Bytech LED Infinity Mirror speaker review

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @tankdarla637
    @tankdarla637 Місяць тому

    I just got 2 for $14 because I want true stereo. They are charging now. I hope they are true stereo. Great review!

  • @mannym1248
    @mannym1248 16 днів тому

    I think you should do a two speaker review on then. Great video and I almost bought one. I'm going to go get one tomorrow now after seeing this video.

    • @ianwest1624
      @ianwest1624  15 днів тому

      I'll try it then, they still have them in stock in many locations

  • @zacksalmon4403
    @zacksalmon4403 2 дні тому

    Has anyone figured out how to pair them if you have two? I was hoping to pair them both to my iPhone

  • @whitneysimon6828
    @whitneysimon6828 5 днів тому

    Where did you get yours. I have 1 but I want another and 5 below doesn't have it

    • @ianwest1624
      @ianwest1624  4 дні тому +1

      If in Philadelphia 8th and market 5 below is where I got mine but check the website out and see if they still have it

  • @karlekaNeshun
    @karlekaNeshun Місяць тому

    When I pressed and held the pause and play button it sounded like the radio wanted to play but didn’t get a clear connection still.

  • @ninijohanaposadapatino3281
    @ninijohanaposadapatino3281 2 місяці тому

    A have one Ruiz

  • @stevendavis3991
    @stevendavis3991 11 днів тому

    In reality.. battery life is 30 seconds then it beeps and power down on you. It's also not fm and am radio. That both is just advertisements only.