So happy to run across this vid. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. All three of you are fantastic but Jon (musician)... What a talented kid. I'm sure there's not a minute of each day that your parents don't think of how proud they are of you. I wish you much success throughout your life. Keep sharing!
He is very talented! I am lucky to be in a band with him. Check out our band Neon High :) we are a two person band. We write together I play acoustic and sing and Jon plays all the other instruments in it!!!
Crazy talent. I've played piano for 45 years since i was 5. I'm In 2 bands playing keyboards. I've tried several times to practice organ on this song and cannot pull it off at tempo. Your talent is amazing.
Jon you are just my hero! I absolutely think you are a genius with your musical abilities. You will never know how many times I have visited you on UA-cam to listen to your wonderful One Man Band songs...Keep up the good work...I am a big fan....David Burris-Historic Baker City, Oregon USA
Very good, but different timbre and not quite the high range of Boston's lead guy. But still, the entire thing is amazing! I wonder how much time to lay down all the tracks, then mix them.
I'm actually a singer myself and whenever I have my energy up high and I'm feeling good my throat is where it should be and I have the energy I need I can actually sing this song and sing many of the others too low to high falsetto, as well as high tenor kind of a mix between the two but I can actually do that as well these guys did a great job
That was great! That took more work than writing the original piece. Brad and Sibby would have been very flattered with this effort. Franny and Sibby use to patronize my father's business in Massachusetts in the '70's and Franny lived in the same town as we did. The last time that I saw Sibby was in Danvers Massachusetts in '93-'94. He was running his own record shop. Just before their first album came out Sibby pulled into a gas station in Lynn Mass. where I was working. It was an old flat window dodge or Ford van and he was exclaiming about the album that was going to come out and how awesome that It was. He wasn't joking.
Everybody playing did a great job. The vocalists are outstanding. The vocal harmonies sound almost magical - their voices blend beautifully. Excellent work!
I grew up playing all music from Boston. Now, that's pretty much my style. I stumbled my way down thru a lot of videos, sites and information then I hit here! I've gotta say: That's one of the best renditions of this well know song that I've heard! Take it from a former musician from the Bay area (San Francisco) and a Radio Personality (that's DJ) playin' the hits for 26 or so years. Keep it up! Brad sad. (aka) Chris Bailey
This is awesome, I can't believe UA-cam finally "Recommended" this.... 7 years AFTER it was posted. I've watched MILLIONS of cover tune videos here on UA-cam and this is pretty close to the Top of the List for the Best.
I hope someone gave this guy a Rockman stack. He absolutely deserves it. I am a major Boston fan and would be highly critical of any covers but I got no complaints. Awesome!
I think is one of the best songs ever made and yall freaking killed it!!!! Awesome,AWESOME JOB.....They only thing I missed just a little was some of the Tenor 2 parts, but other than that..It takes plain musical GENIUS to d what yall did! Im sorry I haven't heard it before...Nice to see other guys my age who weren't even BORN yet when this came out but recognized there has NEVER been anything better than Boston, Rush, Journey!!!!!
I've had this song stuck in my head all day today! It was fate! LOL This is always super amazing and I can't remember how many times I've watched this video!
Awesome with a capital A. Must have takin a Long Time to get all that down on tape. Very talented young man. Keep it up and you will have a long career. Beautiful job.
Super talented group of guys! Great job. Vocals were spot on, and thats not something I say...ever. The best part was the hand clap...dudes blazing on all these other instruments and then adds in the hand clap being done. Nice! Again, great job!!
I have to say... That is some great talent guys... Wow!... I'm a musician and this vid blew me away! Great jab! Keep it up! All the way from Mexico City.
Lost track of how many times I've watched this excellent cover. Very well done by all involved. I really like the multi-instruments, as I play keys and guitar myself (although my guitar skills aren't all that), and often draw inspiration from your videos. Think I'll go watch it again, if you'll excuse me...
im 63 love boston this is the best cover yet way to go.
Pound per pound the best cover I've ever found on UA-cam.
Spot Manduex Got it one. And we're done.
Apparently you don't watch many covers on youtube
The bass is way too low IMO. Still a great cover though.
Spot Manduex check out Lotus Land, a Rush cover band
You should check out Antoine Baril, Genesis and Rush. Amazing.
I have been listening to Boston since before you were all born. You are RIGHTEOUS in our cover. You could say I have been listening for LONG TIME.
I haven't seen this in years, and I'd forgotten how magnificent this cover was. just spot on perfect
Would you say ... it's been such a long time?
I keep coming back to watch this. Well done!
I know right.
Just checking back after several months, aaaaaand...yep! I still love it!
