@@TayLeeYen sometimes it's scary, i remember i saw something in another device with different account and all then yt recommended something similar in my phone ._.
I bought the Yamaha tenor, and thought there was something wrong with it, as I had a terrible time with the low d and c. This video totally fixed the recorder, amazing, isn't it?
Yep! Same here, I bought an alto and a tenor at the same time, getting on fine with the alto, and so thought there must be something wrong with the tenor, but thought I'd better wait a bit to make sure, and not make a fool of myself in the music shop. What a relief to find out there's nothing wrong with the instrument. It's just me that sucks.
I had no idea how beautiful a recorder is. I brought this thing for $2 thought it would be cool to help me with my music theory, but this is an amazing instrument and my posture was terrible and i was rolling my right hand. Im a substitute teacher and i have a lot of days where i have nothing to do, so i thought i could carry this around. Its so much easier to carry than a guitar. Thanks again. Ive already learned so much
Thank you, you are now becoming best recorder education channel on youtube. Thank you so much. All simple and great explanations, you are a great teacher.
Ah!!!! Last night I mentioned it was cool that there'd be a new video in the morning for my birthday! And you even played happy birthday for me... great way to start the day.
Thanks, Sarah, for the helpful tips. I'm in my third week of learning to play the tenor recorder and have been having difficulties with the lower notes. I'm now keen to improve my playing!
Thank you Sarah!! I've always casually played the recorder and recently thought it might be nice to upgrade from the one I was given in elementary school. Going from German to Baroque and flat mouthpiece to curved mouthpiece has proven more difficult than I thought it would though! Especially on the low notes. Definitely going to try your tips!
My first day as a recorder player :D. I can now play C major I just have difficulty with the bottom C. I have everything covered up but it still sounds high. I am very happy with my mid range E-G are great. Your tips on blowing less for lower notes worked very well.
Sarah, thank you so much for this very clear helpful tutorial. I now know about overones. My alto recorder is not so scary now (as I'm a beginner). It's like having a teacher with me in the room.
Brilliant video, thank you! I’ve only had my Aulos alto just over a week and low F is already driving me mad! 🤪🤣 …. I’m certain it’s my novice fingers mostly, but probably also my natural tendency to blow as if it’s my trumpet I’m usually playing …. 😜🤪🤣. I’m loving your videos Sarah!! Thanks! 😃 Kind regards, Donald 🏴
Thank you so very much. I just bought a recorder and am teaching myself “Simple Gifts.” This video has been so helpful with learning to the those low notes with quality and consistency.
I got my first recorder yesterday and while I could get the upper notes to speak, as my method book suggested I start with, the low notes kept octaving up. Now I know almost certainly that I'm leaking higher up, which means to just follow the book and get there when I'm ready for it. Thank you!
@@DarleneMilner I'm using Schott's Altblockflötenschule. It's in German though, so if you don't speak it as at least a second or third language (third for me) you'll miss out on quite a bit of the subject matter.
Ok so what I've discovered is, it isn't only leaking fingers which cause squeaking but where my tongue is in relation to the roof of my mouth. I found if my palate is open and the back of my tongue is flat the note is clean; if the back of the tongue rises I produce overtones and squeaks.
That makes sense because even if there is a big void in your mouth, if the back of the tongue is raised it will still speed up. Tongue movement is helpful for jumping register as it changes air speed without requiring a change in air volume/exertion.
@@gardeniainbloom812 it especially helped me when learning, going from oboe to flute for marching band. Its especially necessary for getting up to the absolute highest notes on a concert flute, as those are harmonic overblowing Oboe is a pressure based instrument. The pressure from blowing against a very small opening forces the reeds apart, creating vibration. The shape of the instrument is conical, which is why oboe players can't simply pull out to tune, they tune with their face only. This is why orchestras are tuned to the oboes A. Oboe is the hardest to tune (though its shape gives it relative stability) My favorite example of an oboe is the beginning of The Inferno, from the divine comedy, arranged by Robert Smith.
