This reminds me of my childhood :) I grew up in a really poor house from Argentina, my grandpa used to make pancakes with homemade dulce de leche and chocolate milk every single morning for everyone in the house, we were 20 in total. The amount of love that breakfast had was better than any fancy breakfast. The cheapest flour, the cheapest sugar and the oldest pan in the house, but I've never eaten pancakes that can compare to those my abuelo made.
haus.of.edwards 8 Whenever you watch an ad on a youtuber’s video, they get money for everybody who watches it fully. But if you skip the ads, then the youtuber won’t make money.
@@peru7895 He says to follow "his father" and he is the way to him. I believe in the Bible he even states at some point he ends up a judge during the end times.
I love the bigger your channel gets the more food, more variety, more gifts the children get. Y’all are a blessing to your village. 100fold blessings to you & your family
Karla Prais I’ve never seen you or your comment what are you talking about? And how am I fake? 😂 you take this UA-cam thing too serious... now I just went back and checked..My comment was posted 7 minutes before yours, I’m use to girls trying to be like me honey, don’t worry.. but please don’t flip it the other way around. My comments are for grandpa too see, I could care less if you or anyone likes it. Look at my picture... I don’t need anyone to “like me” to boost my ego😂🤷🏻♀️
This man is living the life! Cooking outside in a beautiful setting with the beautiful sounds of nature. Those of us that don't have this luxury should be jealous. I know I am. Plus, he's a UA-cam star...4M+ subs. Dude is banking!
only the setting makes you think that. look mat the ingredients he is using, all of them are bought from supermarket, I can tell: ultra pasteurized milk, eggs from industrial raised hens, bought bananas. how can I tell? I know how eggs from one's own yard look like (different in color and size, with yolk soooo golden yellow), I know what fresh milk tastes like, it has about 10% fat, instead of 3.8, the maximum you find in stores, and there is rumor it might be re pasteurized and sent back to shelfs, if bananas are not organic, I would not boil them in their coat, do you even have idea what they are sprayed with right after being gathered? if not, better check youtube! white sugar is not called white death for no reason. In Romania, there are still people living from the land: you should see how we make aubergine salad, and fry peppers on the stove, I cannot tell you about our tomatoes! seed kept from generations back, if you eat one you'd say you never tasted tomatoes before!
@@RaphaellyRaphaelly-KalimbaHike You must be fun at parties. I don't think they ever advertised being organic, or all natural. It's a poor area in India, they'll buy whatever is cheapest that does the trick. His methods are home-grown and primitive, which is typical in developing nations, not because it has additional appeal. Processed bananas and refined sugars don't matter here since it's much better than not having food at all. White sugar doesn't kill people who don't have enough to eat in the first place, hunger and malnutrition does.
@@pawala7 you are right! There is a saying: "We are what we eat!" I try to take care of what I eat, since that is where our health comes from. but yes, they are poor, and I guess they enjoy it and wouldn't care less.... :( too bad that their people who get there, on top, being rich and educated, do not do much for their co-nationals, to raise their education level, and their harsh way of life. Recently I found out how tremendous polluted the air is in New Delhi....
This is true kindness. We should all aspire to be someone like him. We may not cook or anything but we do what we can to help other people, the environment etc. I think that is where happiness lies: in our ability to make lives around us better. So do something kind today and think of Grandpa. Have a great day everyone!
and teeth :( i keep telling them that he deserves teeth so he can eat his creations better. some might think it's unnescessery but you need to give yourself something too
dios bendiga a ese señor con todo el amor del mundo y muchas cosas mas! como es que hay gente tan amorosa y misericordiosa con los demas. hay veces en que no nos ponemos a pensar en lo mal que esa gente esta y su cituacion,pero señores como el valen oro! gracias dios,por que este hombre es una manifestacion tuya ! como quisiera ser yo la que les preparara toda esa comida a esos niños tan lindos ,esos angeles de dios...solo espero que para cuando ya sea una gran empresaria poder ayudar a todos los mas nesecitados. dios le de muchos años mas de vida a ese señor
Ojalá y que cuando tengas no te olvides de lo que dices serás una gran persona y sobre todo humanitaria que es lo que falta en este tiempo saludos y un abrazo
Those pancakes look so delicious 😋 I'm also happy the food is donated to people who really need it. Nobody is more grateful about food than these people. God bless❤️
Gone but certainly not forgotten. May your Legacy live on in your family and to those of us who have followed your videos. May your Legacy live on in the little ones you have helped. Rest in peace Grandpa. Rest in Peace.
