Bought this lens used yesterday. Yet to arrive. I prefer internal zoom over the new extruding design of the RF lenses. Looking forward to shoot with it :).
Great job Julian! Although I am a Nikon guy, I truly enjoyed your review and I learned quite a bit. There is no doubt you know your gear and it shows. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Ben Duval Thank you so much Ben. I am glad you got something from this. I will be shortening the videos from here on in to keep interest levels!!! Until my next one. Thanks a ton!
Bought this lens used yesterday. Yet to arrive. I prefer internal zoom over the new extruding design of the RF lenses. Looking forward to shoot with it :).
Good job.
How has this guy not blown up yet? Great review!
Thanks alot mate.
The entire video was out of focus?
Love it man! I'm so happy to see you here as well. Keep it up!
Thank you so much!! I appreciate it!!!
Thoroughly enjoyed your review. Good luck with your channel.
Gerald Barton Thanks so much mate!!!!
Great job Julian! Although I am a Nikon guy, I truly enjoyed your review and I learned quite a bit. There is no doubt you know your gear and it shows. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Ben Duval Thank you so much Ben. I am glad you got something from this. I will be shortening the videos from here on in to keep interest levels!!! Until my next one. Thanks a ton!
Loveeeee ittttttt!!!
Thank you so much my love. Could not of started all this without you xoxo
Great review, Thanks
Great Review !!!!
thank you so much mate!
Have you used it in low light?
Yup. Many Times!
Placing order.
Very nice….
Thanks so much