I could've given you the DIC all the time, whenever you wanted. You just had to ask. But well, now a multitude of people gave you DIC together. Kinda dirty, but im happy you can enjoy the DIC now.
My mom loves microorganisms, they're her favorite thing to paint! So I showed her this video, and i came back about 5 minutes later to her crying! She said she was happy because she'd "seen the world". Thank y'all for making this moment of pure joy possible.
What the hell, you can see the texture of the membranes. It’s astounding a) how incredible the contrast is for this footage, and b) how much that improves the experience
It makes it different, the other two seasons are some of the most beautiful UA-cam videos ever. We’ll see, it’s too early to tell. It looks fascinating, but better? Color photographs aren’t better than black and white, they’re different. More contrast allows for appreciating finer details. But what about the interactions of different organisms I wonder?
Journey to the microcosmos is on a completely different dimension itself. The script, the music, the footage and the crafting have a deep spiritual essence to it. and my it hits you like a BRICK when you high! It takes me back to the exact moments when I would culture cilliates. Thank you journey to the microcosmos
Awesome upgrade! Suggestions based on curiosity: an episode on all body fluids, one about the germs living on our skin, one focused on the surfaces we touch daily, one on public areas, etc. Let's see if germophobes got it right 😊 So I dropped my sandwich on the floor, please show me the extra bacteria it collected. I didn't refrigerate the milk, or I left my pizza unde the bed (cliché). Don't forget to wash your hands! A series based on our daily life, discovering what we don't see but it's always there. 👍🏻
going beyond all the childish jokes, I love how that changes everything from a flat object that just seems to move somehow, to a 3d living creature. Best upgrade yet
I don't know what Thrills me more... the Clarity and the beauty of these microorganisms themselves, or the plethora of tiny creatures running around the microorganisms. It is truly mind-blowing!
8:25 Probably my favorite image. I love the colors for one, but I also like how the solitude of the amoeba gives it a sense of vastness, as if we were viewing some secluded part of outer space, rather than something many, many magnitudes smaller.
It's incredible! I immediately came to the comments section to see if there was any discussion about it to be had. A little nebula, or a space ship floating slowly along its way; its shimmering lights decorating the void with something busy and hopeful.
The talk about how the DIC microscope works was very interesting. But the pictures are fantastic you can see the cilia moving in exquisite detail. And watching it on my larger HD TV it blows your mind. The colors are so much more intense. I am glad that you were able to get your new DIC microscope. Keep up the good work
With the change in lens bringing a new perspective, I love that you didn't miss the opportunity to bring the analogy home and make it relevant and real. You guys never fail to deliver.
Omg this is amazing, these are the coolest microscope images I've seen. All the little organisms look adorable and I love it! Can't wait for more amazing videos!!!
Well I feel for anyone who needs this. You are still a complete and wonderful human being. You will rock the world with your other awesomenessess. You can always get a really big motorcycle or car to add some weight where you think it lacks. There are people who believe in you and love you.
I'd get chocked up, too, seeing as that seems one of his most used study mediums... It's emotional, seeing even closer, more than likely. They're so... tiny... but they do so much with their little lives. Amazing. I can't wait to see more.
I will always remember the emotion I felt the first time looking through a telescope. It amazed me that I was actually seeing light that bounced off Jupiter. To be able to get that experience TWICE in the microcosms makes James a lucky man. It honestly makes me a little emotional knowing that you guys got to make this means year with this microscope
You've upgraded your microscope and our enjoyment of the things you'll be sharing with us in the future. Thank you, very much. The sharp new DIC images in this are fabulous. I can hardly wait to see more!
dang. So, the first episode of JttM was breath taking. It continued to be that, of course, but at the same time, the first WOW is always going to be hard to beat. This beat that.
Ohhhh this footage is stunning! I completely understand why James was getting emotional over it, I teared up a little too. I’m so happy for you all for making it so far and doing so well, you definitely deserve it. Keep up the good work and here’s to another three seasons of doing what you love in the future!
