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This ends the Qadiyani claim about a prophet after Prophet Muhammad pbuh: On the day of Judgement, people will go to their Prophets to intercede on their behalf, all of the Prophets will say Nafsi Nafsi, eventually, people will come to Isa (Jesus) as, he will also say Nafsi Nafsi, but he will tell the people to go to Muhammad pbuh and Muhammad pbuh will be saying Ya Rabbi Ummati Ummati, Oh my Lord, my people, my people. He won't say go to Mirza Qadiyani. Why? Because Muhammad salala hu alaiyhi wasalam was the last and final messenger of Allah. Not this guy call Mirza Qadiyani!
@@felicytatomaszewska there are the good and bad in every group He was mannered and polite and listened I bet if one of the well known brothers would talk to him in a one on one privately it would he may be guided then with Allah will
@luqmanahmad9294 The foundation of Islam? It was COMPLETE with Muhammad pbuh who was the LAST and FINAL Prophet. Anyone who claims otherwise is a LIAR and can not be considered to be a Muslim. May Allah guide us all.
@@xXxFirewalkerxXx I’m from Lahore, Pakistan 🇵🇰 I left Islam after reading Quran and listening Adam Seeker, Sahil Bhai, Zafar Heretics and Harris Sultan. I need your help, Sir.
*زوجہ رسول ﷺ حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا* لوگو ! آنحضرت ﷺ کو خاتم النبیین تو کہو مگر ہر گز یہ نہ کہو کہ آپ ﷺ کے بعد کوئی نبی نہیں آئے گا ۔ (تفسیر الدرالمنثور جلد 5 صفحہ 204) *عالم بے بدل حضرت ابن قتیبہ* حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا کا یہ قول آنحضرت ﷺ کے فرمان ’لانبی بعدی‘ کے مخالف نہیں کیونکہ حضور ﷺ کا مقصد اس فرمان سے یہ ہے کہ میرے بعد کوئی ایسا نبی نہیں جو میری شریعت کو منسوخ کرنے والا ہو ۔ (تاویل مختلف الاحادیث صفحہ 236) *محدث امت امام محمد طاہر گجراتی* حضرت عائشہ رضی اللّٰہ عنہا کا یہ قول ’لانبی بعدی‘ کے منافی نہیں کیونکہ آنحضرت ﷺ کی مراد یہ ہے کہ ایسا نبی نہیں ہوگا جو آپ ﷺ کی شریعت کو منسوخ کرے ۔ (تکملہ مجمع البحار صفحہ85) *حضرت امام عبدالوہاب شعرانی* مطلق نبوت نہیں اٹھائی گئی ۔ محض تشریعی نبوت ختم ہوئی ہے ۔۔۔ اور آنحضرت ﷺ کے قول مبارک ’لا نبی بعدی و لا رسول‘ سے مراد صرف یہ ہے کہ میرے بعد کوئی ایسا نبی نہیں جو نئی شریعت لے کر آئے ۔ (الیواقیت والجواہر جلد 2صفحہ 24) *حضرت شاہ ولی اللہ محدث دہلوی* آنحضرت ﷺ کے اس قول ’لا نبی بعدی‘ سے ہمیں یہ معلوم ہوا ہے کہ جو نبوت اور رسالت ختم ہوگئی ہے وہ حضور ﷺ کے نزدیک نئی شریعت والی نبوت ہے ۔ (قرۃ العینین صفحہ 319) *حضرت حافظ برخوردار صاحب* اس حدیث کے معنی یہ ہیں کہ میرے بعد کوئی ایسانبی نہیں جو نئی شریعت لے کر آئے ، ہاں اللہ چاہے انبیاء ، اولیا میں سے ۔ (نبراس صفحہ 445 حاشیہ) *حضرت محی الدین ابن عربی* قول رسول کہ رسالت اور نبوت منقطع ہوگئی ہے ۔ میرے بعد نہ کوئی رسول ہے نہ کوئی نبی ، سے مراد یہ ہے کہ اب ایسا نبی نہیں ہوگا جو میری شریعت کے مخالف شریعت پر ہو ۔ بلکہ جب کبھی کوئی نبی ہوگا تو وہ میری شریعت کے حکم کے ماتحت ہوگا۔ (فتوحات مکیہ جلد2 صفحہ3) *نواب نورالحسن خان* حدیث ’لاوحی بعدی‘ بے اصل ہے۔البتہ ’لانبی بعدی‘ آیا ہے ۔ جس کے معنی نزدیک اہل علم کہ یہ ہیں کہ میرے بعد کوئی نبی شرع ناسخ نہ لاوے گا ۔ (اقتراب الساعہ صفحہ 162) *مولوی محمد زمان خان آف دکن* حدیث ’لاوحی بعدی‘ باطل و بے اصل ہے ۔ ہاں ’لانبی بعدی‘ صحیح ہے ۔ لیکن معنی اس کے علماء کے نزدیک یہ ہیں کہ کوئی نبی صاحب شرع کہ شرع محمدی کو منسوخ کرے بعد حضرت ﷺ کے حادث نہ ہو ۔ (ہدیہ مہدویہ صفحہ 301) *امام اہل سنت حضرت ملا علی قاری* خاتم النبیین کے معنی یہ ہیں کہ آنحضرت ﷺ کے بعد کوئی ایسا نبی نہیں آسکتا جو آپ ﷺ کے دین کو منسوخ کرے اور آپ کا امتی نہ ہو۔ (الموضاعات الکبریٰ صفحہ 292) *شیخ عبدالقادر کردستانی* آنحضرت ﷺ کے خاتم النبیین ہونے کے یہ معنی ہیں کہ آپ کے بعد کوئی نبی نئی شریعت لے کر مبعوث نہ ہوگا۔ (تقریب المرام جلد 2صفحہ233) *فرقہ مہدویہ کے بزرگ سید شاہ محمد* ہمارے محمد ﷺ خاتم نبوت تشریعی ہیں فقط ۔ (ختم المہدیٰ سبل السویٰ صفحہ 24) *خلیفہ الصوفیاء شیخ العصر حضر ت ا لشیخ بالی آفندی* خاتم الرسل وہ ہے جس کے بعد کوئی نبی صاحب شریعت جدیدہ پیدا نہ ہوگا ۔ (شرح فصوص الحکم صفحہ 56) (مقامات مظہری صفحہ 88) *مولانا ابوالحسنات عبدالحئی فرنگی محل* ’بعد آنحضرت ﷺ کے یا زمانے میں آنحضرت کے مجرد کسی نبی کا ہونا محال نہیں بلکہ صاحب شرع جدید ہوناالبتہ ممتنع ہے ۔ ‘ (دافع الوسواس صفحہ 16) ان مندرجہ بالا ارشادات سے روز روشن کی طرح ثابت ہے کہ آنحضرت ﷺ کے غیر مشروط آخری نبی ہونے کا جو تصور چودھویں صدی میں پیدا ہو ا اس کا گزشتہ تیرہ صدیوں کی اسلامی تاریخ میں کوئی نشان نہیں ملتا ۔ بلکہ علمائے سلف محض زمانی لحاظ سے آخری نبی ہونے کے خیال کو ردّ کرتے رہے ہیں ۔ *نامور صوفی حکیم ترمذی* ’خاتم النبیین کی یہ تاویل کہ آپ ﷺ مبعوث ہونے کے اعتبار سے آخری نبی ہیں بھلا اس میں آپ کی کیافضیلت و شان ہے اور اس میں کون سی علمی بات ہے ۔ یہ تو محض احمقوں اور جاہلوں کی تاویل ہے ۔‘ (کتاب ختم الاولیاء صفحہ 341) *بانی دیوبند مولوی محمد قاسم نانوتوی* ’عوام کے خیال میں تو رسول اللہ کا خاتم ہونا بایں معنی ہے کہ آپ ﷺ کا زمانہ انبیاء سابق کے زمانے کے بعد اور آپ سب میں آخر نبی ہیں مگر اہل فہم پر روشن ہوگا کہ تقدم یا تاخر زمانے میں بالذات کچھ فضیلت نہیں ۔۔۔ میں جانتا ہوں کہ اہل اسلام سے کسی کو یہ بات گوارا نہ ہوگی ۔۔۔ اگر بالفرض بعد زمانہ نبوی صلعم بھی کوئی نبی پیدا ہو تو پھر بھی خاتمیت محمدیہ میں کچھ فرق نہ آئے گا ۔ ‘ (تحذیر الناس صفحہ 3، 28) گفتگو کا لب لباب یہ ہے کہ جہاں جہاں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے کہ میرے بعد کوئی نبی نہیں آسکتا اس سے مراد شرعی نبوت ہے۔ اور جہاں جہاں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے کہ میرے بعد نبی آسکتا ہے آس سے مراد آمتی(محمدی) نبوت ہے۔ یعنی شرعی نبوت بند ہے اور آمتی(محمدی) نبوت جاری و ساری ہے۔
قرآن کریم میں اجرائے نبوت کا ثبوت : ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے! وَ اِذۡ اَخَذَ اللّٰہُ مِیۡثَاقَ النَّبِیّٖنَ لَمَاۤ اٰتَیۡتُکُمۡ مِّنۡ کِتٰبٍ وَّ حِکۡمَۃٍ ثُمَّ جَآءَکُمۡ رَسُوۡلٌ مُّصَدِّقٌ لِّمَا مَعَکُمۡ لَتُؤۡمِنُنَّ بِہٖ وَ لَتَنۡصُرُنَّہٗ ؕ قَالَ ءَاَقۡرَرۡتُمۡ وَ اَخَذۡتُمۡ عَلٰی ذٰلِکُمۡ اِصۡرِیۡ ؕ قَالُوۡۤا اَقۡرَرۡنَا ؕ قَالَ فَاشۡہَدُوۡا وَ اَنَا مَعَکُمۡ مِّنَ الشّٰہِدِیۡنَ ﴿۸۲﴾ اور جب اللہ نے نبیوں کا میثاق لیا کہ جبکہ میں تمہیں کتاب اور حکمت دے چکا ہوں پھر اگر کوئی ایسا رسول تمہارے پاس آئے جو اس بات کی تصدیق کرنے والا ہو جو تمہارے پاس ہے تو تم ضرور اس پر ایمان لے آؤ گے اور ضرور اس کی مدد کرو گے۔ کہا کیا تم اقرار کرتے ہو اور اس بات پر مجھ سے عہد باندھتے ہو؟ انہوں نے کہا (ہاں) ہم اقرار کرتے ہیں۔ اس نے کہا پس تم گواہی دو اور میں بھی تمہارے ساتھ گواہ ہوں۔ ( آلِ عمران آیت 82 ) اس آیتِ کریمہ میں مندرجہ ذیل امور قابلِ غور ہیں!!! 1) اللہ تعالیٰ نے نبیوں سے میثاق یعنی عہد لیا ۔۔۔ 2) کہ جب کہ مَیں تمہیں کتاب اور حکمت دے چکا ہوں ۔۔۔ 3) پھر اگر کوئی ایسا رسول تمہارے پاس آئے جو اس بات کی تصدیق کرنے والا ہو جو تمہارے پاس ہے ۔۔۔ 4) تو تم ضرور اس پر ایمان لے آؤ گے اور ضرور اسکی مدد کرو گے ۔۔۔ 5) کہا کیا تم اقرار کرتے ہو اور اس بات پر مجھ سے عہد باندھتے ہو؟ 6) انہوں نے کہا کہ ہاں ہم اقرار کرتے ہیں ۔۔۔ اب خاکسار مندرجہ بالا امور پر الگ الگ روشنی ڈالتا ہے تاکہ آیتِ کریمہ کا مفہوم آسانی سے سمجھ آ سکے - پہلا اَمر یہ کہ اللہ نے نبیوں سے میثاق لیا - اور اسمیں تمام انبیاء بشمول آنحضرت ۖ کے شامل ہیں - اور انبیاء سے میثاق لینے کا مطلب انکی امتوں سے میثاق ہوتا ہے - چنانچہ یہ میثاق جسطرح پہلی اُمتوں سے لیا گیا اسی طرح اُمتِ محمدیہ سے بھی لیا گیا - ایک غلطی اور اسکا ازالہ : ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ یہاں اکثر غیر احمدی یہ کہا کرتے ہیں کہ اس میثاق میں آنحضرت ۖ شامل نہیں بلکہ یہ میثاق آنحضرت ۖ کے متعلق لیا جا رہا ہے - ان کا یہ خیال سراسر غلط اور قرآنِ کریم پر غور و تدبر نہ کرنے کا نتیجہ ہے - کیونکہ آیتِ کریمہ کا اگلا حصّہ یہ ہے کہ (( لَمَاۤ اٰتَیۡتُکُمۡ مِّنۡ کِتٰبٍ وَّ حِکۡمَۃٍ )) یعنی جبکہ میں تمہیں کتاب اور حکمت دے چکا ہوں - اب اگر آنحضرت ۖ کو اس میثاق سے باہر کر دیں تو ماننا پڑیگا کہ نعوذ باللہ آنحضرت ۖ کو (( کتاب اور حکمت )) عطاء نہیں کی گئی جبکہ قرآنِ کریم جگہ جگہ فرماتا ہے کہ ہم نے تم میں ایک ایسا رسول مبعوث کیا ہے جو تمہیں کتاب و حکمت کی تعلیم دیتا ہے - اس میثاق سے آنحضرت ۖ کو باہر رکھنا خود آنحضرت ۖ اور قرآنِ کریم کی توہین ہے - پس آنحضرت ۖ اس میثاق میں شامل ہیں - دوسرا اَمر ایک غلطی اور اسکے ازالہ میں از خود بیان کر دیا گیا ہے - تیسرا اَمر یہ ہے کہ پہلے کتاب اور حکمت موجود ہو گی پھر اگر خدا تعالیٰ کوئی ایسا رسول بھیجے جو اسکی تصدیق کرے جو ہمارے پاس یعنی اُمتِ محمدیہ کے پاس ہے اور ہمارے پاس کیا ہے؟ ہمارے پاس کتابُ اللہ ہے - تو اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے کہ جو رسول بھی تمہارے پاس آئے گا وہ قرآن کا مُصدق ہو گا ۔۔۔ اب یہاں یہ مسئلہ بھی خدا تعالیٰ نے حل فرما دیا کہ آنحضرت ۖ کے بعد جو بھی نبی و سول مبعوث ہو گا وہ آنحضرت ۖ کا اُمّتی ہو گا کیونکہ وہ قرآن کا مصدق ہو گا اور جو قرآن کا مصدق ہو گا وہ آنحضرت ۖ کا بھی مصدق ہو گا تو اسکی حیثیت ایک اُمّتی نبی کی حیثیت ہو گی اور اُمّتی نبی کے غیر احمدی سرکاری مسلمان بھی قائل ہیں وہ مانتے ہیں کہ حضرت عیسٰی علیہ السلام جب آئینگے تو اُمّتی نبی ہونگے - جسکا مطلب ہے کہ عقیدے میں نہیں بلکہ شخصیّت میں اختلاف ہے - بہر حال اس اَمر میں یہ بات واضح ہو گئی کہ وہ مصدق رسول آنحضرت ۖ کے بعد ہی آئے گا اور اُمتِ محمدیہ میں سے ہو گا اور آنحضرت ۖ کی لائی ہوئی شریعت کا مطیع اور کامل غلام اور پیرو ہو گا - چوتھے اَمر میں اللہ تعالیٰ اُمتِ محمدیہ کو یہ تاکیدی نصیحت فرما رہا ہے کہ جب ایسا ہو کہ کوئی مصدق رسول تمہارے پاس آئے تو تم ضرور اس پر ایمان لے آنا اور ضرور اسکی مدد کرنا - مگر سرکاری مسلمان خدا تعالیٰ کی اس واضح نصیحت کے برخلاف اسکی اور اسکے ماننے والوں کی شدید مخالفت کرتے ہیں اور انہیں قتل کرتے، انکا بائیکاٹ کرتے اور اُنہیں بنیادی انسانی حقوق سے محروم کرتے ہیں اور خدا تعالیٰ کے حُکم کی صریحاً نافرمانی کرتے ہیں - اُنہیں سوچنا اور غور کرنا چاہئیے کہ وہ اللہ کے حکم کی نافرمانی کر کے کیسے خدا اور اسکے رسولؐ کی رضا حاصل کر سکتے ہیں؟ کیونکہ آنحضرت ۖ نے خدا سے یہ عہد باندھا ہوا ہے اور قیامت کے دن جب تمام اُمتوں کو انکے انبیاء کے ساتھ خدا تعالیٰ کے حضور پیش ہونے کا حکم ہو گا وہاں آنحضرت ۖ کو بھی اپنی اُمّت کیساتھ پیش ہونا پریگا اور تمام سرکاری مسلمان یاد رکھیں کہ آپ نے خدا سے یہ عہد باندھا ہوا ہے کہ ہاں ہم اس پر ایمان لائیں گے اور اسکی مدد کریں گے ۔۔۔ قیامت کے دن جب خدا آپکو آپکا عہد یاد کروائے گا کہ بتاؤ تم نے عہد کیا تھا یا نہیں ۔۔۔ تو آپ کیسے انکار کر سکو گے؟ آپ نے تو اس عہد کا اقرار کیا ہوا ہے ۔۔۔ پس بتائیں کہ کیا آپ آنحضرت ۖ کی حقیقی اُمّت کہلا سکیں گے؟ سوچیں ! قبل اسکے کہ وقت گزر جائے اور آپکے پاس پچھتاوے کے سوا کچھ باقی نہ رہے ۔۔۔ خدا تعالیٰ نے تو وہ مصدق رسول بھیج دیا جس نے اسکی تصدیق کرتے ہوئے، جو ہمارے پاس ہے (قرآن) یہ کہا کہ! جمال و حُسنِ قرآں نورِ جانِ ہر مسلماں ہے قمر ہے چاند اوروں کا ہمارا چاند قرآں ہے دل میں یہی ہے ہر دَم تیرا صحیفہ چُوموں قرآں کے گِرد گھوموں کعبہ میرا یہی ہے پس اپنے وعدہ کو یاد کرو جو تم نے خدا تعالیٰ سے باندھا تھا جسکا تم نے اقرار بھی کیا تھا کہ ہاں ہم ضرور اس مصدق رسول پر ایمان لائیں گے اور اسکی مدد کریں گے - خدا تعالیٰ تمہیں اسکی توفیق عطا فرمائے تاکہ قیامت کے دن آنحضرت ۖ کو تمہاری وجہ سے شرمندگی نہ ہو بلکہ فخر سے خدا کے حضور یہ عرض کر سکیں کہ اے خدا میری اُمت نے اپنے کئے ہوئے عہد کو پورا کر دکھایا - آمین ثم آمین خاکسار نے اپنی طرف سے اس آیتِ کریمہ کے ہر پہلو کے متعلق تفصیل سے روشنی ڈال دی ہے اسکے باوجود اگر کسی شریف النفس اور حق کے طالب کے ذہن میں کوئی سوال ہو تو خاکسار اسکے جواب کے لئے حاضر ہے - مندرجہ بالا آیتِ کریمہ سے صاف ثابت ہوتا ہے کہ آنحضرت ۖ زمانی لحاظ سے آخری نبی و رسولؐ نہیں بلکہ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے بعد بھی سلسلہ نبوت جاری ہے مگر صرف مصدق رسول کا جسکا دوسرا نام اُمتی نبی ہے
It is really confusing! If they declare Laa ilaha illallahu Muammadur rasulAllah (SAWS), then why are they even considering mirza golam to be their prophet? Intellect should be used in the name of Allah SWT for it to function properly.
Please do NOT get confused, Because this is called "DAJAL" what exactly Rasool-e-ALLAH ﷺ warned us about. And this dajal coming out of " DAJJAL " mirza qadiyani mardud.
Our Prophet is Muhammad (saw) and Ahmad (as) is the promised messiah who was prophesied to come in the latter days and Huzoor (saw) has called him a Nabiullah four times in Sahih Muslim.
This qadiani is very sincere and humble. Disappointing to see the crowd be disrespectful. He is to be commended for his courage and patience in a hostile environment. Inshallah he will find Islam.
😉 Many of the Ahmadis are very passive they not vulgar l am an ex sunni I used to be a Deedat fan until l became aware that he learned from Ahmadi literature 🤫l am better placed to challenge you😉 l can speak your vulgar language that you Jahils understand 🙏🙏🙏 l am available to Debate any of you socalled Muslims from the Holy Quran at any given time on the issue of prophethood after MUHAMMAD s.a.w and the death of Nabi ESA a.s.🌹 leave aside Hadith and the writings of the Mahdi and massiah Hadrat MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD a.s. which you don't have the ability to grasp and understand 🙊🙉🙈 you son's of Abu Jahal 👹🤫ua-cam.com/video/0BxwGL0N05c/v-deo.html
Sometimes I think Mirza sahib might have said what Adnan Rashid claims he had said and I also think Mirza sahib was prophetically right in what he said when I listened to Adnan. Can Adnan prove me wrong?
Yes he is very patient indeed... I mean dealing with Adnan sb is like dealing with a special needs child.. 😂.. this should be called "the Adnan Show"... who only "debates" with Ahmadis on TWO topics as he knows he would lose on the rest.. 😂
@@listenmullahsbThere are no other topics to begin with! In order to follow someone, you have to prove his authority or his authenticity, How can you prove that when the entire character of a person is contradiction of his own words, it's more like self proclaimed story rather than a part of religion or at best Islam!😅
Then why are Muslims waiting for Hazrat Isa علیہ السلام to be descended from Skies, if he comes again in this world, and do every thing that a Prophet is supposed to do, and Muslims believe that they'll Admit him as Prophet of ALLAH ALMIGHTY, so in that case the creed of Khatm e Nabuwat will be broken or not?
@@safeerahmad4678 read the difference between "New" and "Return". Jesus(PBUH) came before Prophet SAWW, his return doesn't mean he is a new Prophet or bringing any new commands/scripture but he will live by the rules given to Prophet SAWW because Prophet SAWW is the final and the last Prophet.
