blesses the god in you." I had several teachers, and they all taught yoga this way to our class. Every time I went I felt uneasy and guilty, and silently said "I'm sorry God!" But i kept going because "it felt so good afterwards, I felt less stressed, and more alive." I prayed about it, and now I'm so glad that the holy spirit lead me away, and blessed me with discernment to finally stop. I now do more strength and aerobic excercise, with zero to do with occult yoga. When i stretch before a workout, it's basic, and very quick to the point.... not like "cow pose" or "tree pose" which are synonymous with yoga. Use your discernment! Yoga leads you astray, it even sent me into a spiral of crystals, luck charms, and reiki, all things practiced at my yoga studio. After quitting yoga, I went from lukewarm Catholic to Orthodox practicing Catholic right away. I even joined woman's bible study. I feel like I am on the real journey with God now. I hope and pray people will all wake up to this truth! 😊🙏🏽
@yoo y Sounds educative with your experience, i Think pple should stop reciting rosaries and doing yoga at the same time, something not quite right.. they can do walking or other light exercise while reciting the rosaries… Those who still want to do the yoga, they should Then do it clean without pretending to be doing for rosary…how long does a rosary take ? How did pple exercise before yoga😇
Hey! I’m Hindu and I can clarify some stuff. Yoga (Yog) basically means meditation. The West has widely misinterpreted some stuff. So when you sit in stillness it’s Yoga. There are different types of ‘asanas’ or styles for fitness. like you stretch one leg in one style and bend yourself in other. It’s all for fitness. There’s another type in which you sit in meditation and chant mantras for gods and goddesses in Hinduism. That’s also a different type of Yoga. So unless you’re sitting and not chanting anything it’s simply physical fitness. It’s really great for your body. It’s also done by non Hindus in India. You don’t need to light candles and incense and stuff. They’re just fooling y’all in the west. If you still feel it’s harming your faith you can always do normal fitness stuff. Hope it helps!
You will be ready for the Illumination of Souls/Conscience, the last warning before the great departure of faithful Catholics, lead by their guardian angels, to God's prepared earthly refuge for 3.5 years. (during the Great Tribulation) Revelation 12: 6 6- The Woman (the faithful, the One Bride of Jesus's Church, the RCC) herself fled into the desert , where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and sixty days (3 and one half years).* The Bible refers to the desert as a place of refuge.
If you don't mind, can you tell me, what are the things that you have experienced after your conversion? How can you say that it's the worst period of your life?
May God be with you. If i may, make sure you have a regular prayer routine that you stick with no matter what. I find even 25 years later after a very short venture into spells, the less friendly spirits try to drag us back. Don't let them. My go to after the Our Father is the Anima Christi. Take good care.
Welcome dearest and well beloved Child of Omnipotent God King and Creator of the Universe. The Angels of God are rejoicing with us in Heaven that you decided to come back to your true God. Could you please enlighten me as to what it ment to be a Witch and which God does Witchcraft Worships?
Never practice yoga even if you think it's just an exercise or stretching. I'm a Catholic, but I did practice yoga which further led me to explore new age practices. Been a new age practitioner for almost 8 years, but I'm now back to Catholicism. Praise God!
I agree with you wholeheartedly and can't believe someone educated could say - do it but watch your intention..... evil is just waiting for the window of opportunity and they don't care about the intention while a Christian is in a pose of worshipping a diety... it is on us to get informed and educated and not dabble in things like these.
I was Christian I turned Hindu And after seven years Jesus Christ came and saved me And I converted to Catholic And I agree that yoga Is a bad path and weakens the body of Christ And it numbs and waters down Christianity And yoga Is to do with yogi And that is Hindu Not Catholic It is pagan And GOD bless you Amen If you need to stretch and meditate Do it peacefully in the presence of Jesus And nothing to do with yoga
Love this show and proud to be catholic. I know all of about this stuff. It’s good to know all about this stuff and your enemy so ready for battle. God bless you guys. Love to hear more about topics likes this.
Proud see what the father says about Pride and Catholicism following idol's your lot is prepared for you for you have created image's and idols out of wood gold and stone that have no soul ,you speak to them ,when cruhed made back to rubble just as the idols have fallen so to shall you on the great day of the Lord follow them you will go with them ,follow the most high and you will rise with him. anger and Ignorance will attack you but pray to the Lord that he strengthen you and opens up your eyes ,I give him thanks because he has already delivered you from the bondage of the evil one in Jesus name
Who ever says they know me but does not follow my commandments does not know me ,but Jesus didn't we cast out demons and preform miricales in your name "get away from me I do not know you....PRIDE , the main thing he dislikes , jealous he is very, instead of being a Catholic become a child of God I don't expect you to listen and accept the truth Jesus said nobody would like the truth , if you don't want to believe in what's said that's fine ,but let the message that has been given to you speek for it's self ,God sees favor in you and has your great reward ,but your IDOLS, arrogance ,ignorance , Pride, love of money pleasures worldly desires,ECT are going to drown you from receiving it ,you speak of pride then say God bless you ,says the low in Faith ,may the true Faith praise the Father for placing his hand down to give those a chance to repent .
Yoga is exercise. I am a trained yoga instructor and never once in all of my required reading, teaching, etc., was I ever taught or did I read anything remotely close to each pose being a prayer to a deity. I am a very devout Catholic. When I pray, I am praying to God and I am praying the rosary daily. Yoga is not a religion. I suppose though, that you can turn anything into a religion. Some people worship their jobs, sports and morning coffee. My religion / spiritual path, is Catholicism. My exercise of choice is yoga. It’s not for everyone to be sure. I’ve never heard of doing poses for the rosary? But prayer anytime is a good thing I have to believe.
When I exercise and breathe and listen to The Rosary sung in Gregorian Chant, I am aware I am generating energy that is being blessed by The Rosary. I offer that to people in need, the sick, or myself and my family. When we exercise while praying the Rosary, our minds do one thing, our bodies another and our spirit focuses on the Mysteries. I can honestly not think of a better way to praise God than to pray body, mind and soul.
Over 10 years ago I started Reiki because the Franciscan Renewal Center in Paradise Valley, Arizona was giving classes on it. I assumed it was ok for Catholics. I was wrong
Use acupressure all you want. Don’t Eastern meditate during the treatment or even better say a silent loving prayer. There is a proven valid biological reason the point trigger reactions in the body. In the US Medical Doctors can become nationally board certified as medical acupuncturist after extensive training and exams. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupressure is NOT associated with the chakras. That is a belief the metaphysical types have adopted and integrated into their beliefs. I am an acupuncturist and herbalist. In the Western world some of this has been garbled together. If you asked an massage therapist /Tui Na or acupuncturist trained in China they wouldn’t even think of that connection, and their instructions in China would have a good laugh. It is something I did hear a lot about in Chinese Medicine College in the US because many of the western students the USA trained instructors were already practicing some form of “metaphysical whatever” before they started Traditional Chinese Medicine College. I was one of only 2 Christians in the school at the time I was there over 15 years ago. So 2 Christians and the Asian instructors were pretty much the only ones not dabbling in metaphysical stuff.
