Hells Angels Funeral - Mark "Papa" Guardado Funeral Procession

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Boomshakalala1
    @Boomshakalala1 13 років тому +4

    Ahhh Papa..I wish I could have met you...I always here great things about you..a friend out there misses you.... Rest in Peace.....Gone to soon...

  • @leahbraun9707
    @leahbraun9707 7 років тому +7

    My prayers are with you Dominic for the loss of your father he was a good one I just thought I'd let you know I am praying for the whole family and friends

  • @leahbraun9707
    @leahbraun9707 7 років тому +3

    My prayers are with you Dominic for the loss of your father may he rest in peace

  • @BIKER81F
    @BIKER81F 14 років тому +5


  • @Jhihmoac
    @Jhihmoac 6 років тому +3

    ...Chapter members and regular riders from all over the world paid their respects at Papa's funeral...

  • @blisstickmystic
    @blisstickmystic 10 років тому +6

    I was living in dog patch then on the street with my dogs at Espirt. Peace Love and live on from Michigan

  • @juneoatrisscarlos3239
    @juneoatrisscarlos3239 3 роки тому +1

    Rest in pararadise mark papa i love hells angels solid fun from phillipines godbless hells angels ride far long live

  • @leahbraun9707
    @leahbraun9707 7 років тому +3

    My condolences to the bikers of Hell's Angels I respect the love that they have for their leader Papa rest in peace Papa

  • @vbchamp125
    @vbchamp125 10 років тому +6

    This is some respect don't care what they may have had fun doing....RESPECT

    • @Outdoorcookwarereviews
      @Outdoorcookwarereviews 5 років тому

      Lol you respect losers who sell meth to kids ..idiot

    • @sarabeth9610
      @sarabeth9610 2 роки тому +1

      Hey to let’s others know I was papa girlfriend befor he died in September 2nd and I knew the person who kill him on the spot he not with us any more

  • @joegampa8540
    @joegampa8540 5 років тому +4

    Beautiful sight. No better way to send away a fallen brother. Ride free

  • @michaelriches605
    @michaelriches605 3 роки тому +1

    Support like that is America! I don't know about the practices of hell's angels but the support for a brother is commendable.

  • @erinparker4346
    @erinparker4346 9 років тому +2

    You will be missed.

  • @metalmoto
    @metalmoto 11 років тому +2

    Showing their respect for the deceased. May God Bless him. He was well liked, I could only hope to have such a large procession at my funeral. May you Rest In Peace Sir.

    • @Outdoorcookwarereviews
      @Outdoorcookwarereviews 5 років тому +1

      metalmoto I don'nt think God will bless someone who supported supplying meth to kids ???are you stupid!!?? have you seen the destruction the drugs these slithering cowards sell to communities??? IDIOT!!@IDIOT

    • @robertrichardson9953
      @robertrichardson9953 5 років тому +1

      @@Outdoorcookwarereviews you've proven to be the idiot

  • @horrormetaldoll
    @horrormetaldoll 4 роки тому +2

    All love and respect for all biker clubs and the members....rest well brother

  • @GrungerLuke
    @GrungerLuke 13 років тому +4

    R.I.P PaPa, Angels dont die, they meet again in hell
    Support 81 Kent, England

    • @JohnStaub-o1c
      @JohnStaub-o1c 7 місяців тому

      UNLESS "Hell'' throws YOU OUT....for AVENGING "Unknown Persons , showing photos of Themselves, bragging! Like trailer park mgr.s/liquor store overner, misspending Our TAX MONEY, on lying Statements. PASS THIS "Dudes Fate Out-There"!!! One kicked-out, He' Still Researching "The ILLUSION"!!! As he warned 'Sonny', in 2018 & ALL, on the Chief's Site!! IF, they ever get CHANCE.......Well THEY Did in 2019-On, more Coming??? Stay-HIP!!! CJ, Cleve./Akron..Microwave Illness...

  • @michaelpapps8266
    @michaelpapps8266 11 років тому +1

    That was the best respect ever tnat I have seen towarda a brother thats called loyalty your brother will be sadly misded but in spirt will live on forever with respect.

