Hello Maros. I'm mexican but living in US and I'm a bonsai enthusiast that restarted bonsai cultivation after several years of puting on hold. I recently discovered your videos and your channel and it´s amazing. Thanks for sharing all your experience and all those tips. I found it very enlightening even the part when you advise on when NO to collect trees. We must to be honest to ourself and wait if we are not ready, since it´s a big responsibility to take a tree from the wild. I've many year of experience cultivating cactus and gardening back in Mexico but here in US I'm new so I think I will wait to gain more expericen mostly because the wheater in the midwest is totally different than my birth town. Anyways, I have couple of trees in my backyard that I would like to extract and turn into Bonsai, this would be kind of a test or initiation to gain experience and practice. Your videos are really helping me to understand the process and take note of the key aspects of collecting and after care. Thanks a lot!.
Dear Jorge, Thanks for your kind words. I hope you will continue your journey, and in case you need some advice, feel free to ask in the comment section under any video, and I will try to answer to the best of my capacity. Greetings
A very useful video Maros, with your tips that are great reminders and precautions. Really like your folding shovel, have to look for something like that too! Thanks for showing how you actually removing a tree from the ground, step by step. Cant imagine you carrying your tools, the tree and every a camera set up back down!
Glad it was helpful! Shovel as mine or similar is all over army shops, nice toy indeed. I tried to make whole series to help navigate a newcomer into yamadori, so it is clear what, how, when etc I was quite close to the car, and my filming gear is compact but anyway, bringing tree down with all stuff is exhausting. I was lucky to pot the tree three days later. I would not have the energy do it same day.
What a beautiful specimen. You must have been sore for days after that massive collection. I love the triple trunk - very eager to see how you style it in the coming years. I've never seen a forest of hornbeam like where you were collecting. It must be beautiful in summer when in full leaf. Wonderful video!
Hi Sue. It was exhausting for sure, fortunately I was on easter holiday at my family place, so I was kind of resting until Monday. Thing is, collecting anything this size is quite some work, transport is no joke either. That is why this king of trees have value, either emotional for collector of real if you intend to sell it. I was not so happy with the footage since filming outdoors, yourself doing dirty work is not so easy as I thought. Anyway it is out, I am happy that I managed to finish planed series for now. Moving on to different topics. Thanks a lot. Greetings.
Taká Veľkonočná improvizácia, lebo som nemal komplet náradie. Musel som vziať so sebou do auta ženu, deti a psa tak sa všetko nevošlo. Ďakujem a držím palce s tvojím stromom.
Ja nie som typický jesenný kopáč, ale má to logiku a veľa ľudí to úspešne robí. Dokonca s lepším výsledkom ako na jar. Je to len otázka schopnosti poskytnúť stromu ochranu pred mrazmi. Čo asi nie každý v našich zemepisných šírkach vie.
Good question! This one was there from Saturday till Tuesday. I colleced few Carpinus Orientalis with Andrija Zokic few weeks before this tree. We were collecting on Thursday. They staid packed with same method durich whole weekend, in the shadow of course. They traveled with me from Croatia over 500km and were later potted on Monday or Tuesday, all survived.
It's hard to answer in general. It depends on your location. Future construction sites, to-be-developed areas, and farmland with grazing animals are the safest bets. Spades are handy.
Zdravím, prosim vas mam otázku ohľadne dubov z prirody. Na vašom blogu som nasiel stary príspevok (tusim 10+ rokov?), ze duby zvládnu aj neskoršie vykopanie (maj, jun a dokonca aj júl..). Aky máte na to aktuálne nazor? Je to ok alebo radšej odporúčate klasické kopanie na začiatku jari? Ak ste sa k tomu niekde vyjadroval ospravedlňujem sa. Ďakujem za odpoved✌️
Ahoj Tomáš. Dobrá otázka. Fakt je, že ja som žiadny dub dlho nekopal. Takže nemam s tým aktuálnu skúsenosť. Ale myslím si, že sa v komunite yamadori nadšencov na to nejako pohľad radikálne nezmenil. Ak by som mal ja kopať dub, tak by som ho šiel kopať v takom termíne, že by mal veľké puky a takmer listy. Časovo to je ťažko zaradiť lebo počasie je každú jar rôzne. Druhá vec je, môj názor je že časové okno na kopanie stromov je oveľa väčšie ako si mnoho začínajúcich bonsajistov uvedomuje. Veľa ľudí (aj profesinálov) kopú takmer celý rok, skoro celú zimu keď nemrzne, v neskorm lete a začiatkom jesene, potom celú jeseň až do Vianoc.... samozrejme je to otázka starostlivosti po vykopaní, ako viem strom chrániť pred vetrom, pred nízkymi teplotami a pod. Neviem či taká odpoveď postačuje. Ak, tak sa pýtaj. M.
Hello Maros. I'm mexican but living in US and I'm a bonsai enthusiast that restarted bonsai cultivation after several years of puting on hold. I recently discovered your videos and your channel and it´s amazing. Thanks for sharing all your experience and all those tips. I found it very enlightening even the part when you advise on when NO to collect trees. We must to be honest to ourself and wait if we are not ready, since it´s a big responsibility to take a tree from the wild. I've many year of experience cultivating cactus and gardening back in Mexico but here in US I'm new so I think I will wait to gain more expericen mostly because the wheater in the midwest is totally different than my birth town. Anyways, I have couple of trees in my backyard that I would like to extract and turn into Bonsai, this would be kind of a test or initiation to gain experience and practice. Your videos are really helping me to understand the process and take note of the key aspects of collecting and after care. Thanks a lot!.
