A Day Of Thanksgiving (1951)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • A Day Of Thanksgiving by Centron Productions
    Courtesy Prelinger Archives
    Cold War-era educational film. A family who cannot afford a turkey at Thanksgiving reviews what they have to be thankful about.


  • @snowy1634
    @snowy1634 Рік тому +288

    Can you imagine a kid in 2022 being thankful for a library card and "free" books? So glad I'm as old as I am and can still remember things like this.

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому +15

      Amen 🙂

    • @Harlowerayne
      @Harlowerayne Рік тому +22

      I am 58, and I am still thankful for that library card, it has given me keys to the world.

    • @BeeRejuvenatedStudio
      @BeeRejuvenatedStudio Рік тому +11

      It’s so true but it’s also because they’ve been afforded so much more today that they wouldn’t know. Parents remember how they didn’t have this or that and so made certain their children wouldn’t experience the same but unfortunately not all are taught the value of other things while receiving so much. I’ve traveled to countries where they have very little and because they haven’t been afforded so many comforts and material things they are so thankful for the simple things and genuinely appreciate things like necessities like school, books, food , clothes and friends/family.

    • @karenroy9045
      @karenroy9045 Рік тому +11

      I remember those days. We were happy with the simplistic things. Not these kids of today. I’m 58 too.

    • @jaminova_1969
      @jaminova_1969 Рік тому +4

      Are you crazy? Send a kid to a public library ? Most in my area are filled with homeless.

  • @johannasmith3081
    @johannasmith3081 3 роки тому +201

    I remember a lot of thanksgivings that we had a whole chicken instead of a Turkey or even a deer roast. Whatever daddy would kill, trap, or catch but we never went hungry or needed for. God bless my daddy, he gave us everything he could......God rest his heart

    • @amberteachey7321
      @amberteachey7321 2 роки тому +15

      Sounds to me that you had a wonderful dad. That is a real treasure.

    • @jovitavillalpando2827
      @jovitavillalpando2827 Рік тому +8

      At least u
      Didn’t go hungry I remember when I was about 9 or 10 and my mom was working my big sister with her friends and I was almost crying cause we had no turkey cooking and all my friends were all at home cooking! And I kept thinking why isn’t my mom home cooking! I remember feeling so desperate!

    • @rhondareese3908
      @rhondareese3908 Рік тому +3

      My dad and sone family and friends went hunting early in the morning on Thanksgiving day and they would be back about 12:00 or 1:00 for dinner.

      @WAHOOUPS Рік тому

      Bill ran away with a stripper to Vegas. Said hes had it and wants some good "twang".

    • @PuffKitty
      @PuffKitty Рік тому +2

      @@jovitavillalpando2827 aww, you must have felt so lonely 😕

  • @christyhull4214
    @christyhull4214 10 місяців тому +45

    Im so thankful to my Lord and savior that He gave me a wonderful family. My parents always took us to church, had Sunday dinner together (most of the time we still do on Sundays). I had a father that always provided for us and a mother that was sweet and loving. I adored my grandparents and my aunts and cousin. Now that im married God blessed me with amazing husband just like my dad. He loves me and goes to church with me. Im truly am blessed. Yes its hard in America right now but im determined i will stand by my country my family and the true Americans. With God will can and will have our country back better than ever! Thank u Jesus for America!

    • @ShopStylebyme
      @ShopStylebyme 10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you Jesus for Europe. Italy the best country in the world.

    • @Paulscottrock
      @Paulscottrock 10 місяців тому +2

      Maybe your dad earned what he had. Maybe there’s no magic sky gif involved. Maybe you just a good person who earned your good fortune.
      Stop awarding your achievement to magic nonsense. Stop being a child.

    • @shuttittuppitt9355
      @shuttittuppitt9355 6 місяців тому

      You're wasting your time with a 1080 version of this, because it looks identical to a 480 version. A 1080 version of something is justified if it's crisp & sharp, but not if the 1080 version is blurry.

    • @blueskysailing
      @blueskysailing 5 місяців тому +2

      @Paulscottrock Magical nonsense?? Jesus is not magical nonsense. It's sad you feel that way. Jesus is real and He loves you. Whether you believe in Him or not. I hope you come to believe very soon.

  • @minniemouska4320
    @minniemouska4320 5 років тому +567

    I am an old lady now, but I can say I remember that time and it was a wonderful time. Families ate dinner together, newspapers publishedtrue facts,you got milk butter and even ice cream delivered to your door, and neighbors actually socialized with each other. People played cards on Friday or Saturday nights with their friends,had dinner parties and cookouts. We kids played outside til the fireflies came out and mom called us in . There was very little divorce,and people married their high school sweethearts. Weddings were simple sweet parties in the church hall and a lot of those bridal gowns were hand sewn. It was a simpler, happier time. I do not think life has improved on it. I became a feminist in the 70s, but I have come to realize those days in the past were much, much better than now.

    • @ingriddubbel8468
      @ingriddubbel8468 5 років тому +29

      No. This only applies to whites.
      And who would want a homemade wedding dress?
      I'm sorry you didn't live in a Norman Rockwell painting.

    • @drzerogi
      @drzerogi 5 років тому +35

      @@ingriddubbel8468 You're an idiot.

    • @riggs20
      @riggs20 5 років тому +123

      @@ingriddubbel8468 How nasty you're being. You have no idea what her life was like.

