Making my first bridal bouquet with this today. Can't wait. Gorgeous dahilias and tube roses and all kinds of gorgeous greens. Glad for newer styles. So tired of hand-tied boquets.
Neato!! Well done guys! 🤔 hmmm.. I wonder tho, as far as a DIY thing goes; If I could try and replicate this. What else could we could use instead of the egg cage ? Maybe chicken wire but that could be a lil pokey hahah
Making my first bridal bouquet with this today. Can't wait. Gorgeous dahilias and tube roses and all kinds of gorgeous greens. Glad for newer styles. So tired of hand-tied boquets.
I love using the egg in bouquets like these. Thanks for the extra tips. Love how you tucked the ribbon instead of tiny pins.
Really beautiful; very full and lush bouquet.
amazing video!
Can you use artificial flowers?
How long is the ribbon?
Neato!! Well done guys!
🤔 hmmm.. I wonder tho, as far as a DIY thing goes; If I could try and replicate this. What else could we could use instead of the egg cage ? Maybe chicken wire but that could be a lil pokey hahah
I like chicken wire, since I can vary length/circumference. It’s also cheaper, and you’re not using plastics.
Lobby arrangement
I live in the uk where can I purchase these?
Make your own from chicken mould to your desired shape.
What's the size?