Matt Frad‘s YT Pints with Aquinas did a great interview with Alex Frank, a former yogi who converted to Catholicism, a few days ago. It’s a long video but so worth it if you are curious about yoga (even if you think you’re “just” exercising).
I know multiple ppl who have started doing yoga and then got into new age or eastern practices. There are SO MANY programs of stretching that are low impact. We don't need yoga.
The thing is , people aren't spiritually strong enough to know WHERE to stop ..just stop at the stretching, stay away from breathing exercises for chanting AUM, stay away from Kundalini. There's no definite line drawn when it comes to what's okay and what's not. I think it's better to not take the risk. I'm Indian and I used to occasionally do yoga for the several benefits but the meditating and breathing made me feel weird. Yes, there are better stretches.
Every knee shall kneel, every head shall bow, so keel instead of going into yoga poses, there is a tradition within the church of a body pose for disposition to devoted prayer already
This show has resonated and inspired me so much. I have the God given gift of discernment. My mother was a lay exorcist. She worked for the Catholic and Presbyterian churches. When I was a very young child, I was able to physically see and sense demons and understand why they were there and why, how many, etc. There is an army of people like me in the world. It can be a lonely journey because the Church has not always been so open to people with gifts so openly used. I have been able to see souls of loved ones in Purgatory and I have prayed for them. I would appreciate so much a show on people like me, who serve the Lord, who struggle with sin, but are still redeemed by Christ.
Yes! I have amazing stories of the supernatural that I have experienced as a warrior for Christ. I have openly fought satanic covens since 1989. I have amazing angel storeys id love to share
I have personal experience with former Catholics who very much drifted away from the Catholics church, some with much disdain for the Church, all who practiced yoga. Do not be fooled into thinking it's "just" exercise! Practice Pietra Fitness or Soul Core instead!
Then they were probably weak in the faith. I did yoga for 25 years and never once were we told anything about the “evils” of Catholicism or Christianity. In my opinion, anything can be used for good or evil. In 1650 a fork was called the “devil’s tines” and owning one could get you a trip to the gallows. I haven’t met anyone recently who doesn’t eat with a fork but I suppose it could be used in an evil way.
Most people sitting in the pews - especially before covid - are unaware of the richness of the Catholic faith. Based on how easy it was for people to get used to not going to church during covid, then it stands to reason that many of those who call themselves Catholic are indeed lukewarm. It doesn't take much to turn a lukewarm person away form the One True Faith. Last weekend the pastor said that 14% of people who call themselves Catholic attend church on a regular basis.
@@maryl.8417 the purpose of yoga is to use your body to pray to pagan gods...i think your playing with fire...do not let the devil gain a foothold in your life...find other ways to exercise...remember that Eve falls bec she listens to the serpent...probably thinking that there is no harm in doing so...
I’ve always have seen yoga as a form of exercise! I’m 67 and just had spine surgery! I’m on minimal physical therapy mainly with my legs. I was going to do mild yoga at home on tv. I’m catholic. I believe the intent is what matters. I’ve never thought of it in any other way! I talk to God every day to help others suffering and always thank him constantly for his help and my family! I just got a new grandchild and I’m so grateful! This is what is important to me of course God is first!
I was cursed by a Voodoo priest about 20 years ago and at a time my reaction was to use violence but I know now that was very wrong and my life went down hill from there when he cursed me please saddle Rich can you pray for me on my family god bless you father rich Ann Ryan Shields and Ryan Dela cross and all your family's may God be with you always thank you for your prayers and I will be praying for you also I am still staying strong since I came off the drugs and drink over 10 months ago God has been very good to me and my family praise Jesus
Watching this discussion and listening to the discussion. I am realizing we need to Analyze and discern what and where the truth is and also avoid what is false.
Interesting video! It was great to watch the yoga conversation. I’ve done yoga for years and my faith in God has only increased. I’ve recently started reading the Bible, learning more about Jesus, saints, angels, and our Catholic Church. Yoga has helped my muscles, flexibility, and with stress. And I agree that it’s all in the intention you set. Sometimes, we also have to consider our cultural differences and be open minded while keeping our faith. Example, I’m Mexican and we have traditional herb knowledge that is passed down through generations. People may think that is “brujería” but it’s not. Plants heal. That’s why it’s better to eat plants instead of burgers, even if burgers are yummy 😁 Also, scientists have “discovered” medicines by studying and learning more about herbs and plants. I’ve also learned from another Catholic father to look at things in such a way like, “is this inherently evil.” Example, the ouija board that ONLY communicates with the evil spirits. Therefore, nothing good can come from this form of communication. You’re all awesome! I love learning from all of your points of view. May God continue to bless you ❤️🙏🏼 You got yourself a new subscriber 😁
Hi, I was a nurse for close to 40 years, and I did wound care as part of my job. One of the many items used for wound is silver. We applied dressings with silver embedded in them because silver is an antimicrobial and heals wounds. Fits with the witch idea. 😊
@@barbarawilson8952 a few years ago the NHS changed the uniform for staff and silver is embedded in it for the anti microbial affect due to it being scientifically proven like you said how we use it for wound care. Gold injections although not used to the same level today are still used for autoimmune conditions
"Centering prayer" is a new-age practice. It focuses on the person themselves, (idol worship).and not on Worship of God. St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church, mentioned in her writings, to the effect that: what is Authentic prayer and what is not. Also, the Vatican Document, "Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life" warns us of these "new-age" practices. God bless.
Not really. It is like the Jesus Prayer or Lectio Divina focusing on one word from Scripture etc. St Augustine said if you want to find God, go within yourself. It is part of the Contemplative Tradition. Read the Desert Fathers.
@@craigsalisbury8300 I understand we need to be still and go within ourselves. We do this by Lectio Divine which is specifically, meditation on Scripture passages, not " blanking out the mind, getting rid of "thoughts" St Teresa explains the "difference."
Also, "Centering prayer" is taken from "Hinduism" it is essentially, "Trancendental Meditation" so it is not "Christian Contemplative prayer." And, from St. Paul, to the effect that, we are to take "every thought captive." 2 Corinthians 10 : 5". You can find explanation of Contemplative prayer CCC 2724. Also, you can search "What is Contemplative prayer " by Anna Krestyn, it is very different from "Centering prayer."
I think eatern mysticism like yoga, should be avoided by Catholics at all costs. Despite if you may mean the salutation or not, It's a symbol and as such it is wrong.
If the “wickedest man in the world” also known as the Great Beast 666 is promoting yoga I would suggest it’s best to stay away, I agree ☝🏽 with Pollos comment that he was using the practice of yoga to conjure demons.