Adoro ver a los niños felices pero una de mis partes favoritas es cuando grandpa prueba la comida como todo gran chef se asegura que este delicioso ojalá inspire a más a ser un poco de grande corazón como el
Now this is not easy as he made it look... anybody who makes good pancakes knows how critical it is with the heat temp........what he did is amazing in addition to eyeballing the perfect batter...those pancakes look official...... amazing....some of y'all dislike cause ya can't READ the box and do what he did!!!! :(.........take notes.......mix well
hoopin - No shit, I ALWAYS have a hard time making pancakes, never get it right, griddle always too hot, not hot enough, always something! Every time I make pancakes, reminds me of my childhood, Daddy always making pancakes, miss that
@@kamisbrbr guys I'm serious, why don't we try to organise that ? In every of his next videos we comment something like "please a video with ramsay !!" And we do the same on ramsey's channel "there is a grandpa who cooks for charity he has 5millions subs do a video with him !!"I'm sure it xan happen.. Grandpa needs all the love in this world of egoist people
It is sad to see the dislikes from other people. The people who dislikes this video and his other videos think they can do better than Grandpa. It does not matter whether or not he can do better but he is just showing us what he does so that other people can be like him in the future or right now. I would rather be like him than disliking this heart melting video. Keep up the good work Grandpa😍😍. I think he deserves a better heart than the people who dislikes the video. I feel really uncomfortable just seeing these disgusting comments or the likes that just turned into dislikes. Every time when I watch his video I feel like he is just cooking for all of us...
Maybe you have to respect the opinion of other people. People are free to like or dislike whatever, including this video. Are you omniscient to know why those people dislikes this video?. Can you know if I like or dislike this video?. (The answer to the last question is no, because I didn't press the "like" or "dislike" icons.)
Each pancake equals to atleast 3 pancakes but each child is given 2 pancakes that man is very big hearted and good hearted and he has a heart of gold super great job sir the world salutes him may God bless your soul
I'm half Egyptian and half Norwegian and has traveled the world over😊. And i have traveled and spent a lot of time in India. They are very kind people, beautiful, intelligent and caring. I commend them, especially the ones that live in the country dwellings. I truly hate the hustle and bustle of the city's. I'm a country person. I love the soft serenity of a calm atmosphere. And i love the gift of sharing and making people feel like family. Grandpa and so many others who have given from their heart to help others , just brings an absolute tear to my eyes. My family and i do the same thing and we love and adore doing it. Beautiful people, God bless. ALL HAILS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST/NORWAY 👳👳👳
Why create so much rubbishg all the time.. i dont get it, ALL THE HAPPY MUSIC and then showing tons of trash what destroys the earth, dirty plot twist this hole Grandpa Kitchen, dude stop the rubbish oO, bring some easy plates oO
I miss Grandpa. But I am very proud of how his children have stepped up to continue the good work that he started with helping these children. His wife and family must miss him.
Edwin D.R.G. You do realise that they’re adding it in big portions for a large amount of people. If you were making it for yourself you wouldn’t use nearly as much as in the video. Also comparing it to a Maccas burger or something that is actually unhealthy it’s is quite healthy. Next time don’t go out of your way to hate on something where it’s especially not needed
Abbysal Rupture Sorry if you feel offended by pointing some unhealthy facts about the ingredients use in this recipe... but what bothers me more, is that they can do the exactly same tasty pancakes without using cows milk, eggs and butter. PS. The USDA Refuses to Label Eggs Nutritious, Healthy, or Good for You. Why you think?
Edwin D.R.G. Offended no? Little irritated yes. Your pointing out all the “health factors” but haven’t taken into consideration that they probably don’t have such sources to acquire them. Another thing that irritating is that you also haven’t taken into consideration that they’re not going to be consuming these foods everyday, every week for the rest of their lives. Yet again comparing this food to an average Americans diet which consist of Fast food outlets, this is absolutely nothing compared to that yet for some reason you go out of your way to highlight how bad it is?
Your truly awesome grandpa, I love to see that your doing all of this for the kids you love, stay humble grandpa we love you and never stop being the great man you are.
Such a beautiful heart this man has! I'm so happy he did this he deserve all the subscribers he has and it makes me so happy there are a lot of people like this!
Does anyone else notice grandpa looks kind of unwell. I don’t know but his last few videos I’ve seen seems like his not well and under the weather I HOPE YOU’RE FINE AND HEALTHY GRANDPA!!!
No se como llegue a este canal, pero me gusto. 😊 Creo que el placer de todo cocinero es ver como se come lo que has hecho, y a los niños la verdad que da gusto verlos. 😊
Este anciano hizo su orfanato y el sostiene a todos estos niños allá en la India o Pakistán, no lo recuerdo bien, pero Dios bendiga y recompensar a este buen hombre
Obviamente el canal es para ayudarse económicamente, supongo que los jóvenes que aparecen se encargan de editar, subir los vídeos y todo lo demás, no entiendo porque hay gente que le da no me gusta a esto, ¿que tienen en la cabeza?.
Me preguntaba por qué tanta comida y resulta que al final surgió la respuesta que esperaba, es como esas películas con final inesperado, una grata sorpresa, ahí lo adoré más que al principio.
I loved all the other pancake videos and especially banana pancakes yum! My kids would love these gonna try adding banana tomorrow morning! God bless Grandpa and all he feeds!
Love how he doesn't hesitate to put all the ingredients without measurements and all. Just proves that he knows what he's doing ❤ Thank you for doing this grandpa in behalf of all of us!
Let me tell you that I congratulate you, I really admire you, I can not stop watching the videos, I really admire the fact of courage and strength that you have, people like you warriors, are the people that should always exist and should never cease to exist, because they are those who bring something nice to society, deserves a lot, because people with a great heart, are those who truly deserve success and live in a life of tranquility and love, God bless you too much, and continue giving you too much strength to do what it does.