    • @YTistooannoying
      @YTistooannoying 5 років тому +48

      Hmmm not all families ate dinner together and today many families still eat dinner together and they definitely get together for Thanksgiving. That time might have been wonderful for you, but thats just nostalgia talking. There were dirty, nasty little dramas going on at those sweet get togethers, you just didn't see because you were an oblivious kid, and people pretended the ugly didn't exist rather than dealing with it.
      Maybe your family wasn't dysfunctional but many were then, just like now. At that time people just lied about the awful things (my mom who was born in 1936 was being abused by her stepfather but she was forced to pretend everything was ok. She had no recourse or rights).
      These days, familys who live very far from each other are able to see each other face to face and be engaged in each other's daily lives. In your day they rarely saw each other, they may as well been dead. Kids still go out and play but their play is also different. People still have parties and cookouts and lots of get togethers. A vast variety of foods are available. Oranges, bananas, pinapples. If you grew up in the Midwest in your time I bet you never even knew what a mango was. Veggies had to be canned, now you can get them fresh all year long.
      Anything anyone wants to know is at the tips of their fingers, they dont have to bow to misinformation like Fox news, or the lies of a fascist president, they can research the news and don't have to just accept what talking heads tell them to believe. You should try it.
      In your day, knowledge cost lots of money. Now, if a kid wants to know why he can just Google it and get the facts, and they know so much more at 12 than you do at 102. Bet you hate that too. I notice lots of old people absolutely hate the power that knowledge gives the young.
      People don't have to stay in loveless, abusive marriages because their neighbors wont shun or judge them for leaving. They don't have to pretend to people that their life is like, Leave it to Beaver, to keep up appearances. Women and men can choose not to marry or not have kids and not be chided for not conforming. Men and women don't have to pretend like they are not gay and lie and enter into marriage just to be accepted. On the whole we live in a much better time.
      No... Life is much better now. I would hate to live in the social prison of your time. The only thing I am sad about is the divisiness of our country, people who say they would rather be russian than democrats. Or that young people are useless or have it bad because they don't conform to your antiquated ideals... There is no more united we stand...

    • @weitzfc1
      @weitzfc1 5 років тому +15

      typical liberal anti-trump malcontent . didn't get handed everything in life , and your solution is to make everyone like you . typical snowflake.

  • @TalibaSnyder
    @TalibaSnyder Рік тому +33

    I spend Thanksgiving alone every year.
    I have no family, and the neighbors and friends know I am alone, but not a single invitation. This goes for all holidays.
    I seem to only be remembered when the kids are needing to sell something for school or their church.
    Sadly, this is just the way things have become.
    I try to bake a small chicken and make a few small traditional sides for myself and watch thanksgiving programs on tv.
    And I too am thankful for what I have, and the freedoms I have have a citizen of the USA. I just wish the younger generations cared more about their neighbors and others.
    My daddy was born in 1919, so I know I was brought up with a different set of values. Sometimes it is good though to look back through rose-colored glasses

    • @TalibaSnyder
      @TalibaSnyder Рік тому +6

      @@Lisa-je5bb I have volunteered many places and for many years. But I am now disabled and live out in the country and it is very hard for me to do things for me that I was once able to do.
      I would absolutely love to be able to go back doing more volunteer work. The statement was not about me being alone and playing and old for me, it was about me showing how times have changed and people only care about themselves. Nobody cares about the old lady who has no one to help her with her yard, or wondering if she has anyone for the holidays.
      I have volunteered more in my life than those people, but I am now disabled and older.

    • @mariekatherine5238
      @mariekatherine5238 11 місяців тому +13

      @@TalibaSnyderSame here. None of the few relatives I have left care about anyone other than themselves. I used to volunteer at soup kitchens when I was younger and alone on holidays. Being disabled, I can no longer do so. But I refuse to throw a pity party. I pray for people and either have a small gathering with my God, my guardian angel, and a few saints, or just treat it as any other day if it’s a civic holiday. I can be thankful to God for any day He grants me life. I have my pet cat to purr and warm my feet. I can read a good book, listen to music, watch a favorite movie, work at my crafts, sit in the window or on the deck and enjoy nature. It’s time to enjoy life’s simpler pleasures and leave the big social affairs to others who don’t know how to be content.

    • @kW.v
      @kW.v 9 місяців тому +2

      Happy Thanksgiving to you❤

    • @MaximusXXX77
      @MaximusXXX77 9 місяців тому +3

      @@mariekatherine5238 May God bless you both! Yes, I think the powers to be have corrupted our culture causing society to become very self-centered.

  • @lifegenius763
    @lifegenius763 10 місяців тому +7

    Such a beautiful video of yesteryears 😊 Just even 10% of that energy and spirit of those days would be very welcomed in these modern times..it was all about values back then 😊

  • @Nunofurdambiznez
    @Nunofurdambiznez 10 місяців тому +23

    Someone else said it in the previous comments, and I'm echoing it here... I'm thankful I was raised in a proper family home, with love for one another, respect for my parents and elders, the WANT to do good in school, the fact that dad worked hard to put food on our table every day and night. The fact that we always had a roof over our heads is always something to be forever grateful for, every single day. This video just drives all that home. Glad I found it in my recommends.

  • @videox222ify
    @videox222ify 2 роки тому +22

    I am thankful that there are cool people that post these great videos on YT because it would be impossible to see them otherwise.

  • @sharimason2977
    @sharimason2977 Рік тому +15

    Great clip- puts things in perspective. Be thankful everyday

  • @sharegreats2157
    @sharegreats2157 2 роки тому +25

    A precious piece of footage. Thanks for it.

  • @cynthiafroley4415
    @cynthiafroley4415 7 місяців тому +2

    Such a wholesome, beautiful film! Times have changed drastically since this movie was released.
    I miss those simplistic days!!! God bless America 🇺🇸

  • @happyface4713
    @happyface4713 10 місяців тому +7

    this is EXACTLY how I feel when I hear people call THANKSGIVING - TURKEY DAY! I just hat that. It's cutting our Lord out of another part of our life - thanksgiving is being thankful to HIM for things - sure don't thank a bird for blessings.

  • @david_matheny
    @david_matheny 2 роки тому +192

    It really makes you stop and think. Never before in the history of America is this message needed more than now.

  • @namewithheldnamewithheld2725
    @namewithheldnamewithheld2725 2 роки тому +12

    What I am thankful for is,the breath God Grant's me everyday that I am alive.🤗And his grace and mercy,I am grateful for christ crucifixion:spearing his life for mines.

