Kakà e proprio sola per parecchie ore del giorno meglio se rimane in questa zona pulita......piuttosto che in mezzo la foresta dove ci sono serpenti!😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤
Kaka hatte Anschluss an andere Affen !Warum hat man sie da herausgerissen ?Ihr Leben wäre leichter in Gesellschaft ihrer Artgenossen!Dann ständig die Besuche und der Trennungsschmerz!Glaubt ihr wirklich daßKaka zurück zu Familie kommt!Lasst Kaka endlich in Ruhe!
Боже мой Какой ужас Бедная Кака Худющая , глаза впалые , голодная И это называется на адаптации ???? Ужас ужас ужас
15 днів тому+5
Co se stalo? Prosím napište M3 co je s Kakou,mám o ní strach
15 днів тому+4
S adaptací to nemá nic společnýho.Čeho s tím chtějí dosáhnout?Ať jí někdo pomůže dostat z toho místa.Zohle přece není možný,aby byla bez jídla,byla zvyklá dodtávat jįdlo, byla v čistotě,v3dėla,že ji majíràdi,byla v bezpečí
I agree. This horrible situation with Kaka has to come to a head. The Vietnamese government is not giving in allowing Kaka to come back home. There has to be some way around this political tug of war.
My beautiful darling, you are such a sweet creature that when I see you, my day is instantly brighter. You are my beautiful monkey who can bring people together. You deserve much more than this. I would really like to see you in person and hug you. Even though you are an animal, you have something in you that I can't even describe in words, Kaka.
Kaka dušo moja Baš je teško gledati te jer si sama i ne znaš šta da radiš Tako si tužna dušo moja Da li je tata snima Zašto je ne pomažite Ona se uželela pažnje i ljubavi Kaka princezo moja puno te volim 🐒🙊❤️❤️😭😭
Que triste después de tener una familia maravillosa que la tenía en su casa,es triste😢verla abandonada en ese lugar😢porfavor ya no quiero sufrir mirarla triste
Sweetest little girl, so full of love. We blame their government, it was DAD who broke the law. He's the one to blame. They used Kaka as their money maker, in the end it was Kaka that was hurt. Has the mom ever paid Kaka a visit ? Why does Dad not take her food or fruit ? Let Kaka live her life as a monkey !!! They've done enough damage to her
Прекратите издеваться над животным. Хозяева забирайте его домой.никому он там не нужен. А, вам надо дома за обнзьянкой ухаживать. Это,не легко. Вы,быстро на замену купили собаку. Думали ,будете на ней зарабатывать деньги. Но,никому не интересна ваша собака, Заработки ваши стали в упадке. И ,вы вернулись к обезьянке. Вы,знали,где она находится..и снова стали на ней зарабатывать.. Только в другом сюжете. А ,ваши поклонники ,верят вам. Плачут,рыдают.. А, заработок вам идет. Ведь,вы нигде не работаете.. А ,зарабатываете блогером,на животным.
Бедняжечка, скиталица,как жалко нашу любимую девочку Каканечку,просто слов нет, чтобы передать словами свои чувства, на этом берегу даже кузнечиков нет,так как вся растительность выгорела от жары,чем она питается непонятно, ножки свои исколола,бегая по колючей траве.А так называемому папе всё по барабану,лежит себе на гамаке, улыбается, ни жалости ,ни сострадания,ни чувства вины в его глазах нет,а ведь по его вине Кака оказалась здесь.😢😢😢😢
И что вы приципились к этим сьемкам? Он снимает видео еще и потому, что этого хотят подписчики. Пока ему разрешают снимать видео хотя бы все могут видеть Каку. Что толку осуждать? Вот если бы кто помог делом ему вернуть Каку. Поздно уже прописывать Каку в лес. Надо вытаскивать ее с этого острова.
@@helenkabyshina4419 так и я о том же, уже стало понятно,что Кака никогда не приживётся в джунглях,да я с самого начала понимала, что так и будет ,но главное то,что нужно что -то предпринимать,а Нгок не чешется,его данная ситуация вполне устраивает.
Да правда говорят что самое жестокое это человек,жиаотное отдает всю свою любовь любовь,добрату а человек стал хужи животного,терпения тебе какуличка как тебя жалко ,,за что тебе такая судьба,,ты некому не принесла вреда крепись милая
Неужели в такой большой стране не найдется семьи, которая сможет получить разрешение и спасти Каку от гибели в этой ссылке, семья не может или не хочет бороться за ее жизнь
Kaka my little princess, so sad life they have given her 😢😢😢, authority please be intelligent and be kind enough to return kaka for Diem family 😢😢monkey 🐒 🙈 🙊 ❤️ ❤️
vous voyez bien ,vous qui avez certainement de l'intelligence et un peu de coeur qu'elle a passé trop de temps avec sa famille humaine qui lui a apporté beaucou p ,pour pouvoir s'adapter vraiment à la vie naturelle ! elle est seule ! ne la laissez pas souffrir inutilement et laissez la revenir dans sa famille humaine ,avec peut être des accomodements alimentaires et une possibilité d"avoir un petit ! il y a de quoi faire et inventer !!! une femme agée de france qui s'st attachée à kaka et à la famille Ngoc ! j'en appelle à votre intelligence et à votre coeur !
So sad to see kaka like this. So alone n no proper food like she used to hav when she was with her family. Please, Vietnam govt, let kaka b back with her family. Tears ran down my cheek, seeing kaka like this. She must b wondering why her family left her there.
Ya no más, no me puedo permitir más ver a Kaká de esta forma😢😢😢 desde un lugar remoto te amoooooooooooooooooooo mi monita única y bella siempre estarás en mi ❤... odio a tus detractores con toda mi alma y a todos los que se dicen ser proteccionista de los animales.
Co przeżywam od kilku miesięcy straszną tragedię, to żyjąc majac 70 lat nie czegoś gorszego nie przeżyłam. Boze zlituj sie nad biedną kaka i nad wszystkimi, ktorzy z tego powodu bardzo, bardzo, bardzo cierpią.
Zły człowiek upaja się władzą. Może, krzywdzić , katować , traktować źle bez sensu., to tak robi. "I co mi zrobicie". Ja mam władze, ja mogę, a wy sobie płaczcie ,
Poor angel .. has to suffer loneliness coldness dirt and miserable life, by those who claim to be protectors of animals. May Heaven show mercy on you beautiful princess Kaka and return you home where you were happy, clean and never hungry
It is beyond evil what the authorities have done to Kaka and Mit!!! Kaka is soooooo smart!! She learned so much from her human interactions!! She was always curious and learning!! She was clean, protected, well fed and greatly loved!! She was also taken on many adventures and allowed to do monkey things all the time!! She was robbed of all that by pure evil!! She will never be truly wild!! God bless her and return her to her family!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@ she was separated from everything and everyone she loves. Now remains only her dad, the last man standing and they even tried to rob her from him as well! What a cruel useless organization that has no understanding whatsoever about animals and their needs!! Corrupt bureaucrats!! Bunch of haters in power
I totally agree with you!!!!! I've been writing about this every day for seven months!!!!! I'm still waiting for a miracle, because miracles do happen.👍👏🙏🫂❤️
sdh beberapa bln kaka jauh dr keluarga ngoc, tp tdk ada perubahan yg baik utk kaka di perlindungan hewan, semakin kurus dan kotor, perlindungan hewan Vietnam hanya inginkan kaka utk aset pemasukan wisata tanpa memikirkan kesejahteraan kaka di alamnya, memprihatinkan
Kaka is our princess i always feel sad watching kaka being alone and i know she feels sad to what had happened to her. She is not supposed to be there even she is domestic monkey but she used to be living with human families. I love you kaka you ought to be at home not there. ❤
Ka my darling we love u so much. Tears are never dry coz that shows u also fighting deep inside. Although dad has to fight more than us to keep his emotions under control. He hate it not too touch you this is all rules my love. Hold on dad will never abandoned u. People on this channel still try to hurt dad and u but love overcome all evil
Pan Nhoka jest okrutny ,bezwzględny człowiek , napawa się smutkiem małpy i nagrywa jej ciężki los . Najważniejsze jemu są pieniądze . Nie chcąc uczciwie pracować ,to jedzie do tego lasu ,poleżeć na hamaku i zobaczyć jak biedna Kaka się męczy .To on stworzył jej ten los , najpierw przyzwyczaił małpę do życia z ludźmi a później wyrzucił jak nie potrzebny przedmiot .Panie Nhoka ,nie oszukasz nas ,wiemy ,że nagrywasz te filmy dla utrzymania swojej rodziny kosztem tej małpy .Stop temu bezprawiu .