Perception is everything.. they probably disliked because they saw hungry children in need of feeding. Maybe that's what they took from the video a lasting image of hungry kids..
It takes a lot of love to do this for many people & kids... talking about Loving Caring & Sharing... he was the epitome of it. R.I.H. Grandpa God bless you and your people... your children. All of us.
Why create so much rubbishg all the time.. i dont get it, ALL THE HAPPY MUSIC and then showing tons of trash what destroys the earth, dirty plot twist this hole Grandpa Kitchen, dude stop the rubbish oO, bring some easy plates oO
GRANDPAAAA!! ❤️❤️ God bless thy heart! ❤️ Also, let's give credits to that dude who's been with grandpa in every video. ❤️ God bless to everyone on and off the camera of Grandpa Kitchen!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Devon Hutson lmao I hope you have a wonderful life and you’re kids grow heathy and strong and you’re significant other is also well and you’re family is well to then You lose everything and everyone you love dies
I have so much respect for you grandpa and everything you do; kneeling or bending while standing up really hurts my back I can imagine what you go through you’re very strong and caring❤️
Why create so much rubbishg all the time.. i dont get it, ALL THE HAPPY MUSIC and then showing tons of trash what destroys the earth, dirty plot twist this hole Grandpa Kitchen, dude stop the rubbish oO, bring some easy plates oO
Junior Molina Es un Angel que alimenta con mucho cariño a tantos niños con hambre.Que llegan a las escuelas a estudiar con sus estómagos vacíos y les da esperanzas de un mejor mañana con personas como él
Reminds me of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Born in London and here there’s too much traffic with so many people rushing. I miss the quite peace and nature we have in the village🙁 love the seaside n flower gardens
Yes Grandpa!! Another wonderful meal -- it's a joy to watch you cook & I'm glad your son came to help. Just to see the joy on the children's faces made those pancakes look that much sweeter! I could have sampled one even without the syrup! Please do a video of some East Indian dishes -- esp curry chicken or Naan bread (my favorites)!! Be well & stay blessed!
3000 people like the video and I always hit a like before I watch the video. But you mean to tell me 133 people didn’t like the video, it’s so much hate in this world. It’s sad and he is helping these children. I wish I can see who didn’t like the video, I’ll give them a piece of my mind.
Carmen hairstylist hat My thoughts exactly. It’s so sad to see people still ‘dislike’ the video. I wish these people did much better things for them to hit dislike. SMH.
I agree exactly.I mean he's trying to help these poor kids which is heartbreaking,and Internet trolls out there dislike this.The people who dislike don't have a life,all they do is show hate and that their evil
Grandpa I think we r blessed enough so that we are at least getting to see such person like u who really well suits with comment "loving, caring and sharing " this is ur family.... Keep sharing videos grandpa 😊😊
This reminds me of my childhood :) I grew up in a really poor house from Argentina, my grandpa used to make pancakes with homemade dulce de leche and chocolate milk every single morning for everyone in the house, we were 20 in total. The amount of love that breakfast had was better than any fancy breakfast.
The cheapest flour, the cheapest sugar and the oldest pan in the house, but I've never eaten pancakes that can compare to those my abuelo made.
bitch is empty yeet That was beautiful like a poem
well, love actually makes food taste better💕
My Abuelo makes good Spanish pancakes from where he is from up north of Spain 🇪🇸 thay are the best I love them
Wow so beautiful story~~>♡
He is the Cleanest Cook I ever watched to Cook outdoors too! This man Deserves awards for his Awesomeness on Earth! God surely shines on him.
I agree, but he’s gone now..
Not to be rude but what about the flies though
I agree with you
@@shazanakhan9807 He said not to be rude -_-
The only youtuber i didnt skipped his ads. Thats what I could afford in supporting your noble work for the poor.
What happens if you skip the ads?
haus.of.edwards 8 Whenever you watch an ad on a youtuber’s video, they get money for everybody who watches it fully. But if you skip the ads, then the youtuber won’t make money.
Oh i never realized how important dont skip the ads for this gorgeus chanel.Thank you so much for your comment.
I didn't know that
Thank you for pointing that out !
Next time I'll watch till the end 🙂
The man who feeds his entire village is the king.
Yeah he sure is 🤴
The only King is Jesus.Jesus is the way,true and life.
@@peru7895 He says to follow "his father" and he is the way to him. I believe in the Bible he even states at some point he ends up a judge during the end times.
@@peru7895 Jesus is a person
A single beautiful heart is better than a million beautiful faces
Abraham Sia best comment💎
I agree.. blessings to you
Abraham Sia Are you calling them ugly?
I love the bigger your channel gets the more food, more variety, more gifts the children get. Y’all are a blessing to your village. 100fold blessings to you & your family
Wana shower sum love on my Indian food channel too :D
Marisa D você copiou meu comentário? 😊 Muito bom! Very well... All subscribers need like It ....
Marisa D Why you copy my comment? Your It is better😀... Let's go to help Grandpa... You are fake but this is not important😉!