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому

      ME ALSO , I did Not really understand this Fact until someone from Work invited me to a Bible Study 💕

  • @Bruno-tm3xo
    @Bruno-tm3xo 5 років тому +49

    I first went to the US as a young 19 years old Frenchman in 1976 and discovered this tradition and wonderful time between thanksgiving and Xmas.
    This was a time where a young man would be welcomed in a middle,class family.
    It was simple in US terms, looked lavish to me and I cherished it.
    Where on earth is this US middle class nowadays ? Gone .
    I go to the US twice a month today......and I am bored.
    Something has really gone wrong.
    Nice movie

    • @doofsdoofs
      @doofsdoofs 4 роки тому +18

      Marxist professors, the deconstruction of the family unit, devaluation of sex, loss of national identity, condemnation of traditions, revisionist history, the list goes on. Our democracy opened the door for Bolsheviks to slide on in, and that's exactly what we have today.

    • @AskALibbieist
      @AskALibbieist 3 роки тому +6

      Republicans happened. They destroyed the middle class and ruined America... though the America you see in these old short films never actually existed. This is what they hoped to make via an aggressive attempt at controlling the narrative about American life.

    • @mikezylstra7514
      @mikezylstra7514 3 роки тому

      Oh well...a little too late.

    • @cvmfriends
      @cvmfriends 3 роки тому +1

      @@AskALibbieist the republicans ruined America?? 😂😂 let’s compare how well the country was doing when trump was in office vs the country now that it’s Biden.... with trump the only issues were that the democrats wouldn’t stop bitching and moaning about Russian collusion... and they stopped him from being able to drain the swamp... other then that he ran this country like a business wanted us to do well financially and stayed strong through all of the shit you guys put him through, and even with all of the bullshit he still dealt with the bio weapon very well........ now that it is Biden.. gas and food prices have gone way up, the economy has gone to shit, the borders are just open to everyone (excuse me I’m sorry, the borders are open to everyone except the Cubans Kamala Harris made that very clear... I don’t understand why they can’t come over too if everyone else is allowed to come here illegally) we are loosing more and more rights by the day, we are not allowed to even decide what we want to do with our own bodies.... I thought it was my body my choice 😂 what happened to that? Biden has threatened to nuke the American people, threatened Russia twice, The government has given themselves tons of raises while we are left wondering if we are allowed to work, we are looking at a major depression and now a war... scratch that a world war as well as a civil war.... I could go on all day.
      we are all absolutely fucked if you guys think Biden is doing a good job...
      the only good thing about it is when you guys ruin the country you will have to live in it as well and we won’t be helping you and since you have killed off your children (abortions) you don’t have anyone that will give a fuck!

    • @AskALibbieist
      @AskALibbieist 2 роки тому

      @@cvmfriends What's going on?? My notifications said I had a reply from violet hansen but when I clicked on it my computer just made a bunch of fart sounds. Is anyone else having this problem? It seems to only apply to things violet hansen has typed. Strange.

  • @frankscarborough1428
    @frankscarborough1428 3 роки тому +32

    A great video. what we need to practice is gratitude and thankfulness. Good to be reminded of that

  • @scarlettbutler2873
    @scarlettbutler2873 3 роки тому +26

    Wow. This is more poignant than ever...now.... .............I love these old films.

  • @kamsavart
    @kamsavart 5 років тому +40

    Thanksgivings always been my favorite holiday. So much to be thankful for.

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому

      YES ! So Much to be Thankful for ! ( " It's a DEMOCRACY . . if you can keep it . . ." ) 🇺🇸

  • @catboxcleaner3532
    @catboxcleaner3532 Рік тому +7

    Vey nice message and choral music.

  • @bethany311997
    @bethany311997 Рік тому +24

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Our values sure have changed a lot since the 50's.

  • @juliemoore6957
    @juliemoore6957 9 місяців тому +2

    This was awesome. And still true today! We all need to remember these, things.

  • @richardpodnar5039
    @richardpodnar5039 4 роки тому +25

    This is the middle of the McCarthy Era in the United States, so the patriotism is poured on fairly thick, but in the main it is a nice video which illustrates a kinder, gentler and more innocent time I remember well, growing up in the Midwest with a dad who worked hard and a mom who was always there for me and my brother at home.

    • @mikezylstra7514
      @mikezylstra7514 3 роки тому +1

      Well, turns out, it DOES take a village. eh?

  • @sleepingwithcats5121
    @sleepingwithcats5121 4 роки тому +30

    This video is so Honest. We, Americans are facing losing our Republic, our Freedom.... our selves. Wake up America!!

  • @Saved2Seek
    @Saved2Seek 3 роки тому +19

    I am mostly thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ, who, because of His great and selfless love for sinners like me, gave His life so that I -- and others who believe and follow Him -- could have not only the forgiveness of wrongs but hope of Heaven with Him! For this, I am thankful that I don't have to fear death but fully knowing that when I pass on, death will be just a doorway to that Paradise who awaits to those who trust and obey Christ!

  • @paullindblom4990
    @paullindblom4990 10 місяців тому +1

    A prayer of thankfulness to the state and what man has accomplished through the permissiveness of the state. Must have brought tears to Khrushchev’s eyes to have seen this video. Not a single mention of God. Not much different from today after all.

  • @tinaandrews5242
    @tinaandrews5242 4 роки тому +26

    This has been a tradition in my family for some time now. We all take turns to list the things we are thankful for on Thanksgiving. God has been good to us. I wish I was a stay at home mother. I work and take care of my family. Its hard but God gives me the strength. I think we as Americans can take a step back and realize its not material things that make us happy but its God and the people in our lives. Doing something good for someone else it what gives the heart joy.

  • @ohmeowzer1
    @ohmeowzer1 10 місяців тому +3

    Loved this Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃 everyone

    • @michael-hw1uv
      @michael-hw1uv 10 місяців тому

      Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! A good start. Dont empower them any further. Nor there sick 100 plus genders and surgery on minors without conscent. Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! By the way, in Leftist thought, Thanksgiving is a Racist holiday. Google it. Empowered by the vote, you may see the elimination of Mothers Day too. The word Mother isnt fair to other genders. Its offensive. Vote them back in, the Left and it gets worse.