@@francescaderimini2931 I think is time to find a new catholic church, becarful with some priests becaise some of them were pourpusely ordained to lead the faithful astray and to destroy the catholic church
I've called out yoga on various non-Catholic channels, and what i got was a lot of push back from yogis both Christian and non Christian who think that yoga is " just excercise" to them, and that my point of view is not shared. But I will not apologize as I know the holy spirit is the one who opened my eyes and let me see that my previous yoga practice was definitely occult, and borderline demonic. It involved reciting mantras, and poses honoring different deities, and even "floating". Thank God He helped me see! My church does not promote yoga, but if it ever did I'd say it was the idea of someone who is clearly deceived and I'd probably share some sources and links proving so. I'm so glad you guys are aware of the dangers of yoga! Don't be deceived just because it's "trending!"
He’s a fraud. I found one of his earliest radio interviews and his original story was significantly different. He made his later story telling more dramatic. His original story doesn’t have the Virgin Mary at all. His story is disgusting and morally offensive.
@@TheNarrowGate101 I just watched a video of him, I never heard of him, but I got the sense he was making it up for the gullible part of Christianity who fall for anything. my spidey senses warned me..
His story is very suspect. He talks about secret abortions and Franciscans outside praying or chanting. If it was secret, they would not have done that. He is too dramatic.
Thank you for a wonderful conversation, gentlemen. This is an interesting topic and one that affects different communities in a variety of ways. My family is from Southern Italy where "magic" has always been part of their culture and religiosity. Although the tradition goes by many names, the most common name to refer to this form of "magical catholicism" is Benedicaria, which means the way of blessings. Practitioners regard themselves as nothing other than devout Catholics. We make petitions to the saints to intercede on our behalf for specific outcomes, usually for health and well-being and not for vulgar materialism. These practices include novenas, the rosary, and special prayers passed down from within one's own family. Those prayers are fully Catholic, as they invoke the help of the saints, especially our Blessed Mother. The tradition also includes folk remedies to treat people suffering from il malocchio (evil eye). One could say that the Tradition is a form of "white occult" practices. Many folks just refer to it as la vecchia via, meaning "the old ways" or fa lu santuccio, meaning "do a little holy thing."
Someone who I knew as a very devoted Catholic, then he started practicing Yoga as part of a doctor's prescription. He stopped going to confession. He mentioned that he tried several times, but stopped when wanting to go into the church. Then I know it has a negative result on the Spiritual life.
Great great topic!!! I've been wondering about so many of these things and there's such an extreme stance most people have... Can't wait to check out Jimmy!! Thanks guys! This is one of my favorite Catholic shows 😁
The Rosary was not given to us by our Blessed Mother to "meld" into yoga or exercise. PURE MEDITATION ON THE MYSTERIES. God Bless You All. In college I participated in Hatha. Pronayama & Kindalini
It’s not melding into yoga. It’s a way of directing our attention to Christ during exercise. The program they’re referencing is entirely Catholic and it’s definitely not a means of replacing the traditional rosary meditation. I’d rather my mind be purposefully directed to Christ during my exercise than anywhere else. Look into Theology of the Body by St JPII.
You clearly do not know anything about people who have ADD or ADHD. Any professional who works with people with these type of issues will tell you that it actually helps focus their minds to move their bodies. It has to do with the nervous system. Being active while saying the rosary is not for me, but I understand why it may be for someone else.
Why would a Christian place their body into a yoga pose that is designed to worship a Hindu god then proceed to pray to the Triune God? The answer is that there is no good reason to do so. In fact, Archbishop Norberto Rivera Carrera issued a pastoral letter 'A Call to Vigilance: Pastoral Instruction on the New Age' on Jan. 7, 1996 a few months after being appointed ordinary of Mexico City. In this document intended to address concerns expressed to him about the New Age he states, "... At times an attempt is made to "christianize" these forms, as occurred, for example, with "centering prayer" and "focusing," but the result is always a hybrid form with slight gospel basis." [paragraph 32] He further states in paragraph 33 section a) "In their own context, the postures and exercises are designed for their specific religious purpose. They are, in themselves, steps for guiding the user towards an impersonal absolute. Even when they are carried out within a Christian atmosphere, the intrinsic meaning of these remains intact." I recommend that you read the entire document. Yoga poses are not "just exercise."
So Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, who founded and runs Samaritan Purse one of the best charities and first responders in the world, John Bunyan,who wrote Pilgrim's Progress, Charles Stanley, etc. all just made up thier own religion? The list is to long of all these men of God who walked faithfully with Jesus who were not Catholic and never would be, and they all just made up thier own religion? They followed Jesus and were led by the Spirit, not a religion. They walked by faith and God led them and it wasnt into the mother church. The arrogance of this church is its downfall. Pride come before the fall and this religion fell a long time ago.
It would be awesome to see Sam Shamoun on this podcast. He, in my opinion, it Catholicism's best Apologist and has an awesome testimony on how he came to the Catholic Church.
Jimmy is such a smart man. Always enjoy listening.....And I tried yoga so many times in my early 20s and could never grasp what people liked about it. It never made me feel good.
Father Rich, I loved your response to the girl who asked for your astrological sign! But seriously, this was SO deep and so interesting there is much information here.
The Priest is wrong about Yoga and oh my centering prayer , thank goodness someone corrected him ...by the way I like Jimmy Akin but he is wrong about the Yoga practices ...if I play with Ouija board and my intention is just to have fun nothing related to the occult is it alright ...best to stay away from things that will take us on the wrong path.thx
What is the difference, then, between a dancer's stretching and a yoga practitioner who is carefully avoiding anything Vedic, especially when the positions are identical?
Ouija boards and occult practices like them are intrinsically evil. Moving your body in random positions is not intrinsically evil. Nothing from heaven will respond to a ouija board. Going outside the natural bounds of human knowledge and divine revelations is intrinsically evil. That is the difference.
This is one of your winner shows. How do you listen to this kind of material while you're driving? You Americans must be further ahead in technology than us Frozen Canadians. The only thing I can listen to in my car is absolute nauseating garbage. Wish I could listen to a program like this while I drive
You guys are such a distraction to me your subscriber: why? because I can hardly stop the video each time I click: So much rich information. God bless. Much love!!!. I just love my Catholic faith
Very interesting point of view. I use to listen too and learn a lot from Indian wisdom. I like to take the best from what God allows us to experience and learn from this world through different ways and forms. But I’ve NEVER heard an Indian guru laugh in despiteful manner the catholic or another western religions and its practices and I think it says a lot. Accepting that it is not just a truth and we are not the ones and only who have the access to is an act of pure humility, in my humble opinion. Much love! ❤🙏🏻
Yoga postures are not a problem in themselves. But the yoga teachers often start talking about chakras, etc. which work their way into the consciousness of the yoga practitioner.
As a prior Protestant, now Catholic, we were taught that demons did lay with women and did create giants and such. However, the food killed any remaining mutants. LOL just curious, was anyone else taught this?
Are you referring to the Nephilim? Though referenced in Genesis, that whole origin concept comes from from the the non canonical book of Enoch if I’m not mistaken.