So happy to run across this vid. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. All three of you are fantastic but Jon (musician)... What a talented kid. I'm sure there's not a minute of each day that your parents don't think of how proud they are of you. I wish you much success throughout your life. Keep sharing!
what a great comment- lot's of great comments, but this one- wow
He is very talented! I am lucky to be in a band with him. Check out our band Neon High :) we are a two person band. We write together I play acoustic and sing and Jon plays all the other instruments in it!!!
Crazy talent. I've played piano for 45 years since i was 5. I'm In 2 bands playing keyboards. I've tried several times to practice organ on this song and cannot pull it off at tempo. Your talent is amazing.
This is so excellent! Ridiculous levels of talent. I am so jealous.
The best cover EVER !
Leaning back with a beer in my hand and watching one guy do all the work... Priceless...
Jon you are just my hero! I absolutely think you are a genius with your musical abilities. You will never know how many times I have visited you on UA-cam to listen to your wonderful One Man Band songs...Keep up the good work...I am a big fan....David Burris-Historic Baker City, Oregon USA
Jezuz christ... the lead vocal made me shit my pants. Wasn't expecting such perfection !
Very good, but different timbre and not quite the high range of Boston's lead guy. But still, the entire thing is amazing! I wonder how much time to lay down all the tracks, then mix them.
"Lead guy" his name was Brad Delp and he would be honored by that vocal cover!
Eric Johnson exact same key
@@Vern.Anderson if he was alive he would love it, I think.
I'm actually a singer myself and whenever I have my energy up high and I'm feeling good my throat is where it should be and I have the energy I need I can actually sing this song and sing many of the others too low to high falsetto, as well as high tenor kind of a mix between the two but I can actually do that as well these guys did a great job
Boston master piece
All is beautifull
Like is an inadequate button. Jon please continue along these lines. You are bringing joy to all us musical aficionados out here!
Good God, that was spectacular!! Great job, all 3 of you guys!
That was great! That took more work than writing the original piece. Brad and Sibby would have been very flattered with this effort. Franny and Sibby use to patronize my father's business in Massachusetts in the '70's and Franny lived in the same town as we did. The last time that I saw Sibby was in Danvers Massachusetts in '93-'94. He was running his own record shop. Just before their first album came out Sibby pulled into a gas station in Lynn Mass. where I was working. It was an old flat window dodge or Ford van and he was exclaiming about the album that was going to come out and how awesome that It was. He wasn't joking.
Bring Boston back to life with these guys….Journey did it….this guy has the Boston sound.
I'm back after 9 years and this is still as badass as it was when i heard it for the first time!
Blew me away and brought be back to much happier times!
Holy fuckshit. These guys NAILED it.
Not just the notes, but the Boston spirit as well. WELL DONE.
Jon..everytime i watch make me smile..u r very talented.. The world is your oyster
Everybody playing did a great job. The vocalists are outstanding. The vocal harmonies sound almost magical - their voices blend beautifully. Excellent work!
I was thinking the same thing, the harmony vocalist is really special - magical!
Get this man (vocalist) on tour!! Great job to the musicians as well!
Fantastic totally faithful cover. Singers were amazing. This is one of the greatest rock classics, still rocking today!
I grew up playing all music from Boston. Now, that's pretty much my style. I stumbled my way down thru a lot of videos, sites and information then I hit here! I've gotta say: That's one of the best renditions of this well know song that I've heard! Take it from a former musician from the Bay area (San Francisco) and a Radio Personality (that's DJ) playin' the hits for 26 or so years.
Keep it up!
Brad sad.
(aka) Chris Bailey
Wow. Just... wow. And the vocal, when it hits... Delp would be smiling. Cmon, do the whole album!
Truly fantastic. Jon is amazing but let's not take it away form David and Spencer. Excellent and one of my favourite tracks of all time. Thank you.
I -must- watch this video every couple of months.
Jon, you all rock.
Almost 7 years ago. Still one of the best covers on YT......
Brings me back to my summer late teens blasting this through my parent's house.
Have been a BIG Boston fan since the early 70's, and I am most impressed by the talent these men have, rock on.
This is awesome, I can't believe UA-cam finally "Recommended" this.... 7 years AFTER it was posted.
I've watched MILLIONS of cover tune videos here on UA-cam and this is pretty close to the Top of the List for the Best.
I hope someone gave this guy a Rockman stack. He absolutely deserves it. I am a major Boston fan and would be highly critical of any covers but I got no complaints. Awesome!
I can’t leave without nice job young men of rock!
Love the nod from the singer at the end. "was that okay?" Yeah, it was freaking awesome. Boston could slot him in now and not miss a beat.
Damn!!!! Brad Delp is smiling from above. Absolutely SPOT ON.