I really love the fact that you explain the different microscoping techniques so accurately ! Really shows how much you love microscopy and your fanbase! Looking forward for more content :D greetz from germany
my mouth literally hang open for five good seconds. I almost cried. I didnt think i could be so excited for a microscope. Thank the stars im taking the right path, studying biology, and every excitement at new tech, new discoveries, new creatures, reminds me of it every time more. I cant wait to see more. I always felt microscope made me feel kinda blind, since contrast and details are often hard to focus on, or capture correctly in the field of view. This video made me feel like i put a new prescription of glasses on (and i would know the feeling).
My mouth was hanging open watching this whole video. I feel you, it is hard to truly blow me away anymore with so much at our fingertips on the internet to desensitize. This was truly astonishingly awesome though
I may have actually screamed when I saw that first Stentor, looking like those little plastic tubes filled with water and glitter, that you can stick your fingers in ... but moving?! Gosh that is beautiful
Great upgrade! And the story told was great too. When I saw that the video was nearly 10 minutes, I didn't know how you'd fill the time, but you did a great job with that. Make sure to let us know what your next upgrade goal is so we can help you get there!
I was so delighted in my first visit to your channel to be reintroduced to my old friend "euglena" which was the first living creature I ever saw through a microscope in high school in the autumn of 1969. My eternal gratitude to SciShow for introducing us. Hopefully I can work my way through seasons 1-3 before Feb. 22nd. 🤓
They would need to have a motorised XYZ stage and tracking software with autofocus to keep the images and microbes in the field of view, life support system for those little cells, maybe 20-30hours shooting in timelapse and tons of luck
question: All the dic microscopy pictures I have seen till now were in greyscale, why do we see colour in James' video? My gut feeling says: Higher resolution photos under dic don't have colour while lower resolution ones do. I still don't understand why some pictures of dic are in greyscale while others have colour.
Though I'm not sure about this answer, I think your intuition is right, higher resolution cameras usually don't have colour because the colour needs to be detected by RGB pixels and therefore you would be "wasting" pixels on generating colour. James probably uses a lower resolution camera that is able to detect colour, whereas most scientists go for the higher resolution cameras in greyscale, since colour doesn't contain much actual information about the sample. Though it sure does make a pretty image ;)
Most very small things are essentially transparent. They modify the phase of the light but don't absorb any, and this change is invisible. DIC is designed to turn some of those phase changes into amplitude changes, so you can see them. For things like that there isn't really any colour, and a grayscale camera can give a higher resolution because it doesn't have to capture the R,G and B channels. For really high resolution microscopy you might also use blue or violet laser light instead of white light. The multicellular organisms on this channel are bigger and have a lot of colour, so filming them with a colour camera is definitely worth it.
@@MegaLuc1997 I imagine you could have different filters that filter for red, green, or blue light, take greyscale images through those and combine them in software. This is done in astronomy for a different reason but same principle can apply to give high resolution color images.
@@LandoCalrissiano definitely! But your resolution will still go down, not in space, but in time! Probably not much of an issue for dead stuff or diatoms, but definitely for moving things like the stentor. Another solution is to split the light path twice and then using the color filters, this would require you to adjust the sensitivity of the cameras, but it is probably the best solution, allowing high resolution and high speed. Though it would also be a lot more expensive since it requires three cameras.
Excited about the new microscope and what sounded like new music! The DIC footage is beautiful, incredibly detailed, makes the whole little world feel much more physical and real.
@@kwinzman The Olympus BX53, which seems to be the one used here, costs more than 8 thousand dollars. I could be wrong, and instead they are using another one that seems to cost more than 30k.
@@TheWalkingAmongTheDead Sounds in the ballpark, but that is a wide range. I think the fact that they had a tech come out and fix them up definitely puts them in the upper part of it, but I really don't know and have very limited experience with this stuff. But you gotta know that when manufacturers start saying "call for pricing" you know that shit is expensive... I used to work on some Zeiss stuff and while I wasn't on the optical side, the shit I worked on ran about 100k, but that's FDA approved type shit which balloons the cost compared to just some badass microscope a consumer might want to buy, and the price of optics has come down as china gets better at it (I have a Chinese scope on my very expensive rifle, call me a traitor if you want to but there it is). But this isn't even including the imaging equipment they've been using all this time which I'm sure is not cheap. I'm guessing they're mid 5 figures all in at this point on the equipment. And I'm glad they're investing in their operation and they definitely deserve more subscribers. I was on patreon before they took off but I just can't justify it in times like these.
