ASMR Focus On Me ♡ Soft-Spoken Guided Meditation

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @alynjones2121
    @alynjones2121 2 дні тому +78

    Love the "focus on me" vids. Im utterly chilled and focused. Im so committed. Pure relaxation. Love it

  • @gregoryfish766
    @gregoryfish766 2 дні тому +37

    Growing up with Ozley has been one of the biggest gifts the internet has given me

  • @jetsfan8437
    @jetsfan8437 2 дні тому +6

    I know I’ve said this before but I just get so excited whenever a new Ozley video drops. No other asmrtist does that to me

  • @Miya-dz6ze
    @Miya-dz6ze 2 години тому

    I always love when you start with sliding your nails against each other, it sounds so soothing when you do it slowly

  • @ahmed_J4
    @ahmed_J4 2 дні тому +36

    Congratulations for 1M subscribers 🎉🎉🎉,and keep shining🌟🌟🌟

  • @penultimateh766
    @penultimateh766 2 дні тому +6

    Our compassionate, soulful, and improbably beautiful Ozley.

  • @j.b.4340
    @j.b.4340 2 дні тому +9

    I always go to your “focus” videos, when I need to reset. Thank you for making them.

  • @junkfoodjunky
    @junkfoodjunky 2 дні тому +7

    If I were to go blind this very night, and could only just hear one voice for the rest of my life, yours would be it. type of vibes.

  • @justinfelt748
    @justinfelt748 2 дні тому +4

    I love this new guided meditation, Ozley. It feels the energy inside my heart with a special power to concentrate and follow the steps including the slow hand movements, staring at the eyes without blinking (my favorite💙💙💙💙💙💙💙👍) and...pray🙏. Thank you for this and god bless us...everyone.😀😙💙💙💙💙💙💙🎄❄🌌🙏🌷💖💖💖💖💖💖🎄😊⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐👍

  • @andrewlouis3475
    @andrewlouis3475 2 дні тому +3

    Ozley Girl You have such classic and timeless intelligence, you would be a standout in any era or society. I LOVE YOU!💕🌹

  • @ashlynmeyer9386
    @ashlynmeyer9386 День тому +1

    i need more “asmr but your asleep” videos pleaseeee those are my favorite 😭🙏

  • @karthikhkamat
    @karthikhkamat День тому +1

    Very happy to see what I like come back again! The focus videos are so grounding. Thank you 😊

  • @cranberriesboo1
    @cranberriesboo1 2 дні тому +2

    The real focus queen

  • @festepuck3969
    @festepuck3969 2 дні тому +2

    Thanks for the warm red color theme

  • @dc64-q6r
    @dc64-q6r День тому

    It’s hard to describe how stunning this person is. I know her skills are far beyond ASMR, and I thank her for sharing this with us. It has given me hours of comfort in my life. She’s the best of what’s out there in so many ways.

  • @Efesus67
    @Efesus67 2 дні тому +8

    Thank you Ozley !!!

  • @Conda17
    @Conda17 День тому

    It’s obvious how much thought you put into making these videos different so people can find new ways to stop overthinking, it’s appreciated so thanks

  • @alistairarchibald1312
    @alistairarchibald1312 2 дні тому +1

    ozley thank you for the sleep i would not have otherwise slept thru the years. keep going

  • @barrybludgeon7448
    @barrybludgeon7448 День тому +3

    Congrats on a million subs! I remember when you were at 9K and im glad I subbed back then!

  • @dutchy1191
    @dutchy1191 День тому +2

    I absolutely love the focus vids!

  • @Anthony-hl7hj
    @Anthony-hl7hj 2 дні тому +1

    Congratulations on 1 million subscribers. I remember getting here before 100k. Lots of hard work and dedication💟👏🏼🎉🥳

  • @classiccinemac9480
    @classiccinemac9480 2 дні тому +1

    Ozley! Happy Monday! Thank you so much for this as your ASMR focus videos are the best and most comforting 💜 You are always a wonder to ASMR and a huge congratulations for reaching 1 million subscribers! Wishing the best for the holidays Ozley! 🎄

  • @keagenchatel7309
    @keagenchatel7309 2 дні тому

    Literally one of the best triggers in the community. Cannot wait to go to sleep and watch this one! ❤ thanks Ozley

  • @Frey_2026
    @Frey_2026 2 дні тому +2

    Heey, that's my favorite version of Ozley x)

  • @jaydanbell2714
    @jaydanbell2714 2 дні тому +1

    Amazing, as always! You’re so beautiful, have such a serene voice, and you always know how to emit such atmospheric and loving energy! 😊❤

  • @ManuelMartinez-fl7hv
    @ManuelMartinez-fl7hv 2 дні тому +5

    Love you so much Ozley, focus on you is the best ❤

  • @mehatesithere
    @mehatesithere День тому

    this is a trigger sent from heaven I swear

  • @gwnbw
    @gwnbw День тому +1

    Super tingly the focus on me part

  • @kimeun2435
    @kimeun2435 2 дні тому +1

    hey ozley 💙 congratulations on one million subscribers. I know I'm late. I love you so much. You are my role model🤍