  • @rocknrollrod5
    @rocknrollrod5 7 років тому +1

    Lo, There do I see my Father
    Lo, There do I see my Mother and
    My Brothers and my Sisters
    Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
    Lo, They do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
    Where thine enemies have been vanquished
    Where the brave shall live Forever
    Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death. Honored like a KING in life

  • @blacksmith44
    @blacksmith44 3 роки тому +2

    It's nice to see the "Real McCoy's" showing their respect to one of their own...

  • @claymox40
    @claymox40 3 роки тому +2

    ML&R Papa..🙏🙏🙏 ❤️

  • @fuji4202
    @fuji4202 3 роки тому +2

    This is Brotherhood . Respect HA . RIP .

  • @MamaJill
    @MamaJill 8 років тому +5

    Eyes Fall with Great Respects MLLH

  • @nynyeknan04
    @nynyeknan04 11 років тому +1

    Respect,,love the bikes,,the sound ,,the true spirit and honor.

  • @r0gerritter634
    @r0gerritter634 4 роки тому +2

    look at all the love.

  • @WhoTheHellisKeith
    @WhoTheHellisKeith 16 років тому +1

    good job on getting the whole thing!

  • @purebostonian100proud9
    @purebostonian100proud9 2 роки тому +1

    What a show of respect & power!!!

  • @Havaseet2
    @Havaseet2 10 років тому +9

    Bike in front was wearing tee shirt that read:

  • @johnking4360
    @johnking4360 6 років тому +6

    Was there for the funeral. R.I.P.

  • @PeromInternational
    @PeromInternational 16 років тому

    Deakon I am sorry to learn of this tragedy, Mark was at the Willie Nelson show in 2002 when I met Kathleen and he Jerry Rathbone and I hung out in the poster room at The Fillmore!
    I will miss him and Jerry!!
    Please come out for a visit next yeat for the Waylon tribute show in June!

  • @Bugaboos4u
    @Bugaboos4u 11 років тому +3

    RESPECT. Miss ya Papa

    • @sarabeth9610
      @sarabeth9610 2 роки тому

      Hey how did you know my boyfriend from that time

  • @AngPatGV
    @AngPatGV 12 років тому +2

    Amen to that Brother!

  • @errittsmith4536
    @errittsmith4536 5 років тому +3

    This is one heck true ride to show respect for a fallen angel I think it would have been cool to have his casket in a motorcycle hearse

  • @guillaumerobichaud9848
    @guillaumerobichaud9848 7 років тому +10

    I have alot of respects for the hells angels. Rest in peace "Papa"

  • @WilliamSmith-vl6lp
    @WilliamSmith-vl6lp 7 років тому

    feel the power support local 81 red and white Bridgeport CT rip to all who served and is still fighting for me and a certain others

  • @leowashington8991
    @leowashington8991 Рік тому

    Totally Remember that, That's Few Blocks Away from my House
    You can Hear the Motorcycles Rumbling, there's Thousands of them Rolling Deep

  • @bikepeddlar6
    @bikepeddlar6 14 років тому +1

    RIP papa. Hells angels forever

    • @sarabeth9610
      @sarabeth9610 2 роки тому +1

      Hey Bikepddlar how are you doing hope I can talk to you over the phone if your alive still

  • @Majikninjazz
    @Majikninjazz 10 років тому +8

    Not all of them where hells angles some where but some where non patched riders there to show respect to a Fallon angle

  • @mk510ba
    @mk510ba 15 років тому +2

    I'm not a keyboard warrior but I must admit I do like to watch these motorcycle videos and sit in my room and pretend I'm riding with them on my invisible bike and turn the throttle and rev the engine and stuff :P

  • @angelrockmoron
    @angelrockmoron 12 років тому +1

    Viva los hells Angels Desde Argentina

  • @backyardsounds
    @backyardsounds 9 років тому +3

    I see a lot of Frisco styled choppers in there but quite a few out of town visitors as well.