Familia Ngoc, porqué desea generar lastima, y lágrimas en los seguidores de Kaká? Que título del video..." Momentos tristes para que lloren" usted no sabe las edades de los seguidores, no cree que esto los puede crear enfermedades mentales? No le basta con el daño y el sufrimiento que le causa a Kaká, cuándo va a darle fin a ésta novela,ya sabe que ésta monita no vuelve a su hogar, que su presencia no deja progresar y seguir a una tropa a éste animalito,, porque es tan egoísta? Pero lo suyo es por el dinero sigue colgado del lomo de este animalito, busque otra distracción que le genere ingresos y no siga jugando con las emociones de éste animalito,usted solo desea llenar sus bolsillos,ha pensado en trabajar en este parque estatal?
Poor kaka is separated from her mother and used as a tool to make money, unable to return to nature😢 This is clearly animal abuse‼️ Kaka's life was ruined by a stupid man‼️
Kaká es un mono muy lindo. Nunca olvidaremos a Kaká cómo vivió Kaká durante unos años y fue bien atendido. Querido Kaká, estás en nuestros corazones. Te amaremos por siempre. Eres nuestra princesita.❤❤❤❤❤❤
No lo veo tan así, el desapego es lento, fíjese usted que kaka lo espera siempre, el amor entre ellos no se debe defraudar, esta bien pata mi lo que hace el padre ❤
Bez wyjątku wszyscy zgotowali dla niej taki los !!!!! To nie powinno mieć miejsca : biedna sama ,brudna i głodna . Czy obrońcy zwierząt tego nie widzą ! Ludzie- piszemy ,staramy się ,a tu nic się nie zmienia i nic się nie zmieni ,ponieważ to jakieś - tajemnicza sytuacja - nie wiem ,ale różne myśli przychodzą mi do głowy . Pozdrawiam ludzi o wielkim sercu i zdrowym rozsądkiem 🙋❤️🌲🙏🙊
Esa soledad de Kaka me entrustece el alma , acaso en vietnam no hay personas que ven este sufŕimiento , vueynamitas ustedes estan ahy en esecpais pidan todos para que kaka sea regresada a su casa , esto es un abuso es como un niño que separan de su familua y esta alejado de l8s suyos , por amor a dios ayuden a que kaka regrese con su padre
Мне кажется,что если даже господину Нгоку позволят вернуть Какк в семью,такого уже отношения,как было раньше,не будет. Кака выпонила свою роль,дада хороший заработок,а теперь она больше не очень нкжна,хотя на нец до сих пор зарабатывают. Человеческой жестокости нет предела. Тысячи людей плачут,видя все это,а господин Нгок по видимому спокойно спит
Kaka sayang ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ betapa aku sangat sedih ,Ya Tuhan pencipta semua makhluk berilah kasih sayang mu pada Kaka Lindungi dia dari kejahatan orang yang berniat jahat pada nya .
Poverina! Mi piange il cuore vedere Kakà ridotta così. Si vede che la foresta non fa' per lei. Non ho parole! Possibile che chi ha deciso questa cosa, non possa mettersi una mano sulla coscienza, 🙏 e permettere a Kakà di ritornare con la sua famiglia. Vorrei proprio vedere, se tutte le persone che hanno scimmiette ❤ in casa siano tutte in regola con i documenti.
Господин Нгок,тебе эти деньги,что ты зарабатываешь на Каканеке,не пойдут на пользу.Против тебя негативно настроены тысячи и тысячи людей,потому что ты не слышишь их,ты играешь на их чувствах и тебе плевать на их здоровье.Фу...слов нет😮😮😮
O que significa para todos esses seguidores bobos..... Kaká vai voltar? não.,..Esse scammer vai continuar ganhando às custas de Kaká e de seus seguidores bobos 😢
Il y a 2 manières de comprendre "illegal" ,d'une manière fixiste ,définitive ,et dans l'évolution ,dans l'histoire .or l'Histoire fourmille d'exemples où ce qui était considéré comme illégal est devenu légitime ,ne serait ce que par la reconsidération des situations ! c'est dans ce sens que j'envisage le cas de kaka ! comprendre 'illégal" s'envisage aussi dans cette grandeur de réflexion dialectique !
Opice není šťastná. Já bych doporučila to, aby opici Kaka ochránci dali do rezervace, nebo na území, kde se nachází větší množství opic. Opice jsou primáti, kteří potřebují svojí tlupu, svůj druh. Opice nemůže stále sama sedět na břehu jezera. Čas běží, opice stárne a bude problém, aby se začlenila mezi svůj druh. Zákaz návštěv rodiny a pana Ngoca. Nepřináší to opici nic dobrého. Když nemůže pan Ngoc pro opici nic udělat, ať jí nechá být a zvíře nezneužívá k výdělečným aktivitám. A diváci by to měli pochopit.
Que triste vida a tua KAKÁ meu amor. Sofro ao ver-te sofrer tanto. Todos , nós, fãs sofremos . Só com frio, fome, sede e sofrimento é triste kakazinha. INOCENTE
Kaka enamorate de un mono y se feliz ten tus hijos ya has tu vida de mono unete a tu manada y seras frliz no sola esperando un señor que no te hace bien a que te adaptes a tu vida silvestre y ser feliz como los otros monos ya hay que soltarla y unirla ala manada dejenla ser feliz por Dios el selor y los seguidores ua sabemos que esta bien kaka ya dejemosla ir soltemosla no mas videos por el amor de Dios 😢
И никто не может помочь или не хочет? Богатые влиятельные , добрые люди, помогите каке, отец не хочет больше за нее бороться, видно , что он стал чужим да и кака уже не так в него верит, помогите кто нибудь
Семья не хочет её обратно когда вы поймете это она уже взрослая обезьянка какашки мыть памперсы менять надоело им они взяли собачку к себе домой но хоть бы кто то выкупил её в семью власти тут ни причем её продали туда но он продолжает делать деньги на бедной какие.
No more affectionate moments no more hugging as at the beginning so why does Ngnoc come . .......to let fans see kaka ..and only to make money.. we feel sorry for her .....not nice at all ...I hope one day she will never come....
