【HK走佬去紐約】移美故事: 十幾年還被歧視?讀書零功課零考試、生活零英文、領福利還比人工高?| After coming to the US for 10+ years...
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
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We mentioned what $2 million HKD can get you in New York in the previous episode. In this episode, we will talk about school life and career life in New York, especially when the weekly unemployment assistance provided by the government is more than the weekly salary! And, how is it possible to not speak any English in New York!
Welcome to share your questions and curiosities with us at the Comment Area! 🗣👭🏻
Please Like, Share and Subscribe! 👩🏻✈❣️
訂閱我們: 👉🏻 www.youtube.co...
Ep.06 移民美國,2百萬港幣可以買到甚麼?| What can $2 Million HKD get you in New York?
• 【HK走佬去紐約】移民美國,2百萬港幣可以買...
Ep.05 零下5°C室外食紐約最好食的烤肉?街訪初體驗?| Outdoor Dining at -5°C for The Best Korean BBQ in NY
• 【NY紐約二三事】零下5°C室外食紐約最好食...
Ep.04 紐約冬日浪漫:森林秘境度假屋!| New York Romance in Winter: Tiny House Retreat! • 【NY紐約二三事】紐約冬日浪漫:森林秘境度假...
Ep.03 我們一起去挑戰 Breakneck Ridge Trail吧🧗♀️!
• 【NY 紐約二三事】我們一起去挑戰 Brea...
Ep. 02 不去旅行,去露營! 🏕 North-South Lake Campground
• 【NY 紐約二三事】不去旅行,去露營! 🏕 ...
Ep. 01 疫情下去旅行 - Long Island 向日葵🌻之旅!Sunflower Date In Long Island
• 【NY 紐約二三事】疫情下去旅行 - Lon...
Ep.06 噓... 不可不知的五大飛行秘密!抱抱空姐、機上冬蔭功通通不是夢!Top Flying Secrets!
• 【空姐二三事】噓... 不可不知的五大飛行秘...
Ep.05 六星期地獄式空姐訓練 - 服務篇 How We Survived the 6-Week Flight Attendant Training Tortures - Service
• 【空姐二三事】服務篇-六星期地獄式 #空姐 ...
Ep.04 六星期地獄式 #空姐 訓練 - 安全篇 How We Survived the 6-Week Flight Attendant Training Tortures - Safety
• 【空姐二三事】安全篇-六星期地獄式 #空姐 ...
• 【空姐二三事】Outport Base 空姐...
Ep.02 Outport Base 空姐面試大公開! HOW WE PASSED FLIGHT ATTENDANT INTERVIEW PART 1 • 【空姐二三事】Outport Base 空姐...
Ep.01 揭開Outport Base 空姐的五大秘密!5 SECRETS OF OUTPORT BASE CREWS! • 【空姐二三事】揭開Outport Base ...
Ep.07 阿姐的辛酸史!真人真事:工資比較多?被膜拜還是被Hardtime?專屬12 Dips? | Let's meet Flight Purser KK!
• 【空姐講故事】阿姐的辛酸史!真人真事:工資比...
Ep.06 大爆「空姐十大名單」、外站真的犯眾憎? Top 10 Famous Crew List & “I hate OutPort Crews”?!
• 【空姐講故事】㊙️大爆「#空姐十大名單」、外...
Ep.05 酒店房驚驚!與鬼同眠的驚魂經歷!Flight Attendants' Hotel Ghost Stories
• 【空姐講故事】酒店房驚驚!與鬼同眠的驚魂經歷...
Ep.04 空姐專用一折機票真的有那麼好用嗎?Discover the REAL Standby flight benefit!
• 【空姐講故事】空姐專用一折機票真的有那麼好用...
Ep.03 飛機上撞鬼!?人鬼情未了、人鬼捉迷藏、亡魂搭飛機?👻| Guest Speaker - Let’s Meet Ann! • 【空姐講故事】飛機上撞鬼!?人鬼情未了、人鬼...
Ep.02 漂亮空姐大爆料/尷尬史:拆解公司妝容、「食Crew Meal」跟飛機師的關係!| Guest Speaker - Let’s Meet Milly!
