Tribit Xsound Go - Review & Sound test - Best budget portable Bluetooth speaker under £30.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому +49

    Please note 2:51 the Xsound go and Maxsound Plus are both IPX7 so fully waterproof and can be used in the pool. sorry for the error.

    • @putra0911
      @putra0911 4 роки тому

      will you be so kind to tell what song that you played for the sound test?

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому +2

      Putяa Sitepu enjoy!

    • @putra0911
      @putra0911 4 роки тому +1

      thanks man. that's the perfect song to sound test for all kind of speaker.
      all the best to you 🤘🔊

  • @gustavomarin3066
    @gustavomarin3066 4 роки тому +30

    The XSound Go is a marvel for it's price and size!!!

  • @53glowe
    @53glowe 2 роки тому +3

    Unboxed my XSound Go today....beautifully balanced soundstage from bass through to highs. Absolutely no distortion through to max volume...such sound clarity from this budget speaker. I really like rich bass...this speakers bass is certainly not inadequate at all....blends beautifully👍

  • @edwardwright886
    @edwardwright886 4 роки тому +24

    Jut bought mine. Love it. Great sound for an affordable price. I got the max though. Love the bass on it

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      Edward Wright enjoy!

    • @Maanik_baadshah
      @Maanik_baadshah Рік тому

      Is it stereo or mono? Is stereo only available if we pair two of the same speakers?

  • @waynedexter
    @waynedexter 5 років тому +22

    Yes yes yes! I have both these speakers and this review is definitely on point. My first experience with Tribit is with the XSound Go. I was amazed with the clarity. Even when it’s at maximum volume it still sounds clean and clear. I was so enamored that when the MaxSound Plus was released I copped that immediately. MSP sounds better. It has a richer warmer sound with more bass. I haven’t heard every Bluetooth speaker under $50 but I’m sure the MSP one of the best at that price point. After I upgraded I stopped using the XSG for a few months. Now I’m happy to say that I’ve found a home for it in my bathroom, where it’s getting much use lol.

      @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому +1

      Dexter bathroom music! Lool That’s awesome! Think I will give it a try.

    • @denymoirangthem
      @denymoirangthem 4 роки тому +2

      I came across a review that says that the xsound go has very little bass... is that true? In comparision to the maxsound, how much worse is the bass?

    • @lenr112
      @lenr112 4 роки тому +2

      @@denymoirangthem it's much smaller so there's noticeably less bass but in isolation it does a good job for its size.

  • @waynedexter
    @waynedexter 4 роки тому +18

    Don’t know if you know that the XSG has been upgraded. It’s 16w instead of 12w and it has more bass, noticeably more... The clarity is still there though. My only grievance with the XSG (small mind you) was the bass, now that’s been rectified.

    • @adeebhaeqal6875
      @adeebhaeqal6875 3 роки тому

      so do you face any problems with it so far?like sound volume bug?

    • @Ardjamovixch
      @Ardjamovixch 3 роки тому

      I just bought today, it says 16W...

    • @53glowe
      @53glowe 2 роки тому +1

      The bass on the 12 watt could not be described as's beautifully balanced with the mids and highs. I'm more than satisfied with mine 👍

    • @kiritops944
      @kiritops944 Рік тому

      @@53glowe the upgraded version is much more satisfying. Check my quick soundtest on muly channel

  • @ZamanAristoOrCleon
    @ZamanAristoOrCleon 3 роки тому +5

    Bro your video production and audio quality is AWESOME! Got a subscriber here

  • @Srt386
    @Srt386 2 роки тому +4

    I bought the upgraded version of XSound Go 2 days ago and I'm just amazed by the sound quality.....It's so rich and clear even at full volume
    Best BT speaker under Rs.2500

  • @SirChefsVlogs01
    @SirChefsVlogs01 Рік тому

    Now 2023 all tribit bluetooth speakers are all type C charging port and charger cord, now the tribit xsound go is now IPX7. small, compact but stereo sounds, the 2 speakers or drivers has a sound separation. Next time I will buy the tribit maxsound plus upgraded version too.

  • @bynamenature7747
    @bynamenature7747 3 роки тому +12

    The Xsound Go has been upgraded. It now comes with Bluetooth 5.0 technology, a USB-C port and wireless 16W stereo pairing.
    *News Flash*. There is a loss of quality when paired. It seems like a little bit of lag, creating a slight echo. It's not noticeable when they are placed together, but it is when they are a distance apart. One speaker on its own sounds better. Crazy!