Draga moja Princezo Kaka, tvoja dobrota, tvoja ljepota, tvoje emotivni i blaženo ponašalje, tvoja Ljubav i tvoji osječaji su primjer za mnogo nas Ljudi a posebno za one koji su te doveli do otoga sad što prolaziš.! Kaka moja Princezo moja..svi oni koji su te doveli do toga sad u kakvim uvjetima živiš. Nek se srame njihove Ljudskosti jer ih i nemaju!. Kaka naša ti si spojila cijeli svijet..zato kao majmun si naučila poštovanje prema Ljudima i strpljenja , ljubav , radost ..pa ti si nama svima bila Lijek za srce i dušu! Zato molom Dragog Boga, da ti dadne i vrati život koji zaslužuješ a svi oni nek se srame što si pametnija i inteligetnija od mnogo njih! Bože oprosti im jer neznaju što Čine! Amen🙏🙏🙏👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kaka ❤😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢this torture is out of control 😫 😩 🙃 😪 oh God where are you. Please do something to bring out from hungr loneliness shelter less our loving princess kaka 😢😢😢😢😢
Kaka adalah sebuah anugrah dari Tuhan untuk para penggemar di seluruh dunia yg telah memberi pelajaran kepada kita tentang cinta sejati, walaupundia hanya seekor binatang tapi kepintaran dan kecerdasannya hampir sama dengan manusia, dia mengerti apa yg mesti dilakukannya, kasihan kaka sangat menderita hidup sendirian di hutan juga kelaparan, kembalikanlah kaka wahai pihak berwenang kepada keluarganya, kaka akan bahagia di sisa hidupnya😢😢
So sad to see Kaka like that, she was being cared and love by her family then, Now shes alone and no enough food to eat there. I hope someday they will return her to her poster family.
What a sad lonely life these people have given our precious ka ka please let her return home. You are not protecting her. You are making her I'll . It is heart breaking . You are also making her dad cry they should be together pleade 😢
Vietnam hükumeti lutfen bu maymun ile ugrasmayi birakin dunya genelinde yüz binlerce seveni olan bu canliya daha fazla aci cektirmeyin ve ailesine geri verin. Bu durumdaki amaciniz ne anlamakta güçlük çekiyoruz.
Hermosa y muy tierna Kaká ...Dios permite que el mono Kaká regrese a casa con su familia humana que la crío desde pequeña ....no es justo que siga viviendo en ese bosque alejada de quien la adoptó y cuido desde pequeña y a quien Kaká extraña su hogar ....Dios hablando el corazón de las autoridades de Vietnam para que permitan que el mono Kaká regrese junto al señor Ngoc y su familia .
Tão triste vê a Kaka, sozinha abandonada, suja e alimentação escassa. Ela era feliz na casa do Sr. Nhoc amada, bem cuidada e alimentada. Sempre alegre e brincalhona. Que destino cruel😢❤😢❤😢❤😢❤
Hermosa Kaka, eres un ángel! Espero en Dios te lleven con tu familia humana 💖 Dios te cuide y proteja 🙏🙏🙏 Sr. Nogc pida el permiso para recuperar a Kaka. Ella necesita estar en un lugar agradable con su familia 💖💖💖
Kaka to skóra i kości sami widzę liście jak tata jadł 😢i się 😂 a kaka nawet skórki nie dostała od chlebka bo nic nie zarobiła Jak ja nie cierpię takich ludzi a pracowalem Wietnamie Byli tacy co nic nie chcieli robic ale w dniu wypłaty pierwsi stali . Co im przyszło nic nie dostawali to za malpy się wzięli proszę sobie dopisać resztę.
Как вы правы! Я тоже возмущена тем,что Кака помогла заработать целое состояние ,и после этого Нгоку она стала не нужна А недалекие люди восхваляют его,
Tan sola en ese lugar no amigos que triste es ver estos videos que me hacen tanto llorar y sufrir de ver la inpotencia que n on han podido hacer kaka mit y puka papa Dios que pronto resulvan esta injusticia te lo rogamos😢😢❤
Please stop filming our dear KaKa grieving. I watched all the time Kaka was in your family. I’m not watch these videos on the island! What are you thinking?!
It is difficult to watch Kaka in this position, but I can't imagine how much harder it is for the family who has loved and raised her for the past three years to see the situation play out in real time. I'm not sure what you expect Ngoc to do, if it was within his power to bring her home he would have done so a long time ago, but it isn't possible. It is important for the viewers to understand that if it was simply a matter of moving, paying a fee, or even refraining from filming, the family would do it, but it is not that simple. If a license or document was available, they would get one, but there isn't. We should realize nearly all countries have rules/laws prohibiting their citizens from keeping animals from nature as pets, even if they are not invested in looking for those who do. It is common sense really. I live in the US, we're not allowed to keep animals from nature as pets here either and even though no one is actively looking for people who do so, the authorities will certainly act if they find out someone has one. Kaka and Mit are macaques, all five types of these monkeys are protected in the country and they are classified differently from other types of monkeys and it has been unlawful to keep them as pets for years. Ngoc told us that even though people do so, they are not allowed. In this case it was a viewer or rather several viewers who discovered the family's address that led to Kaka and Mit being confiscated. Those viewers reported the situation to the ENV and pressured them to act. Of course Ngoc and the fans worked very hard and did everything they could to secure an exception for both monkeys when they were taken away, but the government rejected their efforts and their pleas fell on deaf ears. This is the first YT family we have seen lose their pet monkey, but confiscations are not uncommon and the ENV frequently initiates the seizure of wildlife reported to be living as pets. It's important to understand that any of the others doing what this family was doing would lose their animals if anyone discovered enough information to complete a formal report. While it is possible to get a permit to keep monkeys in their country, permits are not available for macaques, douc langur, red-shanked douc, gray-shanked douc, and Delacour's langur and several other native species. Kaka and Mit are under the control of the state and were mandated to be released according to Vietnamese law. From the time Kaka was released Ngoc has told us honestly and sincerely that the situation is out of his hands and there is nothing more he can do to return them home. We need to realize that Vietnam is not a democracy and those who live there do not have the same rights and freedoms some others enjoy where they live. The freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to a healthy environment are severely restricted. There is NO process available for citizens there to oppose, protest or even litigate against Vietnamese law. If there was ANY way for Ngoc to bring Kaka home, Ngoc would have continued fighting for it indefinitely, but as it is, Ngoc can't even visit, film or provide the viewers with updates about Kaka without approval. What we are watching with Kaka is sad, but it is the reality for pet monkeys who are confiscated or surrendered. Vietnam does NOT follow the internationally accepted recommended guidelines and protocols for releasing monkeys who have lived as pets, instead they utilize a process called “quarantine,” “integrate” (getting the animals used to eating natural foods and drinking natural water) and “release.” If this same situation were to occur almost anywhere in the world, Kaka would never have been released in the way that she was here. Kaka has NOT integrated into the group of monkeys who live on the island and still spends her time in and around the public/dock area. Releasing a monkey that has lived as pets for as long as Kaka has is difficult, and the idea that simply taking an animal and releasing it will be successful does not align with what is known. Those with experience in such projects say that poorly thought out plans frequently result in animals being released back into nature, where they never adapt to unfamiliar or unsuitable