Been practicing yoga for my back for 45 years with zero spiritual/ religious connection. So, to be aware that there are some that will introduce these other things is important, but in itself is not harmful.
It is a time honored practice to baptize or Christianize pagan practices. Case in point? The Christmas Tree. Holly wreaths for Advent. etc. There's no reason that we can't make Yoga stretches Catholic and simply call it "Reaching for God" or something. The error comes in the attitudes, names and terms. Rename all the poses after Saints or events, and now instead of namaste we say "God speed." Triduum pose rather than downward dog or some such.
Concerning the influences of the Cosmos on the human experience. "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy, Horacio." HAMLET by William Shakespeare.
Hello Jimmy Akin, i recently suffered from a panic attack from worrying about whether or not i am being attacked by a person using black magic. I can't seem to discard this said worry and it usually becomes intense at night.Please help me.
Excellent episode! I've been waiting a long time for this kind of discussion. Once again I am overwhelmed and so grateful to god for the wisdom he has put in the catholic church. The nuanced discernment Of these issues is evident. This is opposed to the black and white answers that the secular world gives. Only 1 further comment: The thing I find most distracting about men with beards is how they stroke There beards and mustaches, Especially while they're listening to someone else talk. Please try to stop doing it
I like men with beards and how they stroke it in a contemplative manner while having an intellectual discussion. You can't make such demands on people. If you're that easily distracted by a man stroking HIS beard, which he has the freedom to do just like we all have subconscious gestures or things we do, then you should take some ADHD medicine. How rude!
Amazing talk. 2 things; about Yoga; I get the if is for exercise is ok, but just because you want to change the meaning of things doesn’t eliminate the origin of it, I could said I will dress like a demon for a party but I don’t mean to be one, or I can sing a song that have a demonic meaning but I don’t mean to invoque any demon I just like the melody? Is so many other things out there like, physical therapy, Pilates; stretching etc, why would you practice something that wasn’t meant to be for exercise but to call for some demonic presences?
@@jacintacox3239 not really because the pagan tradition of a tree wasn’t even to celebrate a birthday of god or any god, neither in the same time, today’s Christmas tree according to the tradition was a representation of God according Christianity; instated by Saint Boniface during his evangelization trips in Germany and actually it was to eliminate the Pagan believe of Nordic Gods like Thor where they used to not only praise a tree but to do sacrifices in front of a tree. Saint Boniface cut the tree to prove them Thor God won’t do any punishment to him and on the site a Pine tree sprung so he took this as a God response from his action and to use the pine to represent the presence of a God that never dies just as a pine agains any weather, always green
About yoga, i agree with the guy in black in the upper right corner. Great job for sharing the truth! When I practiced yoga with a teacher, she began with a spiritual gong and lit candles, every stretch was in honor of a deity of course, deep breathing practices had a connection to our souls, and then at the end she had us lay down close our eyes and experience "floating." Namaste was said by everyone, something about "the god in me, blesses the god in you." I had several teachers, and they all taught yoga this way to our class. Every time I went I felt uneasy and guilty, and silently said "I'm sorry God!" But i kept going because "it felt so good afterwards, I felt less stressed, and more alive." I prayed about it, and now I'm so glad that the holy spirit lead me away, and blessed me with discernment to finally stop. I now do more strength and aerobic excercise, with zero to do with occult yoga. When i stretch before a workout, it's basic, and very quick to the point.... not like "cow pose" or "tree pose" which are synonymous with yoga. Use your discernment! Yoga leads you astray, it even sent me into a spiral of crystals, luck charms, and reiki, all things practiced at my yoga studio. After quitting yoga, I went from lukewarm Catholic to Orthodox practicing Catholic right away. I even joined woman's bible study. I feel like I am on the real journey with God now. I hope and pray people will all wake up to this truth! 😊🙏🏽
Good for you girl!
Agreed! Your experience resonates with me very much.
@yoo y Sounds educative with your experience, i Think pple should stop reciting rosaries and doing yoga at the same time, something not quite right.. they can do walking or other light exercise while reciting the rosaries… Those who still want to do the yoga, they should Then do it clean without pretending to be doing for rosary…how long does a rosary take ? How did pple exercise before yoga😇
where there is smoke, there is fire…this yoga thing doesnt Sound clean to me…
Hey! I’m Hindu and I can clarify some stuff. Yoga (Yog) basically means meditation. The West has widely misinterpreted some stuff. So when you sit in stillness it’s Yoga. There are different types of ‘asanas’ or styles for fitness. like you stretch one leg in one style and bend yourself in other. It’s all for fitness. There’s another type in which you sit in meditation and chant mantras for gods and goddesses in Hinduism. That’s also a different type of Yoga. So unless you’re sitting and not chanting anything it’s simply physical fitness. It’s really great for your body. It’s also done by non Hindus in India. You don’t need to light candles and incense and stuff. They’re just fooling y’all in the west. If you still feel it’s harming your faith you can always do normal fitness stuff. Hope it helps!
I’m a converting to Catholicism and this talk show is so informative. Thank you!!
Thanks be to God!
👩💻🗯"God has and is blessings you😊".
Welcome to the faith! We are honored and happy to have you in our family!
Welcome home y’all!
You will be ready for the Illumination of Souls/Conscience, the last warning
before the great departure of faithful Catholics, lead by their guardian angels,
to God's prepared earthly refuge for 3.5 years. (during the Great Tribulation)
Revelation 12: 6
6- The Woman (the faithful, the One Bride of Jesus's Church, the RCC)
herself fled into the desert , where she had a place prepared by God,
that there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and sixty days
(3 and one half years).*
The Bible refers to the desert as a place of refuge.
I’m a catholic and have grown to love this religion more as I age. I love these discussions it helps and guides me how I needed.
Jimmy Akin is just such fun to listen to. He thinks deeply about things but talks in plain language.
This is the first time that I have heard him talk. He is a deep thinker but is easy to follow. I just subscribed to his channel.
I am a former witch (not wicca) prior to my conversion this past Easter season. I can tell you that this was one of the worst periods of my life.
If you don't mind, can you tell me, what are the things that you have experienced after your conversion? How can you say that it's the worst period of your life?
God Bless You Sister. Prepared for battle for your soul and put your suffering on the Altar of Jezus' Suffering.
May God be with you. If i may, make sure you have a regular prayer routine that you stick with no matter what. I find even 25 years later after a very short venture into spells, the less friendly spirits try to drag us back. Don't let them. My go to after the Our Father is the Anima Christi. Take good care.
Welcome dearest and well beloved Child of Omnipotent God King and Creator of the Universe. The Angels of God are
rejoicing with us in Heaven that you decided to come back to your true God.
Could you please enlighten me as to what it ment to be a Witch and which God does Witchcraft Worships?
Never practice yoga even if you think it's just an exercise or stretching. I'm a Catholic, but I did practice yoga which further led me to explore new age practices. Been a new age practitioner for almost 8 years, but I'm now back to Catholicism. Praise God!