  • @majortom1950
    @majortom1950 Рік тому +1

    Today - I accidently came across the XSound Go at Walmart. It wa out of place from the other speakers - the only XSound in the store -- it spoke to me - I said ok - so I bought it not even in the market to do so. For 15 bucks - good deal. I learned that Walmart buys obsolete and out of date iphones as well. This vid is 3 or so years old - so I did indeed buy an end of run/out of production speaker. Just mentioned this so y'all will be forewarned about new vs. out of date.

  • @daveclark8337
    @daveclark8337 2 роки тому +2

    This speaker has been improved since this video was made. It does have BT 5.0, is IPX7, has 16 watts and it will pair and play in stereo..

      @OMGWTFLOLSMH 2 роки тому +2

      It's also USB C now.

    • @kathyv310
      @kathyv310 Рік тому

      @@OMGWTFLOLSMH Can't get mine into party mode only stereo mode. Cheaper speakers go into party mode so I thought these would.

  • @juneoey998
    @juneoey998 4 роки тому +12

    Awesome review ! I like how you do the video editing.

  • @SirChefsVlogs01
    @SirChefsVlogs01 2 роки тому

    Even though this video is 2 years ago but im proud owner, user of the Tribit stormbox and the stormbox pro, next in line to buy the tribit maxsound upgraded version

  • @tribitofficial
    @tribitofficial 5 років тому +20

    Thanks for the nice comparison and unbiased review! 😉👍

    • @tribitofficial
      @tribitofficial 5 років тому +1

      @KoryDaSavage Tribit XSound Go : 4400 mAh,Tribit Maxsound Plus: 2200 mAh. Hope this helps!😊

      @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому

      @KoryDaSavage The Maxsound plus is rated for 2200mah while the Xsound has 4400mah, they both are very good in battery life in this category. also the 4hrs recharge speed is great!

  • @ronch550
    @ronch550 2 роки тому +1

    Just got mine in blue. I guess this is the upgraded version with USB-C. Sounds loud and clear, and thumps hard. Have yet to test it outdoors though.

  • @ronch550
    @ronch550 11 місяців тому

    Been using my Tribit Xsound Go since August 2022. It sounds ok but i noticed a few things:
    1. When power is around 20-30% the volume of music goes down significantly.
    2. Bluetooth connection often disconnects and reconnects again. This never happens with all my other Bluetooth audio devices. I don't think it's caused by interference.
    3. Listening at around 60% volume you will not reach 24 hours play time. That figure is too optimistic.
    4. Charging time is about 4.5 hours with an 18w charger.
    It just goes to show that while these Chinese brands are quite good, they just aren't as polished as more established brands

  • @NHS1611
    @NHS1611 2 роки тому

    Quality and thorough review, thanks so much!

  • @waynedexter
    @waynedexter 4 роки тому +7

    Tribit just released a speaker with very similar specks to the XSound Go. It’s called the XSound Surf. The big difference between the 2 is that you can pair 2 Surfs for TWS. Surf has better Bluetooth too. Can you a comparison between the 2 speakers? I’m curious to see if they have the same sound signature.

    • @waynedexter
      @waynedexter 4 роки тому +1

      Just checked. It hasn’t been released in UK just yet. Amazon in the US has it for $22, which is $3 off retail.

    • @afistfulofpimples1745
      @afistfulofpimples1745 3 роки тому

      Surf sound is smoother and less punchy.

    • @rudyw.5216
      @rudyw.5216 3 роки тому

      @@afistfulofpimples1745 interesting way to put it, surf sounds more flat

  • @bungaiterungtv6681
    @bungaiterungtv6681 4 роки тому +8

    Which one is better?
    Sony SRS- XB12 or Tribit XSound Go?the same price bluetooth speaker.

    • @syamim_7
      @syamim_7 3 роки тому +3

      go for tribit xsound go! xb-12 sounds kinda harsh at high freq

  • @sugumarankumareson176
    @sugumarankumareson176 3 роки тому +2

    The XSound sounds way brighter...👍

  • @explorerhari
    @explorerhari 4 роки тому +6

    Bought one had the sound bug too, You are creating great content with lot of background work i see, Hope you success ,Great work😃

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      Thanks man, really appreciate your comment.

  • @blackorchid8428
    @blackorchid8428 4 роки тому +4

    Dude u really good at giving review.