environments. It is important to keep in mind that past reintroductions of monkeys like Kaka have shown high mortality rates and often result in PTSD, depression, and other psychological issues that were not present before the animal was released. There are MANY reasons why releasing monkeys like Kaka is NOT the preferred or recommended way to deal with situations like the one she is in. There is NO way to guarantee a positive outcome in a situation like kaka's, but to have even half a chance of success, releasers must carefully evaluate the background of each monkey and identify those who have lived with and like people too long to be a viable candidate for reintroduction. Monkeys who have lived the way Kaka did for as long as she did, should be reintroduced in readymade groups created during the rehabilitation process. Most pet monkeys have problems joining and may never integrate into existing groups. Standard recommendations and guidelines dictate that monkeys in Kaka's position should never be released without extensive, prolonged rehabilitation and should never be released in locations that will expose them to further contact with people. The ENV's own literature on the subject says that monkeys who have lived with people the way Kaka did are typically not suitable for release. The current internationally accepted guiding principle in situations like this one is that monkeys like Kaka are best served in a sanctuary setting. Kaka doesn't remember her life before she lived with Ngoc and the family, but some want to say, "If we just leave her alone, Kaka can and will transition," but that idea is not at all consistent with what is known. Without rehabilitation, Kaka will likely continue to seek out people, even if Ngoc stops visiting. The national park is a popular tourist destination and is frequented by people. Kaka is a friendly monkey, and previous releases under similar circumstances show that monkeys in her position will continue to associate people with food. Ngoc follows the rules and does not bring food to Kaka, but previous situations show that the public is less likely to follow the rules and are more willing to share snacks and lunch with friendly monkeys. We just saw a boatload of tourists feed and photograph Kaka in a video the other day. There is another national park in the country where the monkeys who live there have entirely stopped looking for food and are completely dependent on park visitors. A monkey in Kaka's position needs to be taught how to navigate in the natural world, but that requires much more time and resources than the country has. Kaka is intelligent and very attached to Ngoc, but Ngoc only visits once a week and Kaka is likely to be roaming and remaining in the public areas not only to see Ngoc but also to be fed and receive attention from visitors. Unfortunately the way Kaka was released and where she was released is a tremendous obstacle to her integration. The situation Kaka is in is hard to watch, it is a far cry from the cute videos of Kaka and Diem the fans enjoyed so much, but this is and will be Kaka's reality for the next 32 years or more. I have followed this channel from the beginning, I read the comments closely and there are many, many fans who would rather see Kaka as she is than not at all, but ultimately everyone must decide for themselves. All I know is that the situation is sad and will be sad regardless of whether we see it or not.
Kochana Kakuniu cały czas mam nadzieję że znajdzie się rodzina ludzka która zabierze cię do siebie i wynagrodzi co wszystkie twoje cierpienia które przeszłaś i które przechodzisz.Kochana Kakuniu życzę ci dużo zdrowia w tym nowym roku i ludzkiej rodziny.
Que crueldad tan grande Eso que se dicen protectores de animales de ese País, no tienen ni amor ni cariño ni respeto por los derechos de los animales Kaka merece estar en lo limpio donde tenga suficente comida y no pase frio si orando pirque Dios haga algo con su poder infinito para ayudar y proteger a esta inocente monta tan amorosa qué está siendo tratada como si ella hubiera cometido un crimen, todo el tiempo está sólita triste y sin suficiente comida
Si imutz kaka lucu pinter emesin cantik Sangat lembut penyayang baik hati smoga sehat cukup makan buah buahan sllalu dlm lindungan Tuhan The best kaka Tuhan memberkati
My humble request. If anyone can help kaka to take to their home like fostering. Pls do help. So heartbreaking to see kaka like this. I love you kaka. ❤❤❤
Not everyone is heartless and materialistic like you!! Her dad is suffering too!! Leave him alone!! All that’s in your mind is money!! Kaka was happy with him!!! She was happy with HIM !!!
Mi niña Kaká mi corazón está destrozado, desde el comienzo de esta injusta situación; dónde no ha podido haber una, una, una tan sólo una oportunidad para que tú familia pudiera recuperarte. Mucha mucha INJUSTICIA.
Mi querida kaka tan especial cuanto te extraño 😢❤❤
Todos nós sofremos com o sofrimento da KaKa 😢
Kakà e proprio sola per parecchie ore del giorno meglio se rimane in questa zona pulita......piuttosto che in mezzo la foresta dove ci sono serpenti!😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤
Kaka hatte Anschluss an andere Affen !Warum hat man sie da herausgerissen ?Ihr Leben wäre leichter in Gesellschaft ihrer Artgenossen!Dann ständig die Besuche und der Trennungsschmerz!Glaubt ihr wirklich daßKaka zurück zu Familie kommt!Lasst Kaka endlich in Ruhe!
So very true❤
Kaka is waiting for her father. The only happiness she has😢❤ Love you Kaka.
Kaka อยู่ในป่าด้วยความทุกข์ เขาเคยอยู่สอาด สุขสบายกับคน ดูตอนนี้เเศร้า เหงา ร่างกายก็คันทั้งตัว ไม่ได้อาบน้ำ
Kaka is not a "He", Kaka is a "She". You have no knowledge of it?
Que tamanha dor minha querida!!!
Missing Kaka's joyful side, this made me tear up 😢
Боже мой
Какой ужас
Бедная Кака
Худющая , глаза впалые , голодная
И это называется на адаптации ????
Ужас ужас ужас
Co se stalo? Prosím napište M3 co je s Kakou,mám o ní strach
S adaptací to nemá nic společnýho.Čeho s tím chtějí dosáhnout?Ať jí někdo pomůže dostat z toho místa.Zohle přece není možný,aby byla bez jídla,byla zvyklá dodtávat jįdlo, byla v čistotě,v3dėla,že ji majíràdi,byla v bezpečí
I agree. This horrible situation with Kaka has to come to a head. The Vietnamese government is not giving in allowing Kaka to come back home. There has to be some way around this political tug of war.
My beautiful darling, you are such a sweet creature that when I see you, my day is instantly brighter. You are my beautiful monkey who can bring people together. You deserve much more than this. I would really like to see you in person and hug you. Even though you are an animal, you have something in you that I can't even describe in words, Kaka.
She may not survive for long because she is missing the family and their love. It was unfortunate.
Kaka dušo moja Baš je teško gledati te jer si sama i ne znaš šta da radiš Tako si tužna dušo moja Da li je tata snima Zašto je ne pomažite Ona se uželela pažnje i ljubavi Kaka princezo moja puno te volim 🐒🙊❤️❤️😭😭
Dad is no longer allowed to take Kaka food or even touch or hug her by the evil authorities!!!
Non vi pare ora di lasciare in pace questa povera creatura invece di illuderla e continuare nel suo dolore a farci soldi ?❤❤❤
This beautiful little monkey 😊has no clue how many admires she has. She's like our pet away from home. God bless her.
So true😊❤
Que triste después de tener una familia maravillosa que la tenía en su casa,es triste😢verla abandonada en ese lugar😢porfavor ya no quiero sufrir mirarla triste
Sweetest little girl, so full of love. We blame their government, it was DAD who broke the law. He's the one to blame. They used Kaka as their money maker, in the end it was Kaka that was hurt. Has the mom ever paid Kaka a visit ? Why does Dad not take her food or fruit ? Let Kaka live her life as a monkey !!! They've done enough damage to her
Kaká meu amor ❤️
Sofro muito por você está neste local só.