  • @joegreen7616
    @joegreen7616 10 місяців тому +3

    Mom was the best actor in this video.

  • @syednasir4800
    @syednasir4800 5 років тому +4

    Every day is thanking day for my parents , in my whole life,

  • @davemiller7633
    @davemiller7633 Рік тому +6

    God help us

    • @margaretnewton6409
      @margaretnewton6409 10 місяців тому

      I say these words almost every day, while watching the news, and trying to get away from some of the advertisement with all kinds of implications, breaking all The 10 commandments, I find myself saying out loudly God have mercy on us, God help us. Joining the young people online for Bible study has been spiritually uplifting. Happy Thanksgiving.

  • @calvinjackson8110
    @calvinjackson8110 7 місяців тому +1

    My mother had one these roller wringer washing machines when i was little.

  • @56bluegold
    @56bluegold 3 роки тому +5

    A very good video. Thanks for posting it !

  • @katrin896
    @katrin896 4 роки тому +15

    "Because in it the editor's got the privilege of printing what he thinks and I got the privilege of agreeing with him or not, however, the facts strike me." Miss those days where nobody yelled "fake news" because they didn't like what they read.

    • @davidgold5961
      @davidgold5961 2 роки тому

      There is a substantive difference between fake news and having a valid difference of opinion. The media is controlled by the large corporations and they only feed you what they want you to know and learn.

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому +1

      Yes Ma'am !

  • @avian1971
    @avian1971 10 місяців тому +1

    Wow, how times have changed since this short was made back in 1951. Very sad.

  • @Oldparson220
    @Oldparson220 5 років тому +27

    We had that same wall paper growing up.
    I know it's not PC but women looked really classy wearing the House Dress.

    • @lburgess63
      @lburgess63 4 роки тому +3

      I know I'm being hypocritical, because I'm a total slob, but -- I love the way people used to dress. I'm sure it took a lot of time (that we'd rather fill aimlessly on the Internet) and effort. And discomfort, because those girdles women wore were awful.
      But dang, they looked great.

    • @tinklvsme
      @tinklvsme 4 роки тому +2

      Dont worry about being PC. We always dressed up for all holidays. Even now, i still always look my best when i leave the house, heck in the house.
      Im more comfortable in a dress ir skirt than jeans & a t- shirt.

    • @edgrossman9060
      @edgrossman9060 4 роки тому +1

      It was a case of caring for yourself. When you're well groomed you feel better and have a positive attitude

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 3 роки тому

      @@edgrossman9060 Not me. I feel all stiff and bundled up.

  • @hoganrichard9627
    @hoganrichard9627 3 роки тому +10

    Don't worry kids. You may not have turkey on Thanksgiving day but if you wait a couple days and ask the neighbors you'll get more left over Turkey than you can eat.

    • @lenovovo
      @lenovovo 3 роки тому

      Your comment really made me laugh Hogan ... LOL ... :-)

  • @peggylittledragon7734
    @peggylittledragon7734 10 місяців тому +3

    Kids are so ungrateful
    today they live only for today, we forgot God and this is why kids are like this let’s hope all mankind ask God for repentance so we can turn our lives around

  • @onecoolcat2478
    @onecoolcat2478 10 місяців тому +4

    I miss the old America - before peace and good will was a joke.

  • @raenahonan2003
    @raenahonan2003 10 місяців тому +1

    Travel writer Richard Halliburton! Read all his books...totally not PC now.

  • @angiegirl7154
    @angiegirl7154 10 місяців тому +1

    Amen 🙏💖🧡

  • @blackcorp0001
    @blackcorp0001 4 роки тому +2

    Amen !

  • @jackiereynolds2888
    @jackiereynolds2888 3 роки тому +3

    The number one reason I want to be a billionaire - is to help unfortunate people. I guess that sounds kinda weird.
    It reminds me of my earlier days when one of my aspirations was medicine.
    The reason I wanted medicine wasn't money or a plaque on the wall, -
    I wanted to take my degree and efforts to impoverished places - abroad or right here in the states. I feel that this is what medicine should be.
    When I was in school, one of my philosophy instructors mentioned of talks he had with various under-grads.
    He had said that students all more or less said the same thing; "... the big bucks ... " was usually the answer to his queries.
    It's money or it's prestige or a job prospect, or some reason-or-other -
    which was never my own. Kinda nuts maybe, but the number one reason I remained in school - was none of those things. My reason #1 - was just simply learning. I couldn't get enough of it.
    But to-be-sure, - if I were fabulously wealthy, I would want to help people,
    more than anything else - that would just make me feel good.
    Now and again, I have this singular thought - 'if by some magical means,
    I had a moments-chance to reflect on my entire life - just as they were lowering me into the ground, I think that those quick moments of reflection
    would surely be marked by this thought: 'what is it that made you feel good in your life - what was it in your life that gave it real meaning' ?
    Sounds pretty crazy perhaps, -
    but nothing would be more important to me - than 'meaning'.
    I would like to leave this world a little better off than when I came into it.
    Buying a turkey for this family for example. Peace.

  • @mj68874
    @mj68874 5 років тому +32

    Baby Janet?? There are no baby Janet’s. They just appear one day with 3 kids and want to speak to the manager.

  • @gardenplots283
    @gardenplots283 10 місяців тому +1

    Dick looked old enough to be having a job after school. Mom and dad would have been grateful for a few extra dollars.

  • @fasx56
    @fasx56 5 років тому +6

    Before the days of Dishwashers, Automatic Clothes washers and dozens of other Labor Saving Gadgets people were more Thankful for the simple things of life that are just common to us today. The last two generations most do not know what hard times are, one would have to stand in a soup line like we had in the 1930s combined with 25% unemployment to really see and experience [ Hard Times]. It is going without some basic things of life we have need of which creates a thankful heart or going through a natural disaster which takes away most of our life's work.