@@safeerahmad4678 I tell to All Ahmadiyah you guys MUST get the hujjah from Alquran and Hadist NOT the Bible as refference, the Prophet Isa AS was already a Mesiah and He's coming back is not as a new Prophet but a same Prophet before he was lifted. It's really cleared mention in Al-qura'n and the hadist. He's not died neither crucified. Example If Elon Musk is lifted up by Xspace to the Mars and his family is waiting for his return and after 1 month he is coming back with Xspace to the earth, my question is, is he still the same Elon Musk or become Elon Mars? 🤣
@@safeerahmad4678 Issa peace be upon him won't bring anything new :) He already delivered the message to his people in his prophethood time :) He will follow the lastest revelation and come as a Sahabi Muslim to kill the dejjel and die like you and I Did your Ahmed killed the Dejjel ? lol Stop following false prophets! there is no other one after Muhammed (SAW) Comeback to islam. Qidyani has nothing to do with Muhammed(SAW) He told us about false prophets after him and that there is no other prophet after him. Period
@@ibnahmad3519ahmadis are not Muslims. It's why it's more insulting. Muhammad saw is the last prophet the religion of Islam is complete. We don't believe an Indian man who couldn't speak Arabic was Mahdi when Mahdi was prophesized to come at the end of time when dajjal is here and leading ISA in prayer. NONE of this happened. So a man who died with a weird way is not the prophet. Muhammad saw already told us many people will claim prophet hood and they will all be false. Even right after Muhammad saw death Abu bakr went to war against someone who claimed prophethood and it's not even been more than 2+ years after his deaths. Qadiyanis would have been killed off as they're the same causing fitnah
@@Superfoodcookie Adnan Rashid is trying to deceive people. He and his scholars themselves, do not believe, in fact, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH to be the last prophet. How? He believes Hazrat Essa to be alive today even 'after' Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. So, there is a prophet present alive, whether in the sky or on the planet earth , after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH as per his own belief. So the issue is not whether or not a prophet after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH will come . Ahmadis believe that the promised Messiah after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, as per the Khatam e Nubuwat belief and the sahih ahadees is to be a follower and servant of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. However, non- Ahmadis believe that the promised Messiah will be literally Hazrat Essa AS ( a Biblical prophet) who they believe is still alive. This can't happen for mainly two reasons. One, Khatam e Nubuwat bars all other prophthoods after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH except ones who are servants and followers of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. Second, Quran Majeed very explicitly declares that Essa AS has died a natural death ( there are 30 verses to this effect). @superfoodcookie you have many misconceptions regarding the Messiah of the time. This is the consequence of mullas' deceptions. In one UA-cam reply it can't be removed but do read the next to appreciate one important fact. Quran Majeed claims Allah SWT does not allow false prophets to flourish and history is witness to it. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani AS is the true promised Messiah. One simple proof is the zeal and effort of Adnan Rashid at Hyde Park London to prove him false after more than 113 years after his death away from Qadian, India. Does Adnan Rashid think that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani AS has been the only false prophet after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH? No. Adnan does believe that he is the one whose message and whose Jamaat is flourishing. Islam e Ahmadiyyat Zindabad.
@@ibnahmad3519 what's funny is every major ahmadi scholar refuses to debate higher because they know they have 0 base for their claim. Muhammad saw and his companion's and the 3 generations didn't preach anything ahmadis preach. No reference to Abu bakr Umar uthman, Ali and others ever referencing another prophet instead they killed anyone who claimed prophethood. Abu bakr literally after Muhammad saw death went to war against one who is claiming prophethood. He Muhammad saw even said there will be around 30 people to claim prophethood alll of them false. He is the last prophet until Mahdi and dajjal and the end of the world. ISA will stand behind Mahdi in prayer and Mahdi will lead the salah with all the Muslims. ISA will kill dajjal outside Medina. WHERE IS ALL OF THIS there's all this sahih Hadith's all unfulfilled and you guys believe an Indian man was Mahdi and ISA. He even claimed to be krishna the indian god. This is complete kufr. You have 0 claim in the Qur'an it self which explicitly means seal and final prophet khatm= final/end of something. Muhammad even in his own lifetime said religion of Islam is complete nothing can be added/taken away. He himself proclaimed to be the last prophet in sahih Hadith's. This is why the Muslim world don't see ahmadis as Muslims. They disbelieve in basic things that make someone a Muslim There's already historical reference proving he did the bidding of the British empire. His whole family was essentially loyal to the British which is why in numerous letters/books they praise Ghulam and his family for his service. He was created for the division of the ummah. That's why Muhammad saw told us about false prophets. He knew they would claim prophethood to divide the ummah.
@@ibnahmad3519 you are clearly very stupid to talk about this , ahmadis are a product of indian sub continent no where else in the muslim world would have believed this nonsense , ESA AS was a prophet before Muhammad SAW so him being alive after Prophet Muhammad SAW doesnt change the fact that Prophet SAW is the last prophet , either way the scum mirza qadyani is a stupid man only a retard will believe anything he says m which you are
I recall at their Morden qadiani centre inauguration event, their spokesman was asked: how many followers do you have around the world, he replied with a straight face, 200 million.
@@LogicPak why dont you go the the park and put your piont across . Secondly these micky mouse are not in his league that why he lectures them. He speaks with evidence,logic . You keep bad mouthing him on sm
@@sammuel2988 search about the qadiani books you should kknow that qadiani mirza was a lier is any prophet visit to theater and gulam mirza writtten in his book that he visit to treater also so how he is noble man justt a lier and lanati
I am really amazed at these Qidanites. Do they not read the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, may blessings and peace be upon him, that Muhammad, may blessings and peace be upon him, is the Seal of the Prophets, that is, there is no prophet after him? We ask God Almighty for guidance for them. And to introduce them to the religion of Islam and distance them from the religion of desires
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement encouraged his followers to remain loyal to the British government and to support their country of residence, which at the time often meant supporting British rule in India. This stance was in part an effort to gain favor with the colonial authorities and secure protection for his religious movement. It's important to note that his views were not universally shared among Muslims in India, and opinions on his relationship with the British government vary.
🤔you fail to realize that the socalled Muslim world must first reform themselves and unite 🥰 ALLAH Almighty says that the earth will be inherited by the Righteous 💖Dajjal is already in our midst 😜he is not the one eyed monster that you imagine him to be🥴it is a materially sophisticated nation which the whole world want imitate and follow 🤩 they are Spiritually blind in the right eye 👁️ and materially SHARP in the left eye 👁️ to the Righteous and seekers of Truth and ALLAH'S guidance l inform you that the MESSIAH and MAHDI has already come 🙄he was not raised from the Arab land but from Qadian INDIA 🥰the spiritual Kingdom was taken away from the Arabs who have FORSAKEN Islam and given to a more worthy people 🥰 Justice , peace ,and spiritual wealth will be found amongst those who have recognized and accept him 🥰 he advocated to his followers to perform Jihad with the Pen 🖊️ by using strong reasonable and Rational arguments to defeat the apponents wrong ideology He is not the Bloody MAHDI and MESSIAH that
He was clearly a stooge or propped up lead people astray. How can you support British rule, you can't even support a Muslim rule which isn't from Qur'an and sunnah!
Please Try to have a clear camera view. Because some people are constantly standing in front of the camera, which makes it difficult to watch the video.
I'm from India I know mirza gulam was an agent of the colonialists and dissuaded people from jihad .He was a paid servant of the British Empire who ruled India at that time. He was normal human with below avg. character who would do such few cheap stunts to earn some money n respect among the Ruling Empire . This is the whole mirza thing.
@ To Qadiyanis: The word "khaatam" (from Khaatam-an-Nabi) -- Seal/last of the prophets, has appeared 8 times in the Quran. Here: 2:7, 6:46, 36:65, 42:24, 45:23, 33:40, 83:26, 83:25 Each time that word has meant "Last" or "Stop" or "End" etc. Never has it meant anything else. Please check it out. Go and read. Now, why on earth, would you manipulate/twist the meaning of that word only in ONE instance completely differently that also contradicts the dictionary + Quran's corpus + Ijmaa' ? Think about it.
You are the one twisting the words and meanings and ignoring the fact that you yourselves are awaiting a Prophet after the Prophet pbuh. And secondly the same could be said about you regarding the fact that Issa AS has passed away: The word (tawaffa) has been used in no less than 25 different places in the Quran and in no less than 23 of them the meaning is to take away the soul at the time of death : 2: 234; 2: 240; 3: 55; 3: 193; 4: 15; 4: 97; 5: 117; 6: 61; 7: 37; 7: 126; 8: 50; 10: 46; 10: 104; 12: 101; 13: 40; 16: 28; 16: 32; 16: 70; 22: 5; 32: 11; 40: 67; 40: 77; 47: 27 In two places the meaning is to take away the soul at the time of sleep; but here the qualifying word “sleep” or “night” has been included , in Chapter 6, verse 60 and Chapter 39, verse 42. But when it comes to Isa AS (3: 55 and 5: 117) the majority of muslims suddenly deviate from the above mentioned understanding that the verb "tawaffa" means "to take the soul without the body".
@@TariQ-nx3uz Don't get me confused with Sunnis. I belong to no sect. I'm a Muslim. I completely agree with you on Isa (as). I have done that research in depth. And the point of view of Ahmedi Muslims is right ✅ about the death of Isa (as) as per the verse 3:55, and the "second coming of Jesus" is no different than old Christian tales since 2000 years, carried forward in the books of hadiths that sunnis blindly follow (even when they contradict the Quran). I am awaiting no mehdi nor a prophet. My Islam was completed when the Quran was completed as mentioned in the Quran itself. The Quran clearly affirms the last Prophet (Muhammad saw). You can say Allah always sends some warners to every nation to convey the message, but someone claiming to be a Prophet definitely goes against the Quran. So tell me brother Tariq, are you now willing to accept the truth? i.e. Quran? Because you do see the truth about the Khaatam-an-nabiyeen verse, don't you? I know exactly what stops Ahmedi Muslims to leave their sect = They fear (and rightly so) that leaving Ahmedi would end up in Sunni-ism, yet another sect that revolves around hadiths and the consequent firqa-wariat and undermines the authority+status of Quran. Ever thought about leaving sects? just like Allah asked us to do in the Quran? The Book of Guidance? Islam = Quran + Sunnah (not Quran + Sunnah + Hadith + etc) I know you'd have plenty of questions, especially how can we follow Islam without a sect, feel free to ask. May Allah guide us all. Ameen!
@@Hasan... I appreciste your good intentions but unfortunately I have to disappoint you, I am convinced that Ahmadi muslims have the best understanding of Islam and the far better arguments regarding their aqaeed. And we have a Khalifa, a true guide. Many Ahmadis have been able to meet the Khalifa and have witnessed his Noor in person. I know you wouldn't understand it, no one would but I am just sharing my viewpoint so you might understand why we won't leave our faith. It is always portrayed that If Ahmadis are like sheeps and follow blindly but on the contrary Ahmadis are the most educated muslim community.