Прекратите издеваться над животным.
Хозяева забирайте его домой.никому он там не нужен.
А, вам надо дома за обнзьянкой ухаживать.
Это,не легко.
Вы,быстро на замену купили собаку.
Думали ,будете на ней зарабатывать деньги.
Но,никому не интересна ваша собака,
Заработки ваши стали в упадке.
И ,вы вернулись к обезьянке.
Вы,знали,где она находится..и снова стали на ней зарабатывать..
Только в другом сюжете.
А ,ваши поклонники ,верят вам.
А, заработок вам идет.
Ведь,вы нигде не работаете..
А ,зарабатываете блогером,на животным.
Бедняжечка, скиталица,как жалко нашу любимую девочку Каканечку,просто слов нет, чтобы передать словами свои чувства, на этом берегу даже кузнечиков нет,так как вся растительность выгорела от жары,чем она питается непонятно, ножки свои исколола,бегая по колючей траве.А так называемому папе всё по барабану,лежит себе на гамаке, улыбается, ни жалости ,ни сострадания,ни чувства вины в его глазах нет,а ведь по его вине Кака оказалась здесь.😢😢😢😢
И что вы приципились к этим сьемкам? Он снимает видео еще и потому, что этого хотят подписчики. Пока ему разрешают снимать видео хотя бы все могут видеть Каку. Что толку осуждать? Вот если бы кто помог делом ему вернуть Каку. Поздно уже прописывать Каку в лес. Надо вытаскивать ее с этого острова.
@@helenkabyshina4419 так и я о том же, уже стало понятно,что Кака никогда не приживётся в джунглях,да я с самого начала понимала, что так и будет ,но главное то,что нужно что -то предпринимать,а Нгок не чешется,его данная ситуация вполне устраивает.
Poor thing the family got her to make money ....
Beautiful KAKA ❤❤
Да правда говорят что самое жестокое это человек,жиаотное отдает всю свою любовь любовь,добрату а человек стал хужи животного,терпения тебе какуличка как тебя жалко ,,за что тебе такая судьба,,ты некому не принесла вреда крепись милая
How can something so precious be in your life one moment and out the next? So sad😢
It's true!!!!These are unpredictable situations!!!!👍👏🙏🫂❤️
Неужели в такой большой стране не найдется семьи, которая сможет получить разрешение и спасти Каку от гибели в этой ссылке, семья не может или не хочет бороться за ее жизнь
Kaka my little princess, so sad life they have given her 😢😢😢, authority please be intelligent and be kind enough to return kaka for Diem family 😢😢monkey 🐒 🙈 🙊 ❤️ ❤️
vous voyez bien ,vous qui avez certainement de l'intelligence et un peu de coeur qu'elle a passé trop de temps avec sa famille humaine qui lui a apporté beaucou p ,pour pouvoir s'adapter vraiment à la vie naturelle ! elle est seule ! ne la laissez pas souffrir inutilement et laissez la revenir dans sa famille humaine ,avec peut être des accomodements alimentaires et une possibilité d"avoir un petit ! il y a de quoi faire et inventer !!! une femme agée de france qui s'st attachée à kaka et à la famille Ngoc ! j'en appelle à votre intelligence et à votre coeur !
What don’t you understand about the word ILLEGAL?
So sad to see kaka like this. So alone n no proper food like she used to hav when she was with her family. Please, Vietnam govt, let kaka b back with her family. Tears ran down my cheek, seeing kaka like this. She must b wondering why her family left her there.
카카가 마음의 병이 안생기길 바란다. 보는 마음이 너무 슬프다.
Kaka my princess my ❤❤❤❤ Love u always 😘😘😘😘😘 Miss you so much 😢😢😢😢
Aperently, she's not alone. There's someone video tapping while she's there. ❤
Ya no más, no me puedo permitir más ver a Kaká de esta forma😢😢😢 desde un lugar remoto te amoooooooooooooooooooo mi monita única y bella siempre estarás en mi ❤... odio a tus detractores con toda mi alma y a todos los que se dicen ser proteccionista de los animales.
Co przeżywam od kilku miesięcy straszną tragedię, to żyjąc majac 70 lat nie czegoś gorszego nie przeżyłam. Boze zlituj sie nad biedną kaka i nad wszystkimi, ktorzy z tego powodu bardzo, bardzo, bardzo cierpią.
Pani Irenko czuję podobnie... pozdrawiam.
Ja tez cierpie patrzac na jej tesknote.Kto nasza dziewczynke wykapie ,nakarmi ,przytuli?Dziecko na wygnaniu.Coz ona zawinila ?
Zły człowiek upaja się władzą. Może, krzywdzić , katować , traktować źle bez sensu., to tak robi. "I co mi zrobicie". Ja mam władze, ja mogę, a wy sobie płaczcie ,
Poor angel .. has to suffer loneliness coldness dirt and miserable life, by those who claim to be protectors of animals. May Heaven show mercy on you beautiful princess Kaka and return you home where you were happy, clean and never hungry
It is beyond evil what the authorities have done to Kaka and Mit!!!
Kaka is soooooo smart!! She learned so much from her human interactions!! She was always curious and learning!! She was clean, protected, well fed and greatly loved!! She was also taken on many adventures and allowed to do monkey things all the time!!
She was robbed of all that by pure evil!!
She will never be truly wild!!
God bless her and return her to her family!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@ she was separated from everything and everyone she loves. Now remains only her dad, the last man standing and they even tried to rob her from him as well! What a cruel useless organization that has no understanding whatsoever about animals and their needs!! Corrupt bureaucrats!! Bunch of haters in power
I totally agree with you!!!!! I've been writing about this every day for seven months!!!!! I'm still waiting for a miracle, because miracles do happen.👍👏🙏🫂❤️
Кака, никогда не привыкнет к дикой природе. Это, уже все поняли, глядя на эти видео. С детства, она росла и привыкла к другим условиям жизни😮
Kaká, tá muito triste, sozinha sem à família, passando frio fome😢
sdh beberapa bln kaka jauh dr keluarga ngoc, tp tdk ada perubahan yg baik utk kaka di perlindungan hewan, semakin kurus dan kotor, perlindungan hewan Vietnam hanya inginkan kaka utk aset pemasukan wisata tanpa memikirkan kesejahteraan kaka di alamnya, memprihatinkan
Нравиться смотреть как страдает Кака ?
Kaka is our princess i always feel sad watching kaka being alone and i know she feels sad to what had happened to her. She is not supposed to be there even she is domestic monkey but she used to be living with human families.
I love you kaka you ought to be at home not there. ❤
Muito triste ver.Kaka sofrendo
Она чешется из за того, что постоянно находится в стрессе😢
@@ТатьянаОрлова-е5гIt's true!!!! I've written about it many times and I'm writing about it, but it doesn't move them!!!!!😥💔🙏🫂❤️
Ka my darling we love u so much. Tears are never dry coz that shows u also fighting deep inside. Although dad has to fight more than us to keep his emotions under control. He hate it not too touch you this is all rules my love. Hold on dad will never abandoned u. People on this channel still try to hurt dad and u but love overcome all evil
Poor little princess❤ to see you is very sad😢😢 hope miracle happens and go back home as soon as possible God bless you dear❤❤
Poor kaka I feel very sad. Every day I am crying for cute kaka lonely and hungry situation.' O 'God please help kaka back to home
Это все до фени он зарабатывает деньги с кем --то.
