This has to be one of the most beautiful services I’ve ever listened to or watched. I am utterly speechless at the sacredness of the liturgy and music.
I am a member of the Coptic Orthodox Church. If the Church of Rome went back to liturgizing like this, I’d be a lot more enthusiastic about the unity talks between our hierarchs.
@@SATMathReview1234 As an Orthodox Copt, I hope so too brother. It’s terribly sad what has become of the Church of our master St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles
@@TheCopticParabolanos i have been to local Coptic churches here in Staten Island NY. I am a former seminarian that went to a RC seminary. I really do appreciate the rich spiritual treasury and liturgical tradition of Coptic church....the current Vatican is very sad much dissaray.... I wish His HOLINESS TAWARDOS could have brotherly discussions with Pope Francis.
@@michaelciccone2194 thank you, brother. I likewise am appreciative of the traditional Latin mass and all that the Church of Rome has done for western civilization and global Christendom.
The Eastern Catholic Churches present a form of liturgy similar to the orthodox liturgy, such as the Coptic Catholic Church, which preserves its beautiful oriental liturgy but recognizes the primacy of the Pope.
Drive her through the Redwood National Forest in the early morning or late afternoon or take her an Ordinariate Liturgy, a well-done TLM or Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy - she’ll understand why we need AWE, that sense of being in the presence of God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. She’ll also understand why the Psalmist said : 6 Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. 7 Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. 8 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. 9 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth. 10 Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously. 11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof. 12 Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice 13 Before the Lord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth. Psalm 96:6-13 KJV
@@rudymatheson1415 people say Norvus Ordo is rather a watered down mass. Because of the Contemporary Christian Music that is used. Priests sometimes are a little humorous during their sermons, kinda breaking the divine aspect of going to Mass. Priests face the congregation instead of facing East. And a lot more but I’m not a scholar, that’s what I’ve heard from people the most. And to be honest with you. I prefer Norvus Ordo cause no matter how much hate, it’s a liturgy no matter what and people love and respect the service. If I do want to go to a Liturgy that is very Spiritual and moving, I prefer the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. I’m Catholic but I’ve been observing lots of Orthodox Christianity for quite some time.
@@rudymatheson1415 As one of the periti at the Council stated: "We have used ambiguous terms during the Council and we know how we shall interpret them afterwards." Another translation: "We say it diplomatically, but after the council, we will draw out an implied conclusion." The documents were intentionally written in an ambiguous way so that those who were faithful could read them in continuity, but those who weren't had adequate room to play. The documents themselves are entirely too long and winded such as Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes (over 30,000 words). I think that the documents, if one really works at it, can read the documents as faithful to the tradition. What cannot be reconciled with sacred tradition is the tangible "reform" that came in the wake of V2 such as the Novus Ordo Mass. The folly of collegiality has ushered in Orthodox notions of nationalistic and ethnic Catholic entities that have "their own Catholicism" and is distinct from others thus needing special considerations. The deteriorization of the church in Germany is a prime example
@@theofarrelllamos8530 No, it is not. This is very different from the Tridentine Mass. The Anglicans used the Tridentine Mass to develop this, but it is very far from "Latin Mass in English"
I am an Orthodox Christian and I am from Russia. I was very interested in watching the Liturgy of our Anglican brothers in Christ. There are many similar moments with the Orthodox Liturgy. We are similar because our churches come from the same ancient root. Orthodox Christians revere many ancient English saints of the ancient United Church. May the Lord bless You in your righteous labors and grant you strong faith, hope, and love! As our Lord Jesus Christ said he who keeps the faith to the end will be saved! This is especially important to remember in the modern apostasy world.
They are Anglican Use Roman Catholics, not Anglo-Catholics. They have renounced the Anglican heresies and returned into Communion with the Roman Pontiff.
@@larryjohnwong Thank you, brother, for the detailed explanation. I understood that. They are Anglican Catholics. This is very good when different rites are used in a single Church. in faith unity, in the diversity of rites, but all in Christ Jesus! The Orthodox Church also has a Latin rite and I like the Latin rite very much, because the Latin rite reminds us of the ancient United Church with its great saints and Apostolic grace.
@@larryjohnwong No, they have betrayed their English Catholic tradition and have entered the yoke of the ultimate heresy in Christendom..Papal supremacy. The Eastern Orthodox will agree this makes Roman Catholics schismatics even with valid apostolic succession they are, as is the See of Canterbury, tainted so swimming the Tiber makes no difference accept it is worst because it is turning your back on the Monarch who is the true Supreme Head of the English Church for some foreign Archbishop who has delusions of grandeur not being to accept his real place in the Catholic Church as Western Patriarch not Supreme Head of the worldwide Catholic Church. Until Rome grows up there will be, and can be no unity with heretics. God Bless.
Am a Nigerian Anglican priest but I have never see this types of higher Anglican service I wish Anglican across the globe shall one day go back to their heritage.
I am a Catholic in Australia, 50 years old and have been an observer of the development of the Ordinariate. This Mass stirs something within me, spiritually and culturally. I am a product of the history of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotalnd and an amateur student of the history of the Church in those places. My ideal regualar Sunday Mass includes many of the elements of this Mass!!! Praised be God for his holy Church. PAX
I've maintained for years that a liturgical form like THIS was much closer to what the Vatican II Council Fathers probably envisioned for the reform of the Roman Liturgy!! I would also note that this liturgy is fully in conformity to the principles and mandates of the reform in Sacrosanctum Concilium.
'gives me goosebumps" is how it should be. I'm a cradle Roman Catholic, born in 1960. I was a server when we held a patten at the communion rail. Nobody had to tell me the Santus was special. It was always like laying oneself down to God's Power and Glory. Our parish put out the a suggestion request recently. One of my request was to emphasize the grandeur of the Santus. I felt it was being given soft, nearly passive treatment musically and verbally. I asked it to be carried out such that anyone nodding off comes around the the magnificence of the Lord in all his Heavenly power. David knew that defeating Goliath was a done deal if he was accompanied by YHWH Sabaoth. We need the heavenly host more than ever. I say, let it ring. Goosebumps for the faithful,
Oh man, the opening with the Old 100th tune! Being raised Methodist, this hymn (matched with the lyrics Praise God from whom All Blessings Dwell) was played as the anthem of our service. It is always so good to hear it, even now as a Catholic.
I grew up serving as an acolyte (and thurifer) in a church that celebrated mass in the anglo-catholic tradition. I 've never been in a service with two thurifers. That's awesome that there are two thurifers at your eucharist.
The most beautiful thing about our Catholic Church is that there is something for everyone. If you want a solemn, reverent, and humbling experience, you can attend the Tridentine Mass. If you want a more contenporary, down-to-earth experience, you can attend the Novus Ordo. If you want a spiritual, sensory, reverent, and traditional experience, you can attend the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. If you want to attend the Latin Mass but prefer to understand what’s being said, you can go to an Anglican use parish. If you want to hear the words of consecration in the language of Jesus, exactly as he said then 2,000 years ago, you can go to a Maronite mass. Catholicism is so beautifully diverse.