@@TariQ-nx3uz That's completely understandable. I am nobody to make someone change their faith. But I do have my right to seek knowledge (and share knowledge). So Tariq, we still have a pending question from our discussion... Surah Al Ahzaab 33:40 "Khaatam-an-nabiyeen" the word "khaatam" is absolutely consistent in its meaning in the Quran (8 out of 8 times) it's always meant "Last" or "end". Check each verse. Now how do you claim only one instance of that word would have a completely different meaning? Also ❗the verse starts with "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men".. do you know what relevance this has in this verse? what does it mean? why did Allah have to clarify this? Allow me to answer but I urge you to ponder over it please. By saying he is not a father of anyone, Allah is saying Muhammad does not have a son, i.e. once he is gone, you cannot make anyone an equivalent successor! (if he had a son, you can imagine what would happen). AND THEN immediately after that Allah mentions he is the Last of the Prophets❗ You see how it links? the context is perfectly clear. I know you're an intellectual individual.. I urge you to re-assess your faith, just like I did mine from scratch! (I'm an ex-sunni as you already know, right now I belong to no sect). The only way I came closer to the truth is I re-assessed my faith, and that's how I learned about Isa (as) and about all the blind following going on in every sect. So an unbiased reassessment is a must. May Allah guide us all. Ameen. jazakAllah khair!
adnan rashid doesnt even let the next person speak ....this is not a way of debating ....he just tries to make a point by talking loud....thats not the way brother...
Islam is trailing for the past hundred years. The decline started from the destruction of Ottoman Empire. Palestine, Iraq, syria, afganistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia... all have become hell. If the current Muslims are truthful to Allah, why don't they pray to Allah to remove these calamities? The only way for Muslims to get out this problem is either Issa to come from heaven or accept Mirza as Issa.
By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, my Ummah will split into 73 sects: one will enter Paradise and 72 will enter Hell' (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi). The Companions asked the Prophet ﷺ who the group which entered paradise would be, and he gave a clear answer that gives some peace of heart to the believers
This is what we pray as taught by Promised Messiah as “Lord, hear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfil Your promise and help Your servant and show us Your days and sharpen for us Your sword and spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers. Tazkirah, pp. 664]”
What hurts me most is these people go out as missionaries around the world misguiding people who don't know much about anything really. I hope that becomes a stepping stone for those poor people towards the true Islam.
Some people are not guided by Allah since their hearts are shackled. Like Abu Jahal 'aduwallah , he liked to hear the recitation of Al Quran secretly, but his heart was dark(zulumat) n he died as a kufur.
Not only buried lol he have not fullfiled anything and Issa should not be an indian :) Where is the dejjel hasn't appear yet That mirza liar is a lil dejjel as the prophet told u
we need to show our ikhlaq as a muslim to anybody , making noise and chanting will never led them learn the truth . pleaee we need to work on our ikhlaq Allah knows best
Anyone trying to say Mirza Ghulam was a prophet is severely misled. The seal of all prophets is sayedna Mohammed pbuh. Seal means he was the last one. He sealed the treaty between muslims and God almighty swt. Case closed.
May Allah reward you Adnan for your contribution to the deen. Anyone who rejects or manipulates on purpose the Quran and authentic hadiths is not a muslim as far as i know, is a wolf wearing like a sheep or a hypocrite
@@Jigar-r3u According to the Quran Muhammad is the last in a chain of prophets sent by God (33:40). It is mentioned in verse 55, when Allah said, “O ‘Isa, I am to take you in fall and raise you towards My self.” The word مُتَوَفِّيكَ (Mutawaffika) is used by the Quran. The word Tawaffi, the root word of Mutawaffika, is also used for ‘bringing death,’ but the word used by the Quran cannot mean that ‘Isa (Alaihis Salam) has died because, firstly the next word ‘and raise you towards Myself’ clearly negates this sense and, secondly, the Quran has clarified the position in 4:157-158 where it is said,”while infact they did neither kill him, nor crucify him, but they were deluded by resemblance. Those who disputed in this matter are certainly in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, but they follow whims. It is absolutety certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards himself. Allah is Almighty, All-wise.” here is the proof and now dont talk before you have any knowledge about the topic
He seems a good person and I am sure he Must be a smart guy.. Come on brother how can you believe there was a Prophet after Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. May Allah Guide you to true Islam.
Fun Fact: Ghulam Mirza Qaidiani wanted to debate hz Peer Mair ali shah sb rahimullah. Before the debate, qaidiani wanted to go toilet and died upon the toilet seat.
I see on a qadiani channel they was just making excuses to run from a debate and trying to say bro adnan rasheed dont know anything no point in debating him
Its SIMPLE Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) was the last & final messenger. This is the shaahada. You add anyone else after him as a messenger then your out of the fold of islam. End off. May Allah guide ppl like this guy
It did happen. Yesterday on TrueIslamUK UA-cam channel. Adnan Rashid discussed character of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and got destroyed by the Ahmadis. See for yourself 🤷♂️
He looks smart and he is a young guy so why did he astray from the right path I mean how can he believe a guy who helped British empire draw a line a border in India be a prophet of Allah it baffles me, may Allah guide him back to the right path and the truth
Qadyani belief is the same like 1+1+1= 7 , Adnan dealt with 1+1+1=1 so this will be easier to refute bi idni'Allah subhan'Allah wa ta 3ala. May Allah guide us all
Ek sawaal Jo Maine ek qadiyani se comments mein poonchha ,woh saare qadiyaniyon se poonchhta hoon,ek aadmi 10 saal se kisi office mein mulazim hai,woh 2 mahine ki chhutti lekar jata hai,is beech ek aur aadmi mulazim banta hai,2 mahine baad pehla aadmi chhutti se wapas aaya,tab kaun aakhri ya sabse naya mulazim hoga office ka?jo abhi mulazim laga tha ya jo chhutti se wapas aaya?
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What is the ‘shocking’ part of this video?
1: 1:14 1: 1:14 14 1:14
1:14 1: 1:14 14 1:14 1:14 1:14
This ends the Qadiyani claim about a prophet after Prophet Muhammad pbuh:
On the day of Judgement, people will go to their Prophets to intercede on their behalf, all of the Prophets will say Nafsi Nafsi, eventually, people will come to Isa (Jesus) as, he will also say Nafsi Nafsi, but he will tell the people to go to Muhammad pbuh and Muhammad pbuh will be saying Ya Rabbi Ummati Ummati, Oh my Lord, my people, my people. He won't say go to Mirza Qadiyani. Why? Because Muhammad salala hu alaiyhi wasalam was the last and final messenger of Allah. Not this guy call Mirza Qadiyani!
not only that.. i think muslims should ignore these guys. That's kuffr
😅😅..i swear this is a valid point
you sir are the khatam of idiots
Haq ❤
Since this hadees is not in their favour, they discard it.
The kadiani guy is the first person I've seen this calm and sound, May Allah guide him to the truth
He already in the true path. Alhamdulillah
@@sammuel2988he's 180 degree from truth
@@ammaryousafzai3988 Big No. 360 degree
@@sammuel2988 Nope qadaynia guy is a kaffir... he believed Mirza Ghulam has a prophet after the prophet Muhammad ( swaws) nauzubillah...
Ever debated with them online?
This bro is a nice guy, May Allah guide him to the truth
i agree he is polite and well mannered
his parents are proud of their work i bet
i hope Allah guide him and his family
No he is not, they are hypocrites
@@felicytatomaszewska there are the good and bad in every group
He was mannered and polite and listened
I bet if one of the well known brothers would talk to him in a one on one privately it would he may be guided then with Allah will
Qaidyani are all well mannered …and very nice helping…this way they attract you for their religion
He’s such a nice and kind looking lad, may Allah take that kindness and make it the source for him turning to righteous path.. May Allah Guide us all.
😂😂😂allah there is nothing in the path but control and violence..also hate👎👎
Did you notice the qadiani didn't care to the accusations of his ghulam lying about sahih Bukhari!!!!?
Because he knows it's true
He notices many other things you still didn’t get it. Alhumdulillah
They know mirza drink alcohol they defend that as well
Mirza ghulam lanati kazab
@@Ahmadmudassar2504 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment. - Quran ( 2:7 )
such a shame. the kid looks as if he's on the Sunnah, but the very foundation of their beliefs is so severely disastrous to their akhirah.
He is on the foundation of islam which is to believe in all the prophets
@@luqmanahmad9294 yes all Prophets that END with with Muhammad Mustafa (saw). After that, you are basically a modern-day Musaylima follower.
The foundation of Islam?
It was COMPLETE with Muhammad pbuh who was the LAST and FINAL Prophet.
Anyone who claims otherwise is a LIAR and can not be considered to be a Muslim.
May Allah guide us all.
He is a kafir if he believes what he believes.
Its pity that he thinks that he is on right path. May Allah guide us all
u do realize that adnan just threw out all of your scholars. so i dnt know how u guys can be on the right path xD
if ur a qadiani. I swear to you %100000000 percent your on the wrong path@@xXxFirewalkerxXx
@@xXxFirewalkerxXxjust sort out the debate instead of waffling 🤷♂️
@@gang6471make sure you don’t run away from discussing from Quran and Hadith
@@xXxFirewalkerxXx I’m from Lahore, Pakistan 🇵🇰 I left Islam after reading Quran and listening Adam Seeker, Sahil Bhai, Zafar Heretics and Harris Sultan. I need your help, Sir.
The way respected brother Adnan apologised after the laughter shows the sincerety of his heart ❤️
3:49 Qadianis believed Mirza Ahmad Qadiani is their prophet ?! 🤯
Nauzubillah min zalik.