Poor Ka It breaks my heart to see her this sad😢Why did she have to be banned to this sad lonely life.I will always pray for you kaka.I love you🙏💐❤💔
Pan Nhoka jest okrutny ,bezwzględny człowiek , napawa się smutkiem małpy i nagrywa jej ciężki los . Najważniejsze jemu są pieniądze . Nie chcąc uczciwie pracować ,to jedzie do tego lasu ,poleżeć na hamaku i zobaczyć jak biedna Kaka się męczy .To on stworzył jej ten los , najpierw przyzwyczaił małpę do życia z ludźmi a później wyrzucił jak nie potrzebny przedmiot .Panie Nhoka ,nie oszukasz nas ,wiemy ,że nagrywasz te filmy dla utrzymania swojej rodziny kosztem tej małpy .Stop temu bezprawiu .
Семья не хочет больше смотреть за какой вот и продали бедняжку.
Mi querida Kaká,eres un ser tan dulce que es imposible no quererte,,,🥰😍🇦🇷💖❤️❤️💖💖💝💝
Familia Ngoc, porqué desea generar lastima, y lágrimas en los seguidores de Kaká? Que título del video..." Momentos tristes para que lloren" usted no sabe las edades de los seguidores, no cree que esto los puede crear enfermedades mentales? No le basta con el daño y el sufrimiento que le causa a Kaká, cuándo va a darle fin a ésta novela,ya sabe que ésta monita no vuelve a su hogar, que su presencia no deja progresar y seguir a una tropa a éste animalito,, porque es tan egoísta? Pero lo suyo es por el dinero sigue colgado del lomo de este animalito, busque otra distracción que le genere ingresos y no siga jugando con las emociones de éste animalito,usted solo desea llenar sus bolsillos,ha pensado en trabajar en este parque estatal?
Poor kaka is separated from her mother and used as a tool to make money, unable to return to nature😢
This is clearly animal abuse‼️
Kaka's life was ruined by a stupid man‼️
เดี๊ยวนี้กาก้า ไม่สวย ไม่สะอาด
เหมือนเมื่อก่อน มีแต่ความเศร้าหมอง อาจจะมีมดหรือแมลงกัดกาก้า เห็นเกาตามตัวอยู่บ่อยๆ ใครจะช่วยกาก้าได้น้อ..สงสารจัง
Kaka is still beautiful and lovely even she gets a hard time currently 😢
Kaká es un mono muy lindo. Nunca olvidaremos a Kaká cómo vivió Kaká durante unos años y fue bien atendido.
Querido Kaká, estás en nuestros corazones. Te amaremos por siempre. Eres nuestra princesita.❤❤❤❤❤❤
You're capitalizing and monetizing on Kakas suffering and hurting her by continuing to visit and then leaving, that's abuse. Shame on you!
No lo veo tan así, el desapego es lento, fíjese usted que kaka lo espera siempre, el amor entre ellos no se debe defraudar, esta bien pata mi lo que hace el padre ❤
Bez wyjątku wszyscy zgotowali dla niej taki los !!!!! To nie powinno mieć miejsca : biedna sama ,brudna i głodna . Czy obrońcy zwierząt tego nie widzą ! Ludzie- piszemy ,staramy się ,a tu nic się nie zmienia i nic się nie zmieni ,ponieważ to jakieś - tajemnicza sytuacja - nie wiem ,ale różne myśli przychodzą mi do głowy . Pozdrawiam ludzi o wielkim sercu i zdrowym rozsądkiem 🙋❤️🌲🙏🙊
Esa soledad de Kaka me entrustece el alma , acaso en vietnam no hay personas que ven este sufŕimiento , vueynamitas ustedes estan ahy en esecpais pidan todos para que kaka sea regresada a su casa , esto es un abuso es como un niño que separan de su familua y esta alejado de l8s suyos , por amor a dios ayuden a que kaka regrese con su padre
Мне кажется,что если даже господину Нгоку позволят вернуть Какк в семью,такого уже отношения,как было раньше,не будет. Кака выпонила свою роль,дада хороший заработок,а теперь она больше не очень нкжна,хотя на нец до сих пор зарабатывают. Человеческой жестокости нет предела. Тысячи людей плачут,видя все это,а господин Нгок по видимому спокойно спит
Mto triste , Kaka não merece estar isolada da família ❤
Kaka is strong. She will survive.
Sr Noc,haga algo por esta princesa,no lo veo yo que haga nada,ya le ofrecimos dinero y usted cómo puede dormir tranquilo
Why keep running after Kaka when you gave him up?
❤카가 더 이상 외롭지 않게 friend 만들어 주세요🙏
Kaka sayang ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ betapa aku sangat sedih ,Ya Tuhan pencipta semua makhluk berilah kasih sayang mu pada Kaka Lindungi dia dari kejahatan orang yang berniat jahat pada nya .
Poverina! Mi piange il cuore vedere Kakà ridotta così. Si vede che la foresta non fa' per lei. Non ho parole! Possibile che chi ha deciso questa cosa, non possa mettersi una mano sulla coscienza, 🙏 e permettere a Kakà di ritornare con la sua famiglia. Vorrei proprio vedere, se tutte le persone che hanno scimmiette ❤ in casa siano tutte in regola con i documenti.
Господин Нгок,тебе эти деньги,что ты зарабатываешь на Каканеке,не пойдут на пользу.Против тебя негативно настроены тысячи и тысячи людей,потому что ты не слышишь их,ты играешь на их чувствах и тебе плевать на их здоровье.Фу...слов нет😮😮😮
Как ,вы правы!!
Agreed. But it's hard to say anything. Mr. Ngoc is still making $$$$ kaka's.
Kaka troppo triste😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤
Es una pena de este pobre angelito de kaka, solo un milagro puede sacarlo de esa inmundicia miserable.
Me muero de pena 😢.
Te quiero Kaká ❤❤❤
Sigo sin entender como no hay más monos y quien graba a kaka
O que significa para todos esses seguidores bobos..... Kaká vai voltar? não.,..Esse scammer vai continuar ganhando às custas de Kaká e de seus seguidores bobos 😢
Acho que kaka está passando fome, cadê os defensores dos animais?
Il y a 2 manières de comprendre "illegal" ,d'une manière fixiste ,définitive ,et dans l'évolution ,dans l'histoire .or l'Histoire fourmille d'exemples où ce qui était considéré comme illégal est devenu légitime ,ne serait ce que par la reconsidération des situations ! c'est dans ce sens que j'envisage le cas de kaka ! comprendre 'illégal" s'envisage aussi dans cette grandeur de réflexion dialectique !
Opice není šťastná. Já bych doporučila to, aby opici Kaka ochránci dali do rezervace, nebo na území, kde se nachází větší množství opic. Opice jsou primáti, kteří potřebují svojí tlupu, svůj druh. Opice nemůže stále sama sedět na břehu jezera. Čas běží, opice stárne a bude problém, aby se začlenila mezi svůj druh. Zákaz návštěv rodiny a pana Ngoca. Nepřináší to opici nic dobrého. Když nemůže pan Ngoc pro opici nic udělat, ať jí nechá být a zvíře nezneužívá k výdělečným aktivitám. A diváci by to měli pochopit.
