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Female Mii(s) versus YOU?! And you were on a WINNING streak?!? That was epic! Congratulations!
Wait, didn't you heart my comment, Jinna?
You’re so good at this! Very Good! 😃
I'm glad you didn't type about the gilrs and that's fine that he typed that
Yes, very pretty gilrs
Liberty Hollifield 8ghmthjt
@@Nazono_sekaisen36 r/ihadastroke
You mean Girls right?
@Carlos Esho oi I said a nice word you don't have to bully me.
Do you mean girls?
역시 소름이 쫙 쫙 돋는다 잘한다 👍 😎 😍 😂 😄 😁 👍 😎 😍 😂 😄 😁 👍 😎 😍
Those darn gilrs!
You spelled girls wrong💝💚💙💝💚💙
pinkieshy flutterpie don don’t worry about the wrong spelling it is only a mistake
I had no idea people still played wii party but i’m glad i’m not the only one
JinnaGaming can’t argue with that tbh
JinnaGaming I actually speedrun Wii Party but I’ve been to scared to upload my times!
S ta piłka lataiąca to łatwiznę dla 1
U have a fantastic channel
Naomi: I’ll get you next time BLUE GUY!
Make a speedrun PLS,1V3,Wii partyMatt,Hiromasa,Emma
For everyone who is saying “ItS nOt GiLrS!” Shut up! He propably messed up the typing!
Baby Dog like you did for probably
Baby Dog you too
Your right
You’re very good at this
Elisa,Naomi,Misaki YOU Win The CartaHi Player!!! YOU ARE WIN THE CPU YOU Win The Game Brother
This is like a boy vs girls contest
Those darned gilrs...
I love how it’s spelled gilrs lmao
Gilrs hahahahahahahahaha
No, it's not, @@syazlinomar5531! It's spelled "Girls"!
blue guy vs three girls
Dat thumbnail tho
Gilrs vs boy 😑😰
That thumbnail is AWESOME!!! 😀👍
Naomi will appeared in Spadecity Series
There is a 99.9% of you getting number 1
Oh god... ELISA...~ Poofesure
I love your comment
*G I L R S*
Girls not believing they are girls are mad😂😂😂
Naomi is one of My Favorite CPU Miis and will appeared in Spadecity Series
10% Comments: Actual Comments90% Comments: GILRS
Lil' Cutie Films Girls*
@@viviiaannn it's a f***ing joke look at the title of the video
1 comment saying bad things about the girls = 100000000-% chance of getting a nice Nintendo switch! So stop being mean to the girls!
Player vs 3 girls
3 grills
Double! 0:05
Great party.
The blue is a boss he is my favourite friend everBoss blue Noob yellowNoob RedNoob green
You spelled girls wrong in the title you put gilrs
These CPU Miis are on Advanced Difficulty.
Garnet336 Leafy909 you are really smart
Gilrs > gorls
Dae and family members 💓 ❤️ 💕 💖 💗 ♥️
Do you like play wii party with family?
gilrs? more like *grills
chào bạn
@Dung Mai Duc bạn ở đau vậy
Bạn ở đau
Nói tiếng việt đi
ban o dau the
JinnaGaming bạn ở viet nam ah
I See Elisa
"I Hate Elisa"Busted
If Jinna say GILRS it’s GILRS.
Correction: girls!
The Heathers
you misspelled girls wrongly but good try
JinnaGaming hey I said it first
meshaal alsharrah ...... meh
Cats and Fun SHUT THE F##K REPORT IN 5 4 3 2 1
U spelt girls wrong
Apple 🍎
Melania Hendrawan Himalayanti Apple Sucks! No I don’t eat apples!
Ah yes, gilrs....
Gilrs haha 😘😘
JinnaGaming Gilrs
súper. valen
I was here just for the axe but I see no axe
dat thumbnail doe
Every thing in the comments in about gilrs LOL
Blue is my boyfriend I love 💕 him soo much he kissed me I’m 16 years old we dated
Stop being so disgusting and your just pertending
@Carlos Esho shut up girl or boy. I'm 7 years old so you can't be rude to a 1-7 or 1-8 year old
Go boy and girl
And blue loves me too his name is Zack Zack sweetheart I love 💕 you soo much do you love 💖 me
Girls vs boy
In the Cry Babies Wii Party Minigame you have to shake the wii remote fast to win
Thanks for tip !
You are welcome JinnaGaming
I played this fireboy and watergirl when i was growing up at hudgames
Misspelled girls
Poofesuremy sockey and Elisa/Poo Breath
I Like Poofesure :D
You spell girls wrong.
Wouldn't your hands hurt after that? 0:40
He's a black belt though. Look, he's wearing a black belt.
That doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt though
Whats a gillr
Girls not grils
U Do Know U Spelled Girls Wrong Right
Girls not Glirs
Perfect. Just right
@@Cutiedolls12 it s just a mistake so shut up
Kylie Minogue into the blue, dancing os la recomiendo
You didn't spell girls right you know
What was that thumbnail though
That thumbnail is fun ?
JinnaGaming Idk
Do not use the n-word or face the consequences.
.... Why nerd....
There is a typo
The thumb nail seems bad
What does gilrs mean?
I know who those girls are
Yeah! Thank for feedback😅
Yeah he needs to go back to school
José. Dariosiboiati.
That is not how u spell girls this is how you spell :g-i-r-l-s
He is a teenager how can he spell it wrong
He means girls not gilrs
That Right ! Thank for report !
maybe he don’t care
Hey your pubilish the wrong word its girls
That not how you spell Girls it’s a easy word
That’s not how you spell girls
Female Mii(s) versus YOU?! And you were on a WINNING streak?!? That was epic! Congratulations!
