I don't do sheitel. Only sinar and tichels and my husband only kippah. Stremmel or hat for weddings or chagim only. Our minhag is strict and based on Torah and for Hashem. My marriage/wedding day, I wore the traditional white headcovering, hair fully covered and with my face fully covered. For men and women who cover it's a mitzvoth to Hakodesh Baruch Hu. Sheitel not modest, partial covering like a "kerchief " aka bandana not modest.
I am a member of Havurah shalom in Somerville.
I have a bucharan yarmulke made by sarah Jacobs in nyc.
Awesome video!!
Not all chassidim wear Streimels. The Lubavitcher and Breslov are key examples.
Good to know!!
New here. Just trying to understand better and make some Jewish friends. Love from N.C. just subscribed
Ohhh that’s not a good idea if you want to make it into heaven and not to hell with them…😬
todah raba! 🤗🤗✡️😍
2 hats is better than one .. Nice
I could add for women too, but I won't
Please cover the side hair (hanging down on side of the face) on some men. Thank you and Shalom
I don't do sheitel. Only sinar and tichels and my husband only kippah. Stremmel or hat for weddings or chagim only. Our minhag is strict and based on Torah and for Hashem.
My marriage/wedding day, I wore the traditional white headcovering, hair fully covered and with my face fully covered.
For men and women who cover it's a mitzvoth to Hakodesh Baruch Hu.
Sheitel not modest, partial covering like a "kerchief " aka bandana not modest.
I love Israel and All Jews..❤
The zuchetto was so based you had to steal it?
Im very likely to be killed after this comment, but heaven awaits so Sancte Ludovice Rex IX, ora pro conversione Iudaeorum.✝️⚜️👑🗿