I agree with you wholeheartedly and can't believe someone educated could say - do it but watch your intention..... evil is just waiting for the window of opportunity and they don't care about the intention while a Christian is in a pose of worshipping a diety... it is on us to get informed and educated and not dabble in things like these.
Jimmy Akin is a very apt philosopher it's honestly staggering.
He's very sensible
I was Christian
I turned Hindu
And after seven years
Jesus Christ came and saved me
And I converted to Catholic
And I agree that yoga
Is a bad path and weakens the body of Christ
And it numbs and waters down Christianity
And yoga
Is to do with yogi
And that is Hindu
Not Catholic
It is pagan
And GOD bless you
If you need to stretch and meditate
Do it peacefully in the presence of Jesus
And nothing to do with yoga
Love this show and proud to be catholic. I know all of about this stuff. It’s good to know all about this stuff and your enemy so ready for battle. God bless you guys. Love to hear more about topics likes this.
Proud see what the father says about Pride and Catholicism following idol's your lot is prepared for you for you have created image's and idols out of wood gold and stone that have no soul ,you speak to them ,when cruhed made back to rubble just as the idols have fallen so to shall you on the great day of the Lord follow them you will go with them ,follow the most high and you will rise with him. anger and Ignorance will attack you but pray to the Lord that he strengthen you and opens up your eyes ,I give him thanks because he has already delivered you from the bondage of the evil one in Jesus name
Who ever says they know me but does not follow my commandments does not know me ,but Jesus didn't we cast out demons and preform miricales in your name "get away from me I do not know you....PRIDE , the main thing he dislikes , jealous he is very, instead of being a Catholic become a child of God I don't expect you to listen and accept the truth Jesus said nobody would like the truth , if you don't want to believe in what's said that's fine ,but let the message that has been given to you speek for it's self ,God sees favor in you and has your great reward ,but your IDOLS, arrogance ,ignorance , Pride, love of money pleasures worldly desires,ECT are going to drown you from receiving it ,you speak of pride then say God bless you ,says the low in Faith ,may the true Faith praise the Father for placing his hand down to give those a chance to repent .
Wah but Catholics wah
@@marksanchez4904 Lol…Catholics ARE children of God.
Why do we need poses to pray the Rosary? Kneeling is the best pose to pray the Rosary.
@T Z 👩🏼🦲
For me, kneeling is the best posture for all prayers. As scripture says, “every knee shall bend and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
Yoga is exercise. I am a trained yoga instructor and never once in all of my required reading, teaching, etc., was I ever taught or did I read anything remotely close to each pose being a prayer to a deity. I am a very devout Catholic. When I pray, I am praying to God and I am praying the rosary daily. Yoga is not a religion. I suppose though, that you can turn anything into a religion. Some people worship their jobs, sports and morning coffee. My religion / spiritual path, is Catholicism. My exercise of choice is yoga. It’s not for everyone to be sure.
I’ve never heard of doing poses for the rosary? But prayer anytime is a good thing I have to believe.
When I exercise and breathe and listen to The Rosary sung in Gregorian Chant, I am aware I am generating energy that is being blessed by The Rosary. I offer that to people in need, the sick, or myself and my family. When we exercise while praying the Rosary, our minds do one thing, our bodies another and our spirit focuses on the Mysteries. I can honestly not think of a better way to praise God than to pray body, mind and soul.
Thank you! We appreciate you watching grig60!
I was hoping you guys would do an episode with Jimmy Akin on this topic. Can’t wait to watch this!!
Over 10 years ago I started Reiki because the Franciscan Renewal Center in Paradise Valley, Arizona was giving classes on it. I assumed it was ok for Catholics. I was wrong
Fr. Vincent Lampert. Watch his videos
@@serviamserviam4618 I have, he is amazing
Some Franciscans are very doggy.. they run the Medjugorjie scam for example.
@@sevenswords8781 I know people personally who went there and had significant experiences
Use acupressure all you want. Don’t Eastern meditate during the treatment or even better say a silent loving prayer. There is a proven valid biological reason the point trigger reactions in the body. In the US Medical Doctors can become nationally board certified as medical acupuncturist after extensive training and exams.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupressure is NOT associated with the chakras. That is a belief the metaphysical types have adopted and integrated into their beliefs. I am an acupuncturist and herbalist. In the Western world some of this has been garbled together. If you asked an massage therapist /Tui Na or acupuncturist trained in China they wouldn’t even think of that connection, and their instructions in China would have a good laugh. It is something I did hear a lot about in Chinese Medicine College in the US because many of the western students the USA trained instructors were already practicing some form of “metaphysical whatever” before they started Traditional Chinese Medicine College. I was one of only 2 Christians in the school at the time I was there over 15 years ago. So 2 Christians and the Asian instructors were pretty much the only ones not dabbling in metaphysical stuff.
Matt Frad‘s YT Pints with Aquinas did a great interview with Alex Frank, a former yogi who converted to Catholicism, a few days ago. It’s a long video but so worth it if you are curious about yoga (even if you think you’re “just” exercising).
Very interesting!! I didn't realize how broad the occult is, and it is not just divination. Learning to find its weaknesses and confront it!
Thank you!
I know multiple ppl who have started doing yoga and then got into new age or eastern practices. There are SO MANY programs of stretching that are low impact. We don't need yoga.
@Frenchmans fury don't forget the pockets too 😂
The thing is , people aren't spiritually strong enough to know WHERE to stop ..just stop at the stretching, stay away from breathing exercises for chanting AUM, stay away from Kundalini. There's no definite line drawn when it comes to what's okay and what's not. I think it's better to not take the risk. I'm Indian and I used to occasionally do yoga for the several benefits but the meditating and breathing made me feel weird. Yes, there are better stretches.
Every knee shall kneel, every head shall bow, so keel instead of going into yoga poses, there is a tradition within the church of a body pose for disposition to devoted prayer already
Well said. This is so true. We should respect God when we pray. We should give ourselves completely to God.
Ha ha good one! Thanx!
This was a great episode, Jimmy Akin did a great job. He's a deep thinker but at the same time he is easy to follow. I subscribed to his channel.
This show has resonated and inspired me so much. I have the God given gift of discernment. My mother was a lay exorcist. She worked for the Catholic and Presbyterian churches. When I was a very young child, I was able to physically see and sense demons and understand why they were there and why, how many, etc. There is an army of people like me in the world. It can be a lonely journey because the Church has not always been so open to people with gifts so openly used. I have been able to see souls of loved ones in Purgatory and I have prayed for them. I would appreciate so much a show on people like me, who serve the Lord, who struggle with sin, but are still redeemed by Christ.
Yes! I have amazing stories of the supernatural that I have experienced as a warrior for Christ. I have openly fought satanic covens since 1989. I have amazing angel storeys id love to share
I’m on the road to Catholic as well. I can’t wait to take my first communion
Its a long one hoo boy
There really is a profound occult influence in the West, and throughout the world. Thanks for this show
Let the Lord Jesus as Light of the World, drive out the darkness.