• 【空姐講故事】漂亮空姐大爆料/尷尬史:拆解公...
Ep.01 空姐不是只會「咖啡或茶」!Flight Attendants are not just "coffee or tea"! • 【空姐講故事】空姐不是只會「咖啡或茶」!Fl...
Ep.05 蒙古意想不到的旅行經驗!遍地「地雷」、用「黃金」煮飯?| A unique travel experience in Mongolia!
• 【空姐去窮遊】蒙古意想不到的旅行經驗!遍地「...
Ep.04 為何土耳其伊斯坦堡值得一去再去?伊斯坦堡的必食、必玩、必睇!| The Must-sss in Istanbul, Turkey!
• 【空姐去窮遊】為何#土耳其 伊斯坦堡值得一去...
Ep.03 7天用$2938HKD玩轉土耳其 4大城市!| Spent $329USD to visit 4 cities in Turkey in 7 days!
• 【空姐去窮遊】7天用$2938HKD玩轉#土...
Ep.02 2021 用最少的錢去環遊世界! Let's Travel Around the World with LEAST BUDGET in 2021!
• 【空姐去窮遊】2021 用最少的錢去#環遊世...
Ep.01 🎄聖誕特輯-4年去40個國家!瘋狂去旅行Q&A 40 Countries in 4 Years Q&A
• 【空姐去窮遊】🎄聖誕特輯 - 4年去40個國...
Ep.07 不當空姐,就去當銀行客服助理吧!From a Flight Attendant to a Bank Customer Associate
• 【空姐加油站】不當空姐,就去當銀行客服助理吧...
Ep.06 不當空姐,就去當行政助理吧!From a Flight Attendant to an Administrative Assistant
• 【空姐加油站】不當空姐,就去當行政助理吧!F...
Ep.05 不當空姐,就去當人力資源吧!From a Flight Attendant to a HR Specialist
• 【空姐加油站】不當空姐,就去當人力資源吧!F...
Ep.04 不當空姐,就去當醫療助理吧! From a Flight Attendant to a Medical Assistant
• 【空姐加油站】不當空姐,就去當醫療助理吧! ...
Ep.03 不當空姐, 就去當機場營運管理吧! From a Flight Attendant to an Airport Operations • 【空姐加油站】不當空姐,就去當機場營運管理吧...
Ep.02 不當空姐,就去當酒店管理吧!From a Flight Attendant to a Hotel Operations Manager
• 【空姐加油站】不當空姐,就去當酒店管理吧!F...
Ep.01 致所有失業的空中服務員 | 正能量 | 為你打氣 | To All The Flight Attendants Who Got Layoff
• 【空姐加油站】致所有失業的空中服務員 | 正...
Ep.06 我打Covid疫苗了!到底有多不適?究竟該不該打針?| I am vaccinated!
• 【疫情】我打Covid疫苗了!到底有多不適?...
Ep.05 百年一遇的零遊客曼哈頓!Manhattan with NO tourist!
• 【疫情】百年一見的零遊客曼哈頓!#Manha...
Ep.04 直擊 New York LGA/JFK Airports During Covid19 纽约拉瓜迪/甘迺迪國際機場變鬼城?!
• 【疫情】直擊 New York LGA/JF...
Ep.03 「疫情」飛機上有確診!? Suspected Covid case on board?
• 【疫情】飛機上有確診!? Suspected...
Ep.02 疫情下,要怎麼飛?How to fly during Pandemic?
• 【疫情】疫情下,空姐怎麼飛?FLIGHT A...
Ep.01 空姐-我們被炒魷魚了!Flight Attendants during Pandemic - WE GOT FIRED!
• 【疫情】空姐-我們被炒魷魚了!Flight ...
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What are you waiting for? 😏😏 - by Michelle ;)
教育: 比較大先移民, 無讀過美國高中直接讀CC, 都係ESL開始,當初讀書咩都唔知,好好彩新生嘅時候遇到個識講中文嘅adviser,問我未交學費喔,我話我無錢XD,然後佢好好咁幫我申請好D資助, 讀書仲有錢賺, 讀完大學d資助儲埋去咗台灣.
