These are great. It is actually sad that he spends so much time recording and planning these but doesn't get many views. You deserve millions of subscribers. Love your videos!
Thanks! Really thanks! I was searching for this tutorial and I'm so glad that I found you! I mean, I watched your tutorial and understand most of it without any problems. Hope it will go with others in the same way :D
Saved to watch later, keep up the good work! I will be following your tutorials in the next 2 weeks. Hopefully that will be enough time for me. Also, will you be making a video for MAUI migration?
I believe that using C# with generics is a discriminating factor in app development. I mean, I love watching C# videos at this high quality from an instructor who is at least as smart as me or even smarter. Some of the commenters wrote that you deserve one million views, sure you do deserve, but where the hell could you find one million viewers who could follow content at this high level? I'd rather be a member of a couple of thousands of the intellectual elite who can understand contents like yours. On the other hand, I am not a fan of overcomplicating applications, especially not mobile applications. I'll watch your series, I am very curious where are you heading to. Thank you for your videos, a joy to watch, a reason to go for C# and Xamarin.
Really appreciate the upload, will be digging hard into this. Anyone has same problem as me? When I add a folder I can't name it, neither can I rename it? Makes it a bit more messy to structure
So I open VS and it doesn't look like that. I just installed Xamarin last week. When I select "Mobile App (Xamarin.forms) in the list it gives me I get a long list of items in 3 columns. It defaults to Visual C# being opened but nothing selected. So hacked my way into something that looks right. 3:24 "import the using"? wtf? Tiny ioc? Jesus, You don't explain one single bit about what the hell any of this crap is or what we're doing. If I knew what any of this shit was I wouldn't be doing a tutorial. I guess I created yet another dead end tutorial folder in a cluttered stack of them.
These are great. It is actually sad that he spends so much time recording and planning these but doesn't get many views. You deserve millions of subscribers. Love your videos!
Thanks! Really thanks! I was searching for this tutorial and I'm so glad that I found you! I mean, I watched your tutorial and understand most of it without any problems. Hope it will go with others in the same way :D
This was absolutely FANTASTIC!
This needs more views. Great stuff.
Thank you! More to come!
@@letscreateseries5817 is there any difference to installing tinyioc from nuget, compared to your implementation method?
@@sipepguru There is a difference. Adding TinyIoC as a nuget package would actually be much, much better!
@@letscreateseries5817 thanks for the reply
I agree! He needs to explain a littel bit more what each does but otherwise he is so great! I wish he will teach us more :D
And now he have one more .. good job! I hope u finish this series
This is great tutorial... good job...👍👍👍
Thank you for the helpful tutorial video. :D You Just got a new subscriber ^_^
Saved to watch later, keep up the good work! I will be following your tutorials in the next 2 weeks. Hopefully that will be enough time for me. Also, will you be making a video for MAUI migration?
Thanks for watching! Yes, the intention is to migrate to MAUI as soon as it is publicly available
I believe that using C# with generics is a discriminating factor in app development. I mean, I love watching C# videos at this high quality from an instructor who is at least as smart as me or even smarter. Some of the commenters wrote that you deserve one million views, sure you do deserve, but where the hell could you find one million viewers who could follow content at this high level? I'd rather be a member of a couple of thousands of the intellectual elite who can understand contents like yours. On the other hand, I am not a fan of overcomplicating applications, especially not mobile applications. I'll watch your series, I am very curious where are you heading to. Thank you for your videos, a joy to watch, a reason to go for C# and Xamarin.
thanks...much appreciated....
very nicely explained thanks sir
Very very clean code and how you call this method ? Never thought about this before really smart setup 😎👌
Muchísimas gracias excelentísimo maestro
Really appreciate the upload, will be digging hard into this. Anyone has same problem as me? When I add a folder I can't name it, neither can I rename it? Makes it a bit more messy to structure
I haven't seen this issue before. Were you able to resolve it?
I looked at your Repo and it shows an older version of Xamarin. Did I miss something? Did you make this awhile ago and not update?
I think I had to update in episode 17 or 18 but I haven't finished editing them.
Cool voice
I don't fell like this is for beginner it doesn't explain why I should type that and that
So I open VS and it doesn't look like that. I just installed Xamarin last week. When I select "Mobile App (Xamarin.forms) in the list it gives me I get a long list of items in 3 columns. It defaults to Visual C# being opened but nothing selected. So hacked my way into something that looks right. 3:24 "import the using"? wtf? Tiny ioc? Jesus, You don't explain one single bit about what the hell any of this crap is or what we're doing. If I knew what any of this shit was I wouldn't be doing a tutorial. I guess I created yet another dead end tutorial folder in a cluttered stack of them.
Sorry to hear that. Hope you find a better tutorial in the future.
@@letscreateseries5817 Thank you. That's a patient and kind reply to a frustrated and negative comment. I do appreciate that you're helping people.