@Christos Kyrios Yes, I have all of those in my location. I have Novus Ordo, TLM, Ukrainian Byzantine, Ruthenian, Melkite, Maronite, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara, and Ordinariate parishes all within 45 minutes of where I live
@Christos Kyrios You completely missed my point. If I say “Catholicism is the best religion in the world and everyone should convert to it”, does that mean that everybody in the world has a Catholic Church in their area to attend? No.
Joyfully in Communion with you from the ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF SUVA, FIJI ISLANDS. I pray that Almighty God will unify his body into the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC ORTHODOX CHURCH.
The Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham has made a breviary, which was published by the Catholic Truth Society in 2021. Divine Worship Daily Office (Commonwealth edition) is the title. It has the Coverdale Psalter, and the lessons are RSV 2nd CE. I would encourage all Catholics to consider purchasing a copy.
I like Coverdale more than the KJV - It takes some getting used to. The Ignatius Bible (RSV-2CE) is much better than the NAB or NABRE. I once put Ignatius Pew Bibles in my Anglican Church in an attempt to convince them to join the Ordinariate. That fell through, but we got the Ordinariate to use the RSV-2CE.
Omg „Gloria” is so beautiful..! I’ve never heard this version. Im lutheran and I think that the Anglican tradition is unique and makes the Christian liturgy much more richer with many spiritual values
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety, здравствуйте. Напишите, пожалуйста. Показанный в видео обряд является именно обрядом Англиканской церкви или это просто англиканский обряд именно Римско-католической церкви? Hello. Write please. Is the rite shown in the video a rite of the Anglican Church or is it just an Anglican rite the Roman Catholic Church?
Hi Joseph - our map at has all the groups that we are currently aware of (including two in NC, although they may not be central where you are), but groups get added periodically whenever they get started, so perhaps one day there will be on near you! Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you connect with others interested in starting a pre-ordinariate prayer group or community and we'll add that to the map too! God bless you!
Please note that the Anglican Ordinariate is Catholic and in communion with Rome. So when it comes to Communion, we do not practise open Communion, but only Communion for baptized Catholics in communion with Rome.
As a Catholic seminarian of the Latin Church. It is great to see another expression of the Roman Rite that is geared towards the Anglican patrimony. It is quite similar to the 1962 missal (TLM), but you can certainly tell the differences between the TLM and the Ordinariate Mass. One example would be the liturgy of the word. 3 readings instead of two. At first I assumed that this mass had two readings of scripture so I was surprised to see a layman as the first “lector” since it is usually the subdeacon and deacon who will do the readings in a solemn high TLM. Although I know that I can never celebrate this mass if ordained into the priesthood, but I will try to attend one.
Thank you for heeding to God's calling. May the good Lord be your strength and your guide in your journey to becoming a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
Bao Duong I didnt think you could say another mass other than the Tridentine if you are intending to become a Priest into the Roman Rite Church. Most of the Tridentine Mass is directly from the Apostles passed over to the Gentiles and are Perpetual and cant be changed. Jesus attended the Temple with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed for Passover those Passover Prayers were about His death. Jews worshipped the Messiah in advance True Worship they had the Symbolic lamb and it had to br without spot or wrinkle that prayer is said in the Tridentine. It was the end of the symbolic lamb as He becomes the sacrifice the Real Lamb. The Jewish Passover prayers that were said in the Temple in Jerusalem that Jesus attended with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed were passed over to the Gentiles and are Perpetual and cant be changed. The Gentile Prayers can be changed like Confiteor and St Michael prayer. " I will go onto the altar of God to God Who gives joy to my youth " is God the Son in eternity conversing with God the Father. Terrible that Priests don't understand where the worship came from.
@@l21n18 This mass was a Catholic liturgy of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter, which was established under Pope Benedict's Anglicanorum Coetibus for Catholics of the Anglican tradition. Sometimes known as the Anglican Use, it is found in Divine Worship: The Missal.
Whoa, they read the Gospel in the middle of the church as we do during the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. We only read one Epistle though, but they read 2. Interesting.
It is also an "Anglican traditon" to sing the Gospel in the middle of the Church, a practice I never understood in the Ordinariate. I prefer the traditional french way of reading the Gospel facing north as they do in the Traditonal Latin Mass. Regarding the two Epistles, one is not an Epistle. The first lesson is called the Prophecy reading. There is a Gradual chant, then an Epistle. Then finally, the Alleulia and Gospel.
@@Thurifer2005the reason for bringing the gospel down to the people is to emulate Christ coming down from on high to teach the people below… literally, the Word of God coming down into the world. It’s a beautiful practice.
This channel, although new, produces excellent content. It is a good go-to place for those new to the English Spiritual Patrimony. Can I suggest that you add captions to the videos? It can be difficult to hear what is being sing. Particularly for those who aren't used to our translations of the Gloria, Agnus Dei etc
If so it's really beautiful...reminds me very much of when I was an altar server in Australia pre Vatican II...not that I have any problem with the reforms of Vatican's just pure nostalgia!!!
@@TIBKProductions Quo Primum may refers to the entirety use of Roman Liturgy of course the Liturgy are forever. But if you insisted in a Quo Primum per se, a 62 promulgated mass would be much different than Pope Pius V mass.
Buenos días hermanos. Es muy hermosa su liturgia. Desearía que ustedes me pudieran compartir la partitura del canto de entrada para cantarlo acá en el Seminario Diocesano. Dios los bendiga grandemente 🙏
When Paul VI and Bughnini changed the mass, they should've just changed the Latin into English, not make an entire different liturgy. This Ordinariate mass is basically the Traditional Latin Mass but in English with Anglican prayers.
@@JoseRX95 Vernacular use was not condemned, but rather the Protestant notion that liturgy should ONLY be in the vernacular. In fact, before Trent, the vernacular was seeing a wider acceptance in the Church gaining papal approval for certain parts of the mass to be said in the vernacular.
I would rather have a solemn and proper mass celebrated in vernacular, than a 20 minute low mass where the priest whispers Latin faster than Eminem raps.
If you regularly attend church you should know this, though new members of the church may not i do recognise that. Look for the Anglican rosary on youtube you may find some tips. God Bless
@@rudymatheson1415 there are folks trying to get something started in their area. They might not have this knowledge and this UA-cam page could be an invaluable resource for them
I would definitely attend this type of worship if there was a service like this in my area . I live in South Australia Anyone know where I could attend must be this worship its reverend, holy and similar to the Tridentine Mass.
The Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross celebrates the same liturgical rite in Australia. They, and information about their parishes, can be found at
Once the catechism isn't not there, without tradition the faith cannot remain integral to the foundations of the faith as passed down for care taking. Love one another is the most important thing ever.