工作: 美國都有分Non-exempt同exempt 責任制定時薪. 英語絕對唔係最大問題,最緊要自己有料.當然識雙/多語係優勢.
福利: 紐約稅真係特別重. 當年資助我讀書嘅錢我繳稅兩年就比返政府. 因為父母有長期病患, 就當自己繳稅係比落父母度啦XD 父母睇病摞藥都唔駛錢.
多謝你嘅分享🙂 紐約真係個移民唔錯嘅選擇。希望你依家一切順利☺️- by Mandy
謝謝支持!- By Mandy
日本⋯⋯ 真係好耐未去過🥲🥲 NY既Japanese town 頂住檔先得唔得呀?😭😭 - By Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 巧的,照殺!好多外國地方日本餐都好好味,我住在Sydney,好多日本人來開餐廳都做得好好味。
好!你等我地!約你NY日本城見!- By Mandy
Hello,兩位,我都係住係Queens, pedenmic酒店行業取失業補助最高,仲高過原有薪酬!很多普通員工最少領取3一4千元一個月,紐約福利真太好了!
係呀!真係好多錢呀!不過係你朋友做酒店業?因為我記得你係做診所嘅?- By Mandy
@@MMTBs yes,is my friend .
多謝你收看~ - by Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 客氣。
I can imagine and feel how
Emotionally frustrated
When new Immigrants
first landed on the soil of a foreign country
It takes time to adjust and customize yourself to the different Environment ,way of life
Culture people from all around the world etc
Glad that you have gone through the
Ups and Downs in life and
Relaxed and
settle so well now.
Yes I agree, definitely not easy. I remember it took me a long time to get used to things too.... >
Michelle, 你COVID-19好返未呀? 祝你早日康復💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
我好返啦~ 多謝你咁有心🥰🥰 - By Michelle ;)
我目前確診都已經一個月啦, 仲有咳嗽, 其他症狀都冇. 目前黎講, 吾覺得有後遺症住... 如果想知更多關於我當時既症狀, 可以睇跟住落黎既片呀! - By Michelle ;)
資料の送付ありがとうございました!🙏 頑張り続けてください!💪
Even tho I don’t understand... but thank you for leaving a comment 😂- By Mandy
意思係感謝你哋嘅分享資訊, 請繼續加油!💪😅
哈哈 多謝翻譯!也謝謝支持!:) - By Mandy
之前做crew去過New York LA好羨慕你地可以係美國生活🧡個邊生活應該冇甘大壓力同多時間享受生活d🤣
我的確都覺得美國生活比較自在,唔駛咁在乎其他人既眼光,因為冇人在乎其他人😂😂 - By Michelle ;)
呢樣真... 我返到香港搭地鐵有時會暈, 真係太多人. 係地鐵月台出樓梯行我都驚, 真係太多人了... -_-" - By Michelle ;)
福利方面每個州都唔一樣嘅、你係指邊一種福利?- by Mandy
@@MMTBs 如找不到工作,失業金福利吧
有呀、如果你方便留個Email 俾我地,我發俾你呀 :) - by mandy
My daughter was two years younger than Michelle immigration New York but it's so similar situation. she always complains she wants to go back to HK.
Hahaha how many years did you guys immigrated already? I hope she getting used to it now... it’s definitely not easy to put friends and life behind. - By Mandy
@@MMTBs Thank you for your concern. We immigrated almost as same as you guys. She's good now.😊😊
@@erichui1328 Feel free to introduce your daughter to us, if she wants to meet two other Cantonese speaking friends 🥰🥰 - By Michelle ;)
哈哈 謝謝誇讚😛- By Mandy
謝謝 :) - By Mandy
學費取決於你讀咩學校,公立平啲,私立貴啲就必然。你打算讀返機械工程?有美國籍就會平啲既,但碩士冇政府資助,獎學金就睇個人申請。基本上半職讀碩士係好難有獎學金的,因為有太多requirement. - by Michelle ;)
It all depends on where you get your first degree and how well you did. if you graduated from HKU or better yet, University of Science and Technology, did you participate in undergraduate research. When you applied to graduate school, top schools usually focused on student with potential to continue in research. When you get accepted, it is common to get RA (research assistant) or TA (teaching assistant) opportunities. The stipend they offer usually covers tuition and living expenses. I went to UC Berkeley for undergrad (BSEE) and attended UCLA for graduate school all for free. BTW, UC Berkeley and U of Michigan would be good choices for mechanical engineering.