Karla Prais I’ve never seen you or your comment what are you talking about? And how am I fake? 😂 you take this UA-cam thing too serious... now I just went back and checked..My comment was posted 7 minutes before yours, I’m use to girls trying to be like me honey, don’t worry.. but please don’t flip it the other way around. My comments are for grandpa too see, I could care less if you or anyone likes it. Look at my picture... I don’t need anyone to “like me” to boost my ego😂🤷🏻♀️
Marisa D last reply savage😂😂😂
I’m a simple lady... I get a notification from Grandpa Kitchen and I watch immediately👏🏽
Ruth Buh lol same but I'm a guy XD
You are an angel in disguise
Continue on helping those in need
I can not express my admiration for what u r doing .this is humanity and love in the best way. .I'm from egypt
I love Cléopâtre !
This man is living the life! Cooking outside in a beautiful setting with the beautiful sounds of nature. Those of us that don't have this luxury should be jealous.
I know I am. Plus, he's a UA-cam star...4M+ subs.
Dude is banking!
only the setting makes you think that. look mat the ingredients he is using, all of them are bought from supermarket, I can tell: ultra pasteurized milk, eggs from industrial raised hens, bought bananas. how can I tell? I know how eggs from one's own yard look like (different in color and size, with yolk soooo golden yellow), I know what fresh milk tastes like, it has about 10% fat, instead of 3.8, the maximum you find in stores, and there is rumor it might be re pasteurized and sent back to shelfs, if bananas are not organic, I would not boil them in their coat, do you even have idea what they are sprayed with right after being gathered? if not, better check youtube! white sugar is not called white death for no reason. In Romania, there are still people living from the land: you should see how we make aubergine salad, and fry peppers on the stove, I cannot tell you about our tomatoes! seed kept from generations back, if you eat one you'd say you never tasted tomatoes before!
@@RaphaellyRaphaelly-KalimbaHike you're right, it's all for show. It's amazing what a video camera and a field can show to the viewer and audience
@@RaphaellyRaphaelly-KalimbaHike You must be fun at parties.
I don't think they ever advertised being organic, or all natural. It's a poor area in India, they'll buy whatever is cheapest that does the trick. His methods are home-grown and primitive, which is typical in developing nations, not because it has additional appeal. Processed bananas and refined sugars don't matter here since it's much better than not having food at all. White sugar doesn't kill people who don't have enough to eat in the first place, hunger and malnutrition does.
@@pawala7 you are right! There is a saying: "We are what we eat!" I try to take care of what I eat, since that is where our health comes from. but yes, they are poor, and I guess they enjoy it and wouldn't care less.... :( too bad that their people who get there, on top, being rich and educated, do not do much for their co-nationals, to raise their education level, and their harsh way of life. Recently I found out how tremendous polluted the air is in New Delhi....
@@RaphaellyRaphaelly-KalimbaHike oh come on, he just feeding all the family and his neighbours
This warms my heart. Reminds me of how my granddaddy would feed all his many grandchildren and we all felt loved.❤️
My grand pa died while hugging me
@claudio matamoros same here i fell ya
This has me thinking about how my grandpa goes fishing and then has us all over for the best fish-fry’s. A handy man like him will never go hungry😌♥️
I'm just watching all the videos of grandpa to remind me of him since his passing.R.I.P grandpa 😢❤
Mari_sun Xx yes I know very sad
Inki death KB aur kese hui?:-(
Wait he died?
@@jermainegrant753 yes sadly
WAIT HE DIED I AM SO LATE BUT- he will forever be in our hearts Rest In Peace to this caring man 😭💞💞
This is true kindness. We should all aspire to be someone like him. We may not cook or anything but we do what we can to help other people, the environment etc. I think that is where happiness lies: in our ability to make lives around us better. So do something kind today and think of Grandpa. Have a great day everyone!
It symbolises what "HUMANITY" exact means.....Huge Respect from bottom of my heart....
I hit like before I deserve huge respect grandpa
Engineer Girl same and I watched the ad.👍👍😊😊😊☺
I watch the ads as well, they deserve it!
and teeth :( i keep telling them that he deserves teeth so he can eat his creations better. some might think it's unnescessery but you need to give yourself something too
Me too :)))
The nature sounds in the background are so relaxing
I agree!!!
Grandpa is a blessing to his village. The kids are always soooo grateful.
dios bendiga a ese señor con todo el amor del mundo y muchas cosas mas!
como es que hay gente tan amorosa y misericordiosa con los demas. hay veces en que no nos ponemos a pensar en lo mal que esa gente esta y su cituacion,pero señores como el valen oro!
gracias dios,por que este hombre es una manifestacion tuya !
como quisiera ser yo la que les preparara toda esa comida a esos niños tan lindos ,esos angeles de dios...solo espero que para cuando ya sea una gran empresaria poder ayudar a todos los mas nesecitados.
dios le de muchos años mas de vida a ese señor
Ojalá y que cuando tengas no te olvides de lo que dices serás una gran persona y sobre todo humanitaria que es lo que falta en este tiempo saludos y un abrazo
@ ؤ
Póngase a chingarle y déjese de mamadas
Those pancakes look so delicious 😋 I'm also happy the food is donated to people who really need it. Nobody is more grateful about food than these people. God bless❤️
Sister Stina w
I made it and it became sooo soooo delicious. Just incredible taste!