Yes, a Solemn Te Deum is not often done but in some places it is customary to do it with two thurifers doing synchronized 360s. The ordinariate's Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston has done this as well.
I guess you can call it that. Its better than the other terms I hear "Anglican Use" or "Anglican Ordinariate". The Ordinariate Mass itself has distincitions from the Tridentine Mass.
Yes - this was an ordinariate mass, and our celebrant was an ordinariate priest. The bishop and many of the attendees also belong to the ordinariate, but the Cathedral is that of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Our deacon and subdeacon are both former Anglicans but are diocesan priests of the Toronto Oratory. The liturgy attracted both Anglicans and Catholics of many different backgrounds!
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety Thanks for your reply...just as I thought. Although I'm no longer a practising catholic we do have an Ordinariate here in Australia and I think (one or 2 churches) in Melbourne which they use. My very best wishes to you!
@@colinlavelle7806 Thank you, Colin, and to you as well. We hope you'll find this encouragement in the practice of the faith, and perhaps we'll see you at an ordinariate parish in the future. God bless!
This looks like a Tridentine Mass done in English. Which is basically what should have been done instead of the radical reforms of 1969. Instead of making an “Ordinary Form”, just allow the Tridentine Mass to be said in Vernacular.
Sometimes the tunicle and dalmatic are in an identical design and sometimes they are distinct. Ideally they can be distinguished from each other. Sometimes the Crucifer wears a tunicle as well.
I'm a former Anglican now Catholic, but i can't wrap my head around the pope. Any honest reading of church history shows that he gradually increased his power and that the other churches in the east had always rejected this, that instead of creating unity the pope and his appetite for authority only split the church. I don't believe he's infallible and I never have. In truth, I converted to catholicism because I found a love for the real presence and I thought much had been lost in the church of England, but I never accepted papal authority as it was defined only relatively recently, and I wonder then if I'm only a half catholic since the infallibility of the pope is a dogma
Friend, the Revelation is in Christ, but it's the understanding by the Church is progressive. Since the first centuries, the last word was ever the Pope's word. Without his word, nothing done. And also, without the Pope, there isn't a real certainty of unity in the Church. It's just an abstract one. See, for example, the recent schisms among orthodoxes, among the Russian Patriarchate and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. There's no high authority among them to say the last word to this problem.
Dave unbelievable You should have come to the Orthodox Church where we've always maintained Holy Tradition, and the original theology of the undivided Church...pre AD 1054 ( year of the Great Schism ).
The Pope is rarely infallible. The only time he is is when he is speaking ex cathedra and even then there is a whole long process to get there. Hence there has only been one time that it has happened. This is when Pope Pius XII recognized the Dormition of the Theotokos called in the west the Assumption.
I'm an atheist but I know a thing or two about Church history. First, you are wrong to say the pope "gradually" increased power. The historical record of early Christianity is quite unambiguous that there was a clear succession from Jesus to Apostle Peter, and then from Peter to subsequent popes. Early Church leaders also made it quite clear that the Roman Church has authority over other churches. Irenaeus, for example, who was taught by the last living student of the apostles (Polycarp), attacked the Gnostics by stating that the traditions handed down from the apostles, and the successors of the apostles, particularly the presiding bishop of Rome (the successor of Peter) are the ultimate source of Christian authority. So there can be no doubt as to the validity of papal supremacy in early Christian tradition. Papal infallibility is another matter that I'm not really familiar with.
I'm an Anglican and love this but a bit uneasy that in the Eucharist the bread was given only. The wine wasn't given to the faithful. That I'm uncomfortable with.
Actually, Holy Communion was given in both kinds on this occasion, as usual in accordance with our Anglican custom. You can see the Chalice with the Precious Blood being given to multiple communicants at 1:07:20, 1:07:46, 1:08:14, 1:09:00, and so on. Some Roman rite individuals who are not used to receiving in both kinds likely only received the Body, but most attendees received in both kinds as is customary in the ordinariates.
I would not say that is better than the Traditional Tridentine Mass, but is there would any mass like that here in our area I would attend. I notice that something is strange and missing...
Velos, sacras, genuflexiones, -la genuflexión antes de la elevación-, 1:05:22 dedos juntos, comunión de rodillas, ad orientem, esto es más católico que el Novus Ordo Missæ, lamentablemente la doctrina no es la misma; ¡Dios los convierta a la verdadera Fe Católica!. Ave Cor Mariæ
De hecho, la doctrina es exactamente la misma. ¡Esta es una misa católica que usa una liturgia autorizada por los últimos tres papas! (¡Disculpe la traducción de Google!)
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety entiendo, está bien la traducción : ); de hecho es una Misa católica (tridentina), pero faltan muchas cosas para que lo sea totalmente (velo humeral para el subdiacono, la patena debajo del corporal, etcétera). ¿pero profesan la fe anglicana, cierto?
@@marlonf. No, estos son católicos que se convirtieron del anglicanismo. Profesan la fe católica en su totalidad. Están en plena comunión con el Papa y están bajo la autoridad del Papa. Su comunidad fue posible gracias a una ley del Papa Benedicto XVI, Anglicanorum Coetibus.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety ¡Wow! esa es una noticia nueva para mi, ¡gracias! Tengo otra pregunta, ¿por qué en varias partes del Rito, es distinta esta Misa de la Misa tridentina? ¿Son cambios? : )
@@marlonf. El Papa nos permitió seguir usando las formas anglicanas de liturgia con las que crecimos ahora que estamos en la Iglesia Católica. Entonces, nuestra liturgia es hermosa y tradicional, pero familiar para los anglicanos. ¡Le recomendamos encarecidamente que lea Anglicanorum Coetibus para obtener más información!
it's quite funny for me, I've been to Liverpool lately and while lighting candles and sightseeing through the Liverpool Cathedral it suddenly came to me, that if I was raised in the Anglican tradition of the Church instead of being raised in Poland - I still would've been a Christian I somehow see your religious tradition as a more vibrant and an open one
I feel the American Anglicans have more freedom of expression than in the British Isles. Only the great abbeys and cathedrals in the British Isles would have a beautiful liturgy like this one. The ordinary anglicans In the British Isles would baulk at a liturgy this rich in ritual. I thought this mass was beatiful, prayerful, Spiritual and the Choir and Organ enriched it further.
It should open with the great anglican prayer (approved by Rome)"Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen." I did not hear it
Bill, the Collect for Purity, to which you're referring, is indeed there opening up the liturgy. You can hear it at 7:02, and it is labelled as such as well. I'd suggest turning on the subtitles and you can more easily follow along for the parts that might be less audible. It starts here:
@Diego Alvarez We don't have such lists in the ordinariate. Rather, we simply use the same beloved hymns we always used as Anglicans. Obviously we don't sing any that might have problematic texts, but generally our people avoided such hymns anyway as Anglicans and continue to avoid them as Catholics. Hymnals in widespread use include The English Hymnal, the New English Hymnal, The Book of Common Praise, and so on.