  • @karenchastain9789
    @karenchastain9789 5 років тому +3

    Turkey must have been pricey back then!

    • @mikezylstra7514
      @mikezylstra7514 3 роки тому +1

      Relatively so. Real cheap turkey emerged in the 80's or 90's.

    • @kck9742
      @kck9742 Рік тому

      No, it wasn't. A bout 7 cents a pound, so about 70 cents for a 10 lb turkey, which in today's money is about $9. The Johnsons seriously couldn't come up with that piddly amount of money to make the kids happy?

    • @kck9742
      @kck9742 Рік тому +1

      @@mikezylstra7514 Not true. Turkey was only like 7 cents a pound which would make a 70 cent turkey in 1950 equivalent of $9. Turkey sucks, if people are honest -- it's just popular because it's traditional and because it's cheap and you can feed a lot of people. I'd rather splurge and eat something decent.

    • @mikezylstra7514
      @mikezylstra7514 Рік тому

      ​@@kck9742 7 cents a pound? Where? I see 39 - 59 cents a pound in the Nov 1950 newspaper. But, I agree. Turkey is like venison or goat - if you don't cook it exactly right it's next to inedible. Cooking any of those things is more like a hobby than anything else.

  • @danielproulx7288
    @danielproulx7288 4 роки тому +6

    I want to know what kind of gruel she ended up serving on Thanksgiving!! Turkey is cheap so I'm not sure what was cheaper.

    • @Elizabeth-xf7yu
      @Elizabeth-xf7yu 10 місяців тому

      they can afford a pumpkin pie but not some turkey??? I think "mother" needs to go get a part time job if they are that strapped for cash.

  • @FoxyGal18
    @FoxyGal18 3 роки тому +2

    I really think I was born in the wrong time. :(

  • @bonniegaither3994
    @bonniegaither3994 10 місяців тому +2

    Um, excuse me but the pilgrims DID NOT give us the freedoms and privileges we have today.
    The founding fathers did.

  • @8800081
    @8800081 5 років тому +9

    Dad is a hard-working, freaking, Optimist that can't afford a turkey. The government loves those people.
    I want to see the next film where Dad has to tell the kids that there is no Santa Claus.

    • @Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus
      @Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus 5 років тому +2

      Are you kidding? They can't afford a turkey because they paid their bills.

    • @8800081
      @8800081 5 років тому +1

      @@Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus yes, I was kidding

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому

      . . . WHAT ? . . . C'MON NOW ! . . .

    • @kck9742
      @kck9742 Рік тому

      @@Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus A turkey then would have been the equivalent of about $9 today. They really couldn't find a way to come up with a measly $9 for a turkey? Not that turkey doesn't suck a$$, but it was important to the kids...

  • @Juliaflo
    @Juliaflo 3 роки тому

    1951-Hmmmmm what is it about that year I recognize?

  • @timgore829
    @timgore829 5 років тому +1

    So they're having ham?

  • @ccthree329
    @ccthree329 7 місяців тому

    "At least it wont be some political gangster" at 10:48

  • @Wa3ypx
    @Wa3ypx 3 роки тому +4

    I was thankful for all this a few years ago. But its all gone now. America truly does suck.

    • @kck9742
      @kck9742 2 роки тому +1

      America does NOT suck. It's still the greatest country in the world, graced by God and still here despite all the odds against us -- we shouldn't even exist. Our GOVERNMENT sucks.

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому

      NO Way ! 🇺🇸 has honor under G_d ! When citizens of a DEMOCRACY are disappointed-- we vote for change and get informed ! 🙂

    • @Wa3ypx
      @Wa3ypx Рік тому

      @@lucybrindlebrownie8994 That was a year ago I posted that. This year, my mom fell in the bathroom and injured her leg. My mother-in-law was take to the hospital via ambulance. My furnace broke down and I tried to fix mom's kitchen sink thus breaking it more. Happy Thanks-freaking-giving.

  • @Navygrl58
    @Navygrl58 Рік тому +37

    I’m grateful that I was one of the lucky ones who grew up in this time era and remember life the way it truly was meant to be lived. Maybe today’s media should think about inserting these onto the TV as short public service announcements, it just may rattle the brains of people today and make people think.
    Just a thought.

  • @teacherlisa163
    @teacherlisa163 10 місяців тому +50

    I was looking for something traditional and Classic to watch on Thanksgiving. So many of the You Tube titles weren't what they said they were. And then I came across this! What a precious and fitting 12 minutes I just spent! I pulled it up on my iPhone and shared it with four others. :) You would think this was made for today (2023). I hope this message is viewed by many more people! I'll be sharing it on social media. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving one and all!

    • @michael-hw1uv
      @michael-hw1uv 10 місяців тому

      Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! A good start. Dont empower them any further. Nor there sick 100 plus genders and surgery on minors without conscent. Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! By the way, in Leftist thought, Thanksgiving is a Racist holiday. Google it.

  • @ritacarver5852
    @ritacarver5852 10 місяців тому +15

    Aren't you all missing the most IMPORTANT thing? To give thanks to our creator for ANYTHING we have every day of the year.

  • @Michelle77Va
    @Michelle77Va 4 роки тому +67

    I am thankful for whoever posts these old videos for us💖

  • @kenmore01
    @kenmore01 2 роки тому +75

    My neighbor needed a cup of flour. We talked for 45 minutes. It was nice. Then, five minutes later, she came back and said it turned out she needed a cup and a half. We talked for another 45 minutes.
    That cake came right along!