I've been subscribed since this channel started, and watched every episode. This.... this was the first time I ever expanded the video to full screen. That was truly wonderful to watch. I look forward to many more with the new scope!
This is the first video I have ever seen on your channel... 0:23 in and it's an instant like and subscribe. That moment when you find a whole UA-cam channel of content. This is amazing.
I was completely blown away by the intricate details I was seeing so imagine my surprise when I thought to check the screen definition near the end of the video and it was playing at only 480p instead of the possible 1080. I set to 1080 and was blown away all over again. Tremendous job 🙂👍
Learning about new things is often exciting but I like that sometimes it can be a quiet wonder. Thanks for making videos that have incredible content and also have this meditative quality, it is a much appreciated pace change.
The new microscope really makes a world of difference. To me, the shapes of cells were something I used to imagine which watching videos and diagrams which looked a lot more 2d. You can say that this new microscope of yours has really opened my mind to a whole new perspective of observation. I got a lot of 'Aha! So this is how it is!' moments from watching your video.
I love that you acknowledge people zone out in your videos. They are a great way to unwind in awe. Can you pledge revisit Tardigrades with this new mic?
Talking about how the world is just the way we perceive it based on what we are seeing it through, it's hard not to think of all the colors we can't see! Just thinking of all the hidden patterns that can be on animals and plants that are not visible to us is fascinating!
Well, sometimes...just, sometimes, youtube ACTUALLY recommends value channels like this one! AWESOME. The production behind it, the script used (funny AND informative!), the images shown (DIC is SO beautiful! WT*!), etc. Subbed instantly!
It is as if we have gone from looking through slides on a film real, to seeing the very subject of the image up close. I feel like I am suddenly playing Spore with the level of detail here. Cannot wait to see more.
I love this channel so much. If course I love learning but I find watching it & listening to Hank’s calm, soft voice to be incredibly relaxing as well. I could watch an hours long video. Can you make that? Hank’s commentary not mandatory. Just turn the camera on & film for a long time. That would so amazing.
Wow that's amazing! Looking forward to more DIC pics!
Underrated comment
Dic flicks
DIC vids bro
I love how Hank uses a soft voice. It's like he dosn't want to disturb that tiny but huge universe.
I kept thinking that this guy sounds like Hank Green, and I finally figured out it is him because of this, haha.
It’s almost like it’s the first time he’s reading the script
Yea he makes you feel like your crouched in taking turns looking through the microscope together, it's perfect.
@@BlueBubso holy shit that's EXACTLY what I was thinking loll
Thank you so much, everyone, who made the DIC possible for us! We have some gorgeous footage for you coming in the next episodes!
We love to share this journey with you :D
Thank you for sharing your labor of love with us. I'm out of words to describe what a joy it is to watch your work ❤
I could've given you the DIC all the time, whenever you wanted. You just had to ask. But well, now a multitude of people gave you DIC together. Kinda dirty, but im happy you can enjoy the DIC now.
Have fun with your DIC my dude
Thank You James, the images are absolutely stunning - I enjoy every episode and look forward to whatever you are going to find to show us next :-)
My mom loves microorganisms, they're her favorite thing to paint! So I showed her this video, and i came back about 5 minutes later to her crying! She said she was happy because she'd "seen the world". Thank y'all for making this moment of pure joy possible.
What the hell, you can see the texture of the membranes. It’s astounding a) how incredible the contrast is for this footage, and b) how much that improves the experience
It makes it different, the other two seasons are some of the most beautiful UA-cam videos ever. We’ll see, it’s too early to tell. It looks fascinating, but better? Color photographs aren’t better than black and white, they’re different.
More contrast allows for appreciating finer details. But what about the interactions of different organisms I wonder?
@@simonrodriguez4685 color photography is objectively better. More information = more better
Simón Rodríguez you’re absolutely right, but it stirs up wonder in me the way that a new perspective on something amazing always does
technology.... those thing will die with just normal soup...
Journey to the microcosmos is on a completely different dimension itself.
The script, the music, the footage and the crafting have a deep spiritual essence to it.
and my it hits you like a BRICK when you high!
It takes me back to the exact moments when I would culture cilliates.