Thank you for these videos! They're very helpful 😀 My very first recorder arrived in the mail a couple of days ago, and it's been a lot of fun so far. I'm looking forward to learning more🎶
Day 1 of recorder playing. Had to come here to figure out why my low notes were squeaky. Sarah's exercise of starting super quiet and going louder until the note threatens the next higher overtone (register?) was just what I needed. I was blowing way too hard.
I'm primarily a saxophone player, and I've found that spending the last few months really ironing out low notes on tenor (sax) has really helped with soprano recorder… I guess having a solid airstream is universal!
Hi, Sarah! I fave found that sometimes your information is spread over more than one video. I have unusual hands - normal palms and tiny fingers - and while I've played alto casually for decades, I find low F and sometimes low G hard to reach. This video taught me about Happy Birthday, which is a real challenge for me in B flat. It's shown me how much progress I have to make. But your video on Stretching for the Big Recorders has a exercise specifically for finger-stretching that has changed things for me. I've tried it 3 times while I was warming my instrument, and I can reach those low notes much better.
Awesome video. I noticed this trend on my Tenor Recorder and breath pressure. Especially when it comes to breath pressure and overtones. Things change in that lower register. And how it's played.
Great video - really useful. Thank you! Since I don't have a friend to hold the bottom C/C# key down on my tenor, I found it works to secure it closed with a rubber band to check for leaks :-)
Thank you because I thought my recorder is squeaking because it’s broken and I was about to replace my recorder, but I saw your video and it helped me very much. Thank goodness I found a video.
I love your videos so much. I've been a clarinet player but I've been thinking for years that I would like to play the recorder. Then it hit me a couple of weeks ago: why the h*ll I'm not playing it then? My new alto recorder arrived today and here I am, trying to hit the low notes and correct my wrist rotation.
I cant believe there isnt a wikipedia page about you, all musicians who fundamentally contribute to society in the way that you have should have one. Not for you, but for everyone else, so Ill probably spend some time after my finals watching all your videos reading almost everything i can find and then make the page. Unless the page exists and if so can i get a link. i couldnt find one
Thank you so so much for painting your rum blue! I really hated that yellow wall and got a headache every single time I watch your videos recorded there!. I didn't know why but I do now!!
Boy what a relief, I was thinking about angrily returning my recorder to the store because I thought there was something wrong with it... After this troubleshoot I realized the problem was me :D
VERY Helpful!! I just acquired a Maple Moeck F Alto, and my fingering is, well, ick at best!! I'm good with my soprano, but I got a long way to go with the bigger gun!!
Confirming that checking the interior is a great tip. I was struggling to hit low F. When I checked it out, my new Renaissance bass had a container of cork grease suspended inside the middle joint. (I guess it slid inside in the transit to my home?) 😂
this video is perfect!!!! I'm practicing a piece for my exams (Siciliana from Bach) and having troubles with those low notes on my alto. I'll be trying these tips and tricks for sure! thanks sarah!!!
I am having fun .. but my first recorder has only made me very keen to get a larger lower sounding wooden one .. but I think I will be a recorder player for the rest of my life now .. & yes the blue is better . cheers .. ps I have found a place in the forest where I can practice & it is almost like a great big green cathedral with an open roof .. it's where I play my harmonica too .. it is not quite an echo but like a natural reverb ..
Hey, I play both recorder and harmonica too! I play Seydel harmonicas and a Moeck maplewood alto recorder. I used to say that I played cheap woodwinds, but I'm putting some real money into them now!l
I am relearning the Soprano recorder at age 58 from long ago at age 12. I played the piano and clarinet in between with many, many lessons. My hands are smaller, now! How do I comfortably reach the last note on the Soprano and even the last note itself on the Alto? Would strengthing, pulling massages be a good thing? And, what type of playing exercises? Your videos are truly enjoyable Thank you very much.