  • @LydiaKyriakidou
    @LydiaKyriakidou Рік тому +129

    Brings me tears what America turned into 😢

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому +4

      partly feel that way too ... and so I've been seeking info. and reaching out to Our elected representatives ( am also appreciating the "sense of Duty" that our Soldiers served their Country for ! 400,000 died honorably in World War l l and so I can Not stop Praying, Not stop learning about Our U.S. CONSTITUTION & Sending letters - Making phone calls - even Traveling to Washington, DC )

    • @vickramgoswami2297
      @vickramgoswami2297 Рік тому +12

      Too many immigrants

    • @cindytrayer4279
      @cindytrayer4279 Рік тому

      @@vickramgoswami2297the entire landscape of this country has changed. The values and culture are gone. If you believe in tradition, it makes you a racist or bigot. This country is dead.

    • @marcchevalier3750
      @marcchevalier3750 10 місяців тому +4


    • @augustcanyon3438
      @augustcanyon3438 10 місяців тому +3

      I wholeheartedly agree

  • @ezrc9294
    @ezrc9294 Рік тому +69

    This was our generation of growing up.. .Thankful for everything. .the telephone, the car , the food , the warm water , bathrooms and all new technologies. Cozy in the livingroom just reading, playing games, was all we could ask for.

    • @murphy1011
      @murphy1011 Рік тому +3

      The kids were literally whining for the first 4 minutes of the video lol

    • @augustcanyon3438
      @augustcanyon3438 10 місяців тому


  • @SoapinTrucker
    @SoapinTrucker 4 роки тому +106

    Honestly, I'm thankful for being thankful! I'm glad i was raised right, and can appreciate a lot we typically take for granted!💯👍

    • @valeriebellomo3573
      @valeriebellomo3573 2 роки тому +6

      Yes. Kids today show no appreciation..same as you. I was TAUGHT !!

    • @qua7771
      @qua7771 2 роки тому +2

      I'm thankful to be indoors with food, and utilities. Sometimes people don't.

    • @serenitynow288
      @serenitynow288 10 місяців тому +1

      Amen! Religious freedom for me ❤

  • @whiskeysixindigo7371
    @whiskeysixindigo7371 2 роки тому +58

    This brough tears to my eyes. I wish this feeling of gratitude were prevalent today instead of the way we are now. Thank God I live in america

    • @kck9742
      @kck9742 Рік тому +1

      That's okay, the leftist schitbags in charge are working hard to make America a banana republic. Hard to have class warfare with a strong middle class, you know.

  • @lindathrall5133
    @lindathrall5133 5 років тому +103

    Thanksgiving isn’t the only holiday to thankful try to be thankful all year long

    • @bdizzle5359
      @bdizzle5359 4 роки тому +3

      This was 1951, things were different. I agree with you though. I'm always Thankful to wake up everyday, and have what I have. 🙂

    • @bunnyfoofoo9695
      @bunnyfoofoo9695 4 роки тому +1

      I want my gd turkey 🦃!!

    • @bunnyfoofoo9695
      @bunnyfoofoo9695 4 роки тому


  • @beanchanged
    @beanchanged 3 роки тому +27

    This actually made me sad. Knowing where are beloved America is headed. 2021

  • @kimberlyn.2096
    @kimberlyn.2096 Рік тому +42

    This is so heartbreaking right now. Wow. What a country we once had💔

    • @cindytrayer4279
      @cindytrayer4279 Рік тому +10

      It’s sad to see that it’s gone and will never return.

    • @LB-ku6ry
      @LB-ku6ry 10 місяців тому +7

      @kimberlyn.2096 It’s even worse now. Your post was 8 months ago. So very sad. 😢

    • @kimberlyn.2096
      @kimberlyn.2096 10 місяців тому +5

      @@LB-ku6ry wow. Just saw this. You are right😔🙁

    • @michael-hw1uv
      @michael-hw1uv 10 місяців тому

      Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! A good start. Dont empower them any further. Nor there sick 100 plus genders and surgery on minors without conscent. Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! By the way, in Leftist thought, Thanksgiving is a Racist holiday. Google it.

  • @suebotchie4167
    @suebotchie4167 Рік тому +10

    Film shows a somewhat poor family, but even so, they dressed decent, and whatever humble pie they were eating, was upon a real table cloth, real plates, and they were using real napkins.

  • @__seeker__
    @__seeker__ 10 місяців тому +13

    *I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.* Philippians 4:12-13

  • @calirose2860
    @calirose2860 10 місяців тому +8

    I wasn't born in the 1950s with all the "conveniences" of modern technology have things really improved?! Technically has made life simpler but it seems things were simpler back then.. today most Americans complain about what they don't have..perhaps that's why so many people are unhappy..these people were grateful for what they *did* have. So many things that we today take for granted they were thankful for..what a great message. 🙏

  • @fembotprincess1
    @fembotprincess1 5 років тому +118

    This was really eye opening. At the time of me typing this,Thanksgiving is on Thursday but it really made me think a lot. We have many things in our lives we should be thankful for. As long as we have a roof over our heads, ppl. who love us, and the things we NEED, not want we should be thankful. Times were simpler then, and the golden rule was important. Wish more of this existed today.

    • @jenniferhansen3622
      @jenniferhansen3622 2 роки тому +3

      Happy Thanksgiving to you 😁

    • @nunya2954
      @nunya2954 2 роки тому

      Parents allowed the doing away of old ways, so now we have stupid parents and even stupider kids that will continue to raise even more stupid, dense people.

    • @suestephan3255
      @suestephan3255 Рік тому +6

      The golden rule is not taught or lived out much in 2022. You are condemned if you don’t agree or go along.

    • @riggs20
      @riggs20 Рік тому +1

      It does! We just have to make a decision to live a simpler life. It’s not easy, but it’s do-able. We have to be diligent about not getting caught up in all of the distractions life throws at us today.

  • @debboyea9567
    @debboyea9567 2 роки тому +29

    I loved this. I wish families still ate together and weren't so busy.

    • @kck9742
      @kck9742 Рік тому +7

      A lot of the busy-ness is self-made. When I grew up kids weren't involved in 15 freaking "activities" they had to be rushed around to all the time. We made our own play and entertainment.

  • @superlibbyanne
    @superlibbyanne Рік тому +27

    Kids need to hear/ watch this nowadays. They are greedy, spoiled and ruining the world with stupidity.