Thank you journey to the microcosmos
"Dic Microscopy"
I'm not going to watch it if you're going to insult me.
Really advanced microscopy techniques needed to be developed to study your... Sample
He’d need an electron microscope to render that, my friend.
*Shows up on Recommended Vidoes* I feel personally attacked
@@SkinsFirstGeneration There's no advanced microscope yet to render such nano objects.
Awesome upgrade! Suggestions based on curiosity: an episode on all body fluids, one about the germs living on our skin, one focused on the surfaces we touch daily, one on public areas, etc. Let's see if germophobes got it right 😊 So I dropped my sandwich on the floor, please show me the extra bacteria it collected. I didn't refrigerate the milk, or I left my pizza unde the bed (cliché). Don't forget to wash your hands! A series based on our daily life, discovering what we don't see but it's always there. 👍🏻
Yea kinda cool I wouldn't freak out as we have our own microdefense machines living within us
going beyond all the childish jokes, I love how that changes everything from a flat object that just seems to move somehow, to a 3d living creature. Best upgrade yet
It's not Flatland afterall!
Hahaha childish jokes? Welcome to the interweb.
but 2D > 3D
@@TheRealFlenuan only if it's squared into 4d
Wow, what a difference the new microscope has made! Thank you to all who contributed.
“If you’ve ever taken an optics course”
Yes! It was the best class
“Then you will remember how terrible it was”
oh ok never mind
"Optics was a mistake." - Isaac Newton
RIGHT! Not even my area really but my opticts/classical physics course was really good and I learned a lot
Same here, optics class was one of my favourite classes
Leo Hultén mine worst. We had a tobacco chewing professor
I don't know what Thrills me more... the Clarity and the beauty of these microorganisms themselves, or the plethora of tiny creatures running around the microorganisms. It is truly mind-blowing!
8:25 Probably my favorite image. I love the colors for one, but I also like how the solitude of the amoeba gives it a sense of vastness, as if we were viewing some secluded part of outer space, rather than something many, many magnitudes smaller.
It's incredible! I immediately came to the comments section to see if there was any discussion about it to be had. A little nebula, or a space ship floating slowly along its way; its shimmering lights decorating the void with something busy and hopeful.
I came down to the comments to say that this was by far my most favourite clip as well, for all the reasons you've outlined. It's beautiful.
Oh, I just commented the exact same thing and then saw your comment. It's simply amazing :D
I loved that part
this is the most glorious comment section ever 😭💖
The talk about how the DIC microscope works was very interesting. But the pictures are fantastic you can see the cilia moving in exquisite detail. And watching it on my larger HD TV it blows your mind. The colors are so much more intense. I am glad that you were able to get your new DIC microscope. Keep up the good work
The only DIC pics you’ll never get tired of
That’s what she said
Your voice is more than satisfying to listen to. And im happy for james with his new microscope!
With the change in lens bringing a new perspective, I love that you didn't miss the opportunity to bring the analogy home and make it relevant and real. You guys never fail to deliver.
Omg this is amazing, these are the coolest microscope images I've seen. All the little organisms look adorable and I love it! Can't wait for more amazing videos!!!
watching these videos really help me calm down when im feeling stressed or anxious, thank you JTTM!!
There is a certain zen to this.
Same here.
Well I feel for anyone who needs this. You are still a complete and wonderful human being. You will rock the world with your other awesomenessess. You can always get a really big motorcycle or car to add some weight where you think it lacks. There are people who believe in you and love you.
So, You say even more amazing content is possible? I didn’t see that coming.
Neither did they, until they got the new microscope in
I'd get chocked up, too, seeing as that seems one of his most used study mediums... It's emotional, seeing even closer, more than likely. They're so... tiny... but they do so much with their little lives. Amazing. I can't wait to see more.
You can’t imagine the amount of happiness you people bring me. I love all of you
This could potential bring up unhappy memories of school. But for pure entertainment: PERFECT! I love it!
looks wonderful guys
congrats on the new microscope, James
WOW, just WOW!!! I liked what you did before with the older scope, but, wait, now its like a whole new world has opened up!
Congratulations James, Hank, and team on the new equipment/techniques. We appreciate all of your work and respect your passion.