They believe he is a prophet and the mahdi and the reincarnation of Krishna and Isa AS. So many weird beliefs
@@yassir2824 Crazy people
They also believe he is a hindu god, i think he took a mcq test where he couldnt choose one so he chose all answers@@yassir2824
*زوجہ رسول ﷺ حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا*
لوگو ! آنحضرت ﷺ کو خاتم النبیین تو کہو مگر ہر گز یہ نہ کہو کہ آپ ﷺ کے بعد کوئی نبی نہیں آئے گا ۔
(تفسیر الدرالمنثور جلد 5 صفحہ 204)
*عالم بے بدل حضرت ابن قتیبہ*
حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا کا یہ قول آنحضرت ﷺ کے فرمان ’لانبی بعدی‘ کے مخالف نہیں کیونکہ حضور ﷺ کا مقصد اس فرمان سے یہ ہے کہ میرے بعد کوئی ایسا نبی نہیں جو میری شریعت کو منسوخ کرنے والا ہو ۔
(تاویل مختلف الاحادیث صفحہ 236)
*محدث امت امام محمد طاہر گجراتی*
حضرت عائشہ رضی اللّٰہ عنہا کا یہ قول ’لانبی بعدی‘ کے منافی نہیں کیونکہ آنحضرت ﷺ کی مراد یہ ہے کہ ایسا نبی نہیں ہوگا جو آپ ﷺ کی شریعت کو منسوخ کرے ۔
(تکملہ مجمع البحار صفحہ85)
*حضرت امام عبدالوہاب شعرانی*
مطلق نبوت نہیں اٹھائی گئی ۔ محض تشریعی نبوت ختم ہوئی ہے ۔۔۔ اور آنحضرت ﷺ کے قول مبارک ’لا نبی بعدی و لا رسول‘ سے مراد صرف یہ ہے کہ میرے بعد کوئی ایسا نبی نہیں جو نئی شریعت لے کر آئے ۔
(الیواقیت والجواہر جلد 2صفحہ 24)
*حضرت شاہ ولی اللہ محدث دہلوی*
آنحضرت ﷺ کے اس قول ’لا نبی بعدی‘ سے ہمیں یہ معلوم ہوا ہے کہ جو نبوت اور رسالت ختم ہوگئی ہے وہ حضور ﷺ کے نزدیک نئی شریعت والی نبوت ہے ۔
(قرۃ العینین صفحہ 319)
*حضرت حافظ برخوردار صاحب*
اس حدیث کے معنی یہ ہیں کہ میرے بعد کوئی ایسانبی نہیں جو نئی شریعت لے کر آئے ، ہاں اللہ چاہے انبیاء ، اولیا میں سے ۔
(نبراس صفحہ 445 حاشیہ)
*حضرت محی الدین ابن عربی*
قول رسول کہ رسالت اور نبوت منقطع ہوگئی ہے ۔ میرے بعد نہ کوئی رسول ہے نہ کوئی نبی ، سے مراد یہ ہے کہ اب ایسا نبی نہیں ہوگا جو میری شریعت کے مخالف شریعت پر ہو ۔ بلکہ جب کبھی کوئی نبی ہوگا تو وہ میری شریعت کے حکم کے ماتحت ہوگا۔
(فتوحات مکیہ جلد2 صفحہ3)
*نواب نورالحسن خان*
حدیث ’لاوحی بعدی‘ بے اصل ہے۔البتہ ’لانبی بعدی‘ آیا ہے ۔ جس کے معنی نزدیک اہل علم کہ یہ ہیں کہ میرے بعد کوئی نبی شرع ناسخ نہ لاوے گا ۔
(اقتراب الساعہ صفحہ 162)
*مولوی محمد زمان خان آف دکن*
حدیث ’لاوحی بعدی‘ باطل و بے اصل ہے ۔ ہاں ’لانبی بعدی‘ صحیح ہے ۔ لیکن معنی اس کے علماء کے نزدیک یہ ہیں کہ کوئی نبی صاحب شرع کہ شرع محمدی کو منسوخ کرے بعد حضرت ﷺ کے حادث نہ ہو ۔
(ہدیہ مہدویہ صفحہ 301)
*امام اہل سنت حضرت ملا علی قاری*
خاتم النبیین کے معنی یہ ہیں کہ آنحضرت ﷺ کے بعد کوئی ایسا نبی نہیں آسکتا جو آپ ﷺ کے دین کو منسوخ کرے اور آپ کا امتی نہ ہو۔
(الموضاعات الکبریٰ صفحہ 292)
*شیخ عبدالقادر کردستانی*
آنحضرت ﷺ کے خاتم النبیین ہونے کے یہ معنی ہیں کہ آپ کے بعد کوئی نبی نئی شریعت لے کر مبعوث نہ ہوگا۔
(تقریب المرام جلد 2صفحہ233)
*فرقہ مہدویہ کے بزرگ سید شاہ محمد*
ہمارے محمد ﷺ خاتم نبوت تشریعی ہیں فقط ۔
(ختم المہدیٰ سبل السویٰ صفحہ 24)
*خلیفہ الصوفیاء شیخ العصر حضر ت ا لشیخ بالی آفندی*
خاتم الرسل وہ ہے جس کے بعد کوئی نبی صاحب شریعت جدیدہ پیدا نہ ہوگا ۔
(شرح فصوص الحکم صفحہ 56) (مقامات مظہری صفحہ 88)
*مولانا ابوالحسنات عبدالحئی فرنگی محل*
’بعد آنحضرت ﷺ کے یا زمانے میں آنحضرت کے مجرد کسی نبی کا ہونا محال نہیں بلکہ صاحب شرع جدید ہوناالبتہ ممتنع ہے ۔ ‘
(دافع الوسواس صفحہ 16)
ان مندرجہ بالا ارشادات سے روز روشن کی طرح ثابت ہے کہ آنحضرت ﷺ کے غیر مشروط آخری نبی ہونے کا جو تصور چودھویں صدی میں پیدا ہو ا اس کا گزشتہ تیرہ صدیوں کی اسلامی تاریخ میں کوئی نشان نہیں ملتا ۔ بلکہ علمائے سلف محض زمانی لحاظ سے آخری نبی ہونے کے خیال کو ردّ کرتے رہے ہیں ۔
*نامور صوفی حکیم ترمذی*
’خاتم النبیین کی یہ تاویل کہ آپ ﷺ مبعوث ہونے کے اعتبار سے آخری نبی ہیں بھلا اس میں آپ کی کیافضیلت و شان ہے اور اس میں کون سی علمی بات ہے ۔ یہ تو محض احمقوں اور جاہلوں کی تاویل ہے ۔‘
(کتاب ختم الاولیاء صفحہ 341)
*بانی دیوبند مولوی محمد قاسم نانوتوی*
’عوام کے خیال میں تو رسول اللہ کا خاتم ہونا بایں معنی ہے کہ آپ ﷺ کا زمانہ انبیاء سابق کے زمانے کے بعد اور آپ سب میں آخر نبی ہیں مگر اہل فہم پر روشن ہوگا کہ تقدم یا تاخر زمانے میں بالذات کچھ فضیلت نہیں ۔۔۔ میں جانتا ہوں کہ اہل اسلام سے کسی کو یہ بات گوارا نہ ہوگی ۔۔۔ اگر بالفرض بعد زمانہ نبوی صلعم بھی کوئی نبی پیدا ہو تو پھر بھی خاتمیت محمدیہ میں کچھ فرق نہ آئے گا ۔ ‘
(تحذیر الناس صفحہ 3، 28)
گفتگو کا لب لباب یہ ہے کہ جہاں جہاں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے کہ میرے بعد کوئی نبی نہیں آسکتا اس سے مراد شرعی نبوت ہے۔ اور جہاں جہاں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے کہ میرے بعد نبی آسکتا ہے آس سے مراد آمتی(محمدی) نبوت ہے۔ یعنی شرعی نبوت بند ہے اور آمتی(محمدی) نبوت جاری و ساری ہے۔
قرآن کریم میں اجرائے نبوت کا ثبوت :
اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے!
وَ اِذۡ اَخَذَ اللّٰہُ مِیۡثَاقَ النَّبِیّٖنَ لَمَاۤ اٰتَیۡتُکُمۡ مِّنۡ کِتٰبٍ وَّ حِکۡمَۃٍ ثُمَّ جَآءَکُمۡ رَسُوۡلٌ مُّصَدِّقٌ لِّمَا مَعَکُمۡ لَتُؤۡمِنُنَّ بِہٖ وَ لَتَنۡصُرُنَّہٗ ؕ قَالَ ءَاَقۡرَرۡتُمۡ وَ اَخَذۡتُمۡ عَلٰی ذٰلِکُمۡ اِصۡرِیۡ ؕ قَالُوۡۤا اَقۡرَرۡنَا ؕ قَالَ فَاشۡہَدُوۡا وَ اَنَا مَعَکُمۡ مِّنَ الشّٰہِدِیۡنَ ﴿۸۲﴾
اور جب اللہ نے نبیوں کا میثاق لیا کہ جبکہ میں تمہیں کتاب اور حکمت دے چکا ہوں پھر اگر کوئی ایسا رسول تمہارے پاس آئے جو اس بات کی تصدیق کرنے والا ہو جو تمہارے پاس ہے تو تم ضرور اس پر ایمان لے آؤ گے اور ضرور اس کی مدد کرو گے۔ کہا کیا تم اقرار کرتے ہو اور اس بات پر مجھ سے عہد باندھتے ہو؟ انہوں نے کہا (ہاں) ہم اقرار کرتے ہیں۔ اس نے کہا پس تم گواہی دو اور میں بھی تمہارے ساتھ گواہ ہوں۔ ( آلِ عمران آیت 82 )
اس آیتِ کریمہ میں مندرجہ ذیل امور قابلِ غور ہیں!!!