In light of the last several years, It brings a whole new meaning to, "Trust the science!" Even that has come under suspicion and question.
Turning it into Christian exercise is awesome idea. Great 👍🙏
I couldn't stop watching; great questions & interesting answers! Thanks, Men! God bless!
I have personal experience with former Catholics who very much drifted away from the Catholics church, some with much disdain for the Church, all who practiced yoga. Do not be fooled into thinking it's "just" exercise! Practice Pietra Fitness or Soul Core instead!
Yoga and Hinduism is demonic
Then they were probably weak in the faith. I did yoga for 25 years and never once were we told anything about the “evils” of Catholicism or Christianity. In my opinion, anything can be used for good or evil. In 1650 a fork was called the “devil’s tines” and owning one could get you a trip to the gallows. I haven’t met anyone recently who doesn’t eat with a fork but I suppose it could be used in an evil way.
Most people sitting in the pews - especially before covid - are unaware of the richness of the Catholic faith. Based on how easy it was for people to get used to not going to church during covid, then it stands to reason that many of those who call themselves Catholic are indeed lukewarm. It doesn't take much to turn a lukewarm person away form the One True Faith. Last weekend the pastor said that 14% of people who call themselves Catholic attend church on a regular basis.
Truth. I can’t and have never been able to get into yoga. It doesn’t work for me. The rosary works for me.
@@maryl.8417 the purpose of yoga is to use your body to pray to pagan gods...i think your playing with fire...do not let the devil gain a foothold in your life...find other ways to exercise...remember that Eve falls bec she listens to the serpent...probably thinking that there is no harm in doing so...
I’ve always have seen yoga as a form of exercise! I’m 67 and just had spine surgery! I’m on minimal physical therapy mainly with my legs. I was going to do mild yoga at home on tv. I’m catholic. I believe the intent is what matters. I’ve never thought of it in any other way! I talk to God every day to help others suffering and always thank him constantly for his help and my family! I just got a new grandchild and I’m so grateful! This is what is important to me of course God is first!
Jimmy Akin's Mysterios World keeps my company while working ;o)
I was cursed by a Voodoo priest about 20 years ago and at a time my reaction was to use violence but I know now that was very wrong and my life went down hill from there when he cursed me please saddle Rich can you pray for me on my family god bless you father rich Ann Ryan Shields and Ryan Dela cross and all your family's may God be with you always thank you for your prayers and I will be praying for you also I am still staying strong since I came off the drugs and drink over 10 months ago God has been very good to me and my family praise Jesus
Watching this discussion and listening to the discussion. I am realizing we need to Analyze and discern what and where the truth is and also avoid what is false.
thank you brothers for doing The Lord's work
Interesting video! It was great to watch the yoga conversation. I’ve done yoga for years and my faith in God has only increased. I’ve recently started reading the Bible, learning more about Jesus, saints, angels, and our Catholic Church. Yoga has helped my muscles, flexibility, and with stress. And I agree that it’s all in the intention you set. Sometimes, we also have to consider our cultural differences and be open minded while keeping our faith. Example, I’m Mexican and we have traditional herb knowledge that is passed down through generations. People may think that is “brujería” but it’s not. Plants heal. That’s why it’s better to eat plants instead of burgers, even if burgers are yummy 😁 Also, scientists have “discovered” medicines by studying and learning more about herbs and plants.
I’ve also learned from another Catholic father to look at things in such a way like, “is this inherently evil.” Example, the ouija board that ONLY communicates with the evil spirits. Therefore, nothing good can come from this form of communication.
You’re all awesome! I love learning from all of your points of view. May God continue to bless you ❤️🙏🏼 You got yourself a new subscriber 😁
Love Jimmy Akin! Truly enjoyed it!
Hi, I was a nurse for close to 40 years, and I did wound care as part of my job. One of the many items used for wound is silver. We applied dressings with silver embedded in them because silver is an antimicrobial and heals wounds. Fits with the witch idea. 😊
PS Love your show.
Silver use Is medical, scientifically proven - if witches apply a curse or spell on top of the Silver then it’s evil
Hi, Shela, that last remark was my feeble attempt at humour. ☺
@@barbarawilson8952 a few years ago the NHS changed the uniform for staff and silver is embedded in it for the anti microbial affect due to it being scientifically proven like you said how we use it for wound care.
Gold injections although not used to the same level today are still used for autoimmune conditions
Colloidal silver for burns at one time. My mom was a nurse
Thank you guys..Can't wait to hear this..From QLD, Australia..G'day
Loved every moment of this talk show...wonderful and very specific...thank you...God bless...🙏💞
Thank you!
Great episode! Please have him on again, so much more to talk about.
"Centering prayer" is a new-age practice.
It focuses on the person themselves, (idol worship).and not on Worship of God. St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church, mentioned in her writings, to the effect that: what is Authentic prayer and what is not. Also, the Vatican Document, "Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life" warns us of these "new-age" practices.
God bless.
Exwife master yoga instructor left the Church and me
Not really. It is like the Jesus Prayer or Lectio Divina focusing on one word from Scripture etc. St Augustine said if you want to find God, go within yourself. It is part of the Contemplative Tradition. Read the Desert Fathers.
@@craigsalisbury8300 I understand we need to be still and go within ourselves. We do this by Lectio Divine which is specifically, meditation on Scripture passages, not " blanking out the mind, getting rid of "thoughts" St Teresa explains the "difference."
Also, "Centering prayer" is taken from "Hinduism" it is essentially, "Trancendental Meditation" so it is not "Christian Contemplative prayer." And, from St. Paul, to the effect that, we are to take "every thought captive." 2 Corinthians 10 : 5". You can find explanation of Contemplative prayer CCC 2724. Also, you can search "What is Contemplative prayer " by Anna Krestyn, it is very different from "Centering prayer."
Let Jimmy Akin talk.
I think eatern mysticism like yoga, should be avoided by Catholics at all costs. Despite if you may mean the salutation or not, It's a symbol and as such it is wrong.
Drinking jesus blood and worshipping crosses and statues is 100% kosher though
@@P4yn3 Not to mention worshipping a book.
@@P4yn3 I think you mistakenly clicked on the wrong video LOL
Love Catholic Talk Show truth about occultism.
When I went through my reversion years ago, my husband called Jimmy Akin my boyfriend bc I would binge listen to him. Still can’t get enough!
Thank you so much guys for addressing the Yoga piece and the intent for it! Greetings from San Diego, CA.
A calling for an uprising showed how Alister Crowley used and encouraged yoga to conjure demons.
If the “wickedest man in the world” also known as the Great Beast 666 is promoting yoga I would suggest it’s best to stay away, I agree ☝🏽 with Pollos comment that he was using the practice of yoga to conjure demons.
Alastair Crowley was an absolute lunatic! He was clearly insane.
Wish you would tell that to my Church Group that does yoga in Catholic Church! The Priest yelled at me and said there was not problem with Yoga!