I think is one of the best songs ever made and yall freaking killed it!!!! Awesome,AWESOME JOB.....They only thing I missed just a little was some of the Tenor 2 parts, but other than that..It takes plain musical GENIUS to d what yall did! Im sorry I haven't heard it before...Nice to see other guys my age who weren't even BORN yet when this came out but recognized there has NEVER been anything better than Boston, Rush, Journey!!!!!
I love Boston and these guys are absolutely out of sight, one helluva job here , awesome drum part and every other instrument
As we used to say back in 1976 “you are one bad ass musician” and a great producer.
One word: AWESOME. All of it! What talent!
Its great to see young people making real music!!
Nice rendition! You Guys Rock! 🎸🎹🥁🎤😎👍
Wonderful .That is all that needs to be said .
this should have over a million cover ive ever seen
Mind to all of you!!!
great vocals and two talented men
I've had this song stuck in my head all day today! It was fate! LOL This is always super amazing and I can't remember how many times I've watched this video!
A FRIGGIN AMAZING.......................................
Best cover of this song ever made including the singing
Awesome with a capital A. Must have takin a Long Time to get all that down on tape. Very talented young man. Keep it up and you will have a long career. Beautiful job.
Super talented group of guys! Great job. Vocals were spot on, and thats not something I say...ever. The best part was the hand clap...dudes blazing on all these other instruments and then adds in the hand clap being done. Nice! Again, great job!!
A-maz-ing!!! I'm sure Barry Goudreau and the rest of the group would approve! Nice work Dale & Co.😁 🤘😍🤘
Would love to hear more ! The man I'll never be would be great too!
ABSO FREAKIN LUTELY Fantastic... Massively talent young man...
Wow! Very well done - on all instruments and the microphones. Just great!
Excellent job!! Very talented musicians. The lead guitar player is exceptional.
WOW!! That absolutely fantastic...amazing cover! You are an exceptionally talented young man with solid chop! Brilliant vocals to boot!
You nailed those claps!!!
I can't tell you many times I've watched this. Song came out when I was in high school and this is the best cover I've ever heard. Pure talent
What a great surprise when this popped up in my feed! Epic! Friggin LEGENDS!!!
Wasn't sure what to expect. Did not disappoint. 5/7 perfect score
This is what I love about UA-cam. Creating and sharing artistry like this might never be possible without it. Five stars!
Wow - You are amazingly talented - that was freaking incredible 👏👏👍
And the lead soloist was spot on... Excellent...
Blown away. Just amazing
Great job guys! Great to see there are still a lot of young rockers out there! Rock on!
Fantastic across the board and lead vocalist -you’re a star!
FANTASTIC!!! I will play it often and search for Neon High!!!
My favorite song of all time from my favorite album of all time great job man
One word: SUPERB!
Fantastic, very, very nice! GREAT! 👍🏻
Instrumentally spot-on and
big props for production
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great talent!!!!
This was damn entertaining. Killer vocals, lead AND background.
10 seconds in....goosebumps and thumbs up...real talented, impressive musicians. ..
Are we'r talking about the same video?
WOW Jon has an amazing talent...found this when searching the original Boston....the next best to the real thing...perfection
To date maybe like perhaps the funnest, most precise orchestral like recreation of that day in H20town I've ever seen and heard? Woah.
Outstanding! Incredible musicianship all around!!
I have to say... That is some great talent guys... Wow!... I'm a musician and this vid blew me away! Great jab! Keep it up! All the way from Mexico City.
Dare I say maybe better than the original. At least it sounds that way on my phone.
Wow great job! The lead vocals were amazing too
Lost track of how many times I've watched this excellent cover. Very well done by all involved. I really like the multi-instruments, as I play keys and guitar myself (although my guitar skills aren't all that), and often draw inspiration from your videos.
Think I'll go watch it again, if you'll excuse me...
Very well done. So much talent in one person plus friends who can really sing.
Brilliant performances!!!!
Wow. A very talented bunch of guys. Whoever gives it a thumbs down, record one yourself and let us critique. Excellent job, not an easy band to copy.
it's always a pleasure to look at this video, again and again!!!!!!!
Incredible work. You look a little like a young Brian Wilson. Epic talents, both of you!
Great cover! Vocals, instruments, tight, tight play. Great sound.
¡Wow! ¡IMPRESIONANTE! Espléndida versión de la obra maestra de Boston. Una interpretación absolutamente memorable.
Nada egual
I'm left speechless, that was superb
Wow, what an incredible talent!
One hell of a great cover...
I never get tired of watching this. absolutely awesome work!
Yes I love it. Good job all of you.
Holy smokes! Excellent work! I’m completely blown away by the musical talent. Keep it up!
Amazing so much talent
Wow!! I'm at a loss for words. Excellent job!