1) اللہ تعالیٰ نے نبیوں سے میثاق یعنی عہد لیا ۔۔۔
2) کہ جب کہ مَیں تمہیں کتاب اور حکمت دے چکا ہوں ۔۔۔
3) پھر اگر کوئی ایسا رسول تمہارے پاس آئے جو اس بات کی تصدیق کرنے والا ہو جو تمہارے پاس ہے ۔۔۔
4) تو تم ضرور اس پر ایمان لے آؤ گے اور ضرور اسکی مدد کرو گے ۔۔۔
5) کہا کیا تم اقرار کرتے ہو اور اس بات پر مجھ سے عہد باندھتے ہو؟
6) انہوں نے کہا کہ ہاں ہم اقرار کرتے ہیں ۔۔۔
اب خاکسار مندرجہ بالا امور پر الگ الگ روشنی ڈالتا ہے تاکہ آیتِ کریمہ کا مفہوم آسانی سے سمجھ آ سکے -
پہلا اَمر یہ کہ اللہ نے نبیوں سے میثاق لیا - اور اسمیں تمام انبیاء بشمول آنحضرت ۖ کے شامل ہیں - اور انبیاء سے میثاق لینے کا مطلب انکی امتوں سے میثاق ہوتا ہے - چنانچہ یہ میثاق جسطرح پہلی اُمتوں سے لیا گیا اسی طرح اُمتِ محمدیہ سے بھی لیا گیا -
ایک غلطی اور اسکا ازالہ :
یہاں اکثر غیر احمدی یہ کہا کرتے ہیں کہ اس میثاق میں آنحضرت ۖ شامل نہیں بلکہ یہ میثاق آنحضرت ۖ کے متعلق لیا جا رہا ہے - ان کا یہ خیال سراسر غلط اور قرآنِ کریم پر غور و تدبر نہ کرنے کا نتیجہ ہے - کیونکہ آیتِ کریمہ کا اگلا حصّہ یہ ہے کہ (( لَمَاۤ اٰتَیۡتُکُمۡ مِّنۡ کِتٰبٍ وَّ حِکۡمَۃٍ )) یعنی جبکہ میں تمہیں کتاب اور حکمت دے چکا ہوں - اب اگر آنحضرت ۖ کو اس میثاق سے باہر کر دیں تو ماننا پڑیگا کہ نعوذ باللہ آنحضرت ۖ کو (( کتاب اور حکمت )) عطاء نہیں کی گئی جبکہ قرآنِ کریم جگہ جگہ فرماتا ہے کہ ہم نے تم میں ایک ایسا رسول مبعوث کیا ہے جو تمہیں کتاب و حکمت کی تعلیم دیتا ہے - اس میثاق سے آنحضرت ۖ کو باہر رکھنا خود آنحضرت ۖ اور قرآنِ کریم کی توہین ہے - پس آنحضرت ۖ اس میثاق میں شامل ہیں -
دوسرا اَمر ایک غلطی اور اسکے ازالہ میں از خود بیان کر دیا گیا ہے - تیسرا اَمر یہ ہے کہ پہلے کتاب اور حکمت موجود ہو گی پھر اگر خدا تعالیٰ کوئی ایسا رسول بھیجے جو اسکی تصدیق کرے جو ہمارے پاس یعنی اُمتِ محمدیہ کے پاس ہے اور ہمارے پاس کیا ہے؟ ہمارے پاس کتابُ اللہ ہے - تو اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے کہ جو رسول بھی تمہارے پاس آئے گا وہ قرآن کا مُصدق ہو گا ۔۔۔ اب یہاں یہ مسئلہ بھی خدا تعالیٰ نے حل فرما دیا کہ آنحضرت ۖ کے بعد جو بھی نبی و سول مبعوث ہو گا وہ آنحضرت ۖ کا اُمّتی ہو گا کیونکہ وہ قرآن کا مصدق ہو گا اور جو قرآن کا مصدق ہو گا وہ آنحضرت ۖ کا بھی مصدق ہو گا تو اسکی حیثیت ایک اُمّتی نبی کی حیثیت ہو گی اور اُمّتی نبی کے غیر احمدی سرکاری مسلمان بھی قائل ہیں وہ مانتے ہیں کہ حضرت عیسٰی علیہ السلام جب آئینگے تو اُمّتی نبی ہونگے - جسکا مطلب ہے کہ عقیدے میں نہیں بلکہ شخصیّت میں اختلاف ہے - بہر حال اس اَمر میں یہ بات واضح ہو گئی کہ وہ مصدق رسول آنحضرت ۖ کے بعد ہی آئے گا اور اُمتِ محمدیہ میں سے ہو گا اور آنحضرت ۖ کی لائی ہوئی شریعت کا مطیع اور کامل غلام اور پیرو ہو گا -
چوتھے اَمر میں اللہ تعالیٰ اُمتِ محمدیہ کو یہ تاکیدی نصیحت فرما رہا ہے کہ جب ایسا ہو کہ کوئی مصدق رسول تمہارے پاس آئے تو تم ضرور اس پر ایمان لے آنا اور ضرور اسکی مدد کرنا - مگر سرکاری مسلمان خدا تعالیٰ کی اس واضح نصیحت کے برخلاف اسکی اور اسکے ماننے والوں کی شدید مخالفت کرتے ہیں اور انہیں قتل کرتے، انکا بائیکاٹ کرتے اور اُنہیں بنیادی انسانی حقوق سے محروم کرتے ہیں اور خدا تعالیٰ کے حُکم کی صریحاً نافرمانی کرتے ہیں - اُنہیں سوچنا اور غور کرنا چاہئیے کہ وہ اللہ کے حکم کی نافرمانی کر کے کیسے خدا اور اسکے رسولؐ کی رضا حاصل کر سکتے ہیں؟ کیونکہ آنحضرت ۖ نے خدا سے یہ عہد باندھا ہوا ہے اور قیامت کے دن جب تمام اُمتوں کو انکے انبیاء کے ساتھ خدا تعالیٰ کے حضور پیش ہونے کا حکم ہو گا وہاں آنحضرت ۖ کو بھی اپنی اُمّت کیساتھ پیش ہونا پریگا اور تمام سرکاری مسلمان یاد رکھیں کہ آپ نے خدا سے یہ عہد باندھا ہوا ہے کہ ہاں ہم اس پر ایمان لائیں گے اور اسکی مدد کریں گے ۔۔۔ قیامت کے دن جب خدا آپکو آپکا عہد یاد کروائے گا کہ بتاؤ تم نے عہد کیا تھا یا نہیں ۔۔۔ تو آپ کیسے انکار کر سکو گے؟ آپ نے تو اس عہد کا اقرار کیا ہوا ہے ۔۔۔ پس بتائیں کہ کیا آپ آنحضرت ۖ کی حقیقی اُمّت کہلا سکیں گے؟ سوچیں ! قبل اسکے کہ وقت گزر جائے اور آپکے پاس پچھتاوے کے سوا کچھ باقی نہ رہے ۔۔۔ خدا تعالیٰ نے تو وہ مصدق رسول بھیج دیا جس نے اسکی تصدیق کرتے ہوئے، جو ہمارے پاس ہے (قرآن) یہ کہا کہ!
جمال و حُسنِ قرآں نورِ جانِ ہر مسلماں ہے
قمر ہے چاند اوروں کا ہمارا چاند قرآں ہے
دل میں یہی ہے ہر دَم تیرا صحیفہ چُوموں
قرآں کے گِرد گھوموں کعبہ میرا یہی ہے
پس اپنے وعدہ کو یاد کرو جو تم نے خدا تعالیٰ سے باندھا تھا جسکا تم نے اقرار بھی کیا تھا کہ ہاں ہم ضرور اس مصدق رسول پر ایمان لائیں گے اور اسکی مدد کریں گے - خدا تعالیٰ تمہیں اسکی توفیق عطا فرمائے تاکہ قیامت کے دن آنحضرت ۖ کو تمہاری وجہ سے شرمندگی نہ ہو بلکہ فخر سے خدا کے حضور یہ عرض کر سکیں کہ اے خدا میری اُمت نے اپنے کئے ہوئے عہد کو پورا کر دکھایا - آمین ثم آمین
خاکسار نے اپنی طرف سے اس آیتِ کریمہ کے ہر پہلو کے متعلق تفصیل سے روشنی ڈال دی ہے اسکے باوجود اگر کسی شریف النفس اور حق کے طالب کے ذہن میں کوئی سوال ہو تو خاکسار اسکے جواب کے لئے حاضر ہے - مندرجہ بالا آیتِ کریمہ سے صاف ثابت ہوتا ہے کہ آنحضرت ۖ زمانی لحاظ سے آخری نبی و رسولؐ نہیں بلکہ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے بعد بھی سلسلہ نبوت جاری ہے مگر صرف مصدق رسول کا جسکا دوسرا نام اُمتی نبی ہے
May Allah guide this brother to Islam he seems a nice guy
You don't call a kafir brother
Only the believers are brothers
It is really confusing! If they declare Laa ilaha illallahu Muammadur rasulAllah (SAWS), then why are they even considering mirza golam to be their prophet? Intellect should be used in the name of Allah SWT for it to function properly.
thats way the are know as qafier ANA GHATAMAN NABIA LAC NABIA BAcdie
Please do NOT get confused, Because this is called "DAJAL" what exactly Rasool-e-ALLAH ﷺ warned us about.
And this dajal coming out of " DAJJAL " mirza qadiyani mardud.
Pakistan, India must reject this group and end to it. more knowledge and discussion will bring truth to Pakistan, India.
Our Prophet is Muhammad (saw) and Ahmad (as) is the promised messiah who was prophesied to come in the latter days and Huzoor (saw) has called him a Nabiullah four times in Sahih Muslim.
@@ibtesammirza8776 Lol
What a joke.. Promised Messiah ? u guys need to be educated or just let u in the dirt
It sad to see this young lad being on falsehood. May Allah guide him to Islam.
He is already in true islam, ahmadiyya. Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulilah, Ahmadiyyat-Islam Zindabad@@sammuel2988
This qadiani is very sincere and humble. Disappointing to see the crowd be disrespectful. He is to be commended for his courage and patience in a hostile environment. Inshallah he will find Islam.
What brother Adnan is saying is 100% true...
Islam zinda baad. ❤
😉 Many of the Ahmadis are very passive they not vulgar l am an ex sunni I used to be a Deedat fan until l became aware that he learned from Ahmadi literature 🤫l am better placed to challenge you😉 l can speak your vulgar language that you Jahils understand 🙏🙏🙏 l am available to Debate any of you socalled Muslims from the Holy Quran at any given time on the issue of prophethood after MUHAMMAD s.a.w and the death of Nabi ESA a.s.🌹 leave aside Hadith and the writings of the Mahdi and massiah Hadrat MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD a.s. which you don't have the ability to grasp and understand 🙊🙉🙈 you son's of Abu Jahal 👹🤫ua-cam.com/video/0BxwGL0N05c/v-deo.html
000% true
Adnan Rashid has found an easy way of earning. Barking dogs seldom bite.
The barking dog so conveniently points finger at the noblest of the men of these times- the Ghulam of Ahmad.
Sometimes I think Mirza sahib might have said what Adnan Rashid claims he had said and I also think Mirza sahib was prophetically right in what he said when I listened to Adnan. Can Adnan prove me wrong?
Fair play to this kid.. He was very polite and patient.. We should all take example of this.
He was polite but the guy he was defending was not even close to morality. This young boy was enthusiastic but misinformed. May Allah guide him
Yes he is very patient indeed... I mean dealing with Adnan sb is like dealing with a special needs child.. 😂.. this should be called "the Adnan Show"... who only "debates" with Ahmadis on TWO topics as he knows he would lose on the rest.. 😂
@@shifapharmacy-v7mwell said
@@listenmullahsbThere are no other topics to begin with! In order to follow someone, you have to prove his authority or his authenticity, How can you prove that when the entire character of a person is contradiction of his own words, it's more like self proclaimed story rather than a part of religion or at best Islam!😅
Lmao the brother in the back with the canada goose jacket, his face says astagfirullah the whole time hahaha
Whoever said that there is a Prophet after Rasulullah then he is a KAFIR why? because the Prophet is the khataman Nabi.
Then why are Muslims waiting for Hazrat Isa علیہ السلام to be descended from Skies, if he comes again in this world, and do every thing that a Prophet is supposed to do, and Muslims believe that they'll Admit him as Prophet of ALLAH ALMIGHTY, so in that case the creed of Khatm e Nabuwat will be broken or not?
@@safeerahmad4678 read the difference between "New" and "Return".
Jesus(PBUH) came before Prophet SAWW, his return doesn't mean he is a new Prophet or bringing any new commands/scripture but he will live by the rules given to Prophet SAWW because Prophet SAWW is the final and the last Prophet.
@@safeerahmad4678 I tell to All Ahmadiyah you guys MUST get the hujjah from Alquran and Hadist NOT the Bible as refference, the Prophet Isa AS was already a Mesiah and He's coming back is not as a new Prophet but a same Prophet before he was lifted. It's really cleared mention in Al-qura'n and the hadist. He's not died neither crucified.
If Elon Musk is lifted up by Xspace to the Mars and his family is waiting for his return and after 1 month he is coming back with Xspace to the earth,
my question is, is he still the same Elon Musk or become Elon Mars? 🤣
@@safeerahmad4678 Issa peace be upon him won't bring anything new :)
He already delivered the message to his people in his prophethood time :)
He will follow the lastest revelation and come as a Sahabi Muslim to kill the dejjel and die like you and I
Did your Ahmed killed the Dejjel ? lol
Stop following false prophets! there is no other one after Muhammed (SAW)
Comeback to islam. Qidyani has nothing to do with Muhammed(SAW)
He told us about false prophets after him and that there is no other prophet after him.