    • @lklein9262
      @lklein9262 10 місяців тому +4

      I could say the same for adults.

  • @cindytrayer4279
    @cindytrayer4279 Рік тому +11

    This video shows how much this country has fallen and devolved and how many freedoms have been taken away. Very scary where we are today and will only get worse.

  • @sunflowergirl5988
    @sunflowergirl5988 11 місяців тому +10

    Traditional values stand for honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated, and helping those in need. “Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values. If we lose our human values by having everything mechanized, then machines will dictate our lives.” Dalai Lama

  • @suemeyer8989
    @suemeyer8989 5 років тому +52

    We do have much to be thankful for.

  • @joanndixon78
    @joanndixon78 10 місяців тому +29

    This is awesome, and brought me to tears. Watching this traditional family, a dad teaching his children about the real meaning of Thanksgiving, having gratitude for our country, our freedoms, our family, all the conveniences, etc. We have much more today, yet too many in our society today are soooo unthankful, self-centered, and ignorant as to why we celebrate.

  • @sabrinaleedance
    @sabrinaleedance 5 років тому +182

    I wanna play this for my future family every year on thanksgiving so the true american meaning is never lost

    • @nisaba5752
      @nisaba5752 3 роки тому +2

      My kids own are older now...but just thinking back this is what I remember.
      If you raise them with compassion,and "catch" them showing kindness to others- not making a fuss,but letting them know that being better to people is just the way it should be- you'll start to see them saying and doing things on their own around the holidays that positively fill your heart to bursting with Thanksgiving. Loving-kindness is natural to many kids. And if they're a little self-centered or too inward,they're usually old enough to have a spontaneous conversation with...maybe about one of the topics in this video,for example 😉

    • @seanleith5312
      @seanleith5312 3 роки тому +7

      Still it won't be thanks giving without Turkey.

    • @Wa3ypx
      @Wa3ypx 3 роки тому +12

      if the Pilgrims could look into the future, they'd turn around and go back to England

    • @mikezylstra7514
      @mikezylstra7514 3 роки тому +6

      Your social credit score will go to zero. You're in a place way different from this.

    • @dorothyjacobs294
      @dorothyjacobs294 3 роки тому +5

      I am also thankful for the McCarthy era!!?!!

  • @jayde538
    @jayde538 2 роки тому +19

    I'm praying we won't lose all of these things, our freedom..🙏🙏🙏

  • @frankscarborough1428
    @frankscarborough1428 10 місяців тому +6

    Watching again. Gratitude is something we seem to be lacking

  • @valfletcher9285
    @valfletcher9285 2 роки тому +62

    This was quaint and cozy and enjoyable. At first I thought it was going to be really goofy and contrived but actually it warmed my heart so much! Thank you for posting! Thanksgiving 2021

  • @mmhervey3449
    @mmhervey3449 10 місяців тому +4

    This should be required watching for all children today. I’m thankful for the freedoms we have enjoyed for many years thanks to the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces and kept this country free. I know we are now in danger of losing these freedoms. Most of us, if not all would be very unhappy to live in a country that didn’t have these freedoms. Thank God for America.

  • @gail4101
    @gail4101 10 місяців тому +8

    I was seven years old then so this brought back a lot of memories…I’m sure most younger people seeing this would think this was a fake remembrance of how life was lived during that time…it wasn’t…I remember how daily life was families living together going to work and to school, how we could play outside until dinner time, where we gathered at the dinner table to eat instead of sitting on the couch watching tv and eating off a “tv” tray…(tv was a thing of the future) we always said a prayer before our meal which consisted of meat, potatoes, rice or noodles with a canned vegetable and bread with jam followed by a cake or ice cream, etc…we had milk from our cows, eggs from our chickens…wish I could go back to that life…(I even recognized the dinner plates and the old wringer washing machine!)

  • @mariekatherine5238
    @mariekatherine5238 11 місяців тому +7

    Hint: No money? No family? Alone on Thanksgiving? Volunteer yourself at a soup kitchen. You see others worse off, get to serve your neighbors, and you’ll probably get some turkey.

  • @WilAdams
    @WilAdams 5 років тому +87

    This is a great video to share on Independence Day as well. After all, America and her founders have given us so much to celebrate.

    • @Deemememe
      @Deemememe 4 роки тому +6

      Wil Adams yes. Like spilled blood, injustice and slavery♥️

    • @erinmack8918
      @erinmack8918 2 роки тому

      God you people never ever get sick of bitching.

    • @coloradostrong
      @coloradostrong 2 роки тому

      @@Deemememe The afrikans caught other afrikans and THEY sold them into slavery. And they were transported on _jew_ owned slave ships. Learn the TRUTH about slaves.

    • @vickramgoswami2297
      @vickramgoswami2297 Рік тому

      Get lost

  • @1981SBAX
    @1981SBAX 4 роки тому +26

    This is such a good reminder! We might not have all the things we want but so thankful we have all the things we need. I’m sharing this with my kids. ❤️

  • @jacquelineraines2074
    @jacquelineraines2074 10 місяців тому +10

    I would have been 10 months old, my older sister would have been 4, Mom was staying near family while Pop was off in the Navy fighting in Korea. We grew up knowing how privileged we were in the United States and treasured our freedom. I mourn that loss.

    • @michael-hw1uv
      @michael-hw1uv 10 місяців тому

      Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! A good start. Dont empower them any further. Nor there sick 100 plus genders and surgery on minors without conscent. Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! By the way, in Leftist thought, Thanksgiving is a Racist holiday. Google it. Empowered by the vote, you may see the elimination of Mothers Day too. The word Mother isnt fair to other genders. Its offensive. Vote them back in, the Left and it gets worse.