It is the right hand I have the most trouble with. My thumb gets very tired and sore. Could you please focus on just the right hand on the Alto at some point? Hopefully showing your hand on camera? Love your videos so much! I am learning to play the recorder with your lessons and recommendations. You are so precise!
Thanks so much for your videos; you're extraordinarily helpful and a gifted teacher. You explain things in a clear and linear fashion. And you hit the important points in complicated subjects. I'm learning so much and God knows I need to! Now I'm off to Recorder Hand Position. o
I bet your recorder sounds good. Blow correctly and cover the holes. Only if your recorder is broken you need a new one. Buy Angel recorder cast in special resin: the cheaper the recorder is, the better It sounds.
Blow really gently and slowly increase the amount of air you put into it until the note plays well. You need a surprisingly specific amount of air for the notes to ring out well
I have a question. I recently dusted off my old 5th grade recorder and have had a lot of fun exploring it! When I try to hit a low C, though, it almost always squeaks. I've worked on breath and fingering and cleaned it as well as I can given that it's one solid piece. (I know, I know, I can't afford better atm) I've narrowed it down to my tonguing. It doesnt seem to matter how soft and full I keep my air, tonguing changes the speed just enough to squeak every. Time. I tongue. I'm at a real loss how to solve this and dont know any recorder players besides you. Thank you for all your help and the wonderful videos!
Yamaha makes a cheap one, that still works great. This is Amazon Canada, as I don't know what country you're from. www.amazon.ca/Yamaha-YRS24B-Plastic-Soprano-Recorder/dp/B00EJF5Y26/ref=sr_1_4?crid=QTT8X3YUFDF8&keywords=yamaha+recorder+instrument&qid=1577485710&sprefix=yamaha+recor%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-4
Lots of great advice in this video! As a physics/mathematics minded person, I'm curious to find a more technical description of why lower notes overblow "sooner" than higher notes. Are there books you studied from that go into the details?
The physical answer is relying on wave theory. More precisely it's an air pressure wave (as every sounds). If you send a short pressure pulse from the top of the recorder it will propagate downwards the tube. When this pressure pulse meets a hole, part of the pressure will be reflected upwards. This is the same for a continuous wave, the upwards and downwards waves will add. In some locations the pressures will constructively combine, in other locations the both pressures will cancel each other. It is called a standing wave. Actually in a recorder the maximum pressure variation is at the top (the labium) and at the first top open hole (well, some finger combinations needs a more complex explanation). To create a note you have to fullfill the "resonance condition" : the distance between the labium and the hole must be equal to a multiple number of half a wavelength. The wavelength equals to the speed of sound (~330m per second) divided by the note frequency. For example the lowest alto note G4 is 392Hz, therefore the half wavelength is 42cm (This is why longer recorders can play lower notes). Now back to your question. In this 42cm the resonance condition is fulfilled for 1 half wavelength (G4 - 392Hz), 2 half wavelength (G5 - 784Hz), the sound wavelength is half the previous therefore the frequency doubles (=1octave) 3 half wavelength (1176Hz close to D6) etc. Each of these notes fullfill the resonnance condition, depending of your blow force you will trigger one (or several). I have no clear explanation but experience shows that you get low notes with low blow and soft attack, and the harmonics witch stronger blow and fast attack. For higher notes you cannot trigger the harmonics just because this would require way too much blowing.
Very helpful! I don't know if it would work for "modern" wind instruments as well (albeit, because of Physics, I'd assume it would), but I've tried it and for sure it works both on the recorder and even on the cornett as well.
I have a plastic bass with the pads that tend not to seal well, so I store the instrument with rubber bands holding each pad down. I take them off to play and everything works great.
I guess the larger recorders are more difficult to finger, generally, due to their size.. And exploring the note is a good advise I think, its good to figure out how much breath and which finger position sounds better or worse. I'd say you do have to use less air for the low notes, especially the C, would you agree? I guess because there are less holes it can move through.