This was my first I saw from your channel, immediately subscribed. Studying medicine and I started crying because of the beauty - thank you!
I will always remember the emotion I felt the first time looking through a telescope. It amazed me that I was actually seeing light that bounced off Jupiter. To be able to get that experience TWICE in the microcosms makes James a lucky man.
It honestly makes me a little emotional knowing that you guys got to make this means year with this microscope
You (all involved) bring so much wealth to my reality, for which I am enormously grateful! Thank You.
Looking forward to some amazing footage using this microscope, keep up the AMAZING work !
You've upgraded your microscope and our enjoyment of the things you'll be sharing with us in the future. Thank you, very much. The sharp new DIC images in this are fabulous. I can hardly wait to see more!
So, the first episode of JttM was breath taking.
It continued to be that, of course, but at the same time, the first WOW is always going to be hard to beat.
This beat that.
This makes me teary eyed 🥺 the organisms I only see in books and pictures are moving beautifully and clearly. 👏🏻👍🏻
Ohhhh this footage is stunning! I completely understand why James was getting emotional over it, I teared up a little too. I’m so happy for you all for making it so far and doing so well, you definitely deserve it. Keep up the good work and here’s to another three seasons of doing what you love in the future!
I really love the fact that you explain the different microscoping techniques so accurately ! Really shows how much you love microscopy and your fanbase! Looking forward for more content :D greetz from germany
I loved this channel before. Now it's just reached a whole NEW level. Truly amazing sir. 👏👏👏
Kick ass vid. Solid channel. Congrets
my mouth literally hang open for five good seconds. I almost cried. I didnt think i could be so excited for a microscope. Thank the stars im taking the right path, studying biology, and every excitement at new tech, new discoveries, new creatures, reminds me of it every time more.
I cant wait to see more. I always felt microscope made me feel kinda blind, since contrast and details are often hard to focus on, or capture correctly in the field of view. This video made me feel like i put a new prescription of glasses on (and i would know the feeling).
5:18 this is the sickest and dopest image I've seen from a Microscope
Literally awestruck here.
Been a long, long time since I've felt that... * tips an imaginary hat *
(my daughter just added that she could tell, because I didn't make a DIC joke)
My mouth was hanging open watching this whole video. I feel you, it is hard to truly blow me away anymore with so much at our fingertips on the internet to desensitize. This was truly astonishingly awesome though
I may have actually screamed when I saw that first Stentor, looking like those little plastic tubes filled with water and glitter, that you can stick your fingers in ... but moving?! Gosh that is beautiful
I’ve been watching Journey to the Microcosmos for a while now! I loved their content! As such, I made my own sci-fi/futurist channel!
I can't wait for the new episodes with these amazing pictures. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
*Serratia marcescens is red,*
*Dinoflagellates are blue,*
*I missed the Microcosmos,*
*And I missed you too.*
I just pooped you out. Sorry bro
Looking good, Rotifer!
We missed you too!
I was legit searching for this comment.
This is the best DIC I have ever seen.
Such beautiful Interference Contrast illumination of Algae.
Great upgrade! And the story told was great too. When I saw that the video was nearly 10 minutes, I didn't know how you'd fill the time, but you did a great job with that. Make sure to let us know what your next upgrade goal is so we can help you get there!
Congrats on your new instrument. The unseen re-seen...beautifully.
"Dic microscopy?"
Reminds me of what my ex girlfriend said to me...
Well that was a DIC move on her part.
You should have listened to your mother and left it alone.
@@mooseknuckle8334 Don't play with your DIC microscope or you'll go blind.
I first watched without sound. Now I understand what the channel is about. Beautiful work!
THIS IS AMAZING!!! Dude, we’ve gotta find a way for you to work with IMAX, that would be utterly mind-blowing!
I was so delighted in my first visit to your channel to be reintroduced to my old friend "euglena" which was the first living creature I ever saw through a microscope in high school in the autumn of 1969. My eternal gratitude to SciShow for introducing us. Hopefully I can work my way through seasons 1-3 before Feb. 22nd. 🤓
You guys should make a 10 hour compilation of microbial footage so I can use it as a TV screensaver at work
DarlEng I would pay for that
They would need to have a motorised XYZ stage and tracking software with autofocus to keep the images and microbes in the field of view, life support system for those little cells, maybe 20-30hours shooting in timelapse and tons of luck
@@tatfung or just compile all of the existing videos in one big thing
Each word so carefully, deliberately and slowly said. Well done Hank. subbed
Nice! A new microscope!