Wait, didn't you heart my comment, Jinna?
You’re so good at this! Very Good! 😃
I'm glad you didn't type about the gilrs and that's fine that he typed that
Yes, very pretty gilrs
Liberty Hollifield 8ghmthjt
@@Nazono_sekaisen36 r/ihadastroke
You mean Girls right?
@Carlos Esho oi I said a nice word you don't have to bully me.
Do you mean girls?
역시 소름이 쫙 쫙 돋는다 잘한다 👍 😎 😍 😂 😄 😁 👍 😎 😍 😂 😄 😁 👍 😎 😍
Those darn gilrs!
You spelled girls wrong💝💚💙💝💚💙
pinkieshy flutterpie don don’t worry about the wrong spelling it is only a mistake
I had no idea people still played wii party but i’m glad i’m not the only one
JinnaGaming can’t argue with that tbh
JinnaGaming I actually speedrun Wii Party but I’ve been to scared to upload my times!
S ta piłka lataiąca to łatwiznę dla 1
U have a fantastic channel
Naomi: I’ll get you next time BLUE GUY!
Make a speedrun PLS,1V3,Wii party
For everyone who is saying “ItS nOt GiLrS!” Shut up! He propably messed up the typing!
Baby Dog like you did for probably
Baby Dog you too
Your right
You’re very good at this
YOU Win The Carta
Hi Player!!! YOU ARE WIN THE CPU YOU Win The Game Brother
This is like a boy vs girls contest
Those darned gilrs...
I love how it’s spelled gilrs lmao
Gilrs hahahahahahahahaha
No, it's not, @@syazlinomar5531! It's spelled "Girls"!
blue guy vs three girls
Dat thumbnail tho
Gilrs vs boy 😑😰
That thumbnail is AWESOME!!! 😀👍
Naomi will appeared in Spadecity Series
There is a 99.9% of you getting number 1
Oh god... ELISA...
~ Poofesure
I love your comment
*G I L R S*
Girls not believing they are girls are mad😂😂😂
Naomi is one of My Favorite CPU Miis and will appeared in Spadecity Series
10% Comments: Actual Comments
90% Comments: GILRS
Lil' Cutie Films Girls*
@@viviiaannn it's a f***ing joke look at the title of the video
1 comment saying bad things about the girls = 100000000-% chance of getting a nice Nintendo switch! So stop being mean to the girls!
Player vs 3 girls
3 grills
Double! 0:05
Great party.
The blue is a boss he is my favourite friend ever
Boss blue
Noob yellow
Noob Red
Noob green
You spelled girls wrong in the title you put gilrs
These CPU Miis are on Advanced Difficulty.
Garnet336 Leafy909 you are really smart
Gilrs > gorls
Dae and family members 💓 ❤️ 💕 💖 💗 ♥️
Do you like play wii party with family?
gilrs? more like *grills
chào bạn
@Dung Mai Duc bạn ở đau vậy
Bạn ở đau
Nói tiếng việt đi
ban o dau the
JinnaGaming bạn ở viet nam ah
I See Elisa
"I Hate Elisa"
If Jinna say GILRS it’s GILRS.
Correction: girls!
The Heathers
you misspelled girls wrongly but good try
JinnaGaming hey I said it first
meshaal alsharrah ...... meh
Cats and Fun SHUT THE F##K REPORT IN 5 4 3 2 1
U spelt girls wrong
Apple 🍎
Melania Hendrawan Himalayanti Apple Sucks! No I don’t eat apples!
Ah yes, gilrs....
Gilrs haha 😘😘
JinnaGaming Gilrs
súper. valen
I was here just for the axe but I see no axe
dat thumbnail doe
Every thing in the comments in about gilrs LOL
Blue is my boyfriend I love 💕 him soo much he kissed me I’m 16 years old we dated
Stop being so disgusting and your just pertending
@Carlos Esho shut up girl or boy. I'm 7 years old so you can't be rude to a 1-7 or 1-8 year old
Go boy and girl
And blue loves me too his name is Zack Zack sweetheart I love 💕 you soo much do you love 💖 me
Girls vs boy
In the Cry Babies Wii Party Minigame you have to shake the wii remote fast to win
Thanks for tip !
You are welcome JinnaGaming
I played this fireboy and watergirl when i was growing up at hudgames
Misspelled girls
my sockey and Elisa/Poo Breath
I Like Poofesure :D
You spell girls wrong.
Wouldn't your hands hurt after that? 0:40
He's a black belt though. Look, he's wearing a black belt.
That doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt though
Whats a gillr
Girls not grils
U Do Know U Spelled Girls Wrong Right
Girls not Glirs
Perfect. Just right
@@Cutiedolls12 it s just a mistake so shut up
Kylie Minogue into the blue, dancing os la recomiendo
You didn't spell girls right you know
What was that thumbnail though
That thumbnail is fun ?
JinnaGaming Idk
Do not use the n-word or face the consequences.
.... Why nerd....
There is a typo
The thumb nail seems bad
What does gilrs mean?
I know who those girls are
Yeah! Thank for feedback😅
Yeah he needs to go back to school
José. Dariosiboiati.
That is not how u spell girls this is how you spell :g-i-r-l-s
He is a teenager how can he spell it wrong
He means girls not gilrs
That Right ! Thank for report !
maybe he don’t care
Hey your pubilish the wrong word its girls
That not how you spell Girls it’s a easy word
That’s not how you spell girls