Very Similar Rite to Roman Catholic Holy Mass before 1970 year.In Poland we back to Old Rite our Fathers. I Have read Michael Davies Book "Destroying Holy Mass and Cranmer's Order. Very Interesting about Uprising and Sarum Rite. In I Republic of Poland in XVI it was the same to create national Polish Church, and Polish King do as the Head, but Polish Cardinal Stanislaus Hozjusz rescued our country from Protestant Revolution. God Bless Yor Country, may Englad have Catholic King and Queen.
Looks like many more men than in regular Roman Rite churches. Of course, half are in the choir. One problem I have with the old way,facing the altar not the community, is you can't hear anything.
@@DominicusMagnus He is Bishop Steven Lopes of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, established by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. His cathedral is in Houston, Texas but his diocese covers all of North America.
This has to be one of the most beautiful services I’ve ever listened to or watched. I am utterly speechless at the sacredness of the liturgy and music.
I served the altar at a Roman Catholic Mass in the Anglican tradition --a beautiful Mass that does proper honor to Our Lord
I am a member of the Coptic Orthodox Church. If the Church of Rome went back to liturgizing like this, I’d be a lot more enthusiastic about the unity talks between our hierarchs.
God willing our church’s Babylonian captivity will come to an end soon with the restoration of the Roman rite
@@SATMathReview1234 As an Orthodox Copt, I hope so too brother. It’s terribly sad what has become of the Church of our master St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles
@@TheCopticParabolanos i have been to local Coptic churches here in Staten Island NY. I am a former seminarian that went to a RC seminary. I really do appreciate the rich spiritual treasury and liturgical tradition of Coptic church....the current Vatican is very sad much dissaray....
I wish His HOLINESS TAWARDOS could have brotherly discussions with Pope Francis.
@@michaelciccone2194 thank you, brother. I likewise am appreciative of the traditional Latin mass and all that the Church of Rome has done for western civilization and global Christendom.
The Eastern Catholic Churches present a form of liturgy similar to the orthodox liturgy, such as the Coptic Catholic Church, which preserves its beautiful oriental liturgy but recognizes the primacy of the Pope.
My evangelical wife can’t comprehend why I find this infinitely superior to contemporary concert services. Pray for her lol.
Drive her through the Redwood National Forest in the early morning or late afternoon or take her an Ordinariate Liturgy, a well-done TLM or Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy - she’ll understand why we need AWE, that sense of being in the presence of God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. She’ll also understand why the Psalmist said :
6 Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.
7 Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength.
8 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts.
9 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.
10 Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof.
12 Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice
13 Before the Lord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.
Psalm 96:6-13 KJV
This is how Norvus Ordo should be. This mass is more faithful to the decrees of Vatican II
Like everything with the council, it depends how you interpret it.
@@DaveS859 Would you mind explaining any of the problems with Vatican II?
@@rudymatheson1415 people say Norvus Ordo is rather a watered down mass. Because of the Contemporary Christian Music that is used. Priests sometimes are a little humorous during their sermons, kinda breaking the divine aspect of going to Mass. Priests face the congregation instead of facing East. And a lot more but I’m not a scholar, that’s what I’ve heard from people the most. And to be honest with you. I prefer Norvus Ordo cause no matter how much hate, it’s a liturgy no matter what and people love and respect the service. If I do want to go to a Liturgy that is very Spiritual and moving, I prefer the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. I’m Catholic but I’ve been observing lots of Orthodox Christianity for quite some time.
@@rudymatheson1415 As one of the periti at the Council stated: "We have used ambiguous terms during the Council and we know how we shall interpret them afterwards." Another translation: "We say it diplomatically, but after the council, we will draw out an implied conclusion." The documents were intentionally written in an ambiguous way so that those who were faithful could read them in continuity, but those who weren't had adequate room to play. The documents themselves are entirely too long and winded such as Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes (over 30,000 words). I think that the documents, if one really works at it, can read the documents as faithful to the tradition. What cannot be reconciled with sacred tradition is the tangible "reform" that came in the wake of V2 such as the Novus Ordo Mass. The folly of collegiality has ushered in Orthodox notions of nationalistic and ethnic Catholic entities that have "their own Catholicism" and is distinct from others thus needing special considerations. The deteriorization of the church in Germany is a prime example
Too bad so much of the liturgy is sung by the choir and not the worshipers. Liturgy is the “work of the people.”
Very beautiful and reverent Liturgy! The Novus Ordo should be this way! Love being a server for the Ordinariate in the United States!
The PaulVI mass was more like this and sly priests dropped lines out.
Not all Anglican Churches use this.
@@janettedavis6627 The Mass of Paul VI was bad from the start.
this looks like a novus ordo, I don't see much of a difference
@@janettedavis6627 Paul VI Mass is closer to Luther's Mass than to the Mass of St. Gregory the Great and Pius V.
You should look up the Anglican Ordinariate . There Anglican’s that are Roman Catholic. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Dude, if Novus Ordo were like that...
So beautiful - and in English.
Llorando, como debe ser.
The Traditional Latin Mass of the Holy Catholic Church is so beautiful.
This is the Tridentine Mass in English
@@theofarrelllamos8530 No, it is not. This is very different from the Tridentine Mass. The Anglicans used the Tridentine Mass to develop this, but it is very far from "Latin Mass in English"
@@theofarrelllamos8530 It is called “Anglican Use” Mass
This is beautiful. I feel much happier after watching this.
I am an Orthodox Christian and I am from Russia. I was very interested in watching the Liturgy of our Anglican brothers in Christ. There are many similar moments with the Orthodox Liturgy. We are similar because our churches come from the same ancient root. Orthodox Christians revere many ancient English saints of the ancient United Church. May the Lord bless You in your righteous labors and grant you strong faith, hope, and love! As our Lord Jesus Christ said he who keeps the faith to the end will be saved! This is especially important to remember in the modern apostasy world.
They are Anglican Use Roman Catholics, not Anglo-Catholics. They have renounced the Anglican heresies and returned into Communion with the Roman Pontiff.
@@larryjohnwong Thank you, brother, for the detailed explanation. I understood that. They are Anglican Catholics. This is very good when different rites are used in a single Church. in faith unity, in the diversity of rites, but all in Christ Jesus! The Orthodox Church also has a Latin rite and I like the Latin rite very much, because the Latin rite reminds us of the ancient United Church with its great saints and Apostolic grace.
@@larryjohnwong No, they have betrayed their English Catholic tradition and have entered the yoke of the ultimate heresy in Christendom..Papal supremacy. The Eastern Orthodox will agree this makes Roman Catholics schismatics even with valid apostolic succession they are, as is the See of Canterbury, tainted so swimming the Tiber makes no difference accept it is worst because it is turning your back on the Monarch who is the true Supreme Head of the English Church for some foreign Archbishop who has delusions of grandeur not being to accept his real place in the Catholic Church as Western Patriarch not Supreme Head of the worldwide Catholic Church. Until Rome grows up there will be, and can be no unity with heretics. God Bless.