No wonder its grandpa's recipe
I want to make it ❤️❤️
I love the fact that he’s giving this to his family and friends and not wasting anything. These people are lucky to have you serve them!
The most families there are poor so why should they ne Lucky wtf?
The only videos i dont skip ads on, i want them to earn so much money. They deserve it :)))
ThePsychoPearl__ wow
Good good
I skip
ThePsychoPearl__ same
*_Thank God to put a man like this on the Earth 🌏_* And I’m subscribed !
Ashraf Bostourous 🙏🙏🙏
Gone but certainly not forgotten. May your Legacy live on in your family and to those of us who have followed your videos. May your Legacy live on in the little ones you have helped. Rest in peace Grandpa. Rest in Peace. i want those pancakes more than ever....thanks for sharing...
Gracias por Ayudar a estos hermosos niños con comida
Que Mi Padre Santísimo te Llene de Bendiciones todos los días de Tu Vida.Amén
Ciindy Portillo cosas mijina xddd
I wish i could quit my day job and live a simple peaceful life on the farm with the animals and grandpa eating amazing food
they wish that they had the life that you're living so be glad that you have what you have right now :D
I know right! This is amazing.
Me too
Why don't you? I'm sure they could use the extra hands.
Ao San how he gets paid from UA-cam, and grandpa said he loves his life
You can see how hes dedictated to all his cooking projects because hes bakes them all patiently and from scratch. Miss you grandpa :(
Este hombre se merece el cielo y un montón de años más de vida porque lo que hace el no lo hace nadie mas
Blaziken Salamence cual es tu problema si sí o no y no tengo que explicarte nada
Que Dios te bendiga abuelo, por tu gesto noble y por tu amor al prójimo
Florinda Cruz
Once I put your video on my tv, my two children yell with excitement and say "Whats grandpa cooking next?!" WE LOVE YOUR VIDEOS ❤
Trina C. That's so cute
Even my 2 yr old son loves watching these videos :-)
My daughter is the same she adores grandpa because he "gives those kids love and family"
Awww bless them, my and my 4 year old daughter love watching grandpa creating amazing cuisines.. ❤❤❤
This man is an example to us all. God bless his soul! ❤❤
Hi, hwr u
hiii dear
Adoro ver a los niños felices pero una de mis partes favoritas es cuando grandpa prueba la comida como todo gran chef se asegura que este delicioso ojalá inspire a más a ser un poco de grande corazón como el
Pues yo no los veo felices xd, en cada vídeo los niños se ven súper inexpresivos
yo tambien xD
janis aviña casi toda la gente tiene esa expresión en ese país no? Creo
Yo me ofrezco a probar toda la comida que él hace y estaría sonriendo de lo más feliz en el vídeo jaajja
@@donvergasmexicano4327 pueberto
Whoever disliked this video was probably jealous they couldn't have those yummy pancakes
I seen this comment
I was thinking something almost excalty the same
Or IHOP employees
those pancakes look so good. how many people agree.# grandpa kitchen
Nicole Rondon Jiojoin
Yummy grandpa pancakes
I agree 100%
I made them. Really delicious
I would legit travel to India just to hug this man.
Edit: Rest in peace gramps. You wont be forgotten😢😔❤
Me too! I'd like to take some firewood to him too - to help with the cooking. Though don't know how to do that...
Me too
I feel like cry he like herro man god blessing him
& eat his delicious looking food!!
He passed away
That's very nice of you for feeding the kids god bless you
Ant 2x truth
Ant 2x prkrjjkirpokejqqwojjjp003enjiebn eoonenjeir1jqjijwjoejejeneoopjjejebnejķekkeekojennenejo0ejjekdkkddijndjeokdj pakkwoknneio0kekeoeiejdjndo00k1qwsnsnndjejedindnorndmaaqppoekjsjkspojnnmkdod0d0skwnwnnsnndkkdpej2jbendnnd. Pekkeme00jenwj1nssjjndnsinej1onwnnennnwjjeoiuejdjdirujdjdnndoo02jjdnnj2jwi9sjj i2ieijdjoqiqkqjoq0900jsndnj1qjqusjjjdjdbndi0lldjjdjnjjjiuhdoodoodorrro0rorofďjxhuueuuujujqqswweidikjgjifikwkppdkkfjwidjnj j9iqjcjdjwuh0e0pckjjjueujcnfj9ifjdjidiwiq0idjcnjn ndjeioqldp0k2jjfjjcvnkpkkcodowjjdjfjjfoe0kd
Mdkjdjficudiduudjdnzklap0aijwfb nxnsjjjiiuhqushdhndnxnmkkkiajqjdhcbbhui000kkkmcnsjisijshhxbjjp0plalqkjź xjjxidiwuhfhjfp0jqjhxjjnncnno0hhfheuhfxnjxjcnjfjieidiw90kakakskkkqqZjxjduiwipqskkkhfuehbç pqjwhdhhhc9jjjehheuebfhdp0lslmxmjqiiqjanbxi0w0jjqjcjjfujcipwzmsjjduuwuq1jxhcchjaiqapjdueyhehhxao0qowkkskpjwujdhhhyuiid0ojejshbhq8hxn id8hhdhuwjiïuifjifri0iwjdhddhgchnkisiqisiidjduduudhdappa0qi dudeuiq01
I love this guy. And you know it's always gonna be the freshest food you'll ever eat. Soul food right there!
