How to operate Tri Tronics Sport Pro by Garmin

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @katiecornelius1101
    @katiecornelius1101 2 роки тому +5

    I loved the clear directions because the instructions I just couldn’t understand. This made everything so much more clear, and the directions did not tell me these extra features so thank you!

  • @keilagolden6871
    @keilagolden6871 2 роки тому +6

    I have this collar and I like it, but I had only understood about half of what it can do. Thank you for the very clear directions - wish I'd known about the lights last night when we were out in the dark 😂

  • @ATypicalJake1
    @ATypicalJake1 6 місяців тому

    Thanks for a short video on the basics!

  • @MrPurevibe1
    @MrPurevibe1 Рік тому

    simply helpful, thank you!

  • @j.lietka9406
    @j.lietka9406 Місяць тому

    So this whole hand held controller and collar is for training ones dog? Found the hand held + charger (dumpster find) but had no idea what it was! So the collar I left in the dumpster!

  • @edwardsavje1476
    @edwardsavje1476 Рік тому

    Thank you for the video!!!

  • @rkuehner1012
    @rkuehner1012 6 місяців тому +1

    So the transmitter doesn’t have an on/off button like the receiver? How do you know if it’s on and powered?

  • @curleex3838
    @curleex3838 Рік тому

    I have a cheap e collar and im looking to upgrade but what ive found is my current collar goes into standby so i have to press the audible button a few times so i know its back on and THEN i can use the zapper to stop him going in the rd or a river etc, i need a collar that wont go into standby so if i need to correct my dog quickly the collar will respond instantly....any advice! 🇬🇧💙

  • @PuertoRicanPecan
    @PuertoRicanPecan Рік тому +1

    Does the bark limiter feature include autorise where it automatically adjusts stimulation if the dog keeps barking? Or is it only one level at a time?

    • @stevenlutchen7762
      @stevenlutchen7762 10 місяців тому

      it will increase the stimulation as the dog keeps barking

  • @GaryParr-v3i
    @GaryParr-v3i Рік тому +2

    Good video, but I don't understand why there are the jingles in the background.

  • @raykelly5837
    @raykelly5837 3 місяці тому

    Does it really not have a place for a lanyard?

    • @daveyboy8907
      @daveyboy8907 Місяць тому

      It does I made a nice paracord lanyard kinda like the ones used for duck calls.

  • @watchmoivies123
    @watchmoivies123 3 місяці тому

    Is the vibration strong? Does it have levels?

    • @daveyboy8907
      @daveyboy8907 Місяць тому

      Yes it's strong.i only have to use tone or vibrate..After the dog wears it for awhile you don't even need to shock.

  • @adventureswithfrodo2721
    @adventureswithfrodo2721 2 роки тому +1

    I have the collar. But the light are useless on my lab as his neck and head just hide the light form the collar.

    • @rkuehner1012
      @rkuehner1012 6 місяців тому

      Can you mount it to where the lights aim down instead of upwards?

  • @amputeelifehacks
    @amputeelifehacks 2 роки тому

    Why does it keep flashing green?

  • @odinboggs4372
    @odinboggs4372 11 місяців тому

    Went through 2 of these....rechargeable batteries in collar Suck

  • @WildeHal-t3f
    @WildeHal-t3f 3 місяці тому

    Gottlieb Place

  • @johngiles8399
    @johngiles8399 Рік тому +1

    Didn’t even show how to pair the two

    • @johnnyroy1000
      @johnnyroy1000 3 місяці тому +1

      Did he not say they were factory paired?