I love your videos - very engaging and full of good info. I've learnt a lot from you and I found a friend who is also learning the recorder is one of your followers too. I struggle with the low note (c descant, F alto). Sometimes it is lovely, clear and rich and other times not - even within the same piece. I will try your suggestions but it seems I cannot reliably place my little finger the same position each time! Annoying! Can you suggest anything, or is it a matter of keep practicing moving between that low note and others? Many thanks
Funny, when I was in middle school playing the soprano recorder (plastic Yamaha), I never had any issue with low notes... When I made mistakes, it was with high notes.
I am SO happy I found you!!!! I am VERY NEW to the whole recorder gig. I purchased an Alto Recorder (plastic). It's an Aulos 509B in the key of E I believe. I'm a guitarist, vocalist, can play piano and write music as well. I am looking at the recorder as a portable instrument and to accompany myself when recording. I primarily play contemporary Christian music and plan to spend a lot of time on your channel. Is my recorder choice OK for starters?
Dear Sarah, thanks a lot for the inspirational videos! I am not so sure if this is a place to ask it, but after watching your videos I have SUDDENLY decided that my life is not complete without an attempt to make baroque-ish arranging of rock-songs (so I have done some). The problem is that I am completely not a professional musician, and I have nobody around to estimate the quality / or make comments on it (all my friends and relatives and me myself if from the technology rather). May I kindly ask you to look at some sheet music, and then you say if you would like to change something, what sounds bad etc.?
Ok I have an alto recorder but I'm having some difficulties. It seems that the amount of breath I need to get a low note I am barely puffing air into the thing. I can play a scale but just barely. I have followed all the instructions here but still having problems. Is that just a matter of practice?
My phone suggested this video for me after 'hearing' me practicing on my new recorder. Everyone is a critic 😂😂
Same here..... Hahahaha, I just got a new recorder yesterday and today YT recommended this
Well then time to buy a new phone and go "New phone, who dis???"
@@TayLeeYen sometimes it's scary, i remember i saw something in another device with different account and all then yt recommended something similar in my phone ._.
I bought the Yamaha tenor, and thought there was something wrong with it, as I had a terrible time with the low d and c. This video totally fixed the recorder, amazing, isn't it?
Yep! Same here, I bought an alto and a tenor at the same time, getting on fine with the alto, and so thought there must be something wrong with the tenor, but thought I'd better wait a bit to make sure, and not make a fool of myself in the music shop.
What a relief to find out there's nothing wrong with the instrument. It's just me that sucks.
I had no idea how beautiful a recorder is. I brought this thing for $2 thought it would be cool to help me with my music theory, but this is an amazing instrument and my posture was terrible and i was rolling my right hand. Im a substitute teacher and i have a lot of days where i have nothing to do, so i thought i could carry this around. Its so much easier to carry than a guitar. Thanks again. Ive already learned so much
Thank you, you are now becoming best recorder education channel on youtube. Thank you so much. All simple and great explanations, you are a great teacher.
Ah!!!! Last night I mentioned it was cool that there'd be a new video in the morning for my birthday! And you even played happy birthday for me... great way to start the day.
I really appreciate your stories, your humor, and you're incredibly inspiring. I just started playing last week, and am having so much fun.
Thanks, Sarah, for the helpful tips. I'm in my third week of learning to play the tenor recorder and have been having difficulties with the lower notes. I'm now keen to improve my playing!
Thank you Sarah!! I've always casually played the recorder and recently thought it might be nice to upgrade from the one I was given in elementary school. Going from German to Baroque and flat mouthpiece to curved mouthpiece has proven more difficult than I thought it would though! Especially on the low notes. Definitely going to try your tips!
My first day as a recorder player :D. I can now play C major I just have difficulty with the bottom C. I have everything covered up but it still sounds high. I am very happy with my mid range E-G are great. Your tips on blowing less for lower notes worked very well.
Thank you for this tutorial on how to play low notes, it really helped. This actually prevented me from flunking the music test that I had
I bought a recorder yesterday. You make me wanna play it as good as you do
Sarah, thank you so much for this very clear helpful tutorial. I now know about overones. My alto recorder is not so scary now (as I'm a beginner). It's like having a teacher with me in the room.