Now this is not easy as he made it look... anybody who makes good pancakes knows how critical it is with the heat temp........what he did is amazing in addition to eyeballing the perfect batter...those pancakes look official...... amazing....some of y'all dislike cause ya can't READ the box and do what he did!!!! :(.........take notes.......mix well
I dont think people disliked the video because of that
hoopin - No shit, I ALWAYS have a hard time making pancakes, never get it right, griddle always too hot, not hot enough, always something! Every time I make pancakes, reminds me of my childhood, Daddy always making pancakes, miss that
@@franciscasanchez2106 keep the griddle on 400....,always do one test pancake if u not sure....I am the master I know all the tricks...
You gotta be patient I always put it on 4 or 3
Gordon ramsey meets grandpa kitchen : how is this so juicy?!?!
Grandpa kitchen: mix well
I would love to see Ramsey meet up with Grandpa.... Ramsay will get heart attack 🤣🤣🤣
@@kamisbrbr guys I'm serious, why don't we try to organise that ?
In every of his next videos we comment something like "please a video with ramsay !!" And we do the same on ramsey's channel "there is a grandpa who cooks for charity he has 5millions subs do a video with him !!"I'm sure it xan happen..
Grandpa needs all the love in this world of egoist people
@@kamisbrbr No, Gordon will just insult the shit out of this food, all of you dumbasses think he compares to Ramsay?
My Life Is Sad And Depressing I agree...
It is sad to see the dislikes from other people. The people who dislikes this video and his other videos think they can do better than Grandpa. It does not matter whether or not he can do better but he is just showing us what he does so that other people can be like him in the future or right now. I would rather be like him than disliking this heart melting video. Keep up the good work Grandpa😍😍. I think he deserves a better heart than the people who dislikes the video. I feel really uncomfortable just seeing these disgusting comments or the likes that just turned into dislikes. Every time when I watch his video I feel like he is just cooking for all of us...
Maybe you have to respect the opinion of other people. People are free to like or dislike whatever, including this video. Are you omniscient to know why those people dislikes this video?. Can you know if I like or dislike this video?.
(The answer to the last question is no, because I didn't press the "like" or "dislike" icons.)
Jorge Garcia lol shut up leave him be lmfao that’s my opinion you egotistic fuck respect my opinion right on xD lol
First of all, clean your mouth. Maybe too much time outdoor.
Jorge Garcia I’m trolling, clearly I’m not being serious
Melesisi Malupo I’m trolling clearly lol
I love grandpa s accent when calling ingredients aloud😂 keep it up grandpa..God bless your kind heart
Carol Wangari me toooo... he is so cutee ☺️
Thanks for the recipe, with love from Russia!
почему с любовью - ты шо извращенец?
?🌚 шо блять?
Love from Russia ?
How so ?
Оладушки как оладушки, как у нас с яблоком, только с бананом
@@nathanielpayne4086 why not?
Each pancake equals to atleast 3 pancakes but each child is given 2 pancakes that man is very big hearted and good hearted and he has a heart of gold super great job sir the world salutes him may God bless your soul
I'm half Egyptian and half Norwegian and has traveled the world over😊. And i have traveled and spent a lot of time in India. They are very kind people, beautiful, intelligent and caring. I commend them, especially the ones that live in the country dwellings. I truly hate the hustle and bustle of the city's. I'm a country person. I love the soft serenity of a calm atmosphere. And i love the gift of sharing and making people feel like family. Grandpa and so many others who have given from their heart to help others , just brings an absolute tear to my eyes. My family and i do the same thing and we love and adore doing it. Beautiful people, God bless. ALL HAILS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST/NORWAY 👳👳👳
rat goon we praise Norway too ,😉
rat goon dj race mixer at it again
Pascal S. Escribí en español maje xd, no se te entiende
Well said!
Why create so much rubbishg all the time.. i dont get it, ALL THE HAPPY MUSIC and then showing tons of trash what destroys the earth, dirty plot twist this hole Grandpa Kitchen, dude stop the rubbish oO, bring some easy plates oO
I love the surrounding you're cooking in grandpa. It's so quiet and peaceful. All you hear is the sound of birds and chickens. I love that!!!😍😍😍
Nice job 👏👏👏
Noki's Kitchen yes so no body can dristack him from cooking for his people
You know you're a regular viewer when you not only know grandpa and his helpful son, but you started to recognize each kid one by one. 😊❤️
I miss Grandpa. But I am very proud of how his children have stepped up to continue the good work that he started with helping these children. His wife and family must miss him.
Like a boss! I can barely cook for myself and he cooks for dozens of people without a problem. So awesome!
I never cooked for my self before, it is trial and error the fun is in the learning
Jump in
Natural ingredients no preservatives cooked natural way kids are lucky to eat such healthy food from grandpa
Bouchra Vinas
Healthy food really? :S
A lot of cholesterol and saturated fat in milk, eggs and butter...
The only healthy thing there is the bananas.
