Leavanny SWEEPS THROUGH the Halloween Cup!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @pratik369
    @pratik369 Місяць тому +2

    By the way nice haircut 😁

  • @randomperson8991
    @randomperson8991 Місяць тому +1

    She’s my secret mon shhhh. Shadow claw with lead blade and xscissor. I like to lead with Lea. I rock a lickilicky and clefable psychic for venasaurs and a few other poisons. Licky rollout shadowball earthquake

    • @MarckPoGoW
      @MarckPoGoW  Місяць тому +1

      @@randomperson8991 I like the pairing with Lickilicky as well, but you might struggle against the dark poisons like drapion with psychic clefable or even regular poisons such as toxapex that can comfortably survive one move

    • @randomperson8991
      @randomperson8991 Місяць тому

      @@MarckPoGoW for them guys i use licky earthquake and so far it works. Since ive been using this interesting team i go no less than 2 W 3 L and i regularly get 4-1 and sometimes 5-0. But you definitely gotta time switching out to catch charged moves. You wanna save shields unless you know it will be worth it. Basically you gotta lowkey hella be strategic and a bit crafty. Lea - shadow claw/ L blade/ Xscissor. Clefable - fairy wind/ swift/ psychic. Licky - rollout/ shadowball/ E quake. Fun team