@@elliotdavies1418 You sound remarkably stupid. What happened in your childhood?
Regards from your separated brother from the Coptic Church
The Novus Ordo Mass everyone wanted.
Am a Nigerian Anglican priest but I have never see this types of higher Anglican service I wish Anglican across the globe shall one day go back to their heritage.
This isn't anglican service, it is a catholic mass.
It is unfortunate. Anglican Church in Nigeria has fell into Pentecostal worship.
I'm a Catholic from Nigeria.
Hua, Are you married?
I am a Catholic in Australia, 50 years old and have been an observer of the development of the Ordinariate. This Mass stirs something within me, spiritually and culturally. I am a product of the history of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotalnd and an amateur student of the history of the Church in those places. My ideal regualar Sunday Mass includes many of the elements of this Mass!!! Praised be God for his holy Church. PAX
If this mass was available to me I’d for sure be there every week
As a Eastern Orthodox I'm very impressed with this service very traditional
One day most masses will be celebrated this good I hope. Pope Benedict was a true gem for the church.
I've maintained for years that a liturgical form like THIS was much closer to what the Vatican II Council Fathers probably envisioned for the reform of the Roman Liturgy!! I would also note that this liturgy is fully in conformity to the principles and mandates of the reform in Sacrosanctum Concilium.
The most English mass I've seen in my life.
The hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” gives me goosebumps every time.
It did the same top me this time.
Time stamp?
@@permanenceaesthetic6545 42:15
Its called "Sanctus" in latin.
'gives me goosebumps" is how it should be. I'm a cradle Roman Catholic, born in 1960. I was a server when we held a patten at the communion rail. Nobody had to tell me the Santus was special. It was always like laying oneself down to God's Power and Glory. Our parish put out the a suggestion request recently. One of my request was to emphasize the grandeur of the Santus. I felt it was being given soft, nearly passive treatment musically and verbally. I asked it to be carried out such that anyone nodding off comes around the the magnificence of the Lord in all his Heavenly power. David knew that defeating Goliath was a done deal if he was accompanied by YHWH Sabaoth. We need the heavenly host more than ever. I say, let it ring. Goosebumps for the faithful,
Oh man, the opening with the Old 100th tune! Being raised Methodist, this hymn (matched with the lyrics Praise God from whom All Blessings Dwell) was played as the anthem of our service. It is always so good to hear it, even now as a Catholic.
I grew up serving as an acolyte (and thurifer) in a church that celebrated mass in the anglo-catholic tradition. I 've never been in a service with two thurifers. That's awesome that there are two thurifers at your eucharist.
It was indeed a pretty cool addition for our Solemn Te Deum in thanksgiving!
The most beautiful thing about our Catholic Church is that there is something for everyone. If you want a solemn, reverent, and humbling experience, you can attend the Tridentine Mass. If you want a more contenporary, down-to-earth experience, you can attend the Novus Ordo. If you want a spiritual, sensory, reverent, and traditional experience, you can attend the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. If you want to attend the Latin Mass but prefer to understand what’s being said, you can go to an Anglican use parish. If you want to hear the words of consecration in the language of Jesus, exactly as he said then 2,000 years ago, you can go to a Maronite mass.
Catholicism is so beautifully diverse.
And yet they all do the same thing
@Christos Kyrios Yes, I have all of those in my location. I have Novus Ordo, TLM, Ukrainian Byzantine, Ruthenian, Melkite, Maronite, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara, and Ordinariate parishes all within 45 minutes of where I live
@Christos Kyrios Never denied that.
@Christos Kyrios Many cities around the world don’t have a single Catholic Church. That doesn’t change the fact that Catholicism exists.
@Christos Kyrios You completely missed my point. If I say “Catholicism is the best religion in the world and everyone should convert to it”, does that mean that everybody in the world has a Catholic Church in their area to attend? No.
Joyfully in Communion with you from the ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF SUVA, FIJI ISLANDS. I pray that Almighty God will unify his body into the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC ORTHODOX CHURCH.
The Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham has made a breviary, which was published by the Catholic Truth Society in 2021.
Divine Worship Daily Office (Commonwealth edition) is the title.
It has the Coverdale Psalter, and the lessons are RSV 2nd CE. I would encourage all Catholics to consider purchasing a copy.
I like Coverdale more than the KJV - It takes some getting used to. The Ignatius Bible (RSV-2CE) is much better than the NAB or NABRE. I once put Ignatius Pew Bibles in my Anglican Church in an attempt to convince them to join the Ordinariate. That fell through, but we got the Ordinariate to use the RSV-2CE.
The videography is simply exquisite!
Thanks to the wonderful work of Dave LeRoss at LeRoss Media,
Omg „Gloria” is so beautiful..! I’ve never heard this version. Im lutheran and I think that the Anglican tradition is unique and makes the Christian liturgy much more richer with many spiritual values
We would encourage you to find your nearest ordinariate parish and join us for mass or evensong sometime!
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety for sure I will do ;) Thank you and God bless you
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety, здравствуйте. Напишите, пожалуйста. Показанный в видео обряд является именно обрядом Англиканской церкви или это просто англиканский обряд именно Римско-католической церкви?
Hello. Write please. Is the rite shown in the video a rite of the Anglican Church or is it just an Anglican rite the Roman Catholic Church?
They are Anglicans who became Catholic. The Anglican Ordinariate is not part of the Church of England, it is fully Catholic.
It is the John Merbecke setting, first published in 1550, for the first book of common prayer
Wow I come from Italy and I am really amazed by seeing this mass belonging to the anglican tradition but actually so close to the tridentine rite
Many Anglicans actually use the English Missal - an English-language iteration of the Tridentine Mass.
I’m ACNA Anglican. This is beautiful! Wish there was a parish near me in central NC.
Hi Joseph - our map at has all the groups that we are currently aware of (including two in NC, although they may not be central where you are), but groups get added periodically whenever they get started, so perhaps one day there will be on near you! Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you connect with others interested in starting a pre-ordinariate prayer group or community and we'll add that to the map too! God bless you!
Central North Carolina? lol, not likely.
Please note that the Anglican Ordinariate is Catholic and in communion with Rome. So when it comes to Communion, we do not practise open Communion, but only Communion for baptized Catholics in communion with Rome.
@@larryjohnwong What's up with you? I'm sure he knows this! 🙄
@@adamm2693 Thanks Adam. I did know this.... Shame I can't double dip though. 😉 Be Roman Catholic and Anglican at once.
As a Catholic seminarian of the Latin Church. It is great to see another expression of the Roman Rite that is geared towards the Anglican patrimony. It is quite similar to the 1962 missal (TLM), but you can certainly tell the differences between the TLM and the Ordinariate Mass. One example would be the liturgy of the word. 3 readings instead of two. At first I assumed that this mass had two readings of scripture so I was surprised to see a layman as the first “lector” since it is usually the subdeacon and deacon who will do the readings in a solemn high TLM. Although I know that I can never celebrate this mass if ordained into the priesthood, but I will try to attend one.