The worst thing is if anyone sees him they will assume he is Muslim 😢
And Alhamdolillah, the good thing is Adnan Rashid doesn't look and speak like him. Adnan is like,,,🤮
@@ibnahmad3519ahmadis are not Muslims. It's why it's more insulting. Muhammad saw is the last prophet the religion of Islam is complete. We don't believe an Indian man who couldn't speak Arabic was Mahdi when Mahdi was prophesized to come at the end of time when dajjal is here and leading ISA in prayer. NONE of this happened. So a man who died with a weird way is not the prophet. Muhammad saw already told us many people will claim prophet hood and they will all be false. Even right after Muhammad saw death Abu bakr went to war against someone who claimed prophethood and it's not even been more than 2+ years after his deaths. Qadiyanis would have been killed off as they're the same causing fitnah
@@Superfoodcookie Adnan Rashid is trying to deceive people. He and his scholars themselves, do not believe, in fact, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH to be the last prophet. How? He believes Hazrat Essa to be alive today even 'after' Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. So, there is a prophet present alive, whether in the sky or on the planet earth , after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH as per his own belief.
So the issue is not whether or not a prophet after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH will come . Ahmadis believe that the promised Messiah after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, as per the Khatam e Nubuwat belief and the sahih ahadees is to be a follower and servant of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. However, non- Ahmadis believe that the promised Messiah will be literally Hazrat Essa AS ( a Biblical prophet) who they believe is still alive. This can't happen for mainly two reasons. One, Khatam e Nubuwat bars all other prophthoods after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH except ones who are servants and followers of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. Second, Quran Majeed very explicitly declares that Essa AS has died a natural death ( there are 30 verses to this effect).
@superfoodcookie you have many misconceptions regarding the Messiah of the time. This is the consequence of mullas' deceptions. In one UA-cam reply it can't be removed but do read the next to appreciate one important fact.
Quran Majeed claims Allah SWT does not allow false prophets to flourish and history is witness to it. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani AS is the true promised Messiah. One simple proof is the zeal and effort of Adnan Rashid at Hyde Park London to prove him false after more than 113 years after his death away from Qadian, India. Does Adnan Rashid think that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani AS has been the only false prophet after Hazrat Muhammad PBUH? No. Adnan does believe that he is the one whose message and whose Jamaat is flourishing. Islam e Ahmadiyyat Zindabad.
@@ibnahmad3519 what's funny is every major ahmadi scholar refuses to debate higher because they know they have 0 base for their claim. Muhammad saw and his companion's and the 3 generations didn't preach anything ahmadis preach. No reference to Abu bakr Umar uthman, Ali and others ever referencing another prophet instead they killed anyone who claimed prophethood. Abu bakr literally after Muhammad saw death went to war against one who is claiming prophethood. He Muhammad saw even said there will be around 30 people to claim prophethood alll of them false. He is the last prophet until Mahdi and dajjal and the end of the world. ISA will stand behind Mahdi in prayer and Mahdi will lead the salah with all the Muslims. ISA will kill dajjal outside Medina. WHERE IS ALL OF THIS there's all this sahih Hadith's all unfulfilled and you guys believe an Indian man was Mahdi and ISA. He even claimed to be krishna the indian god.
This is complete kufr. You have 0 claim in the Qur'an it self which explicitly means seal and final prophet khatm= final/end of something. Muhammad even in his own lifetime said religion of Islam is complete nothing can be added/taken away. He himself proclaimed to be the last prophet in sahih Hadith's. This is why the Muslim world don't see ahmadis as Muslims. They disbelieve in basic things that make someone a Muslim
There's already historical reference proving he did the bidding of the British empire. His whole family was essentially loyal to the British which is why in numerous letters/books they praise Ghulam and his family for his service. He was created for the division of the ummah. That's why Muhammad saw told us about false prophets. He knew they would claim prophethood to divide the ummah.
@@ibnahmad3519 you are clearly very stupid to talk about this , ahmadis are a product of indian sub continent no where else in the muslim world would have believed this nonsense , ESA AS was a prophet before Muhammad SAW so him being alive after Prophet Muhammad SAW doesnt change the fact that Prophet SAW is the last prophet , either way the scum mirza qadyani is a stupid man only a retard will believe anything he says m which you are
6:00 Masha Allah moon sighted in Britain. Congratulations
I recall at their Morden qadiani centre inauguration event, their spokesman was asked: how many followers do you have around the world, he replied with a straight face, 200 million.
Do you know the average figure?
Qadiani are established liars 200 million in his dreams,,they mainly concentrated in punjab thats it..max 20 million..such liars
This channel must upload the debate when it happens.
Im looking forward to the zanazah of qadianis
don’t hold your breath , adnan can’t debate he can only lecture
@@LogicPak why dont you go the the park and put your piont across .
Secondly these micky mouse are not in his league that why he lectures them. He speaks with evidence,logic .
You keep bad mouthing him on sm
@@LogicPakwell at least Adnan can present evidence from Quran and Sunnah.
He is very nice guy may Allah give him hidayat
He is already given hidayah by Allah almighty to become the member of ahmadiyya muslim jamaah. Alhamdulillah
@@sammuel2988 may Allah guide u with him
@@sammuel2988 search about the qadiani books you should kknow that qadiani mirza was a lier is any prophet visit to theater and gulam mirza writtten in his book that he visit to treater also so how he is noble man justt a lier and lanati
4:15 The qadiyani pointed at himself for being a liar, munafiq, and kafir and pointed at Adnan Rashid when he said who isnt these things 💀
Subhanallah just noticed it after I read your comment. May the lord guide him.
Guys lets be abit honest guys, every Qadiani that comes to you doesnt mean he having a debate,
Adnan is sensationalist
I am really amazed at these Qidanites.
Do they not read the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, may blessings and peace be upon him, that Muhammad, may blessings and peace be upon him, is the Seal of the Prophets, that is, there is no prophet after him? We ask God Almighty for guidance for them.
And to introduce them to the religion of Islam and distance them from the religion of desires
Have you ever read it?
How can you believe in Jihadi Jesus that killing people with his breath …. How will he dawah everyone will drop
Dead !?😂
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement encouraged his followers to remain loyal to the British government and to support their country of residence, which at the time often meant supporting British rule in India. This stance was in part an effort to gain favor with the colonial authorities and secure protection for his religious movement. It's important to note that his views were not universally shared among Muslims in India, and opinions on his relationship with the British government vary.
🤔you fail to realize that the socalled Muslim world must first reform themselves and unite 🥰 ALLAH Almighty says that the earth will be inherited by the Righteous 💖Dajjal is already in our midst 😜he is not the one eyed monster that you imagine him to be🥴it is a materially sophisticated nation which the whole world want imitate and follow 🤩 they are Spiritually blind in the right eye 👁️ and materially SHARP in the left eye 👁️ to the Righteous and seekers of Truth and ALLAH'S guidance l inform you that the MESSIAH and MAHDI has already come 🙄he was not raised from the Arab land but from Qadian INDIA 🥰the spiritual Kingdom was taken away from the Arabs who have FORSAKEN Islam and given to a more worthy people 🥰 Justice , peace ,and spiritual wealth will be found amongst those who have recognized and accept him 🥰 he advocated to his followers to perform Jihad with the Pen 🖊️ by using strong reasonable and Rational arguments to defeat the apponents wrong ideology He is not the Bloody MAHDI and MESSIAH that
A ghandoo
He was clearly a stooge or propped up lead people astray. How can you support British rule, you can't even support a Muslim rule which isn't from Qur'an and sunnah!
The 1st time a saw a picture of mirza not knowing who he was I seriously thought it was picture of kafir.
Please Try to have a clear camera view. Because some people are constantly standing in front of the camera, which makes it difficult to watch the video.
Love these debates.. Inshallah Br Adnan can make these people see some sense..
Adnan is waiting for Jihadi Jesus 😂
I'm from India I know mirza gulam was an agent of the colonialists and dissuaded people from jihad .He was a paid servant of the British Empire who ruled India at that time. He was normal human with below avg. character who would do such few cheap stunts to earn some money n respect among the Ruling Empire . This is the whole mirza thing.
Adnan Rashid you are doing a great job, Please keep it up may Allah ta’ala grant you guidance hereafter.
Any update on the debate???
Why don’t you allow the brother to finish what he was saying
They brought this on themself 😂
@ To Qadiyanis: The word "khaatam" (from Khaatam-an-Nabi) -- Seal/last of the prophets, has appeared 8 times in the Quran.
Here: 2:7, 6:46, 36:65, 42:24, 45:23, 33:40, 83:26, 83:25
Each time that word has meant "Last" or "Stop" or "End" etc. Never has it meant anything else. Please check it out. Go and read.
Now, why on earth, would you manipulate/twist the meaning of that word only in ONE instance completely differently that also contradicts the dictionary + Quran's corpus + Ijmaa' ?
Think about it.
You are the one twisting the words and meanings and ignoring the fact that you yourselves are awaiting a Prophet after the Prophet pbuh.
And secondly the same could be said about you regarding the fact that Issa AS has passed away:
The word (tawaffa) has been used in no less than 25 different places in the Quran and in no less than 23 of them the meaning is to take away the soul at the time of death :
2: 234; 2: 240; 3: 55; 3: 193; 4: 15; 4: 97; 5: 117; 6: 61; 7: 37; 7: 126; 8: 50; 10: 46; 10: 104; 12: 101; 13: 40; 16: 28; 16: 32; 16: 70; 22: 5; 32: 11; 40: 67; 40: 77; 47: 27
In two places the meaning is to take away the soul at the time of sleep; but here the qualifying word “sleep” or “night” has been included , in Chapter 6, verse 60 and Chapter 39, verse 42.
But when it comes to Isa AS (3: 55 and 5: 117) the majority of muslims suddenly deviate from the above mentioned understanding that the verb "tawaffa" means "to take the soul without the body".
@@TariQ-nx3uz Don't get me confused with Sunnis. I belong to no sect. I'm a Muslim.
I completely agree with you on Isa (as). I have done that research in depth. And the point of view of Ahmedi Muslims is right ✅ about the death of Isa (as) as per the verse 3:55, and the "second coming of Jesus" is no different than old Christian tales since 2000 years, carried forward in the books of hadiths that sunnis blindly follow (even when they contradict the Quran).
I am awaiting no mehdi nor a prophet. My Islam was completed when the Quran was completed as mentioned in the Quran itself. The Quran clearly affirms the last Prophet (Muhammad saw). You can say Allah always sends some warners to every nation to convey the message, but someone claiming to be a Prophet definitely goes against the Quran.
So tell me brother Tariq, are you now willing to accept the truth? i.e. Quran? Because you do see the truth about the Khaatam-an-nabiyeen verse, don't you? I know exactly what stops Ahmedi Muslims to leave their sect = They fear (and rightly so) that leaving Ahmedi would end up in Sunni-ism, yet another sect that revolves around hadiths and the consequent firqa-wariat and undermines the authority+status of Quran.