US citizenship implies you are resident of a State. State residence do not pay out of state fee for public school in their State, but for private universities like Stanford, all student pay the same. If you are residence of NY and get accepted to UC Berkeley, you still have to pay out of state fee because you are not resident of California. In 2004 when my kids attended Berkeley as out of state student, tuition was $34000 plus $21000 out of state fee.
請問二位靚女,我已退休,住曼克頓,有GED, 想完大學夢,想讀part time associate degree,是否免費?怎樣申請?
Hello, 你可以睇睇financial aid 可唔可以申請 :)
@@MMTBs 收到。唔該曬兩位。
又陰又陽果位Michelle 好返未❓😆
哈哈 好翻了!- By Mandy
Was Mandy born in China? 香港幼稚園已教 ABC
多謝你收看!:) - by mandy
@@MMTBs I look forward to your video every Friday
Thank you soooooo much for always supporting and following ^^ ❤️ Mandy
幾時會搞個估吓mandy 細個係來自邊度的有獎競猜遊戲? mandy 話你細個冇學英文...咁應該唔係香港, 但又唔係廣州嘅音...之前嘅片又覺得你係來自馬來西亞 但e 家又覺得唔係...好難估
哈哈!哈哈!到我地10K 訂閱嘅時候做個Q&A! 到時一定話你知!😛- By Mandy
@@OMGMG 哩個要等mandy 話10k 訂閱先開估...😂
@@MMTBs e 家都未夠5k
哈哈 多謝你睇!辛苦了 😂- By Mandy
"New Yerk", interesting.
Thank you :) - By Mandy
I come from hk for 30 years,now I already retired
How did you like NY then? - By Michelle ;)
其實NY算方便了,如果住其他州真係超鄉下,賣個菜都要開好遠路... 好掛住香港嘅所有野😩😩😩- By Mandy
係幾方便嘅、咩科嘅醫生都有、不過就算冇、醫院都會安排翻譯 - by mandy
@@MMTBs 打個電話就搞掂.有國粵語選擇。
@@bingtang2588 係 都真係好方便 - by Michelle ;)
你哋在 queens 居住
係呀! 你都係?:) - by mandy
Hello, 請問香港人在紐約聚居在哪裡?
我覺得都有喎,不過可能唐人街布碌侖多啲廣東話既人?- By Michelle ;)
@@gooddaylam 我都覺香港人少黎美國,黎左都多去西岸 🤔 - By Michelle ;)
港人就算移民東岸 ,多數會揀多倫多, 唔揀紐約 ,真奇怪。
@@gooddaylam 可能紐約貴😂 - By Michelle ;)
以前家窮,讀大學唔洗錢,好幸福. 到出嚟做野先知每年俾稅還翻晒有突😂 #政府嘅長線投資
😂😂😂 我明呀!細個我都覺得美國政府咁好既,咩都包⋯⋯ 大個先發現 原來羊毛出在羊身上 - by Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 我都係喺紐約Brooklyn, 真係收入同支出唔成正比😂
平時扣稅都麻木曬,但4月tax return 再嘔既話,真係會喊🥹 - by Michelle ;)
加拿大的税率與美國差不多,故福利不遑多讓,有很好的醫療制度,而且我們有RRSP,可以用來defer 每年的入息税作未來退休後無收入之用,故很贊成年青人可考慮移民來加拿大。
我都想移民去加拿大~ 加拿大福利比美國還要好!- By Michelle ;)
你覺得RRSP和醫療制度,是加拿大比美國優勝的兩大重點? 其他方面還有比美國更好的,有嗎?