Brilliant video, thank you! I’ve only had my Aulos alto just over a week and low F is already driving me mad! 🤪🤣 …. I’m certain it’s my novice fingers mostly, but probably also my natural tendency to blow as if it’s my trumpet I’m usually playing …. 😜🤪🤣. I’m loving your videos Sarah!! Thanks! 😃
Kind regards,
Donald 🏴
Thank you so very much. I just bought a recorder and am teaching myself “Simple Gifts.” This video has been so helpful with learning to the those low notes with quality and consistency.
I got my first recorder yesterday and while I could get the upper notes to speak, as my method book suggested I start with, the low notes kept octaving up. Now I know almost certainly that I'm leaking higher up, which means to just follow the book and get there when I'm ready for it. Thank you!
What book are you using? Newbie here.
@@DarleneMilner I'm using Schott's Altblockflötenschule. It's in German though, so if you don't speak it as at least a second or third language (third for me) you'll miss out on quite a bit of the subject matter.
Your lesson is so great, I am sure I have improved already without even having tried it yet. Many thanks indeed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ok so what I've discovered is, it isn't only leaking fingers which cause squeaking but where my tongue is in relation to the roof of my mouth. I found if my palate is open and the back of my tongue is flat the note is clean; if the back of the tongue rises I produce overtones and squeaks.
Gardenia in bloom,
This one comment helped so much.
thank you!
That makes sense because even if there is a big void in your mouth, if the back of the tongue is raised it will still speed up.
Tongue movement is helpful for jumping register as it changes air speed without requiring a change in air volume/exertion.
@@skytower1662 Thank you I learned something new. I forgot I made this comment. Wonder why I've not heard anyone else mention this before.
@@gardeniainbloom812 it especially helped me when learning, going from oboe to flute for marching band. Its especially necessary for getting up to the absolute highest notes on a concert flute, as those are harmonic overblowing
Oboe is a pressure based instrument. The pressure from blowing against a very small opening forces the reeds apart, creating vibration. The shape of the instrument is conical, which is why oboe players can't simply pull out to tune, they tune with their face only.
This is why orchestras are tuned to the oboes A. Oboe is the hardest to tune (though its shape gives it relative stability)
My favorite example of an oboe is the beginning of The Inferno, from the divine comedy, arranged by Robert Smith.
Wow, this made my low F and G on alto instantly better. Thank you!
Thank you for these videos! They're very helpful 😀 My very first recorder arrived in the mail a couple of days ago, and it's been a lot of fun so far. I'm looking forward to learning more🎶
This was really useful for me. I feel like the squeaks are never gonna leave me.
Day 1 of recorder playing. Had to come here to figure out why my low notes were squeaky. Sarah's exercise of starting super quiet and going louder until the note threatens the next higher overtone (register?) was just what I needed. I was blowing way too hard.
I'm primarily a saxophone player, and I've found that spending the last few months really ironing out low notes on tenor (sax) has really helped with soprano recorder… I guess having a solid airstream is universal!
Ooh I LOVE the blue!!!
Gosh a recorder festival?! Goodness!
Hi, Sarah! I fave found that sometimes your information is spread over more than one video.
I have unusual hands - normal palms and tiny fingers - and while I've played alto casually for decades, I find low F and sometimes low G hard to reach.
This video taught me about Happy Birthday, which is a real challenge for me in B flat. It's shown me how much progress I have to make.
But your video on Stretching for the Big Recorders has a exercise specifically for finger-stretching that has changed things for me. I've tried it 3 times while I was warming my instrument, and I can reach those low notes much better.
This video is so incredibly helpful for someone who is struggling with the low notes. Thanks so much!
Awesome video.
I noticed this trend on my Tenor Recorder and breath pressure.
Especially when it comes to breath pressure and overtones.
Things change in that lower register. And how it's played.