Thank you for heeding to God's calling. May the good Lord be your strength and your guide in your journey to becoming a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
Bao Duong I didnt think you could say another mass other than the Tridentine if you are intending to become a Priest into the Roman Rite Church.
Most of the Tridentine Mass is directly from the Apostles passed over to the Gentiles and are Perpetual and cant be changed.
Jesus attended the Temple with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed for Passover those Passover Prayers were about His death. Jews worshipped the Messiah in advance True Worship they had the Symbolic lamb and it had to br without spot or wrinkle that prayer is said in the Tridentine.
It was the end of the symbolic lamb as He becomes the sacrifice the Real Lamb. The Jewish Passover prayers that were said in the Temple in Jerusalem that Jesus attended with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed were passed over to the Gentiles and are Perpetual and cant be changed. The Gentile Prayers can be changed like Confiteor and St Michael prayer.
" I will go onto the altar of God to God Who gives joy to my youth " is God the Son in eternity conversing with God the Father. Terrible that Priests don't understand where the worship came from.
Why can’t you celebrate this mass if ordained a priest?
You won’t be allowed to celebrate the 1962 any more my friend. The newer rite is here to stay.
@@henrybalkwill3276 Actually, many parishes still celebrate the Tridentine Mass; many of the Bishops still allow it.
Many thanks from Indianapolis. I was unable to go to Canada for this grand liturgy.
This is the most beautiful mass I have seen out all the other form
Beautiful . Would love for one of these in Huntsville, Al.
Alabama? Lol.
@@WallStwizkid yes
@@Reid-yy5nw Then secede. Worked out great the first time.
@@Reid-yy5nw I'm perfectly content with the union, tyvm.
This is absolutely beautiful
As a Anglo-Catholic Episcopalian this is Beautiful
Come back to the one true Church in communion with Rome.
@@hildegardnessie8438 sry im Becoming Eastern Orthodox
That is not the true answer@@zacharycooney6436
@@zacharycooney6436 You should watch a video by dwong
How I love the Anglican Liturgy
Litúrgia Anglocatólica, no Anglicana están en comunión con la Iglesia Católica.
This video of our High Mass as well as the videos of our services of Choral Mattins and Choral Evensong and Benediction are now all fully subtitled!
What liturgy is this?
@@l21n18 This mass was a Catholic liturgy of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter, which was established under Pope Benedict's Anglicanorum Coetibus for Catholics of the Anglican tradition. Sometimes known as the Anglican Use, it is found in Divine Worship: The Missal.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety is there anything like this in phoenix?
@@Richie_roo There is a parish in Payson,
And you can find other parishes on our map at
What is the setting of the entrance antiphon? I'm impressed by the adaptation of the Gregorian melody to English.
Dios bendiga estas comunidades.
I'm Anglican, but I wish all the Church would practise this rite. GOD Bless you ✝️
Wow! This is beautiful!!! 😍
This weekend I am starting my mass attendance at an Ordinariate parish.
Whoa, they read the Gospel in the middle of the church as we do during the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. We only read one Epistle though, but they read 2. Interesting.
It is also an "Anglican traditon" to sing the Gospel in the middle of the Church, a practice I never understood in the Ordinariate. I prefer the traditional french way of reading the Gospel facing north as they do in the Traditonal Latin Mass. Regarding the two Epistles, one is not an Epistle. The first lesson is called the Prophecy reading. There is a Gradual chant, then an Epistle. Then finally, the Alleulia and Gospel.
@@Thurifer2005the reason for bringing the gospel down to the people is to emulate Christ coming down from on high to teach the people below… literally, the Word of God coming down into the world.
It’s a beautiful practice.
7:47 For those who have come here from @ScholasticAnswers this is where his intro song comes from.
The most beautiful Kyrie I’ve heard in English
Magnificent Liturgy.
This channel, although new, produces excellent content. It is a good go-to place for those new to the English Spiritual Patrimony. Can I suggest that you add captions to the videos? It can be difficult to hear what is being sing. Particularly for those who aren't used to our translations of the Gloria, Agnus Dei etc
We hope to add captions to these videos in the future, but it will take us some time to prepare them thoroughly. Good idea!
This video is now fully captioned and subtitled!
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety, большое вам спасибо за русскоязычные субтитры.Thank you very much for the Russian subtitles.
Dude, does this choir have an album or something? They were great....I could listen to them all day.
If so it's really beautiful...reminds me very much of when I was an altar server in Australia pre Vatican II...not that I have any problem with the reforms of Vatican's just pure nostalgia!!!
None of the reforms you're referring to actually came from Vatican II.
I am Anglican catholic priest from Pakistan
46:27 mark is the most beautiful sound on Earth
I'm catholic we pray we all become 1 in christ again.
In the ordinariates created under Anglicanorum Coetibus, Anglicans can become fully one with the Catholic Church. Thank you Pope Benedict!
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety jesus said" Do this in memory of me." Green or Orange we do this together that is special.
this is the real successor of the TLM
I'm sorry, read Quo Primum. The TLM is forever.
Even Pope Francis has allowed the Tridentine mass to still
@@TIBKProductions Quo Primum may refers to the entirety use of Roman Liturgy of course the Liturgy are forever.
But if you insisted in a Quo Primum per se, a 62 promulgated mass would be much different than Pope Pius V mass.
@@TIBKProductions What do you mean by that?
@@Thurifer2005 The TLM isn't banned.
Buenos días hermanos. Es muy hermosa su liturgia. Desearía que ustedes me pudieran compartir la partitura del canto de entrada para cantarlo acá en el Seminario Diocesano. Dios los bendiga grandemente 🙏
When Paul VI and Bughnini changed the mass, they should've just changed the Latin into English, not make an entire different liturgy. This Ordinariate mass is basically the Traditional Latin Mass but in English with Anglican prayers.
Evan that was an error already condemned.
@@JoseRX95 Vernacular use was not condemned, but rather the Protestant notion that liturgy should ONLY be in the vernacular. In fact, before Trent, the vernacular was seeing a wider acceptance in the Church gaining papal approval for certain parts of the mass to be said in the vernacular.
@@JoseRX95 wrong
I would rather have a solemn and proper mass celebrated in vernacular, than a 20 minute low mass where the priest whispers Latin faster than Eminem raps.
@@chrisnguyen1186 true. The priest shouldn't be speed whispering mass especially when he's likely mumbling at that point.
Why doesn't Novos Ordos look like this?!
I think it's laziness of some priests. I've seen Novus Ordo masses beautifully executed.
Because of the madman modernists and Bugnini the Stonecutter
Imagine a Gaelic mass like this in Ireland 😍
My parish has something very similar to this and it's the NO.