@@francescaderimini2931 I think is time to find a new catholic church, becarful with some priests becaise some of them were pourpusely ordained to lead the faithful astray and to destroy the catholic church
I've called out yoga on various non-Catholic channels, and what i got was a lot of push back from yogis both Christian and non Christian who think that yoga is " just excercise" to them, and that my point of view is not shared. But I will not apologize as I know the holy spirit is the one who opened my eyes and let me see that my previous yoga practice was definitely occult, and borderline demonic. It involved reciting mantras, and poses honoring different deities, and even "floating". Thank God He helped me see! My church does not promote yoga, but if it ever did I'd say it was the idea of someone who is clearly deceived and I'd probably share some sources and links proving so. I'm so glad you guys are aware of the dangers of yoga! Don't be deceived just because it's "trending!"
Kneeling was, is and will be the only and best way to ever pray.
You should interview Zachary King, he has an incredible conversion story
That would be awesome!!
He’s a fraud. I found one of his earliest radio interviews and his original story was significantly different. He made his later story telling more dramatic. His original story doesn’t have the Virgin Mary at all. His story is disgusting and morally offensive.
@@TheNarrowGate101 I just watched a video of him, I never heard of him, but I got the sense he was making it up for the gullible part of Christianity who fall for anything. my spidey senses warned me..
@@TheNarrowGate101 But I notice you don't tell us how to locate the early Zach King video you claim you watched, so that we may judge for ourselves.
His story is very suspect. He talks about secret abortions and Franciscans outside praying or chanting. If it was secret, they would not have done that. He is too dramatic.
On the Yoga topic by delving into it or any other thing similar to is it better to just stay away from it since you could fall in that thin line?
Ok good they addressed it I typed it before they address my concerns.
Thank you for a wonderful conversation, gentlemen. This is an interesting topic and one that affects different communities in a variety of ways. My family is from Southern Italy where "magic" has always been part of their culture and religiosity. Although the tradition goes by many names, the most common name to refer to this form of "magical catholicism" is Benedicaria, which means the way of blessings. Practitioners regard themselves as nothing other than devout Catholics. We make petitions to the saints to intercede on our behalf for specific outcomes, usually for health and well-being and not for vulgar materialism. These practices include novenas, the rosary, and special prayers passed down from within one's own family. Those prayers are fully Catholic, as they invoke the help of the saints, especially our Blessed Mother. The tradition also includes folk remedies to treat people suffering from il malocchio (evil eye). One could say that the Tradition is a form of "white occult" practices. Many folks just refer to it as la vecchia via, meaning "the old ways" or fa lu santuccio, meaning "do a little holy thing."
Someone who I knew as a very devoted Catholic, then he started practicing Yoga as part of a doctor's prescription. He stopped going to confession. He mentioned that he tried several times, but stopped when wanting to go into the church. Then I know it has a negative result on the Spiritual life.
Or a positive result depending on how you look at it. I guess you could really just ask the guy about his happiness levels before and after
Great great topic!!! I've been wondering about so many of these things and there's such an extreme stance most people have... Can't wait to check out Jimmy!! Thanks guys! This is one of my favorite Catholic shows 😁
Best catholic talk show ever . as a repentful icp fan 😂 chicken huntin got me through basic. Thank y'all thank you Jimmy very imformative
I like jimmy and his reasoning
Just finished a jimmy episode. Magic and other ways to predict future. Good one, looking forward to this one guys! Thx for what you do!
My mom worked at catholic answers for 25 years!!
I believe that INTENT is WHAT TRULY MATTERS - whatever activity a person does.
Jimmy reminds me of the pictures I see of St. Andrew. I love it!💜🕊
He certainly looks more like a holy man without his big ol cowboy hat :P
You guys should really listen to Frs. Ripperger and Reehil on yoga, and on curses.
The Rosary was not given to us by our Blessed Mother to "meld" into yoga or exercise. PURE MEDITATION ON THE MYSTERIES. God Bless You All. In college I participated in Hatha. Pronayama & Kindalini
Very Dangerous...Please Don't assimilate this into Our Faith 😇
Sharon christine 👩💻🗯"you are into something very unfortunately EVIL".
GET OUT while you can. Do not spread that evil.
You’re right. Just meditating on the mysteries alone works.
It’s not melding into yoga. It’s a way of directing our attention to Christ during exercise. The program they’re referencing is entirely Catholic and it’s definitely not a means of replacing the traditional rosary meditation. I’d rather my mind be purposefully directed to Christ during my exercise than anywhere else. Look into Theology of the Body by St JPII.
You clearly do not know anything about people who have ADD or ADHD. Any professional who works with people with these type of issues will tell you that it actually helps focus their minds to move their bodies. It has to do with the nervous system. Being active while saying the rosary is not for me, but I understand why it may be for someone else.
Why would a Christian place their body into a yoga pose that is designed to worship a Hindu god then proceed to pray to the Triune God? The answer is that there is no good reason to do so. In fact, Archbishop Norberto Rivera Carrera issued a pastoral letter 'A Call to Vigilance: Pastoral Instruction on the New Age' on Jan. 7, 1996 a few months after being appointed ordinary of Mexico City. In this document intended to address concerns expressed to him about the New Age he states, "... At times an attempt is made to "christianize" these forms, as occurred, for example, with "centering prayer" and "focusing," but the result is always a hybrid form with slight gospel basis." [paragraph 32] He further states in paragraph 33 section a) "In their own context, the postures and exercises are designed for their specific religious purpose. They are, in themselves, steps for guiding the user towards an impersonal absolute. Even when they are carried out within a Christian atmosphere, the intrinsic meaning of these remains intact." I recommend that you read the entire document. Yoga poses are not "just exercise."
I think Norberto Rivera should be more worried about what he did like México's archbishop, than trying to appear like a staunch defender of faith
Quotes from EWTN
Mother Angelica said, “When you are out on your own and away from church you make up your own religion”
So Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, who founded and runs Samaritan Purse one of the best charities and first responders in the world, John Bunyan,who wrote Pilgrim's Progress, Charles Stanley, etc. all just made up thier own religion? The list is to long of all these men of God who walked faithfully with Jesus who were not Catholic and never would be, and they all just made up thier own religion? They followed Jesus and were led by the Spirit, not a religion. They walked by faith and God led them and it wasnt into the mother church. The arrogance of this church is its downfall. Pride come before the fall and this religion fell a long time ago.
Test all things, and hold fast to that which is good
Jimmy looks like a wise old Russian man, like Dostoievsky
The devil will always be there but the heart will triumph over him thank you people so much
Thank you fathers. This video is very infortive and expecting more videos like this
It would be awesome to see Sam Shamoun on this podcast. He, in my opinion, it Catholicism's best Apologist and has an awesome testimony on how he came to the Catholic Church.
Literally had to sit through an ad for an Astrologer before I could watch this video. Reported it as inappropriate, but MAN the devil works overtime!
that is funny...lol....God's way of asking you to pray for those people I guess.