Great video - really useful. Thank you! Since I don't have a friend to hold the bottom C/C# key down on my tenor, I found it works to secure it closed with a rubber band to check for leaks :-)
Your finger pad tip has CHANGED THE GAME Thank you sooo much for the video!!
Thank you because I thought my recorder is squeaking because it’s broken and I was about to replace my recorder, but I saw your video and it helped me very much. Thank goodness I found a video.
I love your videos so much. I've been a clarinet player but I've been thinking for years that I would like to play the recorder. Then it hit me a couple of weeks ago: why the h*ll I'm not playing it then? My new alto recorder arrived today and here I am, trying to hit the low notes and correct my wrist rotation.
Thank you Sarah for referring me to this video. Found lots of good info and things for me to check, try, and practice.
Thank you for introducing me to recorder, I have an Adler alto recorder and I'm very happy with that recorder best regards from sardinia (italy)
Thank you, your videos are so enjoyable and you're a wonderful teacher, best recorder channel on youtube, you deserve more attention :)
Thanks Sarah for the demo on hand position, it's exactly what I was hoping for.
This recording was very instructive and super helpful. Thanks!
very useful tips ! Thank you so much my lovely teacher.
I cant believe there isnt a wikipedia page about you, all musicians who fundamentally contribute to society in the way that you have should have one. Not for you, but for everyone else, so Ill probably spend some time after my finals watching all your videos reading almost everything i can find and then make the page. Unless the page exists and if so can i get a link. i couldnt find one
Just subscribed because of all of your happy wonderful efforts in teaching! Thanks for your time and expertise!🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so so much for painting your rum blue! I really hated that yellow wall and got a headache every single time I watch your videos recorded there!. I didn't know why but I do now!!
Boy what a relief, I was thinking about angrily returning my recorder to the store because I thought there was something wrong with it... After this troubleshoot I realized the problem was me :D
That’s good news I guess! 😄 I’m glad you solved it, now enjoy the music!
Thank you very much for sharing this understandable explanation
hey Sarah, u are just awesome! thanks u for all those recorder lessons.
Very helpful for a beginner on the treble. Thanks.
I have never know that recorder is also an instrument not just recording something. I love those rich and full low notes
Wow. That made a huge difference. Thanks.
VERY Helpful!! I just acquired a Maple Moeck F Alto, and my fingering is, well, ick at best!! I'm good with my soprano, but I got a long way to go with the bigger gun!!
Thanks, Sarah! Your videos are great!
Confirming that checking the interior is a great tip. I was struggling to hit low F. When I checked it out, my new Renaissance bass had a container of cork grease suspended inside the middle joint. (I guess it slid inside in the transit to my home?) 😂
this video is perfect!!!! I'm practicing a piece for my exams (Siciliana from Bach) and having troubles with those low notes on my alto. I'll be trying these tips and tricks for sure! thanks sarah!!!
+Ellen Janssens Ahh great, and good luck with your exam!
Really helpful! I'll try all of the idea that you gave. Thanks a lot!
Oh my god thank you so much, the fingering and air portion was really helpful and now I can use my tenor recorder much better
Very much needed exactly this.
I am having fun .. but my first recorder has only made me very keen to get a larger lower sounding wooden one .. but I think I will be a recorder player for the rest of my life now .. & yes the blue is better . cheers .. ps I have found a place in the forest where I can practice & it is almost like a great big green cathedral with an open roof .. it's where I play my harmonica too .. it is not quite an echo but like a natural reverb ..
Hey, I play both recorder and harmonica too! I play Seydel harmonicas and a Moeck maplewood alto recorder. I used to say that I played cheap woodwinds, but I'm putting some real money into them now!l
I am relearning the Soprano recorder at age 58 from long ago at age 12. I played the piano and clarinet in between with many, many lessons. My hands are smaller, now! How do I comfortably reach the last note on the Soprano and even the last note itself on the Alto? Would strengthing, pulling massages be a good thing? And, what type of playing exercises? Your videos are truly enjoyable Thank you very much.