Why oh Why Not Allow Dad to Hold Her. Please Allow this to happen because it is so Necessary for her to know he can still hug her. ❤🐒👨🏭❤️🥰🇺🇸
Me pongo triste cuando veo ha Kaká sin su familia 😢😢😢❤
Que triste vida a tua KAKÁ meu amor. Sofro ao ver-te sofrer tanto. Todos , nós, fãs sofremos . Só com frio, fome, sede e sofrimento é triste kakazinha. INOCENTE
Kaka enamorate de un mono y se feliz ten tus hijos ya has tu vida de mono unete a tu manada y seras frliz no sola esperando un señor que no te hace bien a que te adaptes a tu vida silvestre y ser feliz como los otros monos ya hay que soltarla y unirla ala manada dejenla ser feliz por Dios el selor y los seguidores ua sabemos que esta bien kaka ya dejemosla ir soltemosla no mas videos por el amor de Dios 😢
To zvíře má úplně utrápený výraz v obličeji .
Pray someday KaKa will have her own baby to love and be a family for her. Our little angel was done wrong by so many payday will come,
И никто не может помочь или не хочет? Богатые влиятельные , добрые люди, помогите каке, отец не хочет больше за нее бороться, видно , что он стал чужим да и кака уже не так в него верит, помогите кто нибудь
Хозяин думает,что все дураки..И ему верят.
Многие уже не верят.
А, знают, что он заоабатыаает на этой несчастной обезьянке.
Семья не хочет её обратно когда вы поймете это она уже взрослая обезьянка какашки мыть памперсы менять надоело им они взяли собачку к себе домой но хоть бы кто то выкупил её в семью власти тут ни причем её продали туда но он продолжает делать деньги на бедной какие.
To je pravda ...😢😢😢
No more affectionate moments no more hugging as at the beginning so why does Ngnoc come . .......to let fans
see kaka ..and only to make money.. we feel sorry for her .....not nice at all ...I hope one day she will never come....
Coitadinha, nao merecia esse triste destino. A tristeza e solidao sufocam o coracaozinho da nossa amada kaka🐒💕❤.
Draga moja Princezo Kaka, tvoja dobrota, tvoja ljepota, tvoje emotivni i blaženo ponašalje, tvoja Ljubav i tvoji osječaji su primjer za mnogo nas Ljudi a posebno za one koji su te doveli do otoga sad što prolaziš.!
Kaka moja Princezo moja..svi oni koji su te doveli do toga sad u kakvim uvjetima živiš. Nek se srame njihove Ljudskosti jer ih i nemaju!.
Kaka naša ti si spojila cijeli svijet..zato kao majmun si naučila poštovanje prema Ljudima i strpljenja , ljubav , radost ..pa ti si nama svima bila Lijek za srce i dušu!
Zato molom Dragog Boga, da ti dadne i vrati život koji zaslužuješ a svi oni nek se srame što si pametnija i inteligetnija od mnogo njih!
Bože oprosti im jer neznaju što Čine!
He s so sad
Kaka ❤😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢this torture is out of control 😫 😩 🙃 😪 oh God where are you. Please do something to bring out from hungr loneliness shelter less our loving princess kaka 😢😢😢😢😢
Kaka adalah sebuah anugrah dari Tuhan untuk para penggemar di seluruh dunia yg telah memberi pelajaran kepada kita tentang cinta sejati, walaupundia hanya seekor binatang tapi kepintaran dan kecerdasannya hampir sama dengan manusia, dia mengerti apa yg mesti dilakukannya, kasihan kaka sangat menderita hidup sendirian di hutan juga kelaparan, kembalikanlah kaka wahai pihak berwenang kepada keluarganya, kaka akan bahagia di sisa hidupnya😢😢
So sad to see Kaka like that, she was being cared and love by her family then, Now shes alone and no enough food to eat there. I hope someday they will return her to her poster family.
What a sad lonely life these people have given our precious ka ka please let her return home. You are not protecting her. You are making her I'll
. It is heart breaking . You are also making her dad cry they should be together pleade 😢
Vietnam hükumeti lutfen bu maymun ile ugrasmayi birakin dunya genelinde yüz binlerce seveni olan bu canliya daha fazla aci cektirmeyin ve ailesine geri verin. Bu durumdaki amaciniz ne anlamakta güçlük çekiyoruz.
Me siento mal por kaka😢😢😢
She was so independent, could help mom and dad, but especially baby Diem and those mean people took that away from her.😢😢
Кака, очень милая, добрая девочка, красивая, умная, смышлёная,Мы тебя очень сильно любим.👍🔥👍💖💖💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hermosa y muy tierna Kaká ...Dios permite que el mono Kaká regrese a casa con su familia humana que la crío desde pequeña ....no es justo que siga viviendo en ese bosque alejada de quien la adoptó y cuido desde pequeña y a quien Kaká extraña su hogar ....Dios hablando el corazón de las autoridades de Vietnam para que permitan que el mono Kaká regrese junto al señor Ngoc y su familia .
Niech wszyscy zaczną paczki wysyłać do ich rządu z żywnością dla kaka może cos wtedy da się zrobić 😂😂😂
Kaka wants to be home with Diem….she loves her human family…..praying for a miracle for Kaka to return home….love you precious girl 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏
Tão triste vê a Kaka, sozinha abandonada, suja e alimentação escassa. Ela era feliz na casa do Sr. Nhoc amada, bem cuidada e alimentada. Sempre alegre e brincalhona. Que destino cruel😢❤😢❤😢❤😢❤
Hermosa Kaka, eres un ángel! Espero en Dios te lleven con tu familia humana 💖 Dios te cuide y proteja 🙏🙏🙏 Sr. Nogc pida el permiso para recuperar a Kaka. Ella necesita estar en un lugar agradable con su familia 💖💖💖
Kaka to skóra i kości sami widzę liście jak tata jadł 😢i się 😂 a kaka nawet skórki nie dostała od chlebka bo nic nie zarobiła
Jak ja nie cierpię takich ludzi a pracowalem Wietnamie
Byli tacy co nic nie chcieli robic ale w dniu wypłaty pierwsi stali .
Co im przyszło nic nie dostawali to za malpy się wzięli proszę sobie dopisać resztę.
Как вы правы! Я тоже возмущена тем,что Кака помогла заработать целое состояние ,и после этого Нгоку она стала не нужна А недалекие люди восхваляют его,
А ведь и сейчас он не может угомониться никак, имея доход ,ему плевать,что Кака в холоде и голоде.Страшный человек!
Tan sola en ese lugar no amigos que triste es ver estos videos que me hacen tanto llorar y sufrir de ver la inpotencia que n on han podido hacer kaka mit y puka papa Dios que pronto resulvan esta injusticia te lo rogamos😢😢❤
Pobre KAKA pero no perdemos las esperanzas de k te saquen de ese lugar
صدقا أشاهد فيديو ابكي بحرقة لفقدي لكاكا وميت كثىييييير
Tristeza ver Kaká triste assim 😭❤️🇧🇷
Please stop filming our dear KaKa grieving. I watched all the time Kaka was in your family. I’m not watch these videos on the island! What are you thinking?!