Ever thought about leaving sects? just like Allah asked us to do in the Quran? The Book of Guidance?
Islam = Quran + Sunnah
(not Quran + Sunnah + Hadith + etc)
I know you'd have plenty of questions, especially how can we follow Islam without a sect, feel free to ask. May Allah guide us all. Ameen!
@@Hasan... I appreciste your good intentions but unfortunately I have to disappoint you, I am convinced that Ahmadi muslims have the best understanding of Islam and the far better arguments regarding their aqaeed. And we have a Khalifa, a true guide. Many Ahmadis have been able to meet the Khalifa and have witnessed his Noor in person. I know you wouldn't understand it, no one would but I am just sharing my viewpoint so you might understand why we won't leave our faith. It is always portrayed that If Ahmadis are like sheeps and follow blindly but on the contrary Ahmadis are the most educated muslim community.
@@TariQ-nx3uz That's completely understandable. I am nobody to make someone change their faith. But I do have my right to seek knowledge (and share knowledge). So Tariq, we still have a pending question from our discussion...
Surah Al Ahzaab 33:40 "Khaatam-an-nabiyeen" the word "khaatam" is absolutely consistent in its meaning in the Quran (8 out of 8 times) it's always meant "Last" or "end". Check each verse. Now how do you claim only one instance of that word would have a completely different meaning?
Also ❗the verse starts with "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men".. do you know what relevance this has in this verse? what does it mean? why did Allah have to clarify this?
Allow me to answer but I urge you to ponder over it please. By saying he is not a father of anyone, Allah is saying Muhammad does not have a son, i.e. once he is gone, you cannot make anyone an equivalent successor! (if he had a son, you can imagine what would happen). AND THEN immediately after that Allah mentions he is the Last of the Prophets❗ You see how it links? the context is perfectly clear.
I know you're an intellectual individual.. I urge you to re-assess your faith, just like I did mine from scratch! (I'm an ex-sunni as you already know, right now I belong to no sect). The only way I came closer to the truth is I re-assessed my faith, and that's how I learned about Isa (as) and about all the blind following going on in every sect.
So an unbiased reassessment is a must. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.
jazakAllah khair!
The 10,000 Qadianis are upon haqq and we billion Muslims are misguided 😂🤦♀️
Ur not billions 😂
1.8 billion @@zainabimtiaz676
@@zainabimtiaz676almost 2 billion.
@@zainabimtiaz676 Tf are you talking about
Theire more than 5 Million in Pakistan alone
Did the debate ever happen please?
SALAM GREETINGS OF PEACE ) brother Adnan doing great work big fan now did they accept your challenge??
May Allah guide him, he is still a brother of ours
They will never exept brother Adnan is very sure of his case he is a walking libiriry he is best ❤ from Holland
soo umm where is the challenge? waiting eagerly.
Mashallah. Good work by Adnan Rashid.
Subhana Allaah which prophet is that where is it mentioned I have never heard correct me if I'm wronged please
adnan rashid doesnt even let the next person speak ....this is not a way of debating ....he just tries to make a point by talking loud....thats not the way brother...
did the invitation come?
and what happened?
Did the debate ever happen?
What days do these debates happen?
Islam is trailing for the past hundred years. The decline started from the destruction of Ottoman Empire. Palestine, Iraq, syria, afganistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia... all have become hell. If the current Muslims are truthful to Allah, why don't they pray to Allah to remove these calamities? The only way for Muslims to get out this problem is either Issa to come from heaven or accept Mirza as Issa.
Bro adnan said what are they spoking 😂😂😂😂😂 just shows how exhausted he is with these people 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ya Allah give hadayat to this young qadiyani man.Ameen
Qadiyani will never debate on these topics
If the AHMADI lied about God, how can they not lie about Muslims 😂
you guys are the ones that do taqiya
Where did they go?
By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, my Ummah will split into 73 sects: one will enter Paradise and 72 will enter Hell' (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi). The Companions asked the Prophet ﷺ who the group which entered paradise would be, and he gave a clear answer that gives some peace of heart to the believers
Has the debate happened?
Mr.adnan Rasheed please try to debate regarding Nation of Islam and Ansarul jam’at as well
اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ والْمُسْلِمَاتِ وَالمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالمُؤْمِنَاتِ، الأَحيَاءِ مِنهُم وَالأَموَاتِ
May Allah blessed brother Adnan
This is what we pray as taught by Promised Messiah as “Lord, hear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfil Your promise and help Your servant and show us Your days and sharpen for us Your sword and spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers. Tazkirah, pp. 664]”
When Quadiany wants to behave like A smart creature , expect to see a clown trying to catch a rock at a sea side
Btw when he said not to talk about people when they’re not there, the Ahmad character didn’t have his camera on… maybe he was there…
Masha Allah
Adnan bahi ❤❤❤
What hurts me most is these people go out as missionaries around the world misguiding people who don't know much about anything really. I hope that becomes a stepping stone for those poor people towards the true Islam.
Did this debate ever happen?
How can you even show your face as a Qadiani follower? Don't these people have any shame?
Some people are not guided by Allah since their hearts are shackled.
Like Abu Jahal 'aduwallah , he liked to hear the recitation of Al Quran secretly, but his heart was dark(zulumat) n he died as a kufur.
he is from ahmadiyah who believe mirza ghulam is last prophet, naudzubillah these people already banned from indonesia
You guys believe jihadi Jesus will be last prophet
@@AlJihadiJesus nope, beloved muhammad pbuh is the last prophet
@@Ralphecho77898 then why you believe in jihadi Jesus ?
@@AlJihadiJesus because its already on prophet muhammad prophecy, when the world nearly end
Adnan Rashid Bhai u surprised me. Masallah zabardast
10months later Baitul Fatuh sends (drum roll!!! 🥁): RAZI!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
IF Mirza Ghulam was
Jesus ;
Why wasn't the prophecy of where he will be buried, fulfilled?
Not only buried lol he have not fullfiled anything and Issa should not be an indian :)
Where is the dejjel hasn't appear yet
That mirza liar is a lil dejjel as the prophet told u
If he was born, he cannot be Jesus pbuh as he was already born.
*Truth is*
*Bitter-* sweet
Liar, Liar
Died with his pants on Fire, A
Dying request;
"bring the toilet inside
Next to the bed"
En *-Suite* ?
This was posted 3 months ago so has the debate taken place?
Have they accepted the challenge?
Be just, he was correct on yall manners, even if he's not muslim. May Allah give him hidayah to islam.
we need to show our ikhlaq as a muslim to anybody , making noise and chanting will never led them learn the truth . pleaee we need to work on our ikhlaq Allah knows best
Anyone trying to say Mirza Ghulam was a prophet is severely misled. The seal of all prophets is sayedna Mohammed pbuh. Seal means he was the last one. He sealed the treaty between muslims and God almighty swt. Case closed.
May Allah reward you Adnan for your contribution to the deen. Anyone who rejects or manipulates on purpose the Quran and authentic hadiths is not a muslim as far as i know, is a wolf wearing like a sheep or a hypocrite
Did they accept it?
If Qadiani believe they are on the true path...why are they forbidden to do Haj
You are a genius
Can’t believe there is a such group exist. Didn’t know what is qadiyani before.
dont you go to toilet???? what exists there is exactly this group
Great Work Adnan Bhai.... we or I am with you for debating with Qadani or Ahmedi....I challenge all Ahmedi and Qadani
I challenge u prove from quran and hadeeth that no prophet can come and prove me that hazrat Isa AS is alive in the heavens
@@Jigar-r3u According to the Quran Muhammad is the last in a chain of prophets sent by God (33:40).
It is mentioned in verse 55, when Allah said, “O ‘Isa, I am to take you in fall and raise you towards My self.”
The word مُتَوَفِّيكَ (Mutawaffika) is used by the Quran. The word Tawaffi, the root word of Mutawaffika, is also used for ‘bringing death,’ but the word used by the Quran cannot mean that ‘Isa (Alaihis Salam) has died because, firstly the next word ‘and raise you towards Myself’ clearly negates this sense and, secondly, the Quran has clarified the position in 4:157-158 where it is said,”while infact they did neither kill him, nor crucify him, but they were deluded by resemblance. Those who disputed in this matter are certainly in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, but they follow whims. It is absolutety certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards himself. Allah is Almighty, All-wise.”
here is the proof and now dont talk before you have any knowledge about the topic
When the mind is blind the eyes are useless
He seems a good person and I am sure he Must be a smart guy.. Come on brother how can you believe there was a Prophet after Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. May Allah Guide you to true Islam.
Fun Fact: Ghulam Mirza Qaidiani wanted to debate hz Peer Mair ali shah sb rahimullah. Before the debate, qaidiani wanted to go toilet and died upon the toilet seat.
His age and his behaviour this old man subhana Allaah
This brother is just misguided, he seems nice guy may Allah blessed him with being a muslim.
Why you are calling him brother?
You don't call a kafir brother,
Qadyani/ahmadiah and Nation of Islam is same.
No. Nation of Islam cult leader never claimed to be prophet and he also repented from his wrong ideas of "Black Nationalism" later.
I see on a qadiani channel they was just making excuses to run from a debate and trying to say bro adnan rasheed dont know anything no point in debating him
Its SIMPLE Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) was the last & final messenger. This is the shaahada. You add anyone else after him as a messenger then your out of the fold of islam. End off. May Allah guide ppl like this guy
According to you jihadi Jesus will be last prophet stop lying
Please someone make this debate happen
It did happen. Yesterday on TrueIslamUK UA-cam channel. Adnan Rashid discussed character of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and got destroyed by the Ahmadis. See for yourself 🤷♂️
@@mohdnasir-wr5lb go watch it yourself mate. That’s why Adnan Rashid wants another one because he failed
Many ahmadiyah in indonesia have been arrest by our police 🤣🤣🤣
How many are left 😂😂😂😂
Wow.... So brave on your part.....
What was there crime?
i respect more a christian that these guys
Christian are your brothers as you believe in physical ascent of Jesus…
What's up with this Adnan, he is superman of ISLAMIC teachings in his own self-made world! ⚔️🇵🇸🇵🇰
He looks smart and he is a young guy so why did he astray from the right path I mean how can he believe a guy who helped British empire draw a line a border in India be a prophet of Allah it baffles me, may Allah guide him back to the right path and the truth
Qadyani belief is the same like 1+1+1= 7 , Adnan dealt with 1+1+1=1 so this will be easier to refute bi idni'Allah subhan'Allah wa ta 3ala. May Allah guide us all
Ek sawaal Jo Maine ek qadiyani se comments mein poonchha ,woh saare qadiyaniyon se poonchhta hoon,ek aadmi 10 saal se kisi office mein mulazim hai,woh 2 mahine ki chhutti lekar jata hai,is beech ek aur aadmi mulazim banta hai,2 mahine baad pehla aadmi chhutti se wapas aaya,tab kaun aakhri ya sabse naya mulazim hoga office ka?jo abhi mulazim laga tha ya jo chhutti se wapas aaya?
Riley Reid is Lana Rhoades Considering Qadianism