Please remember: the COLLISION speed when in a head-on crash, is... _Object A's_ km/h *+* _Object B's_ km/h *=* *_km/h to Display_* Examples - IF _A's_ speedometer says 25km/h, AND _B's_ speedometer says 25km/h, THEN they *are not* colliding at _25km/h,_ but actually are colliding at *_50km/h_* 😊 HOWEVER... if _A_ is a *large unmovable wall,* then it's stopped would obviously be 0km/h and the collision speed would therefore be _whatever_ km/h _B_ is moving at. lol I only comment about this again, because (in my opinion) your collisions all _appear to be_ causing damage that is about 2× more than what I would expect at the speeds you display. _(in other words, your 100km/h collision's damage as an example, _*_looks_*_ much more like what would be caused by a 200km/h collision)_ ❤✌️ _edit: I am not 100% certain that your displayed speeds are incorrect. I definitely could be wrong! 😅 If so, I apologize. 😊_
Please remember: the COLLISION speed when in a head-on crash, is...
_Object A's_ km/h *+* _Object B's_ km/h *=* *_km/h to Display_*
Examples - IF _A's_ speedometer says 25km/h, AND _B's_ speedometer says 25km/h, THEN they *are not* colliding at _25km/h,_ but actually are colliding at *_50km/h_* 😊
HOWEVER... if _A_ is a *large unmovable wall,* then it's stopped would obviously be 0km/h and the collision speed would therefore be _whatever_ km/h _B_ is moving at. lol
I only comment about this again, because (in my opinion) your collisions all _appear to be_ causing damage that is about 2× more than what I would expect at the speeds you display.
_(in other words, your 100km/h collision's damage as an example, _*_looks_*_ much more like what would be caused by a 200km/h collision)_
_edit: I am not 100% certain that your displayed speeds are incorrect. I definitely could be wrong! 😅 If so, I apologize. 😊_
Yeah, the windows on that Case are made from polycarbonate it seems.
Why in all these videos the trailer flying off come on trailers do not detach from the fifth wheel often especially with only a 20 mph impact🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