    • @mikebrabant4170
      @mikebrabant4170 4 роки тому

      Funerals are a mandatory attendance for all patched members within about 500 miles usually. SYL81

  • @DonBeppo
    @DonBeppo 14 років тому

    @hugobear1 Yes, lots of young people ride here. The perception is that most of them ride sportbikes but that is not the case. Harley is the US market leader in all bikes sold to men and women between 18 and 34 years old.

  • @birdman4L
    @birdman4L 13 років тому +6

    It's funny seeing all these keyboard gangsters runni their mouth on the hells angels when they damn well kno they wouldn't even think bout saying none of that to their face. Rip

  • @joeriley3721
    @joeriley3721 4 роки тому +2

    My funeral was nothing like that! I still have 7 lives left.

  • @SnakeNunez
    @SnakeNunez 16 років тому

    That's not just any one person, that is the president of Chapter.

  • @2GuysBlowingStuffUp
    @2GuysBlowingStuffUp 11 років тому +2

    Respect ride on my brothers.

  • @Halusinati
    @Halusinati 15 років тому

    If you'd read the info of the video, "Here is the entire procession for the slain President of the SF Chapter of The Hells Angels "

  • @hugobear1
    @hugobear1 13 років тому

    @misthebike That's the point...they are very expensive in the UK. £15k for bike , stage 2 £3.5k and it keeps going

  • @adriansutton641
    @adriansutton641 8 років тому +7

    over 100 road glides. nice

  • @edmazz3018
    @edmazz3018 3 роки тому

    these guys are still killing each other in this day and age .

  • @freedom4life322
    @freedom4life322 11 років тому +3


  • @h4rleyhog
    @h4rleyhog 15 років тому

    -CrudeDude, Man, you love Harley Vids, I have noticed your posts on a LOT of them! Can somebody get this boy a Harley !! LOL :)

  • @drtydawg73
    @drtydawg73 13 років тому

    @TheGrandCapt it doesnt matter waht bike you ride being in the hells angels is all about the spirit.

  • @sarabeth9610
    @sarabeth9610 2 роки тому

    Chris thank you for posting this for me I was his girlfriend at the time he died I did not get to go I stay behind at the club house in the area

  • @zuneluvr
    @zuneluvr 12 років тому

    From this angle, you wouldn't really see the patches but you can see many Death heads on the left side of their vests.

  • @kurbz31
    @kurbz31 10 років тому +4

    i lost count at around 200, less than 3 minutes in, holly shit.

  • @hcaliforniagirl
    @hcaliforniagirl 12 років тому

    Man it just goes on and on.......how many people attended?

  • @hollowpoint45acp
    @hollowpoint45acp 13 років тому +4

    What's a dead hell's angel? A good start.

  • @MrDirtySouthCantina
    @MrDirtySouthCantina 13 років тому +2


  • @misterzafaralam
    @misterzafaralam 15 років тому +1

    RIP PAPA u r the best in the west

  • @ranzt242
    @ranzt242 8 років тому +5

    i have Seen the toughest gang in the world they are known as alot of names such as TYPERS. But the name that stands out is KEYBOARD WARRIORS

  • @bindig1
    @bindig1 3 роки тому

    Huge procession. What the heck was at 6:58?

  • @hugobear1
    @hugobear1 14 років тому

    @DonBeppo Do young people ride in AMerica? Here in England at our meets (H.O.G) there's no-one under 40 (well, almost no-one) and when I go to rallies where you get the 1%er clubs they seem to average in their late 50s at least! I started riding Harleys at 18 in 1982, I own 3 and am still one of the younger riders!!! whatever happened?

  • @jr4francis
    @jr4francis 13 років тому

    Now thats a brotherhood!!!!!!!WAY TO GO HELLS ANGELS...

  • @DonBeppo
    @DonBeppo 13 років тому

    @krysler6976 Sonny Barger himself said he'd wished they'd have rieen Hondas or something else. He also rides (or rode) a Honda ST1100. This was directly out of his mouth during an interview from his shop in Arizona several years ago.