This is so helpful. Thank you, Sarah.
I can blow a nice tone on my alto on the lowest note as long as I don't articulate. Any slight articulation causes the note to overblow. Any hints?
I'm having the same issue. The long notes are good but if I need to play fast/short notes it's a disaster. Did you ever figure it out?
Very good teacher in alto recorder....
Most helpful. Thank you.
I love how energetic you are!!! Nice, keep it going!😁😎
It is the right hand I have the most trouble with. My thumb gets very tired and sore. Could you please focus on just the right hand on the Alto at some point? Hopefully showing your hand on camera? Love your videos so much! I am learning to play the recorder with your lessons and recommendations. You are so precise!
when she said bits of food on the inside I was like "Ew do people actually get food in their recorders??"
And then I looked in mine lol
Thanks for videos, I'm playing Didjereedoo and keys. For recorder I've too lazy fingers, but I'd try it.
Thanks so much for your videos; you're extraordinarily helpful and a gifted teacher. You explain things in a clear and linear fashion. And you hit the important points in complicated subjects. I'm learning so much and God knows I need to! Now I'm off to Recorder Hand Position.
Thanks Jeffrey :)
Thanks Sarah! Another great one!
I love your videos esp the tutorials really helping thank you :-)
What if you have a cheap plastic recorder and it doesn’t sound good?!
Replace it with a good plastic recorder, Aulos or Yamaha are reliably good in my experience. See Sarah Jeffery's video on choosing a plastic recorder.
I bet your recorder sounds good. Blow correctly and cover the holes.
Only if your recorder is broken you need a new one. Buy Angel recorder cast in special resin: the cheaper the recorder is, the better It sounds.
Blow really gently and slowly increase the amount of air you put into it until the note plays well. You need a surprisingly specific amount of air for the notes to ring out well
not all of them are bad
Thanks so much for making these videos!
09:24 parseltongue leaped straight to my mind.
I like the blue a lot. It's a nice shade.
Beautifully explained!
Thank you for the amazing videos!
Amazing channel
I have a question.
I recently dusted off my old 5th grade recorder and have had a lot of fun exploring it! When I try to hit a low C, though, it almost always squeaks. I've worked on breath and fingering and cleaned it as well as I can given that it's one solid piece. (I know, I know, I can't afford better atm) I've narrowed it down to my tonguing. It doesnt seem to matter how soft and full I keep my air, tonguing changes the speed just enough to squeak every. Time. I tongue.
I'm at a real loss how to solve this and dont know any recorder players besides you.
Thank you for all your help and the wonderful videos!
Yamaha makes a cheap one, that still works great. This is Amazon Canada, as I don't know what country you're from.
a very valuable video, tysm
Thank you! I was about to explode out of frustration.
Thank you, I really appreciated this.
Lots of great advice in this video! As a physics/mathematics minded person, I'm curious to find a more technical description of why lower notes overblow "sooner" than higher notes. Are there books you studied from that go into the details?
The physical answer is relying on wave theory. More precisely it's an air pressure wave (as every sounds). If you send a short pressure pulse from the top of the recorder it will propagate downwards the tube. When this pressure pulse meets a hole, part of the pressure will be reflected upwards. This is the same for a continuous wave, the upwards and downwards waves will add. In some locations the pressures will constructively combine, in other locations the both pressures will cancel each other. It is called a standing wave. Actually in a recorder the maximum pressure variation is at the top (the labium) and at the first top open hole (well, some finger combinations needs a more complex explanation). To create a note you have to fullfill the "resonance condition" : the distance between the labium and the hole must be equal to a multiple number of half a wavelength. The wavelength equals to the speed of sound (~330m per second) divided by the note frequency. For example the lowest alto note G4 is 392Hz, therefore the half wavelength is 42cm (This is why longer recorders can play lower notes). Now back to your question. In this 42cm the resonance condition is fulfilled for
1 half wavelength (G4 - 392Hz),
2 half wavelength (G5 - 784Hz), the sound wavelength is half the previous therefore the frequency doubles (=1octave)
3 half wavelength (1176Hz close to D6)
Each of these notes fullfill the resonnance condition, depending of your blow force you will trigger one (or several). I have no clear explanation but experience shows that you get low notes with low blow and soft attack, and the harmonics witch stronger blow and fast attack. For higher notes you cannot trigger the harmonics just because this would require way too much blowing.
