Medellin a New Perspective: Congratulations to the citizens of the city of Medellin,.... Medellin is currently the "Best urban city in the World" as stated by the World forum of urban cities (Lee Kuan Yew) in addition, Medellin is also known as "The Most Innovative City in The World" as per the "wall Street Journal" and the IMF "Citigroup" from the United States Of America. Medellin, competed with New York City, Rome, Paris, Milan, London, Tokio, Hong Kong, Chicago, SidneyAustralia, Berlin, Madrid, Dubai, Boston, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Vienna, Moscow, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, etc, .... in total more then 350 cities world wide competed for the above titles, and the city of Medellin was selected as the winner. Important facts, about the city of Medellin: Medellin together with “Valle of Aburra and Valle San Nicolas”, have developed an impressive infrastructure based on local enterprise. These corporations are the backbone and the focal point of Medellin's success providing strength to the new district of innovation known as "Ruta N". Although major corporations such as; EPM, UNE, HP, and others have made positive contributions to the new paradigm of "Ruta N" , .... It is important to bring the rest of the corporations located in the "Valle of Aburra" and “Valle Of San Nicolas”, to form part of the new development. This effort will solidify, and will result in establishing, the most sophisticated “technology region and technology park” in the America's, second only to "silicon valley" located in the United States Of America. There is a reason why Medellin, is known as “the most innovative city in the world”, it reinvented itself by integrating several entities of society which include; local government, educational institutions (universities), corporations and the citizens of the city of Medellin. The next step, is to bring the rest of Medellin's powerful corporations to form part of “Ruta N” such as; Banco Colombia, IMUSA, EVERFIT, Licores Antioquia, Cementos Argo, Haceb, Exito, Coltejer, Fabricato, Sur-Americana, Procter & Gamble, Postobon, Corporacion Ferrocarril de Antioquia, Reposteria AMRS, Tejicondor, Noel, Grupo Nutresa, AUTECO, Chocolates Colombia, Cueros Velez, Grupo Conconcreto, Viva Colombia, Trans Unidos, Leonisa, Corporacion Systema Metro, Ron Medellin,ORBITEL, including 2000 new start-up companies located in "Ruta N" etc, ..... Congratulations to the city of Medellin, you deserve the tittle of “ the most innovative city in the world” as stated by the Wall Street Journal and Citigroup of the United States of America.
Me van a perdonar, defiendo a Medellín a muerte, pero esto de Ruta N, es un cuentazo, no ha beneficiado sino a los mismos de siempre, y han estado fracasando desde hace años, Hewlet Packard se fué hace rato y la gente del común no se ha beneficiado en nada...
Tenés toda la razón... Ruta N ES LA MENTIRA MAS GRANDE DE MEDELLIN HABLAN DE LAS GRANDES COMPAÑÍAS QUE ATRAEN Y EL PUTO EDIFIFIO SIEMPRE ESTA VACÍO... RUTA N no sirve para nada, es una perdida de tiempo, de plata y de espacio, Hewlett Packard se largó de ahí, ya que en Ruta N no le han dado empleo a nadie y no han desarrollado ninguna innovación, ninguna tecnología y ningún negocio rentable. ES UNA REALIDAD SE TENÍA QUE DECIR Y SE DIJO!
Medellin a New Perspective:
Congratulations to the citizens of the city of Medellin,.... Medellin is currently the "Best urban city in the World" as stated by the World forum of urban cities (Lee Kuan Yew) in addition, Medellin is also known as "The Most Innovative City in The World" as per the "wall Street Journal" and the IMF "Citigroup" from the United States Of America. Medellin, competed with New York City, Rome, Paris, Milan, London, Tokio, Hong Kong, Chicago, SidneyAustralia, Berlin, Madrid, Dubai, Boston, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Vienna, Moscow, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, etc, .... in total more then 350 cities world wide competed for the above titles, and the city of Medellin was selected as the winner.
Important facts, about the city of Medellin: Medellin together with “Valle
of Aburra and Valle San Nicolas”, have developed an impressive infrastructure based on local enterprise. These corporations are the backbone and the focal point of Medellin's success providing strength to the new district of innovation known as "Ruta N". Although major corporations such as; EPM, UNE, HP, and others have made positive contributions to the new paradigm of "Ruta N" , .... It is important to bring the rest of the corporations located in the "Valle of Aburra" and “Valle Of San Nicolas”, to form part of the new development. This effort will solidify, and will result in establishing, the most sophisticated “technology region and technology park” in the America's, second only to "silicon valley" located in the United States Of America.
There is a reason why Medellin, is known as “the most innovative city in the world”, it reinvented itself by integrating several entities of society which include; local government, educational institutions (universities), corporations and the citizens of the
city of Medellin. The next step, is to bring the rest of Medellin's powerful corporations to form part of “Ruta N” such as; Banco Colombia, IMUSA, EVERFIT, Licores Antioquia, Cementos Argo, Haceb, Exito, Coltejer, Fabricato, Sur-Americana, Procter & Gamble, Postobon, Corporacion Ferrocarril de Antioquia, Reposteria AMRS, Tejicondor, Noel, Grupo Nutresa, AUTECO, Chocolates Colombia, Cueros Velez, Grupo Conconcreto, Viva Colombia, Trans Unidos, Leonisa, Corporacion Systema Metro, Ron Medellin,ORBITEL, including 2000 new start-up companies located in "Ruta N" etc, ..... Congratulations to the city of Medellin, you deserve the tittle of “ the most innovative city in the world” as stated by the Wall Street Journal and Citigroup of the United States of America.
Me van a perdonar, defiendo a Medellín a muerte, pero esto de Ruta N, es un cuentazo, no ha beneficiado sino a los mismos de siempre, y han estado fracasando desde hace años, Hewlet Packard se fué hace rato y la gente del común no se ha beneficiado en nada...
Puro cuento. aca en colombia estamos esperando los frutos de tales innovaciones, hasta el momento solo publicidad.
Tenés toda la razón... Ruta N ES LA MENTIRA MAS GRANDE DE MEDELLIN HABLAN DE LAS GRANDES COMPAÑÍAS QUE ATRAEN Y EL PUTO EDIFIFIO SIEMPRE ESTA VACÍO... RUTA N no sirve para nada, es una perdida de tiempo, de plata y de espacio, Hewlett Packard se largó de ahí, ya que en Ruta N no le han dado empleo a nadie y no han desarrollado ninguna innovación, ninguna tecnología y ningún negocio rentable. ES UNA REALIDAD SE TENÍA QUE DECIR Y SE DIJO!