Dear Jorge, Thanks for your kind words. I hope you will continue your journey, and in case you need some advice, feel free to ask in the comment section under any video, and I will try to answer to the best of my capacity. Greetings
A very useful video Maros, with your tips that are great reminders and precautions. Really like your folding shovel, have to look for something like that too! Thanks for showing how you actually removing a tree from the ground, step by step. Cant imagine you carrying your tools, the tree and every a camera set up back down!
Glad it was helpful!
Shovel as mine or similar is all over army shops, nice toy indeed. I tried to make whole series to help navigate a newcomer into yamadori, so it is clear what, how, when etc
I was quite close to the car, and my filming gear is compact but anyway, bringing tree down with all stuff is exhausting. I was lucky to pot the tree three days later. I would not have the energy do it same day.
What a beautiful specimen. You must have been sore for days after that massive collection. I love the triple trunk - very eager to see how you style it in the coming years. I've never seen a forest of hornbeam like where you were collecting. It must be beautiful in summer when in full leaf. Wonderful video!
Hi Sue. It was exhausting for sure, fortunately I was on easter holiday at my family place, so I was kind of resting until Monday. Thing is, collecting anything this size is quite some work, transport is no joke either. That is why this king of trees have value, either emotional for collector of real if you intend to sell it. I was not so happy with the footage since filming outdoors, yourself doing dirty work is not so easy as I thought. Anyway it is out, I am happy that I managed to finish planed series for now. Moving on to different topics. Thanks a lot. Greetings.
Well done Maros! I’m excited to see its progress. 🌴
Thanks, Phil. I will post the progress if it will develop well. Greetings
Maroško pekná prácička. Na budúci rok čaká aj mňa takýto výkop. Nech sa mu darí.
Taká Veľkonočná improvizácia, lebo som nemal komplet náradie. Musel som vziať so sebou do auta ženu, deti a psa tak sa všetko nevošlo. Ďakujem a držím palce s tvojím stromom.
@@marosbonsai Skúšal si kopať hrab niekdy na jeseň?
Ja nie som typický jesenný kopáč, ale má to logiku a veľa ľudí to úspešne robí. Dokonca s lepším výsledkom ako na jar. Je to len otázka schopnosti poskytnúť stromu ochranu pred mrazmi. Čo asi nie každý v našich zemepisných šírkach vie.
paráda, hlavne že je zelený!!! ale fuška to bola riadna!!!
To ti teda poviem, že bola. Ťažko som ho podcenil.
Great video! How long do you think the tree can last packed like that before planting in a container? Greetings from Croatia.
Good question! This one was there from Saturday till Tuesday.
I colleced few Carpinus Orientalis with Andrija Zokic few weeks before this tree. We were collecting on Thursday. They staid packed with same method durich whole weekend, in the shadow of course. They traveled with me from Croatia over 500km and were later potted on Monday or Tuesday, all survived.
Where can you go and freely collect trees?
How about also using a nursery spade?
It's hard to answer in general. It depends on your location. Future construction sites, to-be-developed areas, and farmland with grazing animals are the safest bets. Spades are handy.
I always underestimate how deep it is proceeded to throw my back out...
I wish I understood
Is there a follow up vidoe ofthe progress?
Until now still in winter storage. I think in March it will see the action and short video could be created along.
Have you tried this method with silver birch? And succeed?
Yes, I've had success with birch. It's a beautiful tree to work with and can thrive when collected properly. It should work without problems.
@marosbonsai thank you
Zdravím, prosim vas mam otázku ohľadne dubov z prirody. Na vašom blogu som nasiel stary príspevok (tusim 10+ rokov?), ze duby zvládnu aj neskoršie vykopanie (maj, jun a dokonca aj júl..). Aky máte na to aktuálne nazor? Je to ok alebo radšej odporúčate klasické kopanie na začiatku jari? Ak ste sa k tomu niekde vyjadroval ospravedlňujem sa. Ďakujem za odpoved✌️
Ahoj Tomáš. Dobrá otázka. Fakt je, že ja som žiadny dub dlho nekopal. Takže nemam s tým aktuálnu skúsenosť. Ale myslím si, že sa v komunite yamadori nadšencov na to nejako pohľad radikálne nezmenil. Ak by som mal ja kopať dub, tak by som ho šiel kopať v takom termíne, že by mal veľké puky a takmer listy. Časovo to je ťažko zaradiť lebo počasie je každú jar rôzne.
Druhá vec je, môj názor je že časové okno na kopanie stromov je oveľa väčšie ako si mnoho začínajúcich bonsajistov uvedomuje. Veľa ľudí (aj profesinálov) kopú takmer celý rok, skoro celú zimu keď nemrzne, v neskorm lete a začiatkom jesene, potom celú jeseň až do Vianoc.... samozrejme je to otázka starostlivosti po vykopaní, ako viem strom chrániť pred vetrom, pred nízkymi teplotami a pod. Neviem či taká odpoveď postačuje. Ak, tak sa pýtaj. M.
@@marosbonsai ďakujem!
Je nejaký špeciálny spôsob ako ošetrujete veľké rany na koreňoch po odsádzaní?
Nie je to potrebne