Edwin D.R.G. You do realise that they’re adding it in big portions for a large amount of people. If you were making it for yourself you wouldn’t use nearly as much as in the video. Also comparing it to a Maccas burger or something that is actually unhealthy it’s is quite healthy. Next time don’t go out of your way to hate on something where it’s especially not needed
Abbysal Rupture Sorry if you feel offended by pointing some unhealthy facts about the ingredients use in this recipe... but what bothers me more, is that they can do the exactly same tasty pancakes without using cows milk, eggs and butter.
PS. The USDA Refuses to Label Eggs Nutritious, Healthy, or Good for You. Why you think?
Edwin D.R.G. Offended no? Little irritated yes. Your pointing out all the “health factors” but haven’t taken into consideration that they probably don’t have such sources to acquire them. Another thing that irritating is that you also haven’t taken into consideration that they’re not going to be consuming these foods everyday, every week for the rest of their lives. Yet again comparing this food to an average Americans diet which consist of Fast food outlets, this is absolutely nothing compared to that yet for some reason you go out of your way to highlight how bad it is?
I love his English and his words so cuteeee
Booboo A uh no
@@arthur682 what is wrong with you!?
God bless you for bringing joy to those beautiful children and leaving a smile on there faces. A moment they will never forget.
What a wonderful channel, I'm amazed!
My favorite grandpa,I love the way you make things so easy but it looks hard to make god bless you and family.
Your truly awesome grandpa, I love to see that your doing all of this for the kids you love, stay humble grandpa we love you and never stop being the great man you are.
Young Dilemma jj
What a wonderful human being ! God bless you grandpa !
i can watch him cook for days
kalima terry me too
This just heals my soul to watch this.
I'm on diet and i still watch Grandpa's videos. :D
Such a beautiful heart this man has! I'm so happy he did this he deserve all the subscribers he has and it makes me so happy there are a lot of people like this!
Does anyone else notice grandpa looks kind of unwell. I don’t know but his last few videos I’ve seen seems like his not well and under the weather I HOPE YOU’RE FINE AND HEALTHY GRANDPA!!!
Que maravilloso es ver gente como este hombre !mis respetos
Valeria Dominguez ese señor es un ángel
Valeria Dominguez hola guapa
Cuantos años tiene 37??? Señora
Great job as always Grandpa you’re an angel on earth ❤️
It's truly amazing such great work that the team behind this channel does. RIP Grandpa and may you all carry on his legacy!
У дедушки очень доброе сердце, золотые руки и много трудолюбия ) Здоровья Вам крепкого и счастья!!! Привет из Украины )
Настя Иванова Слава России!
No se como llegue a este canal, pero me gusto. 😊 Creo que el placer de todo cocinero es ver como se come lo que has hecho, y a los niños la verdad que da gusto verlos. 😊
Esos niños son huerfanos y pobres, seguramente su comida sea lo unico que han comido en todo el dia! Este hombre es un angel
Este anciano hizo su orfanato y el sostiene a todos estos niños allá en la India o Pakistán, no lo recuerdo bien, pero Dios bendiga y recompensar a este buen hombre
Pienso lo mismo. Sin duda queda pagado su trabajo con solo ver la carita de felicidad de los niños 😍
Obviamente el canal es para ayudarse económicamente, supongo que los jóvenes que aparecen se encargan de editar, subir los vídeos y todo lo demás, no entiendo porque hay gente que le da no me gusta a esto, ¿que tienen en la cabeza?.
Me preguntaba por qué tanta comida y resulta que al final surgió la respuesta que esperaba, es como esas películas con final inesperado, una grata sorpresa, ahí lo adoré más que al principio.
I loved all the other pancake videos and especially banana pancakes yum! My kids would love these gonna try adding banana tomorrow morning! God bless Grandpa and all he feeds!
A lovely channel about a good ol’ grandpa making food for children, i wish youtube is like this man
Love how he doesn't hesitate to put all the ingredients without measurements and all. Just proves that he knows what he's doing ❤ Thank you for doing this grandpa in behalf of all of us!
Let me tell you that I congratulate you, I really admire you, I can not stop watching the videos, I really admire the fact of courage and strength that you have, people like you warriors, are the people that should always exist and should never cease to exist, because they are those who bring something nice to society, deserves a lot, because people with a great heart, are those who truly deserve success and live in a life of tranquility and love, God bless you too much, and continue giving you too much strength to do what it does.
I NEED TO KNOW.. why would anyone dislike these videos?? Whoever dislikes it please comment why. I'll respect your opinion but i just need to know why
Perception is everything.. they probably disliked because they saw hungry children in need of feeding. Maybe that's what they took from the video a lasting image of hungry kids..
People who dislike may vary from people who thinks this is fake, people who just want to be negative, or people who just doesn't care.
The Devil is real. That explains all the thumbs down.
Some people dislikes just for the sake of dislikes
they dont watch to the end. thats why a think
It takes a lot of love to do this for many people & kids... talking about Loving Caring & Sharing... he was the epitome of it. R.I.H. Grandpa God bless you and your people... your children. All of us.
I love how he cooks outside and doesn't measure a thing! Lol
kay kay Chief don't measure is only for beginners lol
kay kay
I wouod love to try them
kay kay he cooks like my mom she experiments in things yet They Come Out delicious
He’s been alive 5million years he knows what to do like a boss
kay kay he too good for measuring
Very nice are very kind hearted 👌👌👍👍✔✔🆒️
Ashish Rattanpal hloyb.
