it had to be made less than 12 years ago they mention President Monson's Name and calling. But I am with you what great teachings before the "Come Follow Me" started.. I would guess this was recorded in 2014 so 6 years ago.
Regarding the star, I found mention of a star in the Book of Jasher making an appearance at the time of the birth of Abraham, the soothsayers at the time told Nimrod that he had to destroy this Child because it would destroy Nimrod's kingdom.
I love these discussions on all the scriptures, even if they were made probably eons ago! They are ageless with wisdom.
it had to be made less than 12 years ago they mention President Monson's Name and calling. But I am with you what great teachings before the "Come Follow Me" started.. I would guess this was recorded in 2014 so 6 years ago.
this is so true wickedness is not happiness
Regarding the star, I found mention of a star in the Book of Jasher making an appearance at the time of the birth of Abraham, the soothsayers at the time told Nimrod that he had to destroy this Child because it would destroy Nimrod's kingdom.