  • @Julia-ww9pg
    @Julia-ww9pg День тому

    Hey Ozley, thank you for sharing your gift, your voice, your energy with us.❤

  • @AGaranganao
    @AGaranganao День тому

    Ozley is really there for me when i need her the most

  • @momoffourboys70
    @momoffourboys70 2 дні тому

    Thank you Ozley ❤ I will be watching this tonight before I go to sleep. I love these videos a lot. They really helpy anxiety. Thank you ❤

  • @kurniaanggraeni1065
    @kurniaanggraeni1065 День тому +1

    Thank you Ozley

  • @BkhammoYou
    @BkhammoYou 2 дні тому +1

    I feel so focused 😊

  • @sanatani-qe6gc
    @sanatani-qe6gc 2 дні тому

    Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy🎉🎉🎉finally a soft spoken ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤let's see how many times i rewatch it.. 100😂 or maybe 200 times... ❤❤❤.... Congratulations for million subscribers.. Hope you have 10 million soon ❤❤❤❤.. Even though you so whisper instead soft one or mix but how can i not hit like button... When it's you ❤❤.. 😊😊waiting for your humming one ❤❤❤❤

  • @davidbraganza8213
    @davidbraganza8213 2 дні тому

    Most Gorgeous Ozley ASMR! Love Your 'ASMR Focus On Me' Love Your Soft -Spoken and Guided Meditation! Congratulations to your have 1 Million Subscribers is you are So Loved and So Adorable! Thanks 🙏 for all your Beautiful Videos! 💯🌟❤🌹🌼🌨❄☃🎇🎄✨

  • @JLawL
    @JLawL 2 дні тому +2

    I'm here! I'm focused!

  • @BePositive1984
    @BePositive1984 2 дні тому

    You are the bread and butter of ASMR!

  • @katryonkelly3772
    @katryonkelly3772 День тому

    Thank you friend! It has been a hectic last few weeks! Much love!🔥👍

  • @BlueShirtRedVest
    @BlueShirtRedVest 2 дні тому +1

    I love these, thanks Ozley!

  • @quincyclaybon7256
    @quincyclaybon7256 2 дні тому

    Precious face with a soft voice. Puts me out each time

  • @thephysicsquantum
    @thephysicsquantum 2 дні тому

    Thank you!!! And congrats on 1M!

  • @anderson_c_oliveira
    @anderson_c_oliveira 2 дні тому

    Thanks for your amazing peace and this very relaxing video! 🙏💖

  • @whkr_nn
    @whkr_nn День тому

    Feel much more relaxed when you say “focus on me”

  • @viaalpina8212
    @viaalpina8212 День тому

    Such a beautiful journey with you.

  • @susieneves
    @susieneves 2 дні тому +2

    Love yours videos ❤️

  • @mnjacobson8722
    @mnjacobson8722 2 дні тому

    Great video and congrats on 1M subs!! Well deserved 🙂

  • @nicoleguzman9297
    @nicoleguzman9297 2 дні тому

    When she said "elbow just kidding", my eyes were closed but I somehow flinched! And I like your fingers over the camera because it "darkened" the view 😍

  • @JordonOlsen
    @JordonOlsen 2 дні тому

    Congrats on s million subs Ozley 🎉

  • @baxter326
    @baxter326 2 дні тому

    Noticed the 1 million subs. Congrats 🎉

  • @amritaadhikary3760
    @amritaadhikary3760 День тому

    Congratulations for 1M subscribers🎉

  • @missarwen37
    @missarwen37 2 дні тому

    Love guided meditation is so relax 🙏❤💖

  • @azizabhamjee1438
    @azizabhamjee1438 День тому

    Love this❤ sweet dreams

  • @JCdoulos74
    @JCdoulos74 2 дні тому

    Thank you Ozley God bless!

  • @jeromedevotta3406
    @jeromedevotta3406 День тому

    i feel the love ❤️ within me rise ❤

  • @Marco.The.Phoenix15
    @Marco.The.Phoenix15 2 дні тому

    You reminded me of something important in my life. 🙏

  • @sajedetalabeigi
    @sajedetalabeigi День тому +1

    Congratulations on 1 million subscribers!! You deserve it ! 😊❤ I've been following you for years, and I really love your videos ! ❤

  • @erneztoramirez2402
    @erneztoramirez2402 2 дні тому

    I love your videos ❤ , so relaxing

  • @YummyratsVR
    @YummyratsVR 2 дні тому +1


  • @trident042
    @trident042 День тому

    I love that the focus on me tap tap effect is potent enough to rattle my ADD.

  • @Emp1ricalM1nd
    @Emp1ricalM1nd 2 дні тому

    I loved the focus on me series. I was saddened when you said you were putting it on hiatus.

    @_WESTSIDE_ 2 дні тому

    👍👍🌌🌃 thanks for the vid Oz!!