  • @soldierray153
    @soldierray153 5 років тому +3

    I think it’s amazing to see this respect from bikers all around

  • @johnsalvatore5595
    @johnsalvatore5595 5 років тому

    Much love for there brothers

  • @justfun-vh8bt
    @justfun-vh8bt 4 роки тому +1

    Damn they looked pissed off. You kno they looking for revenge on the side.

  • @tonycameronfletcher
    @tonycameronfletcher 14 років тому +1

    nothing like brothers coming together for a fallen

    • @sarabeth9610
      @sarabeth9610 2 роки тому

      Hey I know the man that died and I was his last girlfriend I go by Sara Beth on here but not in real life if you know what I mean some of you may think I have died but nope I talk to my brothers with my brother John on the phone a week ago to hear my voice again to show I am ok but not ok for loosing a member and a lover it is hard to grow and move I. But I never stop loving him he gave me what I ask for and I did the same for him and the boys I still have the scar from my ex boyfriend that went to attack papa frisco and I am more likely to go after the mongols my self

    • @sarabeth9610
      @sarabeth9610 2 роки тому

      I know the local president and I will do what I can to stop

  • @GeorgeVreelandHill
    @GeorgeVreelandHill 12 років тому

    Always together.
    In life and death.
    George Vreeland Hill

  • @qortin
    @qortin 12 років тому +1


  • @willycrox
    @willycrox 12 років тому

    yeah ur right but what i dont understand is i know a couple guys in there and none of them have harleys they all have "custom motorcycles" with harley frames, they look like fxr's, that is the way it is registered in the state of california

  • @jennysweeth
    @jennysweeth 11 років тому +4

    Awesome love all those bikes, in respect 81 supporter L&R

  • @janicefrye3547
    @janicefrye3547 3 роки тому

    Love ❤️ this Ride ❤️❤️awesome job ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @StevieG454
    @StevieG454 11 років тому +1

    Damn they were rollin deep!

  • @DonBeppo
    @DonBeppo 14 років тому

    @BcWeSaidSoTV "they angles"? WTF does that mean? What kind of "angles"? Tri-angles? Please, yer killin' me here!

  • @FlashGordon1027
    @FlashGordon1027 12 років тому

    the spirit lives FOREVER

  • @trinaroy1707
    @trinaroy1707 12 років тому

    very sorry for there lost brother i know he will be missed alot

    • @Outdoorcookwarereviews
      @Outdoorcookwarereviews 5 років тому

      trina roy yes they'll have to sell extra crack to kids to cover his loss...IDIOT!!

  • @bulldogmack
    @bulldogmack 9 років тому +1

    I saw a couple sport bikes they really accept that kind of bikes??

    • @jarotputra486
      @jarotputra486 8 років тому

      They need to have at least 1harley davidson and they can have any other motorcycle with 600cc++

  • @knk4ever83
    @knk4ever83 8 років тому +3

    The final ride. .

    • @knk4ever83
      @knk4ever83 3 роки тому

      Blade Grinder...Please show me where I said they are going away? I never said that...

  • @mikehunt010
    @mikehunt010 11 років тому +1

    Respect,just a shame that they let non-Harleys ride alongside with them

    @MAUSOLEOS 13 років тому


  • @dundeeboi87
    @dundeeboi87 14 років тому

    wooow all i can say R.I.P didnt know you bout you have one lot of a family how many chapters were there?

    @XXUNDERCROSSXX 13 років тому

    @sweet21whisper i just enjoy looking at all the differant bikes

  • @soldierray153
    @soldierray153 5 років тому

    Some may have been bad people but even bad people have respect and standards

  • @CountryGirlsShakeIt
    @CountryGirlsShakeIt 12 років тому

    I am not 100% sure, but he may be a prospect, which is probably why he's walking.