  • @yonathanevan3334
    @yonathanevan3334 Рік тому +1

    We had a 1st gen Echo in our master bathroom for listening to music in the morning and while in the shower. I didn't realize how tinny and awful the sound output on the original Echo was until we replaced it with the Studio. It was a sonic upgrade far beyond what I was expecting. Just wow. I love it because it's like having speakers IN the shower. My friend likes it because the music is so loud that she can no longer hear me singing. So that's a win-win.

  • @himanshurai85
    @himanshurai85 4 роки тому +3

    How's bass ? If compared to flip 3 ?

  • @nitishkumarsingh571
    @nitishkumarsingh571 3 роки тому

    Very good representation of video. Keep it up. Love from India.

  • @Ardjamovixch
    @Ardjamovixch 3 роки тому

    The max sounds richer and clearer, but Go sounds good. So I bought the go hahahhaa Thanks for this. Waiting for delivery and try it myself.

  • @damon4000
    @damon4000 3 роки тому +1

    Nice comparison. Thanks, man!

  • @hailzooter
    @hailzooter 3 роки тому +1

    is it waterproof only when the silicon flap to cover the headphone jack and charging jack is covered? Or are those areas also waterproof?

  • @___xyz___
    @___xyz___ 4 роки тому

    7:45 Not true. Connect the AUX of each speaker to a stereo splitter, and plug the end in your phone or a Bluetooth transmitter. Of course, syncing both speakers via Bluetooth isn't possible, but that doesn't mean synced speakers can't be done in general.

  • @franzwizard3105
    @franzwizard3105 Рік тому

    hi sir what about when in call testing? how is the microphone?

  • @kennethmyhill2362
    @kennethmyhill2362 2 роки тому

    I have the maxsound plus,it's really good but I'm not sure if I'm changing it correctly, it doesn't seem to light up when charging, I've lost instructions

  • @gouravshaw3237
    @gouravshaw3237 4 роки тому +1

    Is tribit xsound go is better (loud &clear) than portronics breeze plus??

  • @bharathr7118
    @bharathr7118 3 роки тому

    can anyone clear my doubt ? when connected to the x sound go can the volume be controlled individually off the speaker and the phone/computer? ? mine doesn’t let that happen

  • @desireemaepitalbo8283
    @desireemaepitalbo8283 3 роки тому

    Why my tribit Xsound go keep on stopping even do I did not paused the music.?

  • @itstriident6740
    @itstriident6740 2 роки тому

    is it loud because that is something that I am looking for?

  • @gustavomarin3066
    @gustavomarin3066 4 роки тому +2

    I recently bougth one of these, excelent looking, sound and price, but the battery life doesn´t match the specifications, at medium volume it last for a mere six hours!.

  • @gianneandsunshinesworld4221
    @gianneandsunshinesworld4221 2 роки тому

    Just one question how do we know if its fully charged?

  • @TechAnveshane
    @TechAnveshane Рік тому

    Nice editing

  • @Kasparovvvvv
    @Kasparovvvvv 4 роки тому

    this or the flip 5? does it matter if it rounded 360 net or only 1 sided?

  • @skid-ed2qk
    @skid-ed2qk 4 роки тому +1

    pls recommend the Top 3 Bluetooth speakers i can buy right now. i'd like the size like aura studio 2. thank you

  • @luqmanooo5402
    @luqmanooo5402 5 років тому

    Hello i want to ask if this tribit soeaker have hiss sound when no music playing while this speaker turn on?

      @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому

      Luqman Suhairi Hi there, the speaker makes a hiss only when music or any audio is playing, once you stop the music the hiss will stop after about 1sec. also if you press the volume button on the speaker the hiss will come back again and shut off 1sec after you finished adjusting the volume. Hope this helps.

  • @skumar2404
    @skumar2404 4 роки тому

    I have bought this speaker and wanted to use it for online meetings. But the internal mic is not good enough, though output sound is still good. Can I use an external Lavalier Lapel Microphone in its AUX in port to enhance the voice to the listeners?

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      Aux inputs ports are always expecting a line level signal from other devices using headphone out or 3.5mm output. Microphones however are very low powered device so plugging into the Aux in will result in extremely low or inaudible sound from the mic, in som cases you might get a buzzing sound from the speaker. So unless the speaker has a dedicated mic input port its of no use plugging to the Aux in. Hope this helps

  • @Agi_.
    @Agi_. 2 роки тому

    Should I go for this speaker, I need a portable bluetooth speaker, that looks decent but sound clear and nice for outdoor use also, the price seems good? Any other suggestions in this price range?