@@eugenecarmelopedro9610 agree totally. The problem with NO it's entirely on the priest celebrating it. The rubrics depend on the priest
This challenge could have tutorials on how to incense, how to song the Angelus, what is beating of the bounds etc
If you regularly attend church you should know this, though new members of the church may not i do recognise that. Look for the Anglican rosary on youtube you may find some tips.
God Bless
@@rudymatheson1415 there are folks trying to get something started in their area. They might not have this knowledge and this UA-cam page could be an invaluable resource for them
I would definitely attend this type of worship if there was a service like this in my area .
I live in South Australia Anyone know where I could attend must be this worship its reverend, holy and similar to the Tridentine Mass.
The Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross celebrates the same liturgical rite in Australia. They, and information about their parishes, can be found at
Precisely what the changes of VC2 should've made the OF Mass if they wanted to make changes
I've attended the Novus Ordo, Ordinariate and Latin Mass. The Ordinariate Mass is more faithful expression of the Latin Mass.
No it isn't.
If the Ordinariate Mass can be changed to local language. Then, it's should be the ordinary rite of Roman rite. Not those so called Novus ordo
@@cesarzpontu8886oh i suppose the novus ordo is more true to the TLM then?
TLM is better than the ordinary. But, this is also very faithful
@@cesarzpontu8886 explain
I knew there were very Catholic Anglicans, I didn't realise there were very Anglican Catholics as well!
Anglo-catholics and Canglicans 😂
Once the catechism isn't not there, without tradition the faith cannot remain integral to the foundations of the faith as passed down for care taking. Love one another is the most important thing ever.
Wonderful ❤
Gloire à ton nom
1:21:14 Did the servers coordinate that? Is this part of the rite?? Looks epic
Yes, a Solemn Te Deum is not often done but in some places it is customary to do it with two thurifers doing synchronized 360s. The ordinariate's Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston has done this as well.
This is what every Catholic Novus Ordo mass, whether in Latin or the vernacular, should look like!
Great to hear the Genevan psalter sang in a traditional Anglican service.
Wonderful stuff. A quick question though: why are the deacon and subdeacon wearing the same vestments? Whatever happened to tunicle and Dalmatic?
Those are in fact tunicle and dalmatic, although of the same or very similar design which is not uncommon.
I've often said that the high church Episcopal or Anglican liturgical music is the most beautiful of all the churches.
it's like the Latin Mass but in English
Not like, _is_
So beautiful... The Solemn Tridentine Mass in English!
I guess you can call it that. Its better than the other terms I hear "Anglican Use" or "Anglican Ordinariate". The Ordinariate Mass itself has distincitions from the Tridentine Mass.
So let me get this this one of the personal ordinates established by the Holy See?
Yes - this was an ordinariate mass, and our celebrant was an ordinariate priest. The bishop and many of the attendees also belong to the ordinariate, but the Cathedral is that of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Our deacon and subdeacon are both former Anglicans but are diocesan priests of the Toronto Oratory. The liturgy attracted both Anglicans and Catholics of many different backgrounds!
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety Thanks for your reply...just as I thought. Although I'm no longer a practising catholic we do have an Ordinariate here in Australia and I think (one or 2 churches) in Melbourne which they use. My very best wishes to you!
@@colinlavelle7806 Thank you, Colin, and to you as well. We hope you'll find this encouragement in the practice of the faith, and perhaps we'll see you at an ordinariate parish in the future. God bless!
I hope some day all Christians will be reunite to become only one church
I wish their was an Ordinariate near me
If you have any former Anglicans in your area, even just one, you could get together and start a group!
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety wow sounds very simple
This looks like a Tridentine Mass done in English. Which is basically what should have been done instead of the radical reforms of 1969. Instead of making an “Ordinary Form”, just allow the Tridentine Mass to be said in Vernacular.
Did they not have a tunicle available for the subdeacon, or is it an Anglican tradition for both deacons to wear the full dalmatic?
Sometimes the tunicle and dalmatic are in an identical design and sometimes they are distinct. Ideally they can be distinguished from each other. Sometimes the Crucifer wears a tunicle as well.
The opening antiphone reminds me of Goudimel's Genevan psalter
The tune of the opening processional hymn is known as Old 100th and is originally from the Genevan Psalter.
We sing the Old 100th every Sunday in our Anglican Church. Aka The Doxology.
I'm a former Anglican now Catholic, but i can't wrap my head around the pope. Any honest reading of church history shows that he gradually increased his power and that the other churches in the east had always rejected this, that instead of creating unity the pope and his appetite for authority only split the church. I don't believe he's infallible and I never have. In truth, I converted to catholicism because I found a love for the real presence and I thought much had been lost in the church of England, but I never accepted papal authority as it was defined only relatively recently, and I wonder then if I'm only a half catholic since the infallibility of the pope is a dogma
Friend, the Revelation is in Christ, but it's the understanding by the Church is progressive. Since the first centuries, the last word was ever the Pope's word. Without his word, nothing done. And also, without the Pope, there isn't a real certainty of unity in the Church. It's just an abstract one. See, for example, the recent schisms among orthodoxes, among the Russian Patriarchate and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. There's no high authority among them to say the last word to this problem.
Dave unbelievable You should have come to the Orthodox Church where we've always maintained Holy Tradition, and the original theology of the undivided Church...pre AD 1054 ( year of the Great Schism ).
Yes, you're a full Catholic, in the same way that Orthodox Christians are. Catholic, but not Roman Catholic.
The Pope is rarely infallible. The only time he is is when he is speaking ex cathedra and even then there is a whole long process to get there. Hence there has only been one time that it has happened. This is when Pope Pius XII recognized the Dormition of the Theotokos called in the west the Assumption.
I'm an atheist but I know a thing or two about Church history.
First, you are wrong to say the pope "gradually" increased power. The historical record of early Christianity is quite unambiguous that there was a clear succession from Jesus to Apostle Peter, and then from Peter to subsequent popes. Early Church leaders also made it quite clear that the Roman Church has authority over other churches. Irenaeus, for example, who was taught by the last living student of the apostles (Polycarp), attacked the Gnostics by stating that the traditions handed down from the apostles, and the successors of the apostles, particularly the presiding bishop of Rome (the successor of Peter) are the ultimate source of Christian authority.
So there can be no doubt as to the validity of papal supremacy in early Christian tradition. Papal infallibility is another matter that I'm not really familiar with.
Alleluia hallelujah Amin
I'm an Anglican and love this but a bit uneasy that in the Eucharist the bread was given only. The wine wasn't given to the faithful. That I'm uncomfortable with.
Actually, Holy Communion was given in both kinds on this occasion, as usual in accordance with our Anglican custom. You can see the Chalice with the Precious Blood being given to multiple communicants at 1:07:20, 1:07:46, 1:08:14, 1:09:00, and so on. Some Roman rite individuals who are not used to receiving in both kinds likely only received the Body, but most attendees received in both kinds as is customary in the ordinariates.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety OK, must have missed that part. Thanks
Amen. I am Roman Rite but the Copts have the Monopoly on liturgy. I pray the Agpeya.