I agree
Why create so much rubbishg all the time.. i dont get it, ALL THE HAPPY MUSIC and then showing tons of trash what destroys the earth, dirty plot twist this hole Grandpa Kitchen, dude stop the rubbish oO, bring some easy plates oO
+Urukosh ! if you don't know they have plates,bowls and thing we have so don't bother saying that
Ashish Rattanpal our hi gr
GRANDPAAAA!! ❤️❤️ God bless thy heart! ❤️
Also, let's give credits to that dude who's been with grandpa in every video. ❤️
God bless to everyone on and off the camera of Grandpa Kitchen!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This man's making these perfect pancakes out in the damn fields and I can barely make them in my kitchen
only thing I can make in the kitchen is a fire
Are you serious? you can just follow some procedures on the internet you know?
When TheBanana Man admitted he can't make banana pancakes, I *felt* that
Who wants to eat some of Grandpa's cooking?
Taz's Video's I def don't mind lol getting the ideas from him LMFAOOOO
Taz's Video's eat shit
Devon Hutson lmao I hope you have a wonderful life and you’re kids grow heathy and strong and you’re significant other is also well and you’re family is well to then You lose everything and everyone you love dies
Taz's Video's meee but there's more people that need him then my potato sack self lol
Taz's Video's Mee :)
I'm not really a pancakes person I'm more into waffles. But the pancakes he made looks finger licking GOOD!
Ad0rkavlog I prefer waffles too but these pancakes look delicious 😍.
Yeah i agreed and i prefer waffles too 😀
Me 2 girlfriend
Priya K
Grandpa hipped lol I use vanilla when I make my pancakes too. Pancakes from scratch always beat pancakes from the box!! God bless you, Grandpa!!
I once tried this recipe at home. My relatives loved it.
This man is a blessing.
I have so much respect for you grandpa and everything you do; kneeling or bending while standing up really hurts my back I can imagine what you go through you’re very strong and caring❤️
Greatings From Slovakia...:) Love your video LOVING CARING SHARING THIS IS MY FAMILY
Grandpa I feel hungry, but I try to cook like that style. Thanks Grandpa. You’re gone but not forgotten..
Oh yeah I did tried a banana pancakes it taste so good.
This is truly amazing
Briana Rose okx2😀😊
how to make piinoy fxakeBriana Rose how to male pinoy fumcake mura lang
Why create so much rubbishg all the time.. i dont get it, ALL THE HAPPY MUSIC and then showing tons of trash what destroys the earth, dirty plot twist this hole Grandpa Kitchen, dude stop the rubbish oO, bring some easy plates oO
Briana Rose pn
i think this is the most positive channel on yt for sure
I'm gonna try all these recipes.. This is is just extraordinaire! God bless your soul grandpa!!!
The best part is seeing the kids enjoying the panckakes... mmm good :D
I subscribed at 200k wonder how in the world you don’t have 1m and wow I can’t even describe how proud I am! You are so close to 1m subs grandpa!!!
jaylyn gutierrez where are u from?
KostasGaming 164 what the f.. what did i do wrong, why are you calling me pyscho? do you even know what does psycho mean?
D o w n
Junior Molina
Es un Angel que alimenta con mucho cariño a tantos niños con hambre.Que llegan a las escuelas a estudiar con sus estómagos vacíos y les da esperanzas de un mejor mañana con personas como él
Que admirable lo que hace, solo con ver la carita de los niños se me parte el corazon
Reminds me of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Born in London and here there’s too much traffic with so many people rushing. I miss the quite peace and nature we have in the village🙁 love the seaside n flower gardens
Belíssimo gesto de humildade e amor ao próximo. Grande homem e de um grande coração... ❤
BR? ❤️
Onde cê mora?
Yes Grandpa!! Another wonderful meal -- it's a joy to watch you cook & I'm glad your son came to help. Just to see the joy on the children's faces made those pancakes look that much sweeter! I could have sampled one even without the syrup! Please do a video of some East Indian dishes -- esp curry chicken or Naan bread (my favorites)!! Be well & stay blessed!
3000 people like the video and I always hit a like before I watch the video. But you mean to tell me 133 people didn’t like the video, it’s so much hate in this world. It’s sad and he is helping these children. I wish I can see who didn’t like the video, I’ll give them a piece of my mind.
Carmen hairstylist hat My thoughts exactly. It’s so sad to see people still ‘dislike’ the video. I wish these people did much better things for them to hit dislike. SMH.
Banana Pancakes Recipe Grandpa
I agree exactly.I mean he's trying to help these poor kids which is heartbreaking,and Internet trolls out there dislike this.The people who dislike don't have a life,all they do is show hate and that their evil
He's a legend! And sharing the pancakes with the kids beautiful
Cooking in the evergreen surrounding is very enjoyable
Grandpa I think we r blessed enough so that we are at least getting to see such person like u who really well suits with comment "loving, caring and sharing " this is ur family....
Keep sharing videos grandpa 😊😊
Me encanta ver la carita de los niñ siente bonito poder ayudar así
Never thought of using bananas to make pancakes with. Looks good.