  • @MooMoo-fw3kh
    @MooMoo-fw3kh 2 роки тому +16

    this should be shown in every school before thanksgiving break

    • @valeriebellomo3573
      @valeriebellomo3573 2 роки тому +1

      R u kidding.?? Teachers today are Marxists. Despise the morals that family represents

    • @MooMoo-fw3kh
      @MooMoo-fw3kh 2 роки тому

      @@valeriebellomo3573 you are partly correct. It's the public school system that indoctrinates the students and teachers are very restricted and tracked if they deviate from this. I myself , a teacher, have been reprimanded from mentioning the name of God.

  • @lonestar1637
    @lonestar1637 10 місяців тому +7

    A knock on the door means nothing to fear. That is freedom.

  • @JennyG.COW5
    @JennyG.COW5 2 роки тому +21

    Thank you for sharing this important message! 👍
    May we remember to show gratitude to God our Creator and the many blessings God has given to us through rightous principles and blessings as mentioned here in this video! I appreciated it when Mr. Johnson mentioned his hope for these same blessings for All people of the World. ❤🕊🙏⛪📜🖋⚖🦅

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому +1

      You said it ! 😇

    • @onepartwild
      @onepartwild 10 місяців тому

      Yes, it's not just being thankful. It's who we're thankful to. Not forgetting God from whom all good things come.

  • @MilaMila20240
    @MilaMila20240 Рік тому +8

    I am 90s kid. But I know back in the early 1950s people were still recovering from WW2 aftermath. And the Korean War was going on as well. Not until the mid 1960s that's when the economic stabilized globally. This is a good video be grateful everyday. Not to wait for some holiday every year.

  • @JupiterMoon19
    @JupiterMoon19 10 місяців тому +4

    To whomever is watching this…I hope wherever you are in the world, you find peace and love in your hearts and in your lives. Sending my peace to you. Please share your peace with others. 🙏🌎☮️❤️

  • @bettyvarone4420
    @bettyvarone4420 10 місяців тому +4

    How beautiful to see how it was when I was that baby's age, we did not h much but we had so much more than the kids have today, a loving family.

  • @dawnnichols7742
    @dawnnichols7742 10 місяців тому +4

    Thanksgiving is a place in your heart that is filled with thankfulness to God. Whatever we have, much or little, we are aware that the God who cares for us and provides for us gives us the opportunity to share in our blessings with others. We ALL need God's love and care.

  • @LolaAlmaguer8797
    @LolaAlmaguer8797 Рік тому +7

    I love the message here.

  • @DanielVance
    @DanielVance 5 років тому +123

    I'm thankful for democracy and the rights that I have afforded to me.
    If you're close and don't have a place to go on Thanksgiving, I'm cooking a 12 pound turkey for 2 people. So there will be plenty of leftovers. Shrimp cocktails, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie. I have two rules in my house: make yourself at home, and leave it better than you found it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    • @monkeynumbernine
      @monkeynumbernine 5 років тому +2

      I'll be there

    • @lburgess63
      @lburgess63 4 роки тому +9

      Thank you, Sir! I wish I was close -- I'd be there with bells on!
      Your spirit is exactly what we need right now. The understanding that what we have, our Constitutional rights, our American optimism and belief in our Founder's bedrock freedoms, is unmatched in the world.
      I've seen most of the rest of the world -- in particular its worst spots. I now understand how unique and amazing Americans can be, when we open our hearts to one another in good faith. When we watch out for one another. When individuals and communities help people in need.
      In those moments, I see that what binds us together is so much stronger than what makes us different. There is no greater place on Earth to be alive.

    • @icedice6393
      @icedice6393 4 роки тому +1

      Happy thanksgiving

    • @lburgess63
      @lburgess63 4 роки тому +2

      @@icedice6393 Thank you, Ice Dice and Catherine. I wish you both a happy Thanksgiving, hopefully shared on person with your most-loved family and friends.

    • @shirleyetheridge5060
      @shirleyetheridge5060 3 роки тому

      @Dimitri Borozny amen

  • @lizmowrey9866
    @lizmowrey9866 4 роки тому +30

    That was actually inspiring as cheesy as that might sound

    • @doofsdoofs
      @doofsdoofs 4 роки тому +1

      That was the intent of the film, nobody was expecting you to laugh or scoff

    • @SoapinTrucker
      @SoapinTrucker 4 роки тому +1

      @@doofsdoofs wow, kind of rude reply isn't it? :(

    • @Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus
      @Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus 2 роки тому +1

      @@doofsdoofs I fully agree.

    • @lucybrindlebrownie8994
      @lucybrindlebrownie8994 Рік тому

      NOT cheesy to me ! Especially nowadays, ad 2022, "wars and rumors of wars" , Covid Pandemic , US Capitol bldg. attacked & security guards murdered , Ukraine destroyed physically - but Not Spiritually , Innocent babies & toddlers neglected ... even abused , . . . . YET - where there is LIFE there is HOPE 🌠

  • @kellychapman7331
    @kellychapman7331 10 місяців тому +16

    We are seeing what living in a secular society brings. I'm so thankful I was raised in the America depicted in this video. I grieve for the young people who never got to experience it.

    • @michael-hw1uv
      @michael-hw1uv 10 місяців тому

      Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! A good start. Dont empower them any further. Nor there sick 100 plus genders and surgery on minors without conscent. Conservative Dems. and the G.O.P in 2024! By the way, in Leftist thought, Thanksgiving is a Racist holiday. Google it.

    • @themainmanborah
      @themainmanborah 6 місяців тому

      @@rut5161But was "inclusion and diversity" so worth it?

  • @lizdrouin1104
    @lizdrouin1104 10 місяців тому +6

    Oh how I miss those days.....❤

  • @elderlypoodle9181
    @elderlypoodle9181 Рік тому +9

    Absolutely beautiful

  • @robinsego9924
    @robinsego9924 10 місяців тому +4

    Oh how I miss those days!!!!! I remember my mom cooking the turkey and making her special dressing; she made it with grits and day old bread with celery and spices!!!!! It was absolutely delicious!!!!!!
    She baked a Japanese Fruit cake with special special spices with coconut!!!!!! Family and dear friends; oh how I miss those days!!!!!!!❤