Pray the prayers of the Auxilium Christianorum to bind demonic forces
Jimmy is such a smart man. Always enjoy listening.....And I tried yoga so many times in my early 20s and could never grasp what people liked about it. It never made me feel good.
Father Rich, I loved your response to the girl who asked for your astrological sign! But seriously, this was SO deep and so interesting there is much information here.
i have many occult books in my house , but am not a practitioner. I just find them interesting to read .
Great show guys. Love Jimmy Akin.
Interesting topic. Stay rad guys. 🇦🇺🙏✝️
The Priest is wrong about Yoga and oh my centering prayer , thank goodness someone corrected him ...by the way I like Jimmy Akin but he is wrong about the Yoga practices ...if I play with Ouija board and my intention is just to have fun nothing related to the occult is it alright ...best to stay away from things that will take us on the wrong path.thx
What is the difference, then, between a dancer's stretching and a yoga practitioner who is carefully avoiding anything Vedic, especially when the positions are identical?
Good luck. I would not play with that. Ouija boards are shown to open doors you don’t mean to open.
@@ntmn8444 you didn't understand her comment that is what she was meaning, not to practice anything that can open demonic doors
U are soooo wrong!!!!
Ouija boards and occult practices like them are intrinsically evil. Moving your body in random positions is not intrinsically evil.
Nothing from heaven will respond to a ouija board. Going outside the natural bounds of human knowledge and divine revelations is intrinsically evil. That is the difference.
I really like this program and the topic of it
Suprising how much magick is in the music I grew up with. To be honest, I still like some of it.
This is one of your winner shows. How do you listen to this kind of material while you're driving? You Americans must be further ahead in technology than us Frozen Canadians. The only thing I can listen to in my car is absolute nauseating garbage. Wish I could listen to a program like this while I drive
You can subscribe to us on any of your favorite podcast players to take us in the car with you: catholictalkshow.com/subscribe
You guys are such a distraction to me your subscriber: why? because I can hardly stop the video each time I click: So much rich information. God bless. Much love!!!. I just love my Catholic faith
Mondays are always great when I see a new episode
Thank you Jimmy...you got me...I hope you're mine (in my native language --- "akin ka na lang")... Thank you Catholic Talk Show
Very interesting point of view. I use to listen too and learn a lot from Indian wisdom. I like to take the best from what God allows us to experience and learn from this world through different ways and forms. But I’ve NEVER heard an Indian guru laugh in despiteful manner the catholic or another western religions and its practices and I think it says a lot. Accepting that it is not just a truth and we are not the ones and only who have the access to is an act of pure humility, in my humble opinion. Much love! ❤🙏🏻
Yoga postures are not a problem in themselves. But the yoga teachers often start talking about chakras, etc. which work their way into the consciousness of the yoga practitioner.
I super in love with my Catholic faith but I also cannot deny the accuracy of the characteristics of three zodiac signs and compatibility
As a prior Protestant, now Catholic, we were taught that demons did lay with women and did create giants and such. However, the food killed any remaining mutants. LOL just curious, was anyone else taught this?
They do not have a mortal human body...so to put it simply...they are lacking the body parts required to procreate!
Are you referring to the Nephilim? Though referenced in Genesis, that whole origin concept comes from from the the non canonical book of Enoch if I’m not mistaken.
I've heard that also. And worse.. some think and teach men stood 300 ft tall????
Thank God your free from that nonsense.
St Benedict, pray for us.
St Michael, defend us against the evil one.
Been practicing yoga for my back for 45 years with zero spiritual/ religious connection. So, to be aware that there are some that will introduce these other things is important, but in itself is not harmful.
It is a time honored practice to baptize or Christianize pagan practices. Case in point? The Christmas Tree. Holly wreaths for Advent. etc. There's no reason that we can't make Yoga stretches Catholic and simply call it "Reaching for God" or something. The error comes in the attitudes, names and terms. Rename all the poses after Saints or events, and now instead of namaste we say "God speed." Triduum pose rather than downward dog or some such.
Really enjoyed this show and learned a lot. Much appreciated.
Thank you gentlemen!!!
Concerning the influences of the Cosmos on the human experience. "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy, Horacio." HAMLET by William Shakespeare.
So 🥱
Yes, re: spirits/ghosts, read "Get Us Out of Here - Maria Simma" talks about the Holy Souls of Purgatory!😇🙏👼🌹
I have this book and currently reading it. It's such a good book and a page turner.
Yes, Amen!😁
A friend gave me that book.
The gentleman in the upper right hand corner is on the right track about yoga.
Hello Jimmy Akin, i recently suffered from a panic attack from worrying about whether or not i am being attacked by a person using black magic. I can't seem to discard this said worry and it usually becomes intense at night.Please help me.
Excellent episode! I've been waiting a long time for this kind of discussion. Once again I am overwhelmed and so grateful to god for the wisdom he has put in the catholic church. The nuanced discernment Of these issues is evident. This is opposed to the black and white answers that the secular world gives. Only 1 further comment: The thing I find most distracting about men with beards is how they stroke There beards and mustaches, Especially while they're listening to someone else talk. Please try to stop doing it
Maybe they are itchy. . .
I am laughing as I write this reply. After I read this message, I looked at the 4 guys above and sure enough 2 out of 4 are messing with their beards.
I like men with beards and how they stroke it in a contemplative manner while having an intellectual discussion. You can't make such demands on people. If you're that easily distracted by a man stroking HIS beard, which he has the freedom to do just like we all have subconscious gestures or things we do, then you should take some ADHD medicine. How rude!
Jim's long beard makes me think of the cartoon character "Mr.Natural". - I am blessed to have listened to this interactive discussion.
Love you guys!
Amazing talk. 2 things; about Yoga; I get the if is for exercise is ok, but just because you want to change the meaning of things doesn’t eliminate the origin of it, I could said I will dress like a demon for a party but I don’t mean to be one, or I can sing a song that have a demonic meaning but I don’t mean to invoque any demon I just like the melody? Is so many other things out there like, physical therapy, Pilates; stretching etc, why would you practice something that wasn’t meant to be for exercise but to call for some demonic presences?
yeah, and let's not even getting started on the Pagan orgins of things like the Christmas tree, etc. Doesn't this show that intention matters?
@@jacintacox3239 not really because the pagan tradition of a tree wasn’t even to celebrate a birthday of god or any god, neither in the same time, today’s Christmas tree according to the tradition was a representation of God according Christianity; instated by Saint Boniface during his evangelization trips in Germany and actually it was to eliminate the Pagan believe of Nordic Gods like Thor where they used to not only praise a tree but to do sacrifices in front of a tree. Saint Boniface cut the tree to prove them Thor God won’t do any punishment to him and on the site a Pine tree sprung so he took this as a God response from his action and to use the pine to represent the presence of a God that never dies just as a pine agains any weather, always green
Why did the audio cut out at 29:00 - 20:03 while Jimmy Akin was talking?
On all of these podcasts I agree with the guy with the black background on the upper right corner. I think he thinks more like the traditional church.