I'm totally awe-struck; thank you for this amazing footage! I'll definitely be watching more. And the merch! Those socks??? Yass
question: All the dic microscopy pictures I have seen till now were in greyscale, why do we see colour in James' video?
My gut feeling says: Higher resolution photos under dic don't have colour while lower resolution ones do.
I still don't understand why some pictures of dic are in greyscale while others have colour.
Though I'm not sure about this answer, I think your intuition is right, higher resolution cameras usually don't have colour because the colour needs to be detected by RGB pixels and therefore you would be "wasting" pixels on generating colour. James probably uses a lower resolution camera that is able to detect colour, whereas most scientists go for the higher resolution cameras in greyscale, since colour doesn't contain much actual information about the sample. Though it sure does make a pretty image ;)
Most very small things are essentially transparent. They modify the phase of the light but don't absorb any, and this change is invisible. DIC is designed to turn some of those phase changes into amplitude changes, so you can see them. For things like that there isn't really any colour, and a grayscale camera can give a higher resolution because it doesn't have to capture the R,G and B channels. For really high resolution microscopy you might also use blue or violet laser light instead of white light.
The multicellular organisms on this channel are bigger and have a lot of colour, so filming them with a colour camera is definitely worth it.
ceoyoyo That was helpful to learn. Thank you for sharing.
@@MegaLuc1997 I imagine you could have different filters that filter for red, green, or blue light, take greyscale images through those and combine them in software. This is done in astronomy for a different reason but same principle can apply to give high resolution color images.
@@LandoCalrissiano definitely! But your resolution will still go down, not in space, but in time! Probably not much of an issue for dead stuff or diatoms, but definitely for moving things like the stentor. Another solution is to split the light path twice and then using the color filters, this would require you to adjust the sensitivity of the cameras, but it is probably the best solution, allowing high resolution and high speed. Though it would also be a lot more expensive since it requires three cameras.
Excited about the new microscope and what sounded like new music! The DIC footage is beautiful, incredibly detailed, makes the whole little world feel much more physical and real.
“i want a DIC microscope!”
Looks up price
“Never mind”
How much?
@@kwinzman The Olympus BX53, which seems to be the one used here, costs more than 8 thousand dollars. I could be wrong, and instead they are using another one that seems to cost more than 30k.
Try godove.com they do industrial and scientific equipment auctions. Bought a couple of rotovaps from there cheap :)
@@TheWalkingAmongTheDead Thanks!
@@TheWalkingAmongTheDead Sounds in the ballpark, but that is a wide range. I think the fact that they had a tech come out and fix them up definitely puts them in the upper part of it, but I really don't know and have very limited experience with this stuff. But you gotta know that when manufacturers start saying "call for pricing" you know that shit is expensive...
I used to work on some Zeiss stuff and while I wasn't on the optical side, the shit I worked on ran about 100k, but that's FDA approved type shit which balloons the cost compared to just some badass microscope a consumer might want to buy, and the price of optics has come down as china gets better at it (I have a Chinese scope on my very expensive rifle, call me a traitor if you want to but there it is). But this isn't even including the imaging equipment they've been using all this time which I'm sure is not cheap. I'm guessing they're mid 5 figures all in at this point on the equipment. And I'm glad they're investing in their operation and they definitely deserve more subscribers. I was on patreon before they took off but I just can't justify it in times like these.
I've been subscribed since this channel started, and watched every episode. This.... this was the first time I ever expanded the video to full screen. That was truly wonderful to watch. I look forward to many more with the new scope!
Me: *My asian insecurities intensifies*
Yeah i have this condition too, i think.
You deserve a free pair of algae socks.
This is the first video I have ever seen on your channel... 0:23 in and it's an instant like and subscribe. That moment when you find a whole UA-cam channel of content. This is amazing.
This is extremely high quality content.
My God, this channel is great for meditation. Pleasing thoughts as you drift into the microcosm. Thanks for the trip.