  • @Draks1507
    @Draks1507 11 років тому +1

    "Where is my fuckin' bike?, i'm fuckin' shure it's round here.. "

  • @ChandoisGainesjr-fn9vr
    @ChandoisGainesjr-fn9vr Рік тому +1

    Rip papa Frisco! 🌉⚡⚡👹😇

  • @boils2
    @boils2 15 років тому +1

    the only good angel is a dead one: usually these gangsters die from a drug or alcohol overdose or a related heart attack. WHAT IS THE BAD NEWS

  • @voodoohendrix5589
    @voodoohendrix5589 8 років тому +4

    1.) Hells Angles
    2.) Outlaws
    3.) Pagans
    Every other club is second rate.

    • @ben21598
      @ben21598 8 років тому

      Voodoo Hendrix pagans... Half the 1%ers haven't even heard of pagans.. Us Angels first.. Bandidos and outlaws second, and pagans and Mongols third, fuck anyone who isn't or doesn't support us Angels anyway :)

    • @voodoohendrix5589
      @voodoohendrix5589 8 років тому

      ben21598 Mongols have had more raids, cops and rats then any other club.

    • @voodoohendrix5589
      @voodoohendrix5589 8 років тому

      ben21598 Mongols, have the most snitches and cops in the club. They've been raided by the feds more then any other club. Not a hard bunch of guys to crack. They'll all snitch.

    • @ben21598
      @ben21598 8 років тому

      Voodoo Hendrix the outlaws also have a lot of snitches, my town is an Angel town. The town next door is outlaw bitches, maybe not as much as the Mongirls but Mongols let media in, to show the world their daily lives and their patching in ceremony's lmao. Fools they all are.
      Support Your Local 81!

    • @boristheblade2586
      @boristheblade2586 6 років тому

      Oh yeah

  • @dan6p
    @dan6p 12 років тому

    Respect from Scotland

  • @MaidenUtah1
    @MaidenUtah1 13 років тому +1

    Man, when I die, I hope my funeral is at least half as cool as this \../,

  • @YaowBucketHEAD
    @YaowBucketHEAD 13 років тому

    @TheGrandCapt If you are asking questions like that, don't bother.

  • @Ynotnow9900
    @Ynotnow9900 11 років тому +1

    I feel like anyone can be a hells angel pretty much now

  • @DonBeppo
    @DonBeppo 14 років тому

    @TerribleTimes I think you may be misunderstanding me. Not saying there are no crooked cops, I've put a couple away myself. What I AM saying is that I know of no outlaw m/c gang which would openly and willingly allow a working, sworn law enforcement officer to become even a hang around muchless a fully patched member.

  • @billflynn4602
    @billflynn4602 6 років тому

    Nice shooting Jesse

  • @sweet21whisper
    @sweet21whisper 13 років тому

    it's really sad to know there are so many haters on here. Hells Angels have alot of respect & most have excellent careers.......too bad some of the visitors on this page were not raised with class & respect! It shows in your typing Etiquette. The wonderful thing about the internet is being anonymous...lol.....there are many cowards as the one you see on this page. As for me Im a highly respected law obiding woman in my community & wish there was less violence and more love.

  • @TheSymptomRAM
    @TheSymptomRAM 12 років тому

    mad respect

  • @ronaldlsmith1
    @ronaldlsmith1 12 років тому

    naw bro im a ddmc an in the outlaw world you must! ride a harley after you become a full okay do you know what ddmc stands for you can reply back if you feel

  • @harleynut45
    @harleynut45 13 років тому

    Hmmm...I have been a Hells Angels nut since I was about 10 yrs old...I am 48 now and never envisioned their scoots lookin like this...crouch rockets?...wow...so many baggers?...love there was so many bikes and ppl for a brother though

  • @carolstevens1429
    @carolstevens1429 9 років тому +19

    It would be funny as hell if one of these internet tough guys who like to talk shit about Hells Angels and other 1% clubs were typing away out in public on their lap top about how how gay 1%ers and how they would kick their asses and there was one looking over his shoulder reading what he was writing.
    I wish I could be there with my video camera.

  • @Rzrsedge
    @Rzrsedge 13 років тому

    R.I.P. PAPA. AFFA 81 AFFA.