Imam Zain Ul Abadeen R.A Ka Bakamaal Wazifa | Her Mushkil Hal | Nazeer Ahmad Ghazi

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • #ImamZainUlAbadeen #ImamKaWazifa #NazeerAhmadGhazi
    Imam Zain Ul Abadeen Ka Bakamaal Wazifa | Her Mushkil Hal | Nazeer Ahmad Ghazi
    After ‘Ashura’, Imam Zayn al-Abidin led the caravan of women and children who were taken as prisoners of war. In shackles, along with the noble Lady Zaynab, Imam Zayn al-Abidin challenged injustice. When threatened with execution, the Imam stated:
    “Is it through killing that you threaten me…?! Don’t you know that getting killed has become a habit for us (the Imams), and that our honor is in martyrdom?!”[iii]
    In the court of the tyrant Yazid, Imam Zayn al-Abidin spoke out in front of the crowd. He announced who he was and what had happened to his family, the protectors of faith. As the Imam eloquently spoke, the people present were spontaneously awakened to the tragedies that had come to pass. The entire court was shaken in an outburst of tears and emotional cries.
    Yazid feared that the crowd would turn against him so he ordered that the call to prayer be made. When the call to prayer reached the phrase, “I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God,” Imam Zayn al-Abidin turned to Yazid and said:
    “This Muhammad, is he my grandfather or your grandfather, O Yazid? If you say that he is your grandfather, you have lied and rejected the truth. And if you say that he is my grandfather, then why did you kill his family?”[iv]
    As people heard these words, they saw through Yazid’s deception. The court was overtaken by commotion and division. With Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin’s words, people saw the ugly face of evil that Yazid represented.
    A famous compilation of Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin’s prayers is called al-Sahifah al-Sajjadiyyah (The Book of the One in Frequent Prostration). The title refers to Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin’s devotional worship in which he constantly humbled himself before God. This compilation of prayers can be regarded as fuel for spiritual development. Reflecting on the words of Imam Zayn al-Abidin in relation to God creates a healing, motivational, and uplifting effect, to say the very least. Consider, for instance, the following excerpt from the Supplication in Asking for Release from Sins:
    “…so here I am, O Lord, thrown down before You! I am the one whose back is weighed down by mistakes! I am the one whose lifetime has been consumed by sins! I am the one who - with his ignorance - disobeyed You, while You did not deserve that from him!”
    “O God, would You have mercy on the one who prays to You, such that I should exert myself in prayer? Or would You forgive the one who cries to You, such that I should hurry to cry? Or would You pardon the one who smears his face (in the dirt) out of humility before You? Or would You free from need the one who complains to You of his poverty, with confidence (in You)?”
    “O God, do not disappoint the one who finds no Giver other than You… Do not let down the one who cannot be freed from his need for You through anyone but You…O God, bless Muhammad and his family, and do not turn away from me - for I have turned to You…Do not deprive me, for I have sought after You…and do not confront me with rejection, for I have stood before You…”
    #ImamZainUlAbadeen #ImamKaWazifa #NazeerAhmadGhazi