  • @vinodensethuraman5475
    @vinodensethuraman5475 2 роки тому

    Better than Armageddon puma 3?

  • @yalnzoyuncu383
    @yalnzoyuncu383 2 роки тому

    could i use it also with wired?

  • @chiluditospro2
    @chiluditospro2 5 років тому +1

    what's the name of the song in the sound test?

  • @tqsos9998
    @tqsos9998 4 роки тому +1

    I am really looking to buy a tribit xsound go do you guys recommend it

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому +2

      tqsos 999 Absolutely, we recommend it. It is a small speaker, the sound quality is good. If you want bit more bass get the Maxsound Plus.

    • @tqsos9998
      @tqsos9998 4 роки тому

      @@OCMANMEDIA I bought a flip 4 last week

  • @Dawn-zo2ny
    @Dawn-zo2ny 4 роки тому

    Have you tried the Tribit XSound Surf..?...Just wondering how it compares to both of these...?...Thx...

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      no, not tried it yet.

    • @rudyw.5216
      @rudyw.5216 3 роки тому

      Surf sounds not bad but more dull compared to the upgraded GO

  • @venkateshjanga2131
    @venkateshjanga2131 9 місяців тому

    Video production 💗

  • @edwardyong2755
    @edwardyong2755 3 роки тому

    Hi, is this speaker able to work as wired speaker when the battery died or lifespan ended?

      @OCMANMEDIA  3 роки тому

      Nope it’s a powered speaker so everything stops when the battery dies and unplugged from charging. Hope this helps

  • @rizdelosreyes4369
    @rizdelosreyes4369 3 роки тому

    Is it ok to bluetooth from vivo phone to tribit?

  • @sawan6585
    @sawan6585 4 роки тому

    Xsound go or sony xb12 pls reply...

  • @superbun771
    @superbun771 3 роки тому

    Which is better?
    Between Tribit Xsound Go vs Tronsmart Element T2 Plus 😍😍

  • @amarianburney7651
    @amarianburney7651 4 роки тому +1

    Great video sir🗣️❤️🤝

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it

  • @michaelmccabe6128
    @michaelmccabe6128 3 роки тому

    I have 1 speaker and it won't let me turn the volume up without cutting off

  • @PhyllisMN26
    @PhyllisMN26 4 роки тому

    Hello I was hoping you would show how to set up the wireless speakers as I am technically challenged.:(

  • @djordjestanic2734
    @djordjestanic2734 4 роки тому +2

    which one is better?
    Soundcore flare mini or tribit xsound go? Now they are same price

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      I haven't tried the Soundcore flare mini yet, hopefully soon

  • @cjaygonzaga
    @cjaygonzaga 3 роки тому

    Please compare it to JBL Go 3 or JBL Clip 4

  • @sethnicholls7861
    @sethnicholls7861 5 років тому +3

    I really wish these speakers had a bit more bass bc everything else about them sounds great. You need to try the Anker Motion +. Amazing sounding all weather, full range speaker.

      @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому +1

      Seth Nicholls Yess! been looking to get that speaker tested (anker motion +), hopefully soon.
      The bass on the tribit Maxsound really sounds very decent tho, for the size.

  • @gadgetaudio4924
    @gadgetaudio4924 5 років тому +2

    Nice review...😍😘

      @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому +1

      Saiful Bintaro thanks for the comment.

  • @amanpandey7035
    @amanpandey7035 2 роки тому

    Name of the song???

  • @nishantthapa2199
    @nishantthapa2199 4 роки тому

    Nice reviews nice track too

  • @jvl5379
    @jvl5379 4 роки тому

    Anker Soundcore 2 better?

  • @StoreByThebox
    @StoreByThebox 4 роки тому +1

    Please, I wish to see you speak to me one day, you are not the best in the whole word, but to me, you are all I need when it comes to comparison.

  • @esquilarga
    @esquilarga 2 місяці тому

    X sound Go the best mennn...

  • @matt24081
    @matt24081 4 роки тому

    anyone know the intro music?

  • @bhart610
    @bhart610 4 роки тому +1

    Tribit belongs to which country.?

  • @chapitkenchoro
    @chapitkenchoro 3 роки тому

    Nice video!