Hello Sarah. Thank you for your videos, they're invaluable! I am having trouble moving from a high D down to a low Eb. Any tips please?
Very helpful! I don't know if it would work for "modern" wind instruments as well (albeit, because of Physics, I'd assume it would), but I've tried it and for sure it works both on the recorder and even on the cornett as well.
Thanks Sarah.❤❤
Very good, thank you.
Thank you very much!!!
It was my posture. -_- Thank you. Very, very helpful
I have a plastic bass with the pads that tend not to seal well, so I store the instrument with rubber bands holding each pad down. I take them off to play and everything works great.
Good idea! In the world of saxes, you can buy key clamps to prevent or cure leaks, and are highly recommended by those who use them.
I guess the larger recorders are more difficult to finger, generally, due to their size.. And exploring the note is a good advise I think, its good to figure out how much breath and which finger position sounds better or worse. I'd say you do have to use less air for the low notes, especially the C, would you agree? I guess because there are less holes it can move through.
Hello, your video is very helpfull. I realized where i make a mistake. Thank you :-)
valeu. I was actually neglecting proper finger position by accident when going to the lower notes. Just, reaching that hole is really tricky.
I love your videos - very engaging and full of good info. I've learnt a lot from you and I found a friend who is also learning the recorder is one of your followers too.
I struggle with the low note (c descant, F alto). Sometimes it is lovely, clear and rich and other times not - even within the same piece. I will try your suggestions but it seems I cannot reliably place my little finger the same position each time! Annoying! Can you suggest anything, or is it a matter of keep practicing moving between that low note and others? Many thanks
Very nice.
Funny, when I was in middle school playing the soprano recorder (plastic Yamaha), I never had any issue with low notes... When I made mistakes, it was with high notes.
I am SO happy I found you!!!! I am VERY NEW to the whole recorder gig. I purchased an Alto Recorder (plastic). It's an Aulos 509B in the key of E I believe. I'm a guitarist, vocalist, can play piano and write music as well. I am looking at the recorder as a portable instrument and to accompany myself when recording. I primarily play contemporary Christian music and plan to spend a lot of time on your channel. Is my recorder choice OK for starters?
I played Aulos 509s for years. They're a decent instrument. But they're in F! Not that it matters at first. Welcome to the club!
wow this video are awesome
Dear Sarah,
thanks a lot for the inspirational videos!
I am not so sure if this is a place to ask it, but after watching your videos I have SUDDENLY decided that my life is not complete without an attempt to make baroque-ish arranging of rock-songs (so I have done some). The problem is that I am completely not a professional musician, and I have nobody around to estimate the quality / or make comments on it (all my friends and relatives and me myself if from the technology rather). May I kindly ask you to look at some sheet music, and then you say if you would like to change something, what sounds bad etc.?
Sarah, thank you for a video. But can I play more lower on recorder? I saw you can do it, and i want to know how to do this
Can you post a video about methods of reliably playing a low E on an f recorder? that is half closing the Bell while fingering the lowest note?
Oct13/2022-Much thanks! My 'robin' should fly in by hollow wean? Oui shell-sea?
I bought a wooden alto on impulse from an antique shop. It's a pretty cheap brand I found out. However, what should I do to get it in playing order?
Ok I have an alto recorder but I'm having some difficulties. It seems that the amount of breath I need to get a low note I am barely puffing air into the thing. I can play a scale but just barely. I have followed all the instructions here but still having problems. Is that just a matter of practice?
Nice flute!