"If you've ever taken an optics class then you will remember how terrible that was" HANK I'M DYING
Wow, it was only 6 months ago I commented how cool it would be to have this footage in higher than 1080p resolution, this is like HDR amazing!
Cripes, for half a moment I believed I'd actually be able to feel the texture of that _Stentor_ at 1:12.
Me too! Just breathtaking
It's like microscopic corduroy.
I never seen such quality
I was completely blown away by the intricate details I was seeing so imagine my surprise when I thought to check the screen definition near the end of the video and it was playing at only 480p instead of the possible 1080. I set to 1080 and was blown away all over again. Tremendous job 🙂👍
Everyone is talking about DIC jokes, and all I can think about is Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Sounds painful
@@thebiglightbulb1457 Yes, and can be lethal frequently.
Learning about new things is often exciting but I like that sometimes it can be a quiet wonder. Thanks for making videos that have incredible content and also have this meditative quality, it is a much appreciated pace change.
The last time I was this early the sun was a deadly lazer
🎵 Not any more there’s a blanket 🎵
For those who have not seen and really aught to. 🙃
The new microscope really makes a world of difference. To me, the shapes of cells were something I used to imagine which watching videos and diagrams which looked a lot more 2d.
You can say that this new microscope of yours has really opened my mind to a whole new perspective of observation. I got a lot of 'Aha! So this is how it is!' moments from watching your video.
I'm just over here, grinning like a loon while watching.
What a difference! Looks like it is 3D to me and is so beautiful !
Absolutely amazing. Literally looks fake it's so good!
If I owned this, I'd never leave my house lol
Took me a fey days looking for microscope videos to find this gem. You deserve more clicks! Great fascinating content.
The DIC we didn’t ask for, but needed
I love that you acknowledge people zone out in your videos. They are a great way to unwind in awe. Can you pledge revisit Tardigrades with this new mic?
Your voice is so incredibly soothing and pleasant to listen to.
His voice is trying to hypnotized me.
When I woke up, i was in another planet full of virus, brrrr
Wow! It's like a Universe, in a Universe.....in a Universe! Thank you for such a wonderful video!
I sometimes wonder, do microorganisms get scared when they see a big round eye in the sky?
hmmm, interesting
They dont have any feelings, theyre microbs
@@raphaelachristalynelleaudr8372 tf are u smoking, they dont have eyes
It was strange how some of the organisms look like they were investigating other nearby creatures, almost like they were thinking.
John Doe They do tho Lol flat worms, Tardigrades, copepodos, they all have eyes
Talking about how the world is just the way we perceive it based on what we are seeing it through, it's hard not to think of all the colors we can't see! Just thinking of all the hidden patterns that can be on animals and plants that are not visible to us is fascinating!
Next milestone: scanning electron microscope.
To bad it kills everything you put in it....
what if we put in a cell taken from Prince Phillip?
@@ElectricityTaster lmfao
Well, sometimes...just, sometimes, youtube ACTUALLY recommends value channels like this one! AWESOME. The production behind it, the script used (funny AND informative!), the images shown (DIC is SO beautiful! WT*!), etc. Subbed instantly!
Half the comments: Interesting content!
Other half: *G I G G I T Y*
That's the best picture quality i've ever seen!
Good job, guys!
"That's what she said"
Could you plz make a setup video..how u color process and record these videos
Awesome! A word I seldom use but in this case, a perfect fit.
What a beautiful view!!!! Thank you! Well done! I'm blown away!
1:50 Amazing ! Love this new tool.
I'mma be honest... I never thought it was not possible to see microorganisms that clear without those techniques
It is as if we have gone from looking through slides on a film real, to seeing the very subject of the image up close. I feel like I am suddenly playing Spore with the level of detail here. Cannot wait to see more.
It blows my mind that this is possible & that there is so much detail in organisms so small.
I love this channel so much. If course I love learning but I find watching it & listening to Hank’s calm, soft voice to be incredibly relaxing as well. I could watch an hours long video. Can you make that? Hank’s commentary not mandatory. Just turn the camera on & film for a long time. That would so amazing.
Those images are indeed some of the very best I have ever seen, thank you so much for all of your work, fascinating, just pure fascinating.
this type of imaging really makes the so close but so far away feel so much more real
What a nice gesture of the manufacturer.