  • @debu_87
    @debu_87 Рік тому

    According to your recording, both xsound go and plus produce Sharp and clear sound but lack of bass even after bass mode on. Slightly disappointed.

  • @ARieLvsCutTaRi
    @ARieLvsCutTaRi 3 роки тому

    i have this one since 2019 till now and i use this as my primary speaker for phone and my pc
    today,,, my R2000db bookshelf has come. and guest what? i dont really feel big upgrade. this thing sounds very simillar to my R2000db. its flat. the treble is almost as good as bookshelf with lack of bass and sub bass. only lose some clarity and definition when you rump volume up to max. but who want to hear this with critical listening? no one. its just to make some noise while you hang out with your friend and enjoy
    this is very loud too. i took this to the beach once, and i still can hear it from under heavy wave sound and crowded environment
    very impressive from this tiny thing

  • @pramodpandit236
    @pramodpandit236 4 роки тому

    Nice review

  • @obtainiumgaming4472
    @obtainiumgaming4472 4 роки тому

    Is it stereo or mono?

  • @arieltorres1141
    @arieltorres1141 4 роки тому +1

    U should of check Latency some speaker have a lot when u watching videos is when u noticed the most. :( poor review

  • @AceHardy
    @AceHardy 5 років тому


  • @stormrage9666
    @stormrage9666 4 роки тому

    You need review maxsound plus compare jbl charge 4

  • @coreychambers416
    @coreychambers416 2 роки тому

    It’s just another Xbox 20 in a different way if it was yellow It would be a twinkey

  • @lanehughes6782
    @lanehughes6782 4 роки тому +1

    Has anyone used this on a atv or motorcycle or anything like that? Is it loud enough

      @OCMANMEDIA  4 роки тому

      Motorcycle? No I don’t think it’s sufficient. Try the bigger version the Maxsound Plus.

  • @midoban23
    @midoban23 3 роки тому +1

    tribit is china company? or not?

      @OCMANMEDIA  3 роки тому +1

      I guess it is, but it really doesn’t matter because almost all of them are made in China anyway.

  • @WilliamCronenberg
    @WilliamCronenberg 4 роки тому

    Great b roll

  • @mrbest8107
    @mrbest8107 3 роки тому

    Using my tribit xsound go while watching so very satisfied
    Compare to JBL
    Tribit is better and very much cheaper
    Less price yet higher sound quality
    1200 php only in Lazada
    That's around 14 usd

  • @flexcook7459
    @flexcook7459 3 роки тому +1

    Has good sound...only thing is it's easily muted if you move around or use phone....bad bad speaker... don't waste your money on this shit....unless you wanna hear your music as if a CD is scratched because the Bluetooth is weak af.... Very good sound very bad Bluetooth strength

    • @whoisred7
      @whoisred7 3 роки тому +1

      Tribit have started selling upgraded version of Xsound Go since June 2021. Upgrades are : 1.Bluetooth 4.2 to 5.0. 2. 12 W to 16 W. 3. Richer Bass. 4. USB micro to Type C

  • @marianniculae4077
    @marianniculae4077 2 роки тому

    E cea mai bună boxă care am întîlnito

  • @WhiteWhite60
    @WhiteWhite60 4 роки тому +1

    2nd one: dead batteries within 12 months.

  • @saltyjo7514
    @saltyjo7514 3 роки тому

    End up in a landfill after 3 years. Cant replace batteries

  • @Gauravk.12
    @Gauravk.12 2 роки тому

    Volume bug is of your phone .

  • @hikkojhsnm
    @hikkojhsnm 4 роки тому +1


  • @cloudking8899
    @cloudking8899 Рік тому

    I just picked one up today and posted a review check it out

  • @prateekdey8952
    @prateekdey8952 5 років тому

    Its ipx7 not ipx5

      @OCMANMEDIA  5 років тому +1

      prateek dey point taken already, sorry for the error, thanks!

  • @AlexandreG
    @AlexandreG 4 роки тому

    That volume bug makes this unusable to watch porn.

  • @slime2o77
    @slime2o77 2 роки тому

    you can multi sync them🤣🤦🏾‍♂

  • @krishanbhatt18
    @krishanbhatt18 3 роки тому

    Bass is dead guys, if you listen to rap or any genre heavy in bass this isn't a great speaker.

  • @grizzybear9111
    @grizzybear9111 3 роки тому

    more annoying music please