It is difficult to watch Kaka in this position, but I can't imagine how much harder it is for the family who has loved and raised her for the past three years to see the situation play out in real time. I'm not sure what you expect Ngoc to do, if it was within his power to bring her home he would have done so a long time ago, but it isn't possible. It is important for the viewers to understand that if it was simply a matter of moving, paying a fee, or even refraining from filming, the family would do it, but it is not that simple. If a license or document was available, they would get one, but there isn't.
We should realize nearly all countries have rules/laws prohibiting their citizens from keeping animals from nature as pets, even if they are not invested in looking for those who do. It is common sense really. I live in the US, we're not allowed to keep animals from nature as pets here either and even though no one is actively looking for people who do so, the authorities will certainly act if they find out someone has one. Kaka and Mit are macaques, all five types of these monkeys are protected in the country and they are classified differently from other types of monkeys and it has been unlawful to keep them as pets for years. Ngoc told us that even though people do so, they are not allowed.
In this case it was a viewer or rather several viewers who discovered the family's address that led to Kaka and Mit being confiscated. Those viewers reported the situation to the ENV and pressured them to act. Of course Ngoc and the fans worked very hard and did everything they could to secure an exception for both monkeys when they were taken away, but the government rejected their efforts and their pleas fell on deaf ears.
This is the first YT family we have seen lose their pet monkey, but confiscations are not uncommon and the ENV frequently initiates the seizure of wildlife reported to be living as pets. It's important to understand that any of the others doing what this family was doing would lose their animals if anyone discovered enough information to complete a formal report. While it is possible to get a permit to keep monkeys in their country, permits are not available for macaques, douc langur, red-shanked douc, gray-shanked douc, and Delacour's langur and several other native species.
Kaka and Mit are under the control of the state and were mandated to be released according to Vietnamese law. From the time Kaka was released Ngoc has told us honestly and sincerely that the situation is out of his hands and there is nothing more he can do to return them home. We need to realize that Vietnam is not a democracy and those who live there do not have the same rights and freedoms some others enjoy where they live. The freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to a healthy environment are severely restricted. There is NO process available for citizens there to oppose, protest or even litigate against Vietnamese law. If there was ANY way for Ngoc to bring Kaka home, Ngoc would have continued fighting for it indefinitely, but as it is, Ngoc can't even visit, film or provide the viewers with updates about Kaka without approval.
What we are watching with Kaka is sad, but it is the reality for pet monkeys who are confiscated or surrendered. Vietnam does NOT follow the internationally accepted recommended guidelines and protocols for releasing monkeys who have lived as pets, instead they utilize a process called “quarantine,” “integrate” (getting the animals used to eating natural foods and drinking natural water) and “release.” If this same situation were to occur almost anywhere in the world, Kaka would never have been released in the way that she was here.
Kaka has NOT integrated into the group of monkeys who live on the island and still spends her time in and around the public/dock area. Releasing a monkey that has lived as pets for as long as Kaka has is difficult, and the idea that simply taking an animal and releasing it will be successful does not align with what is known. Those with experience in such projects say that poorly thought out plans frequently result in animals being released back into nature, where they never adapt to unfamiliar or unsuitable environments. It is important to keep in mind that past reintroductions of monkeys like Kaka have shown high mortality rates and often result in PTSD, depression, and other psychological issues that were not present before the animal was released. There are MANY reasons why releasing monkeys like Kaka is NOT the preferred or recommended way to deal with situations like the one she is in.
There is NO way to guarantee a positive outcome in a situation like kaka's, but to have even half a chance of success, releasers must carefully evaluate the background of each monkey and identify those who have lived with and like people too long to be a viable candidate for reintroduction. Monkeys who have lived the way Kaka did for as long as she did, should be reintroduced in readymade groups created during the rehabilitation process. Most pet monkeys have problems joining and may never integrate into existing groups. Standard recommendations and guidelines dictate that monkeys in Kaka's position should never be released without extensive, prolonged rehabilitation and should never be released in locations that will expose them to further contact with people. The ENV's own literature on the subject says that monkeys who have lived with people the way Kaka did are typically not suitable for release. The current internationally accepted guiding principle in situations like this one is that monkeys like Kaka are best served in a sanctuary setting.
Kaka doesn't remember her life before she lived with Ngoc and the family, but some want to say, "If we just leave her alone, Kaka can and will transition," but that idea is not at all consistent with what is known. Without rehabilitation, Kaka will likely continue to seek out people, even if Ngoc stops visiting. The national park is a popular tourist destination and is frequented by people. Kaka is a friendly monkey, and previous releases under similar circumstances show that monkeys in her position will continue to associate people with food. Ngoc follows the rules and does not bring food to Kaka, but previous situations show that the public is less likely to follow the rules and are more willing to share snacks and lunch with friendly monkeys. We just saw a boatload of tourists feed and photograph Kaka in a video the other day. There is another national park in the country where the monkeys who live there have entirely stopped looking for food and are completely dependent on park visitors. A monkey in Kaka's position needs to be taught how to navigate in the natural world, but that requires much more time and resources than the country has.
Kaka is intelligent and very attached to Ngoc, but Ngoc only visits once a week and Kaka is likely to be roaming and remaining in the public areas not only to see Ngoc but also to be fed and receive attention from visitors. Unfortunately the way Kaka was released and where she was released is a tremendous obstacle to her integration. The situation Kaka is in is hard to watch, it is a far cry from the cute videos of Kaka and Diem the fans enjoyed so much, but this is and will be Kaka's reality for the next 32 years or more. I have followed this channel from the beginning, I read the comments closely and there are many, many fans who would rather see Kaka as she is than not at all, but ultimately everyone must decide for themselves. All I know is that the situation is sad and will be sad regardless of whether we see it or not.
My kaka you make me cry always💔😭
Kochana Kakuniu cały czas mam nadzieję że znajdzie się rodzina ludzka która zabierze cię do siebie i wynagrodzi co wszystkie twoje cierpienia które przeszłaś i które przechodzisz.Kochana Kakuniu życzę ci dużo zdrowia w tym nowym roku i ludzkiej rodziny.
Que crueldad tan grande Eso que se dicen protectores de animales de ese País, no tienen ni amor ni cariño ni respeto por los derechos de los animales Kaka merece estar en lo limpio donde tenga suficente comida y no pase frio si orando pirque Dios haga algo con su poder infinito para ayudar y proteger a esta inocente monta tan amorosa qué está siendo tratada como si ella hubiera cometido un crimen, todo el tiempo está sólita triste y sin suficiente comida
May,God show you mercy
Kaka is beautiful ❤❤
Que feo que tengan a kaka en esas condiciones
Si imutz kaka lucu pinter emesin cantik
Sangat lembut penyayang baik hati smoga sehat cukup makan buah buahan sllalu dlm lindungan Tuhan
The best kaka
Tuhan memberkati
My humble request. If anyone can help kaka to take to their home like fostering. Pls do help. So heartbreaking to see kaka like this. I love you kaka. ❤❤❤
You cry but he's laughing all the way to the bank
Not everyone is heartless and materialistic like you!! Her dad is suffering too!! Leave him alone!! All that’s in your mind is money!! Kaka was happy with him!!! She was happy with HIM !!!
Mi niña Kaká mi corazón está destrozado, desde el comienzo de esta injusta situación; dónde no ha podido haber una, una, una tan sólo una oportunidad para que tú familia pudiera recuperarte. Mucha mucha INJUSTICIA.
Kaka czeka ......😢