  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Smartoe12
    @Smartoe12 Рік тому

    The song in the intro is very inspiring ;)

  • @MrKerglas
    @MrKerglas 2 роки тому

    I have a T touch and was dreading the battery change, your vid was / is excellent, biggest tip was te small piece of cellophane in the battery compartment, I missed that on anothe vid, well done sir.

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  2 роки тому

      Thanks I am glad it helped you out 👍🏼

  • @TheLloydbelton
    @TheLloydbelton Рік тому

    Hi Russell, thanks for the video. Could you please list the minimum tools that I’d need to change my Tissot Touch watch battery? It seems like you just use two…I’ve seen full watch repair tool kits that come with like a dozen things, but I want to spend the least amount possible on the fewest tools possible. Thanks very much

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  Рік тому

      Hi I just got the kit from Amazon about 5 years ago I don’t remember how much it was sorry.

    • @TheLloydbelton
      @TheLloydbelton Рік тому

      @@RussellDossett Thanks. But can you please just tell me the size of the jeweller's screwdriver that you need to open the back of the Tissot Touch watch? I only want to buy one and in the right size.

  • @eye2eye899
    @eye2eye899 4 роки тому

    Nice! Thanks, this watch was a gift from my father, and is very expensive to maintain

  • @dwighthoward9054
    @dwighthoward9054 Рік тому

    Bro, i changes the battery of my tissot ttouch ii but it is still not working and turning on. Can you help?

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  Рік тому

      make sure that you have the clear protector on and its facing the right way as it has a small hole cut out of it.
      Let me know if that works I made sure to put it in the video as I know a lot of people forget to do it.

    • @dwighthoward9054
      @dwighthoward9054 Рік тому

      Bro what battery is there in tissot t touch ii?

    • @dwighthoward9054
      @dwighthoward9054 Рік тому +1

      Cr 2032?

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  Рік тому

      Yes link on the description mate 👍🏼

  • @iamkleggo
    @iamkleggo 2 роки тому

    all i want to know is replacement battery type, why so hard to find??????????????

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  2 роки тому

      There is a link in the description for the batteries.amzn.to/3DHVikx

  • @marcelo1810
    @marcelo1810 3 роки тому

    Hello mate, just nailing details as I am about to pull the trigger and buy one. The only question I've got for you lad, Titanium or Stainless Steel. So, I've seen Titanium really scratches, so can you buff it up? I've seen people use scotch bright.
    Would you get this one again or the SS version.
    Really don't mind the weight difference, I'm in to how the watch feels and looks. I know it's also personal, but I'd like your feedback lad.
    All the best from Texas

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  3 роки тому

      Hi I have had mine 10 years now and it looks fine. I suppose it depends on how you work with the watch on if your working on cars its more lightly to get scratched than if you work at a desk job.
      I have not noticed any scratches it does look slightly different from when I brought it I just clean in it water with a small bit of soap.
      Titanium is a very strong and lightweight metal I'm not even sure if a Scotch-Brite would actually do anything to it I'm not prepared to try it on mine.
      I'm pretty sure stainless steel scratches and would probably showed a scratch marks more because it's shiny and would be a lot harder to clean up whereas titanium is more of a matte finish so less likely to show any scratches I hope this is of some help.

  • @alvaroblacidoramirez8314
    @alvaroblacidoramirez8314 2 роки тому

    My watch dont works the touch.

  • @متابعهفيصمت
    @متابعهفيصمت 3 роки тому

    I need sensor for t touch expert
    How can i by from internet

    • @RussellDossett
      @RussellDossett  3 роки тому

      Hi sorry I don’t know maybe contact them Directly.

  • @Stoxx2000
    @Stoxx2000 2 роки тому

    Похоже что мембрану сенсора отверткой порвал

  • @lw3513
    @lw3513 4 роки тому

    Only... Don't touch the Sensor ;)

    • @mastcaf
      @mastcaf 3 роки тому

      where i can find a sensor?

    • @lw3513
      @lw3513 3 роки тому

      @@mastcaf round brown Thing witg gel

    • @mastcaf
      @mastcaf 3 роки тому

      I have already touch the sensor. I want a new. Where can I get a new to fix this?

  • @АндрейБогатенков-с8з