  • @gvon6358
    @gvon6358 2 дні тому +5

    Osley, you're going to have to change the Early Birds (24 hours) group comments to a 1 hour group because you have so many views in less than 60 minutes! Hahahaha ~ congratulations!
    Just wish all those viewers would hit the thumbs up button for you.

  • @stephenvogt6689
    @stephenvogt6689 2 дні тому

    Thank you so very much

  • @juna4976
    @juna4976 2 дні тому

    Needed that one

  • @JohnWilliams-gy5yc
    @JohnWilliams-gy5yc 2 дні тому

    Congratulations for the gold button 🎉👍🏻💫⭐.

  • @johnniewalker8186
    @johnniewalker8186 2 дні тому +2

    Congratulations for 1M subscribers 🎉🎉🎉 No Onlyfans traps, Genuine ASMR..

  • @rafaelsbarreto3720
    @rafaelsbarreto3720 2 дні тому

    Focus on me!!! 🤩

  • @angelinabob
    @angelinabob 2 дні тому

    Thank you❤

  • @kellyprefontaine3934
    @kellyprefontaine3934 2 дні тому

    Hey, Ozley!!! ❤

  • @BrokenKanuck
    @BrokenKanuck День тому

    Congratulations on 1 million! Still remember your first videos.. still stunning..!

  • @braveheartnature7795
    @braveheartnature7795 2 дні тому

    Everything will be okay 💞 You make me endlessly happy 💘🥰 I wish you a Merry Christmas… My legendary magical star ✨🌟💖

  • @Yn1Diaries
    @Yn1Diaries 2 дні тому

    I got back from school after a long day, showered, ate, now i nap..😌

  • @alyzayenroscom5403
    @alyzayenroscom5403 2 дні тому

    Can you please do a Christmas skin care and make up for us? Thank youuuuuu!!! 🥹❤️❤️❤️
    Who else agree?

  • @camilycasagranda5940
    @camilycasagranda5940 2 дні тому

    OMG 1M 🎉

  • @roneteus
    @roneteus День тому

    The void has taken me. 😴

  • @kevstar2336
    @kevstar2336 2 дні тому

    Very nice ❤

  • @tugboattedd
    @tugboattedd 2 дні тому

    I could listen to 1 tewe 3 focus on me on loop every night.

  • @williamsachs3067
    @williamsachs3067 2 дні тому

    Thanks beautiful ❤️

  • @vanessafrank8729
    @vanessafrank8729 2 дні тому

    Can I ask what lip product you’re wearing? It’s beautiful!

  • @ashiq_seven
    @ashiq_seven 2 дні тому

    you are lovely :)

  • @jakemiller3812
    @jakemiller3812 2 дні тому +1

    Once you did this you said focus and the camera focused on you. You could do this effect by blurring the recording in edit.

  • @jobkramer560
    @jobkramer560 2 дні тому

    You know: these videos are absolutely brilliant. But at the focus on me, do you want us to focus on the start of your nose? Or your face, or really you?

  • @alissatse1912
    @alissatse1912 2 дні тому

    Wow before an hour! That's a record for me. I'm usually a year late to any ASMR video 😂

  • @Elysian7
    @Elysian7 20 годин тому

    Beautiful woman and asmr too ❤️

  • @JeanLopez-y7z
    @JeanLopez-y7z День тому

    ❤ Georgeus ❤

  • @lilyf.5769
    @lilyf.5769 2 дні тому +2

    I'm focused 😃.....🥱....😴...😪

  • @thebigredmachine4875
    @thebigredmachine4875 День тому +1

    Can you PLEASE do a Christmas music humming/singing video?
    Upvote this if you want her to do the same! :)

  • @kassandrae
    @kassandrae 2 дні тому

    You have my brain like 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠

  • @Kevinnaps311
    @Kevinnaps311 День тому


  • @YourAsmrHut
    @YourAsmrHut День тому +1

    Small Asmrtist here 🎉😊😢

  • @LeorCoffee
    @LeorCoffee 2 дні тому

    ❤❤❤❤ my love

  • @mailes4018
    @mailes4018 День тому

    I love this video! ❤ But English is not my native language, would it be possible to enable subtitles? 😊😊? I feel like I end up not understanding one sentence or another because I don't recognize the word right away 😢

  • @johnfroembling5396
    @johnfroembling5396 2 дні тому


  • @siummulgatamulgata1794
    @siummulgatamulgata1794 2 дні тому


  • @eb8905-v1m
    @eb8905-v1m День тому

    lov u goddess ,hugs from germany

  • @DominicRyanOsborne
    @DominicRyanOsborne 2 дні тому

    Me scratches nose.. sees the thumbnail.. experiences asmr inception

  • @SoHereASMR
    @SoHereASMR 2 дні тому +256

    *👇🏻 Early birds (24 hours)*

  • @s.l.e.e.p.y..r.o.s.e4829
    @s.l.e.e.p.y..r.o.s.e4829 2 дні тому

    9 minutes ago❤

  • @andree-annetessier1329
    @andree-annetessier1329 2 дні тому
