Hi Jitendra, If any component present after first successful scope and let say there are 2 routes are there and first route failed but 2nd route success then will the component (let logger) that present after first successful scope execute or not?
Choice will execute first matched route n if it fails it will not go to any other route but incase of first successful it will goto first matched route n if it fails then it will go for second matched route until successful or all route fail
Can we know the difference between choice router and first successful bothe perform the samething
Hi Jitendra,
If any component present after first successful scope and let say there are 2 routes are there and first route failed but 2nd route success then will the component (let logger) that present after first successful scope execute or not?
It should execute if it outside the first successful router.
Hi Jitendra
What is the difference between choice and first successful. When to choice what please help
Choice will execute first matched route n if it fails it will not go to any other route but incase of first successful it will goto first matched route n if it fails then it will go for second matched route until successful or all route fail