@@ellene.8558 兩個國家的消費衣食住行方面不相伯仲,居住環境要視乎在那一個城市居住,但個人覺得加拿大比較接納多元文化種族。
完全認同Mui 嚟咗U.S學得最好嘅反而係國語 lol
哈哈哈哈 係 我依家講到一腔流利的台灣腔~ 😂😂 - By Michelle ;)
真係威 我都起碼呢家唔係港式國語既學到😂😂
@@AMCHANNEL94 你欠一個台灣的另一半。😂😂😂😂😂😂 - By Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 邊有你甘多選擇阿😂😂😂
@@AMCHANNEL94 係你多選擇先會錯過左台灣選手 😏😏 - By Michelle ;)
想問下Michelle 當初無上到ESL 會唔會覺得學習上會跟得比較吃力or蝕底左?
擔心緊囡囡如果唔駛上ESL 會跟得吃力🙈
我又覺得唔會既 唔駛上都係一件好事黎嫁。不過,可能上堂時會冇咩講中文既同學仔,會有少少孤單?哈哈 - by Michelle ;)
E到其實都有好多社區中心有免費嘅課程咖! ;) - By Mandy
👋 過來紐約咁多年,我唔會考慮返香港長住,將來退休或者會返去,或者間唔中返去玩下就OK,紐約搵錢容易好多,假期又多,返工時間又短,壓力又少,環境又好,機會亦多,根本唔可以同香港相提並論。
我都覺得香港生活幾辛苦,好大壓力。不過對香港始終有種家的感覺~ - By Michelle ;)
@@AndyHK 你有冇住過喺美國架?
@@OMGMG 住果時你都未出世呀
講個笑話: 美國搵錢易過香港🤣!?
Nice and thanks for sharing again! Yes, racist and racial prejudice always exist in the western world no matter how "advanced or developed" they are and this will never go away. Wishing you well, take good care :)
I believe not only western world... but hopefully it will change someday... - By Mandy
@@MMTBs yes, ur right, there are other countries practise the same too due to political reasons (not racial) and we can only hope and pray for the best!
@@edchung5273 To be honest Ed, I feel like “racist problem” is more than just western world or eastern, or just political or radical. It’s more about “thinking the others are different than ourselves”, it’s the problems of “not embracing the difference” and “stereotyping” one person based on his/her color of skin. Such stereotype is very hard to eliminate, regardless in Hong Kong or in New York, for Asians or other racists. It’s sad, but true. - By Michelle ;)
Agree! In a country of mixed nations, it is challenging to accept the differences from skins to customs.
Yes Appleash (not sure if this is your name lol). It's stereotype. I am sure the minorities in Hong Kong also feel the same. The different thing is now Hong Kongers are minorities in the US. - By Michelle ;)
我也想念馬來西亞!美食之城!:) - By Mandy
移民之路都走得不簡單 加油
對啊~不過這個也是人生中的磨練 :) - By Mandy
I appreciate their view but it only represents "a view". I want to emphasis new immigrants should not focus so much on welfare and benefits, you need to earn your share but not taking a free ride on other hardworking Americans. What the two young ladies talked about is typical for Chinese living in primary Asian concentrated areas; no one wants to pay their tax but definitely want to get every dollar of benefits. i called this very limited view as means to survive but you really missed the bigger opportunity to become a more impactful individual. I hope other immigrants will share their stories of how they rise up to be top scientists, engineers, professionals like doctors and lawyers. In my little world, I see success stories like this every day. I used to tell my children a joke, your goal is to pay a million dollar in tax.
Thank you Clement for sharing your thoughts too! I appreciate it very much. Tbh, I grew up with my typical Chinese immigrant family who didn’t understand/appreciate the US tax system. It could be a cultural blind spot for immigrants. My family was even willing to get lower pay so they could be eligible for the Medicaid.
As I grew up, I understood and appreciated the benefits of the US tax system and to my POV, basically that was how US could sustain its society, security, and even economy.
I also agree that we or any new immigrants should not AIM to be a free rider. Some elderly are just too weak to contribute to the system - the social welfare benefits could be a relief for their hardworking families. - by Michelle ;)
青菜蘿蔔 各有所好姐朋友仔~ 冷靜啲😃 - By Michelle ;)
YT、yahoo、fb、Tele...另類大紀元!好多洗腦post!呢d post 全部后面有人俾錢!唔係收美刀就係收台幣!
其實邊到都有嘅☹️~ by mandy
Do you have a bno passport?