By any chance, can a booklet of this most beautiful and Holy Mass be found somewhere ? Thank you in advance.
@@secretsquirrel9861 Thank you ; I meant the booklet for this Mass (with Mass propers and so on).
We may upload the PDF of the conference booklet, which included all the liturgies, but it's not up yet.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety OK. Thank you very much.
Personally think the 360 degree swinging of the incense looks Episcopalian and goofy but other than that, beautiful
The ambrosian rite does 360 swinging
This ex-protestant Liturgy of Anglican tradition is closer to traditional Latin Mass than protestantized novus ordo.
Maybe it is better than TLM, hence it is served on both kinds of communion
I would not say that is better than the Traditional Tridentine Mass, but is there would any mass like that here in our area I would attend. I notice that something is strange and missing...
It's what the Novus Ordo supposed to be
Why would you need Communion under both kinds?
@@samuelwalker1410 altough it is valid to receive under one kind only but mystery of the eucharist may be completed under both kinds
@@marcelhuntyupwalukow5005 but why would that make it better?
Velos, sacras, genuflexiones, -la genuflexión antes de la elevación-, 1:05:22 dedos juntos, comunión de rodillas, ad orientem, esto es más católico que el Novus Ordo Missæ, lamentablemente la doctrina no es la misma; ¡Dios los convierta a la verdadera Fe Católica!.
Ave Cor Mariæ
De hecho, la doctrina es exactamente la misma. ¡Esta es una misa católica que usa una liturgia autorizada por los últimos tres papas! (¡Disculpe la traducción de Google!)
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety entiendo, está bien la traducción : ); de hecho es una Misa católica (tridentina), pero faltan muchas cosas para que lo sea totalmente (velo humeral para el subdiacono, la patena debajo del corporal, etcétera). ¿pero profesan la fe anglicana, cierto?
@@marlonf. No, estos son católicos que se convirtieron del anglicanismo. Profesan la fe católica en su totalidad. Están en plena comunión con el Papa y están bajo la autoridad del Papa. Su comunidad fue posible gracias a una ley del Papa Benedicto XVI, Anglicanorum Coetibus.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety ¡Wow! esa es una noticia nueva para mi, ¡gracias!
Tengo otra pregunta, ¿por qué en varias partes del Rito, es distinta esta Misa de la Misa tridentina? ¿Son cambios?
: )
@@marlonf. El Papa nos permitió seguir usando las formas anglicanas de liturgia con las que crecimos ahora que estamos en la Iglesia Católica. Entonces, nuestra liturgia es hermosa y tradicional, pero familiar para los anglicanos. ¡Le recomendamos encarecidamente que lea Anglicanorum Coetibus para obtener más información!
The best music even better than Russian Orthodox chants
Do you mean modern Russian Chant, or Old Believers' one?
@@Атанат777 both
They are too afraid to use organs 😁
Most music is better than Russian chants 😒 gregorian chant for one.
Scaring Elizabeth?! Shame Fr., ha ha!
Thankful for the faithfulness of the Kenyon family.
Attention: this is not an Anglican (Protestant) rite but a Catholic one according to the Anglican, i.e. English, tradition
it's quite funny for me,
I've been to Liverpool lately and while lighting candles and sightseeing through the Liverpool Cathedral it suddenly came to me, that if I was raised in the Anglican tradition of the Church instead of being raised in Poland - I still would've been a Christian
I somehow see your religious tradition as a more vibrant and an open one
I feel the American Anglicans have more freedom of expression than in the British Isles. Only the great abbeys and cathedrals in the British Isles would have a beautiful liturgy like this one. The ordinary anglicans In the British Isles would baulk at a liturgy this rich in ritual. I thought this mass was beatiful, prayerful, Spiritual and the Choir and Organ enriched it further.
The beautiful thing is that now we can maintain this traditional Anglican culture in the Catholic Church, thanks to Pope Benedict
It should open with the great anglican prayer (approved by Rome)"Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen." I did not hear it
Bill, the Collect for Purity, to which you're referring, is indeed there opening up the liturgy. You can hear it at 7:02, and it is labelled as such as well. I'd suggest turning on the subtitles and you can more easily follow along for the parts that might be less audible. It starts here:
Is there another solemn mass at St. Michael's planned for anytime soon????
However, you are right the liturgy is beautiful
May I know the first hymn that was played? The Opening Antiphon one
The Processional hymn at the beginning was All People that on Earth Do Dwell, to the tune Old 100th.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety Thanks guys! God bless you!
@Diego Alvarez We don't have such lists in the ordinariate. Rather, we simply use the same beloved hymns we always used as Anglicans. Obviously we don't sing any that might have problematic texts, but generally our people avoided such hymns anyway as Anglicans and continue to avoid them as Catholics. Hymnals in widespread use include The English Hymnal, the New English Hymnal, The Book of Common Praise, and so on.
Does anyone know what the Anglo catholic view is on angelology.thank you
Very Similar Rite to Roman Catholic Holy Mass before 1970 year.In Poland we back to Old Rite our Fathers. I Have read Michael Davies Book "Destroying Holy Mass and Cranmer's Order. Very Interesting about Uprising and Sarum Rite. In I Republic of Poland in XVI it was the same to create national Polish Church, and Polish King do as the Head, but Polish Cardinal Stanislaus Hozjusz rescued our country from Protestant Revolution. God Bless Yor Country, may Englad have Catholic King and Queen.
Looks like many more men than in regular Roman Rite churches. Of course, half are in the choir.
One problem I have with the old way,facing the altar not the community, is you can't hear anything.
That's why we have microphones
Whats is name of church song for the entrance? Thanks
All people that on earth do dwell
@@oluwadareolajiga4951 thank you!
May I know who is the bishop ? Is he a catholic bishop of the Roman church ?
Bishop Lopes. He is indeed a Catholic bishop, in full union with Rome.
@@AnglicanorumCoetibusSociety Thank you. May I know his first name and diocese ?
@@DominicusMagnus He is Bishop Steven Lopes of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, established by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. His cathedral is in Houston, Texas but his diocese covers all of North America.
Thank you. I did not know this Ordinariate (I am French).
Where can I find the english Proprium sung during the Mass?
The sources for all the minor propers can be found listed in the end credits of this video.
Anglican has become Catholic than Novus Ordo
This is a Catholic Church in communion with Rome. It just follows an Anglican cultural tradition while keeping Catholic beliefs.
@@jacktrask5913 Exactly. Anglican High Church has dared to preserve the grandeur of Divine Liturgy which was watered down post counciliar era
@@shashikamanoj1160 this is not the Anglican High Church this is the Anglican Rite of the Roman Catholic Church -they are in full communion with Rome
@@shashikamanoj1160 this is a catholic church
@@cesarzpontu8886 Exactly. Ordinariate is more Catholic than Novus Ordo